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Marin General Hospital Replacement Building Project E-1 ESA / 210606 Draft EIR August 2012 APPENDIX E Biological Resources

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Marin General Hospital Replacement Building Project E-1 ESA / 210606 Draft EIR August 2012

APPENDIX E Biological Resources

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Appendix E

Marin General Hospital E-3 ESA / 210606 Draft EIR June 2012


Common Name Scientific Name

Listing Status


CDFG/CNPS1 General Habitat Potential for Species Occurrence Within the Project Area

Species Listed or Proposed for Listing



Tidewater goby Eucyclogobius newberryi

FE/-- Shallow lagoons and lower stream reaches.

Low. Although species is documented from Corte Madera Creek, records are historical. Currently thought to be extirpated from San Francisco Bay.

Steelhead-central California coast DPS Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus Critical Habitat designated

FT/-- Spawns and rears in coastal streams between the Russian River and Aptos Creek, as well as drainages of the SF and San Pablo Bays, where gravelly substrate and shaded riparian habitat occurs.

Observed. Species is known from Corte Madera Creek. Although suitable spawning habitat does not occur in the hospital vicinity the species is expected to occur at least seasonally.

Coho salmon – Central California coast ESU Oncorhynchus kisutch Critical Habitat designated

FE/CE Accessible Bay Area and coastal rivers and streams with cover, cool water and sufficient dissolved oxygen. Require beds of loose, silt-free gravel for spawning.

Low. Although within the historical range of the species and Corte Madera Creek is designated as critical habitat for the species, coho salmon are currently considered extirpated in the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento – San Joaquin River system. Fish last seen in Corte Madera Creek in 1986 thought to be descendants of planted stock (Leidy, 2005).


California black rail Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus

--/CE Nests and forages in tidal emergent wetland with pickleweed.

Low. Last observed in the vicinity of Creekside Marsh in 1932. Species not observed there in recent years.

California clapper rail Rallus longirostris obsoletus

FE/CE Nests and forages in emergent wetland with pickleweed, cordgrass, and bulrush.

Observed. Species is known to occur in Creekside Marsh and is presumed to be breeding there.


Salt-marsh harvest mouse Reithrodontomys raviventris

FE/CE Saline emergent wetlands of San Francisco Bay and tributaries.

Low. Species is documented from vicinity of Creekside Marsh. However, records are historical and the species has not been observed in recent years.


Adobe sanicle Sanicula maritima

--/CR/1B.1 Chaparral, coastal prairie, meadows and seeps, valley and foothill grassland. Usually on clay or serpentinite soils.

Low. While limited grassland habitat is available at the project site, the appropriate substrate is not.

Santa Cruz tarplant Holocarpha macradenia

FT/CE/1B.1 Grassland, coastal prairie; often with non-natives in light sandy or sandy clay soil; 30 to 850 feet.

Low. All San Francisco Bay area populations thought to have been extirpated. Last observed in Marin County in 1938.

1 Key to listing status codes can be found at the end of Table X-1.

Appendix E

Marin General Hospital E-4 ESA / 210606 Draft EIR June 2012


Common Name Scientific Name

Listing Status


CDFG/CNPS2 General Habitat Potential for Species Occurrence Within the Project Area

Species Listed or Proposed for Listing (cont.)

PLANTS (cont.)

White-rayed pentachaeta Pentachaeta bellidiflora

FE/CE/1B.1 Grasslands, usually dry rocky or grassy slopes with serpentine soils; 115 to 2030 feet.

Low. Only marginally suitable grasslands occur at the site. Serpentine soils not present at site. Not observed in appropriately timed surveys (Zander Associates, 2010). Nearby populations are historical and documented as extirpated by CNDDB (2011).

San Francisco popcorn-flower Plagiobothrys diffusus

--/CE/1B.1 Coastal prairie and valley and foothill grassland.

Low. Although onsite grasslands retain a native component they are disturbed and generally dominated by non-native grasses. Therefore they represent only marginally suitable habitat.

Showy Indian clover Trifolium amoenum

FE/--/1B.2 Grasslands, sometimes serpentine soils; swales; 15 to 1840 feet.

Low. Only marginally suitable grasslands occur at the site. No serpentine soils occur onsite.

Additional Special-status Species



Monarch butterfly Danaus plexippus

--/* Wintering sites


Winter roosts located in wind-protected tree groves (eucalyptus, Monterey pine, cypress) with nectar and water sources nearby.

Low. Eucalyptus occur in and around the hospital campus. However, no known wintering sites have been documented in the Marin General Hospital vicinity.

Mimic tryonia Tryonia imitator

--/* Found only in permanently submerged areas of coastal lagoons, estuaries, and salt marshes. Inhabits a variety of sediments and tolerates a wide range of salinities.

Moderate. Distribution poorly understood but may occur in Corte Madera Creek in the hospital vicinity.


Cooper’s hawk Accipiter cooperii



Commonly nests in conifers and riparian woodland but also known to nest in large trees in urban areas throughout the East Bay, especially near riparian corridors.

Low to moderate. Marginally suitable nesting habitat present in larger trees on the hospital grounds and on the slopes above. However, high levels of disturbance likely preclude nesting activity. One large stick nest observed in trees on the hospital grounds.

2 Key to listing status codes can be found at the end of Table X-1.

Appendix E

Marin General Hospital E-5 ESA / 210606 Draft EIR June 2012


Common Name Scientific Name

Listing Status

USFWS/ CDFG/CNPS General Habitat

Potential for Species Occurrence Within the Project Area

Additional Special-status Species (cont.)

Animals (cont.) Birds (cont.)

Great egret Ardea alba


Rookeries only

Nest colonially in groves of trees. Rookery sites located near marshes, tide-flats, irrigated pastures, and margins of rivers and lakes.

Low. Likely to forage along Corte Madera Creek and in Creekside Marsh to the west of the project site. While suitable nesting habitat is available in large eucalyptus located at the hospital and in the vicinity, high levels of disturbance would preclude nesting activity. No rookeries are recorded in the immediate vicinity.

Great blue heron Ardea herodias


Rookeries only

Nest colonially in groves of trees. Rookery sites located near marshes, tide-flats, irrigated pastures, and margins of rivers and lakes.

Low. Likely to forage along Corte Madera Creek and in Creekside Marsh to the west of the project site. While suitable nesting habitat is available in large eucalyptus located at the hospital and in the vicinity, high levels of disturbance would preclude nesting activity. No rookeries are recorded in the immediate vicinity.

Great horned owl Bubo virginianus

--/3503.5 Often uses abandoned nests of corvids or squirrels; nests in large oaks, conifers, eucalyptus.

Low to moderate. Suitable nesting habitat occurs in large conifers and eucalyptus on and adjacent to the project site. However, regular high levels of disturbance likely preclude nesting. One large stick nest observed in trees on the hospital grounds (Zander Associates, 2010).

Red-tailed hawk Buteo jamaicensis

--/3503.5 Usually nests in large trees, often in woodland or riparian deciduous habitats. Increasing use of urban ‘woodlands’ for nesting purposes.

Low to moderate. Suitable nesting habitat occurs in large conifers and eucalyptus on and adjacent to the project site. However, regular disturbance due to human activities likely preclude nesting. One large stick nest observed in trees on the hospital grounds (Zander Associates, 2010).

Red-shouldered hawk Buteo lineatus

--/3503.5 Commonly nests in riparian corridors but becoming increasingly common in urban areas throughout the Bay Area, nesting in large trees. Forages over open grasslands and woodlands.

Low to moderate. Suitable nesting habitat occurs in large conifers and eucalyptus on and adjacent to the project site. However, regular high levels of disturbance due to human activities may preclude nesting. One large stick nest observed in trees on the hospital grounds (Zander Associates, 2010).

Northern harrier Circus cyaneus

--/CSC Mostly nests in emergent vegetation, wet meadows or near rivers and lakes, but may nest in grasslands away from water.

Low. While Creekside Marsh affords potential foraging habitat for the species the small size affords only marginally suitable nesting habitat.

Snowy egret Egretta thula


Rookeries only

Nest colonially in groves of trees. Rookery sites located near marshes, tide-flats, irrigated pastures, and margins of rivers and lakes.

Low. Observed foraging in Creekside Marsh to the west of the hospital. While suitable nesting habitat is available in large eucalyptus located at the hospital and surrounding areas, high levels of disturbance would likely preclude nesting activity. No rookeries are recorded in the immediate vicinity.

Appendix E

Marin General Hospital E-6 ESA / 210606 Draft EIR June 2012


Common Name Scientific Name

Listing Status

USFWS/ CDFG/CNPS General Habitat

Potential for Species Occurrence Within the Project Area

Additional Special-status Species (cont.)

Animals (cont.) Birds (cont.)

White-tailed kite Elanus leucurus

Fully Protected

Nests in trees adjacent to grasslands, forages over marshes, open grasslands, and agricultural lands.

Low to moderate. Large conifers and eucalyptus provide potentially suitable nesting habitat. However, regular disturbance due to human activities may precludes nesting. One large stick nest observed at the project site.

American kestrel Falco sparverius

--/3503.5 Nests in cavities in large trees near open areas.

Low to moderate. Potential foraging habitat available in grasslands and marshlands. May nest in cavities of mature eucalyptus and oak trees within the study area.

Saltmarsh common yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas sinuosa

--/CSC Nests in fresh and saltwater marshes, needs thick continuous cover down to water surface for foraging

Moderate. Potential foraging and nesting habitat available at Creekside Marsh and along Corte Madera Creek in the hospital vicinity.

Black-crowned night heron Nycticorax nycticorax


Rookeries only

Various wetland habitats, including salt, brackish, and freshwater marshes, swamps, streams, lakes, and agricultural fields. Nest in large trees, often with other herons or egrets.

Low. May forage along Corte Madera Creek and in Creekside Marsh. Although suitable nesting trees, such as large eucalyptus occur within the project area, the relatively high levels of disturbance likely preclude nesting. No rookeries documented nearby.


Pallid bat Antrozous pallidus


Roosts in rocky areas in deserts, grasslands, shrublands, woodlands and forests.

Low to moderate. Potential roosting habitat may be available in trees on or within the vicinity of the project site.

Pacific western big-eared bat Corynorhinus townsendii

--/CSC Inhabits a variety of habitats, requires caves or human-made structures for roosting.

Low. No caves or known underutilized buildings representing suitable roosting habitat present in the project vicinity. May be present on a transient basis.

Western red bat Lasiurus blossevillii

--/CSC Typically solitary, roosting primarily in the foliage of trees or shrubs. Day roosts are commonly in edge habitats adjacent to streams or open fields, in orchards, and sometimes in urban areas.

Moderate. Suitable foraging habitat Corte Madera Creek. Roosting habitat available in conifers, eucalyptus, and larger oaks onsite.

Appendix E

Marin General Hospital E-7 ESA / 210606 Draft EIR June 2012


Common Name Scientific Name

Listing Status

USFWS/ CDFG/CNPS General Habitat

Potential for Species Occurrence Within the Project Area

Additional Special-status Species (cont.)


Napa false indigo Amorpha californica var. napensis

--/--/1B.2 Openings in broadleafed upland forest, chaparral, cismontane woodland.

Low. Remnants of cismontane woodland occur on slopes behind the developed hospital grounds. However, understory vegetation is managed for fuel reduction and is dominated by non-native and invasive species. All Marin County records are historical.

Bent-flowered fiddleneck Amsinckia lunaris

--/--/1B.2 Coastal bluff scrub, valley and foothill grassland.

Low. Marginally suitable grasslands occur on slopes behind the developed hospital grounds. They are isolated, fragmented and generally dominated by non-native grasses.

Fragrant fritillary Fritillaria liliacea

--/--/1B.2 Coastal prairie and scrub, grasslands, often on serpentine soils; 10 to 1350 feet.

Low. Marginally suitable grasslands occur on slopes behind the developed hospital grounds but serpentine soils not present. Nearest recorded observation is east and across the Bay in Point Richmond.

San Francisco gumplant Grindelia hirsutula var. maritima

--/--/3.2 Coastal bluff scrub, coastal scrub, valley and foothill grassland

Low. Marginally suitable grasslands occur on slopes behind the developed hospital grounds but understory vegetation is managed for fuel reduction and is dominated by non-native and invasive species.

Diablo helianthella Helianthella castanea

--/--/1B.2 Broadleaved upland forest, chaparral, cismontane woodland, coastal scrub, riparian woodland, valley and foothill grassland.

Low. Marginally suitable grasslands occur on slopes behind the developed hospital grounds but understory vegetation is managed for fuel reduction and is dominated by non-native and invasive species.

Seaside tarplant Hemizonia congesta ssp. congesta

--/--/1B.2 Valley and foothill grassland, sometimes on roadsides

Low. Appears associated with vernal pools or thin soils and sparse grasses. Marginally suitable grasslands occur on slopes behind the developed hospital grounds but understory vegetation is managed for fuel reduction and is dominated by non-native and invasive species.

Mt. Tamalpais lessingia Lessingia micradenia var.micradenia

--/--/1B.2 Chaparral and valley and foothill grassland; usually serpentinite, often on roadsides

Low. Marginally suitable grasslands occur on slopes behind the developed hospital grounds but understory vegetation is managed for fuel reduction and is dominated by non-native and invasive species.

Marsh microseris Microseris paludosa

--/--/1B.2 Closed-cone coniferous forest, cismontane woodland, coastal scrub, valley and foothill grassland.

Low. Limited suitable habitat present in the non-native grasslands of the preferred project site.

San Francisco campion Silene verecunda ssp. verecunda

--/--/1B.2 A wide range of coastal habitat types, including valley and foothill grassland. Generally on sandy soils.

Low. While limited grassland habitat is available at the project site, the appropriate substrate is not. No records of occurrence in Marin County.

Appendix E

Marin General Hospital E-8 ESA / 210606 Draft EIR June 2012


Common Name Scientific Name

Listing Status

USFWS/ CDFG/CNPS General Habitat

Potential for Species Occurrence Within the Project Area

Additional Special-status Species (cont.)

PLANTS (cont.)

Santa Cruz microseris Stebbinsoseris decipiens

--/--/1B.2 Open areas on sandy or shale derived soils (sometimes on serpentine) in valley and foothill grassland, coastal prairie, and coastal scrub.

Low. While limited grassland habitat is available at the project site, the appropriate substrate is not. The species is currently known only from western Marin County and Santa Cruz County and is thought to be extirpated form the project site vicinity.

San Francisco owl’s clover Triphysaria floribunda

--/--/1B.2 Coastal prairie, coastal scrub and valley and foothill grassland, usually on serpentinite

Low. While limited grassland habitat is available on the preferred project site, serpentine soils are not present.


FEDERAL: (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) FE = Listed as Endangered (in danger of extinction) by the Federal Government. FT = Listed as Threatened (likely to become Endangered within the foreseeable future) by the Federal Government. FP = Proposed for Listing as Endangered or Threatened. FC = Candidate to become a proposed species. FSC = Former FWS Species of Concern. The USFWS no longer lists Species of Concern but recommends that species considered to be at potential risk by a number of organizations and agencies be addressed during project environmental review. Also may be NMFS Species of Concern, which are still listed. MMPA = Marine Mammal Protection Act

STATE: (California Department of Fish and Game) CE = Listed as Endangered by the State of California CT = Listed as Threatened by the State of California CR = Listed as Rare by the State of California (plants only) CSC = California Species of Special Concern WL = Birds that were: 1) previously CSC and have not since been listed under CESA or 2) previously state or federal listed and are now delisted. 3503.5=Protection for nesting species of Falconiformes (hawks) and Strigiformes (owls) *Special animal—listed on CDFG’s Special Animals List

California Native Plant Society List 1A=Plants presumed extinct in California List 1B=Plants rare, Threatened, or Endangered in California and elsewhere List 2= Plants rare, Threatened, or Endangered in California but more common elsewhere List 3= Plants about which more information is needed List 4= Plants of limited distribution An extension reflecting the level of threat to each species is appended to each rarity category as follows:

.1 – Seriously endangered in California .2 – Fairly endangered in California .3 – Not very endangered in California SOURCE: CDFG, 2012; CNPS, 2012; USFWS, 2012

Species Element Code Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank

Rare Plant Rank/CDFG SSC or FP

Allium peninsulare var. franciscanum

Franciscan onion

PMLIL021R1 None None G5T2 S2.2 1B.2

Alopecurus aequalis var. sonomensis

Sonoma alopecurus

PMPOA07012 Endangered None G5T1Q S1 1B.1

Amorpha californica var. napensis

Napa false indigo

PDFAB08012 None None G4T2 S2.2 1B.2

Amsinckia lunaris

bent-flowered fiddleneck

PDBOR01070 None None G2? S2? 1B.2

Antrozous pallidus

pallid bat

AMACC10010 None None G5 S3 SSC

Aplodontia rufa phaea

Point Reyes mountain beaver

AMAFA01012 None None G5T2 S2 SSC

Arctostaphylos franciscana

Franciscan manzanita

PDERI040J3 None None G1 S1 1B.1

Arctostaphylos montana ssp. montana

Mt. Tamalpais manzanita

PDERI040J5 None None G3T2 S2.2 1B.3

Arctostaphylos montana ssp. ravenii

Presidio manzanita

PDERI040J2 Endangered Endangered G3T1 S1 1B.1

Arctostaphylos virgata

Marin manzanita

PDERI041K0 None None G2 S2.2 1B.2

Ardea alba

great egret

ABNGA04040 None None G5 S4

Ardea herodias

great blue heron

ABNGA04010 None None G5 S4

Arenaria paludicola

marsh sandwort

PDCAR040L0 Endangered Endangered G1 S1 1B.1

Asio flammeus

short-eared owl

ABNSB13040 None None G5 S3 SSC

Astragalus pycnostachyus var. pycnostachyus

coastal marsh milk-vetch

PDFAB0F7B2 None None G2T2 S2.2 1B.2

Astragalus tener var. tener

alkali milk-vetch

PDFAB0F8R1 None None G2T2 S2 1B.2

Athene cunicularia

burrowing owl

ABNSB10010 None None G4 S2 SSC

Caecidotea tomalensis

Tomales isopod

ICMAL01220 None None G2 S2

Calicina diminua

Marin blind harvestman

ILARAU8040 None None G1 S1

California macrophylla

round-leaved filaree

PDGER01070 None None G2 S2 1B.1

Callophrys mossii bayensis

San Bruno elfin butterfly

IILEPE2202 Endangered None G4T1 S1

Report Printed on Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Page 1 of 7Commercial Version -- Dated June, 5 2012 -- Biogeographic Data Branch

Information Expires 12/5/2012

Selected Elements by Scientific NameCalifornia Department of Fish and Game

California Natural Diversity Database


Species Element Code Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank

Rare Plant Rank/CDFG SSC or FP

Callophrys mossii marinensis

Marin elfin butterfly

IILEPE2207 None None G4T1 S1

Calochortus tiburonensis

Tiburon mariposa-lily

PMLIL0D1C0 Threatened Threatened G1 S1 1B.1

Cardamine angulata

seaside bittercress

PDBRA0K010 None None G5 S1 2.1

Carex comosa

bristly sedge

PMCYP032Y0 None None G5 S2 2.1

Carex lyngbyei

Lyngbye's sedge

PMCYP037Y0 None None G5 S2.2 2.2

Castilleja affinis ssp. neglecta

Tiburon paintbrush

PDSCR0D013 Endangered Threatened G4G5T1 S1 1B.2

Ceanothus masonii

Mason's ceanothus

PDRHA04200 None Rare G1 S1.3 1B.2

Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus

western snowy plover

ABNNB03031 Threatened None G4T3 S2 SSC

Chloropyron maritimum ssp. palustre

Point Reyes bird's-beak

PDSCR0J0C3 None None G4?T2 S2.2 1B.2

Chorizanthe cuspidata var. cuspidata

San Francisco Bay spineflower

PDPGN04081 None None G2T2 S2.2 1B.2

Chorizanthe valida

Sonoma spineflower

PDPGN040V0 Endangered Endangered G1 S1 1B.1

Cicindela hirticollis gravida

sandy beach tiger beetle

IICOL02101 None None G5T2 S1

Circus cyaneus

northern harrier

ABNKC11010 None None G5 S3 SSC

Cirsium andrewsii

Franciscan thistle

PDAST2E050 None None G2 S2.2 1B.2

Cirsium hydrophilum var. vaseyi

Mt. Tamalpais thistle

PDAST2E1G2 None None G1T1 S1.2 1B.2

Clarkia franciscana

Presidio clarkia

PDONA050H0 Endangered Endangered G1 S1 1B.1

Coastal Brackish Marsh

Coastal Brackish Marsh

CTT52200CA None None G2 S2.1

Coastal Terrace Prairie

Coastal Terrace Prairie

CTT41100CA None None G2 S2.1

Collinsia corymbosa

round-headed Chinese-houses

PDSCR0H060 None None G1 S1.2 1B.2

Collinsia multicolor

San Francisco collinsia

PDSCR0H0B0 None None G2 S2.2 1B.2

Corynorhinus townsendii

Townsend's big-eared bat

AMACC08010 None None G4 S2S3 SSC

Report Printed on Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Page 2 of 7Commercial Version -- Dated June, 5 2012 -- Biogeographic Data Branch

Information Expires 12/5/2012

Selected Elements by Scientific NameCalifornia Department of Fish and Game

California Natural Diversity Database


Species Element Code Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank

Rare Plant Rank/CDFG SSC or FP

Cypseloides niger

black swift

ABNUA01010 None None G4 S2 SSC

Danaus plexippus

monarch butterfly

IILEPP2010 None None G5 S3

Delphinium luteum

golden larkspur

PDRAN0B0Z0 Endangered Rare G1 S1 1B.1

Dirca occidentalis

western leatherwood

PDTHY03010 None None G2G3 S2S3 1B.2

Egretta thula

snowy egret

ABNGA06030 None None G5 S4

Elanus leucurus

white-tailed kite

ABNKC06010 None None G5 S3 FP

Emys marmorata

western pond turtle

ARAAD02030 None None G3G4 S3 SSC

Enhydra lutris nereis

southern sea otter

AMAJF09012 Threatened None G4T2 S2 FP

Entosthodon kochii

Koch's cord moss

NBMUS2P050 None None G1 S1 1B.3

Eriogonum luteolum var. caninum

Tiburon buckwheat

PDPGN083S1 None None G5T2 S2 1B.2

Eucyclogobius newberryi

tidewater goby

AFCQN04010 Endangered None G3 S2S3 SSC

Euphydryas editha bayensis

Bay checkerspot butterfly

IILEPK4055 Threatened None G5T1 S1

Fissidens pauperculus

minute pocket moss

NBMUS2W0U0 None None G3? S1 1B.2

Fritillaria lanceolata var. tristulis

Marin checker lily

PMLIL0V0P1 None None G5T1 S1.1 1B.1

Fritillaria liliacea

fragrant fritillary

PMLIL0V0C0 None None G2 S2 1B.2

Geothlypis trichas sinuosa

saltmarsh common yellowthroat

ABPBX1201A None None G5T2 S2 SSC

Gilia capitata ssp. chamissonis

blue coast gilia

PDPLM040B3 None None G5T2 S2.1 1B.1

Gilia capitata ssp. tomentosa

woolly-headed gilia

PDPLM040B9 None None G5T1 S1.1 1B.1

Gilia millefoliata

dark-eyed gilia

PDPLM04130 None None G2 S2.2 1B.2

Grindelia hirsutula var. maritima

San Francisco gumplant

PDAST470D3 None None G5T1Q S1 3.2

Helianthella castanea

Diablo helianthella

PDAST4M020 None None G2 S2 1B.2

Report Printed on Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Page 3 of 7Commercial Version -- Dated June, 5 2012 -- Biogeographic Data Branch

Information Expires 12/5/2012

Selected Elements by Scientific NameCalifornia Department of Fish and Game

California Natural Diversity Database


Species Element Code Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank

Rare Plant Rank/CDFG SSC or FP

Hemizonia congesta ssp. congesta

white seaside tarplant

PDAST4R065 None None G5T2T3 S2S3 1B.2

Hesperolinon congestum

Marin western flax

PDLIN01060 Threatened Threatened G2 S2 1B.1

Holocarpha macradenia

Santa Cruz tarplant

PDAST4X020 Threatened Endangered G1 S1 1B.1

Horkelia cuneata var. sericea

Kellogg's horkelia

PDROS0W043 None None G4T1 S1.1 1B.1

Horkelia tenuiloba

thin-lobed horkelia

PDROS0W0E0 None None G2 S2.2 1B.2

Hydrochara rickseckeri

Ricksecker's water scavenger beetle

IICOL5V010 None None G1G2 S1S2

Kopsiopsis hookeri

small groundcone

PDORO01010 None None G5 S1S2 2.3

Lasiurus blossevillii

western red bat

AMACC05060 None None G5 S3? SSC

Lasiurus cinereus

hoary bat

AMACC05030 None None G5 S4?

Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus

California black rail

ABNME03041 None Threatened G4T1 S1 FP

Lavinia symmetricus ssp. 2

Tomales roach

AFCJB19022 None None G5T2T3 S2S3 SSC

Layia carnosa

beach layia

PDAST5N010 Endangered Endangered G2 S2 1B.1

Leptosiphon croceus

coast yellow leptosiphon

PDPLM09170 None None G1 S1.1 1B.1

Leptosiphon rosaceus

rose leptosiphon

PDPLM09180 None None G1 S1.1 1B.1

Lessingia germanorum

San Francisco lessingia

PDAST5S010 Endangered Endangered G1 S1 1B.1

Lessingia micradenia var. micradenia

Tamalpais lessingia

PDAST5S063 None None G2T1 S1.1 1B.2

Lichnanthe ursina

bumblebee scarab beetle

IICOL67020 None None G2 S2

Melospiza melodia pusillula

Alameda song sparrow

ABPBXA301S None None G5T2? S2? SSC

Melospiza melodia samuelis

San Pablo song sparrow

ABPBXA301W None None G5T2? S2? SSC

Microcina tiburona

Tiburon micro-blind harvestman

ILARA47060 None None G1 S1

Microseris paludosa

marsh microseris

PDAST6E0D0 None None G2 S2.2 1B.2

Report Printed on Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Page 4 of 7Commercial Version -- Dated June, 5 2012 -- Biogeographic Data Branch

Information Expires 12/5/2012

Selected Elements by Scientific NameCalifornia Department of Fish and Game

California Natural Diversity Database


Species Element Code Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank

Rare Plant Rank/CDFG SSC or FP

Microtus californicus sanpabloensis

San Pablo vole

AMAFF11034 None None G5T1T2 S1S2 SSC

Mielichhoferia elongata

elongate copper moss

NBMUS4Q022 None None G4? S2 2.2

Navarretia rosulata

Marin County navarretia

PDPLM0C0Z0 None None G2? S2? 1B.2

Northern Coastal Salt Marsh

Northern Coastal Salt Marsh

CTT52110CA None None G3 S3.2

Northern Vernal Pool

Northern Vernal Pool

CTT44100CA None None G2 S2.1

Nycticorax nycticorax

black-crowned night heron

ABNGA11010 None None G5 S3

Oncorhynchus kisutch

coho salmon - central California coast ESU

AFCHA02034 Endangered Endangered G4 S2?

Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus

steelhead - central California coast DPS

AFCHA0209G Threatened None G5T2Q S2

Pentachaeta bellidiflora

white-rayed pentachaeta

PDAST6X030 Endangered Endangered G1 S1 1B.1

Phalacrocorax auritus

double-crested cormorant

ABNFD01020 None None G5 S3 WL

Plagiobothrys chorisianus var. chorisianus

Choris' popcorn-flower

PDBOR0V061 None None G3T2Q S2.2 1B.2

Plagiobothrys diffusus

San Francisco popcorn-flower

PDBOR0V080 None Endangered G1Q S1 1B.1

Plagiobothrys glaber

hairless popcorn-flower

PDBOR0V0B0 None None GH SH 1A

Plagiobothrys mollis var. vestitus

Petaluma popcorn-flower

PDBOR0V0Q2 None None G4?TX SX 1A

Plebejus icarioides missionensis

Mission blue butterfly

IILEPG801A Endangered None G5T1 S1

Pleuropogon hooverianus

North Coast semaphore grass

PMPOA4Y070 None Threatened G2 S2 1B.1

Pogonichthys macrolepidotus

Sacramento splittail

AFCJB34020 None None G2 S2 SSC

Polemonium carneum

Oregon polemonium

PDPLM0E050 None None G4 S1 2.2

Polygonum marinense

Marin knotweed

PDPGN0L1C0 None None G1Q S1.1 3.1

Pomatiopsis binneyi

robust walker

IMGASJ9010 None None G1 S1

Quercus parvula var. tamalpaisensis

Tamalpais oak

PDFAG051Q3 None None G4T1 S1.3 1B.3

Report Printed on Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Page 5 of 7Commercial Version -- Dated June, 5 2012 -- Biogeographic Data Branch

Information Expires 12/5/2012

Selected Elements by Scientific NameCalifornia Department of Fish and Game

California Natural Diversity Database


Species Element Code Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank

Rare Plant Rank/CDFG SSC or FP

Rallus longirostris obsoletus

California clapper rail

ABNME05016 Endangered Endangered G5T1 S1 FP

Rana boylii

foothill yellow-legged frog

AAABH01050 None None G3 S2S3 SSC

Rana draytonii

California red-legged frog

AAABH01022 Threatened None G4T2T3 S2S3 SSC

Reithrodontomys raviventris

salt-marsh harvest mouse

AMAFF02040 Endangered Endangered G1G2 S1S2 FP

Riparia riparia

bank swallow

ABPAU08010 None Threatened G5 S2S3

Sanicula maritima

adobe sanicle

PDAPI1Z0D0 None Rare G2 S2.2 1B.1

Scapanus latimanus insularis

Angel Island mole

AMABB02032 None None G5T1 S1

Serpentine Bunchgrass

Serpentine Bunchgrass

CTT42130CA None None G2 S2.2

Sidalcea calycosa ssp. rhizomata

Point Reyes checkerbloom

PDMAL11012 None None G5T2 S2.2 1B.2

Sidalcea hickmanii ssp. viridis

Marin checkerbloom

PDMAL110A4 None None G3T2 S2.2? 1B.3

Silene verecunda ssp. verecunda

San Francisco campion

PDCAR0U213 None None G5T2 S2.2 1B.2

Sorex vagrans halicoetes

salt-marsh wandering shrew

AMABA01071 None None G5T1 S1 SSC

Speyeria callippe callippe

callippe silverspot butterfly

IILEPJ6091 Endangered None G5T1 S1

Stebbinsoseris decipiens

Santa Cruz microseris

PDAST6E050 None None G2 S2.2 1B.2

Streptanthus batrachopus

Tamalpais jewel-flower

PDBRA2G050 None None G1 S1.2 1B.3

Streptanthus glandulosus ssp. niger

Tiburon jewel-flower

PDBRA2G0T0 Endangered Endangered G4T1 S1 1B.1

Streptanthus glandulosus ssp. pulchellus

Mount Tamalpais bristly jewel-flower

PDBRA2G0J2 None None G4T1 S1.2 1B.2

Symphyotrichum lentum

Suisun Marsh aster

PDASTE8470 None None G2 S2 1B.2

Syncaris pacifica

California freshwater shrimp

ICMAL27010 Endangered Endangered G1 S1

Talanites ubicki

Ubick's gnaphosid spider

ILARA98030 None None G1 S1

Taxidea taxus

American badger

AMAJF04010 None None G5 S4 SSC

Report Printed on Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Page 6 of 7Commercial Version -- Dated June, 5 2012 -- Biogeographic Data Branch

Information Expires 12/5/2012

Selected Elements by Scientific NameCalifornia Department of Fish and Game

California Natural Diversity Database


Species Element Code Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank

Rare Plant Rank/CDFG SSC or FP

Trachusa gummifera

San Francisco Bay Area leaf-cutter bee

IIHYM80010 None None G1 S1

Trifolium amoenum

showy rancheria clover

PDFAB40040 Endangered None G1 S1 1B.1

Trifolium hydrophilum

saline clover

PDFAB400R5 None None G2 S2 1B.2

Triphysaria floribunda

San Francisco owl's-clover

PDSCR2T010 None None G2 S2.2 1B.2

Triquetrella californica

coastal triquetrella

NBMUS7S010 None None G1 S1 1B.2

Tryonia imitator

mimic tryonia (=California brackishwater snail)

IMGASJ7040 None None G2G3 S2S3

Vespericola marinensis

Marin hesperian

IMGASA4140 None None G2G3 S2S3

Zapus trinotatus orarius

Point Reyes jumping mouse

AMAFH01031 None None G5T1T3Q S1S3 SSC

Record Count: 134

Report Printed on Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Page 7 of 7Commercial Version -- Dated June, 5 2012 -- Biogeographic Data Branch

Information Expires 12/5/2012

Selected Elements by Scientific NameCalifornia Department of Fish and Game

California Natural Diversity Database


June 19, 2012

Document Number: 120619082008

Martha E. LoweEnvironmental Science Associates350 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

Suite 300Oakland, CA 94612

Subject: Species List for Marin General Hospital Expansion Project

Dear: Ms. Lowe

We are sending this official species list in response to your June 19, 2012 request for information about endangered and threatened species. The list covers the California counties and/or U.S. Geological Survey 7½ minute quad or quads you requested.

Our database was developed primarily to assist Federal agencies that are consulting with us. Therefore, our lists include all of the sensitive species that have been found in a certain area and also ones that may be affected by projects in the area. For example, a fish may be on the list for

a quad if it lives somewhere downstream from that quad. Birds are included even if they only migrate through an area. In other words, we include all of the species we want people to consider

when they do something that affects the environment.

Please read Important Information About Your Species List (below). It explains how we made the list and describes your responsibilities under the Endangered Species Act.

Our database is constantly updated as species are proposed, listed and delisted. If you address

proposed and candidate species in your planning, this should not be a problem. However, we recommend that you get an updated list every 90 days. That would be September 17, 2012.

Please contact us if your project may affect endangered or threatened species or if you have any

questions about the attached list or your responsibilities under the Endangered Species Act. A list of Endangered Species Program contacts can be found here.

Endangered Species Division

United States Department of the Interior


Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office 2800 Cottage Way, Room W-2605

Sacramento, California 95825

Page 1 of 1Sacramento Fish & Wildlife Office Species List



U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Sacramento Fish & Wildlife OfficeFederal Endangered and Threatened Species that Occur in

or may be Affected by Projects in the Counties and/orU.S.G.S. 7 1/2 Minute Quads you requested

Document Number: 120619082008

Database Last Updated: September 18, 2011

Quad Lists

Listed Species


Haliotes cracherodii

black abalone (E) (NMFS)

Haliotes sorenseni

white abalone (E) (NMFS)

Icaricia icarioides missionensis

mission blue butterfly (E)

Speyeria callippe callippe

callippe silverspot butterfly (E)

Speyeria zerene myrtleae

Myrtle's silverspot butterfly (E)

Syncaris pacifica

California freshwater shrimp (E)


Acipenser medirostris

green sturgeon (T) (NMFS)

Eucyclogobius newberryi

critical habitat, tidewater goby (X)

tidewater goby (E)

Hypomesus transpacificus

delta smelt (T)

Oncorhynchus kisutch

coho salmon - central CA coast (E) (NMFS)

Critical habitat, coho salmon - central CA coast (X) (NMFS)

Oncorhynchus mykiss

Central California Coastal steelhead (T) (NMFS)

Central Valley steelhead (T) (NMFS)

Critical habitat, Central California coastal steelhead (X) (NMFS)

Critical habitat, Central Valley steelhead (X) (NMFS)

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

California coastal chinook salmon (T) (NMFS)

Central Valley spring-run chinook salmon (T) (NMFS)

Critical habitat, winter-run chinook salmon (X) (NMFS)

Page 1 of 10Sacramento Fish & Wildlife Office Species List



winter-run chinook salmon, Sacramento River (E) (NMFS)


Rana draytonii

California red-legged frog (T)

Critical habitat, California red-legged frog (X)


Caretta caretta

loggerhead turtle (T) (NMFS)

Chelonia mydas (incl. agassizi)

green turtle (T) (NMFS)

Dermochelys coriacea

leatherback turtle (E) (NMFS)

Lepidochelys olivacea

olive (=Pacific) ridley sea turtle (T) (NMFS)


Brachyramphus marmoratus

Critical habitat, marbled murrelet (X)

marbled murrelet (T)

Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus

western snowy plover (T)

Diomedea albatrus

short-tailed albatross (E)

Pelecanus occidentalis californicus

California brown pelican (E)

Rallus longirostris obsoletus

California clapper rail (E)

Sternula antillarum (=Sterna, =albifrons) browni

California least tern (E)

Strix occidentalis caurina

northern spotted owl (T)


Arctocephalus townsendi

Guadalupe fur seal (T) (NMFS)

Balaenoptera borealis

sei whale (E) (NMFS)

Balaenoptera musculus

blue whale (E) (NMFS)

Balaenoptera physalus

finback (=fin) whale (E) (NMFS)

Enhydra lutris nereis

southern sea otter (T)

Eubalaena (=Balaena) glacialis

right whale (E) (NMFS)

Eumetopias jubatus

Page 2 of 10Sacramento Fish & Wildlife Office Species List



Critical Habitat, Steller (=northern) sea-lion (X) (NMFS)

Steller (=northern) sea-lion (T) (NMFS)

Physeter catodon (=macrocephalus)

sperm whale (E) (NMFS)

Reithrodontomys raviventris

salt marsh harvest mouse (E)


Alopecurus aequalis var. sonomensis

Sonoma alopecurus (E)

Arctostaphylos hookeri ssp. ravenii

Presidio (=Raven's) manzanita (E)

Arenaria paludicola

marsh sandwort (E)

Calochortus tiburonensis

Tiburon mariposa lily (T)

Castilleja affinis ssp. neglecta

Tiburon paintbrush (E)

Chorizanthe valida

Sonoma spineflower (E)

Clarkia franciscana

Presidio clarkia (E)

Delphinium bakeri

Critical habitat, Baker's larkspur (X)

Delphinium luteum

yellow larkspur (E)

Hesperolinon congestum

Marin dwarf-flax (=western flax) (T)

Holocarpha macradenia

Santa Cruz tarplant (T)

Layia carnosa

beach layia (E)

Lessingia germanorum

San Francisco lessingia (E)

Pentachaeta bellidiflora

white-rayed pentachaeta (E)

Streptanthus niger

Tiburon jewelflower (E)

Trifolium amoenum

showy Indian clover (E)

Quads Containing Listed, Proposed or Candidate Species:





Page 3 of 10Sacramento Fish & Wildlife Office Species List







County Lists

Marin County

Listed Species


Branchinecta conservatio

Conservancy fairy shrimp (E)

Haliotes cracherodii

black abalone (E) (NMFS)

Haliotes sorenseni

white abalone (E) (NMFS)

Icaricia icarioides missionensis

mission blue butterfly (E)

Speyeria callippe callippe

callippe silverspot butterfly (E)

Speyeria zerene myrtleae

Myrtle's silverspot butterfly (E)

Syncaris pacifica

California freshwater shrimp (E)


Acipenser medirostris

green sturgeon (T) (NMFS)

Eucyclogobius newberryi

critical habitat, tidewater goby (X)

tidewater goby (E)

Hypomesus transpacificus

delta smelt (T)

Oncorhynchus kisutch

coho salmon - central CA coast (E) (NMFS)

Critical habitat, coho salmon - central CA coast (X) (NMFS)

Page 4 of 10Sacramento Fish & Wildlife Office Species List



Oncorhynchus mykiss

Central California Coastal steelhead (T) (NMFS)

Central Valley steelhead (T) (NMFS)

Critical habitat, Central California coastal steelhead (X) (NMFS)

Critical habitat, Central Valley steelhead (X) (NMFS)

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

California coastal chinook salmon (T) (NMFS)

Central Valley spring-run chinook salmon (T) (NMFS)

Critical habitat, winter-run chinook salmon (X) (NMFS)

winter-run chinook salmon, Sacramento River (E) (NMFS)


Ambystoma californiense

California tiger salamander, central population (T)

California tiger salamander, Sonoma Co. pop (E)

Rana draytonii

California red-legged frog (T)

Critical habitat, California red-legged frog (X)


Caretta caretta

loggerhead turtle (T) (NMFS)

Chelonia mydas (incl. agassizi)

green turtle (T) (NMFS)

Dermochelys coriacea

leatherback turtle (E) (NMFS)

Lepidochelys olivacea

olive (=Pacific) ridley sea turtle (T) (NMFS)

Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus

Alameda whipsnake [=striped racer] (T)


Brachyramphus marmoratus

Critical habitat, marbled murrelet (X)

marbled murrelet (T)

Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus

Critical habitat, western snowy plover (X)

western snowy plover (T)

Page 5 of 10Sacramento Fish & Wildlife Office Species List



Diomedea albatrus

short-tailed albatross (E)

Pelecanus occidentalis californicus

California brown pelican (E)

Rallus longirostris obsoletus

California clapper rail (E)

Sternula antillarum (=Sterna, =albifrons) browni

California least tern (E)

Strix occidentalis caurina

northern spotted owl (T)


Arctocephalus townsendi

Guadalupe fur seal (T) (NMFS)

Balaenoptera borealis

sei whale (E) (NMFS)

Balaenoptera musculus

blue whale (E) (NMFS)

Balaenoptera physalus

finback (=fin) whale (E) (NMFS)

Enhydra lutris nereis

southern sea otter (T)

Eubalaena (=Balaena) glacialis

right whale (E) (NMFS)

Eumetopias jubatus

Critical Habitat, Steller (=northern) sea-lion (X) (NMFS)

Steller (=northern) sea-lion (T) (NMFS)

Physeter catodon (=macrocephalus)

sperm whale (E) (NMFS)

Reithrodontomys raviventris

salt marsh harvest mouse (E)

Page 6 of 10Sacramento Fish & Wildlife Office Species List




Alopecurus aequalis var. sonomensis

Sonoma alopecurus (E)

Arctostaphylos hookeri ssp. ravenii

Presidio (=Raven's) manzanita (E)

Arenaria paludicola

marsh sandwort (E)

Calochortus tiburonensis

Tiburon mariposa lily (T)

Castilleja affinis ssp. neglecta

Tiburon paintbrush (E)

Chorizanthe robusta var. robusta

robust spineflower (E)

Chorizanthe valida

Sonoma spineflower (E)

Clarkia franciscana

Presidio clarkia (E)

Cordylanthus mollis ssp. mollis

soft bird's-beak (E)

Delphinium bakeri

Baker's larkspur (E)

Critical habitat, Baker's larkspur (X)

Delphinium luteum

Critical habitat, yellow larkspur (X)

yellow larkspur (E)

Hesperolinon congestum

Marin dwarf-flax (=western flax) (T)

Holocarpha macradenia

Santa Cruz tarplant (T)

Lasthenia conjugens

Contra Costa goldfields (E)

Critical habitat, Contra Costa goldfields (X)

Page 7 of 10Sacramento Fish & Wildlife Office Species List



Layia carnosa

beach layia (E)

Lessingia germanorum

San Francisco lessingia (E)

Lilium pardalinum ssp. pitkinense

Pitkin Marsh lily (E)

Limnanthes vinculans

Sebastopol meadowfoam (E)

Lupinus tidestromii

clover lupine [Tidestrom's lupine] (E)

Pentachaeta bellidiflora

white-rayed pentachaeta (E)

Potentilla hickmanii

Hickman's potentilla (=cinquefoil) (E)

Streptanthus niger

Tiburon jewelflower (E)

Trifolium amoenum

showy Indian clover (E)

Proposed Species


Cordylanthus mollis ssp. mollis

Critical habitat, soft bird's-beak (PX)


(E) Endangered - Listed as being in danger of extinction.

(T) Threatened - Listed as likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future.

(P) Proposed - Officially proposed in the Federal Register for listing as endangered or threatened.

(NMFS) Species under the Jurisdiction of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Fisheries Service.

Consult with them directly about these species.

Critical Habitat - Area essential to the conservation of a species.

(PX) Proposed Critical Habitat - The species is already listed. Critical habitat is being proposed for it.

(C) Candidate - Candidate to become a proposed species.

(V) Vacated by a court order. Not currently in effect. Being reviewed by the Service.

(X) Critical Habitat designated for this species

Page 8 of 10Sacramento Fish & Wildlife Office Species List



CNPS Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants

Status: Plant Press Manager window with 73 items - Tue, Jun. 19, 2012 22:41 c

Reformat list as: Standard List - with Plant Press controls


scientific family life form blooming communities elevation CNPS

Alopecurus aequalisvar. sonomensis

Poaceae perennial herb May-Jul

•Marshes and swamps

(MshSw)(freshwater)•Riparian scrub (RpScr)

5 - 365 meters

List 1B.1

Amorpha californicavar. napensis

Fabaceaeperennial deciduous


•Broadleafed upland forest

(BUFrs)(openings)•Chaparral (Chprl)•Cismontane woodland


120 -2000




Amsinckia lunaris Boraginaceae annual herb Mar-Jun

•Coastal bluff scrub (CBScr)•Cismontane woodland

(CmWld)•Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)

3 - 500 meters

List 1B.2



evergreen shrubFeb-Apr

•Coastal scrub (CoScr)(serpentinite)

60 - 300 meters

List 1B.1

Arctostaphylosmontana ssp. montana


evergreen shrubFeb-Apr

•Chaparral (Chprl)

•Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)/serpentinite, rocky

160 - 760 meters

List 1B.3

Arctostaphylosmontana ssp. ravenii


evergreen shrubFeb-Mar

•Chaparral (Chprl)•Coastal prairie (CoPrr)•Coastal scrub

(CoScr)/serpentinite outcrop

45 - 215 meters

List 1B.1



evergreen shrubJan-Mar

•Broadleafed upland forest (BUFrs)

•Closed-cone coniferous forest (CCFrs)•Chaparral (Chprl)

•North Coast coniferous forest (NCFrs)/sandstone or granitic

60 - 700 meters

List 1B.2

Arenaria paludicola Caryophyllaceae May-Aug 3 - 170 meters

List 1B.1

Page 1 of 9CNPS Inventory: Plant Press Manager window with 73 items



perennial stoloniferous


•Marshes and swamps (MshSw)(freshwateror

brackish)/sandy, openings

Astragaluspycnostachyus var. pycnostachyus

Fabaceae perennial herb Apr-Oct

•Coastal dunes (CoDns)(mesic)

•Coastal scrub (CoScr)•Marshes and swamps (MshSw)(coastal salt,


0 - 30 meters

List 1B.2

Astragalus tener var. tener

Fabaceae annual herb Mar-Jun

•Playas (Plyas)•Valley and foothill

grassland (VFGrs)(adobe clay)•Vernal pools


1 - 60 meters

List 1B.2



bulbiferous herbMar-Jun

•Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)


50 - 150 meters

List 1B.1

Cardamine angulata Brassicaceae perennial herb Mar-Jul

•Lower montane coniferous forest (LCFrs)

•North Coast coniferous forest (NCFrs)/Wet areas, streambanks

65 - 915 meters

List 2.1

Carex comosa Cyperaceaeperennial




•Coastal prairie (CoPrr)•Marshes and swamps (MshSw)(lake margins)

•Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)

0 - 625 meters

List 2.1

Carex lyngbyei Cyperaceae


rhizomatous herb


•Marshes and swamps

(MshSw)(brackish or freshwater)

0 - 10 meters

List 2.2

Castilleja affinis ssp. neglecta

Orobanchaceaeperennial herb hemiparasitic

Apr-Jun •Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)


60 - 400 meters

List 1B.2

Ceanothus masonii Rhamnaceaeperennial

evergreen shrubMar-Apr

•Chaparral (Chprl)(openings, rocky,


230 - 500 meters

List 1B.2

Chloropyronmaritimum ssp. palustre

Orobanchaceaeannual herb


•Marshes and swamps (MshSw)(coastal salt)

0 - 10 meters

List 1B.2

Polygonaceae annual herb

Page 2 of 9CNPS Inventory: Plant Press Manager window with 73 items



Chorizanthecuspidata var. cuspidata

Apr-Jul(Aug), Months

in parentheses are


•Coastal bluff scrub (CBScr)•Coastal dunes (CoDns)

•Coastal prairie (CoPrr)•Coastal scrub (CoScr)/sandy

3 - 215 meters

List 1B.2

Chorizanthe valida Polygonaceae annual herb Jun-Aug •Coastal prairie (CoPrr)(sandy)

10 - 305 meters

List 1B.1

Cirsium andrewsii Asteraceae perennial herb Mar-Jul

•Broadleafed upland forest

(BUFrs)•Coastal bluff scrub (CBScr)•Coastal prairie (CoPrr)

•Coastal scrub (CoScr)/mesic, sometimes serpentinite

0 - 150 meters

List 1B.2

Cirsium hydrophilumvar. vaseyi

Asteraceae perennial herb May-Aug

•Broadleafed upland forest (BUFrs)•Chaparral (Chprl)

•Meadows and seeps (Medws)/serpentinite seeps

240 - 620 meters

List 1B.2

Clarkia franciscana Onagraceae annual herb May-Jul

•Coastal scrub (CoScr)

•Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)(serpentinite)

25 - 335 meters

List 1B.1

Collinsia corymbosa Plantaginaceae annual herb Apr-Jun •Coastal dunes (CoDns)0 - 20 meters

List 1B.2

Collinsia multicolor Plantaginaceae annual herb Mar-May

•Closed-cone coniferous

forest (CCFrs)•Coastal scrub (CoScr)/sometimes


30 - 250




Dirca occidentalis Thymelaeaceaeperennial deciduous


Jan-Mar(Apr), Months

in parentheses are uncommon.

•Broadleafed upland forest (BUFrs)•Closed-cone coniferous

forest (CCFrs)•Chaparral (Chprl)•Cismontane woodland

(CmWld)•North Coast coniferous forest (NCFrs)

•Riparian forest (RpFrs)•Riparian woodland (RpWld)/mesic

25 - 395




Page 3 of 9CNPS Inventory: Plant Press Manager window with 73 items



Entosthodon kochii Funariaceae moss •Cismontane woodland (CmWld)


180 - 1000 meters List 1B.3

Eriogonum luteolumvar. caninum

Polygonaceae annual herb May-Sep

•Chaparral (Chprl)•Cismontane woodland

(CmWld)•Coastal prairie (CoPrr)•Valley and foothill

grassland (VFGrs)/serpentinite, sandy to gravelly

0 - 700 meters

List 1B.2


Fissidentaceae moss

•North Coast coniferous forest (NCFrs)(damp coastal


10 - 1024 meters List 1B.2

Fritillaria lanceolatavar. tristulis


bulbiferous herbFeb-May

•Coastal bluff scrub (CBScr)•Coastal prairie (CoPrr)

•Coastal scrub (CoScr)

15 - 150 meters

List 1B.1

Fritillaria liliacea Liliaceaeperennial

bulbiferous herbFeb-Apr

•Cismontane woodland (CmWld)

•Coastal prairie (CoPrr)•Coastal scrub (CoScr)•Valley and foothill

grassland (VFGrs)/Often serpentinite

3 - 410




Gilia capitata ssp. chamissonis

Polemoniaceae annual herb Apr-Jul •Coastal dunes (CoDns)

•Coastal scrub (CoScr)

2 - 200




Gilia capitata ssp. tomentosa

Polemoniaceae annual herb May-Jul

•Coastal bluff scrub (CBScr)•Valley and foothill

grassland (VFGrs)/Serpentinite, rocky, outcrops

10 - 220 meters

List 1B.1

Gilia millefoliata Polemoniaceae annual herb Apr-Jul •Coastal dunes (CoDns)2 - 30




Grindelia hirsutulavar. maritima

Asteraceae perennial herb Jun-Sep

•Coastal bluff scrub (CBScr)•Coastal scrub (CoScr)

•Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)/sandy or serpentinite

15 - 400 meters

List 3.2


Asteraceae perennial herb Mar-Jun •Broadleafed upland forest (BUFrs)•Chaparral (Chprl)

60 - 1300 meters

List 1B.2

Page 4 of 9CNPS Inventory: Plant Press Manager window with 73 items



•Cismontane woodland (CmWld)

•Coastal scrub (CoScr)•Riparian woodland (RpWld)•Valley and foothill

grassland (VFGrs)

Hemizonia congesta

ssp. congestaAsteraceae annual herb Apr-Nov

•Valley and foothill grassland

(VFGrs)/sometimes roadsides

20 - 560





congestumLinaceae annual herb Apr-Jul

•Chaparral (Chprl)

•Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)/serpentinite

5 - 370 meters

List 1B.1


macradeniaAsteraceae annual herb Jun-Oct

•Coastal prairie (CoPrr)•Coastal scrub (CoScr)•Valley and foothill

grassland (VFGrs)/often clay, sandy

10 - 220 meters

List 1B.1

Horkelia cuneata var.

sericeaRosaceae perennial herb Apr-Sep

•Closed-cone coniferous

forest (CCFrs)•Chaparral (Chprl)(maritime)•Coastal dunes (CoDns)

•Coastal scrub (CoScr)/sandy or gravelly, openings

10 - 200 meters

List 1B.1

Horkelia tenuiloba Rosaceae perennial herb May-Jul

•Broadleafed upland forest (BUFrs)•Chaparral (Chprl)

•Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)/mesic openings, sandy

50 - 500




Kopsiopsis hookeri Orobanchaceae


rhizomatous herb parasitic

Apr-Aug •North Coast coniferous forest (NCFrs)

90 - 885 meters

List 2.3

Layia carnosa Asteraceae annual herb Mar-Jul

•Coastal dunes (CoDns)

•Coastal scrub (CoScr)(sandy)

0 - 60 meters

List 1B.1


Polemoniaceae annual herb Apr-May •Coastal bluff scrub (CBScr)

•Coastal prairie (CoPrr)

10 - 150





Polemoniaceae annual herb Apr-Jul •Coastal bluff scrub (CBScr) 0 - 100 meters

List 1B.1

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Asteraceae annual herb(Jun),Jul-Nov Months

in parentheses are


•Coastal scrub (CoScr)(remnant dunes)

25 - 110 meters

List 1B.1

Lessingia hololeuca Asteraceae annual herb Jun-Oct

•Broadleafed upland forest (BUFrs)•Coastal scrub (CoScr)

•Lower montane coniferous forest (LCFrs)•Valley and foothill

grassland (VFGrs)/clay, serpentinite

15 - 305 meters

List 3

Lessingiamicradenia var. micradenia

Asteraceae annual herb(Jun),Jul-Oct Months

in parentheses are


•Chaparral (Chprl)

•Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)/usually serpentinite, often roadsides

100 - 500 meters

List 1B.2


Asteraceae annual herb Mar-May

•Broadleafed upland forest (BUFrs)•Chaparral (Chprl)

•Cismontane woodland (CmWld)•Valley and foothill

grassland (VFGrs)/rocky

45 - 825 meters

List 3.2

Microseris paludosa Asteraceae perennial herbApr-Jun(Jul), Months

in parentheses are uncommon.

•Closed-cone coniferous forest (CCFrs)

•Cismontane woodland (CmWld)•Coastal scrub (CoScr)

•Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)

5 - 300





Mniaceae moss


woodland (CmWld)(metamorphic, rock, usually vernally mesic)

500 - 1300 meters List 2.2

Navarretialeucocephala ssp. bakeri

Polemoniaceae annual herb Apr-Jul

•Cismontane woodland (CmWld)•Lower montane coniferous

forest (LCFrs)•Meadows and seeps (Medws)

•Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)•Vernal pools (VnPls)/Mesic

5 - 1740




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Navarretia rosulata Polemoniaceae annual herb May-Jul •Closed-cone coniferous forest (CCFrs)

•Chaparral (Chprl)/serpentinite, rocky

200 - 635 meters

List 1B.2


Asteraceae annual herb Mar-May

•Cismontane woodland

(CmWld)•Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)(often


35 - 620




Plagiobothryschorisianus var. chorisianus

Boraginaceae annual herb Mar-Jun

•Chaparral (Chprl)•Coastal prairie (CoPrr)

•Coastal scrub (CoScr)/mesic

15 - 160





Boraginaceae annual herb Mar-Jun

•Coastal prairie (CoPrr)

•Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)

60 - 360 meters

List 1B.1

Plagiobothrys glaber Boraginaceae annual herb Mar-May

•Meadows and seeps

(Medws)(alkaline)•Marshes and swamps (MshSw)(coastal salt)

15 - 180 meters

List 1A




rhizomatous herb


•Broadleafed upland forest (BUFrs)•Meadows and seeps

(Medws)•North Coast coniferous forest (NCFrs)/open areas,


10 - 671 meters

List 1B.1


Polemoniaceae perennial herb Apr-Sep

•Coastal prairie (CoPrr)•Coastal scrub (CoScr)

•Lower montane coniferous forest (LCFrs)

0 - 1830





Polygonaceae annual herb(Apr),May-Aug(Oct), Months in parentheses are


•Marshes and swamps (MshSw)(coastal salt or


0 - 10 meters

List 3.1

Quercus parvula var. tamalpaisensis


evergreen shrubMar-Apr

•Lower montane coniferous forest (LCFrs)

100 - 750 meters

List 1B.3

Sanicula maritima Apiaceae perennial herb Feb-May •Chaparral (Chprl)•Coastal prairie (CoPrr)•Meadows and seeps

(Medws)•Valley and foothill

30 - 240 meters

List 1B.1

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grassland (VFGrs)/clay, serpentinite

Sidalcea calycosassp. rhizomata


rhizomatous herb

Apr-Sep •Marshes and swamps (MshSw)(freshwater, near coast)

3 - 75




Sidalcea hickmaniissp. viridis

Malvaceae perennial herb May-Jun •Chaparral (Chprl)(serpentinite)

50 - 430 meters

List 1B.3

Silene verecundassp. verecunda

Caryophyllaceae perennial herbMar-Jun(Aug), Months

in parentheses are


•Coastal bluff scrub (CBScr)

•Chaparral (Chprl)•Coastal prairie (CoPrr)•Coastal scrub (CoScr)

•Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)/sandy

30 - 645 meters

List 1B.2


Asteraceae annual herb Apr-May

•Broadleafed upland forest

(BUFrs)•Closed-cone coniferous forest (CCFrs)

•Chaparral (Chprl)•Coastal prairie (CoPrr)•Coastal scrub (CoScr)

•Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)/open areas, sometimes


10 - 500





Brassicaceae annual herb Apr-Jul

•Closed-cone coniferous forest (CCFrs)

•Chaparral (Chprl)/serpentinite

305 - 650




Streptanthusglandulosus ssp. niger

Brassicaceae annual herb May-Jun

•Valley and foothill

grassland (VFGrs)(serpentinite)

30 - 150 meters

List 1B.1

Streptanthusglandulosus ssp. pulchellus

Brassicaceae annual herbMay-Jul(Aug), Months

in parentheses are uncommon.

•Chaparral (Chprl)•Valley and foothill

grassland (VFGrs)/serpentinite

150 - 800







rhizomatous herb


•Marshes and swamps

(MshSw)(brackish and freshwater)

0 - 3 meters

List 1B.2

Trifolium amoenum Fabaceae annual herb Apr-Jun •Coastal bluff scrub (CBScr)

•Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)(sometimes serpentinite)

5 - 415




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Fabaceae annual herb Apr-Jun

•Marshes and swamps (MshSw)

•Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)(mesic, alkaline)

•Vernal pools (VnPls)

0 - 300 meters

List 1B.2


Orobanchaceae annual herb Apr-Jun

•Coastal prairie (CoPrr)•Coastal scrub (CoScr)

•Valley and foothill grassland (VFGrs)/usually serpentinite

10 - 160 meters

List 1B.2


Pottiaceae moss

•Coastal bluff scrub (CBScr)•Coastal scrub


10 - 100 meters List 1B.2

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