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proof sheet






Summer 2016 • Vol. 1, No. 4

Photographer Jason Evans: Modest and Motivated

Wrinen by Hope Lourie Killcoyne

Karen Fuchs: Keep ing Up with the Fastest Man Alive

Into the Mud with Photograph.et J osh Campbell

Wrinen by Diana Gerstacker

Blame It on Rio

By Brad Smith

Consultant's Comer. Q&A tnteiView with Vetera.n Photo Consultant Selina Mart:reya- Strtps to Success

The A?A!NY Proof Sheet i' ~ qu.attetfy m.;g.;zine, published by the New York Ch~ter of the Amerian Photogr.aphic Ani~.

Copyright 2016 APAINY; .all rigJ!ts; re;ervcd, collectively .and irldividu.~ly. Content, either im.;~ "text, m.aynot be copied or

R:produced in "Mo/ form, in whole or in p~. without prior written c~ from the photogr.~pher. writer ;mel APAJNY.

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Supporting Photographers and the Business of Photography

About APAINew York APAINY is the Northeast regional chapter of American Photographic Artists (APA), oovering the entire area from Pennsylvania and Ohio up through Maine.

As p art of the country's leading non-proftt organization for p rofessional photog­rap hers, we o rganize events, negotiate benefits for our me-mbers, hold seminars, promote our m embers' work, organize photo contests. and much mo re.

Our mission is successful photograp hers; o ur goat is to establish, endorse and pro­mote professional practices, stand ards and ethics in the photographic communi­ty as well as provide valuable information on business and o perational resources needed by all photographers. We seek to motivate, mentor. educate and inspire in the pursuit of excellence and to speak as o ne common voice for the rights of creators.

APAINY is a 501(c)6 not-for-profit o rganization run by and for professional pho· tographers. Our all-volunteer Soard wo rks hard to promote. within our creative community. the spirit of mutual cooperation. encouragement. sharing and support.

APA. and APAJNY. continue to expand benefits for its members and works to cham­pion tl\e rights o f photographers and image-makers worldwid e.

APA M embers indude p rofessional photographers, photo assistants, ed ucators, and students. We also wek ome profession als engaged in fields associated with photography, advertising. o r visual arts but who photographers. Membership types can be found at

W e welcom e you to join and get involved.

Reach us at PfficeOapany.corl]

217 E. 70th Stteet, #1S 14. New York, NY 10021



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proof sheet f.llww.lsiUu.corniiPin~

co-pubfishti' Ron Jauu

co-publisher Of'lrumil Otili

pho to assrtant list All•y Mal'ler ~li!rlhlteymahet cotrl

renta.i studios list Tony Falcone ~ony!tonyf!kone.ectrl

conublting phalog...,.._n

Jason EVOJns. Josh Campbtl. KAren FucM. Paul AtHu. Richard Schutt:z. Mike McLwghlin.

Scon Oorranc•. Anlhony Roell ... AH:ulnclrJ Pedin . Michel leroy, Paut Barthobmew.

Emily Hagoptan. JU:e Anncx.lr

contnbuting wrrters

Hope Lourie Kilcoyne. OiMI G~er. Brad Sml-th. ~~Fuchs, Ron J cnnz. Selina Maitreya

OhrumiJ Oeu i

Ron Jauu

@hrum itedhi"'.A'n ikttiilJ:om


letters to the editor. pJtu. em~il comments and 1uggestlons to l)rootsheetOapany.cotli

••• mn • ' I

APA NY Board of Directors

Michael Seto Co-Ch1irmen

Ron Jauh: Co.Chairmtn

Bruce Byers Treuurer

Scott Nidermaier Soeiel M.cl11 Ol,..etor

Alley Maher Auittant Liaison

advoucy Shart~• Morris






events BiU S..tt. Tony Falcon.. T.na Zltbili:ev. Jennifet Taytor. Nicole Pereira

ptoof sheet Ohrumll Ouai

Jla A.PA. I N•tionol

APA Nation~l Off!« 5042 W ilshire BlVd. Surte l21 , Los Aftge~•.s. CA 9003&

Pt'Uident Tony a•

Ex~ Onctor Julitne Wotf·R;::o:::bin:::."---,,------, Membershtp Re~ative Jeff ~sd\ fnltmbersOapanationator{l

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Letter f rom the Chairmen

With our fourth edition of proof sheet M agazine, we mark our ftrst year as Co-Chairs of the New York Chaptet. Our membership continues to be strong. up 25% from a year ago. and we want to continue our inroads to bui5ding a solid, supponive photography community.

W e want to remind m embers of the b ehind-the-scenes b enefits of APA Membership, especially the work that APA National is d o ing in v ital areas l it e Copyright and photog­rapher's rights. APA h as been d eeply engaged in efforts to influence legislation in our nation's capitol - ensuring you have remecfies to the prolifecation of rights infringements. You d o not see this d ay to day work but it is crit ical to p ro<ecting our creative vision and one of the teasons we believe all photographers sho uld join a professjonal organization.

M embers should take fuU advantage of tang ib le member's benefits like: business in­surance, Zipcar discounts. Apple Store discounts. as well as our numerous stud io and equipment rental discounts- see our Member Beneftts p age for more. A coupte of these d iscounts can mo re than offset the cost of membership .

We continue to reach out to other members o f the creative community. In addition to our growing Assistant Ust. we are assemb ling a nst of studio resources. hair & makeup. stylists. and d igital techs - everything you need to realize your photograp hic vision.

Our Fall calendar of events will b e anchored by PhotoVille, PhotoPius Expo, two amazing success seminars and several imponant n etworking events where you get to mingle and network with future clients.

Membership in a trade association l ike APA is vital to maintaining our community, it gives us the strength of numbers and a stronger voice to advocate for you, o ur members. And as always. we seek motivated individ uals to pitch in, as volunteers. speake-rs. and on m e­New York Chapter Board of Directors.

We urge you to stay involved in the organization and community as a whole and look for­ward to seeing you in the coming months.

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By Hope Lourie Killooyne

lmagYae you.rsetf on a ~.n::t YQ:ting for a wave. Oon"t wony if you've nt"Yet aauatfy been on one. That'"s the por.t of ima.g:N~tiotl

Balance is by. 5o is aw1~HL Yovr s.nses are a1: the ir most agile and fluid. So~o~nd. movem~t.. and vision are all centered on ooe thing: l'lndlng the best wave and riding it out. Succeeding at surfing rtqulres selective percep­tion, g ood judgment. and the ab•hty to react according ly. It's a synth-esis of c.apturing the wottd around you while focusing on something v•ry s~c,tlc.

'M-Ien you think about it, tht ntctnary skill set is not un­like that required for photography,

Maybe !hats why photographer Jason Evans is so good at both.

Jason Evans of Newport. Rhode Island. is probably best known for his stunning award-..,..,nnW.g spons shots - be they of the SunvneJ' ~Winter Ol)'mpks; Newport's c~ lege summer ba~D tum. The Gu1b; or sutferscruising along the coastlint~-

Bom in the Midwest llf1 the mtd '70s. as Jason's dad was in the Air Force. che hlmtl)' ,..loated severn times, ft:na~ landing in. Concord. MaulchUHtu. which Evans consid­ers to be hi.s hometown The second of four children. h e has two brothers and • srt:tet. L.lsa Wage.nbach, who for a ll intents and purpoMs is hll wife. Is a1so ·n the bull­ness-they met o n a shoot. UN works a-s a producer in stitl-photo and video p roduction.

What's in a Name?

If yo u Google ·photographer· and ·Jason Evans ... -you11 see that there i:1 1nothtt photographer with the same name. O·g a lrttlt dttptr. and you'll discover that there are acw.., stvtf'll photogrlphtrs named Jasoo Evans. Seriously? Yeah. So whit\ 1 guy to do? Specialize . stand out from the crowd. and sutld his ground. Ot you know, water.

How it All Began

As the story goes, twtfve..:year-ok:l Jason was given a rudimentary camera by hll gtlndhther. w1th which h e caught a fairly spectacular lhot: a boft of lightning flash­ing across the de"'rt sky

But the spark that lit Evans's photographic flash wasn't really that lighbng shot. Rather. it came years later, when he took a break from his tnglnttrlng srudies at the Uni­versity of Vermont (UVM) to ttlvtlibroad with a couple

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of friends. As h~ pun lt. ·n.at•s when! my kwe of travel

and capturing new .nd une~ild ~1ngs in a came~a. whi e uying to make tt..m matd\ lh• mematy of what I saw and experienud a l began· EswntiaDy. a synthesis of documentation illnd' an..

Having taken two six-wHt-~ trtps in Europe and an­other one in Southeut Asia. when Evans came back to !he states. he teali:ted that he rutty didn't want to be an engineer after all, and he dropped out of UVM. To make money, he Stiltttd barund ng. but he knew that mixing cocktails wouldn't be something he would do fOf· ever. Over the course of his first week tend ing b ar. he found himself aching for the thrill of tre~ve l and ph otogra· phy, and every d ay, would uy just that to his g irlfriend at the time. She flnaJiy shot back: ·would you stop talking about tak ing p ictures and just~ do it!.

Easier said than done - for most folks. that is. luckily tor Evans, the father of one of his but ct"ldhood friends was a very successful pro!esston.r pi\Otogr.pher W'l the auto industry. C£int CIM\e-ns quiw g.Mrot.ISI'y. offered to take Jason under his Whg. ~ tnon: on:Mt Clemens recognized

Evans\ talents and slcils. ·utwally • w...taf"..er 1 got off the prane he said. 'Oo you wwat 1 job?' Tlw nght cWcumstane· es al came rogetl\et at WI right moment. I fell into it.·

Patience and Personality

From baseball players sltd•ng l'lome to surfers sliding ashore. you can tell that the athletes feel totally at home with Jason photographing (lnd tometimes videotaping) their every move. That comfott .. decided ty earned. is due to Jason's demeanor.

Evans dfdn't learn how to surf until he was around 30 years ok:l. ""Wh.en you'rt thlt o ld ~ncf learning how to suri. there's sort of an etiquette and j udgment that goes on in th.e water. I rke btlng out of my comfort zone as much as pos.sibte. but when you·,.. in the wrong place, you get yelled at. I paid my duu.·

Then Evans copped a due: use lhe amera as a wctor of conne ctivity. and ubn1tely, COI'I'\.mUnity. laking pictures became a way to get to know trM otf'te.r surfers. I was no fonget an obsGde I was someone who could take

a photo of them. You want to bt alOne in U'le water. but you do want a photO of youtMH. I spent a lot more time taking pictu.re:s. which opened up a community to m e. I w ent on to have a show at d\t N~rt Art Museum. Then I went back to surllng. and b•ce~me considerably better. b ecause this time ~oplt wtre helping ... telling me which waves to ttad:,., letting mt cut in line. So yes; surllng is my favo rite sport. t surf as much as I can.

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Evans alto .,_,oys 5ho0ting rugby and goff, which are n-ew sports: il't Sru:il. whe-re he'll be heading at the end of July for tM 2016 Summer Olympics. the day after he tum.s 41. -rh., of course there's beach voJieybal and soccer down th•rt They bring out the chaos and the fiKI-ev­ery1hrng that Bt~tll'$ all about."

Evans apprtclat•s both me chaos and the calm: "Think about an of tht training and the preparation that goes into ont moment. You're lifting a weight,. and that hap-­pens in an Instant. But you've trained for years. And the..-.·s so much b-eauty that happens aJI around thaL Whe'Ct!., you'N pre-p.aring or reflecting."

There"s. atso a bft ol da.nger. especially taking close--up shoB. -you Wlnt to get as dose as you can. rve ~icf ten yards in front of a got'«. He a~ me rd be safe. Hap­pify. th• bal wtont oo.--er my head. f'w also faid on the hrd basel ne. lhootang fthy balls in a row as dley flew owr­he.cl. In that AIM job I shot the pitcher. sitting behind the Q;d'ltf .. For protection, a farge sheet of Plexiglu wu in froflt of Jason. Bu1 in what was no doubt a coo­spwratorial fOk•. tht atdler le! one of the pitches hit che gla.s.s. Th• sound alone- let alone the visual- was more than a bit narthng. tO say the leaSL

And what 1b0\lt when he's off the dock? What's his fa. vo~ sport simply to observe? "tt depends. Soccer is a great sport to watch: the way it moves very fluidly. and the •xcittm.,t Is deftnitely there. The more you know about a sport atrt<.1s your ta.ke on it"_ At the beginning. I didn't know a thing about polo. Watch.ing polo where I liw hiS ~ally mlde me appnKiate it more. PersonaUy. I grew up plly~t~g spons. especially wrestling."

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Clearly, not all o f Evans shots art watetbome, but they do seem born o f the wattf. The f\lnners' feet often aren't touctting the ground. Nor ate those of skateboarders, snowboarders. skiers or polO-. a.nd t»dminton-p.ayers. There's some thing li'tllt'ally and metaphoricaDy uoff:­ing about the images 1Nt J~SOtl Ewns puts Ol.lt as ;:he cream of his crop. And JUft at crtam risH to the sulface, so toO do his in medias ru llmJOH. The tnOtl"'ent an a:n­lete leaves terril ftrma and hat to trust form and physics, tra:tling and tenacity. 'Whtthtf ll'lt4f\ded or not. Evans's oei.I\IT'e con¥eys fife. liberty. and tht pursuit of happiness.

DoW'Ig with your l ife whit yc>Y thoose to do shows. And not a ll of Evans's photography s sports~r.lated. One glo­rious example is an ann~;~ a! tradition h e began ~ 2007. Ever since January 1 o f thlt yur. he has taken a photo ... .. with the ffrst light of 1tle new )'elf.-

The importance of Variety. the World Around Us, and the World Within

Aside from the l,ternational Otymp c Commrttee. Eva'\s also shoots for a variety o' c1..-.u .• , .. toa1ch r.,.ouoe Bo-se, ?rovidence Cof ege. #le tnttrna-:-ona Yael'\~ Res:ora:ioo Schoo . N lte New 8a>anc:t, Toyo-:.a a"'d v.,.tee Maga­:ire. WI'> at'S hs pre'e,...,ce1' • AJ "'..,e the r adva...,tages.. Sor-e are a itt.e b.t r"Ot'e Chll eng 1'\9 SOt'!"e f":ore exc':­ing You ne\'e.~ know. Yoc.t n~ tr IU'\OW wt\a: a dent .s go­.ng to want. or wh~<t ~• r s:tOI')' t Who thet are on paper ::S o~en very d1ffere.'!'!t !;hll'l tht way U\ey are .n person. 'Ike a the s"'oots.. I Jilt sf'lootlng. anym ng real!)'. en­;oy pho<ography, anCf l espK>alty enjoy ocation wort."

He cont:nues. "'It'• a f~;~n JOb ano I get to be outs de ano meeting new people evtry day I've had the pleasure of wort:ing for the IOC and some other great c ients, b-.n most of al I had tht very good fortune of working for some great mentors 41od c,.atlvt folks so far in my life . ... for wh ch I am eternally gr~ttful ...

His grat:Jtuoe- and goals- tXttnd to travel "'I try to get to a new country for every ytlf I've been a:i'lle. I'm ge•­ting a !itt.e behi,d so tf'ie" could oe a gteat trio in my ~ r.-1.1-e." W11at's at the top of his I sf' Peru And Riyue Say, Ofna would be arN1.:ing ..

Narura ry. the-e a-e sor'le IJI'Itxptctt<l naraa;ons a ong :he way_ "'tt once tool~: "'l-t 36 hOurs to !l"a .. e frOf'l'\ Bos­:on to S':O«ho !'""!. d'lal'l~t yo~o~. mO<I•m day~ t\ !"'es.. I orce cap:areo a..n 'TIOJ~ o'" P~ottJn Jt.at'lf\Q d-rectiy a~ ""'e; Goc knows W"\at I dod. Arid o~. To"\ B~csy u.:.ed 4 he co~lo ~ouch 'TIY ha:r. I '"t h m a...o : Wll coo ..

It prooably won't come at • 1urpr 5e thi.t f()r sorneore who spends so much time 1n tht witer. Ev•ns cons ders himself to be a steward ohht tnvlrooment. · 1 ()Ve oature and protecttng 1t. I guess you could can me an environ­mental st. I'm involved with a ftw loc.al groups and orga­nizations and try to p11y my patt In malo.ng our planet a better place. ! don't have k>ds. but I love the ones I know~ and b elieve they dtstrvt a btiVt1NI and heathy planet :o:o ive on. I th nk there's a lot to bt utd ~or 1eavng a place better than you fouf'ld •t ~ try to prac:ice that ap­proadl to r'"e a lot. ..

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The Man Behind the Lens

•'I've b een told I can be quiet, b ut I'm usually ju* thinking and analyzing things: my surroundings ... you. At h om e in Rhode Island. some of my favorite things are family, friends, bonfires, a good cigar, my latest b eer of choice, and my two cats .. .. yes, my cats ...

Evan s'S socia l-media moniker is afrotographter, " . .. a nk-kname that I got when I was o ut in the wate-r shooting surfing. tf you loot several pictures bade in my tnstagram feed, you11 see how b ig my h air can b e. I enjoyed h aving long hair and picking out my afro. but it is way too hot in the summer.~

Not unlike other photographers, appearing in front of the camera is, ~ . .. not my favorite place to b e. I definitely ptefer to b e behind the camera."

And he envisions b eing there for a kmg t ime, as in, forever. "We always joke that I'm not qualified to do anything else at this point. M

*I d on't se-e myself without a cameta. M

A few epic tf'3ve! ad1.-enrures and 6 years of

personal and advertising projects, have led

Jason to his curre.nt photographic passions.

Sports, portraits and the story behind any.

thing rooted in athletics and action are what

drive him. Jason will he shooting h is fourth O lympics for the lnternational O lympic

Committee chis August. To see his insider

experience at the games, follow j ason on:

lns.tagram and Twitter f?!frotog!!ph ed

Facebook · Jason Evans Imagery

Slog: b ttp:/ fblog,jasonevansimage_rv.cofrl

To see more of Jason's work visit hi.s we.:bsite:

h ttp:/ /ja.sone\.-ansimagery.con:JI

0 lOCI Jason Evans

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Congratulations to the winners of APAI~'Y"s 2016 "Give Us Your Best Shot" Photo Contest.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Grand Prize Winner Michael Mayo

G ive Us Your Best Shot - Single Image

Winner: Michael Mayo

G ive Us Your Best Shot - Single Image

2nd Place: Jens Lucking

Give Us Your Best Shot - Single Image

Honorable Mention: Lyndon Wade

Give Us Your Best Series

Winner: Lyndon Wade

G ive Us Your Best Series

2nd Place: Kevin Mellis

G ive Us Your Best Series

Honorable Mention: Dhrumil Desai

G ive Us Your Best Series of Your Town

Winner: Hope Lourie Killcoyne

Give Us Your Best Series of Your Town

2nd Place: Matthew Cherry

Give Us Your Best Series of Your Town

Honorable Mention: Anthony Verde

Look for our upcoming special "2016 Hive Us Your Best ~hot" issue.

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