ap gov ppt final

Legislative Legislative Branch Branch By: James Han By: James Han Philip Murphy Philip Murphy Christian (is not) Poore Christian (is not) Poore

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Legislative BranchLegislative Branch

By: James HanBy: James HanPhilip MurphyPhilip Murphy

Christian (is not) PooreChristian (is not) Poore

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Bicameral3 point clue

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It is an important feature of the mixed government

Needs to have concurrent majority to pass

Two legislative chambers: House and Senate

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Speaker of the House3 point clue

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This office was established in 1789 by Article 1, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution.

Second in line of the U.S. presidential line of succession after the V.P.

Nancy Pelosi

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Impeachment3 point clue

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Two U.S. President: Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton

House has the sole power of this, while Senate has the sole power to try all of this.

It allows charges against the an officer of government for the crimes committed in the office.

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Standing Committee3 point clue

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Congressional committees

Permanent panels with specified legislative responsibilities

Consider bills and issue, recommend their opinion for the respective chambers

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Select Committee3 point clue

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First committee established by congress on April 2, 1789.

This committee is special not permanent.

Do special functions beyond the jurisdiction of the standing committee.

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Joint Committee3 point clue

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Most of these committees are also standing committees.

It can be permanent or special.

A committee made up of members from both chambers.

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Roll Call Vote3 point clue

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One of the several different ways to vote in congress.

Recorded or machine vote

Yeas or Nays

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Majority Leader3 point clue

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This officer schedule legislation for floor consideration.

Works with Speaker of House and Whip.

Leader of the party that has majority of the seats in the party.

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Marginal Seat3 point clue

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Usually conducted under the single-winning voting system.

These seats require a smaller swing to change hand.

Opposite of safe seat.

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Safe Seat3 point clue

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A seat in the legislative chamber.

Incumbents securely holds this.

Opposite of marginal seat.

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Joe Biden

Less structured

Two per state

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Proposed by Virginia

More structured

Population based

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Jeannette Rahkin

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From Montana

Elected in 1916 to Congress

The first woman in Congress

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J. Strom Thurmond

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From South Carolina

Wanted to block a civil rights bill

Gave longest filibuster lasting 24 hours and 18 minutes

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Cloture Rule

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Rule in Senate

Three-fifths of entire Senate must vote “yes”

Stops a filibuster

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Teller Vote

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Congressional voting procedure

In the Senate it is yays and nays

Where your vote is recorded

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Get more money

Rate is higher in House than Senate

Running for reelection

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Article 1, Section 5, Chapter 1 of the Constitution

Minimum number of people

Must have a majority to hold Congress

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Congressional Ethics

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Can’t receive gifts totaling $100 or more

May not receive anything from lobbyists even if they are a spouse or personal friend

Etiquette of the Congress

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Vice President

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First was John Adams

Throughout history, has had very little importance

President of the Senate

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Article 1

Framers put power in this branch


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Party Polarization

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Pulled to certain parties

Divided opinions

Majority of one party opposes another

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Minority Leader

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Not part of the majority party

Second largest caucus in the legislative body

Chosen by Senators of the minority party

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27th Amendment

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Longest time taken to ratify an amendment, taking 203 years to complete

It is the most recent Amendment to date

Has to do with Congressional pay raises or decreases, stating that the amendment doesn’t allow changes in salary until new terms take place

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James Monroe

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Opposed ratification of the Constitution and was from Virginia, and not Thomas Jefferson

First member of the Senate to be elected president

Last founding father of the US

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Joseph Rainey

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From South Carolina

Second black male in Senate behind Hiram Revels

First black male in House of Representatives

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Voice Vote

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Regular method of voting in legislative branch

“yay” or “nay”

Verbal response to motions

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Public Bill

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Defense expenditures are considered this

Affects many people unlike private bills

Pertaining to the public’s well being

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Provides economic data to Congress

Reports information on taxes, interest rates, and income to the United States every two and five years

Deals with the federal budget

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Lame Duck

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Successor already put in place while he or she is still in office

Officer approaching end of their tenure

Still in office but was not reelected