appearance game

NEVER TRUST APPEARANCES Author: Inna Kovõlina Subject: English Year: 10th Teacher: Inna Kovõlina

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Author: Inna Kovõlina

Subject: English

Year: 10th

Teacher: Inna Kovõlina

What do people notice first when they look at a stranger?







Distinctive features






Fill in the gaps in the following sentences according to the pictures.

P b have been very trendy recently.

To stand out of the crowd she

has made red h in her hair. Nowadays it is very rare for

men to wear w

ierced elly-button


hiskers .

Fill in the gaps in the following sentences according to the pictures.

His s eyes give a sad expression to his face.

They are young people of y complexion.

He is described as having grey eyes, a c nose and well-shaped lips.




Choose the proper words to describe the person.

WOOPY GOLDBERGHeight/Built: plumpish, frail, of

meduim heightAge: has just turned 20, middle-

agedFace/Complexion: florid, olive,

dark, milky, puffyEyes: golden, starry, velvety,

short-sighted, intelligentLips: fleshy, heart-shapedNose: elegant, flattened, snubHair: waist-length, in plaits, thickSpecial Features: birthmark Attitude: bored, having fun,


Now complete the description.plumpish, of middle height, middle-aged; dark, florid, puffy complexion; velvety intelligent eyes; fleshy lips, flattened nose, thick hair; having fun

• She might be described as …• With her … you can’t call her a

beauty.• The most distinctive feature about

her is …• But people are always attracted by

her … • People who have ever met her

would say …

Choose the proper words and then describe the person. MILLA JOVOVICH

Height/Build: tall, muscular, slender, plump, skinny, frail

Age: quite young, elderly, in her early teens, middle-aged

Face/Complexion: freckled, fair, tanned, wrinkled, glowing

Eyes: wide, almond-shaped, fierce, dark-ringed, sparkling

Lips: full, cracked, rose, smilingNose: upturned, aquiline,

elegant, straightHair: dyed, highlighted, redSpecial Features: mole, pierced

lip, dimples, flying eyebrowsAttitude: curious, excited, calm

Now complete the description.tall, slender, frail, quite young, fair; sparkling eyes, full lips, straight elegant nose, flying eyebrows, dyed and highlighted hair; excited

• She might be described as … with … figure.

• Her most stunning feature is her … face with …

• But the first thing anyone notice about her is … which give her face an … appearance.

• Sometimes it is difficult to recognise her because …

Choose the proper words and then describe the person.


Height/Build: well-built, stockyAge: in his late 40s, quite old Face/Complexion: dark, tanned,

pale, square-faced, spotted, bearded

Eyes: slanting, hazel, deep-set, steely, penetrating

Lips: with down-turning corners, thin, full

Nose: straight, stubby, pointed, Hair: wavy, in a ponytail, permedSpecial Features: scar, tattooAttitude: annoyed, indifferent,

serious, sympathetic, sad

Now complete the description.Well-built, in his late 40s, tanned, slanting hazel eyes, lips with down-turning corners, straight nose, wavy hair; serious, sad

• He could be described as …

• In spite of being … he has hardly any wrinkles.

• His facial features are quite • common: he has …

• But his … are difficult to forget, as they give …

• In addition, his … reveal him as a … person.

Choose the proper words and then describe the person.

DENY de VITOHeight/Build: slim, stout, stocky,

overweight, wiry, fat, shortAge: getting on in years, in his

mid 20s, youngFace/Complexion: wrinkled,

round-faced, sunburnt, puffyEyes: beady, naughty, wild,

unblinking, solemn, lively, Lips: moist, dry, rather thinNose: hooked, bulbousHair: grey, bald, receding, fringe Special Features: dimples, has

a limpAttitude: pleased, funny,


Now complete the description.stout, stocky, getting on in years, round-faced, puffy; beady lively eyes, rather thin lips, bulbous nose; receding; funny, puzzled

• People usually describe him as …

• His face is easy to recognise

because of …

• His … make him look …

• But everyone likes him because …

GUESS WHO? Describe one of the following people and let your classmates guess whom you have chosen.

Eddie Murphy

Harrison Ford

Leonardo Dicaprio

GUESS WHO? Describe one of the following people and let your classmates guess who you have chosen.

Jacky Chun

Christopher Lambert

Tom Felton

GUESS WHO? Describe one of the following people and let your classmates guess who you have chosen.

Julianne Moore

Witney Houston

Nicol Kidman

GUESS WHO? Describe one of the following people and let your classmates guess who you have chosen.

Lady Gaga

Sharon den Adel

Merilin Monroe

Do you agree with the following words of wisdom ?

The eyes are the window of the soul.

First impressions are the most lasting.

Never trust appearances.

What do you think of those people’s personalities? Try yourself in face reading.

Silvester Stallone

Antonio Banderas

Macaulay Culkin

What do you think of those people’s personalities? Try yourself in face reading.

Kim Bessinger

Kate Beckinsale

Sandra Bullock

Write a short description of a person using vocabulary from the lesson and the following plan:

1. Name, height/build, age, complexion

2. Facial features, hair, usual clothes

3. The most distinctive feature(s)

4. Personality revealed