application of learning technologies project

PGCAP: TEL Project Presentation John McMahon, BSc (Hons), CSCS, ASCC Graduate Teaching Assistant & PhD Candidate School of Health, Sport & Rehabilitation Sciences University of Salford Presentation date: 29 th November 2012

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These are the slides from a recent presentation regarding the application of learning technologies for facilitating the practical skill development of part-time MSc Strength and Conditioning/Sports Rehabilitation students.


  • 1. PGCAP:TEL Project PresentationJohn McMahon, BSc (Hons), CSCS, ASCCGraduate Teaching Assistant & PhD CandidateSchool of Health, Sport & Rehabilitation SciencesUniversity of SalfordPresentation date:29th November 2012

2. Teaching Problem 1st year part-time MSc students Shared module (physio/exercise) Have to learn complex exercises Practical assessment in May 2013 All employed full-time Living across the country 3. TEL Solution Video modelling(Atienza et al., 1998; Ram et al., 2007) Combined (Mackinnon, 1989) Online peer tutoring(Comfort, 2011; Comfort & McMahon, 2012) 4. Methodology YouTube(Burke & Snyder, 2008) BB Forum (Thomas, 2002) Email Twitter(Rowe, 2012) 5. Current Work Introduced project early October Revised video submission guidelines Face-to-face discussion after 1st month Uploaded videos of 2nd year BSc students Sampled Google+ Hangouts Sampled Dartfish Express App 6. Future Work Encourage further participation Evaluate the success of this project- both in January & in May 2013 Incorporate more TEL into the MSc Also incorporate more into the BSc Get funding for in-class iPad use 7. Questions? 8. References Burke, S.L. & Snyder, S.L. (2008). YouTube: An Innovative Learning Resource forCollege Health Education Courses. International Electronic Journal of Health Education,v11, p39-46. Comfort, P. (2011). The effect of peer tutoring on academic achievement during practicalassessments in applied sports science students. Innovations in Education and TeachingInternational, 48(2), 207-211. Comfort, P. & McMahon, J. (2012). The effects of peer tutoring on academicachievement. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, In-Press. MacKinnon, D. (1989) Living with conformity in student teaching. The Alberta Journal ofEducational Research, 35 (1), 2-19. Ram, N., Riggs, S.M., Skaling, S., Landers, D.M. & McCullagh, P. (2007). A Comparisonof Modelling and Imagery in the Acquisition and Retention of Motor Skills. Journal ofSports Sciences, 25(5), 587-597. Rowe, M. (2012). The Use of Assisted Performance within an Online Social Network toDevelop Reflective Reasoning in Undergraduate Physiotherapy Students. MedicalTeacher, 34(7), e469-e475. Thomas, M.J.W. (2002). Learning within Incoherent Structures: The Space of OnlineDiscussion Forums. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 18(3), 351-366. 9. The Clean Exercise BACK 10. Blackboard ForumBACK 11. Google+ HangoutBACK 12. Dartfish Express AppBACK