application form (for pak army only)

National Bank of Pakistan UAN 021 111 627 627 Bank The Nations Application Form (For Pak Army Only) 1. Dependants: Next of Kin with address: Current Address: Permanent Address: Name: S/O. D/O. W/O: Date of Birth: Age: Years: Nationality: Pakistani Phone # : Email: Cell # : Personal Data Phone # : Educational Qualification: C.N.I.C. #: C.N.I.C. #: Application form # : Date: Branch & Region Name (where application is submitted) Branch Code: Branch Code: Branch & Region Name (where Salary Account is maintained) 2. Employment Data Name of Employer: Parent Regimental Centre: Occupation: Govt. Employee Pak Army Army No.: Rank: Current Unit & Station Length of Service: Monthly Gross Salary: Monthly Net Take Home Salary (credited in account): Contact # : Mode of Salary Receipt: 1) On advice of Unit/Formation Fax # : Years Months Rank and Name of Commanding Officer/Officer Commanding/Staff Officer Office Contact # : Years Months Remaining Service Length: 2) On advice of “16-digit Account No.” by CMA 16 3. Finance Request Data Request for: 1) Fresh Finance 2) Renewal/Enhancement Finance Limit requested: Rs. equal to month(s) of advance net take home salary. Purpose of Finance: NBP Salary Account # :

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Page 1: Application Form (For Pak Army Only)

National Bank of PakistanUAN 021 111 627

BankThe Nation’s

Application Form (For Pak Army Only)


Dependants: Next of Kin with address:

Current Address:

Permanent Address:


S/O. D/O. W/O:

Date of Birth: Age: Years:

Nationality: Pakistani

Phone # : Email:

Cell # :

Personal Data

Phone # :

Educational Qualification:

C.N.I.C. #:

C.N.I.C. #:

Application form # : Date:

Branch & Region Name (where application is submitted) Branch Code:

Branch Code:Branch & Region Name (where Salary Account is maintained)

2. Employment Data

Name of Employer: Parent Regimental Centre:Occupation: Govt. Employee Pak Army

Army No.: Rank: Current Unit & Station

Length of Service:

Monthly Gross Salary: Monthly Net Take Home Salary (credited in account):

Contact # :

Mode of Salary Receipt:

1) On advice of Unit/Formation

Fax # :

Years Months

Rank and Name of Commanding Officer/Officer Commanding/Staff Officer

Office Contact # :

Years MonthsRemaining Service Length:

2) On advice of “16-digit Account No.” by CMA 16

3. Finance Request Data

Request for: 1) Fresh Finance 2) Renewal/Enhancement

Finance Limit requested: Rs. equal to month(s) of advance net take home salary.

Purpose of Finance: NBP Salary Account # :

Page 2: Application Form (For Pak Army Only)

4. REFERENCES (Two references of work colleagues i.e. Army Personnel same or higher grade who bank with the same NBP branch or any NBP branch or any other bank)

We certify that the details mentioned above at S. No 1, 2, 3 and 4 (Personal, Employment, Finance Request Data and References) are verified.

Reference-1 Reference-2

Rank & Name:

Army No.:


Current Unit & Station:

Mobile # Phone#

Office #

Account No. (16-digit)


Signature Bank Verification Sign/Stamp

Status: Permanent Employee

Rank & Name:

Army No.:


Current Unit & Station:

Mobile # Phone#

Office #

Account No. (16-digit)


Signature Bank Verification Sign/Stamp

Status: Permanent Employee

Signature of the Applicant Signatures & Stamp of CO/OC/SO

National Bank of PakistanUAN 021 111 627

BankThe Nation’s

a) Last 3 months Salary Slips/Certificate (signed & stamped by CO/OC/SO).

b) Confirmation Certificate (Part-II).

c) Copies of CNICs of applicant, Next of Kin and two references (attested by CO/OC/SO).

d) Copies of Service Certificates of applicant and references.

e) Customer Undertaking (Rs. 20/- stamp paper/bond paper).

Documents to be attached:5.

6. Authorization/Declaration

I, _______________________________ (S/o), (W/o), (D/o) __________________________ hereby confirm as follows:

(i) That National Bank of Pakistan ("NBP") may at its discretion extend to me a finance facility up to the aggregate amount stated in item 3 of the Application Form ("Finance Facility").

(ii) That the decision to extend the Finance Facility to me and the amount of the Finance Facility to be extended to me shall lie solely with NBP and I shall abide by NBP’s decision in this respect.

(iii) That NBP has the right to reject any financing application without assigning any reason and to cancel the finance facility extended to me or any portion thereof and to seek immediate repayment of allamounts outstanding and payable by me in respect of the Finance Facility, or to convert such facility into any other facility without assigning any reason.

(iv) That I will be responsible for any stamp duties or taxes that are payable arising out of the loan agreement.

(v) That I shall provide all such further information and documents as may be requested by NBP or through their authorized 3rd party agent, prior to extending the Finance Facility to me and or at any time thereafter.

Page 3: Application Form (For Pak Army Only)

(xiv) That I have read and understood the Application Form and whatever has been stated hereinabove, and I have kept a copy of the same duly filled in for my record.

Documentation and Legal Charges At Actual

Rs. 1000/-Plus F.E.D.


(xiii) I hereby authorize the Bank to deduct/charge the following:

I understand that after sanction/approval of finance facility, I will not be able to draw the loan amount till submission of Certificate of Part-2 order as to be issued by my Unit CO/OC/SO; whereby Regimental Centre will be advised to mark my personal file regarding finance facility availed and also my Pension case shall not be processed until NOC is obtained from NBP.


(ix) That all information provided by me in the Application Form is true and correct and I hereby indemnify NBP and hold NBP harmless against any damage that may be suffered as a result of NBP’s relianceon the information provided herein.

(x) That in case any installment cannot be recovered by debiting my salary account, I authorize NBP to fill up the date of cheque and the required amount of recovery of the relevant amount.

(xi) I hereby confirm that I will inform NBP whenever I get transferred from my present place of posting.

(xii) I hereby authorize the Bank and third parties including my bankers to exchange any of my information or make enquiries for the purpose of considering my application and for the conduct of any of myaccounts. I confirm that in the event my signature herein below differs materially from the signature on my CNIC, NBP is authorized and instructed to rely on the documents which I am to execute for thisloan/or other communications signed or required to be signed by me in the manner specified herein below.

(viii) I hereby give irrevocable standing instructions to NBP to directly debit my salary account for monthly repayment or at NBP’s discretion of the above requested limit. I also understand and undertake todraw my finance limit from the NBP cash counter once a month only. This restriction does not apply on cheques presented in clearing, ATMs etc.


(vi) That I shall not transfer my Salary and employment benefits whatsoever to any other account, including any other Branch of NBP, at any time after the submission of the Application Form, without the prior written approval of the concerned NBP Branch. I will continue to draw my salary from the NBP account mentioned herein till final adjustment of finance taken from NBP. I hereby authorize PP&A Dte for issuance of directives to concerned CMA for routing my salary through my salary account maintained with NBP Branch (against which I have availed finance facility).

PP&A Dte

National Bank of PakistanUAN 021 111 627

BankThe Nation’s

Signature of Applicant Signatures & Stamp of CO/OC/SO

7. Other Finance Facilities Already Availed from NBP/Other Banks (Attach separate sheet if required)

Fund Based/Non-Fund Based (Facilities obtained from NBP/Other Banks)

Amount Rescheduled/ Restructured (if any)

Name of Bank Product NameAmount

Sanctioned Sanction Date Expiry DateInstallment


Regular Over-due (if any)

Current Status

Outstanding Amount

Application Fee Plus F.E.D.(Non Refundable) ( )

Page 4: Application Form (For Pak Army Only)

Sr. # Name of Bank/DFI Approved Limit Amount Outstanding On Application Date

Details of Personal Loans (clean) limits being availed from other banks/DFIs:

Details of Personal Loan (secured) limits being availed from other banks/DFIs:

Sr. # Name of Bank/DFI Approved Limit Amount Outstanding On Application Date

Details of other facilities (clean & secured) being availed from other banks/DFIs:

Sr. # Name of Bank/DFI Approved Limit Nature (Clean/Secured) Current Outstanding

Details of Credit Cards (clean) limits being availed from other banks/DFIs:

Sr. # Name of Bank/DFI Approved Limit

Applied Limit (including the Application in process):

Sr. # Name of Bank/DFI Facility Under Process Nature Of Facility (clean/secured)

Signatures with Stamp: Recommending Officer Sanctioning Authority

Other Conditions:

Amount: Rs. Period:

(For Official Use Only)

Finance: Approved Disapproved

Sr. # Name of Bank/DFI Approved Limit

Details of Credit Cards (secured) limits being availed from other banks/DFIs:

I, _____________________________________________________________________________ (S/o), (D/o), (W/o) ________________________________________________

holder of CNIC # _______________________________________, undertake that the ______________________________________________

details of my existing exposure from the “Entire Banking Sector” as on __________________________are as under:

8. CF-I Undertaking (Attach separate sheet if required)

National Bank of PakistanUAN 021 111 627

BankThe Nation’s

Signature of the Applicant

Page 5: Application Form (For Pak Army Only)


It is certified that (Rank)____ (Name)__________________________ S/O,

_______________________ Army No: ___________ CNIC No. ________________________ is

a permanent employee of Pakistan Army since _____________ and is not temporary or on contract

basis. He is presently working as __________________ at Unit/ Form/ HQ

___________________ stationed at _____________________ .

We further confirm that his Salary is being paid through his Salary Account _______________

with NBP __________________ Branch .

Date :________________________ ___________________________

Signature & Stamp of CO/OC/SO


It is certified that (Rank)____ (Name)__________________________ S/O,

_______________________ Army No: ___________ CNIC No. ________________________ is

a permanent employee of Pakistan Army since _____________ and is not temporary or on contract

basis. He is presently working as __________________ at Unit/ Form/ HQ

___________________ stationed at _____________________ .

Date :________________________ ______________________________

Signature & Stamp of CO/OC/SO


It is certified that (Rank)____ (Name)__________________________ S/O,

_______________________ Army No: ___________ CNIC No. ________________________ is

a permanent employee of Pakistan Army since _____________ and is not temporary or on contract

basis. He is presently working as __________________ at Unit/ Form/ HQ

___________________ stationed at _____________________ .

Date :________________________ ______________________________

Signature & Stamp of CO/OC/SO

Page 6: Application Form (For Pak Army Only)


Unit Name ____________________

Station ____________________

Letter No ___________________

Dated ____________________

Mobile No: ____________________

Pass Com: ____________________

To: The Manager

National Bank of Pakistan

_______________________ Branch.


Dear Sir,

It is hereby confirmed that Part-2 order in respect of Army Personnel _________________ Army No

________has been issued by competent Army Authority whereby concerned Regiment Centre/ Record

Wing __________________ has been advised to mark personal file of individual that his Pension Case/

End Service Benefit Case shall not be processed until NOC has been obtained from your branch.

Moreover, our Account Officer/Clerk may be contacted for any coordination on following number:

Name & Rank ____________________________

Designation ____________________________

Mobile Number ____________________________

Yours faithfully,



Name & Rank_____________________


Page 7: Application Form (For Pak Army Only)




The Branch Manager,

National Bank of Pakistan




I, _______________ S/O, D/O, W/O _________________________ adult, resident of House/ Flat # ___________________,

________________ (City), holding National Identity Card/ CNIC # ___________________, do hereby indemnify, undertake and

declare on solemn affirmation as under:

That I have applied for NBP Advance Salary Product of National Bank of Pakistan, and I declare irrevocably and unconditionally

as under:

➢ That the total monthly amortization payments being made by me inclusive of all consumer loans from any bank/DFI do not and shall not exceed 50% of my net disposable income at all material times or such other limit as may be prescribed by the State Bank of Pakistan and/or NBP from time to time.

➢ I and my dependents (as per SBP Prudential Regulations) have not previously availed clean cash limit up to Rs. 3,000,000/- from any other bank / DFI apart from NBP.

➢ Any breach of this undertaking shall without any further reference to me amount to a breach of NBP Advance Salary Scheme and NBP shall be fully entitled to exercise its rights under the NBP Advance Salary Scheme. In this regard, I undertake and hold NBP harmless against any losses or liabilities of whatsoever nature that NBP may incur by reason of sanctioning me the NBP Advance Salary Product in reliance of this Undertaking.

➢ I declare & solemnly undertake that I will / have NOT applied / use the funds obtained through this loan / advance salary facility for the purchase of any “Initial Public Offering” (IPO’s).

➢ I declare & solemnly undertake that I will / have NOT applied / use the funds obtained through this loan / advance salary facility for the purchase of any, shares, or apply them for stock exchange market trading, or trading of real estate, sata activities, gambling etc..

➢ I declare & solemnly undertake that the loan / advance salary / funds will not be applied for money laundering, smuggling, opium / alcohol / banned item trade, unlawful, illegal activities.

➢ I declare & solemnly undertake that the loan / advance salary / funds will not be applied for any terrorist activities.

➢ I solemnly declare that I am not involved with any money laundering, terrorist group(s) / faction, banned religious group and / or any ultra vires acts, and I am not involved in any unlawful / illegal activities.

➢ This undertaking is effective from the date of sanction.

➢ I declare & solemnly undertake that the loan / advance salary / funds will be utilized for the purpose that I have applied for in my application to the bank (NBP).

Whatever has been stated above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein.



i) __________________________

ii) __________________________

Page 8: Application Form (For Pak Army Only)

Reference N o . -----


Branch Manager,

National B a n k of Pakistan ______________ Branch, ___________________.

Declaration/Undertaking and Indemnity by Borrower for obtaining Finance Facility amounting to

Rs. ___ /- (Rupees only) approved by the National Bank o f Pakistan

vide ___________ , ____________ and __________ Agreements.

Dear Sir/Madam,

In accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Regulations, issued by State Bank of Pakistan. The Politically exposed persons "PEP" is defined as follows:

"Politically exposed persons or PEPs" are individuals who are entrusted with prominent public functions

either domestically or by a foreign country, or in an international organization, for example Heads of

State or of government, senior politicians, senior government, judicial or military officials, senior

executives of state owned corporations/departments/autonomous bodies etc.

Having read and understood the above definition of Politically exposed persons ("PEPs"),

I Mr. / Ms. _____________ (S/o),(D/o),(W/o) _____________ holder of CNIC No. ______________________

and NTN No. ______________ , in the capacity of a borrower or customer of National Bank of Pakistan

hereby confirm and undertake as follows:

i. I am not a Politically Exposed P e r s o n (PEP) as defined a b o v e or as amended/revised/changed from time to time nor have any close associates or family members who are PEPs.


I have been assessed as a Politically Exposed Person (PEP) as defined above or as amended/revised/changed from time to time and following are my close associates or family members who are PEPs;

a) _______________ b) _______________ c) _______________

*Strike out whichever is not applicable

ii. I am under the obligation;

to inform the National Bank o f Pakistan of a change t o my status or the status of my close associates,

family members as a PEP, should it change at any time in the future subsequent to execution of

this Declaration, Undertaking, Indemnity;

Page 9: Application Form (For Pak Army Only)

iii. Authorize to this effect, the National Bank of Pakistan to establish means to assess the source of wealth or beneficial ownership of funds and/or monitor business relation with me as customer/borrower.

iv. To keep the National Bank of Pakistan and its directors, executives as well as its officers safe, harmless

and indemnified against all losses, damages, actions, suits, proceedings, liabilities, costs, claims,

demands, penalties etc., whatsoever occasioned to or suffered by the National Bank of Pakistan as a

result of acceptance of this continuing instrument;

v. This letter of continuing Declaration, Undertaking and indemnity shall be binding upon me and all my

legal heirs under all circumstances and will be subject to the applicable laws of Islamic Republic of

Pakistan and the competent courts of Karachi shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to resolve any dispute.

In the event I fail to abide by this Declaration, Undertaking and Indemnity as noted above, the National Bank of

Pakistan is authorized to immediately proceed against me either in the competent Court of Law or to take any

Regulatory action, recall finance facilities entirely at my risk and cost for the purpose of implementation and specific

performance of this continuing instrument.

In witness hereof I hereby sign this continuing Declaration, Undertaking and Indemnity on this

______________day of _________ 2017.

Witness 1: ________________

Witness 2: ________________

Signatures (as per CNIC and or Passport) Name: ___________________ CNIC No. __________________ NTN No. __________________ Father's or Husband’s Name: _________________ Complete Official Address: _________________ Complete Residential Address: ________________