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Title PageYour title page should include the elements: title, a runninghead, your name, the institutional affiliation, your professors

name, and the date.The running head should include a shortened version of yourtitle, as well as a page number, making the title page the firstpage of your document.

The running head should be the same shortened version of 

your title. It is not to exceed 50 characters, and it should becapitalized entirely when it is on the title page.

A full title that concisely expresses the main idea of the papershould be centered on the title page, in Times New Roman 12point font.

Underneath the title, you should include your, first name,middle initial and last name, the name of the class and theschool, the name of the professor, and the date that the paperis due. These should also be double-spaced and centered.

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Obesity in Children i

Can Medication Cure Obesity in Children?

A Review of the Literature

Luisa Mirano

Psychology 107, Section B

Professor Kang

October 31, 2004

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First Page

The first page of your document should include the samerunning head as the title page, as well as continued pagenumbers.

The running head on the first and following pages of yourdocument should not be fully capitalized. It should becentered.

The first page should begin with an introduction. Severalelements make up a well written introduction. First, youwill need to state the problem or issue that you areresearching, being sure to justify the need for yourresearch. This will also give you a chance to describe theissue within the context of other relevant scholarship andresearch done on it. Acknowledge what others have had tosay about the issue. Only after this will you use your thesisto describe your proposed solution to the problem.

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Obesity in Children 1

Can Medication Cure Obesity in Children?

A Review of the Literature

In March 2004, U.S. Surgeon General Richard Carmona called attention to a

health problem in the United States that, until recently, has been overlooked:

childhood obesity. Carmona said that the ³astounding´ 15% child obesity rate

constitutes an ³epidemic.´ Since the early 1980¶s, that rate has ³doubled in

children and tripled in adolescents.´ Now more than 9 million children are

classified as obese (paras. 3,6) While the traditional response to a medical epidemic

is to hunt for a vaccine or a cure-all pill, childhood obesity has proven more elusive.

The lack of success of recent initiatives suggests that medication might not be the

answer for the escalating problem. This literature review considers whether the

use of medication is a promising approach for solving the childhood obesity

 problem by responding to the following questions. Understanding the limitations of 

medical treatments for children highlights the complexity of the childhood obesity

 problem in the United States, and underscores the need for physicians, advocacy

groups, and policymakers to search for other solutions

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Body (1)

In APA writing, you will encounter different

assignment types, depending on what class you are


Some assignments will be research assignments that

will require research that supports a thesis

Some will require you to conduct tests and write

reports based on what you test and observe.

The body paragraph structure will differ depending

on the assignment.

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Body (2)For assignments that require you to perform tests and

conduct research, the body of your paper should be dividedinto three primary sections: Method, Results and Discussion.

Each of these should be included in a subsection, which willbe set off by a subheading.

First level subheadings are left indentation, boldface type.The Methods section will show the reader how youconducted your research

The Results section will present the results of your

research.Finally, you will discuss how your findings are relevant tothe issue as a whole.

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In this section, you will describe the different

elements of the study you have done.

You should provide details of how your studyhas been conducted

This information will include the subjects of 

your study, as well as the variables of your


It will also include the procedures you

followed in your research.

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In this section, you will present the results of 

your research.

Data must be reported in sufficient detail to

 justify the conclusions you plan to draw.

Mention all results, including those that are


In this section, it is important to analyze all data.

Analysis of data should be Accurate, unbiased,

complete and insightful.

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This is your opportunity to evaluate and interpret

the results of your research and the impact it hason your original hypothesis.

This section should be opened with a statement of 

support or non-support of the original hypothesis.An interpretation of these results should include

an explanation for any unsupported hypothesis.

Compare your work to the work of others tocontextualize, confirm and clarify your conclusions.

End the section with a justifiable commentary on

the importance of your findings.

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Body (3)

The body paragraphs will be structured

differently for a research assignment that

supports a thesis, in which you do not conduct


The body paragraphs do not necessarily need

headings, but they help to guide your


The headings are not bold

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Obesity in Children 2

What are the Implications of Childhood Obesity?

Obesity can be a devastating problem from both an individual and a societal perspective.

Obesity puts children at risk for a number of medical complications, including type 2 diabetes,

hypertension, sleep apnea, and orthopedic problems (Henry J. H. Kaiser Family Foundation, 2004,

 p.1). Researchers Hoppin and Taveras (2004) have noted that obesity is often associated with

 psychological issues such as depression, anxiety, and binge eating (Table 4). Obesity also poses

serious problems for a society struggling to cope with rising health care costs. The cost of treating

obesity currently totals $117 billion per-year ± a price, according to the surgeon general, ³second only

to the cost of [treating] tobacco use´ (Carmona, 2004, para.9). And as the number of children who

suffer from obesity grows, long term costs will only increase.

Is Medication Effective at Treating Childhood Obesity?

The widening scope of the obesity problem has prompted medical professionals to rethink old

conceptions of the disorder and its causes. As researchers have explained, obesity was once considered

³either a moral failing or evidence of underlying psychopathology´ (Yanovski, 2002, p.592). The

search for the right long-term medication has been complicated.

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In-text Citations For each work that directly influences the work that you are doing,

you should make a citation in the text.The misconception is that only sources that are directly quoted should

be cited in the text.

Any idea, theory or research that has directly influenced your

conclusions should be cited.

If you choose to quote someones work, then the quote should befollowed by a citation in parentheses, including the authors last name,

a comma, the year the work was published, a comma, and the page

numbers of the quotation.

In an instance where there is no pagination in a document, such as in an

online source, then you should indicate which paragraph your quotation

is coming from, i.e., (para. 4) for the fourth paragraph of a document.

If you simply paraphrase or acknowledge the work, then the authors

last name should be mentioned in your text and followed by the

publishing year in parentheses.  

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Book with One Author(pp.174, 177, APA; p.491, RW)

Required InformationAuthor. (year). Title. City: Publisher.

Sample Works Cited Entry Hulme, K. (1986). The bone people. New York: Penguin.

Sample Parenthetical Citation After selling his house and taking his bus to a northern

wilderness by the sea, Joe literally plunges into the

natural by jumping over the edge of a thirty-foot bluff,

telling himself, If I make it, it will be a sign (Hulme, 1986,

p. 341).

Hulme (1986) describes that Joe literally plunges into the

natural by jumping over the edge of a thirty-foot bluff,

telling himself, If I make it, it will be a sign (p. 341).

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A Work with Two to Three

Authors (pp.175, 177, APA; p.491, RW)

Required InformationAuthor, Author, & Author. (Year). Title. City: Publisher.

Sample Works Cited Entry Sothern, M., Almen, K, & Schumacher, H. (2003). Trim kids:

t  the proven 12-week plan that has helped thousands of 

children achieve a healthier weight . New York:


Sample Parenthetical Citation According to Sothern, Alman, and Schumacher, (2003), Some

serious long-term consequences of childhood weight problems

are emotional in nature. Overweight children are targets of early

and systematic discrimination not only by their peers but also by

family members and society as a whole (p. 4).

Some serious long-term consequences of childhood weight

problems are emotional in nature (Sothern, Alman, &

Schumacher, 2003, p. 4).

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A Work with Three to Five

Authors (pp.175, 177, APA; p.491, 498, RW )

Required InformationAuthor, Author, Author, Author, Author, et al. (Year). Title of the

article. Title of the Journal . Volume. Page.

Sample Works Cited Entry Berkowitz, R.I., Wadden, T.A., Tershakovec, A.M., & Cronquist, J. L.

(2003). Behavior therapy and sibutramine for the treatment of 

adolescent obesity. Journal of the American Medical 

 Association, 289, 1805-1812.

Sample Parenthetical Citation

In Subsequent Citations

In 2003, Berkowitz, Wadden, Tershakover, and Cronquist concluded,

Siburamine must be carefully monitored in adolescents, as in

adults, to control increases in [blood pressure] and pulse rate (p.


As Berkowitz et al. (2003) advised, Until more extensive safety and

efficacy data are available, weight-loss medications should be

used only on an experimental basis for adolescents (p. 1811).

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A Work with Six or More

Authors (pp.175, 177, APA; pp.491-492, 498,RW )

Required InformationAuthor, Author, Author, Author, Author, Author, et al.

(Year). Title of the article. Title of the Journal .

Volume. Page.

Sample Works Cited EntryMcDuffie, J. R., Calis, K. A. , Uwaifo, G. I., Sebring,

N. Gl, Fallon, E. M., Hubbard, V. S., et al.

(2002). Three-month tolerability of orlistat in

adolescents with obesity-related co morbid

conditions. Obesity Research,10, 642-650,

Sample Parenthetical Citation McDuffie et al. (2002) tested 20 adolescents, aged 12-16,

over a three-month period and found that orlistat,

combined with behavioral therapy, produced an average

weight loss of 4.4 kg, or 9.7 pounds (p. 646).

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Unknown Author(p. 176, APA; p.492, RW  )

Required Information Title. (Year). City: Publisher.

Sample Reference Entry  Anatomy of criticism: four essays. (2001).

Boston: Wadsworth.

Sample Parenthetical Citation Children struggling to control their weight must

also struggle with the pressures of television

advertising that, on the one hand, encourages

the consumption of junk food and, on the other

hand, celebrates thin celebrities (Television,


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Two or More Works in the

Same Parentheses (pp. 176-7, APA; pp.492-3, RW )

Required Information (Author last name, year; Author last name, year)

Sample Parenthetical Citation Researchers have indicated that studies of 

pharmacological treatments for childhood obesity are

inconclusive (Berkowitz et al., 2003; McDuffie et al.,


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Organization as Author

(Corporate author) (p.206, APA; pp. 492, 502 RW )

Required InformationName of Organization. (Year). Title. City: Publisher.

Sample Reference Entry American Psychological Association. (2010).

Publication manual of the American

 psychological association. (6th ed.). Washington:

American Psychological Association.

Sample Parenthetical


In all scientific disciplines, professional

communications are presumed to be based on

objective interpretations of evidence and unbiased

interpretations of fact (American Psychological

Association, 2010, p. 17.)

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Article in a Scholarly Journal(pp. 194,201, APA; pp. 489;498, RW )

Required Information Author. (Year). Article title. Journal Title. Volume(Issue),


Sample Reference Entry Yanovski, S.Z., and Yanovski, J.A. (2002). Drug therapy:

obesity. The New England Journal of Medicine,

346(8), 591-602.

Sample Parenthetical Citation Yanovski and Yanovski (2002) reported that the current

state of the treatment for obesity is similar to the state

of the treatment of hypertension several decades ago


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Article in a Magazine(p. 200, APA; p.498 RW )

Required Information Author. (Year, Month Day). Article title. Magazine Title,

Volume, pages.

Sample Reference Entry Raloff, J. (2001, May 12). Lead therapy wont help

kids. Science News. 159, 292.

Sample Parenthetical Citation Raloff (2001) states, Kerewin may repress her essential

self (the self who can lead), and present a mask of self-

satisfied isolation to society, but at no time does she

adopt conventional female roles (p.292).

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Article from a Newspaper(p. 200, APA; p.498,RW )

Required InformationAuthor. (Year, Month Day). Article title. Newspaper Title,


Sample Reference EntryLohr, S. (2004, December 3). Health care technology is a

promise unfinanced. The New York Times, p. C5.

Sample Parenthetical Citation Lohr (2004) states, Food contamination can have

serious consequences; in one case, an 11-year-old girl

whose family says she became ill after eating peanut

butter contaminated with salmonella received a kidney

donated by her father (p. C5).

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Database Article from a

Scholarly Journal with DOI (p. 198-9, APA; p. 503, RW)

Required Information Author. (Year). Article title. Journal Title, Volume(Issue),

pages. DOI.

Sample Reference Entry Holliday, R.E. & Hayes, B.K. (2000). Dissociating

automatic and intentional processes in childrens

eyewitness memory. Journal of Experimental Child

Psychology, 75(1), 1-42. Doi:10.10006/jecp.1999.2


Sample Parenthetical Citation Holliday (2000) states, The codes of realism would have

us accept two contradictory codes . . . that the narrative is

not literally true [and] that the work bears a resemblance

to social and psychological reality (p.40).

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Database Article from a

Scholarly Journal without a


(p. 199, APA; pp. 493-94, 504-5, RW)

Required Information Author. (Year.) Article title. Journal Title, Volume (Issue),

pages. Retrieved from database name (Document


Sample Reference Entry Poupart, L.M. (2002). Crime and justice in American

Indian communities. Social Justice, 29(1),

144-159. Retrieved from ProQuest database


Sample Parenthetical Citation Poupart, (2002) states, The which in the Republican

platform statement suggested that the partys opposition

to taxes was absolute.

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Document from a Web site(p. 200, APA; p.505, RW )

Required Information Author. (Year, Month). Title of article. Retrieved from


Sample Reference Entry Cain, A., & Burris, M. (1999, April). Investigation

of the use of mobile phones while driving.

Retrieved from http://www.cutr.eng.usf.edu/its/


Sample Parenthetical Citation According to Cain and Burris (1999), Even in normally

low-context cultures, such as the United States, Canada,

Israel and Germany, there are many times when indirect

speech helps communicators achieve two useful goals.

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Document with no Date(pp. 185, 203, 205, 209, APA; p.492, RW )

Required Information Author. (no date). Title of work . City: Publisher.

Sample Reference Entry Highmore, B. (n.d.). Everyday life and cultural 

theory. New York: Routledge.

Sample Parenthetical Citation. Highmore (n.d.). states, Body relaxation or

tension is a strong indicator of who has the power

in one-to-one relationships.

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APA Reference Page: The Basics Your header should be in the top right-hand corner, one-half inch from the

top of the page. It includes part of the title of your essay and the pagenumber. Your Reference page is the last page of your essay, so if you havewritten a four-page paper, the number on your Reference page should be 5.

The entire Reference page should be double spaced. Before you begintyping the Reference page, you should change the line spacing to ³Double´ by going to Paragraph then Spacing on the tool bar.

The title Reference(s) should be centered on first line of the page. Do not

italicize, underline, or bold the title. Do not put quotation marks around thetitle. It should be in the same size font as the rest of your paper.

All of your entries should be alphabetized by the first word in the entry.Usually this word is the author or editor¶s last name; entries with unknownauthors or editors should be alphabetized by the first word of the title.

The first line of each entry should begin on the left margin. If the entry is

longer than one line, each subsequent line should be indented one-half inch(a tab).

Underline or italicize all titles of books, plays, newspapers, journals,magazines, films, albums, and CDs. Do not underline AND italicize.Choose one and stick with it throughout your paper and References page.

Put quotation marks around all titles of articles and reference book entries.

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Online Communication Definitions & Relationships 15


Cummings, J.N., Butler., & Kraut, R. (2002). The quality of online social relationships.

communications of the ACM, 45(7), 103-108.

Hu, Y., Wood, J.F., Smith, V., & Westbrook, N. (2004). Friendships through IM: examining the

relationship between instant messaging and intimacy. Journal of Computer-

 Mediated Communication, 10(1).

Tidwell, L.C., & Walter, J.B. (2002). Computer-mediated communication effects on disclosure,

impressions, and interpersonal evaluations: getting to know one another a bit at

a time. Human Communication Research, 28(3), 317-348.

Underwood. H., & Findlay, B. (2004). Internet relationships and their impact on primary

relationships. Behavior Change 21 (2), 127-140.

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Citing Tables

In the text, refer to tables, charts, graphs, and

maps by their letter or number:

as shown in Table 8, the responses were provided by

Do not write the table above (or below) orthe table on page 32 because the position

and page number of a table may change.

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Constructing Tables

Tables can help a presentation of information, but

should only be used when necessary.

It is important to determine what data readers will

need to understand the discussion, and what data is

necessary to provide a sufficient set of statistics foryour argument.

A well structured table will consist of a set of 

columns and rows with clearly named labels thatprovide information such as technical terms, locations

and definitions for each element.

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Block Quotations

If your quotation is longer than 40 words, you will

need to format it as a block quotation.

A block quotation is separated from the rest of 

the paragraph, and every line of the quotation is

indented in one tab.Quotation marks are not to be used when making

a block quotation.

The authors name and year are cited like anormal quotation before the block quote, and the

page that it is found on is given in parentheses


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Digital Object Identifier

When an article is stored electronically online, it is given twomeans of identification.

The first of these two means is the Unique Identifier, and thesecond is the Digital Object Identifier.

This Identifier is assigned by the publisher upon publication of the article, and must be included at the end of citations forprinted material that has been placed online.

In the citation, the DOI should come immediately after thepage numbers.

Author, A.A., (year) Title of article. Title of Periodical ,volume, pp-pp. doi:xxxxxxxxxx

The DOI can be found on the full record display of an articlefound electronically on a database.

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For More Information:

Consult the 6th edition of the Publication

Manual of the American Psychological 


Consult the 6th edition of the Rules for Writers


Consult the http://www.apa.org/.

Consult your professor during his/her office
