apache camel overview dec 2011

right © 2011 Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. All rights reserved. 1 A Progress Software Company A Progress Software Company Apache Camel Overview Open Source Integration and Messaging Marcelo Jabali Sr. Solutions Consultant Dec., 2011

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Copyright © 2011 Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. All rights reserved. 1 A Progress Software Company

A Progress Software Company

Apache Camel OverviewOpen Source Integration and Messaging

Marcelo JabaliSr. Solutions ConsultantDec., 2011

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Copyright © 2011 Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. All rights reserved. 2 A Progress Software Company


Apache Camel Overview Architecture Routes, Endpoints, Components Deployment Options

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About Me

Marcelo JabaliSr. Solutions Consultant

[email protected]




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Apache Camel

Apache Camel is a powerful Open Source Integration Framework based on known Enterprise Integration Patterns


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Apache Camel - Patterns

50+ Enterprise Integration Patterns


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Apache Camel – Components, Data Formats and Languages

80 Components (activemq, bean, cxf, file, ftp, hibernate, jdbc, ibatis, jms, jetty, mina, netty, timer, xslt, etc) • http://camel.apache.org/components.html

19 Data Formats (csv, serialization, zip, hl7, soap, jaxb, etc)• http://camel.apache.org/data-format.html

15 Expression Languages (EL, Simple, XQuery, Xpath, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, PHP, etc) • http://camel.apache.org/languages.html

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Apache Camel - Architecture

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What is a Camel Route?

A Route is the step-by-step movement of a message: • From a “listening” endpoint in the role of consumer• Through a processing component - enterprise integration pattern,

processor, interceptor, etc. (optional)• To a target endpoint in the role of producer

May involve any number of processing components that modify the original message and/or redirect it

An application developer specifies routes using:• Spring configuration files• Java Domain Specific Language (DSL)

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Apache Camel – DSL (Domain Specific Language)

Camel provides an embedded DSL (in Java, Spring or Scala) for implementing enterprise integration patterns• The DSL uses URIs to define endpoints which are combined to

generate routes (integration flows)

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Apache Camel - Components

A Component is essentially a factory of Endpoint instances +80 Components available

activemq cxf rss sql


cxfrs snmp timer

amqp dataset ftp/ftps/sftp jbi

atom db4o velocity jcr

bean direct restlet jdbc

ldap ejb hibernate jetty

browse xquery hl7 jms

cache quartz http jmx

mock exec ibatis jpa

netty file irc xslt

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Apache Camel - Endpoints

An Endpoint is an instance of the component that can create or receive messages, for example, an FTP server, a Web Service, or a JMS broker

Camel allows you to specifiy endpoints using simple URIs• ftp://john@localhost/ftp?password=xxx• activemq:queue:MyQueue

Consumer Processor Producer


Camel Route

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Apache Camel - Consumers and Producers

Message Consumers and Producers are created from endpoints• Some endpoint technologies can create producers and

consumers, others support the creation of either a producer or a consumer

Consumer Processor Producer


Camel Route



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Apache Camel - Sample Route

Typical scenario: "read an XML file from an FTP server, process it using XSLT, and then send it to a JMS queue”• It's natural to consider an FTP consumer that 'consumes' the

message…• … which gets sent to a 'processor' for transformation …• … which gets sent to a JMS message producer for placement on

the queue

Consumer Processor Producer


Camel Route

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Apache Camel – Sample Route

Java DSL from("ftp://john@localhost/ftp?password=xxx") .to("xslt:MyTransform.xslt") .to("activemq:queue:MyQueue")

Consumer Processor Producer


Camel Route

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Apache Camel – Sample Route

Spring XML DSL<camelContext id=“camel”


<from uri=“ftp://john@localhost/ftp?password=xxx”/><to uri=“xslt:MyTransform.xslt”/><to uri=“activemq:queue:MyQueue”/>


Clean Integration with Spring Beans<bean id=“activemq”class=“org.apache.activemq.camel.component.ActiveMQComponent”>

<property name=“brokerURL” value=“tcp://localhost:61616”/></bean>

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Apache Camel – Spring Bean Integration

Spring Bean as Message Translator

from("activemq:queue:Incoming”). beanRef("myBeanName", "someMethod"). to("activemq:Outgoing");

public class Foo {

public String someMethod(String name) { return “Hello “ + name; }}

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Typical Camel Route Development Process

Use a Maven archetype to generate an outline project

Edit the POM to include additional dependencies

Add your Java code into src/main/java, and/or Spring configuration to src/main/resources/META-INF/spring

Add instructions to the Maven Felix plugin, to assist in the generation of OSGi manifest information

Test using the Camel Maven pluginmvn camel:run

Deploy into the Apache ServiceMix OSGi container• Drop into deploy/ directory (pre-production testing)• Install a bundle/feature from a maven repository (production environment)

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Camel Testing Options

Test Kit• camel-test JAR (JUnit)• camel-testng JAR (TestNG)• Supports Spring• Easy to test• Quick prototyping

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Camel Deployment Options

Deployment Strategy• No Container dependency• Lightweight• Embeddable

Deployment Options• Standalone• WAR• Spring• JEE• OSGi• Cloud

Common Containers

Apache ServiceMixApache ActiveMQApache TomcatJettyJBossIBM WebSphereOracle WebLogicOracle OC4jGlassfishGoogle App EngineAmazon EC2... others

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No vendor lock-inFree to redistribute

Enterprise class