appeal januaky so

WANTS. In a nrst-clee- a dry goods or SITCATION bv a young mac with ex- tensive bualnest acquaintance Id West , .North etlatlaalppl and Monroe and Arkansas oounUes, Arkansas. Beat of city Address M I Hon tt-e- Js-j- aPE A good second-han- d safe. I . a. BIO VA L.L, 43 Madison at, ITCAiUN AS OVEBVekER-- On a farm lor this year; good given. Ad- - y body to boy, sell or exchange BCOK8 old 1.00a st sM .ooi.d street H B Purnilure, Feathers and SBJOOMH of all kinds t ought at Beccnu b32 HT.H1NNOTT. FOR bAUL AND CJNFt-TiOEB'- B fOSE FRUIT fixtures, aad License Included, f his Is ILe beat bargain ever oflered in Memphis. Apt ly ai ixi ime street. Jam HIIti:Re. LEAeE AL LICeNfeE of a 9 wcU-iyin- saloon will be sold at a sac-ilfi- tbia week. Apply at 16 Popiar atrect. gU-- i AM) LOI-F- or $1410 cash. Apply H 2 AVtrytuetu j..t 0. S Monroe ihteL Aply on MiXJSt. jal I .I- - a: us cosl east, a lot on v..nn - . j j . w a er. a atrttt. so M ItK. ifctl. auucvi a. aaaa carr Appr. odce s . an a aaannhie tract 01 laud lor sale or I 1 axcueuareiur dt property, eleven milts .,mjo Msuiklu. on u.t Heir-ano- o P.ack atiaan. .2u acres. APPU u w . jo 1 tlt, a Mam street. JaJ Mfnvbjut Ana 'arte Cocking t,iove, No O same as beer ana eL crrniplele, lor oae-- Apt-,,- a. Ola tiaLE Ob TO lbd Us icr oiher prop- s' erty in me city r :t aubcibs,alol on Use nor U. side oIJ neieoi- - W ss, at iwa section with Charleston avenue. Apply to V. es. cucLlfta, Ml No. 1 Mat lean Ll M" a RaILROaD HNF-- T are an licet, tnia ocrip until ftbruery the nrai. atnleij-f- i ceuts, wuta, liany "a over, It trill bs wU.or.wn irom the ibb kaM utr.a t.- - NATluAa. t)Mt. be power rorUh.etn t, Bine, tuiil bj tt-- e employee o. - - - 1 nne.. t, tuiifd l j pauy at me later air. wi-ic- tboa tne p.emlum Tnia was built :n,rn selected lualt-riaa- s, sj!u the woik ana aljle la enperior. Pur psruiuiera apply to UV at. BUaajtJa, St. M. M. A C. B. B IO. Kover One head 01 Mules Mir "rri Ml. sea Ve hitaju-- t received twt- LJoeral jiuacusuu ocered M placiers anil JaJ aaat aUili ' - HVUU aweas, suai aasasl K Ajwavs on haj-- d ana or sae- a U .ui ea any in ibe mvrkal. Apply at cm;. oi fciioadeu, vveiu.n aw.i - . xrTaTUU aut Darreis tar y Ku. t mA.iM- - Siai banak liarii Koae; aU) oarreis a.l i..r;-- n 1,1a. uarrela re.CllUiU a.11 a.rr.,1, nLinu: atu barrels London lAdiee: BOt oarrt-- a 1.1011 otta. . C.LIION, IsutaOS CO . dxl Nue. o. and toa h mnt street. a aJkaj 7 iia' acres on Cooper avenct . atxi-e-t rjomevard. a ill table ic aaruener butcher or milk oneineee ; svao, Ml 7 it,,, in it, !m-- i on Muu avenue, nea old Heie-a- h i,ai last onlalue the city .unite. oE, NO. ffopiai aueet. maimcNi'k laauraDle resilience. XM Je: i aaaa alru-- A nDlV Ob DretTI laea. nolS OTb-- On Waunut street, on time. Apply j at H Union st. bavOtHala dlxoiv FOR RtNT. L,' D hN Lf HAIJ K JuM- c- or gent. em n, fi om r $i to a Ju pr montn, at ti Main street. . , UkJsb,i FLACJfr-T- he - Cherry r"iase," on j May burn avenue. A HAKHaHT. BOB 11 Pnion street. israe brick licue iW feecon id SUee'.. coLlainjng Uiteen roon.a ilvvii J. it. CASH, jaS au from street icJw The very elegant t fflce now occu Oyj. d Hernando fueurance Conipai, M - HKHiann ! rill lifeatatii. BJ , eh la .ir,v lstm. aimi. me oaaement mct nnrlar aame aud ltd nte offlCOS Ul 'tslanlol. MLook,' to litiJ.v. (.KOt-KBT- r, 0 Union it., aasj m. A. rAJtavkvA, 12 MarHaoii itriet. 1 ihnii. tflice in clan ton block. App.j K 1 U. i. thUJitu, 5 17 Union a.ictt. allkT R.HlU One larzc liohl rOuUl, " UO mrio. etwUiel.'s. Acams street. .0t,S AMU DUAtiU. nics oung men oan be ae bOABt modeled wim buaru and luugicm a. 7 Monroe atieel; airy,, a leg ua ua 1 OakUi.' eleaajat front :tM!i wim r , aid. at No L aanigt Keiereuccs exccangti App.. Uau liOAKli Two verj lsuge and 11 uhilli ome ircLt itoms, Erel and aior aL(i YtxaOit x 108 tUuT. Stleei; baCll sti. tnned ior rtnUeuiau ms wife or amai tajxiiiv. lat busudera banueomeiy acexim auuattd, Hefeience fciven abd retiuiiec tLA.MiJ j wo rooms, tarnished or untar U L.tLtC, with 1.0 id, euitao.e tor aii-- n gentlemen or small laiullns, at No. 101 l'op fm st. eet. ja 1 a 00 jac ai, e larae 1001ns, Hon and back IV Wiln Duaiu. tan beoblainid by Uon. wiui leier tnce, at No. Ti siadiao, akieet, LUiT. Two mules one MUL.k-.- 6 mare mu e. years o.d; also, b.ack mre mnie. .6 nanda uigh, 4 years 01 branded J ou tne lei.Jaw. ne.urn to ure office oi aa. 'jatULL No. t Union auree-- . I16 e OW a red tow ao.d small red A.j aioiav lit rewaru wiu be paid lir he dent... at oae n.lnk.ey avence Drsl corns sortn 01 rcpiar. JalS U WuNUtai O? Ta aUK Mil. Lit. X JX) mejouig and talented Uostreaa and fenone lenei. La.- - arriveu 10 uin cuj and can be ixmsaile. lor a abort lime only ana la ti.dtwec wtab a na'.nra. lii of luie telling yoi--r .atnre, pietei t and peal life, and assets aiKOL to L) one to I cam tijnai ser 11 ner pin oan im , and Wlib severs -- ecietn tha no ..vina mortal ever knew tie ore, she wu brine uecea oc , o. ai. aiie snue; Lakea etao lafatt.on auarabieeu or no pay. t oi.anua.loii rooms are 1 ow located at tne t 1 r L. Mu' room jiq. a. TAKEfi Ur. On bnnday morning, January 14t j, a CO sssssBfl eow. al.n onu. esul. Tne cow is marktd with slit run; eir and crop ul me .en.. Tna owner can iirt tne in by ap Ulna to aVMaM McLAULT. on me lempie p a, Moid L .it ua.i Jais FOR i AlL UR RtNT. nLAKiAliull-- ki ii.kDiatrjb. near Aus X tin. lunlua county , M 'ae , on the Miaan alp pi river. Tnaue are etaj acres Of open laud stoam-atn- , and ail oincr tnlnga neeeaaary to w ia n. ai.,,- - tfUAKULiiS la OA Li in a priva e an... .or JJge itiemanw;tn good ,e erence. lb a omce . . (i Hli.Ma- - Nice board, ti day or was fa rout rooms, bed or unfurnisbeo. to rent, with boetid, at 171 Main siieei, up tains dab FiiUMO. Let CAfH-Ow- aer can nave tt bv prov Air property and paying 1 r tut advr-llaa- en1. I' quire at a yaanomoe. THE APPfcAL IN THE CITY. as waUrn the llavlly Appeal ra The DaTXT Attkal can be had every mora- - lay aj. tne loUOWlug-usiua- places in me cjl . At AiFtaL jounUng-Koom- , 14 Union street. At the news-atan- d of Joe Locke, No. iMX Main street. At the news-stan- d of W. J. Manaford, corner Of tSeoond and Monroe aueeta. At the uews-etan- d in the reabody hoteL At the news-atan- d in the commercial hoteL At the newa-atan- d in the wvrebam bouse. At the news-alan- d in the Overton hoteL At the new- - bd in the .Southern hotel. At the new - . d of Kmmona A bon. No. 10 JesTerson atr - At the newa-etao- d of Wm. Bplokemagle, cor- ner of Fourth and Poplar alreeU the bews-Ma- ul 00 bt. Louis whsrfboat, tt the news-atan- d at Lanier A Kldridge'a, BeoouU a treat, near Madison. At the newa-etau- d 01 Uobbday, on Beale street, near Main. At the newe-stan- d at the Railroad depots. At the news-atan- d on tha Memphis and Llt-u- a Rock w bar fboat. Atboutb Memphis news-depo- t. No. SO Beale street, near tjecond. At Ja. cwwtnVaBK Main street, near Mad-aeo- . a.-- - . At raui wnsnt s, a "" aum. At M Jobnatou'r; utws-eUn- u 4 I Mam street, Waidran B.ock. LOCAL NEWS. --CO to Led din a College. Attend raobeklaon'a Business Colleare. Tbtkv CWbblsa, brlcJOayer, 4 Main street Armstrong'h FhoUarapLUc Uallery , No. 211 sfain streeU Three avalliese gaim pletnrea lor fifty cents. Cobb find ipiii wood t red coed rales at N- - 70 ?A8LAUQHTER CO. Bilks -- BlacJt and evenluf hadss; said 10 spId. rlrLok btbagi co.. Opposite Pea body hotel. "NKTJKII." U kept t.y ajTTiW-eina- s ttrsg- - . ... rtr Rnu'n rlrenary, tortMe MlUlon-Marrt- age Uuiot Zlb anouier column. It ehouid oe reao i, siesortuient of Kbh-tock- y complete J BARS -- A and eaw e'n manafaclur-- . faPBBD. TAYLOR, STRANGE A CO., Oppose eAb-- dr betes. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. F. S. Chanfrau at the theater Monday night. Fiftv nenta will he riven for a oodv of the Daily Appbal dated July 4, 1871 -- We are Indebted to Mr. Lp, of the Southern Express company for a file of New York papers in advance of the mall. Professor Fox, a new addition to oar musical circles, will open a free sieging school for young ladles at the Greenlaw opera-hous- A great number of the stockholders oi the Memphis and Charleston railroad went home last evening refolding at the proposed future dividends. We have received the card of Smith & Biggs, steam-engin- e and cotton-pres- s builders, of St. Louis. It is a beautiful card and they are enterprising men. The new edinoe of the Baptist church in Lagrange, Tennessee, will be dedi cated with appropriate service the second Sabbath in next month (February) Ser mon by the Rev. Dr. Tichenor, of this city Mrs. Johnson who lives in the south ern part of the city, took an extra dose of laudanum, a day or two ago, and wonld have died had not Dr. H. J. Shaw arrived in time to pump out the fatal liquid. Mrs. Johnson la now slowly recovering Somebody elrcnlated a report that John Smith, Eq , had been pat on the police, the consequence of which was thst sbout twenty nice-lookin- g men of various Seres visited oar office to ascertain the truth of the statement. Each on of them thought he was the lucky person himself. John Sturla, ofthe Invincible saloon, felt flattered yesterday. About a dosen of those gentlemen who had been attend ing the railroad convention went into his saloon ana tola mm tnat us was toe only place in the city where they could get satisfactory liquor, and they, therefore, purchased a bottle, each, of his best whisky. Desiring to honor the memory of a man who was bound to them by the clos- est ties of friendship, the surviving mem-be- of Invincible Fire Company No, Five, will attend the funeral of the late J. C. Hoist, morning, in A notloe elsewhere in this paper will give tne r ur ana pisoe of meeting. The commissioners who were appoint ed bv an act of the legislature to hold in election to ascertain the tense of the peo pie on the subject of creating the new countv of NeshoDa,nave indefinitely post poced the election which was advertised to take place last Saturday. There was everv prospect that the new county pro ject would nave failed. The merchants are paying in their privilege tax to Captain J. Harvey Mathee without making up their estimate of the largest stock held during the year. There is an understanding between the mer chants and the that the for mer are to pay in their taxes witheut swearing to the highest stock on hand daring the year, until a decision can be bad in the 00 arts. Two persons who hsd been in "dur ance vile" for some time in the county jsil got out on writs of habeas corpus yes terday. KDsa rteea, a negro, who was ac cased of stealing clothing, was released by Judge Halsey. William Ashton, who hsd oeen sent to jail by the recorder for stealing two blankets in Crittenden county, three weeks ago, was liberated by Judge HeiskelL, there being no proof against aim. Memphis is becoming a great market for wines and liquors, as well as for cot ton, w ithin two years oar business in this line has more than kept pace with the advance of oar other interests This is entirely dae to the discrimination and liberal dealing of oar Liquor mer chants, chief among whom is John Liiny 361 Main street, who imports largely of the finest wines, brandies, cordials, ales, Dublin porter and rye whisky. He is agent for the celebrated Kettle whisky The decision by the commissioner of Internal revenue, a synopsis of which ap peared in our telegraph columns a few days since, regarding liquor dealers wholesaling and retailing, is as follows : "A liquor dealer wholesaling and retail ing, may set aside packages for retailing and enter them as sold by blm as s whole saler to himself as a retailer, but cannot wholesale and retail from the same pack age. When a party carries on the busi ness of wholesale and retail liquor dealer on the same premises, he may take credit on this account for spirits disposed of at retail, which he has entered ss received. by setting aside packages from which to draw for retail only, and entering them as disposed of to himself aa retail dealer." The hardness of s colored cranium is astonishing, Yesterday a line type of that class, astride a mustang pony, rode in Union street very nonchalantly until be reached the corner of Desoto, bat there bis troubles commenced. Some lime was in course of preparation for building pur poses, from which a thick vapor curled up toward tne sky. The pony halted, and could not bv such persuasions as whip and spur he induced to pass the column of as- cending vapor. He backed and cavorted. First be retrograded upon a buggy, the wheels 01 wnion ne pattered with lis hoofs until be demolished them Th- - n he fought, in the same manner, a cotton dray, bat it demoliahed him. He fjught, however, antil his whole rear defenses were swept away. Not being left a leg to stand 00, of course he let the supercargo fall to the ground. The wheels of tne dray passed over the supercargo's head but the wheel slipped cfl tbe cranisl pro tuberance as it wonld neve slipped from a lsrge-siz9- d paving-stone- . Tbe scalp was torn eff, and an artery severed, which was united agate a lew minutes alter ward by Dr. Purneil. The people who witnessed the catastrophe expec.ed to nee the ne gro's skull crashed. The weight of a dray and five bales of cotton would appear to be more than sufficient to break any ordi nary neaa. PERSONAL. Tee immortal "J. N." dignified the asocknoiaers convention yesterday by nn impressive presenoe, it is not aston ishing, tnereiore, tnat tne pressure was lifted and the veil removed, that tbe stockholders saw bow their own and the country 's interests were identical More over, ''J. N," is the friend of Tom Soott who has an accurate apprehension of the worth and broad enlightened views of "J N." He it was who did justice to the valor of both armies, and was a martyr to generosity, lie lifted the veil, and Trath In all her nakedness stood, like a tnus de Medici, beiore an admiring world. Tbe Sooth accepts this part of J. . a ' theory, ne wishes now to be understood, and therefore this clear and unmistakeable exposition of philan thropic plans. He still Insists that the South and North both were right from their standpoints, and on this basis he proposes to reconcile the country, W. H. QuABTKRXAir, traveling aecger agent of the Iron Mountain railroad, is to town on business for his road. Mr. Quarterman is spoken of to as an a gentleman who has to the fullest extent the confidence of his company and r llroad men generally. PBBsiDBifT Thomas, of the Padaoah and Louisville railroad, is at the Peabody hotel, whence about one hundred stock holders, delighted with Memphis, took their depariure yesterday. MYSTERIOUS CASE. A Ma found Searly Dead at Ike 4Baa ease. Night before last policeman Riser was notified, after twelve o'clock, that some p-- fellow was lying at tbe gasbonae in raageroos condition, raiser end his partner went to the place Indicated and found a person lying on the ground groan ing, ana apparently eunering very much. He could make no reply to their Inquiries. They procured a hick and took him to tbe slat ion house, sergeant Haggerty exam ined the case and discovered that the man was scalded almost to death. His whole back was one blister He had no coat 01 veat on, and his shirt was torn. The sergeant sent him oat to the city hospital. On the way he told the DOlieemen that his name was Ryan, and thst he had been in the city bat a lew days, lie ecuid not ten them more. t is thought mat ne lay down at the oil works, where s steam pipe occasionally discharges hot vapor, and while asleep the pipe commenced discharging. He then strayed away to the gaabouse Is search of shelter. He died that night. What checkered history waa his may, perhaps, never be known. " SCALPING.' It is said that "scalping" is still prac ticed by tome hack drivers. The Hack-men- 's association promised to atop it by provocating tne nm one tnat should hap- pen to charged with that orlme. The "scalper" is nothing mo:o nor Lees than s cheat who takes advantage of the help- lessness or ignorance of those who deal with blm. Her is a case for tbe'Hsck as- sociation: Yesterday Jockey Elftn, atitu Charles Barns.of hack Wo. St, waa arrested tor overcharging. It appears thst Jockey sot a load at the Charleston depot yester day consisting of C ve men, whom be drove to the river. He charged them ts &0 each, which they paid. After the "scalper" bad driven oil the gentlemen began to talk among themselves and aay that the charge was too high- - They told s policeman, who went with them to Jockey's place. He was not tbtrs. They, however, followed nla trail, and oame upon him In the Lea- ner bouse, where they lound him asleep ard identified blm at onoe. He was tskea to the stetionhouse and had to pat up a lorfeit of KB. Subsequently it was discov ered that he had charged a person f 15 early that meruing for driving to one of the de pots, if these grave charges oe trca, ttaej show s state of things well calculated, to denzorslite tb hacc nnajaasg is uus ctty 4 THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL SATURDAY, JANUAKY SO. 187Q. THE NEW POLICE FORCE. A List of the 4Dfiys eiaardiaaa tear the eat Two Teeurs, or Din-lag-; IBwotl vler. The police board have finished their first great labor, with the result below. Tbe names will be canvassed by all our citixsns this morning, and criticism and commendation will he the topic of con versation for several days. It was no eaiy task to pick out the police, as they now are constituted, from the vast list of ap plicants that were sent in. me police board have done a good work. It will be seen thst the force is not as numerous as last year: ' B1BF OF POLICB Philip R Athey. CAPTAWS. Q. K. Weatherford. J. M. Pendergrast SBBOXATS, C. F. Smith. Peter Haggerty. Pat. McElroy. R F. Arata. STATIONHOrjcB EES PER John Mageveney, with two assistants E J. Forrest and J . V. ureen. TURNEF. YS John Toomey Thomas Oarvey. PATROLMEN. Arlt, C. W. Harper, Jno. Biker, Thoe. Jenny, J. S. Bsine, John. Jenny, F. W. Birmingham. F. Krocker, F. Britton, John. Kunhol.z, t Boyd, A. M. Riser, J. J. Brown, H. Mahoney, T. Br iWD, W. M. Maloney, Pat. Butler, M. C. Maloney, M. Oarmicfasel, T Maloney, Pete, deary, Jas. Manael, R. O. Clements, H. Mo Bride, T. Clegg, Jas. McPartland, J. Couch, . McCormack, T. Oolllns, T. McAuliff, E. Costello, W. M. McNulty, M. Caslck, Kane. McDonough, J. Culleo, H. D. MoMahon, P. O. Cogbill, T. C. McKenny, J. Dowllng. El. Noll, H. D 3ugherty, Jno. Neal, John. Divis, W. C. O'NellJ, W. J. Dillon, Jno. Palmer, A. Duffy, P. H. Rice, Jos. Elliott, Robt. Kodgers, W. 8. Flatley, Ed. Roach, D. Festiertton, W. Ryan, Jss Fittrerald, J. Soanlan, 8 W. Farrell, H. Sheehan, P. Fi:zzibbon, J. Shepperd, R D. God ard, J. W. Schlick, C. Olaucsy, Jno. Somers, T. M. Oeitzsodanor, J. Scott, Jas. Hemple, H. Sullivan, J. Hackett, P. Sylvatus, L. Hope, Tim. Tsggart, Bob. Homan, W. M THE DETECTIVE FORCE Has not as yet been appointed. Indeed, reoort hath it that the municipal author! ties are considering tbe expediency of doing away with this branch of police ser vice, TEE RANK AND FILB Foot up, as the list now stands, a force of elgbty-nv- e men, out win proDsoiy De in- creased to ninety or ninety-fiv- e men be fore the department is considered strong enough in numbers for the requirements oi the city. EPISCOPAL VISITATIONS. List or the Appointments of Bight lev Bishop yaintnrd. Annexed is a list of the appointments of Right Kev. Bishop uuintard : Shelbyville, Tuesday, January 23 Church of the Redeemer. Edgefield, Thursday. January 25 St. Anne's church. Nashville, Septcagesima Morning Church of the Advent; afternoon, Church of the Holy Trinitv: night, Christ church Franklin, Tuesday, January 30 St. Paul's church. Ash wood, Thursday, February 1 St, John's church. "Columbia, SexsgeBlma St. Peter's church. Pulaski, Tuesday, Ftbruary 6 Church of The Messiah. Somervllle and Lagrange, Thursday, February e to Uuinqnag'sima. Bolivar, Ash Wednesday St. James' church. Jackson, first Sunday in Lent St Lnk6's church. Humboldt, fitth day of Lent, February 19th. Trenton, sixth day of Lent, February 20 Union City, seventh day of Lent, Feb ruary 21. Dyersburg, ninth day of Lent, Febru ary 28 Memph s, seomd Sunday iu Len- t- Morning. St. Marys' cathedral; night, Calvary cburcb. Boctyn, twelfth day of Lent, February 27 St. John a chcrch. Oolilerviile, fourteenth day of Lent, February i9 Mason, third Sunday in Lent Trinity ennrcr.. Covington, eighteenth day of Lent, March 5 St. Matthew's church. Brownsville, fourth Sunday in Lent zion church. 8ewance, twenty-fift- h day of Lent, March 13. Memphis, Sunday before Eiater Morn ing, St. Lauras church; night, Orsce church. Memphis. Easter Day Morning, St Marys cathedral; night. Church of The Good Shepherd. THE VALLEY OF DEATH. Atlemptnl Bobbery and Harder In N oa con nali He I torn. Yesterday, Mr. William Searcy, who lives four miles from the city on the Non connsh road, had a piece taken oat of the shoulder of his coat by a pistol ballet. which a villainous negro fired at him while on his wsy home. Mr. Searcy had been to the city with a load of charcoal, when he was stopped in the valley by a negro whom be had never seen before. The negro waa armed with a pistol, and demanded Mr. Searcy's money or his life Mr. Searcy rammed his hand into his pocket and commenced fumbling about for his ohange. The highwayman thought him wanting in promptitude, and con cluded to shoot. He deliberately aimed hie pistol at Searcy's head and hred. The ball struck the intended victim's coat cutting fa pieoe out of the left shoal der. a for.uitoas jerk 01 the nesa to tne right was the means of ssving sir Searcy's life, lor otherwise the ouiiet would have passed through bis neck. The diabolical negro then took to his heels Mr. Searcy picked up a shovel from the bottom of his wagon, lamped oat ana succeeded in giving the retreating as sin s blow on tbe head thst he will re member for several weeks. He continued to run, however, snd Searcy did not deem it proper to follow him. CHEERFUL Biasings of a Memphis Philosopher The idea still possesses the fsncies of many good people that the Mississippi begins its subterrsnesn course at the mouth of Wolf, and flows under Court Square. They say there is not space enough between tne bium and the bead land tatting out from the Arkansas shore to contain the body of water that descends the channel. Therefore a philosopher on Second street hss been investigating the subject, and in bis experiments uses a common globe, showing by its revolution thst the water la thrown with great force by tbe earth s violent rotary motion against the pastern shore. This fact ac counts satisfactorily for the cave beneath this city, which has so excited the envy o Kuoxville and caused a mighty cavern to be dag by newspaper fancy beneath that venerable village It la a somewhat curions fact that tbe bluffs at Columbus, Kentucky; at Fort Pillow, Randolph and Memphis, since 1861, have been constantly abraded by the river current. The earth's motion is about eight hundred miles an hour at Memphis, and if this rotsry force is im- parted to the water and expended sgsinst the inundations of Memphis, ths Missis sippi will yet find its wsy to Oermantown. these are the terrible results contem- plated by our Second street philosopher A SUIT. Now that it is decided that Alexia is to have a grand ball it will be a matter of prime importance with oar beaux where to get their dress sails. We ssy Wsggen-er'- s is the place His mo' to is, commencing right is si ways essential. Keeping right is still more so. He says: "It is easier to tear down than to build op. It is a fa- tal mistake to start business and adept popular prices (which are never high) and no sooner get well on the road to success than the Idea begins to assert itself that more brent could just as wen ne obtained and as much or more business don. Any merchant or manufacturer who is so silly as to let g of a sure patronage to try such a fatal no! lev. will as surely fail in the end aa be Uvea, and his life need not be prolonged. beyond the average duration el'-be- I Waggenor, the famona merchant tailor of 317H Main street, fully under- stands this, hepoe his prions are uniform, and lhe work turned out from his estab- lishment unsurpassed La point of finish anu material. Call on A. L Hal 3b Jt Co., 38 Union street, for plants and flowers, garden- - id bot-- f ustt-es- . Take voor rail eUithlnsr to the Teraaner and Cleaning House iHunt A Haasou's old stand), Sto Seooad streeL HANBO A WAXJLKK, THE AGONY OVER. Tne Lena of tbo Memphis aad Cbarlesi- - tB BaUroad to the OBahoiBi fje. airily Couapaay Katifled. Total Vote eg festered. 144.0OO Voted, II.6-"Aye- ," lOwJMB; -- Is," 18,82s B ajorlty far Lease. 81,034. CioslBar-lT- p the Business ProleM at iesrneral Bradley,! Ma Ola aa Am- nesty Bes.laUeaM of Gover- nor PattoB. The stockholders of the Memphis and Charleston railroad met In Assembly hall yesterday morning at ten o'clock, railroad time, agreeably to adjournment. Judge Clayton in the chair. uovernor ratton at onoe moved a sus pension of the pending vote on the minority report, and proposed that the main question be substituted. The motion was carried and the vote taken on the ma- jority report, those in favor of it voting " aye " and these opposed " no." Yonne ate. The shares voted in favor of the propo- sition were as follows: Its PERSON. Boswell Hlne, 829; A M Cayton, 100; J D Todd, 42; J H McClelland, 44; Suian E Cooper, 702; M W Guy, 221; J W n, 641; Emma 8 Aldridge, 702; W E Tomlinson, 48; Mrs E O Tomiinson, 16 Sam Mosby, 188; C F Smith, I860; Sam Tate, 19; Jane Morrison, 85; J M Walliice, 402; Florence Weeley an University, tJ50; EP McNeal, 170; A H Jones, 41; SaOlle Brewster, Ab; Alice Brewster, 36; C Brew- ster, 30; Fred F Jones, 40; Susan H Jo aee, 40; Mary P Jones, 40; P R Jones, 40; ll L Jones,40; J A FransioladtCo,2o; J O Bailey, 42; Pitzer Miller, 461; 8 H Moore, 5; W R Larkin. 9; E H Dillard. SO: David LarklD, 448; Pleasant Brothers, 60; WB Waldran, 1620; E M Mumford, 6342; JR Keasnover, 36; John Katner and others, 686; Geo Robinson, 44; T B Mlcou, 160; T B Micou, for Toby, 60; W B Miller, 60: S H Toby, 1349; R V Taylor, 42; D B Mol-- loy, 62; Memphis Life and Genera) Insur- ance company. 160; HE Jackson. 118C: W W Garth, 237; J W Garth, by WW Garth, 445; Maria T Garth, by W W Garth, 980; Winston Garth, by W W Garth, 80; Garth, Ex, 272; J L Norton,40D; Norton, Slaughter it Co, 1610; C A Taylor, 80; M J Wicks, 2400; R O Brlnkley, 4208; 8 H Toby, 47; Thomas Joiner, 21; M P Jarnagln, 48; Fordyoe fc Risoo, 666; C F M Dancy, 248; Sallle D Dancy, 26; H D Bulkley, 200; J A Ford 71; J T Pattile, 120; M A Allen 8; T J Neal, 42; Thomas Fisher, 95; Norton, Wis dom 4 Co, 2000; J T Swayne, 8; JJ Mc- - Davitt, 400; Mary J McDavltt, 200. BT PROXY. Votbd by M. J. Wicks. James R Brown, 219; Lucy E Dowdy, 21; O Davis, 20; M S Mcuomb, 40; J S Mur rell, 42; Mrs A V Murrell, 42; A J Hatchlns, 10; 8 8 Wallace, 100: RT Mo Coy, 1940; Charles F McCoy, 1860; John Knox, 4; John Cubbins, 8; William B Woodruff, 8; W P Hszzird, 10; M J O'Brien, 30; Miss M A Wallace, 268; B H Rice. 360; W W Rice, 200; John J Oop-ll- 7969; F B Carr, 21 ; Adams, Spratt & Co, 866; A M Stephens, 80; John P King. 706; George Patterson, 8; Thomas S Newlin, 341; 8 8 Rice, 320; Joseph rrioe, 47; A s Jar vis, 11,315; H B Dillard. 85: J H Nance, 21; Henry E Grannis, 200; J W Jefferson, 136: Caleb Cope, 213; Wilmor, uampbell x Oo , 37; W J Semmes, 240; Cornelia Brandon, 42; Miles White, 213; EH Caldwell, 42; JP Steger, 8; f L Bethel. 5703; William John son, 1214; C Johnson, 1648; L8 Tarbox, 46; TS Msrr, 38; B F White, 3:8; William H Stephens, 120. E Richardson, 102; Mrs. Logwood, 12; J E Douglas, 10; JJ Mitchell, 384; 8A Chambers,?; Annie Bady, 80: E8 Jarey A Co., 360; JJ Freeman, eO; E Morion, 24; John Overton, Sr , 2442; Ewing, on a to., so; a j liar too, 602 ; Jessie Irwin, 50 ; W W Thatcher 234; D W Bowman 1600; L Bills, 882; Jss Mullner, 53; F W Smith, 300; W B Newall, 461; A J Bermam, 40; W Desman, 61; William Dickson, 1190; R Moore. 85; K Haeakill, 146; B W Bedford, 20; U J Ccx, 17; AU Settle, 13: A Vaocaro, 25; Levy 4 Bog, 1400; Manhattan bank, 950; J CN Robertson, 80; John Robertson, 32; John Carr, 880; H Bensdoifi, 30; 8 H Hinton's estate, 17; B D Lusalon, 751 ; B D Lasaion, treasurer, 100; B D Lasaion, treasurer, 65; T J Robertson, 200; E a Soaife, 200; Martha Patton, 400; George 8 Hnston, 42; William A Hlne, 43; R C David, 46; E Hine, IS; E D Vassa, 265; E R Roberts, 101; James Fennell, 6; B Feam. 172; LL Fesm, 172; H Mitchell, 2 A B Dillswortb, 109; OM O'Neal, 101; J F Hargraves. 44; B Franklin. 21 ; John F Abernatby, 746; H J Pride. 100; JJ Mur- phy, 803; Memphis bank, 16; Sasan Hathaway. 9; W H Cherry, 211; B F Litt- - tle, 22; M L Thornton, 8: M H M Rey- nolds, 133; W F Dancy, 1421; K Hogan, 85; R S McRsynolds, 37; H P.Mayberrv, 34; H B Plant, 100; E M Dawson, 400; X B Kayiana, 614; T H. Brandbam, 400 Abert, Johnson A Co., 42 ; B Blnford, 8 James Chiles, 524; M Irwin, 218; MA Judkins, 20; H C Lsy, 25 ; C R Rountree, 72; E B Sanders, 693; McCombs, Keller 4 Byrnea, 200; UW Norton, 1831; CA Dea-ve- r, 21 ; W L Bacon. 129; J 8 Taylor, 170; H S Taylor, 46; L dc J Hanauer, 42; Saboolfield 4 Hanauer, 32; M A R bod, 29; C C Sale, 56; Mostly 4 Pickens. 42: H L Clay, 467; U D Newoombe, 853; Thomas Masters n, fcS; WB Wllkerson, 42; E E Clark, SO,'; McClellan 4 Frank, 80; Man- hattan hank, 940. estate of J E Youn 6; M Sorman. 34; SO Alexander, 46; 8 J Neal. 123; Q 0 Atkinson, 400; R C Gam- ble, 86; B M Estes, 920; J C Neoley, 400; JJ Dement, 68. YOTIBe BO. The following are the votes that were oast In the negative: nr pbrson. AA Burleson, 285; Burleson, Pattison 4 Co, 256; Hamlin O dwell, 479; E H Steyer, 21; M Harkins, 133; D S Pattison, 660; J J Donovan, 1202; Pattison, Donovan 4 Co, 113; Donovan 4 Cablness, 266; R W Pat-to- n, by R M P, 200; R M Patton, 15; R M Patton, president, 106; AA Burleson, guardian, 120. BY PROXY. John Snotigraae, 812; John H Maddox, 12; William M Maddox, 12; E L Maddox. 12; W Delanoy, 42: D K Caldwell. 8; J M Nitherland, 8: EM Klrby, 21; W D irKS,Z26; WEakln,85; V M Robinson. 42; Madison county, 6883; Joseph Ward, 42; M A Johnson, 38; Martha J Burleson, 40; M E Burleson, 40; Laura J Burleson, 40; R Smiley, 170; W K Byrd, 17; Isa bella Bradley, 181; M Harkins. 426; E J Kasiner, 10; Ford, Porter 4 Co., 400; Amelia Crawford. 823; A O Griffin, 42; 0 P Osbbinlss, 272, Fanny Doneean, 400; S W Donegan, 240 ; J B Patton, 200; Samuel Peete, 572; Jane P By son, 800; Luoy Byson, 808 ; E P By-so- 800; at A. Crews, 253; M, P. Coles, 109; Josiah Chapman, 23; Alberta Chap- man, 23; J H Martin, 418; Frank Martin, 17. B EC A PI rl I. AT I O.N Total of "ayee" by proxy 67.482 Total of "ayes" in person 33 880 Grand total 100,862 Total of "noes' by proxy.. 15,082 Totsl of "noes" In person. . 3,746 Grsnd total 18,828 Grand total of "ayes" ...100,882 Grand total of "noes" .... 18,828 Majority for lease 82,034 The total vote registered wan 144,030, of which ii,ow were voted. When the result of the votir g was an nounoed by the chair, Joseph C. Bradley of Madison county. Alabama, offered the following protest : The undersigned, a proxy, representing in this convention the county or Madison State of Alabama,does not feel that he has discharged his duty to his principal with oat adding to his vote agairuit the pro- - prosed contract with tne southern rial; way company a dnal protest. The county aforesaid . la . advised . . tnat . tne r proposed m . . contract is, in all its parts, illegal, and in contravention oi the rights of the stock- holders of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad company For these reasons gen erally stated, the undersigned, as proxy lor the aforesaid county of Madison, State of Alabama, protests against the accept anoe and consummation of this proproaed contract or lease, and asks thitt the same be filed and spread upon the minutes of this convention. JOSEPH C. BRADLEY Colonel Bradley c dered auso a resolution. wnicn requires tne secretary or the con vention to fnrnish the commissioners of the county of Madison with a certified copy of the protest. On motion ct uolonel Tate, iieoonded by wicks, tne resolution wai unanimously adopted Colonel Mumiord submitted the follow ing resolutions separately. They were adopted oy a unanimous vote. Resolved, lhat the board of directors of this company be and thev are hsmhr authorized and empowered to sell and! . , a u.ui in- - a 4 aispoee or tue rxiuaaiirnue ana Manches ter ana tne southwestern D ranches of this road, in the event that the leaae to the Southern Railway Security company ia finally closed snd becomes a binding con- tract; said aale or disposition to be made noon such terms aa may be deemed bent for the interest of thli company. Buotved, That this board of directors be instructed (if the lease is Anally adopted, and any provision thereof, upon a fair construction, leaves any doubt of the amount argued therein to be paid as divi- dends being certainly paid to the stock- holders), as such, to insist upon this mat- ter being put beyond all doubt aa far aa the terms of the agreement (ran render it certain; and, If practicable, hive the same loanrted ic the proper olauas; provided, the floating debt aid all othit? LUblUtlca, except those arrowing out of the funded debt, are provided for. Six hundred copies of the proceedings were ordered to be published in pamphlet form, for distribution among the stock- holders of the road. Governor Patton submitted a vote of thanks to the chairman of the convention, Judge Clayton, and to the secretary, Mr. Moore, for their able, dignlhed and cour- teous conduct daring the meeting; also to the president and directors o? the road, and to the chairmen of the various com- mittees, and to tbe members of the press for their valuable services, which waa adopted. The convention took a recess till three o'clock, at which hour the minutes were aigned and the convention adjourned sine die. OUR MANUFACTURERS. tatey are, Waal titer Hake asS Hew it Pays them. AS Irons aad I'sasaeCrsblc Argument la Favar of aa Increase at Maaafaetartas Facilities. I have shown that we have advantages equal to, or greater than those of any other city, for manufacturing, and have suggested that the tew and limited ex- periments made or making here, prove the statement true. Let as, now, try Its correctness and go a little farther, and point directly to the proofs of what I say. Begin with our LCMBKK MANCKACTJ RER.S, Williams 4 Co., W. L Griffine 4 Co.. G M. Venable, Connell, Cochran, Zsnt and others. Has not their business proved a great succsss? Are they not shipping tamper, made by themselves, In every direction, even to the ap nver cities snd towns snd all of them have greatly prospered? Ch'cigc, cole brated as a lumber market, has not halt our facilities and advantages in this de- partment. The forests around aa and at oar doors are yet virgin, many of them not having yet heard the sound of the axe, and much of the timber being of the most valuable kind we even have, as is attested by Mr. Drew, at the Charleston railroad shops, a most sufficient eubeti tote for the magnolia, in the tapalo gam, ior car ana turnuare purposes well ss for wcoler-war- e, for which it ia already celebrated. Neal 1b the manufacturer of FCBKITORB, TRUNKS, ETC , and all articles msde of wood. The abun dant timber at hand, and of such variety and excellence, at once proves tbe facility of conducting this business at Memphis and tbe success with which it has been and is conducted, so far, is a farther and radical arzument in its favor. I refer to S iscktord, Krenkel and McCan, coopers; nappes, trunk maker; Wiggs Jt Uo., box makers; Brinckman, Suttenberg, Hoen, Keukopt ana Schmidt, cabinetmakers; Ames, Beattie 4 Co., Armstrong, Naill 4 Co., Davis, McKlnney, Bryson 4 Co., and Mitchell, rdonman ct uo., furniture man ufaoturers. CARRIAGE BCILDEBS. Woodruff 4 Co., W. 8. Bruce A Co., L S. Burr 4 Co., Bardell, Gannon 4 Dickin sm; Margan, Qainn 4 Wail see, and Van Solver. PLANING MILLS. Cubbins, Gunn 4 Coover ; William Farls (a prominent and earnest advocate of Memphis manufactures); Hewitt, Moore Eader 4 Co, ; Taffe 4 Saint, Wiggs 4 Co John Xent, and several of these manu fiCturers of saah, doors and blinds. WAOONMAKBRS, ETC. Bell, Daman, Davidson, Rash 4 Einls, Fischer, Georeenthum James 4 Rooss, Kelly, Lilly, Maurer 4 uo , mcriiernavy. Miiourn, walker st (Jo Morgan, Nale 4 Co., Roberts, Ryan ana spaniy cz uo. Is not their success most marked in quantity, quality and cheapness of work Are they excelled by the manufacturers whose goods are brought here and sold so largeiv (to the discredit of home enter prise)? Are better or cheaper carriages put up man tnose 01 wood run Jt uo.. and Bruce? They are sold all through the south, and aamirea for their utility and beauty, and yet their establishments ought to turn out forty times as much work ; and, doing so, they would accoui push more for Memphis than all the money-dealer- s in the city. And so of James and Roosa's wagons. Far and near they are sought for, and their eetabltsh ment adds more to Memphla's growth than ail Mauison street. And so of the eatab lishments of Farris. and Griffins:, and Eader, and like men. And then, also, are our af AHCFtCTCREBS IB METALIC MATERIALS, as Holt Lawless, with others Inamed boiler makers; Grader Cotton Gin and Manufacturing company, snd G. W. Payne 4 Co, gin manufacturers; Cheek, Long and a peers, otton press manufacturers Curry, Day, Ellis and Price 4 Sione engravers; Handle 4 Heath, Johnson Risk 4 Co. snd Cubbins jt Gunn, foundry men; Browne 4 Browne, Kennedy 4 Smith, Lunn snd Msllon, gas and steam pipe nttert; Ulasslck, Lockmeyer 4 Co Lullman 4 ienna, Schmidt, Schneider and Scbeuman, gunsmiths; Batteile 4 Co., rolling mill firm; Haberline stencil cutter; John L. Eichberg 4 uo., juaes, rriuce, wetter Jt uo Bering 4 Lotz), Rebstock, Risk 4 Johnson, Woltering, and others, manu lacturersof tin and ironware; and others who, in their several places, are doinz well and turning out much work, equal to that of any city. They are also of the solid builders of Memphis, the builders of s city, and of tbe class who build cities. Mallon is sending his beautiful work to the neighborhood of flfashvilie. And, again, I may Instance other im portent mechanics among us as MANUFACTURERS IM LEATHER, Lutz, Linkheur 4 Brother. E. Dolan. Callahan, Bruder and App, boot and shoe makers; j. 1. wegoie s uo , Brooks, Berry, C se, Correll, Moore 4 Peter?, Ferguson 4 Prlv tt, Bergaohicker, Tighe, Johnson and Qalgley, saddle and harness manufacturers ; Thomas 4 Gross, lesther manufacturers, and Scheibler 4 Chambers, anoe manuiaciurers. PRINTERS AND BOOK BINDERS. Pries, Jones 4 Co., A. W. Young 4 Co., Toof, Brunscwiler snd Boyle 4 Cuapman, Diana ooox manufacturers aad book binders; and F. 8. Vanhorn, jr., Beebn, rioya, tool w hit more, Boyle 4 Cbap man; Southwestern Publishing company, ana r aoe oc uo., nook ana )od printers, MILLINERS. Mrs. Quinlan, Miss Perdue, Mrs, Han ter, and many others, dressmakers and milliners, equal to those of any city; and i.auge, noop skirt manufacturer. MISCELLANEOUS. Goodyear, bleacher straw goods ; Weld 4 McHale and White 4 Cameron, broom manufacturers; reters. brush manufac turer; Piper 4 Co., Newport, Jones 4 Oo, and Cousins 4 Co, brick manufacturers ; Frost, Heinricb, snd others, candy manu facturers; Bliss, Hoffman 4 Haberer, Mergle, Steinmeyer, and Loeffal. cigar manufacturers; Wesson, Wasson, Turner, Hurd, Hinson, Blair and others, dental manufacturers; Bledsoe, Liane. Ben and others, floor and meal manufacturers; Diuiuuu a, uraver, ana Armstrong, pho tographers; Lemon, sister; Presoott and others, soap manufacturers; Suter, New- ell, Keith, Tblxton, Eysche snd makers ; Sam'l Tighe, pc fr ier; ate wart, riaico, mam !Hon and Bafc- - oock,narserymen;Fisber,Amis40o,May-dwel- , White, Margerum, Qulgley 4 Mo-ra-n, Muldoon, Bullett 4 Co. marble work ers; Hughes and Brandy, glass stalners; Cabblna 4 Gunn, mill manufacturers; snd many others. I name so many, that the public atten- tion may be directed to the fact that man- ufacturing, or creative and productive industry, aloes succeed in Memphis to so large an extent, and so may and ought to be conducted, in all these departments, to the tall extent of the demand for the articles produced. And I repeat that, under oar circumstances, wiih our cli- mate, with the material at hand, with our cheap living, with all these facilities fair- ly erowding upon us, it Is a shame, un- qualified shame, that the steamboats and railroads coming to the city from above should De loaded down with every and any article above named ! It will be an inexplicable, anexcussble disgrace if. hereafter, we fall to manufacture our cotton and woolen goods, our plows brooms, bedsteads and chairs, and alt farming and household wares aye, and ship tbem swsy by river and rail ship cotton goods north, even to Lowell ! Will any one estimste tbe money we send sway for these things that we oan and. to some extent, do manufacture here? And then estimate the money we would bring aer oy manufacturing ana sending oil tbe same amount? E nor moos sums Yet, all this latter is to be right here at Memphis. Bat this article is only in tended to show what we can do. bv wav of Indicating what we should i'o, hereaf ter. THE IMPORTANT P0IMT, in tne proper treatment ot disease or lameness In horses is to find out whst ia the matter. I examine and prescribe an that tbe owner oan treat almost all dla- - blmself successfully. JOS. BUSHMAN, Veterinary Surgeon, 65 Union street. THE JEFFERSON SfREtT MARKET. Dressed turkeys and chickens received fresh. A choice lot y at FUR8TENHEIM 4 HEXTER'S, 68 Jefferson street. Flannels A full line of white, soar- - let and opera. Our goods are marked in plain figures and we have only one price. armsD, ia t L,un, a 1 ti actuh; x uo.. Opposite Peabody hotel, INSANITY. Important tHarlslaa by the supreme Oaart af the State A Harder Case from Jf oatgonaery Coaaty d. Tne Plea al Iasanlty Tboroasrbly CBB-- sielered, aad Several important Folate Established. The Nashville Banner, of Wednesday, publishes a synopsis of one of the most Interesting cases, involving several Im portant points, decided in oar supreme court, on Tuesday, through Judge Nichol- son, whose opinion waa listened to by an unusually large crowd of outsiders as well as lawyers. The opinion of the learned jadge will be read with great interest throughout the entire country, since tbe plea of insanity, with all Its intricacies ot proof and oounterproof, has become to be so frequently made In cases of murder. The following are the main features of this OPIMION. Richard Dove was tried and convicted of murder In the first deirree for killing Wm. , in Montgomery county. The jury found that the murder waa com- mitted with mitigating circumstances, whereupon he was sentenced to tbe peni tentiary for life. He has appealed to this court. The BVIDBNCE deduced in the trial was ss follows: Vir- ginia Holland (whom Dove oflered to prove to be his wife by cohabitation, ac knowledgment, etc., to prevent ner bat was not granted this right, the court ruling that a marriage certifi cate or testimony of witnesses was ne cessary as proof) testified that she had been living with defendent three or four At the time of Digarins's death, Ssara. witness, her two children, her mother, her sister and Digglns were, all livine in the same rcom. Dive and Digglns ate supper that night to anther, thev lauehed and talked together "and then went to bed and were so laugh- ing and talking when witness went to sleep. About two o'clock st night witness wss awakened bv the blows being siruck by Dove with an ax, and by the cries of Dlggtna." Witness saw and beard Dove strike Digging two or three blowa. "Dove said. ' now vou see what I have done have done many a one that way.' " Dove letrched for money, and said he wanted it to travel on; took Diggina's knife, pat it in his pocket and threw a blanket oyer Die tries. He told witness he could no' leave her to witness against him, and aaid, " if you don't go with me I shall see the last of all of vou: you shan't be left for wit ness aeainst me." Witness, Dive snd her two children then went into the woods. where thev remained all day. Dove keep ing the knife in his band and saying he would kill witness If she tried to leave him. Late in the evening she found refuge with two gentlemen whom she chanced Ito see. Dove was once "jealous of Digglns, but he had been satisfied of that. Digglns was an old, gray-heade- d man, about sixty years old. He wss auler. srood old man. while Dove was very passionate man, -o- i-en got very mwi without any cause, would be violent when no one bad tron bled him ;" frequently aaid he would have somebody s blood, throw ins his arms wildly about, and ?uch things, Had attempted to strike old Digglns be fore without provocation, ne often com plained of headaches ; to complained during- the dsy before Diggins's death. 1 answer to whether she thought Dove sans or lnsane,ahe said she never saw anything wrong about him. Sarah Holland, Virginia's mother, gave about the same testimony in substance, Martin proved thst witness was s lazy trifling man; a strange man; nobody knew him. Witness never knew him, though he had lived with him. Talley worked with Dove. He never bad much to say. Had hear! bm ssy, "he would kill any man who didn't work for himself, bat made other people work for him " He said Digglns didn't work for himself. James Andrews, T. J. Sly and Jeff Woo-te- n testified to the strange charac er of Dove. Patsy Oczzart, a sister of Dove, testified that he was born in Alabama, was a cier for one Norman in Nashville for a year or two. and while in Nashvilie received bad wound on his head, was damaged from the wound, talked Incoherently, and con siantly complained of his bead, at that time about niteen years ago. TESTIMONY OF MEDICAL EXPEBTS Experts were introduced, among them Dr. D. P. Wright, who had examined Dove's head and found it had suffered, i seemed, two injuries, one on the righ side, lust below the crown. "The skull has been fractured and a portion of the bone Is depressed upon the brain ; tbe de pressed portion is fractured about the ceuter and a piece of tbe skull bone is broken off, which protrude&l through the fracture and is now sticking down upon the brain." Witness thought that such an injury must produce, more or less, a diseased mind, which might remain dor mant an indefinite period, or might be re vealed by paroxismal insanity, which kind of insanity would be that moat likely to follow such a coarse. During lucid inter vals In such esses "the patient might appear reasonae y rational, and might converse with intelligence." its symp toms were moodiness, love of solitude passion without apparent cause, etc, Such persons often commit the worst of crimes on those they love beat or who are a thing of Indifference to them, while they are conscious of the crime and of tbe penalty. An effort to escape or conceal the crime wonld not be evidence of sanity, Upon reading a written synopsis of the facti aa proved In this case, relative to Dove's mind, witness gave it aa his opinion that the strong probability was that "he was insane at the time of the commission of the crime.' O.her doctors concur fully with Dr. Wright In his opinion of the same hypothetical state 01 facts. HABQE OF THE OIRCOTT JUDGE. Af er charging the law correctly as to the several grades or nomicioe, ice circuit ludge Instructed the ary ss to the ae tense of Insanity as follows: "The law presumes s man to be sane until the con trary is proven. The evidence of the in sanity of the defendant mast oe so clear and satisfactory as to overturn the pre sumption of the law m favor of Insanity as it is required to overturn tnat of inno oence. it the testimony leaves only doubtful question se to whether he w insane at tne time of the killing, the pre sumption of the law turns the scale In favor of the sanity of the defendant, in such case the law holds tbe defendant re- sponsible for his seta." sees xhe proof ot Insanity, to acquit, should be clear aa that of murder to convict. DECISION OF THE SUPBEMB OOUBT. Judge Nicholson alluded to several errors assigned In the case. He ruled that tbe criminal court had full jurisdic tlon in the esse With regard to the testimony cf Virginia Holland, U was refused to examine her on her voir dire. and on being allowed to produce proof of the marriage aliunde, tne defense did not undertake It. The court rightly admitted her testimony. It waa objected to that witnesses should be asked their opinion as to the insanity ct Dove. "The rejec tion of theoplnions of the witnesses, based upon the facts and circumstances stated by them, waa erroneous. ia this con nection are cited Oibson vs Gibson, 9 xerg. 3W. orton vs. , Head 444. The last and most Important error assigned is as to that portion ot the charge of the judge which, among other things, held that the defense ot insanity, to be avail- able, most be proved beyond a reasonable donbt. "It is conceded that this charge is sustained oy nngusn cases and oy oases In a fe w of the States, but it is certain that it la in contraven ion of a large number of decisions in other States of tbe Union." J There has been no exactly similar case in Tennessee, but the principles laid down In 3 Yerg. 283, and since followed, govern. Ths opinions referred to are by Judges Catron, Oreen and Peck. And from that time to the present the law has been settled in our State tbat if the proof fails to generate full conviction of every material ingredient constituting the crime of murder, the defendant must b acquitted." Aocording to Coke, a per son to be guilty of mardtr mast be of "sound memory and discretion." It may be safely stated that no person, who can- not distinguish between good and evil and who has no oonsc'.ousnees of doing wrong oan commit murder. The law presumes every one to be of sound mlrd, therefore, If this deiendant relied upon the plea of insanity, the harden or the proof la this devolved upon him. it tne accused sane he could act "willfully, maliciously, premeditatedlv," all Ingredients essential in murder, and ail must be proved beyond reasonable doubt. "But suppose the proof makes it an even balance in tne minds of the jury, whether the defendant waa sane or Insane; how, in that state of doubt, could the lory find that the defend ant did the killing willfully, deliberately. maliciously and premeditately ? They are in uouot wneiner ne be 01 sound mind and discretion, of course they must doubt whether he could have done the killing wuuuiiy, mauciousiy, aeiioerateiy and premedltatedly. "When the proof of in sanity makes an equipoise, the presump tion of sanity Is neutralised, it is over- turned, it ceases to welsh, and the iurv are In reasonable donbt. How then can a presumption whioh has been neutralize! be resorted to to tarn the scale? In reading the evidenoe one would feel shocked with the enormity of this orlme if he aaanmarl that the defendant was of sound mind. There was entire friendship between the parties. The jar; found extenuating circumstances. Yet the defendant waa sentenced to work hard for Ufa. Tha Judge stated that the records had oeen sear on ea in vain, out no aem-blano- e ot a mitigating circumstance had been toned. The Jury most have doubted whether the defendant waa sane, and "being instructed by the court that such doubt would not justify acquittal, they gave the defendant the benefit of this doubt," and saved him from the gal- lows. It waa suggested that the peace of tbe con u try demanded that this sentence bs confirmed, and that to torn him loose might be to have him kill number leas others. "But this la not the tribunal to which the consideration of public policy oan be appropriately addressed. Oar business Is to administer and not to make the law. The code provides that on proper and conclusive proof of insanity, the judge may order the defendant to a lunatic asylum. Oar duty is discharged In declaring that the defendant baa been onvicted and sentenced to imprison ment for life contrary to law. We reverse tbe judgment, and remand the case for another trial." NEWLY IMPORTED THIEVES- - A dans; af Art Lata from ine Bonn Come ta Wrier an their First paealatlea. Yesterday morning the police noticed a rquad of half a dozen strangers at the Ohio depot. Later in the day it was re- ported at the stationhouse that there were aome fresh thieves in the city. They were not long In developing their Intentions Three of them pat in an appearance at the Mississippi and Tennessee railroad depot, at the southern end of Main street, when a train waa about to start out. They in- quired of Mr. Ward, the ticket agent. which was tbe first station. On being told that Whitehaven la the first station on the road, they purchased tickets for that place, and entered tbe oars. They kept quiet until the train started, at which time one of them went to the door of the ladies' car, and made such a racket that the attention of the passengers in the other car was drawn to the circumstance, At that moment another one ot them stepped up to Captain Stokes, and asked him, in a load and Imperii nent voice, " Where are you going?' The Captain looked up, astonished and chagrined at the fellow's insolence, ana sua, - 1 am going to Hernando Why? What is that to you?" The stranger subsided quite rapidly, went to the door and Jumped off the car. He gave a peculiar sort of "whoop !" and then two others were seen to jump off also. Cap tain Stokes moved away from where he was with the Intention of going into the ladies' car. It was than that Mr. Cald- well told him that his watch was gone that he had seen "that fellow" take it, but did not know what he was at. Captain Stokes looked down, and aaw his watch- - chain hanging out and the watch gone a nne gold one worth llrxi He had the train stopped Immediately, got off and gave notice to tbe first policeman he me Fat. Sheehan. The thieves had gone oat at a back gate in the depot-yar- d. Shee han got a horse and pursued them He had nothing to guide him bat the "scent The pursuit was lively through back-way- s and alleys nhtil he reached Main street again. He then got word that the thieves had taken a street car. Being compelled to abandon the horse In his devlons chsse, he jumped into a furniture wagon, and told the driver to go past the street oar, now a long way in the dis- tance. He caught ap with It between Beale and Union, nabbed his men and had them conveyed tq.the stationhouae. Cap- tain Athey put handcuffs upon them and sent them to the depot, where they were identified by the tioket agent. Later in the day Captain Stokes went to the sta- tionhouse and identified them also. Mr. Col well was telegraphed to come here and give his testimony in the case also. There were but two of the gang captured. The third fellow made his escape with the watch. The two now boarding at the stationhouse are amartlooklug boys, who appear to have enjoyed the advantages of a city education. They gave their names as John Reiliy and Mike Ryan. LAW REPORT. First Cuancery Court Morgan, cellar. Decisions: Apperson vs Eastland. Mo- tion was heard yesterday. Next Monday tne case or rtanooipn vs Merchants' ational bank will be resumed, Second Chancer; Court Chancellor eott. No decisions yesterday. Cases beard Bledsoe vs Bledsoe, Davis vs Bnckner, Powers vs Mehan, Continued : Kirk vs Davis, Rodgers vs City, Oolliday vs Carr. Howe vb Aldrich, Schooifield vs Allen, Hyer vs Home Insurance company. Tbe remainder of casea passed to other days. Court "djourned until Monday, 221 In- stant. Cases set for that day : 190. Weils vs Carson; 92. Stewart va CockrsU; !S0, Vaughan vs Porter; 474, Gritfing va Car- ver ; 676, Shoemaker vs Bernard; 682, Lumpkin vs Wilson: 749, White vs Roo ee; 804, Cox vs Jefferson ; 805, Jones vs Co flee. First Clrealt Ceart HelakeUL, Jadge. All the casea were called and disposed of on yesterday's calendar. Tills is mo tion day. Clrealt Coart-Halse- y. Jadge. To day the following cases were dis- posed of: 1371, Dickenson vs Firt Na- tional bank of Memphis; 1376, Hardwlck and Xeelis vs Glover; ISM, Foley vs Wlckeraham ; 1472, Schoonoover vs Qaack-enbusb- ; 1472, Schaltz vs Kinger et si; 1480, Mc'Jormick ys Uagbee; 1484, Raid A Bro. vs Pyne; I486, White va Smith; I486, Porter vs Boyoe; 1487, Porter vs Green ; 1491, Nickolsvs Dana; 1493, Wright vs Padgett; 1494, Ackerman vs Bender; 1495, Gann vs Mosby ; 1497, Kremer vs Cockrell; 1493, Lowenateln A Bro. vs Cock rell; lw, - Menken Bro. vs Cockrell; 1600, WUlard vs Healey; 1601, Seibert vs Kaufman; 1504. McDonald & Cole va Shuttleworth; 1506, Hurst vs Hardwlck: 1508. Obermelr vs Hart: 1609. I Vinson va Jones; 1512, Hard wick veHuret; 1013, Hammond vs Carmack; lola, Mit chell dt Co. va Hutchinson ; 15a). Reed vs Dwyor et al; 1623, Mai a tee ta vs O'Donnell; 1524, Rhodes va Sutton; 1627, White vs smith; lo2, Walker Bros. x Co. vs L al ter Curtis et al ; 1529, Paul it Crocket va Woli; 1530, Fencbt dt Johl vsGalUna; 1533, Mccormick vs Eadins: 1534. Lew Haliman and wife; 1536, Ralls and wife va Clayton; lo37. Cunningham vs Cretans; 1538, Fisher vs Moore; 1539, Kerr va Kirk-le- y dt Joyner 1540, Granberry vs Greeley; .i, staamoom Florence Trader vs steam boat St. Patrick; 1651, Parker vs Berlin; loou, Young vs Toser a Walker; 1658, Alexander vs Toof, Phillips S Co; 1556, aiaione vs weaver. Irish Linens A splendid assortment, at one price: in Dlaln figures. SPEED, TAYLOR, STRANGE CO.. Opposite Feabody hotel. Coooam dresses the hair beautiinliy. Connubial . . FaxicrrY. . . Nothing "T tends . . mora SI 10 connaurau nappmess man cneenni and healthy Infants and children. Mrs. Whit- - comb's syrup la the great children's soothing iwsnoar. Ladies' Poclln and Alpaca Suits. Cloaks in velvet and cloth, very cheap. SPEED, TAYLOR, STRANGE dt CO., 31 Main street. WATCHES AND JEWELRY, At a sacrifice, at Joseph Goodman's, til main street. COPELANO'S ASTHMA CURE. arte aale by J. B. mils, drmrtrist. Sal main street. aaa 'rmM, 81a Second atreec SIIVERWARE AND JEWELRY, At prices that astonish the natives. Joseph Lroodman'a, 311 Main street. HosiKRY Ladies'. Gents'. Children's and boys', in cotton and wool, a complete assortment. SPEED, TAYLOR, STRANGE A CO., opposite reaoooy hotel. A OaNTTjRY ago the upper Blue-Lic- k water waa used only by vast herds of buf faloes, it ia now the moet nonular min eral spring water of the aire, and the beat alterative and aperient known. Supplied in oases of two dozen bottles, filled care- fully at the springe. An excellent thing ior iaimiy use. MANSFIELD dt HIGBEE, Wholesale Agents. crjRk fob coroa on cold. Aa soon as there is the alikhteat uneasiness ot the ohest, with difficulty ot breathing, or in- dication of oough, take daring the day a tew Drown s nroncniai xroonee. ' Sniat rirtuKi, ns Weoond atreet. Dssss Goods We hsve a general as sortment, we nave one price and no de viation - SPEED, TAYLOR. STRANGE 4 CO., opposite reaoody note:. Hbat, Compost and Economt. This yon will get by haying your grates set with Lemon's improvement. Call at 296 Second street. TBI cheapest and best reing and Cleaning house in tbe citv is at 34 street (Mont a nanson a old stand, hajtbon a walker. Jos Locks, SS3K Main street, has the laiseat ataortment oi Magaalnea, Pictorials and dal lies m tne city. Blankets in great variety, very low narurea, at rjpeeu. xayior. Btrana-- e dt Co. a. 111 main street. e IF you sutler from neuralglajtpnly "NenriL grvaarrwa the grate in this TUaffreM saving of fuel. Kna. NxtrEii." tmmecUateiy relieves and manently cures neuralaraW Psunts English and American: neat styibs. hFEED, Ti X LOtt. BXlvAftGE t CO., Opposite Peabc dy netei. FAMILY MA4KET.NG. Carnal Be tall JPslceB as aTeaas, Pesfc try, raa, tea ass, rrnlts, vegetables aad Dairy Preelaete. The general tendency of prices in ths family marketing line baa been upward daring the past week. The vegetable de partment la not well supplied ana game is also scarce. There is no venison, but buf falo meat ia plsnty. One dealer had consignment during the week of nine thousand pounds. The demand is brisk. Wild turkeys are not easily ootainea. MEATS. iriteak -- loin, m...l8aBe Veal foreqr, Jb IV porteruou!-,...i3iaj- c ninuqr -- uarsioc ronml 15c cutlet. Roas- t- 12H.V.L6C Pork-fre- sh 15c stew 'a- pieci i.aOTSln corned ue Corned beef sir oat laaaje Mutton rrqr. Ham emoted. lio riinuqr. 13c Tripe whole - 75e FISH. Codfish, a ...lSe MerriaaT- - . ..Juc Salmon. .JUc Drv Lod.. J4JC- - Shad, each.... 11 Whiuash OAME AND POULTRY. Prairie chick, nr. tl Coon.. SOeetfl Venison hams JDc Teal BSaaB ..J5c Buffalosteak, rr .. shoulders ...13!v4lJC Chickens each 50c Op possum-- . Turkey, ft vaoe DAIRY PRODUCTS, ETC. Butter-uohe- D,t .5uc Eggs, dot.. 40e table Sfeatuc Silk -s- weet, sal... 40 cooking JSe buttermilk l)c Cheese 25c Lard LJSe VEGETABLES. Potatoes Irlshu.4Ca.T0c Celery, doz tl OS a, .sweet, peck sue taDnaae, ueau...iosaa; unions. 40A5UC Turnips, peck 20e FRU1TS, ETC. Apples green, pk..aic Raisins .JOc uriea. B 11x911c urapea... tl readies dried 10. wc nouey- - .'6c Cherries dried Jr4Uc Lemoru, c IjOC Cranberries ai, 7jc ur t Klgf, B use Extra One beef, choice mutton, pork, etc, at FURSTENHEm HEX ITER'S, 68 Jerlarson street. AatkBicAX Driven Wells at Browns Browne's, 15 Seoond attest. TavBLE Damask, Napkins and Towels, of superior make, which, we tfalhk, w'il give satisfaction. We have but one price; in plain figures. SPEED, TAYLOR, STRANGE dt CO Opposite Peabody hotel. A. F. DAVIS, House and sign painter, 28 Seoond street, ur- ders promptly executed at reasonable rales. rtiM, st; Seci.a-- BWBBl Lasdbbtb's garden-seed- s at wholesale and retail. a. l.. ha ic n x to , 98 Union street. V kg STAB lbs of all kinds; celery, etc., at FUR8TENHJEIM HEXTER'S, 68 Jefferson street. ' NsTTJaUL is the great antidote for nan- algla. STEAMBOATS FOB CINCINNATI. Louisville ami clDclnnatl The elecaat 'steamer - .MARY HOUSTON Scboitse muster sillier.... -- elei k Xhts splendid steamer will leave as above ansDaY. 21st Inst., at 10 a.m RICH'D W. LJOtHBURNE. Oen'l Aeeat 4.1 asj Front street. Far CtaetBBall. mDBl and Ciaeuanat if or Cairo. LeniavllLe and Cincinnati The One passenger and freight steamer Sliver Hteo BWJSSSj . Will leave SaIUHDAY. -- ttn mat., at S p.m for freight or passage apply on ooara or to el u. i.uB, Acent, tea aas Front street. FOR NEW ORLiEANS. Regular New Orleans Packet For Vleka- - onrg, naicaes ana new urieaeav Si MARTS Wuuaourue. master Robinson. clerk Leaves TH!8 DAY, Jlh Inst., at j p.m. Fur irelabt or paacage apply to ELLIOT!- - 4 MILLER, Agents, .a. 2 Promenade St., foci of Jenerson Memphis & Iw Or lea Packet $ Far new Vrieaas aad late Be RICHMOND Frank Hicks. Master. Jno Sullivan, Clerk Will leavt THCrtlDkY. o'.h lhat., at 4 p.m. Steamer Richmond leaves In place of steamer Belie Lee. R. W. LIGHTBURSK, General Agent. aW Front street, J. T. WASHINGTON , Aaent, No. a Madison street av STKAMER BnLLfe hJCK WLU resum her regular trips WEdNKsdaY. February Ti h, leaving on tnat cay for Mardl Ursa fes- tive1. JaJO For Vlcksbura. Hatches and New Orleans. a a. l'L r: an, ..................... ..... This elegant passenger packet will leave as above SUNDAY, Zlst lnst,, at ll m. ELLIOTT MILLER, Agents, 1a9Q .fertH--M,- , and Promenade atreete. FOR RED RIVER. Ciociona i 4 Red River Pac e Co For and Jeflarton. dtr. CHAMPION Lsn Bryson. Master. this eisgant steamer will leave aa anove THIS DAT. 30th lnst.. at 5 a.m . ELLiOrTA KLER, Agent. a u jenerson anq rromeneq easiest . FOR VTCKSBTJRG & NATCHEZ. Far Vic BELLS ST. LOCI3 Blake, m This elegant ana awiit steamer win leave aa above THIS DAY. 20th lnst.. at la- - Freight received at the St, Louis wharfboa w. t Dii.i., Agent. JSje FLEM. CALVERT, Snp't, FOR EVANSVILliE. Far Evansvllla. The elegant passenger steamer T. Hunt Maater j Jack Travan-Cle- rk Will leave THIS DAY, aotii instant, at 5 p.m. i or freight or passage apply on ooara or 10 ELLIOTT MILLER. Agents. Ja20 corner Jefferson sod Promenade eta. FOR ARKANSAS RIVER. St. Uuis and Ark. River Packet Co For tattle ttoek. COLUMBIA Tilde n, master This elegant steamer will leave aa above . THIS DAY, mix lnst- -, at 4 p.m. ror rreisni or passage apply to jaao j 1. raoAlNiifON. Agent. Meaphit age) Arkaasu River Packet Ca For Pine Blutt and Little Rock. TH0S. H. ALLEN, tsaeee Saith, ttaater This splendid steamer will leave as above M jNDAY. Sid Ins . ilium. W. H. KENNEDAY, Agent, Ontce on Uompany's Wharf boat. FRIAR'S POINT AND BENDS, FrUv'l Psfci. HtJt- -a ai aaaa Wilt I Stataasaji Paakat, Plil. AHiB, I "aaa Laavea Memphis Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at t o.m.. oonneetLuk at Helena with tne steamer rtnonA ror """ ana an ran.ntson L'Ansuiile river n FOR ARKANSAS RIVKR. ana Arkanaaa RJvai- - Paakat C aaay-- U, S, Mail Lisa. E LEO ANT PASSENGER BOATS Of THE Line leave Memphis for all points on Arkansas nver MONDAYS' ABO FBI BATS, at 4 a. ror oraaht, rnesa rrs or other uirorrnatsrin. apply to w. a. ajutoaiiai. Agent, Offloa on Company 'a Whar fboat. oM root oi Court street. FOR HAILKS POINT. ftee-nla- r Memphis and HalJea Point Paekut For ualles Point and Way lamiup FRANK rOBBM- T- J. 8. Andrews, maater - mer win reave b Memphis for Halles Faint andaUsBBBai way points BVBRY MONDAY AnD i DAT. a tfi o'clock n m. ror irerant or pessnge apply on ooara. au WHITE A LITTLE RED RIVERS. W kite aaaa Utile Best U. a. Mall Mae. For Helena, DeVall'a Bluff, Searcy , Augusta, jacaaonjpora, ana an way mnnings. Tha Klearant rassiiliniii 111 nam ill LEGAL TENDER W. j. AhorU,m aster Leavaa Mernnhis every TDJB4UA1. at a o'clock o.m. Htr. EMMA C. ELLIOTT. ..J. D. EUtott, master Laavea Memphis every uiuavai, at nVlnee n.nn. ine aoove eiagana ateamera laaeiiaiii aa v- - vaii a mun witn tne rauroaa awivaAaaau TUUHODAlrj, goLug up; and waunamiain ana saiukus is, coming iwsa, aUdaltXX a 11 liaia, aawaaa, jail 2 Proeaanade. foot oi IsSersoa. FOR NEW MADRID. kegaiar Saasaa ase law Hsarid Paki ror new saaaria, rwas ' m i aiaw, Osceola, toe neaoa ani. inaerroenrase Danoinas xae rveg mar raeaet WIU. tc HA j. T. Aantnnn ..olerk ThU elegant passenger will leave as above EVERY aAlUMUAX at f BJB. For rrignt or passage apply an board or ELLIOTT a MlLiJaR. Aeanta. jau so. i pw awaae atrei STEAMBOATS FOR NEW ORLEANS. Orleatxtsj. G-xi.aa.J- I FSURTj ART 14,172. The r aernlflcent -r suamer XE. grsaa aa ica&a, aBsaweew Jons H. suUivaa, Clara. leave this city ou wiimaouAi, WILL 7th. W.i. err: vine: at Sew Ur. leans Monday, FaDruaiy lath, aiviax ex. or loniats are days in the descent City during LDS MSrtJl uraa raouuaya. wym: . wm leave Mew Urieana on oar op trip Saturday, February ma. Rooms can be ociairml for the excursion by app y.n on io-r- J or to K. w. liuhul tt u . 341-- 1. ale Froni street. W. H. KkHSkDar. Axent. a::u Mm MMM 1HUB&DA Y PACKE1. Far New and ttw BMs. on 1871-187- B. The Elegant Passenger and Freight 8t anter BcLLc Ltt -- 1 1 f ft- - -- ir I J. BOlli vsji.-:ie- rk WLU leave Memphis for jew UTaaans as rouowe : aMeaafl ber ltn, at pjD Thoreaay.. rlovemix Juta. at 4 p an Thursday.. December uui, at :pm Thursday- - Decern oer u. , at 5 pJU X 8 7 a 1 Thursday far. nary lUn, at 5 pj Thursday January DSux. a-- i i p.m Wednesday.. ry .in. at a p m Thursday jrebraary c. at 5 p.m Thuraaay .jaarch ,111, an p.m Thursday March ilat, at i p i W. L18HTrlL,Krf K. agent, its UL Irttt FOR iff. FRANCIS Kl V ER. Heieae, BJLartaawa aad st. 1 raaeea aii-- t Packet steacer I ST. rRANCIS ilfTft nTllllBIBBB IBBSSBI WLU leave Mempcls TrjaaDara aad Thl a- - r,art, at j o cioca r- - " Fes' hrelejit or pasaaare apply on boards ac? yJK HELENA ASD FRIAR'S F 0. i fttm t4 Frte'i The re labia, ant ataae jSeta W.- - Cketk. MARK R. njwarar WLU run regularly, as above, leaving Mare mala every iUBSDAY. THCraHliAT and punctually at 5 p.m. For freight rrr passes a. xfrlj rra board. fW MattM. Pleat. WeiD Skaj . .a va. Tne batted states Mat Packet A. J. WHITE tu. HALC'S . WLU leave Memphis MuDAYc AYS, punctually ai 5 p.m. For freight or a ply en sarM AOUriON UAl.t.3. Bir aaaL. Fallei c C o Aactioneers 4 CawaWhiitfi Mfiix ala will su nut mkxuve. a is e'er a-- , Without reserve or limit: 100 eases of Men's Call, Klav, Wax aaast lit Beets; tee eaaesat Meat's aaaa Ban' swyiea; s Also, 50 seta of Furs good uaallty and styles: U0 gross assorted. ToUet Soaps; aM dosen Army Socks; 109 areas frash Blacking; also, Clothing, Dry lioods. Hats, I apt. No- tions, Cutlery, Glass ware, etc. ear Country mercnanis, and the trade gen- erally, will and It to their Interest to attend our sales. Private sales a auction prices, at all times. da 1 RAxsPOft i A ION. Memphis and Louisyilto WINTER 13. '?!. Train leavss.Liaj Express .. 4 :LS a.m. - Mew York - ..... 130 PJB, Brownsville aacomrcodaUon. ., t:lo f " lUegant sleeping ears run torouh to Bt ucus, rjasaviue aaa ut on tee i jo pun. train. The 4: la p.m. and t:tm a.m. trains) do sot ran on Sunday. J. F. BOYD. MM Superi n lent. Memphis and harl3st.n 8. 9, CHANGEOF TIMF. Mondetv, Nov. nsr-Aatis- : Mall train. ..13:13 pun. li M Sara Express p ji U all svsa Through freight .. Junction and Sorcery:. .e tvmommodation 9 :4iajn. 4rM aaa German town cc e;- - uo. 6:S0 p. am noli r. ;.. - c i. snjft Paducan & MempHis R, K Co. MEMPHIS. TENN . January . leTX NOTICE la hereby given that a meeting of of the i'edu'-- n and Memphis Kail roe 1 Com -- any is call 0.1 to me- -i at the Peabody Hotl,lnth- - city o' Memphis. Tenneasae, on SATURDAY, the aTth day of January, at Ll o'cuoek am. for tue porpoee of electing nine Directors 'or the said Com- pany, to serve for the ensuing year a- - d until their 1 urrceeeors are elected ana qriaunvd. aX. NUKTJM ) O. W. NORTON. Direct ri un'er ar W. F. NORTHS ticles ot consolida- tion JNO. OVKrtTON, Ja. between tne la S. TRIMBLE, Paducah snd Gulf D. M. HE.MNINO, Railro-- I'ompany E H. HILL, and tha M s9ippl S. R. L TTA. River rlsiroai Oo. A. M. WEST. (all VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS! SCBDIViBIJNS OF THE tlaabl D..L, " n a (J t 1 araviai rata wiu n.m.jicaw, tUB SOUTH. AND JUST OCTVIDE THE J city LlmiU: Bornd-- d bv Wa's-ar- . Ja-- k. eon. Park and Davis streets: local d in the popular enrrent of fnture Vajaae; titles Terms uae-lklr-d esab , bal- ance ease aad rare years at e aer eras, lateral. These lots will be oil.-r- t a aVT PUBLIC aBeVXj af. Without LIMIT OR RESERVE, TO THS HIQHbMT 1 DER. on the nremis'a. st 10H o'clock a m.. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1872. f For plats and other Information, call npon Bt9a at BU kLl T. aa ssssaaaaa sa eea. Reptrt if the I ondttioa OF THE- - UNION & PLANTERS BANK OF MEMPHIS, At cieee ai January lit, IS?, Exchange on Ne w York and points.. atrasa anil hnnila eHr ai Banking-hous- e and offloa natures, 44 CO Bipanaae ij f 1 14 LlABILlTIaW. Capital stock paid ap Krnroaa eurpina. am at Exchange and iLierest ... m rs Indlvldnal liaprmta pi jbj 34 Dividends yet cuclaimed 11 7n 0 Due banks and Sax ker? H,TH 27 T48JS7 al $1.4? 1,133 It WM. M. FARSINQTON Prss'L H P. BEAD, Caanler. lal4 I. O. O. Fa MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION 223 ataJa SL- - BOARD OF TBTJ8TXB8 W. 8. HgWHaj J. D. DawbtbT, J. P.Psaaraii'i, H. D. Cosnrs-hL- . D. C. TaVa-nx- Josu LrjnmAtTaaj a. amaaraa, nayaw OJTFICXBS: H. D. CONStLL, Preeident. a. BINORAM, Vice-- 1 J.F PRECHOTT, rJecretarr. W. H. lutucat. Treasurer. ONLY members of the Order 1 rood rtarid. admitted. The faea ,a 7. mission fas, as, in advance. Annual fee. tL In advance, and VI ar tha ZLJ.7. member (within thl- - r diva altar raalna nntl. fled), when his fair i . m . nnnHi nated by him, will taa antitlaai an tha ana, gate of B from every mesaber of tha Aaso- - maaon. AD uC Fellows In Taini laane. Mia. slaslppl and Arkanaaa, are sibrihle to aawav beraklp. This ia strictly an OBd Fellow's to benefft tne thrallles of its da- - anJtdaw Partee, Harbert & Co. COTTON FACTORS AMD C0M.SSI0N lERCHAMTS, aawe I USUON STREET, MEMPHIS, not aaw TIPTOR FEMA.E bEklNAJIY, OS 11 III. TUI. GBO.D. HOLMES,.. PTiaaljeaV

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In a nrst-clee- a dry goods orSITCATION bv a young mac with ex-

tensive bualnest acquaintance Id West ,

.North etlatlaalppl and Monroe andArkansas oounUes, Arkansas. Beat of city

Address M I Hon tt-e- Js-j-

aPE A good second-han- d safe.I . a. BIO VA L.L, 43 Madison at,

ITCAiUN AS OVEBVekER-- On a farmlor this year; good given. Ad- -

y body to boy, sell or exchangeBCOK8 old 1.00a st sM .ooi.d street H

B Purnilure, Feathers andSBJOOMH of all kinds t ought at

Beccnu b32 HT.H1NNOTT.


AND CJNFt-TiOEB'- B fOSEFRUITfixtures, aad License Included, f hisIs ILe beat bargain ever oflered in Memphis.Apt ly ai ixi ime street. Jam

HIIti:Re. LEAeE AL LICeNfeE of a9 wcU-iyin- saloon will be sold at a sac-ilfi-

tbia week. Apply at 16 Popiar atrect.gU-- i AM) LOI-F- or $1410 cash. Apply

H 2 AVtrytuetu j..t0. S Monroe ihteL Aply on

MiXJSt. jal

I .I- - a: us cosl east, a lot on v..nn- . j j . w a er.a atrttt. so M ItK. ifctl. auucvi a. aaaa

carr Appr. odce s

. a n a aaannhie tract 01 laud lor sale orI 1 axcueuareiur dt property, eleven milts.,mjo Msuiklu. on u.t Heir-ano- o P.ack

atiaan. .2u acres. APPU u w . jo 1 tlt,a Mam street.JaJ

Mfnvbjut Ana 'arte Cocking t,iove, NoO same as beer ana eL crrniplele, lor oae--


a. Ola tiaLE Ob TO lbd Us icr oiher prop-s' erty in me city r :t aubcibs,alol onUse norU. side oIJ neieoi- - W ss, at iwa

section with Charleston avenue. Apply toV. es. cucLlfta,

Ml No. 1 Mat lean

Ll M" a RaILROaD HNF--T are an

licet, tnia ocrip until ftbruery thenrai. atnleij-f- i ceuts, wuta, liany "aover, It trill bs wU.or.wn irom theibbkaM utr.a t.- - NATluAa. t)Mt.

be power rorUh.etnt, Bine, tuiil bj tt--e employee o.- - - 1 nne.. t, tuiifd l j pauy

at me later air.wi-ic- tboa tne p.emlumTnia was built :n,rn selected lualt-riaa- s,

sj!u the woik ana aljle la enperior.Pur psruiuiera apply to

UV at. BUaajtJa, St. M. M. A C. B. B IO.

Kover One head 01 MulesMir "rri Ml. sea Ve hitaju-- t received twt-

LJoeral jiuacusuu ocered M placiers anil

JaJ aaat aUili ' - HVUU aweas, suai

aasasl K Ajwavs on haj-- d ana or sae- aU .ui ea any in ibe mvrkal. Apply at cm;.oi fciioadeu, vveiu.n aw.i -

. xrTaTUU aut Darreis tar y Ku.t mA.iM- - Siai banak liarii Koae; aU) oarreis

a.l i..r;-- n 1,1a. uarrela re.CllUiUa.11 a.rr.,1, nLinu: atu barrels LondonlAdiee: BOt oarrt-- a 1.1011 otta.

. C.LIION, IsutaOS CO .

dxl Nue. o. and toa h mnt street.

a aJkaj 7 iia' acres on Cooper avenct. atxi-e-t rjomevard. a ill table ic

aaruener butcher or milk oneineee ; svao, Ml7 it,,, in it, !m-- i on Muu avenue, neaold Heie-a- h i,ai last onlalue the city .unite.

oE, NO. ffopiai aueet.

maimcNi'k laauraDle resilience. XM Je:i aaaa alru-- A nDlV Ob DretTI laea. nolS

OTb-- On Waunut street, on time. Applyj at H Union st. bavOtHala dlxoiv


L,' D hN Lf HAIJ K JuM- c- or gent. em n, fi omr $i to aJu pr montn, at ti Main street.. , UkJsb,i FLACJfr-T- he - Cherry r"iase," onj May burn avenue.

A HAKHaHT.BOB 11 Pnion street.

israe brick licue iW feeconid SUee'.. coLlainjng Uiteen roon.a ilvvii

J. it. CASH,jaS au from street

icJw The very elegant t fflce now occuOyj. d Hernando fueurance Conipai,M - HKHiann ! rill lifeatatii. BJ , eh la

.ir,v lstm. aimi. me oaaement mctnnrlar aame aud ltd nte offlCOS Ul 'tslanlol.MLook,' tolitiJ.v. (.KOt-KBT- r, 0 Union it.,

aasj m. A. rAJtavkvA, 12 MarHaoii itriet.1 ihnii. tflice in clan ton block. App.j K

1 U. i. thUJitu,5 17 Union a.ictt.allkT R.HlU One larzc liohl rOuUl, " UO

mrio. etwUiel.'s. Acams street.

.0t,S AMU DUAtiU.

nics oung men oan be aebOABtmodeled wim buaru and luugicm a.

7 Monroe atieel; airy,, a leg ua ua1 OakUi.' eleaajat front :tM!i

wim r , aid. at No L

aanigt Keiereuccs exccangtiApp.. Uau

liOAKli Two verj lsuge and11 uhilli ome ircLt itoms, Erel and

aior aL(i YtxaOit x 108 tUuT. Stleei; baCll

sti. tnned ior rtnUeuiau ms wife or amaitajxiiiv. lat busudera banueomeiy aceximauuattd, Hefeience fciven abd retiuiiec

tLA.MiJ j wo rooms, tarnished or untarU L.tLtC, with 1.0 id, euitao.e tor aii-- n

gentlemen or small laiullns, at No. 101 l'opfm st. eet. ja1 a 00 jac ai, e larae 1001ns, Hon and backIV Wiln Duaiu. tan beoblainid by appl.caUon. wiui leier tnce, at No. Ti siadiao, akieet,


Two mules oneMUL.k-.- 6

mare mu e. years o.d; also,b.ack mre mnie. .6 nanda uigh, 4 years 01branded J ou tne lei.Jaw. ne.urn to ureoffice oi aa. 'jatULL No. t Unionauree-- . I16e OW a red tow ao.d small red Calf.noA.j aioiav lit rewaru wiu be paid lir hedent... at oae n.lnk.ey avence Drsl cornssortn 01 rcpiar. JalS

U WuNUtai O? Ta aUK Mil. Lit.X JX) mejouig and talented Uostreaa

and fenone lenei. La.-- arriveu 10 uin cujand can be ixmsaile. lor a abort lime onlyana la ti.dtwec wtab a na'.nra. lii of luietelling yoi--r .atnre, pietei t and peal life, andassets aiKOL to L) one to I cam tijnai ser 11

ner pin oan im , and Wlib severs -- ecietn thano ..vina mortal ever knew tie ore, she wubrine uecea oc , o. ai. aiie snue; Lakea etaolafatt.on auarabieeu or no pay. t oi.anua.loiirooms are 1 ow located at tne

t 1 r L. Mu' room jiq. a.

TAKEfi Ur.

On bnnday morning, January 14t j, aCO sssssBfl eow. al.n onu. esul. Tnecow is marktd with slit run; eir and cropul me .en.. Tna owner can iirt tne in by ap

Ulna to aVMaM McLAULT. on me lempiep a, Moid L .it ua.i Jais


nLAKiAliull-- ki ii.kDiatrjb. near AusX tin. lunlua county , M 'ae , on the Miaanalp pi river. Tnaue are etaj acres Of open laudstoam-atn- , and ail oincr tnlnga neeeaaary

to w ia n. ai.,,- -


la OA Li in a priva e an... .orJJge itiemanw;tn good ,e erence.

lb a omce. . (i Hli.Ma- - Nice board, ti day or wasfa rout rooms, bed or rent, with boetid, at 171 Main siieei, uptains dab


Let CAfH-Ow- aer can nave tt bv provAir property and paying 1 r tut advr-llaa-

en1. I' quire at a yaanomoe.


as waUrn the llavlly Appeal ra

The DaTXT Attkal can be had every mora- -lay aj. tne loUOWlug-usiua- places in me cjl .

At AiFtaL jounUng-Koom- , 14 Union street.At the news-atan- d of Joe Locke, No. iMX

Main street.At the news-stan- d of W. J. Manaford, corner

Of tSeoond and Monroe aueeta.At the uews-etan- d in the reabody hoteLAt the news-atan- d in the commercial hoteLAt the newa-atan- d in the wvrebam bouse.At the news-alan- d in the Overton hoteLAt the new- - bd in the .Southern hotel.At the new - . d of Kmmona A bon. No. 10

JesTerson atr -

At the newa-etao- d of Wm. Bplokemagle, cor-

ner of Fourth and Poplar alreeUthe bews-Ma- ul 00 bt. Louis whsrfboat,tt the news-atan- d at Lanier A Kldridge'a,

BeoouU a treat, near Madison.At the newa-etau- d 01 Uobbday, on Beale

street, near Main.At the newe-stan- d at the Railroad depots.At the news-atan- d on tha Memphis and Llt-u- a

Rock w bar fboat.Atboutb Memphis news-depo- t. No. SO Beale

street, near tjecond.At Ja. cwwtnVaBK Main street, near Mad-aeo-

. a.-- - .At raui wnsnt s, a "" aum.At M Jobnatou'r; utws-eUn- u 4 I Mam

street, Waidran B.ock.


--CO to Led din a College.

Attend raobeklaon'a Business Colleare.

Tbtkv CWbblsa, brlcJOayer, 4 Main streetArmstrong'h FhoUarapLUc Uallery , No. 211

sfain streeU Three avalliese gaim pletnrea lorfifty cents.

Cobb find ipiii wood t red coed rales atN- - 70 ?A8LAUQHTER CO.

Bilks -- BlacJt and evenluf hadss; said

10 spId. rlrLok btbagi co..Opposite Pea body hotel.

"NKTJKII." U kept t.y ajTTiW-eina- s ttrsg- -

. ... rtr Rnu'n rlrenary,tortMe MlUlon-Marrt- age Uuiot

Zlb anouier column. It ehouid oe reao i,

siesortuient of Kbh-tock- ycompleteJBARS -- Aand eaw e'n manafaclur-- .

faPBBD. TAYLOR, STRANGE A CO.,Oppose eAb-- dr betes.


Mrs. F. S. Chanfrau at the theaterMonday night.

Fiftv nenta will he riven for a oodvof the Daily Appbal dated July 4, 1871

-- We are Indebted to Mr. Lp, of theSouthern Express company for a file ofNew York papers in advance of the mall.

Professor Fox, a new addition to oarmusical circles, will open a free siegingschool for young ladles at theGreenlaw opera-hous-

A great number of the stockholders oithe Memphis and Charleston railroadwent home last evening refolding at theproposed future dividends.

We have received the card of Smith &Biggs, steam-engin- e and cotton-pres- s

builders, of St. Louis. It is a beautifulcard and they are enterprising men.

The new edinoe of the Baptist churchin Lagrange, Tennessee, will be dedicated with appropriate service the secondSabbath in next month (February) Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Tichenor, of this city

Mrs. Johnson who lives in the southern part of the city, took an extra dose oflaudanum, a day or two ago, and wonldhave died had not Dr. H. J. Shaw arrivedin time to pump out the fatal liquid.Mrs. Johnson la now slowly recovering

Somebody elrcnlated a report thatJohn Smith, E q , had been pat on thepolice, the consequence of which was thstsbout twenty nice-lookin- g men of variousSeres visited oar office to ascertain thetruth of the statement. Each on of themthought he was the lucky person himself.

John Sturla, ofthe Invincible saloon,felt flattered yesterday. About a dosenof those gentlemen who had been attending the railroad convention went into hissaloon ana tola mm tnat us was toe onlyplace in the city where they could getsatisfactory liquor, and they, therefore,purchased a bottle, each, of his bestwhisky.

Desiring to honor the memory of aman who was bound to them by the clos-est ties of friendship, the surviving mem-be-

of Invincible Fire Company No,Five, will attend the funeral of the lateJ. C. Hoist, morning, in

A notloe elsewhere in this paperwill give tne r ur ana pisoe of meeting.

The commissioners who were appointed bv an act of the legislature to hold inelection to ascertain the tense of the peopie on the subject of creating the newcountv of NeshoDa,nave indefinitely postpoced the election which was advertisedto take place last Saturday. There waseverv prospect that the new county project would nave failed.

The merchants are paying in theirprivilege tax to Captain J. Harvey Matheewithout making up their estimate of thelargest stock held during the year. Thereis an understanding between the merchants and the that the former are to pay in their taxes witheutswearing to the highest stock on handdaring the year, until a decision can bebad in the 00 arts.

Two persons who hsd been in "durance vile" for some time in the countyjsil got out on writs of habeas corpus yesterday. KDsa rteea, a negro, who was accased of stealing clothing, was releasedby Judge Halsey. William Ashton, whohsd oeen sent to jail by the recorder forstealing two blankets in Crittendencounty, three weeks ago, was liberated byJudge HeiskelL, there being no proofagainst aim.

Memphis is becoming a great marketfor wines and liquors, as well as for cotton, w ithin two years oar business inthis line has more than kept pacewith the advance of oar other interestsThis is entirely dae to the discriminationand liberal dealing of oar Liquor merchants, chief among whom is John Liiny361 Main street, who imports largely ofthe finest wines, brandies, cordials, ales,Dublin porter and rye whisky. He isagent for the celebrated Kettle whisky

The decision by the commissioner ofInternal revenue, a synopsis of which appeared in our telegraph columns a fewdays since, regarding liquor dealerswholesaling and retailing, is as follows :

"A liquor dealer wholesaling and retailing, may set aside packages for retailingand enter them as sold by blm as s wholesaler to himself as a retailer, but cannotwholesale and retail from the same package. When a party carries on the business of wholesale and retail liquor dealeron the same premises, he may take crediton this account for spirits disposed of atretail, which he has entered ss setting aside packages from which todraw for retail only, and entering them asdisposed of to himself aa retail dealer."

The hardness of s colored cranium isastonishing, Yesterday a line type of thatclass, astride a mustang pony, rode inUnion street very nonchalantly until bereached the corner of Desoto, bat there bistroubles commenced. Some lime was incourse of preparation for building purposes, from which a thick vapor curled uptoward tne sky. The pony halted, andcould not bv such persuasions as whip andspur he induced to pass the column of as-cending vapor. He backed and cavorted.First be retrograded upon a buggy, thewheels 01 wnion ne pattered with lishoofs until be demolished them Th- - nhe fought, in the same manner, a cottondray, bat it demoliahed him. He fjught,however, antil his whole rear defenseswere swept away. Not being left a leg tostand 00, of course he let the supercargofall to the ground. The wheels of tnedray passed over the supercargo's headbut the wheel slipped cfl tbe cranisl protuberance as it wonld neve slipped froma lsrge-siz9- d paving-stone- . Tbe scalp wastorn eff, and an artery severed, which wasunited agate a lew minutes alter ward byDr. Purneil. The people who witnessedthe catastrophe expec.ed to nee the negro's skull crashed. The weight of a drayand five bales of cotton would appear tobe more than sufficient to break any ordinary neaa.


Tee immortal "J. N." dignified theasocknoiaers convention yesterday bynn impressive presenoe, it is not astonishing, tnereiore, tnat tne pressure waslifted and the veil removed, that tbestockholders saw bow their own and thecountry 's interests were identical Moreover, ''J. N," is the friend of Tom Soottwho has an accurate apprehension of theworth and broad enlightened views of "JN." He it was who did justice to thevalor of both armies, and was a martyrto generosity, lie lifted the veil, andTrath In all her nakedness stood, like a

tnus de Medici, beiore an admiringworld. Tbe Sooth accepts this part ofJ. . a ' theory, ne wishes now to be

understood, and therefore this clear andunmistakeable exposition of philanthropic plans. He still Insists that theSouth and North both were right fromtheir standpoints, and on this basis heproposes to reconcile the country,

W. H. QuABTKRXAir, travelingaecger agent of the Iron Mountain

railroad, is to town on business for hisroad. Mr. Quarterman is spoken of toas an a gentleman who has to the fullestextent the confidence of his company andr llroad men generally.

PBBsiDBifT Thomas, of the Padaoah andLouisville railroad, is at the Peabodyhotel, whence about one hundred stockholders, delighted with Memphis, tooktheir depariure yesterday.


A Ma found Searly Dead at Ike 4Baaease.

Night before last policeman Riser wasnotified, after twelve o'clock, that somep-- fellow was lying at tbe gasbonae in

raageroos condition, raiser end hispartner went to the place Indicated andfound a person lying on the ground groaning, ana apparently eunering very much.He could make no reply to their Inquiries.They procured a hick and took him to tbeslat ion house, sergeant Haggerty examined the case and discovered that theman was scalded almost to death.His whole back was one blisterHe had no coat 01 veat on, and hisshirt was torn. The sergeant sent himoat to the city hospital. On the way hetold the DOlieemen that his name wasRyan, and thst he had been in the city bata lew days, lie ecuid not ten them more.

t is thought mat ne lay down at the oilworks, where s steam pipe occasionallydischarges hot vapor, and while asleep thepipe commenced discharging. He thenstrayed away to the gaabouse Is searchof shelter. He died that night. Whatcheckered history waa his may, perhaps,never be known.


It is said that "scalping" is still practiced by tome hack drivers. The Hack-men- 's

association promised to atop it byprovocating tne nm one tnat should hap-pen to charged with that orlme. The"scalper" is nothing mo:o nor Lees than scheat who takes advantage of the help-lessness or ignorance of those who dealwith blm. Her is a case for tbe'Hsck as-

sociation: Yesterday Jockey Elftn, atituCharles Barns.of hack Wo. St, waa arrestedtor overcharging. It appears thst Jockeysot a load at the Charleston depot yesterday consisting of C ve men, whom be droveto the river. He charged them ts &0 each,which they paid. After the "scalper" baddriven oil the gentlemen began to talkamong themselves and aay that the chargewas too high- - They told s policeman,whowent with them to Jockey's place. Hewas not tbtrs. They, however, followednla trail, and oame upon him In the Lea-ner bouse, where they lound him asleepard identified blm at onoe. He was tskeato the stetionhouse and had to pat up alorfeit of KB. Subsequently it was discovered that he had charged a person f15 earlythat meruing for driving to one of the depots, if these grave charges oe trca, ttaejshow s state of things well calculated, todenzorslite tb hacc nnajaasg is uus ctty



A List of the 4Dfiys eiaardiaaa tear theeat Two Teeurs, or Din-lag-; IBwotl


The police board have finished theirfirst great labor, with the result below.Tbe names will be canvassed by all ourcitixsns this morning, and criticism andcommendation will he the topic of conversation for several days. It was no eaiytask to pick out the police, as they noware constituted, from the vast list of applicants that were sent in. me policeboard have done a good work. It will beseen thst the force is not as numerous aslast year:


Philip R Athey.CAPTAWS.

Q. K. Weatherford. J. M. PendergrastSBBOXATS,

C. F. Smith. Peter Haggerty.Pat. McElroy. R F. Arata.


John Mageveney, with two assistantsE J. Forrest and J . V. ureen.


John Toomey Thomas Oarvey.PATROLMEN.

Arlt, C. W. Harper, Jno.Biker, Thoe. Jenny, J. S.Bsine, John. Jenny, F. W.Birmingham. F. Krocker, F.Britton, John. Kunhol.z, t

Boyd, A. M. Riser, J. J.Brown, H. Mahoney, T.Br iWD, W. M. Maloney, Pat.Butler, M. C. Maloney, M.Oarmicfasel, T Maloney, Pete,deary, Jas. Manael, R. O.Clements, H. Mo Bride, T.Clegg, Jas. McPartland, J.Couch, . McCormack, T.Oolllns, T. McAuliff, E.Costello, W. M. McNulty, M.Caslck, Kane. McDonough, J.Culleo, H. D. MoMahon, P. O.Cogbill, T. C. McKenny, J.Dowllng. El. Noll, H.D 3ugherty, Jno. Neal, John.Divis, W. C. O'NellJ, W. J.Dillon, Jno. Palmer, A.Duffy, P. H. Rice, Jos.Elliott, Robt. Kodgers, W. 8.Flatley, Ed. Roach, D.Festiertton, W. Ryan, JssFittrerald, J. Soanlan, 8 W.Farrell, H. Sheehan, P.Fi:zzibbon, J. Shepperd, R D.God ard, J. W. Schlick, C.Olaucsy, Jno. Somers, T. M.Oeitzsodanor, J. Scott, Jas.Hemple, H. Sullivan, J.Hackett, P. Sylvatus, L.Hope, Tim. Tsggart, Bob.Homan, W. M


Has not as yet been appointed. Indeed,reoort hath it that the municipal author!ties are considering tbe expediency ofdoing away with this branch of police service,


Foot up, as the list now stands, a force ofelgbty-nv- e men, out win proDsoiy De in-

creased to ninety or ninety-fiv- e men before the department is considered strongenough in numbers for the requirementsoi the city.


List or the Appointments of Bight levBishop yaintnrd.

Annexed is a list of the appointments ofRight Kev. Bishop uuintard :

Shelbyville, Tuesday, January 23Church of the Redeemer.

Edgefield, Thursday. January 25 St.Anne's church.

Nashville, Septcagesima MorningChurch of the Advent; afternoon, Churchof the Holy Trinitv: night, Christ church

Franklin, Tuesday, January 30 St.Paul's church.

Ash wood, Thursday, February 1 St,John's church."Columbia, SexsgeBlma St. Peter'schurch.

Pulaski, Tuesday, Ftbruary 6 Churchof The Messiah.

Somervllle and Lagrange, Thursday,February e to Uuinqnag'sima.

Bolivar, Ash Wednesday St. James'church.

Jackson, first Sunday in Lent StLnk6's church.

Humboldt, fitth day of Lent, February19th.

Trenton, sixth day of Lent, February 20Union City, seventh day of Lent, Feb

ruary 21.Dyersburg, ninth day of Lent, Febru

ary 28Memph s, seomd Sunday iu Len- t-

Morning. St. Marys' cathedral; night,Calvary cburcb.

Boctyn, twelfth day of Lent, February27 St. John a chcrch.

Oolilerviile, fourteenth day of Lent,February i9

Mason, third Sunday in Lent Trinityennrcr..

Covington, eighteenth day of Lent,March 5 St. Matthew's church.

Brownsville, fourth Sunday in Lentzion church.

8ewance, twenty-fift- h day of Lent,March 13.

Memphis, Sunday before Eiater Morning, St. Lauras church; night, Orscechurch.

Memphis. Easter Day Morning, StMarys cathedral; night. Church of TheGood Shepherd.


Atlemptnl Bobbery and Harder InN oa con nali He I torn.

Yesterday, Mr. William Searcy, wholives four miles from the city on the Nonconnsh road, had a piece taken oat of theshoulder of his coat by a pistol ballet.which a villainous negro fired at himwhile on his wsy home. Mr. Searcy hadbeen to the city with a load of charcoal,when he was stopped in the valley by anegro whom be had never seen before.The negro waa armed with a pistol, anddemanded Mr. Searcy's money or his lifeMr. Searcy rammed his hand into hispocket and commenced fumbling aboutfor his ohange. The highwayman thoughthim wanting in promptitude, and concluded to shoot. He deliberately aimedhie pistol at Searcy's head and hred. Theball struck the intended victim's coatcutting fa pieoe out of the left shoalder. a for.uitoas jerk 01 the nesa to tneright was the means of ssving sirSearcy's life, lor otherwise the ouiietwould have passed through bis neck. Thediabolical negro then took to his heelsMr. Searcy picked up a shovel from thebottom of his wagon, lamped oat anasucceeded in giving the retreating assin s blow on tbe head thst he will remember for several weeks. He continuedto run, however, snd Searcy did not deemit proper to follow him.


Biasings of a Memphis Philosopher

The idea still possesses the fsncies ofmany good people that the Mississippibegins its subterrsnesn course at themouth of Wolf, and flows under CourtSquare. They say there is not spaceenough between tne bium and the beadland tatting out from the Arkansas shoreto contain the body of water that descendsthe channel. Therefore a philosopher onSecond street hss been investigating thesubject, and in bis experiments uses acommon globe, showing by its revolutionthst the water la thrown with great forceby tbe earth s violent rotary motionagainst the pastern shore. This fact accounts satisfactorily for the cave beneaththis city, which has so excited the envy oKuoxville and caused a mighty cavern tobe dag by newspaper fancy beneath thatvenerable village

It la a somewhat curions fact that tbebluffs at Columbus, Kentucky; at FortPillow, Randolph and Memphis, since1861, have been constantly abraded by theriver current. The earth's motion isabout eight hundred miles an hour atMemphis, and if this rotsry force is im-parted to the water and expended sgsinstthe inundations of Memphis, ths Mississippi will yet find its wsy to Oermantown.these are the terrible results contem-plated by our Second street philosopher

A SUIT.Now that it is decided that Alexia is to

have a grand ball it will be a matter ofprime importance with oar beaux whereto get their dress sails. We ssy Wsggen-er'- s

is the place His mo' to is, commencingright is si ways essential. Keeping rightis still more so. He says: "It is easierto tear down than to build op. It is a fa-

tal mistake to start business and adeptpopular prices (which are never high) andno sooner get well on the road to successthan the Idea begins to assert itself thatmore brent could just as wen ne obtainedand as much or more business don. Anymerchant or manufacturer who is so sillyas to let g of a sure patronage to try sucha fatal no! lev. will as surely fail in theend aa be Uvea, and his life need not beprolonged.beyond the average durationel'-be- I Waggenor, the famona merchanttailor of 317H Main street, fully under-stands this, hepoe his prions are uniform,and lhe work turned out from his estab-lishment unsurpassed La point of finishanu material.

Call on A. L Hal 3b Jt Co., 38 Unionstreet, for plants and flowers, garden- -

id bot-- f ustt-es- .

Take voor rail eUithlnsr to theTeraaner and Cleaning House iHunt A

Haasou's old stand), Sto Seooad streeLHANBO A WAXJLKK,


Tne Lena of tbo Memphis aad Cbarlesi- -

tB BaUroad to the OBahoiBi fje.airily Couapaay Katifled.

Total Vote egfestered. 144.0OO Voted,II.6-"Aye- ," lOwJMB; -- Is,"

18,82s Bajorlty far Lease.81,034.

CioslBar-lT- p the Business ProleM atiesrneral Bradley,! Ma Olaaa Am-

nesty Bes.laUeaM of Gover-nor PattoB.

The stockholders of the Memphis andCharleston railroad met In Assembly hallyesterday morning at ten o'clock, railroadtime, agreeably to adjournment. JudgeClayton in the chair.

uovernor ratton at onoe moved a suspension of the pending vote on theminority report, and proposed that themain question be substituted. The motionwas carried and the vote taken on the ma-jority report, those in favor of it voting" aye " and these opposed " no."

Yonne ate.The shares voted in favor of the propo-

sition were as follows:Its PERSON.

Boswell Hlne, 829; A M Cayton, 100;J D Todd, 42; J H McClelland, 44; SuianE Cooper, 702; M W Guy, 221; J W n,

641; Emma 8 Aldridge, 702; W ETomlinson, 48; Mrs E O Tomiinson, 16Sam Mosby, 188; C F Smith, I860; SamTate, 19; Jane Morrison, 85; J M Walliice,402; Florence Weeley an University, tJ50;E P McNeal, 170; A H Jones, 41; SaOlleBrewster, Ab; Alice Brewster, 36; C Brew-ster, 30; Fred F Jones, 40; Susan H Jo aee,40; Mary P Jones, 40; P R Jones, 40; ll LJones,40; J A FransioladtCo,2o; J O Bailey,42; Pitzer Miller, 461; 8 H Moore, 5; WR Larkin. 9; E H Dillard. SO: DavidLarklD, 448; Pleasant Brothers, 60; W BWaldran, 1620; E M Mumford, 6342; JRKeasnover, 36; John Katner and others,686; Geo Robinson, 44; T B Mlcou, 160; TB Micou, for Toby, 60; W B Miller, 60: SH Toby, 1349; R V Taylor, 42; D B Mol--loy, 62; Memphis Life and Genera) Insur-ance company. 160; H E Jackson. 118C: WW Garth, 237; J W Garth, by W WGarth, 445; Maria T Garth, by WW Garth, 980; Winston Garth, byW W Garth, 80; Garth, Ex, 272; J LNorton,40D; Norton, Slaughter it Co, 1610;C A Taylor, 80; M J Wicks, 2400; R OBrlnkley, 4208; 8 H Toby, 47; ThomasJoiner, 21; M P Jarnagln, 48; Fordyoe fc

Risoo, 666; C F M Dancy, 248; Sallle DDancy, 26; H D Bulkley, 200; J A Ford71; J T Pattile, 120; M A Allen 8; T JNeal, 42; Thomas Fisher, 95; Norton, Wisdom 4 Co, 2000; J T Swayne, 8; J J Mc- -

Davitt, 400; Mary J McDavltt, 200.BT PROXY.

Votbd by M. J. Wicks. James RBrown, 219; Lucy E Dowdy, 21; O Davis,20; M S Mcuomb, 40; J S Murrell, 42; Mrs A V Murrell, 42; A JHatchlns, 10; 8 8 Wallace, 100: R T MoCoy, 1940; Charles F McCoy, 1860; JohnKnox, 4; John Cubbins, 8; William BWoodruff, 8; W P Hszzird, 10; M JO'Brien, 30; Miss M A Wallace, 268; B HRice. 360; W W Rice, 200; John J Oop-ll-

7969; F B Carr, 21 ; Adams, Spratt &Co, 866; A M Stephens, 80; John P King.706; George Patterson, 8; Thomas SNewlin, 341; 8 8 Rice, 320; Josephrrioe, 47; A s Jarvis, 11,315;H B Dillard. 85: J H Nance, 21; HenryE Grannis, 200; J W Jefferson, 136: CalebCope, 213; Wilmor, uampbell x Oo , 37;W J Semmes, 240; Cornelia Brandon, 42;Miles White, 213; EH Caldwell, 42; JPSteger, 8; f L Bethel. 5703; William Johnson, 1214; C Johnson, 1648; L 8 Tarbox,46; T S Msrr, 38; B F White, 3:8; WilliamH Stephens, 120.

E Richardson, 102; Mrs. Logwood, 12;J E Douglas, 10; J J Mitchell, 384; 8 AChambers,?; Annie Bady, 80: E 8 JareyA Co., 360; J J Freeman, eO; E Morion,24; John Overton, Sr , 2442; Ewing,

on a to., so; a j liartoo, 602 ; Jessie Irwin, 50 ; WW Thatcher 234; D W Bowman 1600;L Bills, 882; Jss Mullner, 53; F W Smith,300; W B Newall, 461; A J Bermam, 40;W Desman, 61; William Dickson, 1190; RMoore. 85; K Haeakill, 146; B W Bedford,20; U J Ccx, 17; A U Settle, 13: A Vaocaro,25; Levy 4 Bog, 1400; Manhattan bank,950; J C N Robertson, 80; John Robertson,32; John Carr, 880; H Bensdoifi, 30; 8 HHinton's estate, 17; B D Lusalon, 751 ; BD Lasaion, treasurer, 100; B D Lasaion,treasurer, 65; T J Robertson, 200; E aSoaife, 200; Martha Patton, 400; George8 Hnston, 42; William A Hlne, 43;R C David, 46; E Hine, IS; E D Vassa, 265;E R Roberts, 101; James Fennell, 6; BFeam. 172; L L Fesm, 172; H Mitchell, 2A B Dillswortb, 109; O M O'Neal, 101; JF Hargraves. 44; B Franklin. 21 ; John FAbernatby, 746; H J Pride. 100; J J Mur-phy, 803; Memphis bank, 16; SasanHathaway. 9; W H Cherry, 211; B F Litt- -tle, 22; M L Thornton, 8: M H M Rey-nolds, 133; W F Dancy, 1421; K Hogan,85; R S McRsynolds, 37; H P.Mayberrv,34; H B Plant, 100; E M Dawson, 400;X B Kayiana, 614; T H. Brandbam, 400Abert, Johnson A Co., 42 ; B Blnford, 8James Chiles, 524; M Irwin, 218; MAJudkins, 20; H C Lsy, 25 ; C R Rountree,72; E B Sanders, 693; McCombs, Keller 4Byrnea, 200; U W Norton, 1831; C A Dea-ve- r,

21 ; W L Bacon. 129; J 8 Taylor, 170;H S Taylor, 46; L dc J Hanauer, 42;Saboolfield 4 Hanauer, 32; M A R bod,29; C C Sale, 56; Mostly 4 Pickens. 42: HL Clay, 467; U D Newoombe, 853; ThomasMasters n, fcS; W B Wllkerson, 42; E EClark, SO,'; McClellan 4 Frank, 80; Man-hattan hank, 940. estate of J E Youn 6;M Sorman. 34; SO Alexander, 46; 8 JNeal. 123; Q 0 Atkinson, 400; R C Gam-ble, 86; B M Estes, 920; J C Neoley, 400;J J Dement, 68.

YOTIBe BO.The following are the votes that were

oast In the negative:nr pbrson.

A A Burleson, 285; Burleson, Pattison 4Co, 256; Hamlin O dwell, 479; E H Steyer,21; M Harkins, 133; D S Pattison, 660; JJ Donovan, 1202; Pattison, Donovan 4 Co,113; Donovan 4 Cablness, 266; R W Pat-to- n,

by R M P, 200; R M Patton, 15; RM Patton, president, 106; A A Burleson,guardian, 120.

BY PROXY.John Snotigraae, 812; John H Maddox,

12; William M Maddox, 12; E L Maddox.12; W Delanoy, 42: D K Caldwell. 8; J MNitherland, 8: EM Klrby, 21; W D

irKS,Z26; WEakln,85; V M Robinson.42; Madison county, 6883; Joseph Ward,42; M A Johnson, 38; Martha J Burleson,40; M E Burleson, 40; Laura J Burleson,40; R Smiley, 170; W K Byrd, 17; Isabella Bradley, 181; M Harkins. 426; E JKasiner, 10; Ford, Porter 4 Co.,400; Amelia Crawford. 823; A OGriffin, 42; 0 P Osbbinlss, 272,Fanny Doneean, 400; S W Donegan, 240 ;

J B Patton, 200; Samuel Peete, 572; JaneP By son, 800; Luoy Byson, 808 ; E P By-so-

800; at A. Crews, 253; M, P. Coles,109; Josiah Chapman, 23; Alberta Chap-man, 23; J H Martin, 418; Frank Martin,17.

B EC A PI rl I. AT I O.N

Total of "ayee" by proxy 67.482Total of "ayes" in person 33 880

Grand total 100,862Total of "noes' by proxy.. 15,082Totsl of "noes" In person. . 3,746

Grsnd total 18,828Grand total of "ayes" ...100,882Grand total of "noes" .... 18,828

Majority for lease 82,034The total vote registered wan 144,030, of

which ii,ow were voted.When the result of the votir g was an

nounoed by the chair, Joseph C. Bradleyof Madison county. Alabama, offered thefollowing protest :

The undersigned, a proxy, representingin this convention the county or MadisonState of Alabama,does not feel that he hasdischarged his duty to his principal withoat adding to his vote agairuit the pro- -

prosed contract with tne southern rial;way company a dnal protest. The countyaforesaid . la . advised. . tnat. tne rproposed

m . .contract is, in all its parts, illegal, and incontravention oi the rights of the stock-holders of the Memphis and CharlestonRailroad company For these reasons generally stated, the undersigned, as proxylor the aforesaid county of Madison, Stateof Alabama, protests against the acceptanoe and consummation of this proproaedcontract or lease, and asks thitt the samebe filed and spread upon the minutes ofthis convention.

JOSEPH C. BRADLEYColonel Bradley c dered auso a resolution.

wnicn requires tne secretary or the convention to fnrnish the commissioners ofthe county of Madison with a certifiedcopy of the protest.

On motion ct uolonel Tate, iieoonded bywicks, tne resolution wai

unanimously adoptedColonel Mumiord submitted the follow

ing resolutions separately. They wereadopted oy a unanimous vote.

Resolved, lhat the board of directors ofthis company be and thev are hsmhrauthorized and empowered to sell and!

. ,a u.ui in- - a 4aispoee or tue rxiuaaiirnue ana Manchester ana tne southwestern Dranches of thisroad, in the event that the leaae to theSouthern Railway Security company iafinally closed snd becomes a binding con-tract; said aale or disposition to be madenoon such terms aa may be deemed bentfor the interest of thli company.

Buotved, That this board of directors beinstructed (if the lease is Anally adopted,and any provision thereof, upon a fairconstruction, leaves any doubt of theamount argued therein to be paid as divi-dends being certainly paid to the stock-holders), as such, to insist upon this mat-ter being put beyond all doubt aa far aathe terms of the agreement (ran render itcertain; and, If practicable, hive the sameloanrted ic the proper olauas; provided,the floating debt aid all othit? LUblUtlca,

except those arrowing out of the fundeddebt, are provided for.

Six hundred copies of the proceedingswere ordered to be published in pamphletform, for distribution among the stock-holders of the road.

Governor Patton submitted a vote ofthanks to the chairman of the convention,Judge Clayton, and to the secretary, Mr.Moore, for their able, dignlhed and cour-teous conduct daring the meeting; alsoto the president and directors o? the road,and to the chairmen of the various com-mittees, and to tbe members of the pressfor their valuable services, which waaadopted.

The convention took a recess till threeo'clock, at which hour the minutes wereaigned and the convention adjourned sinedie.


tatey are, Waal titer Hake asSHew it Pays them.

A S Irons aad I'sasaeCrsblc Argumentla Favar of aa Increase at

Maaafaetartas Facilities.

I have shown that we have advantagesequal to, or greater than those of anyother city, for manufacturing, and havesuggested that the tew and limited ex-periments made or making here, provethe statement true. Let as, now, try Itscorrectness and go a little farther, andpoint directly to the proofs of what I say.Begin with our


Williams 4 Co., W. L Griffine 4 Co.. GM. Venable, Connell, Cochran, Zsnt andothers. Has not their business proved agreat succsss? Are they not shippingtamper, made by themselves, In everydirection, even to the ap nvercities snd towns snd all of themhave greatly prospered? Ch'cigc, colebrated as a lumber market, has not haltour facilities and advantages in this de-partment. The forests around aa and atoar doors are yet virgin, many of themnot having yet heard the sound of theaxe, and much of the timber being of themost valuable kind we even have, as isattested by Mr. Drew, at the Charlestonrailroad shops, a most sufficient eubetitote for the magnolia, in the tapalogam, ior car ana turnuare purposeswell ss for wcoler-war- e, for which it iaalready celebrated.

Neal 1b the manufacturer ofFCBKITORB, TRUNKS, ETC ,

and all articles msde of wood. The abundant timber at hand, and of such varietyand excellence, at once proves tbe facilityof conducting this business at Memphisand tbe success with which it has beenand is conducted, so far, is a farther and

radical arzument in its favor. I refer toSiscktord, Krenkel and McCan, coopers;nappes, trunk maker; Wiggs Jt Uo., boxmakers; Brinckman, Suttenberg, Hoen,Keukopt ana Schmidt, cabinetmakers;Ames, Beattie 4 Co., Armstrong, Naill 4Co., Davis, McKlnney, Bryson 4 Co., andMitchell, rdonman ct uo., furniture manufaoturers.

CARRIAGE BCILDEBS.Woodruff 4 Co., W. 8. Bruce A Co., L

S. Burr 4 Co., Bardell, Gannon 4 Dickinsm; Margan, Qainn 4 Wail see, andVan Solver.

PLANING MILLS.Cubbins, Gunn 4 Coover ; William Farls

(a prominent and earnest advocate ofMemphis manufactures); Hewitt, MooreEader 4 Co, ; Taffe 4 Saint, Wiggs 4 CoJohn Xent, and several of these manufiCturers of saah, doors and blinds.

WAOONMAKBRS, ETC.Bell, Daman, Davidson, Rash 4

Einls, Fischer, GeoreenthumJames 4 Rooss, Kelly, Lilly, Maurer 4uo , mcriiernavy. Miiourn, walker st (JoMorgan, Nale 4 Co., Roberts, Ryanana spaniy cz uo.

Is not their success most marked inquantity, quality and cheapness of workAre they excelled by the manufacturerswhose goods are brought here and sold solargeiv (to the discredit of home enterprise)? Are better or cheaper carriagesput up man tnose 01 wood run Jt uo.. andBruce? They are sold all through thesouth, and aamirea for their utility andbeauty, and yet their establishmentsought to turn out forty times as muchwork ; and, doing so, they would accouipush more for Memphis than all themoney-dealer- s in the city. And so ofJames and Roosa's wagons. Far and nearthey are sought for, and their eetabltshment adds more to Memphla's growth thanail Mauison street. And so of the eatablishments of Farris. and Griffins:, andEader, and like men. And then, also, areouraf AHCFtCTCREBS IB METALIC MATERIALS,as Holt Lawless, with others Inamedboiler makers; Grader Cotton Gin andManufacturing company, snd G. W. Payne4 Co, gin manufacturers; Cheek, Longand apeers, otton press manufacturersCurry, Day, Ellis and Price 4 Sioneengravers; Handle 4 Heath, JohnsonRisk 4 Co. snd Cubbins jt Gunn, foundrymen; Browne 4 Browne, Kennedy 4Smith, Lunn snd Msllon, gas and steampipe nttert; Ulasslck, Lockmeyer 4 CoLullman 4 ienna, Schmidt, Schneiderand Scbeuman, gunsmiths; Batteile 4Co., rolling mill firm; Haberlinestencil cutter; John L. Eichberg 4uo., juaes, rriuce, wetter Jt uoBering 4 Lotz), Rebstock, Risk 4Johnson, Woltering, and others, manulacturersof tin and ironware; and otherswho, in their several places, are doinzwell and turning out much work, equal tothat of any city. They are also of thesolid builders of Memphis, the builders ofs city, and of tbe class who build cities.Mallon is sending his beautiful work tothe neighborhood of flfashvilie.

And, again, I may Instance other importent mechanics among us as

MANUFACTURERS IM LEATHER,Lutz, Linkheur 4 Brother. E. Dolan.

Callahan, Bruder and App, boot and shoemakers; j. 1. wegoie s uo , Brooks,Berry, C se, Correll, Moore 4 Peter?,Ferguson 4 Prlv tt, Bergaohicker, Tighe,Johnson and Qalgley, saddle and harnessmanufacturers ; Thomas 4 Gross, lesthermanufacturers, and Scheibler 4 Chambers,anoe manuiaciurers.

PRINTERS AND BOOK BINDERS.Pries, Jones 4 Co., A. W. Young 4 Co.,

Toof, Brunscwiler snd Boyle 4 Cuapman,Diana ooox manufacturers aad bookbinders; and F. 8. Vanhorn, jr., Beebn,rioya, tool w hit more, Boyle 4 Cbapman; Southwestern Publishing company,ana r aoe oc uo., nook ana )od printers,

MILLINERS.Mrs. Quinlan, Miss Perdue, Mrs, Han

ter, and many others, dressmakers andmilliners, equal to those of any city; andi.auge, noop skirt manufacturer.

MISCELLANEOUS.Goodyear, bleacher straw goods ; Weld

4 McHale and White 4 Cameron, broommanufacturers; reters. brush manufacturer; Piper 4 Co., Newport, Jones 4 Oo,and Cousins 4 Co, brick manufacturers ;

Frost, Heinricb, snd others, candy manufacturers; Bliss, Hoffman 4 Haberer,Mergle, Steinmeyer, and Loeffal. cigarmanufacturers; Wesson, Wasson, Turner,Hurd, Hinson, Blair and others, dentalmanufacturers; Bledsoe, Liane. Benand others, floor and meal manufacturers;Diuiuuu a, uraver, ana Armstrong, photographers; Lemon, sister; Presoott andothers, soap manufacturers; Suter, New-ell, Keith, Tblxton, Eysche snd

makers ; Sam'l Tighe, pc fr

ier; atewart, riaico, mam !Hon and Bafc- -oock,narserymen;Fisber,Amis40o,May-dwel- ,

White, Margerum, Qulgley 4 Mo-ra-n,

Muldoon, Bullett 4 Co. marble workers; Hughes and Brandy, glass stalners;Cabblna 4 Gunn, mill manufacturers; sndmany others.

I name so many, that the public atten-tion may be directed to the fact that man-ufacturing, or creative and productiveindustry, aloes succeed in Memphis to solarge an extent, and so may and ought tobe conducted, in all these departments,to the tall extent of the demand for thearticles produced. And I repeat that,under oar circumstances, wiih our cli-mate, with the material at hand, with ourcheap living, with all these facilities fair-ly erowding upon us, it Is a shame, un-qualified shame, that the steamboats andrailroads coming to the city from aboveshould De loaded down with every andany article above named ! It will be aninexplicable, anexcussble disgrace if.hereafter, we fall to manufacture ourcotton and woolen goods, our plowsbrooms, bedsteads and chairs, and altfarming and household wares aye, andship tbem swsy by river and rail shipcotton goods north, even to Lowell ! Willany one estimste tbe money we sendsway for these things that we oan and. tosome extent, do manufacture here? Andthen estimate the money we would bringaer oy manufacturing ana sending oiltbe same amount? E nor moos sumsYet, all this latter is to be right here atMemphis. Bat this article is only intended to show what we can do. bv wavof Indicating what we should i'o, hereafter.


in tne proper treatment ot disease orlameness In horses is to find out whst iathe matter. I examine and prescribe anthat tbe owner oan treat almost all dla- -

blmself successfully.JOS. BUSHMAN,

Veterinary Surgeon, 65 Union street.


Dressed turkeys and chickens receivedfresh. A choice lot y at

FUR8TENHEIM 4 HEXTER'S,68 Jefferson street.

Flannels A full line of white, soar- -let and opera. Our goods are marked inplain figures and we have only one price.

armsD, ia t L,un, a 1 ti actuh; x uo..Opposite Peabody hotel,


Important tHarlslaa by the supremeOaart af the State A Harder Case

from Jf oatgonaery Coaatyd.

Tne Plea al Iasanlty Tboroasrbly CBB--sielered, aad Several important

Folate Established.

The Nashville Banner, of Wednesday,publishes a synopsis of one of the mostInteresting cases, involving several Important points, decided in oar supremecourt, on Tuesday, through Judge Nichol-son, whose opinion waa listened to by anunusually large crowd of outsiders as wellas lawyers. The opinion of the learnedjadge will be read with great interestthroughout the entire country, since tbeplea of insanity, with all Its intricacies otproof and oounterproof, has become to beso frequently made In cases of murder.The following are the main features of this

OPIMION.Richard Dove was tried and convicted

of murder In the first deirree for killingWm. , in Montgomery county.The jury found that the murder waa com-mitted with mitigating circumstances,whereupon he was sentenced to tbe penitentiary for life. He has appealed to thiscourt. The

BVIDBNCEdeduced in the trial was ss follows: Vir-ginia Holland (whom Dove oflered toprove to be his wife by cohabitation, acknowledgment, etc., to prevent ner

bat was not granted this right,the court ruling that a marriage certificate or testimony of witnesses was necessary as proof) testified that she hadbeen living with defendent three or four

At the time of Digarins's death,Ssara. witness, her two children, hermother, her sister and Digglns were, alllivine in the same rcom. Diveand Digglns ate supper that night toanther, thev lauehed and talked together"and then went to bed and were so laugh-ing and talking when witness went tosleep. About two o'clock st night witnesswss awakened bv the blows being siruckby Dove with an ax, and by the cries ofDlggtna." Witness saw and beard Dovestrike Digging two or three blowa. "Dovesaid. ' now vou see what I have donehave done many a one that way.' " Doveletrched for money, and said he wanted itto travel on; took Diggina's knife, pat it inhis pocket and threw a blanket oyer Dietries. He told witness he could no' leaveher to witness against him, and aaid, " ifyou don't go with me I shall see the lastof all of vou: you shan't be left for witness aeainst me." Witness, Dive snd hertwo children then went into the woods.where thev remained all day. Dove keeping the knife in his band and saying hewould kill witness If she tried to leavehim. Late in the evening she foundrefuge with two gentlemen whom shechanced Ito see. Dove was once "jealousof Digglns, but he had been satisfied ofthat. Digglns was an old, gray-heade- d

man, about sixty years old. He wssauler. srood old man. while Dove wasvery passionate man, -o- i-en got very mwiwithout any cause, would be violent whenno one bad tron bled him ;" frequently aaidhe would have somebody s blood, throwins his arms wildly about, and ?uch things,Had attempted to strike old Digglns before without provocation, ne often complained of headaches ; to complainedduring- the dsy before Diggins's death. 1

answer to whether she thought Dove sansor lnsane,ahe said she never saw anythingwrong about him.

Sarah Holland, Virginia's mother, gaveabout the same testimony in substance,

Martin proved thst witness was s lazytrifling man; a strange man; nobody knewhim. Witness never knew him, thoughhe had lived with him.

Talley worked with Dove. He neverbad much to say. Had hear! bm ssy, "hewould kill any man who didn't work forhimself, bat made other people work forhim " He said Digglns didn't work forhimself.

James Andrews, T. J. Sly and Jeff Woo-te-n

testified to the strange charac er ofDove.

Patsy Oczzart, a sister of Dove, testifiedthat he was born in Alabama, was a cierfor one Norman in Nashville for a year ortwo. and while in Nashvilie receivedbad wound on his head, was damaged fromthe wound, talked Incoherently, and consiantly complained of his bead, at thattime about niteen years ago.

TESTIMONY OF MEDICAL EXPEBTSExperts were introduced, among them

Dr. D. P. Wright, who had examinedDove's head and found it had suffered, iseemed, two injuries, one on the righside, lust below the crown. "The skullhas been fractured and a portion of thebone Is depressed upon the brain ; tbe depressed portion is fractured about theceuter and a piece of tbe skull bone isbroken off, which protrude&l through thefracture and is now sticking down uponthe brain." Witness thought that suchan injury must produce, more or less, adiseased mind, which might remain dormant an indefinite period, or might be revealed by paroxismal insanity, which kindof insanity would be that moat likely tofollow such a coarse. During lucid intervals In such esses "the patient mightappear reasonae y rational, and mightconverse with intelligence." its symptoms were moodiness, love of solitudepassion without apparent cause, etc,Such persons often commit the worst ofcrimes on those they love beat or who area thing of Indifference to them, whilethey are conscious of the crime and of tbepenalty. An effort to escape or concealthe crime wonld not be evidence of sanity,Upon reading a written synopsis of thefacti aa proved In this case, relative toDove's mind,witness gave it aa his opinionthat the strong probability was that "hewas insane at the time of the commissionof the crime.' O.her doctors concur fullywith Dr. Wright In his opinion of thesame hypothetical state 01 facts.

HABQE OF THE OIRCOTT JUDGE.Af er charging the law correctly as to

the several grades or nomicioe, ice circuitludge Instructed the ary ss to the aetense of Insanity as follows: "The lawpresumes s man to be sane until the contrary is proven. The evidence of the insanity of the defendant mast oe so clearand satisfactory as to overturn the presumption of the law m favor of Insanityas it is required to overturn tnat of innooence. it the testimony leaves onlydoubtful question se to whether he winsane at tne time of the killing, the presumption of the law turns the scale Infavor of the sanity of the defendant, insuch case the law holds tbe defendant re-sponsible for his seta." sees xheproof ot Insanity, to acquit, should beclear aa that of murder to convict.


Judge Nicholson alluded to severalerrors assigned In the case. He ruledthat tbe criminal court had full jurisdictlon in the esse With regard to thetestimony cf Virginia Holland, U wasrefused to examine her on her voir dire.and on being allowed to produce proof ofthe marriage aliunde, tne defense did notundertake It. The court rightly admittedher testimony. It waa objected to thatwitnesses should be asked their opinionas to the insanity ct Dove. "The rejection of theoplnions of the witnesses, basedupon the facts and circumstances statedby them, waa erroneous. ia this connection are cited Oibson vs Gibson, 9xerg. 3W. orton vs. , Head 444. Thelast and most Important error assigned isas to that portion ot the charge of thejudge which, among other things, heldthat the defense ot insanity, to be avail-able, most be proved beyond a reasonabledonbt. "It is conceded that this charge issustained oy nngusn cases and oy oasesIn a fe w of the States, but it is certain thatit la in contraven ion of a large numberof decisions in other States of tbe Union." JThere has been no exactly similar case inTennessee, but the principles laid downIn 3 Yerg. 283, and since followed, govern.Ths opinions referred to are by JudgesCatron, Oreen and Peck.

And from that time to the present thelaw has been settled in our State tbat ifthe proof fails to generate full convictionof every material ingredient constitutingthe crime of murder, the defendant mustb acquitted." Aocording to Coke, a person to be guilty of mardtr mast be of"sound memory and discretion." It maybe safely stated that no person, who can-not distinguish between good and evil andwho has no oonsc'.ousnees of doing wrongoan commit murder. The law presumesevery one to be of sound mlrd, therefore,If this deiendant relied upon the plea ofinsanity, the harden or the proof la thisdevolved upon him. it tne accusedsane he could act "willfully, maliciously,premeditatedlv," all Ingredients essentialin murder, and ail must be proved beyondreasonable doubt. "But suppose the proofmakes it an even balance in tne minds ofthe jury, whether the defendant waasane or Insane; how, in that state ofdoubt, could the lory find that the defendant did the killing willfully, deliberately.maliciously and premeditately ? They arein uouot wneiner ne be 01 sound mind anddiscretion, of course they must doubtwhether he could have done the killingwuuuiiy, mauciousiy, aeiioerateiy andpremedltatedly. "When the proof of insanity makes an equipoise, the presumption of sanity Is neutralised, it is over-turned, it ceases to welsh, and the iurvare In reasonable donbt. How then can apresumption whioh has been neutralize!be resorted to to tarn the scale? In readingthe evidenoe one would feel shocked withthe enormity of this orlme if he aaanmarlthat the defendant was of sound mind.There was entire friendship between theparties. The jar; found extenuatingcircumstances. Yet the defendant waasentenced to work hard for Ufa. ThaJudge stated that the records hadoeen sear onea in vain, out no aem-blano- e

ot a mitigating circumstancehad been toned. The Jury most havedoubted whether the defendant waa sane,and "being instructed by the court thatsuch doubt would not justify acquittal,they gave the defendant the benefit of

this doubt," and saved him from the gal-lows. It waa suggested that the peace oftbe con utry demanded that this sentencebs confirmed, and that to torn him loosemight be to have him kill number leasothers. "But this la not the tribunal towhich the consideration of public policyoan be appropriately addressed. Oarbusiness Is to administer and not to makethe law. The code provides that onproper and conclusive proof of insanity,the judge may order the defendant to alunatic asylum. Oar duty is dischargedIn declaring that the defendant baa beenonvicted and sentenced to imprisonment for life contrary to law. We reversetbe judgment, and remand the case foranother trial."


A dans; af Art Lata from ine Bonn Cometa Wrier an their First paealatlea.

Yesterday morning the police noticed arquad of half a dozen strangers at theOhio depot. Later in the day it was re-ported at the stationhouse that there wereaome fresh thieves in the city. They werenot long In developing their IntentionsThree of them pat in an appearance at theMississippi and Tennessee railroad depot,at the southern end of Main street, whena train waa about to start out. They in-quired of Mr. Ward, the ticket agent.which was tbe first station. On beingtold that Whitehaven la the first stationon the road, they purchased tickets forthat place, and entered tbe oars. Theykept quiet until the train started, atwhich time one of them went to the doorof the ladies' car, and made such a racketthat the attention of the passengers in theother car was drawn to the circumstance,At that moment another one ot themstepped up to Captain Stokes, andasked him, in a load and Imperiinent voice, " Where are you going?'The Captain looked up, astonishedand chagrined at the fellow's insolence,ana sua, - 1 am going to HernandoWhy? What is that to you?" Thestranger subsided quite rapidly, went tothe door and Jumped off the car. He gavea peculiar sort of "whoop !" and then twoothers were seen to jump off also. Captain Stokes moved away from where hewas with the Intention of going into theladies' car. It was than that Mr. Cald-well told him that his watch was gonethat he had seen "that fellow" take it, butdid not know what he was at. CaptainStokes looked down, and aaw his watch- -chain hanging out and the watch gone anne gold one worth llrxi He had thetrain stopped Immediately, got off andgave notice to tbe first policeman he meFat. Sheehan. The thieves had gone oatat a back gate in the depot-yar- d. Sheehan got a horse and pursued them Hehad nothing to guide him bat the "scentThe pursuit was lively through back-way- s

and alleys nhtil he reached Main streetagain. He then got word that the thieveshad taken a street car. Being compelledto abandon the horse In his devlons chsse,he jumped into a furniture wagon, andtold the driver to go past the streetoar, now a long way in the dis-tance. He caught ap with It betweenBeale and Union, nabbed his men and hadthem conveyed tq.the stationhouae. Cap-tain Athey put handcuffs upon them andsent them to the depot, where they wereidentified by the tioket agent. Later inthe day Captain Stokes went to the sta-tionhouse and identified them also. Mr.Col well was telegraphed to come here andgive his testimony in the case also. Therewere but two of the gang captured. Thethird fellow made his escape with thewatch. The two now boarding at thestationhouse are amartlooklug boys, whoappear to have enjoyed the advantages ofa city education. They gave their namesas John Reiliy and Mike Ryan.


First Cuancery Court Morgan,cellar.

Decisions: Apperson vs Eastland. Mo-tion was heard yesterday. Next Mondaytne case or rtanooipn vs Merchants' ational

bank will be resumed,

Second Chancer; Court Chancelloreott.

No decisions yesterday. Cases beardBledsoe vs Bledsoe, Davis vs Bnckner,Powers vs Mehan, Continued : Kirk vsDavis, Rodgers vs City, Oolliday vs Carr.Howe vb Aldrich, Schooifield vs Allen,Hyer vs Home Insurance company. Tberemainder of casea passed to other days.Court "djourned until Monday, 221 In-stant. Cases set for that day : 190. Weilsvs Carson; 92. Stewart va CockrsU; !S0,Vaughan vs Porter; 474, Gritfing va Car-ver ; 676, Shoemaker vs Bernard; 682,Lumpkin vs Wilson: 749, White vsRoo ee; 804, Cox vs Jefferson ; 805, Jonesvs Co flee.

First Clrealt Ceart HelakeUL, Jadge.All the casea were called and disposed

of on yesterday's calendar. Tills is motion day.

Clrealt Coart-Halse- y. Jadge.To day the following cases were dis-

posed of: 1371, Dickenson vs Firt Na-tional bank of Memphis; 1376, Hardwlckand Xeelis vs Glover; ISM, Foley vsWlckeraham ; 1472, Schoonoover vs Qaack-enbusb- ;

1472, Schaltz vs Kinger et si;1480, Mc'Jormick ys Uagbee; 1484, Raid ABro. vs Pyne; I486, White va Smith; I486,Porter vs Boyoe; 1487, Porter vs Green ;1491, Nickolsvs Dana; 1493, Wright vsPadgett; 1494, Ackerman vs Bender; 1495,Gann vs Mosby ; 1497, Kremer vs Cockrell;1493, Lowenateln A Bro. vs Cockrell; lw, - Menken Bro. vsCockrell; 1600, WUlard vs Healey; 1601,Seibert vs Kaufman; 1504. McDonald &Cole va Shuttleworth; 1506, Hurst vsHardwlck: 1508. Obermelr vs Hart: 1609.I Vinson va Jones; 1512, Hard wick veHuret;1013, Hammond vs Carmack; lola, Mitchell dt Co. va Hutchinson ; 15a). Reed vsDwyor et al; 1623, Mai a tee ta vs O'Donnell;1524, Rhodes va Sutton; 1627, White vssmith; lo2, Walker Bros. x Co. vs L alter Curtis et al ; 1529, Paul it Crocket vaWoli; 1530, Fencbt dt Johl vsGalUna; 1533,Mccormick vs Eadins: 1534. LewHaliman and wife; 1536, Ralls and wife vaClayton; lo37. Cunningham vs Cretans;1538, Fisher vs Moore; 1539, Kerr va Kirk-le- y

dt Joyner 1540, Granberry vs Greeley;.i, staamoom Florence Trader vs steam

boat St. Patrick; 1651, Parker vs Berlin;loou, Young vs Toser a Walker; 1658,Alexander vs Toof, Phillips S Co; 1556,aiaione vs weaver.

Irish Linens A splendid assortment,at one price: in Dlaln figures.

SPEED, TAYLOR, STRANGE CO..Opposite Feabody hotel.

Coooam dresses the hair beautiinliy.

Connubial. . FaxicrrY.. . Nothing"T

tends. . moraSI10 connaurau nappmess man cneenni andhealthy Infants and children. Mrs. Whit- -comb's syrup la the great children's soothingiwsnoar.

Ladies' Poclln and Alpaca Suits.Cloaks in velvet and cloth, very cheap.

SPEED, TAYLOR, STRANGE dt CO.,31 Main street.


At a sacrifice, at Joseph Goodman's, tilmain street.


arte aale by J. B. mils, drmrtrist. Salmain street.

aaa 'rmM, 81a Second atreec


At prices that astonish the natives.Joseph Lroodman'a, 311 Main street.

HosiKRY Ladies'. Gents'. Children'sand boys', in cotton and wool, a completeassortment.

SPEED, TAYLOR, STRANGE A CO.,opposite reaoooy hotel.

A OaNTTjRY ago the upper Blue-Lic- k

water waa used only by vast herds of buffaloes, it ia now the moet nonular mineral spring water of the aire, and the beatalterative and aperient known. Suppliedin oases of two dozen bottles, filled care-fully at the springe. An excellent thingior iaimiy use.

MANSFIELD dt HIGBEE,Wholesale Agents.

crjRk fob coroa on cold. Aa soonas there is the alikhteat uneasiness ot theohest, with difficulty ot breathing, or in-dication of oough, take daring the day atew Drown s nroncniai xroonee. '

Sniat rirtuKi, ns Weoond atreet.

Dssss Goods We hsve a general assortment, we nave one price and no deviation -

SPEED, TAYLOR. STRANGE 4 CO.,opposite reaoody note:.

Hbat, Compost and Economt. Thisyon will get by haying your grates setwith Lemon's improvement. Call at 296Second street.

TBI cheapest and best reing and Cleaninghouse in tbe citv is at 34 street (Monta nanson a old stand,hajtbon a walker.

Jos Locks, SS3K Main street, has the laiseatataortment oi Magaalnea, Pictorials and dallies m tne city.

Blankets in great variety, very lownarurea, at rjpeeu. xayior. Btrana--e dt Co. a.111 main street.

eIF you sutler from neuralglajtpnly "NenriL

grvaarrwa the grate in this TUaffreMsaving of fuel. Kna.

NxtrEii." tmmecUateiy relieves andmanently cures neuralaraW

Psunts English and American: neatstyibs.

hFEED, Ti X LOtt. BXlvAftGE t CO.,Opposite Peabc dy netei.


Carnal Be tall JPslceB as aTeaas, Pesfctry, raa, tea ass, rrnlts, vegetablesaad Dairy Preelaete.

The general tendency of prices in thsfamily marketing line baa been upwarddaring the past week. The vegetable department la not well supplied ana game isalso scarce. There is no venison, but buffalo meat ia plsnty. One dealer hadconsignment during the week of ninethousand pounds. The demand is brisk.Wild turkeys are not easily ootainea.

MEATS.iriteak --loin, m...l8aBe Veal foreqr, Jb IV

porteruou!-,...i3iaj- c ninuqr --uarsiocronml 15c cutlet.

Roas- t- 12H.V.L6C Pork-fre- sh 15cstew 'a- pieci i.aOTSln corned ue

Corned beef sir oat laaajeMutton rrqr. Ham emoted. lio

riinuqr. 13c Tripe whole - 75e

FISH.Codfish, a ...lSeMerriaaT- - . ..Juc

Salmon. .JUc Drv Lod.. J4JC- -Shad, each.... 11 Whiuash

OAME AND POULTRY.Prairie chick, nr. tl Coon.. SOeetfl

Venison hams JDcTeal BSaaB ..J5c

Buffalosteak, rr .. shoulders ...13!v4lJCChickens each 50c

Op possum-- . Turkey, ft vaoe

DAIRY PRODUCTS, ETC.Butter-uohe- D,t .5uc Eggs, dot.. 40e

table Sfeatuc Silk -s-weet, sal... 40cooking JSe buttermilk l)c

Cheese 25c Lard LJSeVEGETABLES.

Potatoes Irlshu.4Ca.T0c Celery, doz tl OS

a, .sweet, peck sue taDnaae, ueau...iosaa;unions. 40A5UC Turnips, peck 20e

FRU1TS, ETC.Apples green, pk..aic Raisins .JOc

uriea. B 11x911c urapea... tlreadies dried 10. wc nouey- - .'6cCherries dried Jr4Uc Lemoru, c IjOC

Cranberries ai, 7jc ur tKlgf, B use

Extra One beef, choice mutton, pork,etc, at


68 Jerlarson street.

AatkBicAX Driven Wells at BrownsBrowne's, 15 Seoond attest.

TavBLE Damask, Napkins and Towels,of superior make, which, we tfalhk, w'ilgive satisfaction. We have but one price;in plain figures.

SPEED, TAYLOR, STRANGE dt COOpposite Peabody hotel.

A. F. DAVIS,House and sign painter, 28 Seoond street, ur-ders promptly executed at reasonable rales.

rtiM, st; Seci.a-- BWBBl

Lasdbbtb's garden-seed- s at wholesaleand retail. a. l.. ha ic n x to ,

98 Union street.

V kg STAB lbs of all kinds; celery, etc., at

FUR8TENHJEIM HEXTER'S,68 Jefferson street.

' NsTTJaUL is the great antidote for nan-algla.



Louisville ami clDclnnatl The elecaat'steamer - .MARY HOUSTONScboitse muster sillier.... -- elei k

Xhts splendid steamer willleave as above

ansDaY. 21st Inst., at 10 a.mRICH'D W. LJOtHBURNE. Oen'l Aeeat

4.1 asj Front street.Far CtaetBBall.

mDBl and Ciaeuanatif or Cairo. LeniavllLe and Cincinnati

The One passenger and freight steamerSliver Hteo

BWJSSSj .Will leave SaIUHDAY. --ttn mat., at S p.m

for freight or passage apply on ooara or toel u. i.uB, Acent,

tea aas Front street.


Regular New Orleans Packet For Vleka- -onrg, naicaes ana new urieaeav

Si MARTSWuuaourue. master Robinson. clerk

Leaves TH!8 DAY, Jlh Inst., at j p.m.Fur irelabt or paacage apply to

ELLIOT!- - 4 MILLER, Agents,.a. 2 Promenade St., foci of Jenerson

Memphis & Iw Or lea Packet $Far new Vrieaas aad late Be


Frank Hicks. Master. Jno Sullivan, ClerkWill leavt THCrtlDkY. o'.h lhat., at 4 p.m.Steamer Richmond leaves In place of

steamer Belie Lee.R. W. LIGHTBURSK, General Agent.

aW Front street,J. T. WASHINGTON , Aaent,

No. a Madison streetav STKAMER BnLLfe hJCK WLU resum

her regular trips WEdNKsdaY. FebruaryTi h, leaving on tnat cay for Mardl Ursa fes-tive1. JaJO

For Vlcksbura. Hatches and New Orleans.a a. l'L r: an, ..................... .....

This elegant passenger packetwill leave as above

SUNDAY, Zlst lnst,, at ll m.ELLIOTT MILLER, Agents,

1a9Q .fertH--M,- , and Promenade atreete.


Ciociona i 4 Red River Pac e CoFor and Jeflarton.

dtr. CHAMPION Lsn Bryson. Master.this eisgant steamer will leave

aa anoveTHIS DAT. 30th lnst.. at 5 a.m .

ELLiOrTA KLER, Agent.a u jenerson anq rromeneq easiest .


Far VicBELLS ST. LOCI3 Blake, m

This elegant ana awiit steamerwin leave aa above

THIS DAY. 20th lnst.. at la--

Freight received at the St, Louis wharfboaw. t Dii.i., Agent.



Far Evansvllla.The elegant passenger steamer

T. Hunt Maater j Jack Travan-Cle- rkWill leave THIS DAY, aotii instant, at 5 p.m.i or freight or passage apply on ooara or 10

ELLIOTT MILLER. Agents.Ja20 corner Jefferson sod Promenade eta.


St. Uuis and Ark. River Packet CoFor tattle ttoek.

COLUMBIA Tilde n, masterThis elegant steamer will leave

aa above .THIS DAY, mix lnst--, at 4 p.m.ror rreisni or passage apply tojaao j 1. raoAlNiifON. Agent.

Meaphit age) Arkaasu River Packet CaFor Pine Blutt and Little Rock.

TH0S. H. ALLEN, tsaeee Saith, ttaaterThis splendid steamer will

leave as aboveM jNDAY. Sid Ins . ilium.

W. H. KENNEDAY, Agent,Ontce on Uompany's Wharf boat.


FrUv'l Psfci. HtJt--a ai aaaa Wilt I

Stataasaji Paakat,Plil. AHiB,


"aaaLaavea Memphis Mondays, Wednesdays andFridays, at t o.m.. oonneetLuk at Helena withtne steamer rtnonA ror """ ana anran.ntson L'Ansuiile river n


ana Arkanaaa RJvai- - Paakat C

aaay-- U, S, Mail Lisa.

E LEO ANT PASSENGER BOATS OfTHE Line leave Memphis for all pointson Arkansas nverMONDAYS' ABO FBI BATS, at 4 a.

ror oraaht, rnesa rrs or other uirorrnatsrin.apply to

w. a. ajutoaiiai. Agent,Offloa on Company 'a Whar fboat.

oM root oi Court street.


ftee-nla- r Memphis and HalJea Point PaekutFor ualles Point and Way lamiup

FRANK rOBBM- T- J. 8. Andrews, maater- mer win reave b

Memphis for Halles Faint andaUsBBBaiway points BVBRY MONDAY AnD iDAT. a tfi o'clock n m.

ror irerant or pessnge apply on ooara. au


W kite aaaa Utile BestU. a. Mall Mae.

For Helena, DeVall'a Bluff, Searcy , Augusta,jacaaonjpora, ana an way mnnings.

Tha Klearant rassiiliniii 111 nam illLEGAL TENDER W. j. AhorU,m aster

Leavaa Mernnhis every TDJB4UA1. at ao'clock o.m.Htr. EMMA C. ELLIOTT. ..J. D. EUtott, master

Laavea Memphis every uiuavai, atnVlnee n.nn.

ine aoove eiagana ateamera laaeiiaiii aa v- -vaii a mun witn tne rauroaa awivaAaaauTUUHODAlrj, goLug up; and waunamiainana saiukus is, coming iwsa,

aUdaltXX a 11 liaia, aawaaa,jail 2 Proeaanade. foot oi IsSersoa.


kegaiar Saasaa ase law Hsarid Pakiror new saaaria, rwas ' m i aiaw,

Osceola, toe neaoa ani. inaerroenraseDanoinas xae rveg mar raeaet

WIU. tc HAj. T. Aantnnn ..olerk

ThU elegant passengerwill leave as above

EVERY aAlUMUAX at f BJB.For rrignt or passage apply an board or

ELLIOTT a MlLiJaR. Aeanta.jau so. i pw awaae atrei



Orleatxtsj.G-xi.aa.J- I

FSURTj ART 14,172.The r aernlflcent -r suamer

XE. grsaa aa ica&a, aBsaweewJons H. suUivaa, Clara.leave this city ou wiimaouAi,WILL 7th. W.i. err: vine: at Sew Ur.

leans Monday, FaDruaiy lath, aiviax ex. orloniats are days in the descent City during

LDS M SrtJl uraa raouuaya. wym: . wmleave Mew Urieana on oar op trip Saturday,February ma. Rooms can be ociairml forthe excursion by app y.n on io-r- J or to

K. w. liuhul tt u . 341-- 1.

ale Froni street.W. H. KkHSkDar. Axent.


Far New and ttw BMs.

on 1871-187- B.

The Elegant Passenger and Freight 8t anter

BcLLc Ltt --1 1 fft-- -- ir I J. BOlli vsji.-:ie- rk

WLU leave Memphis for jew UTaaans asrouowe :

aMeaafl ber ltn, at pjDThoreaay.. rlovemix Juta. at 4 p an

Thursday.. December uui, at : p mThursday- - Decern oer u. , at 5 pJU

X 8 7 a 1Thursday far. nary lUn, at 5 pjThursday January DSux. a-- i i p.mWednesday.. ry .in. at a p mThursday jrebraary c. at 5 p.mThuraaay .jaarch ,111, an p.mThursday March ilat, at i p i

W. L18HTrlL,Krf K. agent,its UL Irttt


Heieae, BJLartaawa aad st. 1 raaeea aii-- t

Packet steacerI ST. rRANCIS ilfTft


WLU leave Mempcls TrjaaDara aad Thl a- -r,art, at j o cioca r-- "

Fes' hrelejit or pasaaare apply on boards ac?


F 0. i fttm t4Frte'i

The re labia, ant ataaejSeta W.- - Cketk.MARK R. njwarar

WLU run regularly, as above, leaving Maremala every iUBSDAY. THCraHliAT and

punctually at 5 p.m.For freight rrr passes a. xfrlj rra board.

fW MattM. Pleat. WeiDSkaj . .a va.Tne batted states Mat Packet


WLU leave Memphis MuDAYcAYS, punctually ai 5 p.m.For freight or a ply ensarM

AOUriON UAl.t.3.

Bir aaaL. Fallei c C oAactioneers 4 CawaWhiitfi Mfiixala

will su nut mkxuve. a is e'er a--,

Without reserve or limit:100 eases of Men's Call, Klav, Wax aaast

lit Beets;tee eaaesat Meat's aaaa Ban'


Also, 50 seta of Furs good uaallty andstyles: U0 gross assorted. ToUet Soaps; aMdosen Army Socks; 109 areas frash Blacking;also, Clothing, Dry lioods. Hats, I apt. No-tions, Cutlery, Glass ware, etc.ear Country mercnanis, and the trade gen-erally, will and It to their Interest to attendour sales. Private sales a auction prices, atall times. da

1 RAxsPOft i A ION.

Memphis and LouisyiltoWINTER

13. '?!.Train leavss.Liaj Express .. 4 :LS a.m.- Mew York - ..... 130 PJB,Brownsville aacomrcodaUon. ., t:lo f "lUegant sleeping ears run torouh to Btucus, rjasaviue aaa ut on tee i jopun. train. The 4: la p.m. and t:tm a.m. trains)do sot ran on Sunday. J. F. BOYD.

MM Superi n lent.

Memphis and harl3st.n 8. 9,CHANGEOF TIMF.

Mondetv, Nov.nsr-Aatis-:

Mall train. ..13:13 pun. li M SaraExpress p ji U all svsaThrough freight ..

Junction and Sorcery:. .etvmommodation 9 :4iajn. 4rM aaa

German town cc e;- - uo. 6:S0 p. amnoli r. ;.. - c i. snjft

Paducan & MempHis R, K Co.

MEMPHIS. TENN . January . leTX

NOTICE la hereby given that a meeting ofof the i'edu'-- n andMemphis Kail roe 1 Com -- any is call 0.1 to me- -i

at the Peabody Hotl,lnth- - city o' Memphis.Tenneasae, on SATURDAY, the aTth day ofJanuary, at Ll o'cuoek am. for tue porpoeeof electing nine Directors 'or the said Com-pany, to serve for the ensuing year a- - d untiltheir 1 urrceeeors are elected ana qriaunvd.aX. NUKTJM )O. W. NORTON. Direct ri un'er arW. F. NORTHS ticles ot consolida-

tionJNO. OVKrtTON, Ja. between tnela S. TRIMBLE, Paducah snd GulfD. M. HE.MNINO, Railro-- I'ompanyE H. HILL, and tha M s9ipplS. R. L TTA. River rlsiroai Oo.A. M. WEST. (all



tlaabl D..L, " n a (J t 1

araviai rata wiu n.m.jicaw,tUB SOUTH. AND JUST OCTVIDE THEJ city LlmiU: Bornd-- d bv Wa's-ar-. Ja-- k.

eon. Park and Davis streets: local d in thepopular enrrent of fnture Vajaae; titles

Terms uae-lklr-d esab , bal-ance ease aad rare years at e aer eras,lateral.

These lots will be oil.-r- t a

aVT PUBLIC aBeVXj af.Without LIMIT OR RESERVE, TO THSHIQHbMT 1 DER. on the nremis'a. st10H o'clock a m..

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1872.f For plats and other Information, call

npon Bt9a at BU kLl T.aa ssssaaaaa sa eea.

Reptrt if the I ondttioaOF THE- -


OF MEMPHIS,At cieee ai January lit, IS?,

Exchange on Ne w York andpoints..

atrasa anil hnnila eHr aiBanking-hous- e and offloa natures, 44 COBipanaae ij

f 1 14LlABILlTIaW.

Capital stock paid ap Krnroaaeurpina. am atExchange and iLierest ... m rsIndlvldnal liaprmta pi jbj 34Dividends yet cuclaimed 11 7n 0Due banks and Sax ker? H,TH 27 T48JS7 al

$1.4? 1,133 ItWM. M. FARSINQTON Prss'L

H P. BEAD, Caanler. lal4



W. 8. HgWHaj J. D. DawbtbT,J. P.Psaaraii'i, H. D. Cosnrs-hL- .D. C. TaVa-nx- Josu a. amaaraa,nayaw

OJTFICXBS:H. D. CONStLL, Preeident.a. BINORAM, Vice-- 1J.F PRECHOTT, rJecretarr.W. H. lutucat. Treasurer.

ONLY members of the Order 1 rood rtarid.admitted. The faea ,a 7.

mission fas, as, in advance. Annual fee. tLIn advance, and VI ar tha ZLJ.7.

member (within thl- - r diva altar raalna nntl.fled), when his fair i . m . nnnHinated by him, will taa antitlaai an tha ana,gate of B from every mesaber of tha Aaso- -maaon. AD uC Fellows In Taini laane. Mia.slaslppl and Arkanaaa, are sibrihle to aawavberaklp. This ia strictly an OBd Fellow's

to benefft tne thrallles of its da--anJtdaw

Partee, Harbert & Co.




not aaw


GBO.D. HOLMES,.. PTiaaljeaV