api workshop: deep dive into rest apis

API Documentation Workshop: Deep Dive into REST APIs By Tom Johnson www.idratherbewriting.com January 24, 2015

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API Documentation Workshop: Deep Dive into REST APIs

By Tom Johnson


January 24, 2015


• Client-server architecture: You send a request and get a response back. REST is the model of the web. REST APIs also called “web APIs.”

• REST = “representational state transfer” – data transfer modeled after the web.

• Protocol transfer is HTTP. Requests are made through URLs.

• Can see the response in the browser.

• Responses are stateless -- not remembered.

Sample endpointsapi_site.com/{apikey}/users// gets all users

api_site.com/{apikey}/users/{userId}// gets a specific user

api_site.com/{apikey}/rewards// gets all rewards

api_site.com/{apikey}/rewards/{rewardId}// gets a specific reward

api_site.com/{apikey}/users/{userId}/rewards// gets all rewards for a specific user

api_site.com/{apikey}/users/{userId}/rewards/{rewardId}// gets a specific reward for a specific user

In a well-designed API, you can predict the

logic of the requests.

A “RESTful web service” has “endpoints” that return “resources.”

Responses (usually JSON){

"user”:"1234","userName":"Tom","userCreatedDate":"09021975",”userStatus: "active"


A JSON object consists of key: value pairs.

Some objects contain lists of items in brackets [ ]. Here the photo object

contains an array.

Get familiar w/ the Developer Console


In code samples, you can use console.log(data)

to log an object called “data” to the console. Then

“inspect the payload.”

HTTP requests have methods




The methods available for each resource differ. DELETE methods aren’t

usually passed in regular web page code for

security reasons. Usually only submitted using


Look on the Network tab of your console

when you make a web request, and you can see the method for

each request.


1. Open the JavaScript Console and go to the Network Tab.

2. Browse to your favorite website (e.g., tccamp.org).

3. Look at the requests and responses logged in the Network tab.


EventBrite API example

Let’s get some event details using the events

endpoint from the EventBrite API.


Get eventbrite event details



Endpoint with values:





"resource_uri": "https://www.eventbriteapi.com/v3/events/14635401881/",

"name": {

"text": "API Workshop with Sarah Maddox",


"description": {

"text": "This is a practical course on API technical writing, consisting of…

BTW, the API key values on my slides

are fake.


<script type='text/javascript'




var url =



$.getJSON( url, function( data ) {


var content = "<h2>" + data.name.text + "</h2>"

+ data.description.html;




<div id="eventbrite"></div> </body></html>

A simple way to display the response on the


Open your console and inspect the payload that is logged to the console

via console.log in the code.

Accessing JSON using dot notationTo get the values from

the json, use dot notation. If our object is

named data, then data.name.text gets

that value.


1. Open the JavaScript Console and go to the Console tab.

2. Open the eventbrite.html file in your browser.

3. Inspect the payload.

Code samples should be simple

- Focus on call and response. What’s important is the endpoint, its parameters, and the resource it returns.

- No styling. In code samples, don’t get complicated with styling unless you’re providing a copy-and-paste widget. The more you strip away, the better. Analogy with graphics.

Common sections in REST API doc

• Resource (“endpoint”)

• Description

• Parameters

• Methods

• Response

• Example

• Error codes

Cover these details for each resource in your REST API docs. Click

thumbnail for example.

Example: Get Klout Score

Klout has an interactive console.


Get klout score



Endpoint with values:





"score": 92.2655186160279,

"scoreDelta": {

"dayChange": 0.00044535591406713593,



We have to call another resource first

to get the Klout ID.

Get Klout ID from Twitter handle



Endpoint with values:




"id": "1134760",

"network": "ks"








var url =



$.getJSON( url, function( data ) {





<h2>My Klout Score</h2>

<div id="kloutScore"/></body></html>

Tip: jQuery makes life a lot simpler.

Here’s the result:

Get Klout Score using PHP


Use whatever language you want to implement

the web API calls.

Get Klout Score using Python


This is why providing code samples can be

problematic. Where do you stop? Ruby, Java,

Node, Python, JavaScript?

Activity: Get your Klout score

1. Go to http://developer.klout.com/io-docs.

2. Use the identity endpoint to get your Klout ID based on your Twitter name.

3. Use the score endpoint to get your score.

For API key, you can use the key in the apicalls.txt file or sign up for your own.

Example: Get influencees

BTW, reference docs don’t tell you all you need to

know. For example, what are influencers and


Get klout influencees

Endpoint: user.json/{kloutid}/influence

Endpoint with values:





"score": 92.2655186160279,

"scoreDelta": {

"dayChange": 0.00044535591406713593,



API keys regulate usage and prevent

servers from abuse by too many calls.






var url =



$.getJSON( url, function( data ) {


$.each( data.myInfluencees, function( i, inf ) {


href="http://twitter.com/'+inf.entity.payload.nick +

'">' + inf.entity.payload.nick + '</a></li>');




<h2>My influencees</h2>

<ul id="kloutInf"></ul>

jQuery’s eachmethod can iterate through items in an



1. Open the klout-influence.html file.

2. Identify the endpoint used in the code.

3. Replace the user ID with your own user ID.

4. Paste the endpoint into your browser and identify your influencers.

Flickr Example: Get gallery photos

Get flickr photo gallery



Endpoint with values:







"score": 92.2655186160279,

"scoreDelta": {

"dayChange": 0.00044535591406713593,

… }


1. Open the flickr.html file in a text editor.

2. Copy the endpoint (url) and paste it into your browser.

3. Try to find the image source URLs in the payload.

$("#flickr").append('<img src="https://farm' +

farmId + '.staticflickr.com/' + serverId + '/'

+ id + '_' + secret + '.jpg"/>');

API reference docs don’t tell you how to actually do

a real task. To construct the img URL, you need to combine 4 different parts

from the response.

Flickr Result

More details on the API callsGo here for details: http://bit.ly/restapiexamples


Sample REST API doc sites

Many API doc sites are modern looking and awesome. Remember, the API Doc is the product interface, so it has to look good.

Programmableweb.com: API Directory

12,000 + web APIs

What design trends or patterns do we see among popular API doc


Stripe API

Code responses next to doc.


Single page scroll w/ TOC highlight

Third column to show responses or code samples.


Jekyll API doc theme from CloudCannon

Bootstrap scollspy demo

Yelp API

One seamless websitematching product



Twilio API

One output, with nav tabs to show

different languages


Dynamically inserted API keys

into code samples.


Foursquare API

Often begin with Getting Started section,

providing a sample “Hello World” tutorial


Youtube API

Lots of code samples, usually with syntax

highlighting and surrounding commentary.


8 design trends with API doc

1. Third column to show responses & code2. Single page scroll with scrollspy TOC highlight

and floating sidebar3. Seamless website matching product branding4. Nav tabs to show different code samples5. Code syntax highlighting6. Hello World getting started section7. Interactive, personalized API explorer 8. Static site generators that process Markdown


Some non-trends

1. PDF output

2. Short pages

3. Multiple (highly duplicate) outputs of content for different audiences

4. DITA or XML authoring models

5. EPUB formats

6. Comments on pages

7. Wikis

8. Video tutorials

Question: How do tech writers make beautiful API doc


How do you merge worlds?

TOC dynamically generated and

highlights based on position.

My Jekyll Prototype


Auto-generated reference doc solutions

• Swagger


• Enunciate

• API Blueprint

• Mashery I/O

• Miredot (Java only)

• APIdocjs.com

Most common automated options

“Github stats (with caveat: these are repos, do not necessarily all represent implementations):

Swagger: 600+ repos (270+ JS, 80+ Java, 31 Python)RAML: 180+ repos (54 JS, 21 Java, nothing listed for Python)I/O Docs: 30-40 repos (mostly JS, some Java)API Blueprint: 120+ repos (again, mostly JS, some Java, some Python)”

– slide notes from Jennifer Rondeau presentation on REST API Doc

What is Swagger?

A spec for describing an API so that humans and computers and read and explore it. Different tools can parse the Swagger spec and render different outputs.

“The goal of Swagger™ is to define a standard, language-agnostic interface to REST APIs which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of the service without access to source code, documentation, or through network traffic inspection. When properly defined via Swagger, a consumer can understand and interact with the remote service with a minimal amount of

implementation logic.” – Swagger UI project

See Swagger spec here: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-spec

Swagger is just a standard way of

describing your API using a particular

JSON schema.

Use Swagger Editor to avoid syntax errors


Swagger UI’s output


Swagger basics

• Swagger is a spec, a JSON schema for describing your API in a standard way that tools can process. (Kind of like DITA.)

• “Swagger UI” is one tool that parses the Swagger spec from a JSON file. With this approach, the JSON file is separate from the source.

• There are also many Swagger libraries that integrate directly into API source code.


1. Go to http://editor.swagger.io/.2. File > Open Example > Pet Store Simple.3. Mode > Editor. Make some simple changes, including

host value.4. File > Download JSON.5. Download Swagger-UI. https://github.com/swagger-

api/swagger-ui6. In dist folder, open index.html, change url value.7. Upload to web server and try it out. Try


RAML basics

• Stands for REST API Modeling Language.

• Similar to Swagger, RAML is a competing spec for describing APIs in a way that tools can parse.

• Arrived later on the scene after Swagger, but seems smarter and more efficient.

• RAML parsers built into comprehensive API platform tooling from Mulesoft.

Sample RAML code

RAML’s JSON is more human readable than


Mulesoft’s Anypoint platform workflow

1. Design in online editor called API Designer.

2. Publish an API portal for users to view.

API Designer for RAML

From Mulesoft: “Write human-readable, markdown-formatted descriptions throughout your RAML spec, or include entire markdown documentation sections at the root.”

Keep descriptions short, link elsewhere

The doc in the interactive console is more like a quick

reference guide. But this creates organizational challenges for


Sample API Portal from RAML spec

RAML API Console output (Mulesoft)

Here’s a more robust example. Instead of

expanding the details, the details appear in a

modal overlay.


Swagger vs. RAML

• Swagger was first on the block, has more community, street recognition.

• Swagger’s spec is more complicated, learning curve higher.

• Swagger uses JSON. RAML uses YML.

• RAML is more recent, has smaller user base.

• RAML has thorough documentation & tutorials, but tooling seems less open.

Comparing specs


I included some sample Swagger &

RAML files from this site for comparison.

Activity: Compare the specs

1. In the apiworkshop files, open the raml.yml and swagger.json files and compare the specs.

2. Go to http://petstore.swagger.wordnik.com/and explore Swagger’s demo.

3. Go to http://api-portal.anypoint.mulesoft.com/raml-tools and explore several API Consoles (e.g. Box).

4. Which experience do you like better?

Pros of automated doc

• No doc drift. Documentation more in sync with doc.

• More real. Data responses more meaningful & real to user because they’re based on actual user data.

• Interactive. Gives interactive playground to documentation, encouraging user not just to read but to do, try, experiment, and play with API.

• Sexy. Makes API doc snazzy and sexy. Your doc is the cool kid on the block.

• Convenient. In-source location of doc provides convenience for engineers working with code.

Cons of automated output• Data anemic responses. Will users new to your API have rich

enough data to populate the responses well?

• Glorified API explorer. Not much different from an API Explorer. Not sure if all the fuss is worthwhile.

• Poor integration. Automated outputs don’t often integrate well with non-reference documentation. Separate outputs.

• Data damage risk. Potential risk of having user apply DELETE or UPDATE method and ruin actual content.

• Engineers can’t write. Doc is often better when under the control of tech writers anyway. Engineers troubled by curse of knowledge.

• Ref docs are an illusion. Reference doc gives you the “illusion” of having real doc. Makes you think other doc not needed.

• Fail in complicated scenarios. Not useful for more complicated API scenarios, where you pass one endpoint’s result into another.

Tom Johnsonhttp://idratherbewriting.com@tomjohnson

Image credits

• Slide 39: Catwoman. http://bit.ly/11qDsNU

• Slide 41, 54: Finger face with question. By Tsahi Levent-Levi. http://bit.ly/1sWdnln

• Slide 55: Nasa, new eyes: Butterfly. http://bit.ly/1u7ANzE