application for entry for employment as professionals in ... · pdf filefor official use only....

Part A: 䓛婳潻㷗⯙㤕䘬⮰㤕Ṣ⢓ Application for Employment as Professionals in Hong Kong 1. ᾳṢ屯瀌 Personal Particulars ⥻⎵ ( ) ( ⤪怑䓐 ) ⨂⇵⥻㮷 ( ⤪怑䓐 ) Name in Chinese (if applicable) Maiden surname (if applicable) ( 劙㔯 ) Surname in English ( 劙㔯 ) Given names in English ⇍⎵ ( ⤪㚱 ) Alias (if any) ⿏⇍ ↢䓇㖍㛇 Sex Male Female Date of birth dd mm yyyy ↢䓇⛘溆 Place of birth ⚳䯵 ⨂⦣灈㱩 㛒⨂ 瀸⨂ ↮⯭ ╒„ Nationality Marital status Bachelor/Spinster Married Divorced Separated Widowed 楁㷗幓ấ嫱嘇䡤 ( ⤪㚱) Hong Kong identity card no. (if any) ( ) ℏ⛘幓ấ嫱嘇䡤 (⤪㚱) Mainland identity card no. (if any) 濑灖嫱ẞ瀞⇍ Travel document type 䯥䘤⛘溆 䯥䘤㖍㛇 Place of issue Date of issue dd mm yyyy Date of expiry dd mm yyyy 暣悝⛘⛨ ( ⤪㚱 ) E-mail address (if any) 濥䴉暣娙嘇䡤 Contact telephone no. ⁛䛇嘇䡤 (⤪㚱) Fax no. (if any) 䎦㗪⭂⯭⚳⭞炾⛘⋨ 䓛婳Ṣ㗗⏎㑩㚱䎦㗪⭂⯭⚳⭞炾⛘⋨䘬㯠⯭瀛幓ấ ŀ Country/Territory of domicile Has the applicant acquired permanent residence in his/her country/territory of domicile? Yes No ⛐⭂⯭⚳⭞炾⛘⋨䘬⯭瀛㗪攻 Length of residence in country/territory of domicile year(s) month(s) 䓛婳Ṣ㗗⏎㚦⛐楁㷗ᾖ澨䴻㛔⛘姽⮑ℐ㖍⇞婚䦳侴䌚⼿⬠ỵ潏檀屯濚 ? Has the applicant obtained any degree or higher qualification in a full-time and locally-accredited programme in Hong Kong? 1 Yes (Note 1 ) No 䓛婳Ṣ䎦㗪䁢 Applicant is presently a: 2 ⢾䯵Ṣ⢓ˣ䎦⯭㕤㴟⢾䘬⚳嬟䄏㊩㚱Ṣˣ⎘䀋⯭㮹ˣ㽛攨⯭㮹䃉⚳䯵Ṣ⢓ ( ) foreign national, holder of People’s Republic of China passport living overseas, Taiwan resident, Macao resident or stateless person (Note 2 ) ℏ⛘䘬⚳⯭㮹 ( ⊭㊔䎦㗪㙓⯭㕤楁㷗㽛攨䘬ℏ⛘⯭㮹 ) ( 3 ) Chinese resident of the Mainland (including those who are currently residing in Hong Kong or Macao on a temporary basis) (Note 3 ) 䓛婳Ṣ㗗⏎䎦㬋⛐楁㷗ŀ Is the applicant currently staying in Hong Kong? 䌚Ⅾ徿瀛军 Yes Permitted to remain until ⛐㷗幓ấ Status ⬠䓇 ⯙㤕 ⯭瀛炾⍿梲Ṣ 姒⭊ ℞Ṿ Student Employment Residence/Dependant Visitor Others No ⤪㛔堐㟤䁢⼙⌘㛔⽆Ḻ濥䵚ᶳ庱炻 ⛐㛔枩ℏ⠓⟙䘬屯瀌⛯Ⱄ㬋䡢ˣ⬴⁁䛇⮎ˤ 婳⠓⮓㬌潫ˤ The information given on this page is correct, complete and true. Please complete this column if this form is a photocopy or downloaded copy. 㖍㛇 䓛婳Ṣ䯥会 濑灖嫱ẞ嘇䡤 Travel document no. dd mm yyyy ⯮㺧㖍㛇 Date Signature of applicant 1 : 䓛婳Ṣ⎗㟡㒂ˬ朆㛔⛘䔊㤕䓇瀛㷗炾⚆㷗⯙㤕⬱㌺˭䓛婳潻㷗⯙㤕炻娛ね婳澹教ˬ⮰㤕Ṣ⢓潻㷗⯙㤕ℍ⠫㊯⋿˭ [ID(C) 991] 27 39 㭝ˤ Note 1 : Applicant may apply to take up employment in Hong Kong under the ‘Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates’. Please read paragraphs 27 to 39 of ‘Guidebook for Entry for Employment as Professionals in Hong Kong’ [ID(E) 991]. 2 : 䓛婳Ṣ⎗㟡㒂ˬᶨ凔⯙㤕㓧䫾˭䓛婳潻㷗⯙㤕炻娛ね婳澹教ˬ⮰㤕Ṣ⢓潻㷗⯙㤕ℍ⠫㊯⋿˭ [ID(C) 991] 6 15 㭝ˤ Note 2 : Applicant may apply to take up employment in Hong Kong under the ‘General Employment Policy’. Please read paragraphs 6 to 15 of ‘Guidebook for Entry for Employment as Professionals in Hong Kong’ [ID(E) 991]. 3 : 䓛婳Ṣ⎗㟡㒂ˬ廠ℍℏ⛘Ṣㇵ妰∫˭䓛婳潻㷗⯙㤕炻娛ね婳澹教ˬ⮰㤕Ṣ⢓潻㷗⯙㤕ℍ⠫㊯⋿˭ [ID(C) 991] 16 26 㭝ˤ Note 3 : Applicant may apply to take up employment in Hong Kong under the ‘Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals’. Please read paragraphs 16 to 26 of ‘Guidebook for Entry for Employment as Professionals in Hong Kong’ [ID(E) 991]. ID 990A (4/2017) 1 㬌潫䓙彎瀲㨇斄嗽瀲 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 㨼㟰㡅䡤 Reference barcode 楁㷗䈡⇍灖㓧⋨㓧⹄ℍ⠫ḳ⊁嗽 Immigration Department, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ⮰㤕Ṣ⢓潻㷗⯙㤕䓛婳堐 ( 䓛婳Ṣ ⠓⮓ ) Application for Entry for Employment as Professionals in Hong Kong ( to be completed by the applicant) Note : シ炛 (i) 㚱斄䓛婳ㇳ临⍲暨㔯ẞ炻婳澹教ˬ⮰㤕Ṣ⢓潻㷗⯙㤕ℍ⠫㊯⋿˭ [ID(C) 991] ˤ Please read the ‘Guidebook for Entry for Employment as Professionals in Hong Kong’ [ID(E) 991] for the application procedures and documents required for the application. (ii) 瀂⍾㛔堐㟤䃉枰丛屣ˤ This form is issued free of charge. (iii) 婳䓐湹刚潱刚䫮ẍ㬋㤟⠓⮓㛔堐㟤ˤ Please complete this form in BLOCK letters using black or blue pen. (iv) 婳⛐怑䔞㕡㟤ℏ⠓ᶲˬ ˭嘇ˤ Please tick as appropriate. 嬎⏲ : 㟡㒂楁㷗㱽瀃炻ảỽṢ⢓⤪㖶䞍侴㓭シ䓛⟙⣙⮎⠓⟙㖶䞍℞䁢嘃`澵䚠ᾉ䁢䛇⮎䘬屯瀌炻⌛Ⱄ忽㱽炻侴娚Ṣ䌚䘤䘬ảỽ䯥 W 嫱炾忚ℍ姙⎗䌚Ⅾ䘬徿瀛㛇旸⌛⏲䃉㓰ˤ arning : A person who knowingly and wilfully makes a statement or gives information which he/she knows to be false or does not believe to be true shall be guilty of an offence under the Laws of Hong Kong and any such visa/entry permit issued or permission to enter or remain in Hong Kong granted shall have no effect.

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Post on 20-Mar-2018




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  • Part A: Application for Employment as Professionals in Hong Kong 1. Personal Particulars

    ( ) ( ) ( ) Name in Chinese (if applicable) Maiden surname (if applicable)

    ( ) Surname in English

    ( ) Given names in English

    ( ) Alias (if any)

    Sex Male Female Date of birth dd mm yyyy

    Place of birth

    Nationality Marital status Bachelor/Spinster Married Divorced Separated Widowed

    ( )Hong Kong identity card no. (if any) ( )

    ( )Mainland identity card no. (if any)

    Travel document type

    Place of issue Date of issue dd mm yyyy

    Date of expiry

    dd mm yyyy

    ( ) E-mail address (if any)

    Contact telephone no.

    ( )Fax no. (if any)

    Country/Territory of domicile Has the applicant acquired permanent residence in his/her country/territory of domicile? Yes No

    Length of residence in country/territory of domicile year(s)



    Has the applicant obtained any degree or higher qualification in a full-time and locally-accredited programme in Hong Kong? 1 Yes ( Note1)

    No Applicant is presently a:2 ( )

    foreign national, holder of Peoples Republic of China passport living overseas, Taiwan resident, Macao resident or stateless person (Note2) ( ) ( 3)

    Chinese resident of the Mainland (including those who are currently residing in Hong Kong or Macao on a temporary basis) (Note3) Is the applicant currently staying in Hong Kong?

    Yes Permitted to remain until

    Status Student Employment Residence/Dependant Visitor Others


    The information given on this page is correct, complete and true.

    Please complete this column if this form is a photocopy or downloaded copy.

    Travel document no.

    dd mm yyyy

    Date Signature of applicant

    1 : [ID(C) 991] 27 39

    Note1 : Applicant may apply to take up employment in Hong Kong under the Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates. Please read paragraphs 27 to 39 of Guidebook for Entry for Employment as Professionals in Hong Kong [ID(E) 991].

    2 : [ID(C) 991] 6 15Note 2 : Applicant may apply to take up employment in Hong Kong under the General Employment Policy. Please read paragraphs 6 to 15 of Guidebook for Entry for Employment as

    Professionals in Hong Kong [ID(E) 991]. 3 : [ID(C) 991] 16 26

    Note 3 : Applicant may apply to take up employment in Hong Kong under the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals. Please read paragraphs 16 to 26 of Guidebook for Entry for Employment as Professionals in Hong Kong [ID(E) 991].

    ID 990A (4/2017) 1

    FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Reference barcode

    Immigration Department, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

    ( )Application for Entry for Employment as Professionals in Hong Kong ( to be completed by the applicant)

    Note : (i) [ID(C) 991]

    Please read the Guidebook for Entry for Employment as Professionals in Hong Kong [ID(E) 991] for the application procedures and documents required for the application.

    (ii) This form is issued free of charge. (iii) Please complete this form in BLOCK letters using black or blue pen. (iv) Please tick as appropriate.


    W arning : A person who knowingly and wilfully makes a statement or gives information which he/she knows to be false or does not believe to be true shall be guilty of an offence under the Laws of Hong Kong and any such visa/entry permit issued or permission to enter or remain in Hong Kong granted shall have no effect.

  • 1. Personal Particulars (Continued) Present address

    ( ) (please fill in within border)

    ( ) Permanent address (if different from above)

    ( ) (please fill in within border)

    2. Proposed Stay in Hong Kong for Employment Proposed date of entry

    3. ( 18 ) ( ) (if applicable)

    Please continue on a photocopy or an additional downloaded copy of this page if necessary. # (i), (ii), (iii).. Please assign a serial number to each dependant, such as (i), (ii), (iii)..

    # ( ) ( ) Surname in English

    ( ) Given names in English ( ) ( ) ( )

    Name in Chinese (if applicable) Alias (if any)

    Photograph Sex Male Female Date of birth Place of dd mm birth yyyy

    Affix one recent photograph here Nationality Relationship Marital status

    ( 55 45 Travel document type Travel document no. ( Mainland identity card no. (if any) 50 40 )

    (Photograph should not be larger than 55mm x 45mm ( ) If currently staying in Hong Kong (please specify) and not smaller than 50mm x 40mm)

    Permitted to S tatus remain until dd mm yyyy Student Employment Residence Visitor Others ( For official use only )( )

    Reference barcode Hong Kong identity card no. (if any) ?

    Country/Territory Has the dependant acquired permanent residence in of domicile his/her country/territory of domicile? Yes No

    # ( ) ( ) Surname in English

    ( ) Given names in English ( ) ( ) ( )

    Name in Chinese (if applicable) Alias (if any)

    Photograph Sex Male Female Date of birth Place of birthdd mm yyyy

    Affix one recent photograph here Nationality Relationship Marital status

    ( 55 45 Travel document type Travel document no. 50 40 )

    (Photograph should not be larger than 55mm x 45mm ( ) If currently staying in Hong Kong (please specify) and not smaller than 50mm x 40mm)

    Permitted to Status remain until dd mm yyyy Student Employment Residence Visitor Others( For official use only ( )

    Reference barcodeHong Kong identity card no. (if any)

    ? Country/Territory Has the dependant acquired permanent residence in of domicile his/her country/territory of domicile? Yes No

    The information given on this page is correct, complete and true.

    Please complete this column if this form is a photocopy or downloaded copy. Date Signature of applicant

    Proposed duration of stay

    Accompanying Dependants (Spouse and unmarried dependent children under the age of 18)

    ( Mainland identity card no. (if any)



    Affix one recent photograph here

    ( 55 45 50 40 )

    (Photograph should not be larger than 55mm x 45mm

    and not smaller than 50mm x 40mm)


  • (4/2017) A099 DI

    4. ( ) Higher Education Qualifications Obtained in Hong Kong (if applicable)

    If you have obtained a degree or higher qualification in a full-time and locally-accredited programme in Hong Kong, please state in chronological order.

    Name of education institution and period of study in Hong Kong Subject and Degree awarded Date of issue of graduation certificate

    If you have obtained a degree or higher qualification in a full-time and locally-accredited programme in Hong Kong, please skip items 5 and 6.

    5. Academic/Professional Qualifications (i) ( ) Academic Qualifications (in chronological order)

    Period of study ( ) ( ) Name of school/college/university/other education institution Major subject Degree/Qualification obtained

    From (mm/yy) To (mm/yy)

    (ii) ( ) Professional/Technical Qualifications (in chronological order)

    Date of issue Professional/Technical qualifications Issuing authority/Organisation

    6. Employment Record in chronological order)Period of employment

    ( ) ( ) Name and address of company/employer Position/Occupation Nature of duties From (mm/yy) To (mm/yy)

    The information given on this page is correct, complete and true.

    Please complete this column if this form is a photocopy or downloaded copy. Date Signature of applicant


  • (4/2017) A099 DI

    7. Declaration of Applicant

    In submitting this application to the Immigration Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), I declare the following: (i) (a)

    I have not changed my name before.

    I have changed my name and used the following name(s) before:

    (b) I have never been refused entry into, deported from, removed from or required to leave Hong Kong.

    I have previously been refused entry into, deported from, removed from or required to leave Hong Kong. The date(s) and details are as follows:

    (c) I have never been refused a visa/entry permit for entry into Hong Kong.

    I have previously been refused a visa/entry permit for entry into Hong Kong. The date(s) and details are as follows:


    Signature of applicant

    : ^

    Note: Only applicable to applicants who have accompanying dependants in the application. Please delete where inappropriate.

    Only applicable to Chinese residents of the Mainland including those who are currently residing in Hong Kong or Macao on a temporary basis, and who are applying for entry to Hong Kong for employment/residence. Please delete where inappropriate.

    (ii) I consent to the making of any enquiries necessary for the processing of this application.

    (iii) I consent to releasing my information to any organisations and authorities, includin