appendices appendix a. fauna species recorded on brigalow ...€¦ · appendix b. counts of...

APPENDICES Appendix A. Fauna species recorded on Brigalow Research Station. Introduced species denoted by *, vulnerable 'V', rare 'IR'. Scientific Name Common Name 1. Tachyglossus aculeatus Short-beaked echidna 2. Planigale maculata Common planigale 3. Sminthopsis macroura Stripe-faced dunnart 4. Isoodon macrourus Northern brown (Giant brindled) bandicoot 5. Phascolarctos cinereus Koala 6. Petaurus breviceps Sugar glider 7. Petaurus norfolcensis Squirrel glider 8. Petauroides volans Greater glider 9. Trichosurus vulpecula Common brushtail possum 10. Aepyprymnus rufescens Rufous bettong 11. Macropus dorsalis Black-striped wallaby 12. Macropus giganteus Eastern grey kangaroo 13. Macropus parryi Whiptail wallaby 14. Wallabia bicolor Swamp wallaby 15. Pteropus scapulatus Little red flying fox 16. Hydromys chrysogaster Water rat 17. Mus musculus* House mouse 18. Pseudomys delicatulus Delicate mouse 19. Canis lupus dingo Dingo 20. Canis sp.* Domestic dog 21. Vulpes vulpes* Fox 22. Felis catus* Cat 23. Oryctolagus cuniculus* Rabbit 24. Lepus capensis* Hare 25. Equus sp. * Domestic horse 26. Sus scrofa* Feral pig 27. Bus sp. * Domestic cow 28. Capra hircus* Domestic goat 29. Limnodynastes ornatus Ornate burrowing frog 30. Limnodynastes salmini Salmon-striped frog 31. Limnodynastes tasmaniensis Spotted marsh frog 32. Limnodynastes terraereginae Northern (Banjo) pobblebonk frog 33. Uperoleia rugosa Wrinkled (Eastern Burrowing) toadlet 34. Cyclorana brevipes Short-footed (Blotched) waterholding frog 35. Cyclorana novaehollandiae New Holland frog 36. Litoria alboguttata Green-striped frog 37. Litoria caerulea Green tree frog 38. Litoria fallax Eastern sedge frog 39. Litoria inermis Floodplain frog 40. Litoria latopalmata Broad-palmed frog 41. Litoria peronii Emerald spotted (Peron's tree) frog 42. Litoria rubella Desert tree frog 43. Bufo marinus* Cane toad 44. Chelodina longicollis Eastern snake/long-necked turtle 45. Ernydura kreffti Krefft's river turtle 208

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Page 1: APPENDICES Appendix A. Fauna species recorded on Brigalow ...€¦ · Appendix B. Counts of Black-striped Wallabies, Macropus dorsalis, along the spotlight drive route. Segment 12


Appendix A. Fauna species recorded on Brigalow Research Station. Introduced

species denoted by *, vulnerable 'V', rare 'IR'.

Scientific Name Common Name1. Tachyglossus aculeatus Short-beaked echidna2. Planigale maculata Common planigale3. Sminthopsis macroura Stripe-faced dunnart4. Isoodon macrourus Northern brown (Giant brindled) bandicoot5. Phascolarctos cinereus Koala6. Petaurus breviceps Sugar glider7. Petaurus norfolcensis Squirrel glider8. Petauroides volans Greater glider9. Trichosurus vulpecula Common brushtail possum10. Aepyprymnus rufescens Rufous bettong11. Macropus dorsalis Black-striped wallaby12. Macropus giganteus Eastern grey kangaroo13. Macropus parryi Whiptail wallaby14. Wallabia bicolor Swamp wallaby15. Pteropus scapulatus Little red flying fox16. Hydromys chrysogaster Water rat17. Mus musculus* House mouse18. Pseudomys delicatulus Delicate mouse19. Canis lupus dingo Dingo20. Canis sp.* Domestic dog21. Vulpes vulpes* Fox22. Felis catus* Cat23. Oryctolagus cuniculus* Rabbit24. Lepus capensis* Hare25. Equus sp. * Domestic horse26. Sus scrofa* Feral pig27. Bus sp. * Domestic cow28. Capra hircus* Domestic goat29. Limnodynastes ornatus Ornate burrowing frog30. Limnodynastes salmini Salmon-striped frog31. Limnodynastes tasmaniensis Spotted marsh frog32. Limnodynastes terraereginae Northern (Banjo) pobblebonk frog33. Uperoleia rugosa Wrinkled (Eastern Burrowing) toadlet34. Cyclorana brevipes Short-footed (Blotched) waterholding frog35. Cyclorana novaehollandiae New Holland frog36. Litoria alboguttata Green-striped frog37. Litoria caerulea Green tree frog38. Litoria fallax Eastern sedge frog39. Litoria inermis Floodplain frog40. Litoria latopalmata Broad-palmed frog41. Litoria peronii Emerald spotted (Peron's tree) frog42. Litoria rubella Desert tree frog43. Bufo marinus* Cane toad44. Chelodina longicollis Eastern snake/long-necked turtle45. Ernydura kreffti Krefft's river turtle


Page 2: APPENDICES Appendix A. Fauna species recorded on Brigalow ...€¦ · Appendix B. Counts of Black-striped Wallabies, Macropus dorsalis, along the spotlight drive route. Segment 12

Appendix A. cont.

Scientific Name Common Name46. Strophurus (Diplodactylus) taenicatfda (R) Golden-tailed gecko47. Diplodactylus vittatus Wood (Stone) gecko48. Gehyra dubia Dubious gecko49. Heteronotia binoei Bynoe's gecko50. Nephrurus asper Rough knob-tailed gecko51. Oedura ocellata (monilis) Velvet gecko52. Lialis burtonis Burton's legless lizard53. Paradelma orientalis (V) Brigalow scaly foot54. Pygopus nigriceps Hooded scaly foot55. Amphibolurus burnsi Lashtail dragon56. Pogona barbata Eastern bearded dragon57. Varanus gouldii Gould's sand monitor58. Varanus tristis Black-headed monitor59. Varanus varius Lace monitor60. Anomalopus verreauxii Three-clawed worm-skink61. Carlia pectoralis Red-sided skink62. Carlia vivax Carlia skink63. Ctyptoblepharus plagiocephalus Callose-palmed shinning skink64. Ctyptoblepharus virgatus Fence (Cream-stripped shinning-) skink65. Ctenotus robustus Robust ctenotus66. Ctenotus strauchii Ctenotus skink67. Ctenotus taeniolatus Copper-tailed skink68. Egernia striolata Tree crevice-skink69. Eulamprus brachysoma Rainforest skink70. Lerista fragilis Slider skink71. Lygisaurus foliorum Lygisaurus skink72. Menetia greyii Menetia skink73. Morethia boulengeri South-eastern morethia74. Tiliqua scincoides Eastern blue-tongued lizard75. Aspidites melanocephalus Black-headed python76. Liasis (Antaresia) maculosa Spotted python77. Morelia spilota viriegata Carpet python78. Boiga irregularis Brown tree snake79. Dendrelaphis punctulata Green tree snake80. Tropidonophis mairii Freshwater (Keelback) snake81. Gyptophis nigrecens Eastern small-eyed snake82. Demansia psammophis Yellow-faced whip snake83. Denisonia maculata (V) Ornamental snake84. Furina ornata Orange-naped snake85. Hoplocephalus bitorquatus Pale-headed snake86. Pseudonaja textilis Eastern brown snake87. Rh inoplocephalus boschmai Carpentarian whip snake88. Simoselaps australis Coral snake89. Suta dwyeri Snake90. Vermicella annulata Bandy bandy


Page 3: APPENDICES Appendix A. Fauna species recorded on Brigalow ...€¦ · Appendix B. Counts of Black-striped Wallabies, Macropus dorsalis, along the spotlight drive route. Segment 12

Appendix B. Counts of Black-striped Wallabies, Macropus dorsalis, along the

spotlight drive route.

Segment 12 Dec 02 17 Jan 0:3 18 Jan 03 Mean SEM1 3 2 0 1.67 0.882 5 0 4 3.00 1.533 16 39 19 24.50 7.324 22 75 41 46.50 15.125 62 100 3 54.30 28.146 156 143 81 126.70 23.147 184 .345 264 262.00 48.518 7 36 77 41.70 18.989 17 12 17 15.30 1.6710 13 9 5 9.00 2.3111 4 23 23 16.70 6.33

Total 486 784 534 601.33


Page 4: APPENDICES Appendix A. Fauna species recorded on Brigalow ...€¦ · Appendix B. Counts of Black-striped Wallabies, Macropus dorsalis, along the spotlight drive route. Segment 12

Appendix C. Listing and grouping of vegetation species included in the Reference

Collection used in microscopic analysis of faecal pellets. Introduced species

denoted by *.

Group Name

Scientific Name Common NameBrowse Species Acacia harnophylla Brigalow

Alectrym diversifolium Scrub hollyApophyllur q anornalum Broom bushAtalaya heiniglauca WhitewoodCanthium sp.Citrus glahca Lime bushEremophilit maculata Fuschia bushGeijera pa,-viflora WilgaLeucaena leucocephala* LeucaenaMyoporum deserti Ellangowan poison bushCarrisa ovizta Currant bushTree (Site 2)Tree (Site 3)Tree sp. 2 (Site 3)Browse sp.Capparis L isiantha Chenopodium sp. Crumb weedChenopodium trigononClover sp.Enchylaenit tomentosa Ruby saltbushMaireana inicrophylla Small-leaved cotton bushSida sp. ISida sp. 2Sida sp. 3Solanum eilipticum Potato bush

Chenopod Species

Malvaceae Species

Other Forbs Forb sp. 1Forb sp. 2Forb sp. 3Forb sp. 4Parthenizal hysterophorus* Parthenium weedSenecio lautus FireweedVerbena tenuisecta* Mayne's pest Sorghum s SorghumTriticum sp.* Wheat

Crop Species

Sedge Species

Major Pasture Species

Cyperus gracilisCyperus sr .CenchrusChloris gavana*Dichanthivm sericeum

Slender sedgeNut grass Buffel grassRhodes grassQueensland bluegrass


Page 5: APPENDICES Appendix A. Fauna species recorded on Brigalow ...€¦ · Appendix B. Counts of Black-striped Wallabies, Macropus dorsalis, along the spotlight drive route. Segment 12

Appendix C. cont.

Group Name Scientific Name

Common Name

General Grass Species Ancitrachne uncinulataAristida calycinaAristida lwifoliaAristida sp.Astrebla sp.Bothriochl9a ewa rtianaChloris divaricata!Chloris sp.Dactyloctenium radulansDigitaria brownie'Digitaria crivaricatissimaDigitaria sp.Enneapogon flavescensEnteropog9n acicularisEragrostis cilianensis*Eragrostis sp.EriochloapseudoacrotrichaFinzbristyl !.s dichotomaHeteropogon contortusLeptochloa digitataLeptochlote sp.Melinis repens*Panicum maximumPaspalidihm gracilePaspalum sp.Setaria sp.Sporobolus carob'Sporobolus scabridusThellungic adven aThemeda triandraTragus au.stralianusUrochloa mosambicensis*Urochloa ip.Grass sp.Grass sp. 2

Hooky grassDark wiregrassFeathertop wiregrassWiregrassMitchell grassesDesert blue grassSlender chlorisWindmill grassButton grassCotton panic grassSpreading umbrella grassFinger grassPlains bottle-washersCurly windmill grassStink grassLove grass

Brigalow spring grassFinger rushBlack spear grassUmbrella cane grassCane grassRed natal grassGreen panicSlender panic

Purple pigeonFairy grass

Coolibah grassKangaroo grassSmall burr grassUrochloaUrochloa


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