appreciative inquiry: exploring and engaging the positive core steve cato moss bay consulting 6925...

Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665 (425) 222-4665 [email protected] Peggy Holman Peggy Holman The Open Circle Company The Open Circle Company 15347 SE 49 15347 SE 49 th th Place Place Bellevue, Washington Bellevue, Washington (425) 746-6274 (425) 746-6274 peggy@opencirclecompany. com m October 19-21, October 19-21, 2005 2005

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Page 1: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Appreciative Inquiry:Exploring and Engaging

the Positive Core

Steve CatoSteve CatoMoss Bay ConsultingMoss Bay Consulting6925 Lake Alice Road SE6925 Lake Alice Road SEFall City, WA 98024Fall City, WA 98024(425) 222-4665(425) [email protected]

Peggy HolmanPeggy HolmanThe Open Circle CompanyThe Open Circle Company15347 SE 4915347 SE 49thth Place PlaceBellevue, WashingtonBellevue, Washington(425) 746-6274(425) [email protected]

October 19-21, 2005October 19-21, 2005

Page 2: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 2

Workshop Purpose

To introduce the philosophy, practice and process of Appreciative Inquiry so that you can apply it to your work and to your life.

Page 3: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 3

AgendaDay 1 What is Appreciative Inquiry?AM Introductions

Experiencing AIThe InterviewLunch

PM The Art of ImaginingInternalizing and Integrating ImagesPositive actionReflections

~4:30 Adjourn

Day 2 How Does AI Work?AM Reflections

Topic ChoiceLunch

PM The Art of the Question~4:30 Adjourn

Day 3 How Do I Apply AI?AM Reflections

Open itemsLunchApplicationClosing reflections

~4:30 Adjourn

Page 4: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 4

What is Appreciative Inquiry?

A process, philosophy, and life practice grounded in research demonstrating that

focusing on what’s working and aspirations for the future achieves more and does it faster and more sustainably than solving problems.

Page 5: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 5

Appreciative InquiryPROBLEM SOLVING


Fill the Gap


Realize the Possibilities


THE QUESTIONSWhat’s wrong?

How do we fix it?


THE QUESTIONSWhat’s working?

What’s possible?

What shall we do to achieve it?

Page 6: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 6

AI Questions1. Describe a peak experience or "high point" in your work with your

organization. What was happening? Who was involved? What made it such a powerful experience?

2. What do you most value about... yourself? your work? your organization?

3. What core factors give life to your organization?

4. Imagine a miracle happened. You were asleep for ten years and wake up to find your organization is exactly as you'd like it to be. What's happening that's different? How would you know it is what you want?

Adapted from Cooperrider, David and Diana Whitney, “Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Revolution in Change”, The Change Handbook, Holman, Peggy and Tom Devane, eds., Berrett-Koehler, 1999.

Page 7: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 7

Group Discussion/Discovery(groups of 6…stay with partner)

• Introduce highlights from interview with your partner

• Find common themes & strong resonances 1. High points 2. Continuity (things we want to keep) 3. Images of the future we want

• Record highpoints on a flip chart

Page 8: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 8

A Little Background

• Developed principally by Dr. David Cooperrider at Case Western Reserve University in 1987.

• Used all over the world:– In Nepal helping disempowered women help


– Avon Mexico to deal appreciatively with sexual harassment

• Thousands of practitioners around the world

Page 9: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

A Map of AI

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 9

Page 10: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 10

Some Strategies for Interviewing

• Across organization - mixedMixed groups of stakeholders interview across the whole

• Across organization - by group1 stakeholder group interviews another stakeholder group (nice in merger situations)

• Waterfall - mass mobilizationAfter interview, ask if interviewee wants to be trained

• Team Meeting1 question per team meeting; integrated into business

• "Road Trips“Within your own organization/communityBenchmark othersTalk to customers/community members

Page 11: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 11


• Placebo EffectIn medical studies 30-60% of the time, placebos are as effective as a drug

• Pygmalion EffectThe teacher's image is the most powerful predictor of performance

• Sports ImageryVisualization by world-class athletes cited as significant contributor to victory

• Inner DialogueOur guiding image is the sum of +/- self-talk; healthy people maintain at least 2:1 ratio

• Rise and Fall of CulturesCan predict 25 years ahead based upon the stories the culture tells about itself

• Affirmative CapabilityThe mind doesn't hold "not" so the image stays without the “no”

Page 12: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 12

Reality is only a consensual hunch

- Lily Tomlin

Page 13: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 13

Internalizing & Integrating Images

A vision paints a picture of a desired future. Called Provocative Propositions, Possibility Statements, Design Principles, these word pictures describe the elements that can bring about that future by guiding decision making and action.

Page 14: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 14

Criteria for Design Principles• Is it provocative?

Does it stretch, challenge, or interrupt the status quo? Does it make your heart soar?

• Is it specific? Does it create a picture of a possibility that you can envision – provocative, yet practical?

• Is it desired?If this actually came to pass, would it be what you want?

• Is it stated boldly, affirmatively and in the present tense?

Page 15: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 15

DP ExamplesHAVING THE COURAGE TO FACE REALITY/LETTING GOWe honour our Courage in the face of the challenges of our work, to accept the reality that we will not always know the answers.  We

embrace those moments and let go of our fear.  We open ourselves to the Creative Magic in us and are ready for Change.

THE EXPRESSION OF FAITH IN ME GREW MY CONFIDENCE AND MOTIVATIONWe are a society that believes everyone is capable of amazing growth and achievement.  We trust that others have faith in us to always

be our best.  We commit to honour each other, in truthful ways, acknowledging contributions that make a difference and build our confidence.

THE HONOURING WAS AUTHENTICWe make a difference best when the honour does not leaves us feeling “slimed” and make us say “bull shit” deep inside.  We feel honouring is authentic when it touches us unexpectedly and emotionally.When your honouring is authentic, I trust you back.  We both feel safe.Then together we have the power to make a difference.

HOLDING THE TENSION/STAYING WITH CONFUSIONCreativity is our lifeblood.  It is fuelled by confusion and tension like the challenge of holding water in your hands.When our mystery, energy and uncertainty are embraced, the power of possibilities and alternatives are unleashed.

GIVING HONOUR GENERATES GIVING HONOUR…She’s a strange cove our place…We take on the world but the guts of it is, we’re mates who stick

together with an unconditional positive regard.  It’s my privilege to stand beside yous.

LISTENING TO YOUR HEARTListen.  We find ourSelves in the stillness, in the space in between. 

Living in readiness to hear, trusting our Self to emerge and reveal joy, passion, care, the unknown, surprise!  Honouring and respecting what is true for another, we have faith what is revealed makes a difference.

Appreciative Inquiry Workshop, Melbourne, Australia, October 16-19, 2000

Page 16: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 16

DP Examples (cont.)The Vision:

 A balanced ecosystem is essential for all aspects of vibrant, healthy forests and viable mountain communities. 

The principles:• Key factors in land management decisions for Healthy mountain ecosystems are:

       o       Sustainability       o       Biological diversity       o       Productivity       o       Indigenous species       o       Resource conservation and restoration       o       Acknowledgment of fire as a natural component

• Responsible, efficient use of natural resources promotes improved air and water quality and water quantity for the communities and natural environment.

• An open forest with healthy tree spacing supports wildlands and mountain communities that are ecologically resilient and at low risk of catastrophic wildfires. 

• Care and stewardship of our mountains and forests requires education, conservation and community involvement. • Based on peer reviewed science, environmental laws are streamlined, balanced and designed to sustain a healthy forest.• Capacities of the mountains are recognized and understood, established and supported. • Funding and other resources integral to the implementation our plans are

identified and available. • Decision making is timely, inclusive, collaborative,

informed, delivered and implemented through coordinated governance.

• Responsible behavior contributes to a multi-use forest in which all living systems experience an enhanced quality of life.

From the San Bernardino Mountain Summit

Page 17: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 17

Appreciative Inquiry Principles

• Constructionist PrincipleWe construct realities based on our previous experience, so our knowledge and the destiny of the system are interwoven.

• Principle of SimultaneityInquiry and change are simultaneous

• Poetic PrincipleThe system’s story is constantly co-authored, and is open to infinite interpretations

• Anticipatory PrincipleWhat we anticipate determines what we find

• Positive PrincipleAs an image of reality is enhanced, actions begin to align with the positive image

Page 18: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 18

Typical Outcomes• Change in basic orientation from problem-focused to possibility-focused• Clarified or enhanced sense of identity, shared values & culture• Established climate of continual learning & inquiry• Renewal of group energy, hope, motivation & commitment• Increase in curiosity, wonder and "reverence for life"• Whole system changes in culture & language (increase in cooperative practices

& decrease in competition; increased ratio of positive: negative comments; increase in affirmative questions and/or narrative-rich communication)

• Decrease in hierarchical decision-making; increase in egalitarian practices & self-initiated action

• Improved working relations/conflict resolution• Successful achievement of intents

listed above

From David Cooperrider, AI Training Module , Feb. 2002,

Page 19: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 19

Topic Choice

• Builds on earlier themes

• Bold

• Desired

• Strategic/high leverage

• Energizing (sometimes opposites together)

• Learning about it would make a difference

Page 20: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 20


• Captivate interviewees through focusing on what matters• Invite personal stories and aspirations • Stimulate fresh thinking and deep feelings through evocative language• Spark the appreciative imagination

THROUGH THE MIX OF QUESTIONS:• Uncover the best of what’s working and what’s possible• Explore many dimensions: past and future, relationship with self, connections to others and to the

subject area• Uncover essential values, aspirations and inspirations

Creating Powerful Questions

Page 21: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 21

Example QuestionsHOW WE LEAD: Successful organizations require several types of leadership. One kind is when individuals “step up to the

plate” and lead because the situation calls for it, regardless of job title or position. The other kind of leadership critical to organizational success occurs when individuals accept formal leadership responsibility as a supervisor or manager.

1. Describe a time while you have been with the NPS when leadership was needed, you stepped in, took a leadership role and it paid off with success. What were the details?

• What was it about you that made it possible for you to succeed?• What was it that others did that contributed to your success? • What organizational factors (leadership, culture, training, resources, etc.) helped make it possible for you to be successful in

that situation?2. Looking at your entire experience at the NPS, what is your most outstanding memory of a supervisor or manager whose work

and leadership abilities inspired you? What are the details?• What was it about that person that made her or him so effective in that role?• What was it about the organization that contributed to and supported that person’s effectiveness?

From National Park Service Interview Protocol, Bud Orr and Peggy Holman, August 2000


1.Tell a story personal experience/ where you get a value from the checkpoints. What was happening? Who was involved? What made it such a powerful experience?

2a. How can you reinforce the values you got from the checkpoints in your daily life?

2b. What would you like the checkpoints to be converted to in order to embody the value that you got?

From AI Workshop in Ramallah, June 25-27, 2004

Page 22: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 22

More ExamplesFor Mental Health Provider, merger process

TEAMWORKWorking together as a team in vital to the success of Compass Health. The quality of our services depends on how we support each other, within workgroups, across areas of the organization and among all the different staff groups. This requires faith in one another, honest, respectful and open communication, and a sense of unity among us.

Can you tell me about a time at ________ when you had an exceptional experience of team support and cooperation between diverse individuals or groups and what made that incredible spirit of cooperation possible?

What would we need to do as individuals or as an organization to have that same level of team support occur every single time diverse groups of people got together?

QUALITY CARE/SERVICEThe heart of any healing organization is providing quality care and service to our clients. Especially in these turbulent time, we must hold steady in our commitment to be responsive, compassionate and client-focused in our care.

Please tell me about an experience when, even in a challenging or limiting environment, you were able to give extraordinarily responsive and compassionate care or service to a client. What resources within yourself and your environment did you call forth? What was it about the care you gave that was most helpful to the client?

What is your vision for how we can expand our ability to give exemplary care in our community?

Page 23: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 23

A Sample AI Process

• Identify actions that bring the agreements to life

Form Design Team



Internalize & Integrate


• Define the purpose of the work• Identify participants• Hold planning session with microcosm of the system to:

* Experience AI * Identify topics * Draft protocol (with LOTS of support) * Refine process specifics

• Conduct paired interviews• Uncover the positive core (in groups of 4 to 6 people)• Uncover the positive core in the whole

• In groups of 6 to 8, imagine a desired future that goes beyond words (e.g., art, skits)

• Share dreams• Identify the resonant themes

• Draft agreements grounded in the best of what is and reach towards the best of what is imagined (grow from individual aspirations)

• Cluster agreements• Adopt agreements

Follow Up• Continually connect & communicate

Page 24: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 24

Listen & follow your heart

Connect & reflect together










“Attractive” questions open for divergence

Converge in coherent, purposeful action



The Emergent Field

Discovery of

Emergence: the

personal is





ty fo


what you/w

e love





Page 25: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 25

The Appreciative Organization

A system that consistently achieves what is most important to it, individually and collectively by…

continually increasing its capacity for emergence through…

people caring for themselves, others and the whole…

in service to a meaningful purpose

Page 26: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 26

The Four “D” ProcessDiscovery

“What gives life?” (the best of what is) APPRECIATING


“How to empower, learn and

adjust/improvise?” SUSTAINING


“What might be?”(what is the world calling for)



“What should be--the ideal?” CO-


Affirmative Affirmative Topic ChoiceTopic Choice

Cooperrider, David and Diana Whitney, “Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Revolution in Change”, The Change Handbook, Holman, Peggy and Tom Devane, eds., Berrett-Koehler, 1999.

Page 27: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 27

Be the change you want to see in the world

- Gandhi

Page 28: Appreciative Inquiry: Exploring and Engaging the Positive Core Steve Cato Moss Bay Consulting 6925 Lake Alice Road SE Fall City, WA 98024 (425) 222-4665

Peggy Holman, [email protected] Steve Cato, [email protected] Page 28

Resources• Appreciative Inquiry Commons worldwide portal devoted to the fullest sharing of academic resources and practical tools on Appreciative Inquiry and the rapidly growing discipline of positive change. This site is a resource for you and many of us--leaders of change, scholars, students, and business managers--and it is proudly hosted by Case Western Reserve University's Weatherhead School of Management.

• Appreciative Inquiry ListservThis online community of practitioners is generous with stories, questions and answers. The Appreciative Inquiry Discussion List is hosted by the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah. Jack Brittain is the listadministrator. For subscription information, go to:

• The Power of Appreciative Inquiry: A Practical Guide to Positive Change, Diana Whitney and Amanda Trosten-Bloom, Berrett-Koehler, 2003.Newly released, well written, informative and practical book useful to anyone interested in AI in organisations.

• The Appreciative Inquiry Summit: A Practitioner's Guide for Leading Large-Group Change,James Ludema et al, Berrett-Koehler, 2003.A practical guide to the AI summit.

• Positive Image, Positive Action: The Affirmative Basis of Organizing, David L. Cooperrider. A classic article on the essential thinkning underpinning AI.

• Collaborating for Change: Appreciative Inquiry, David Cooperrider and Diana Whitney, Berrett-Koehler, 2000. A small and useful guide to AI presented by two of its founders.