app letter for tagum city division

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  • 7/24/2019 App Letter for Tagum City Division


    CRISTY C. EPE, CESE January 26, 2014Schools Division SuperintendentTagum City Division



    rincipal!isayan !illage Central "lementary SchoolTagum City

    Dear #a$am "pe,

    %reetings o& peace and solidarity'

    This is to o&&icially e(press my intent to trans&er and to apply as a Teacher at !isayan!illage Central "lementary School'

    ) have *een a hard+oring employee at the -niversity o& Southeastern hilippinesTagum Campus as Teacher.)nstructor 1 handling ro&essional "ducation Su*/ects related to"lementary and Secondary "ducation' ) am training and closely supervising re ServiceTeachers assigned in their la*oratory schools to pursue +ith the ield Study and racticumCourses' s a regular employee, ) had *een designated as the %uidance )ncharge, ieldStudy and racticum #anager, "(tension Coordinator, esearcher and lumni Coordinator'

    ) served -Se &or almost si( 36 years and had learned &rom the di&&erente(periences and assigned tass' ) +as an adviser &or some student organi5ations such as

    the rtist %uild, -Se Chorale, ssociation o& eer Counselors and others' These tasshad polished and developed my teaching styles and strategies as +ell as the cocurricularactivities'

    ) am com&orta*le as a tertiary level teacher *ut to *e trans&erred in Dep"d agency is*ene&icial in terms o& my personal needs' ) am seeing to have a common time +ith myspouse since our schedules +ill meet &ollo+ing the same calendar o& activities, thus,spending more 7uality time &or my &amily' #oreover, my sills in #usic, Journalism and )CTmay *e o& help to the elementary students *ecause ) no+ these sills are essential &orthem to ac7uire in this very competitive society' ) am *eing de&ined o& my duties as a coachand as a leader'

    ) am +illing to su*mit mysel& &or intervie+ during the scheduled time availa*le' 8oumay reach me through connecting my mo*ile phone num*er at 09083874541'

    The undersigned is hoping &or your consideration and acceptance'



    Teacher pplicant