applied linguistics presentation

Supervisor: Professor Hoàng Văn Vân Group 5 1. Phạm Viết Ngọc 2. Trần Thị Ngân 3. Nguyễn Thị Phương 4. Nguyễn Thành Trung 5. Nguyễn Thái Ninh 6. Phan Thị Thùy Linh 7. Quàng Thị Bích Ngọc 8. Bùi Thị Mai

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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Applied linguistics


Supervisor: Professor Hong Vn VnGroup 51. Phm Vit Ng !. "r#n "h$ Ngn%. Ngu&'n "h$ Ph()ng *. Ngu&'n "hnh "rung 5. Ngu&'n "h+i Ninh ,. Ph-n "h$ "h.& /inh 0. 1ung "h$ 23h Ng 4. 2.i "h$ 5-i 5.The educational aspect which consists ofA. curriculum, syllabus, and course design and the distinction between themB. diferent approaches to syllabus designC. essential steps in designing a language syllabusD. diferent steps in designing a language course1. Definition of curriculum2. Definition of syllabus3. Definition of course design4. Difference between syllabus and curriculum, course design1. Definition of curriculumCurriculum is a very general concept which involves consideration of the whole comple of philosophical, social and administrative factors which contribute to the planning of an educational program.! "#llen $uoted in %unan, 2&&&' ()1. Definition of curriculum*t can be defined, as an educational program which states'a) +he educational purpose of the program "the ends)b) +he ontent te-hing proe6ures and learning eperience which will be necessary to achieve this purpose "the means) c) ,ome me-ns for -ssessing whether or not the educational ends have been achieved.!" -ichards, .latt and .latt 1//3' /4)1. Definition of curriculum 7urriu8ums "or curricula if you prefer) do not usually prescribe how a course will be taught0 they merely list what is to be taught and what the learners should be able to do by the end of a course "or series of courses spread over considerable time such as secondary school curricula).529 urriu8um# syllabus is an epression of opinion on the nature of language and learning0 it acts as a gui6e for both teacher and learner by providing some go-8s to be attained.!# syllabus consists of list of ontent to :e t-ught through a course of study. 1ey tas2s for the syllabus designer are the se8etion of the items -n6 their se;uening -n6 integr-tion.! Nunan (1999:73) 2. Definition of syllabus2. Definition of syllabusStern (1984) defines syllabus as connected with content, structure, and organi3ation.,yllabus is essentially a statement of