appendix a

Appendix - A Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors Summary Description of Services A. Phase One (1) Commencement Time and Label(s): October 28, 2010; The Admission or Interview Phase (The Acceptant Mode). The first set of procedures in the Interview or Admission Phase consists of NAME processing the Contractual or Client Applications once they are received, and then listing the participatory organization(s) or association(s) that the applicant(s) attends or plans to participate within, upon the initiation of the venture(s). The second part of this phase consist of NAME immediately conducting an investigative face-to-face interview with the applicant(s) and those proposed participants, so that those operations described in Phases Two and Three can be brought into being. The analytical survey you are about to read is an investigative profile of some of the areas used in assessing personal or social development, and they are as follows: (Please see the next page) 1

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Press Releases, E-books, Library Resources, Patent Submission, Bilski vs. Kappos, Business Modeling, Business Plans, Business Funding, Business Planning, Idea/Invention Submissions, Finance, Marketing, Jobs, Employment, Unemployment, Insurance, Economy, Money, Research, R&D, Torah, Jews, Koran, Muslims, Bible, Christ, Christian, OD, Analysis, Wars, Military, Sex, Dating, Investment, Investing


Page 1: Appendix   A

Appendix - A

Nascent Applied Methods & EndeavorsSummary Description of Services

A. Phase One

(1) Commencement Time and Label(s): October 28, 2010; The Admission or Interview Phase (The Acceptant Mode). The first set of procedures in

the Interview or Admission Phase consists of NAME processing the Contractual or Client Applications once they are received, and then listing the participatory organization(s) or association(s) that the applicant(s) attends or plans to participate within, upon the initiation of the venture(s). The second part of this phase consist of NAME immediately conducting an investigative face-to-face interview with the applicant(s) and those proposed participants, so that those operations described in Phases Two and Three can be brought into being.

The analytical survey you are about to read is an investigative profile of some of the areas used in assessing personal or social development, and they are as follows:

(Please see the next page)


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The Strategic, Educational and Systems Development Data Collection Sheet

NAME OF APPLICANT ________________________________________________________

CANDIDATE FOR _____________________________________________________________Service Title


1. Please describe in detail the kind of work you do.









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2. How did you obtain the job?




3. What salary increases or promotions did you receive?




(Were these based on good work? Did you advance more quickly than others?)

4. (a) May we contact your former employers for references?


(b) Has a former employer ever refused to give you a recommendation?


5. What experiences have you had in handling people? In supervising others?

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________



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6. What part have you taken in your clubs or organizations?





7. What kind of books do you enjoy reading?





8. Which newspapers and magazines do you read regularly?





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9. What do you usually do evenings at home?




10. What do you believe are your strongest qualities?




11. What are your weak points? In what areas are improvement needed?




12. (a) Why do you want to contract with our services?





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(b) What do you know about our Company?






(c) Why do you want this service?







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1. Name _____________________________________________________________________

2. Title ______________________________________________________________________

3. Organization _______________________________________________________________

4. Address ___________________________________________________________________

5. City _________________________________ 6. State _____________________________

7. Zip Code _____________ 8. Telephone __________________________

9. Number of employees at your location _________

10. What is your organization's specific or usual product or service at this location?






11. Your primary job functions or responsibilities (insert up to 3 letters corresponding to the choices on the facing page)






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12. Do you have ready access to a computer?

_____Yes, at the office _____Yes, at home _____No

13. Do any of the computers to which you have access come equipped with a modem?

_____Yes _____No

14. Please indicate which (if any) database or electronic mail service you currently use (insert appropriate letters corresponding with the list of choices on the facing page); _____ None

15. My primary interest in Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors?

_____ Business/Professional _____ Personal

_____ Both Personal and Business

16. How much money on average do you now spend accessing database and electronic mail services? _____ Nothing

_____ Less than $25 a month

_____ $26-$50 a month

_____ $51-$100 a month

_____ $101-$150 a month

_____ Over $150 a month _____ Not sure

17. How did you hear about Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors?

_____ Club or Association _____ E-mail _____ Internet

_____ Came packaged with hardware or software

_____ Computer store, etc. (name and address):



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To the Client or Subcontractor:

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in rendering this because of race, color, religion, sexual gender or national origin. Federal law also prohibits discrimination on the basis of age, with respect to certain individuals. The laws of most States also prohibit some or all of the above types of discrimination based upon ancestry, marital status or physical or mental handicap or disability.

Are you over the age of eighteen? _____ If no, admission is subject to verification that you are of minimum legal age.

How do you wish to be addressed? Mr. _____ Mrs. _____ Miss _____ Ms. _____

Sex: Male _____ Female _____ Height: _____ ft. in. _____

Weight: _____ lbs.

Marital Status: Single _____ Engaged _____ Married _____

Separated _____ Divorced _____ Widowed _____

Date of Marriage ___________________

Number of dependents including yourself _____

Are you a citizen of the USA? _____

What is your present Selective Service Classification? _____

Have you ever been bonded? _____ If yes, on what jobs? _______________________________________


Have you ever been convicted of a crime, excluding misdemeanors and summary of offenses, in

the past ten years which has not been annulled or expunged or sealed by a court? _____ Yes

_____ No If yes, describe in full




Do you have any physical condition which may limit your ability to perform the particular service for which you are applying?


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_____ Yes _____ NoIf yes, describe such condition and explain how you can perform the service for which you are applying in spite of it.______________________________________________________________________________




Do you have any physical defects which preclude you from performing certain kinds of services?

_____Yes _____ No

If yes, describe such defects and specific work limitations.______________________________________________________________________________





What illnesses, accidents or operations have you had during the past ten years?______________________________________________________________________________




Have you ever received compensation for injuries?

_____Yes _____ No

If yes, describe:______________________________________________________________________________









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Do you have any debts other than those for current living expenses?

_____Yes _____ No

If yes, explain:______________________________________________________________________________




Have you maintained a systemic savings program?

_____Yes _____ No

Do you have any other sources of income in addition to salary, e.g., earnings by your spouse, real estate, business interests, dividends on securities? If yes, explain:______________________________________________________________________________




Do you own your own home? If yes, describe:______________________________________________________________________________




Do you own a car(s)? If yes, describe:______________________________________________________________________________





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The facts set forth in my application for contracting or services are true and complete. I understand that if admitted, false statements on this application shall be considered sufficient cause for rejection. You are hereby authorized to make any investigation of my personal history and financial and credit record through any investigative or credit agencies or bureaus of your choice.

In making this application for information services, I authorize you to make an investigative consumer report whereby information is obtained through personal interviews with my neighbors, friends, or others with whom I am acquainted. This inquiry, if made, may include information as to my character, general reputation, personal characteristics and mode of living. I understand that I have the right to make a written request within a reasonable period of time to receive additional, detailed information about the nature and scope of any such investigative report that is made.


Signature of Applicant


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Once the initial interview has been completed, and by the information gathered and analyzed. NAME will set upon a contractual basis for which the applicant(s) can establish mutual expectations, as to what should or must occur within a prescribed developmental time period. Then, by the investigative framework, design a personal diagnostic diagram (Brainiac) that will suit the applicant(s) strategic & developmental needs. This process will be systematically implemented into the assessment list developed in the initial interviews. Additionally, NAME shall design a cost effective program that will assign, according to the commanding requirements of the circumstances, a cost directive grid. That if implemented and followed explicitly, will insure the strategical acquisition of the necessary skill items both in personnel and equipment.

The organizational structures and equipment listed below are needed by any

personnel or business system that wishes to effectively receive the services of Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors, and they are as follows to date:

A. Technology Equipment

(1) Communications Software(2) Computers(3) Database Services(4) Electronic Mail Services(5) Local Area Network Equipment and Software(6) Modems(7) Office Systems and Equipment (Other than Computers)(8) Other Business Software(9) Other Expandable Computer Supplies (Like Floppy Disk)

(10) Peripheral Equipment(11) Printers(12) Fax Machines(13) Copying Machines

B. Organizational Personnel

(1) CEO/Owner/Partner/Chairman/Director(2) Other General Management(3) Office Management(4) Librarian(5) Marketing(6) Sales(7) Organizational Communications(8) Promotion/Public Relations(9) Advertising(10) Planning & Design(11) Research & Development(12) Engineering(13) Manufacturing/Operations(14) Purchasing(15) Distribution/Warehousing(16) Customer Support


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(17) Field Services(18) Data Processing/MIS(19) Data Communications/Networking(20) Accounting/Credit(21) Finance(22) Personnel(23) Training(24) Legal(25) Government Relations(26) Consulting(27) Other

(2) Work to be Performed: The work to be performed in Phase One of the Services rendered from this Network, consists of the following:

A. The Initial Application Processing.

B. The Personality Profile.

C. The Problem Analysis.

D. The Transactional Analysis (Workshops).

E. The Personal and/or Business Preliminary Surveys or Analysis.

F. The Survey for a Particular Procedure.

G. The Performance Appraisals.

H. The Job Analysis.

I. The Health and Safety Analysis.

J. The Management Audit.

K. The Strategic Audit.

(3) Materials to be Prepared: The materials are to be prepared cooperatively in a joint venture with NAME and the system user(s), if applicable. Since each & every (client may have special or secular needs, a detailed description of any or all materials to be needed will be supplied on a need to know basis only.

(4) The Completion or Expected Delivery Date: The service process in this section or phase should be completed and a report delivered within a period of three months from the commencement of Phase One. But if further time is needed, a notice describing any delay or extension will be supplied.


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(5) Fees and Charges, Per Month (if applicable): All fees and charges are due during the initiation of Phase One of the Services to be rendered, and they are as follows:

1A. Employee (Worker-Individual Site) $1,771.70 per month - $5,315.10 total 1B. Employees (Worker Groups-Multiple Sites) $2,379.00 per month - $7,137.00 total

2A. Manager (Departmental-Individual Site) $1,992.00 per month - $5,976.00 total 2B. Managers (Inter-Departmental-Multiple Sites) $2,600.00 per month - $7,800.00 total

3A. Employer (Sole Owner-Individual Site) $10,417.00 per month - $31,251.00 total 3B. Employer (Sole Owner-Multiple Sites) $14,583.00 per month - $43,749.00 total

4A. Small Business (Partnerships-Individual Site) $18,750.00 per month - $56,250.00 total 4B. Large Businesses (Business Infrastructuring) $22,917.00 per month - $68,751.00 total

B. Phase Two

(1) Commencement Time and Label(s): January 28, 2011; The Diagnostic or Analysis Phase (The Confrontational Mode). This particular step consist of

administering problem or situation measuring instruments (questionnaires) or scales via the computer, telephone and personal lecture or seminar sessions. The goal of this process is for NAME to acquire the conclusions regarding the felt and real needs of the problems barring a subcontractor or client from accurately diagnosing and resolving the problems of self or employee participation, conflicts, trust, respect, or the general problems in goal attainment and the utilization of objectives in employment, educational, or organizing efforts.

The first initial interview and those THEREAFTER will also consist of discovering the goals or objectives of a particular person or system, wherein the priorities are set in assessing the obstacles in acquiring a quality performance in employer or employee related achievements. Also, once the assessment phase of the interview has been completed, NAME will then design an intelligence map that will create a conceptual framework with the ability to explain and implement the approaches of the solution toward the problem or problems at hand. Once NAME has gathered the data necessary in projecting the resolution techniques that will help in the development process.

(2) Work to be Performed: This Phase contains the general services/seminars, workshops or telecommunications sessions that are to be rendered toward all system users, and they are as follows:

(a) Sessions (1st Subject); Areas in Departmental Type Interrelationships (Corporations or Large Businesses)

(b) Sessions (2nd Subject); Areas Related to Health and Safety (Health and Life Insurance)

(c) Sessions (3rd Subject); Areas Related to Job and Material Resource Allocations (Accounting and Data Banking)


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(d) Sessions (4th Subject); Areas Interrelated to Material and Job Technologies (Computer Literacy)

(e) Sessions (5th Subject); Areas Involving Procedural and Organizational Manuals (Employer or Employee Contracting)

(3) Materials to be Prepared: The items needed in this Phase will be jointly prepared by NAME and any system user(s). Since each & every user may have special or secular needs, a detailed or full description of any or all materials to be needed will be supplied on a need to know basis only, depending on the circumstances involved.

(4) The Completion or Expected Delivery Date: The completion or expected delivery date of Phase Two of this network's strategic & educational services, consist of a time period of approximately three months or more depending upon the particular needs of a Proposer or client. But in any case, changes or delays in the agreed upon schedule will give rise to a notice describing the delay or extension.

(5) Fees and Charges, Per Month (if applicable): All fees and charges are due during, or if billed, after the initiation of first seminar or compu-conference workshop, and these charges are as follows:

1A. Employee (Worker-Individual Site) $1,771.70 per month - $5,315.10 total1B. Employees (Worker Groups-Multiple Sites) $2,379.00 per month - $7,137.00 total

2A. Manager (Departmental-Individual Site) $1,992.00 per month - $5,976.00 total2B. Managers (Inter-Departmental-Multiple Sites) $2,600.00 per month - $7,800.00 total

3A. Employer (Sole Owner-Individual Site) $10,417.00 per month - $31,251.00 total3B. Employer (Sole Owner-Multiple Sites) $14,583.00 per month - $43,749.00 total

4A. Small Business (Partnerships-Individual Site) $18,750.00 per month - $56,250.00 total4B. Large Businesses (Business Infrastructuring) $22,917.00 per month - $68,751.00 total

C. Phase Three

(1) Commencement Time and Label(s): April 28, 2011; The Design and Modeling Phase (The Theoretical Mode). The Design and Modeling Phase consists of conceptualizing the sub-phases, sub-routines or steps and goals & objectives associated to the client or Proposer’s strategic & educational needs.

The first part of this phase is initiated primarily after the interview, diagnostic and analysis processes have been enacted. Immediately following this step we must then agree upon a designed model based specifically and implemented to conquer the cause(s) of the problem or problems that are hindering performance related


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skills. Secondly, NAME shall also design a strategic plan of action that will calculate as well as anticipate the end results that are needed, while also at the same time, provide a knowledgeable basis for taking further action(s).

The second part of this phase consists of conducting a second design and modeling interview that will review the many different influential aspects of the Diagnostic Diagram and Conceptual Map. This interview is conducted in order to help NAME gain full insight into the issues that will clarify the causes and effects of a given situation or set of circumstances. This of course, involves exploring and addressing individual as well as business inter-environments through (1) line movement goal orientation and clarification, (2) time orientation and/or management, (3) goal redefinition, (4) interpersonal examinations of society's influences or the influences from other social system, and finally (5) internal and external, formal or informal strategic and systematic restructuring of those concepts related to business activities.

Whereas, as to better or improve the path toward goal-oriented axioms within the strategic grid model. NAME will additionally pinpoint a subcontractor or client toward the developmental requirements of their goals & objectives, by way of the Administration Through Objectives Program (A.T.O.P.) of Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors.

(2) Work to be Performed: In this Phase, the General Services under contract and rendered towards all system users consists of the following:

Diagnostic Interviews

1. Self-Image2. Leadership and Personality3. Leadership and the Work Environment4. Developing Employment Skills5. Staying Healthy6. Personal Grooming7. Your Business Wardrobe8. Social and Business Etiquette9. Communicating Through Speech10. Listening/Understanding Nonverbal Communication11. Communicating on the Telephone12. Public Speaking13. Reading and Writing14. Remembering Your Memory15. Improving Your Memory16. Developing Your Creative Potential17. Making Your Creativity Work for You18. Creative Selling in Your Career19. Selling Skills20. Managing Yourself21. Organizations22. Supervising Your Staff23. Corporate Reality


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24. Employment or Self-Employment Opportunities25. The Interview and Follow-up

(3) Materials to be Prepared: The instructional materials needed in this Phase of the services to be rendered must be prepared cooperatively in a joint venture with NAME and the system user(s). Since each & every user may have special or secular needs, a detailed or full description of any or all materials to be needed will be delivered on a need to know basis only.

(4) The Completion or Expected Delivery Date: This section expected completion date is scheduled approximately for 6 months from the last month of Phase Two. In any case, a notice describing any delay or extension will be provided after a schedule has been supplied.

(5) Fees and Charges, Per Month (if applicable): All fees and charges are payable or due upon the completion of the first initial education processes of Phase Two, and these charges and fees are as follows:

1A. Employee (Worker-Individual Site) $1,771.70 per month - $10,630.20 total1B. Employees (Worker Groups-Multiple Sites) $2,379.00 per month - $14,274.00 total

2A. Manager (Departmental-Individual Site) $1,992.00 per month - $11,952.00 total2B. Managers (Inter-Departmental-Multiple Sites) $2,600.00 per month - $15,600.00 total

3A. Employer (Sole Owner-Individual Site) $10,417.00 per month - $62,502.00 total3B. Employer (Sole Owner-Multiple Sites) $14,583.00 per month - $87,498.00 total

4A. Small Business (Partnerships-Individual Site) $18,750.00 per month - $112,500.00 total4B. Large Businesses (Business Infrastructuring) $22,917.00 per month - $137,502.00 total

D. Phase Four

(1) Commencement Time and Label(s): October 28, 2011; The Implementation or Application Phase (The Prescriptive Mode). The Implementation or Application Phase is based on a number of procedural stages that are integrated and based upon the procedural plan created in the Design and Modeling Phase. Of which, has helped NAME in stating a problem's definitive role and requirements, and the economic and equipment constraints of the system or skill.

Though the initial problem solving network (pilot system) is experimental in its approaches, it will not be fully segregated from the network and from being a fully serviced strategic & educational system. In that with complete confidentiality and mutual participation, a major portion of the network or conceptual system will itself remain free to accept from NAME, advice in analyzing work related problems. Thereby, avoiding any dependence on just one source of informational livelihood.


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(2) Work to be Performed: In Phase Four, the work to be performed consist partially of Phase Three but additionally containing the following:

(a) NAME's Educational Strategic Reports.

(b) NAME's Educational Summaries.

(c) The monthly employer or employee analytical handbook, in addition to an updated chart of pre-programmed databases. This Phase also contains, as a comprised system of subroutines, a section called Preparatory Work or Service, which consists of educating a number of Proposers or clients in the areas of situation structuring (see Appendix(ices) _D_ or the Procedural Process Model(s) of this Contract Agreement), through written, e-mail or telexed instructions with the appropriately conducted meetings -- preferably of limited sized groups and confined to those personnel directly

involved, so as to insure a reasonable amount of work or skill experience through practice sessions, trial runs and game implementation (gaming).

The final aspect of this Phase consists of testing the mechanics of the new system (the pilot system). Testing discovers weaknesses and permits them to be corrected with a minimum of lost time and effort. Successful testing also builds up the confidence of management as well as workers, in that it will remove any or all doubts in their minds as to whether or not the new procedural system will work. Besides educating and testing, a number of other details of the Preparatory Work remain for our attention. Delivery dates of new equipment, forms, and other supplies, must be checked and

delays investigated and reported. Upon delivery, machines must be placed in accordance with the new or revised layout charts. Finally, procedures that proceed or

follow the one or ones being changed, must be synchronized with the latter Personnel connected or charged with the responsibilities related to the procedures must be alerted, kept inform of the conversion timetable, and adequately briefed on all matters affecting them.

(3) Materials to be Prepared: Please see Phase Three, Section Three of this Appendix.

(4) The Completion or Expected Delivery Date: The completion or expected delivery date for this section consist of approximately nine months, upon which a completion date will be supplied after the ending of Phase Three and the initiation of Phase Four. In any case a notice describing any delay or extension will be provided, pursuant to NAME's

Strategic Development Contracts.

(5) Fees and Charges, Per Month (if applicable): All fees and charges are due and payable upon the completion of Phase Three, or if necessary during the implementation of Phase Four. These fees and charges are or shall be as follows:

1A. Employee (Worker-Individual Site) $1,771.70 per month - $15,945.30 total1B. Employees (Worker Groups-Multiple Sites) $2,379.00 per month - $21,501.00 total

2A. Manager (Departmental-Individual Site) $1,992.00 per month - $17,928.00 total2B. Managers (Inter-Departmental-Multiple Sites) $2,600.00 per month - $23,400.00 total


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3A. Employer (Sole Owner-Individual Site) $10,417.00 per month - $93,753.00 total3B. Employer (Sole Owner-Multiple Sites) $14,583.00 per month - $131,247.00 total

4A. Small Business (Partnerships-Individual Site) $18,750.00 per month - $168,750.00 total4B. Large Businesses (Business Infrastructuring) $22,917.00 per month - $206,253.00 total

E. Phase Five

(1) Commencement Time and Label(s): July 28, 2012; The Review and Appraisement Phase (The Catalytic Mode). The Review and

Appraisement Phase is the last and long awaited phase of the immediate development period, of which has been designed to provide NAME and the user with the necessary data needed in order to accurately evaluate the implementation processes. Thereby, if necessary, redesign and take the corrective measures required to effectively render the strategic & educational services of NAME. But even if the original plan is satisfactory and successful in its approaches. NAME must still appraise the processes involved, in order to determine as to what degree the first diagnostic investigation was correct or accurate and effective. Mainly, because you can never be too careful.

These processes will be initialized quite effectively via the computerized graphical, analyzation and feedback system installed within NAME's scientific procedures. Once Phase Five has been initiated, NAME will additionally with the analytical support of the entire network, perform a directive research survey in the form of personal or social self-appraisal(s).

(2) Work to be Performed: The work to be performed in this section or phase of the strategic & educational processes of NAME consists of re-implementing or reapplying those procedures mentioned previously in Phases One-thru-Four, but without the long input time since the essential data will have already been preprogrammed into the network's database. Therefore, with the use of NAME's Autonomous Agent and Enterprise Work Architectural Program(s) and Function(s). The client or Proposer shall receive the ability to adapt to almost any internal or external changes, without deviating from the strategic & developmental goals/objectives in those areas related to employment related education.

(3) Materials to be Prepared: In this section or phase of the services rendered. The materials to be prepared consists basically of those items previously discussed but if there arises a need for more time in this data gathering process, a notice describing the reason(s) for the extension will be provided to the user(s).

(4) The Completion or Expected Delivery Date: The review processes of this section should be completed and a final analytical report delivered within a period of three calendar months from the commencement of Phase Five. But if further time is needed, a notice describing any delay or extension will be supplied.


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(5) Fees and Charges, Per Month (if applicable): All fees and charges are due during the initiation of Phase Five of your employment related educational service, and they are as follows:

1A. Employee (Worker-Individual Site) $1,771.70 per month - $5,315.10 total1B. Employees (Worker Groups-Multiple Sites) $2,379.00 per month - $7,137.00 total

2A. Manager (Departmental-Individual Site) $1,992.00 per month - $5,976.00 total2B. Managers (Inter-Departmental-Multiple Sites) $2,600.00 per month - $7,800.00 total

3A. Employer (Sole Owner-Individual Site) $10,417.00 per month - $31,251.00 total3B. Employer (Sole Owner-Multiple Sites) $14,583.00 per month - $43,749.00 total

4A. Small Business (Partnerships-Individual Site) $18,750.00 per month - $56,250.00 total4B. Large Businesses (Business Infrastructuring) $22,917.00 per month - $68,751.00 total

The Total Costs of the Services (2 yrs.)

1A. Employee (Short-Format Two Year Program) $1,771.70 per month - $42,520.00 total1B. Employees (Long-Format Two Year Program) $2,379.00 per month - $57,116.00 total

2A. Manager (Short-Format Two Year Program) $1,992.00 per month - $47,808.00 total2B. Managers (Long-Format Two Year Program) $2,600.00 per month - $62,400.00 total

3A. Employer (Short-Format Two Year Program) $10,417.00 per month - $248,000.00 total3B. Employer (Long-Format Two Year Program) $14,583.00 per month - $350,008.00 total

4A. Small Business (Short-Format Two Year Program) $18,750.00 per month - $449,992.00 total4B. Large Businesses (Long-Format Two Year Program) $22,917.00 per month - $550,000.00 total

(Special Note)


Before services are rendered a down-payment is required in order to qualify for the benefits distributed by the NAME network or any of its subcontractors.