aplng 493 course development project

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  • 8/9/2019 APLNG 493 Course Development Project


  • 8/9/2019 APLNG 493 Course Development Project


    Table of Contents

    1. Seven Steps of Syllabus Design and Lesson Planning

    (1)Needs Assessment

    (2)Setting Goals and Objectives

    (3)Conceptualizing the Contents

    (4)Selecting/developing Materials and Constructing Activities

    (5)Organizing Contents and Activities


    (7)Consideration of Resources and Constraints

    2. Course Syllabus

    3. Four Detailed Lesson Plans about Two Topics

    (1) Getting a haircutI /II

    a. Lesson plans for day one and day two

    b. Relative materials

    (2) Shopping Grocery I /II

  • 8/9/2019 APLNG 493 Course Development Project


    a. Lesson plans for day one and day two

    b. Relative materials

    Step 1: Needs Assessment

    I want to know the diverse background features, skills, and expectations/needs of my housewife

    students so I can take this information into account when designing the course and planning the

    instruction. I choose three needs assessment tools: (1) written questionnaire; (2) informal open-

    ended interviews with the students, either one-on-one or in small groups; (3) ongoing

    observation of the students performances and reactions. With these three tools, I will have a

    better understanding of what they already know and what they want to know, the ways they use

    English, the ways they hope to learn English, and as well in what ways they can learn better.

    Also, I will always remind myself to be engaged in a continualneeds assessment process.


    Name________ Home Country_________ First Language_________

    Immigration Status_____________ (immigrant/permanent residents/international)

    Prior English learning experiences and proficiency

    How many years have you studied English?

    How long have your stayed in the US?

    English proficiency (speaking & listening)Speaking: high mid lowListening: high mid low

    Your greatest strength as a learner of English

    includes(please as specific as you can)



  • 8/9/2019 APLNG 493 Course Development Project


    Learning motivations and expectations

    Why do you want to learn English?

    What made you decide to take this class?

    Aspects of your English you would like to

    improve in this class include(pleases asspecific as you can)



    Are there any specific topics you want to learnabout in this class?

    Learning styles and study habits

    Do you do anything in your spare time to help

    you learn English, such as watching TV or

    listen to music?

    How do you feel about speaking English in


    How much time per week are you prepared to

    spend on homework of this class?

    You prefer individual work or working with


    Try to explain in what ways you prefer to learn

    English in a classroom? (please as specific as

    you can)




    Step 2: Setting goals and objectives

    After collecting systematic profile data of my students, I am equipped to identify and articulate

    the desired outcomes (general and specific) of this course. The main goalof this course is to help

    non-native English speaking housewives living in State College improve their spoken English

    skills and listening comprehension skills to enable them to communicate more effectively in

    English. Specifically, there are a series ofinstructional objectives:

    1. By the end of the course, the students will develop listening strategies for authentic

    English usage and improve theirlistening comprehension skills.

    2. By the end of the course, the students will expand their vocabularies and idiomatic

    expressions for English communication.

  • 8/9/2019 APLNG 493 Course Development Project


    3. By the end of the course, the students will improve theirintelligible pronunciation,

    stress and intonation patterns.

    4. By the end of the course, the students will be able to use everyday English fluently in

    different situations and accomplish tasks such as shopping, dining, etc in an English-

    speaking country.

    5. By the end of the course, the students will be aware ofcross-cultural similarities and

    differences and have a better understanding ofNorth American culture.

    Step 3: Conceptualizing the contents

    I use mind map, the creative brainstorming tool, to conceptualize the contents of this course.

    This course mainly covers the skills of listening and speaking in English. North American

    culture norms, procedures, vocabularies and expressions specific to the tasks the housewife

    students need to accomplish in their real life are also covered.

    Communication in


    What Why

    Skills Covered:



    Speaking competence

    American cultural


    Specific Topics Covered:

    As a member of the


    Making small talk

    Making, accepting and

    declining invitations

    Making and answering

    phone calls

    Participate in Local


    As a woman



    Having haircut in hair


    Join the fitness club

    As a mother

    Why cover these skills:


    communication depends

    on good listening

    comprehension and

    intelligible spoken

    English which fits in the

    North American culture.

    Why cover these topics:

    These tasks are the

    ones my housewife

    students need to

    accomplish in their daily

    life to fit in this

    environment and live a

    comfortable life.

    Choosing these topics

    will make them feel

    relative and more

    motivated to learn.

    In order to meet their

    needs better, I choose

    topics to suit the

    multiple roles my

    students play in their

    lives: a member in thecommunity, a caring

  • 8/9/2019 APLNG 493 Course Development Project


    Step 4: Selecting/developing Materials and Constructing Activities

    I clearly know that materials selection and activity construction should depend on the makeup of

    the student population, their needs and my instructional goals. Previous needs assessment results

    and ongoing assessing findings help me to choose materials that best accommodate my students.

    Just the same as needs assessment, materials assessment should be an ongoing process, too. I feel

    it is hard to find a textbook which meet all of my instruction needs, therefore, I chose to use

    original materials and tasks. The materials used in this course came from internet sources or were

    created by me. I want to cover a variety of materials and tools, such as popular media (films,music, television and radio broadcasts); local newspapers and magazines; digital resources such

    as audio, video and text excerpts found on carefully screened Web sites. As for task design, I will

    focus more on process than product.

    Step 5: Organizing Contents and Activities

    I want to organize the contents according to the three main roles my housewife students play in

    their daily life: a member in the community, a caring mother, and a pretty woman. In each

    session, there are three to four specific topics. For details, please see the syllabus.

    Step 6: Evaluation



    Shopping grocery


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    During this course, the students need to do three oral reports to talk about what they have done

    and reflect on what they have learned. For the specific dates and topics about the oral reports,

    please see the syllabus. Also, the students are encouraged to fill out the following evaluation

    form about this course. Although this is a non-grade course, these two tools can help the teacher

    get an idea of the effectiveness of this course and what the students have learned from this


    Course Evaluation Form Good Fair Poor

    The course as a whole was

    The course content was

    Opportunity for practicing what was learned was

    Sequence of the development of skills was

    Demonstration of the contents was

    Recognition of the student progress by the instructor was

    Use of class time was

    Amount of skills you learned from this course was

    Relevance and usefulness of course content was

    The instructors effectiveness in teaching was

    Step 7: Consideration of Resources and ConstraintsThis course is held on campus. The teacher can have access to a large amount of resources, both

    in the classroom and outside the classroom. In the classroom, the teacher can access computer,

    overhead projector, blackboard, etc. Out of the classroom, the teacher can arrange field trips for

    students to go practicing, such as going to a grocery store or a hair salon. However, there are

    some constraints within this course, too. As a non-grading class, the requirements for students

    are not mandatory. So, the attendance, class participation and completion of assignment mostly

    depend on the students motivation and time. Also, since the students are full-time housewives,

    they might focus more on their household work rather then this course.

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    Course Syllabus

    Communicative English class for Non-native English Speaking Housewives in State College

    Course Description: This course is a nonacademic course for non-native English speakinghousewives living in State College who wish to improve their ability to communicate in English

    in a wide range of day-to-day life situations. This 24- hour course is a task-based language

    teaching course, which covers the various tasks the housewife students need to accomplish in

    their daily life. The course aims at improving the students listening comprehension competence,

    spoken English competence, and as well their awareness of American cultural norms.

    Goals and Objectives: The main goal of this course is to help the students become more

    effective and confident in using English in their daily life. Also, students are expected to succeed

    in the following specific objectives:

    1. The students will develop listening strategies for authentic English usage and improve

    their listening comprehension skills.

    Fall 2009 Xuan Liu, Instructor

    Class meetings: M W 7:00-8:05 pm Tel: 8143217635

    Classroom: Reserve room 116, PatteeLibrary

    Email:[email protected]

    Office: Dept. of Applied Linguistics,


    Office Hours: Friday 11:00-

    12:00 am

  • 8/9/2019 APLNG 493 Course Development Project


    2. The students will expand their vocabularies and idiomatic expressions for English


    3. The students will improve their intelligible pronunciation, stress and intonation patterns.

    4. The students will be able to use everyday English fluently in different situations and

    accomplish tasks such as shopping, dining, etc in an English-speaking country.

    5. The students will be aware of cross-cultural similarities and differences and have a better

    understanding of North American culture.

    Non-mandatory Requirements and Students Responsibilities:

    1. Regular attendance is not required but recommended.

    2. Active participation in class discussion and feedback sessions is expected of all students.

    3. Completion of all the tasks the teacher assigns.

    4. Be prepared to give three oral reports on what you feel and learn from completing those


    Course Materials

    There is no required textbook or reader. The teacher will adapt teaching materials from a variety

    of sources, such as popular media (films, music, television and radio broadcasts); digital

    resources such as audio and video files from www.youtube.com; text excerpts from actual

    discourse; local newspapers (such as Collegian) and websites (such as www.statecollege.com,

    www.maps.google.com , etc. )

    Assessment and Evaluation: This is a non-grading course. However, self-assessment is

    recommended. After you finish all those tasks, you could reflect on what you learned from this

    class and these experiences. Also, the teacher will learn about your progress from your three oral

    reports and as well from ongoing observation of your performances. Besides, the teacher is more

    than willing to read or hear your reflection on this whole course if you would like to.

    Tentative Course Outline:

    Week Day Goal Objectives Activities Homework

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    Get Started

    M Give thestudents a

    general idea of

    this course andbreak the ice

    1. The students willget to know each


    2. The students will

    know thecontents and

    general structure

    of this course


    Ice breaker


    Google smtalk and ge

    little bit ide

    this topic

    Part 1: Being a Member in the Community

    Small Talk

    W The students

    will learn howto make small

    talk with others

    in English.

    1. The students will

    understand thecultural

    importance and

    norms of smalltalk.

    2. The students will

    practice common

    small talksituations.

    Watch YouTube


    Strip small talk


    Try to mak

    small talk wothers in


    situations, sas on a bus

    a caf, or incommunitycenter


    Making and



    M The students

    will be able to

    make, accept ordecline an

    invitation in


    1. The students will

    expand words

    and expressionsin making or



    2. The students willknow the

    cultural norms




    Watch movie

    clips aboutinvitation making

    Practice in pairs

    Invite your

    neighbor to

    visit your pand reflect



    Making and

    AnsweringPhone Calls I

    W The studentswill be able to

    make and

    answer phonecalls in


    1. The students willlearn about the

    culture norms of

    phone making.2. The students will

    learn usefulwords andexpressions for

    phone making.

    Video clips aboutinappropriate

    phone call

    making andanswering

    Class discussion

    about the clips

    Handouts withuseful words and


    At home,practice

    making and

    answeringphone calls

    with yourfamily, andfor their

    feedback an


  • 8/9/2019 APLNG 493 Course Development Project



    Making and

    AnsweringPhone Calls II

    M 1. The students will

    practice makingand answering

    phone calls in avariety ofsituations.

    Review the

    content of lastclass

    Role play

    This time, t

    to make phcalls with r

    native Englspeaker, suas calling


    service of WMart

    Participate in

    Local Events

    W The students

    will have an

    idea of local

    events in StateCollege.

    1. The students will

    discover the

    different types of

    local eventsavailable to them

    and as well thesources to findthese events.



    Looking through

    the events on the



    Read Colle

    and try to fi

    three event

    happenedrecently and

    prepared toshare with u


    No class

    M The student can

    use this time toreflect on what

    they learned so

    far and beprepared to give

    an oral report

    on Wednesday.

    Oral Report I W The studentswill share theirthoughts and

    reflection on the

    completion ofthe previous


    The students willsit in a circle andgive oral report in

    an informal way.

    Part 2: Being a Caring Mother



    Grocery I

    M The students

    will know

    different kinds

    of grocerystores available

    in State Collegeand the


    procedure andpractices of


    Go to

    Wegmans o

    Far Corner

    check out thdifferent

    sections ofproducts an

    do some


  • 8/9/2019 APLNG 493 Course Development Project




    Grocery II


    The studentswill be able to

    do groceryshopping bythemselves in


    1. The students willlearn common

    words and


    about groceryshopping.

    2. The students will

    practice groceryshopping in a



    (especially at the

    deli counter)

    The teacherwill arrange


    to Wegman

    please try tojoin this trip

    is a good

    chance toreally apply

    what we





    Food I

    M The studentswill learn abouta variety of


    American foodand how they

    are made.

    Sharingexperiences aboutAmerican food

    Watching two

    clips from foodchannel

    Small class


    Try to makdeviled egghome



    Food II

    W The students

    will be able to

    read Englishrecipes and as

    well write

    simple recipes.

    1. The students will

    learn common

    cooking verbs,containers, and

    quantifiers in


    2. The students will

    learn the

    commonstructure of

    recipe and

    practice writing

    one about theirfavorite food.

    Try to write

    recipe of

    making devegg or any

    other kind o

    American fyou like.




    M The students

    will know the

    commonprocedure and

    practices of


    1. The students will

    know what are

    expected on thepart of parents in

    a parents-teacher

    Watching clips

    about parent-


    Attend a


    conference applicable

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    conference. conference.

    2. The students will

    know what

    should be

    expected fromthe teacher in a



    Role play activity

    No class

    W Time to reflecton what youve

    learned in this

    second sectionand be prepared

    to give oral

    report II


    Oral Report



    Part 3: Being a Pretty Woman


    thing I

    W . 1. The studentswill know the

    popular and

    cheap places toshop cosmetics

    and clothing.

    2. The students

    will learnabout the

    popular brands

    of cosmeticsand clothing.

    Sharing theiropinion about

    favorite cosmetics

    and clothing brands

    Introduce popular

    shopping placesand website to them



    thing II

    M 1. The studentswill learn the

    common words


    cosmetics andclothing.

    2. The students

    will learn howto return



    Charade game (the

    teacher will bring avariety of cosmetics

    sample as objects)

    show the students

    one example how toreturn unwanted

    products (from

    The teacherwill arrange

    shopping tr

    to Nittany

    Mall, pleasto join this

  • 8/9/2019 APLNG 493 Course Development Project



    Having a

    Haircut I

    W The students

    will know thebarber shops

    available inState College

    and the cultural

    norms of

    getting a haircutin America.

    1. Names and

    information ofthe barber

    shops2. Common

    procedure and


    3. Factors neededto consider

    when choosing

    a barber shop

    Google maps

    Small classdiscussion

    Watching YouTube


    Go downto

    to check outhose barbe



    Having a

    haircut II

    M The studentswill be able toget a haircut in

    State College

    by themselves.

    1. The studentswill learncommon

    haircut terms


    2. The students

    will understandhair salon


    3. The studentswill be able tocommunicate

    with a barber

    to get the

    haircut shewants.

    Pair work todescribe eachothers hairstyle

    Listen to a hair

    salon conversation

    Role play

    Tell the teaif you needcompany to

    a haircut an

    the teacher be willing t

    do this

    Join the

    Fitness Club

    W The students

    will know the

    available fitnessclubs in State

    College andknow theprocedure to


    Check out the



    learn the common

    practices in a

    fitness club


    No class

    M Reflect on whatyou learned

    from this

    section and be

  • 8/9/2019 APLNG 493 Course Development Project


    prepared to giveOral report III

    Oral Report


    W Oral report

    Filling out the

    evaluation form ofthis course

    Sample One Getting a Haircut

    Lesson Plan for Day One

    Teaching Aim

    Introduce the barber shops in State College and as well cultural aspects concerning getting ahaircut.

    Learning Objectives:

    1. The student will get to know the main barber shops in State College.2. The student will know the factors they need to consider when choosing a barber shop and

    a hairdresser.

    3. The students will know the common procedure and practices of getting a haircut in


    Materials and Tools

    1. Map about barber shops in State College2. Handouts of information about barber shops in State College

    3. Handouts of common procedure and practices of getting a haircut

    4. Technology: Google Maps

    Procedure Purpose

    Small class discussion(15 min.)

    First, the teacher will ask the students several

    questions as follows:

    This small discussion is a warm-up activity and

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    Have you ever got a haircut in State College?

    If yes, which barber shop do you usually go? Ifno, where do you have your hair done? (by a

    friend or yourself?)

    Then, the students will have 10 minutes to

    discuss in pairs and then share with the rest ofthe class.

    can make the students feel relative and get


    Introduce the barber shops (20 min.)

    Show the students the map of barber shops inState College

    The teacher will provide handouts of detailed

    information about those barber shops,

    including address, contact numbers, websites,and customer reviews.

    It is necessary for the students to knowavailable barber shops in State College and

    basic information to help them make choices

    involving which barber shop to go.

    Activity: (10 min.)

    According to the barber shops information

    provided above, the teacher will ask the

    students to make a choice and explain why

    they make this choice.

    Then, the teacher and the students will discusstogether the important factors in choosing a

    barber shop and a hairdresser.

    Final Activity: Inappropriate Behaviors in

    Barber shop(20min.)

    The students will watch a funny clip aboutinappropriate behavior in a barber shop and

    then discuss why. (Mr. Bean in a barber shop)

    The teachers will inform the students the

    common procedure and practices in a barbershop.

    This can help the students know the culturaldifferences concerning getting a haircut and

    learn the North American cultural norms.

    Lesson Plan for Day Two

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    Teaching Aim

    The students will be able to get a haircut in State College by themselves.

    Learning Objectives

    1. The students will learn haircut terms and expressions.

    2. The students will understand common hair salon conversations.3. The students will be able to communicate with a barber to get the haircut she wants.

    Materials and Tools

    1. Illustrated vocabulary lists and common expressions

    2. Video and audio files3. Technology: computer

    Procedure PurposeWarm-up Activity (15 min.)

    The students will be in pairs and try to describe

    the hairstyle of each other and guess how their

    hairstyle gets done. Please write down thewords and expressions that you hear from your

    partner that you think are useful. Then, share

    with the class.

    Before the teacher really teaches the words and

    expressions, this activity gives the students an

    opportunity to try first.

    Useful words and expressions (30 min.)

    Introduce Common words and expressionsused in hair salon

    The students will read several paragraphs and

    circle the words and expressions learned. Also,

    they are expected to finish a simple multiple-choice exercise.

    Then, the students will listen to a hair salon

    conversation and fill in the blanks of the text.

    Improve listening comprehension skills

    Help them learn the meaning of these words

    and expressions in sentences and real context,

    instead of simply memorizing them

    Practice (20 min.)

    The students will do a role play activity.

    Before the students play, the teacher willprovide a model dialogue. The teacher will

    This gives the students opportunity to practice

    what they learned and help them to rememberin a meaningful way.

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    provide strips with different roles and

    instructions. Students will practice in pairs andvolunteer to show to the rest of the class.

    Relative Materials for Sample One (Getting a Haircut)

    Barber Shops Information (from www.maps.google.com)

    Barber Shops in State College, PA

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    The clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Cou0ruzwE8 (Mr. Bean in a barber shop)

    Tips for getting a great haircut:

    1. Making an appointment is generally recommended because you dont want your barber

    rush through your haircut. It is better to choose a barber who takes appointment. And,

    please be on time.

    2. Know what you want and try your best to communicate clearly to your barber. After you

    learned the terms next class, you will be able to do this.

    3. Sometimes you should listen to the barber. Barbers are paid to make you look good. If

    they give you a suggestion, you can give it a try.

    4. Dont be the first or the last. Middle in the day is better.

    5. Dont forget to tip the hairdresser. The standard tip for a barber is 15%-25%.

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    Vocabulary List

    Blow Dry

    Towel Dry





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    Thin out



    Hair gel

    Hair Spray

    Commonly Used ExpressionId like to get/have my haircut/colored/permed/straightened/curled/Cut/trim a little above the ears

    Remove the split endsTake a little off the top and sidesTrim your bangsOk, just lean back a little so I can wash your hair.I just want a simple haircut. Please, nothing fancy.

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    Getting a haircut at $7 is a decent price, muchcheaper than other places.After I cut, wash and dry your hair, I will style it alittle so your hair stays in place.

    Exercise 1 (http://www.dailyesl.com/haircut.htm)

    Read the following paragraph and circle the words and expressions mentioned above.

    I usually get them to cut a little off the top and sides, and trim off any split ends. The hairstylist

    will usually wash my hair, towel dry it, and comb my hair out before starting to cut my hair,

    then, once a year, I get a perm. I also have them add a little coloring to my hair. I have naturally

    brown hair, but I like it when its a little lighter. As a rule, I tip the hairstylist because she always

    cuts my hair the way I like it.

    I often style my hair after I get out of the shower. I first blow dry my hair, with a blower dryer,

    put some styling gel in my hair, and then comb my hair to the style I want. If I run out of hair

    gel, I use hairspray instead to make my hair stay in place. Ive noticed that Ive started graying a

    little around the years, so I might start using hair coloring to hide the gray hairs. Obviously,

    looking good is important to me.

    Exercise 2

    Complete the sentence with the best answer.

    1. I just wanted to get my hair_______, but the hairdresser took off much more than I

    wanted. Now, it will take months from my hair to grow it back.

    a. cut b. straightened c. trimmed

    2. I trimmed my daughters ______ a little because they were hanging in her eyes.

    a. Sides b. bangs c. hair

    3. The ____ at the place I always go does a great job at perming my hair.

    a. Hairstylist b. hair salon c. barber shop

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    Exercise 3 http://www.esl-lab.com/cut/cutfra.htm

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    Role Play Activity

    The sample dialogue:

    A: Hello, May I help you?

    B: Yes, I would like a haircut.

    A: Ok, I will be with you in a minute. Just take a seat.

    B: Thank you.

    A: Do you have a style you would like?

    B: Yes, I want to get my hair colored.

    A: Sure, what color do you like?

    B: Red.

    A: Ok, then lets get started.

    B: And, I want to take a little off the top and sides.

    A: Sure.

    (After the haircut)

    A: Take a look in the mirror.

    B: I like it. You are good!

    A: Thank you.

    B: The color is exactly what I want.

    A: Would you like to buy some shampoo?

    B: No, thanks.

    A: Ok then, it is $12.

    B: Thank you. I will come back again. Bye.

    A: I am glad you like it. Bye.

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    Instruction: You will get one of these strips and please find your partner to finish

    the task written on the strip. If there are still time, please exchange the role with

    your partner and do it again.

    You are Katie. You want a hairstyle like this. Please describe the

    hairstyle you want to the barber Jack.

    You are Jack. Your client Katie wants a new hairstyle. Please listen to her and try

    to figure out what kind of hairstyle she wants.

    You are Jenny. You want a hairstyle like this. Please describe the

    hairstyle you want to the barber Potter.

    You are Potter. Your client Jenny wants a new hairstyle. Please listen to her and try

    to figure out what kind of hairstyle she wants.

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    You are Cassie. You want to look like this. Please talk to your

    barber Gary.

    You are Gary. Your client wants a new hairstyle. Please listen to her and try to

    figure out what new hairstyle she wants.

    You are Ruth. You want a new hairstyle. Please talk to your

    barber Tom.

    You are Tom. Your client Ruth wants a new hairstyle. Please listen to her and try

    to figure out what new hairstyle she wants.

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    shopping experience.

    Introduce common procedure of grocery

    shopping (10 min.)

    Question and Answer Section: The students

    could ask whatever question they have aboutthe procedure, and anyone in the class can

    answer the question if they know. Besides, the

    students could add something more to theprocedure provided in the handout if necessary

    There might be cultural differences about

    grocery shopping procedure. Therefore, it isimportant for the students to know the

    American one.

    Activity: How to save money on grocery

    shopping (25 min.)

    The students will watch clip about grocery

    shopping tips.

    Then, the whole class can discuss whetherthese tips work and share with the class their

    own tips to save money on grocery shopping

    Finally, the teacher will write down the

    important shopping tips coming out from this


    Saving money is important for my housewife

    students. They will be really interested in

    learning these tips. Also, this will be reallyhelpful in their life.

    Lesson Plan for Day Two

    Teaching Aim

    The students will be able to understand grocery shopping conversation (especially at the delicounter) and communicate well in a grocery shopping context.

    Learning Objectives

    4. The students will learn common words and expressions 1about grocery shopping.

    5. The students will be able to have deli counter talk.6. The students will practice grocery shopping in a classroom simulation activity.

    Materials and Tools

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    4. Illustrated vocabulary lists and common expressions

    5. Video and audio files

    6. Technology: computer

    Procedure Purpose

    Common vocabularies (15 min.)

    Discuss handouts of common grocery

    vocabularies (not including deli vocabularies)

    It is important to know the common grocery


    Charade Game (15 min.)

    Divide the students into two groups, and


    Help the students learn words from fun

    How to talk at a deli counter (35min.)

    Show some of the Deli vocabularies to thestudents, the students dont need to remember

    these words(using


    Introduce phrases for changing your mind: In

    that case, Well if youre out of this, then.,I think Ill have _______ instead.

    Show clips of real deli interactions betweencustomers and the guys behind the counter in a

    grocery store

    Then have the students in pairs take turns

    playing the deli-counter man and the customer.

    Deli counter talk is the most difficult part ingrocery shopping. This will be helpful for the

    housewife students.

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    Relative Materials for Sample Two (Grocery Shopping)

    Main Grocery Stores in State College



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    5.Far Corners Asian Market


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    Common Sections in a Grocery Store

    Deli Counter

    A grocery store or supermarket may provide its own "deli" food, or even operate a delicatessen

    on-site. Like a market a delicatessen may also offer a selection of shelved food, often of the typethat is not likely to be kept for more than a day. Produce, when present, is limited in quantity and

    often fresh. TheDeli counterof a supermarket is where many people obtain theircold cuts.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delicatessen


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    Fresh Produce Section

    Produce means fruits and vegetables. At a grocery store, the area selling fruits and vegetables isusually called the produce section. Also, people use aproduce scale to weigh their fruits and

    vegetables. http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Produce

    Meats Section

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    Common Procedure of Grocery Shopping


    Push shopping carts down the aisles of the grocery store and put your groceries in theshopping cart.

    Select the product you need from the particular section. Use either plastic bag or paper

    bag to put the product in.

    Use the scale to weigh the product if applicable.

    Remember to read the nutrition label to make sure you are eating healthy.

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    After you get everything you want, just go to the cashier to check out. In some grocerystore as Wal-Mart, you can do self-check. In most cases, the grocery stores accept both

    cash and cards.

    How to Save Money on Grocery Shopping

    Watch the YouTube Clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4a6MrIOGDM

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    Grocery Shopping Tips

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  • 8/9/2019 APLNG 493 Course Development Project


    Grocery Shopping Vocabularies

    aisle - bakery - banknote - barcode - basket - beauty

    counter - biscuits - canned food - cashier - cash machine -

    cereals - check out - cheeses - coins - diary products -disables access - fish counter - frozen food - household

    products - meat counter - pies - recycling - scales - seafood

    - shelves - shopping carts - trolley

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    Deli Counter Phrases

    What are you gonna have?/What would you like?

    Im going to have a salami with pickle on rye

    Well in that case, Ill have a bologna sandwich on wheatWell if youre out of this, then.,

    How much do you want?

    I think I will have ...instead

    Sample Deli Counter Dialogue


    A: Good afternoon, Sir. What would you like?

    B: Good afternoon Ma'am. I want some ham that is low in fat and salt.

    A: Okay, How much do you want?

    B: Three hundred grams please.

    A: Very well. Sliced?

    B: Yes, sliced thin.

    A: Sliced like this?

    B: Yes, it's okay.

    A: Anything else, Sir?

    B: Yes, two hundred grams of baloney but sliced a little thicker.

    A: No problem, Sir. Like this?

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    B: That's perfect.

    A: Anything else, Sir?

    B: No, Ma'am, nothing more. That's everything.

    A: Here you are sir. Have a nice day.

    YouTube Clip about Real Deli Counter Interaction


