applied macroeconomics professor martin gilman class # 9 30 october 2012

Applied Macroeconomics Professor Martin Gilman CLASS #9 30 October 2012

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Applied MacroeconomicsProfessor Martin Gilman


30 October 2012

World GDP per capita

Global trade volumes. Barclays. September 2012

Baltic Dry Index. Oct. 15 2012

Oil demand

Debt to GDP in advanced

economies IMF

Global PMIs by country for September

Debts & Deficits. selected countries, IMF

China ISI sales

EU industrial production

Eurozone PMI markit flash composite 2012-10-24

Eurozone. Bank credit to private sector

Fiscal policy thrust. US. EU. Japan. UK

Greece. Industrial Production and GDP

Japan. economic indicators

Japan. Trade deficit


US Debt to GDP 10.2.2012

US Debt to GDP ratios

US Export performance

US GDP Q3 first estimate

US Export performance

US Import performance

US ISM Service September 2012

US Manufacturing orders

US Oil market developments

US Recovery of real GDP per capita Rogoff & Reinhart

US. Recovery of Unemployment. Rogoff & Reinhart