
Generic Name Brand Name Classificatio n Mechanism of Action Indications Adverse Reactions Nursing Considerations hydralazine Dosage: 5 mg Frequency: PRN for BP > 170/100 Route: IV Apresoline Pharmacologic : Peripheral vasodilator Therapeutic: Anti hypertensive It is a peripheral arterial vasodilator and causes relaxation of blood vessels which carry blood away from the heart and towards the organs and tissues. Hydrazine affects calcium movement within blood vessels. Calcium is required for muscle contraction and therefore disturbances in calcium movement may cause smooth muscle Essential hypertension Severe essential hypertension Pre eclampsia Eclampsia CNS: Headache, peripheral neuritis, dizziness, tremors, psychotic reactions, characterized by depression, disorientation, anxiety CV: Palpitations, tachycardia,angi na pectoris, hypotension,para doxical pressor response,orthost atic hypotension GI: Anorexia, nausea, vomiting ,diarrhea, constipation, paralyticileus GU: Assess possibility for interactions with other drugs the patient may be taking especially anything that may impact blood pressure before start of treatment Monitor patient’s blood pressure every 5 minutes for 2 hrs, then every hour for 2 hrs,then every 4 hrs Assess pulse,jugular venous distention every 4 hours Assess for rales, dyspnea, orthopnea; peripheral edema,fatigue,weigh t gain,jugular vein distention Monitor electrolytes,blood

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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Generic Name Brand Name Classification Mechanism of Action Indications Adverse Reactions Nursing ConsiderationshydralazineDosage: 5 mgre!uency:"RN for B" # $%&'$&&Route: I(A)resoline Pharmacologic:"eri)heral vasodilatorTherapeutic:Anti hy)ertensiveIt is a )eri)heral arterial vasodilator and causes rela*ation of +lood vessels ,hich carry +lood a,ay from the heart and to,ards the organs and tissues- .ydrazine affects calcium movement ,ithin +lood vessels- Calcium is re!uired for muscle contraction and therefore distur+ances incalcium movement may cause smooth muscle rela*ation in the +lood vessels- .ydralazine is selective for arterioles /small arteries01 and the overall effects of treatment include a decrease in arterial +lood )ressure1 and )eri)heral vascular resistance- 2ssential hy)ertension 3evere essential hy)ertension "re eclam)sia 2clam)siaCNS:.eadache1 )eri)heral neuritis1 dizziness1 tremors1 )sychotic reactions1 characterized +y de)ression1 disorientation1 an*ietyCV:"al)itations1 tachycardia1angina )ectoris1 hy)otension1)arado*ical )ressor res)onse1orthostatic hy)otensionGI:Anore*ia1 nausea1 vomiting 1diarrhea1 consti)ation1 )aralyticileusGU:Difficult micturition1 im)otenceHematologic:Blood dyscrasiasHypersensitivity:Rash1 urticaria1)ruritus1 fever1 chills1 arthralgia1eosino)hilia4 rarely1 he)atits1o+structive 5aundice Assess )ossi+ility for interactions ,ith other drugs the )atient may +e ta6ing es)ecially anything that may im)act +lood )ressure +efore start of treatment Monitor )atient7s +lood )ressure every 5 minutes for8 hrs1 then every hour for 8 hrs1then every 9 hrs Assess )ulse15ugular venousdistention every 9 hours Assess for rales1 dys)nea1 ortho)nea4 )eri)heral edema1fatigue1,eight gain15ugular vein distention Monitor electrolytes1+lood studies4 )otassium1sodium1chloride1 car+on dio*ide1CBC1serum glucose Monitor ,eight1 in)ut : out)ut4 edema in feet1 and legs daily4 chec6 s6in turgor1 dryness of mucous mem+ranes for hydration status-Other:Nasal congestion1 flushing1edema1 muscle cram)s1lym)hadeno)athy1 s)lenomegaly1dys)nea1 lu)us;li6e syndrome1)ossi+le carcinogenesis1 lacrimation1 con5unctivitis