april 11th / divine mercy sunday

475 SE Third Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 Website: www.stmatthewhillsboro.org 503-648-1998 | Fax 503-648-4489 | YouTube @smcc_hillsboro | Facebook @stmatthewhillsboro Parish Office Temporarily Closed. We are receiving your calls and answering your requests. SUNDAY MASSES Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm (English) Sunday: 6:30am (Español) 8:30am (English) 10:00am (English) 11:30am (Español) 5:30pm (Español) DAILY MASSES Monday, Wednesday - Saturday 8:15 am MISAS DIARIAS Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes 5:00pm CONFESSIONS Thursday & Friday 6:00pm – 7:00pm Register for confession on our website. Confessions are also available by appointment with our priests, EUCHARISTIC ADORATION IN THE CHURCH Wednesday 9:00 am- 4:45pm Sign-up for Adoration on our website APRIL 11TH / DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY For the sake of his sorrowful passion… Have mercy on us and on the whole world.

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475 SE Third Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123

Website: www.stmatthewhillsboro.org

503-648-1998 | Fax 503-648-4489 | YouTube @smcc_hillsboro | Facebook @stmatthewhillsboro

Parish Office Temporarily Closed. We are receiving your calls and answering your requests.


Saturday Vigil:

5:30pm (English)


6:30am (Español)

8:30am (English)

10:00am (English)

11:30am (Español)

5:30pm (Español)

DAILY MASSES Monday, Wednesday - Saturday

8:15 am

MISAS DIARIAS Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes



Thursday & Friday 6:00pm – 7:00pm

Register for confession on our website.

Confessions are also available by appointment with our priests,


Wednesday 9:00 am- 4:45pm

Sign-up for Adoration on our website


For the sake of his sorrowful passion…Have mercy on us and on the whole world.



Happy Easter! The Lord is risen! The Lord has conquered sin and death! The Lord has become our hope and our salvation! We should no longer fear damnation, we are given the greatest gift, we have become partakers in the divine life of God through Jesus Christ. In his flesh, he has defeated the an-cient foe, the malicious serpent who hates us and wishes to destroy the image of God in us.

Christ our Lord embraced human suffering to redeem us and in doing so, He has manifested the true face of God, a God who is compassionate and merciful, a God who saves. Not from temporal suffering has Christ saved us, but from the definitive suffering: the loss of eternal life. “The mission of the only-begotten Son consists in conquering sin and death. He conquers sin by his obedience unto death, and he overcomes death by his Resurrection” (Salvifici doloris, 14).

A few months ago, the Church rejoiced at the birth of our Savior. In the midst of our troubled times, we were reminded of God’s initiative to save humanity. God so loved the world that He gave us his on-ly-begotten Son, He gave us hope, He gave us the light of the world, He gave us a reason to live. We were in darkness and we saw a bright light shine before us—dispelling all darkness and bringing us peace. Yes! He, the Prince of Peace who hang on the cross out of love for you and me, is risen. He, the innocent Lamb of God, who willingly embraced the cross to save the world, has conquered death once and for all.

If we wish to be his disciples, Christ invites us to carry the cross in its various forms. The cross of the pandemic has purified our vision of the world; we have recognized that our priorities in life should be our faith, family and friends, the things of heaven that endure, not the ephemeral things of this pass-ing world. Before the pandemic, many were living a life of dissipation. It is time to stop living aimless lives, lost lives, and return to God with all our might. It is time to recognize the presence of God in all people, Black, Asian, Hispanic, European—all people created in the image and likeness of God. It is time to be touched by the loving embrace of God’s mercy for all. Though a plethora of misfortunes falls upon us, we continue to trust in the Lord and his promises. God does not disappoint. Perhaps at the end of our lives, we will recognize that God has assisted us along the way from calvary to Galilee. Then we shall see our savior, resplendent in beauty, power, and love; risen from the dead and crowned in glory.

Brothers and sisters do not be afraid and do not lose hope! Christ has traced the way; the way of love, the way of the cross. Remember He has suffered first and is therefore able to sympathize with our suf-fering. Remember that when we carry the cross, we are not alone—he sustains us with his grace, he refreshes our soul, he is powerfully at work.

This Easter Season, let us be reminded that Lord is by our side, patiently carrying the cross with us, transforming human suffering into redemptive suffering. Although we may fail to recognize God’s work in the world wounded by sin and suffering, we believe that in heaven everything will be disclosed. We will see clearly, we will recognize God’s love in human history. We will be grateful for his assistance, his unending gifts, and the divine life He daily shares with us—in the breaking of the bread, in the cross we bear.

Brothers and sisters, it is time for rejoicing; Let us run to the tomb, let our beating hearts be filled with jubilation; this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad. The Lord is risen, Alleluia, Al-leluia.

Fr. Rito Guzman, MSpS



¡Felices Pascuas! ¡El Señor ha resucitado! ¡El Señor ha vencido el pecado y la muerte! ¡El Señor se ha convertido en nuestra esperanza y nuestra salvación! Ya no debemos temer la condenación, se nos ha dado el mayor regalo, nos hemos convertido en participantes de la vida divina de Dios a través de Jesu-cristo. En su carne, ha derrotado al antiguo enemigo, la serpiente maliciosa que nos odia y desea destruir la imagen de Dios en nosotros.

Cristo nuestro Señor abrazó el sufrimiento humano para redimirnos y, al hacerlo, ha manifestado el verdadero rostro de Dios, un Dios compasivo y misericordioso, un Dios que salva. Cristo no nos ha salva-do del sufrimiento temporal, sino del sufrimiento definitivo: la pérdida de la vida eterna. “La misión del Hijo unigénito consiste en vencer el pecado y la muerte. Él vence al pecado con su obediencia hasta la muerte, y vence a la muerte con su resurrección ”(Salvifici doloris, 14).

Hace unos meses, la Iglesia se regocijó por el nacimiento de nuestro Salvador. En medio de nuestros tiempos difíciles, recordamos la iniciativa de Dios para salvar a la humanidad. Dios amó tanto al mundo que nos dio a su Hijo unigénito, nos dio esperanza, nos dio la luz del mundo, nos dio una razón para vi-vir. Estábamos en tinieblas y vimos brillar una luz brillante ante nosotros, disipando toda la oscuridad y trayendo paz. ¡Sí! Él, el Príncipe de la Paz que cuelga de la cruz por amor a ti y a mí, ha resucitado. Él, el inocente Cordero de Dios, que voluntariamente abrazó la cruz para salvar al mundo, ha vencido a la muerte de una vez por todas.

Si deseamos ser sus discípulos, Cristo nos invita a llevar la cruz en sus diversas formas. La cruz de la pandemia ha purificado nuestra visión del mundo; hemos reconocido que nuestras prioridades en la vida deben ser nuestra fe, familia y amigos, las cosas del cielo que perduran, no las cosas efímeras de este mundo pasajero. Antes de la pandemia, muchos vivían una vida de disipación. Es hora de dejar de vivir vidas sin rumbo, vidas perdidas y regresar a Dios con todas nuestras fuerzas. Es hora de reconocer la presencia de Dios en todas las personas, negras, asiáticas, hispanas, europeas, todas las personas crea-das a imagen y semejanza de Dios. Es hora de ser tocados por el abrazo amoroso de la misericordia de Dios para todos. Aunque nos sobreviniera un montón de desgracias, seguimos confiando en el Señor y sus promesas. Dios no defrauda. Quizás al final de nuestra vida, reconozcamos que Dios nos ha ayudado en el camino del calvario a Galilea. Entonces veremos a nuestro salvador, resplandeciente en belleza, poder y amor; resucitado de entre los muertos y coronado de gloria.

¡Hermanos y hermanas, no teman y no pierdan la esperanza! Cristo ha trazado el camino; el camino del amor, el camino de la cruz. Recuerden que Él ha sufrido primero y, por lo tanto, puede compadecerse de nuestro sufrimiento. Recuerden que cuando cargamos la cruz, no estamos solos: él nos sostiene con su gracia, refresca nuestra alma, está trabajando poderosamente.

En este tiempo pascual, recordemos que el Señor está a nuestro lado, llevando pacientemente la cruz con nosotros, transformando el sufrimiento humano en sufrimiento redentor. Aunque no reconozcamos la obra de Dios en el mundo herido por el pecado y el sufrimiento, creemos que en el cielo todo se reve-lará. Veremos claramente, reconoceremos el amor de Dios en la historia de la humanidad. Estaremos agradecidos por su ayuda, sus dones interminables y la vida divina que comparte con nosotros a diario: en la fracción del pan, en la cruz que llevamos. Hermanos y hermanas, es hora de regocijarse; Corramos al sepulcro, dejemos que nuestros corazones palpitantes se llenen de júbilo; Este es el día que hizo el Señor, regocijémonos y alegrémonos. El Señor ha resucitado, Aleluya, Aleluya.

P. Rito Guzmán, MSpS



One of the biggest challenges in life is finding our place in society and in the Church. If you are looking for your vocation, these seven steps can help you discern the plan that God the Father has for you. Alt-hough here we are dealing with consecrated vocations, to religious life, priesthood, etc., the process described can be useful for making decisions regarding any state of life or profession.

1. Prayer:

What shall I do, Lord? (Acts 22:10).

Vocation is not something you invent; it is a treasure you find. It is not the plan you prepare for your life, but the project that the Trinity-God provides for you and invites you to carry out. It is not primarily a decision you make, rather a gift that you receive, a call that you answer. In order to discover what God wants from you, you need to pray. This is what was done by Samuel (1S 3:10), Ezekiel (Ez. 2:1 and 3:11), Jesus of Nazareth (Lk 3:21), Mary of Magdala (Jn. 20:17), Saul from Tarsus (Acts 9:11), and many others.

In prayer you can find Jesus Christ and experience His love; the Holy Spirit will sharpen your ear so that you may listen, and He will give you the strength and courage to respond. When speaking with Jesus you can hear His voice calling to you, “Come, follow me.” (Mk 10:21); or you can hear Him telling you, “Return home and tell about what God has done for you.” (Lk 8:39) It is not enough for you to remem-ber God only occasionally and ask Him to enlighten you; it is necessary that you dedicate time to formal prayer. You should pray daily (at least fifteen minutes), go on a day of prayer and silence, or spend a few days on retreat. Besides being the first step of the process of searching, prayer is an exercise that will have to accompany you throughout your vocational discernment. By taking this step, you are say-ing, "I love Jesus Christ." "I want to find God's will for me." "I want to carry out His project”.

2. Understanding:

But then it becomes like fire burning in my heart, imprisoned in my bones; I grow weary holding it in, I cannot endure it. (Jr 20:9).

In order to find out what God wants from you, you will need to create an atmosphere of exterior and interior silence, as noise hinders your perceptions. Observe your feelings, thoughts, concerns, desires. Listen to people who approve of your worries and to those who criticize you. Look at men and women around you. How do you feel about their sadness, their pain, their poverty, their need for God?

Look at your personal history. What was the path along which the Holy Spirit led you? What have been the most important events of your life? Which people have been meaningful to you? Why? Become aware of your life today. W ho do you relate to? How do you invest your time? What makes you happy today? How is your relationship with Jesus Christ? Think about your future. How do you imagine your-self in ten years? How do you feel when thinking about the possibility of devoting your life to God? You have only one life, how would you like to spend it? With the help of your spiritual director, carefully de-termine if your answers are signs of a genuine call to the priesthood or to consecrated life, or an indica-tion that God wants you to intensify your Christian life as a lay person. By taking this step you are say-ing, "I have an intuition that the Holy Spirit is asking something special from me." "I feel the need to devote my life to God and to cooperate with Jesus Christ in the salvation of the world.”



3. Information

Observe what the country and its inhabitants are like, what the cities they dwell in are like, what the land is like. (Nm 13:17-20).

The paths for carrying out the consecrated calling are multiple. The will to offer your life to God and dedicate yourself to building the Kingdom is necessary, but it is not enough. You also need to under-stand where God wants you to serve Him. In order to find your place in the Church, you should get to know the various vocations. Research the spiritualities that different religious congregations or secular institutes practice. Visit them and see how they live. For example, a contemplative order is different from a society of apostolic life. Find out what is their mission and how they carry it out; teaching, minis-tering in hospitals, praying, giving spiritual direction, missions, media, parish ministry… Ask who are the main recipients of their ministry; the youth, the poor, the clergy, the sick, children, seminarians, indige-nous peoples, the elderly, etc. Usually, when one experiences vocational curiosity, he/she is also feeling an appeal for a specific calling. It is important that you dedicate some time to gathering more in-depth information about this vocation and other possible vocations. By taking this step you are saying, "I like the spirituality, lifestyle, and apostolate of this specific community." "Perhaps God is calling me to offer my life to Him or to enter the seminary.”

4. Reflection

Which of you wishing to construct a tower does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if there is enough for its completion? (Lk 14:28).

Vocation is a very big undertaking and it is for a lifetime. Therefore, to throw yourself into it, you must have seriously thought about yourself and the lifestyle you intend to embrace. Analyze your capabilities and limitations. Think about whether you will be able to live the demands that your vocation implies - counting, of course, on the grace of the Holy Spirit. What is your belief that God is calling you based upon? What are the pros and cons of your taking up this path? What circumstances or individuals may help or hinder your response? What attracts you towards this kind of life and what do you dislike? God asks you to commit yourself responsibly in the discernment of your vocation. He wants you to use your spiritual sensitivity and your intelligence to seek His will. Inspired by the Holy Spirit’s light, you will be able to understand what God the Father wants from you. Don’t think of receiving the absolute certainty of what God wants from you, something like having a contract signed by Him. What you will find will be signs through which God will reveal to you the project He has in mind for you. By interpreting these signs, you will be certain of His call. By taking this step, you are saying, "Jesus Christ is calling me to follow Him. With the power of the Holy Spirit, I can answer.”

We pray for Vocations to the Priesthood

and Consecrated Life



Now Enrolling for 2021-2022

St. Matthew is accepting applications for the 2021-2022 school year. We offer small class sizes, indi-vidualized instruction, and a highly trained and car-ing staff. Financial Assistance may be available to help families cover tuition costs for K-8 grade stu-dents. Consider giving your child the gift of a Cath-olic education. Our Pre4-PreK program will be open in the fall, with half-day and full-day options. Applications are now being accepted for enrollment in September. We would love to have your family join our St. Mat-thew's community. Pre4-PreK Admissions Application: http://bit.ly/PreK2021-22

K-8 Admissions Application: http://bit.ly/K-82021-22

Apply for K-8 Financial Assistance online through FACTS, https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/3GK8Y



Lucas Steven Randall

Eliot Elizabeth Curl

Joel Solano Aguilar

Yurisi Ramirez Hernández

Luis Dabid Ramirez Hernández

James Michael Curl

Jesus Muñoz Eguiza

Dominic Schmitz

Erik Santana

Jesus Ayar

Andrea Ayar

Jesus Real Castro

Logan DeSantis

Xiclali Ramirez Gaona

Gabriel Ramirez

Weston Liam Alden

Mitzi Dayana Rauda

Evelie Alonso Gonzalez

Maritza Altamirano Reyes

Juana Yael Cisneros Piña

Citlaly Alcaraz

Alexis Krautscheid

Yara Itzel Cazarez Gomez

Claudia Isabella Sanchez Reyes

Keep our Confirmation Candidates in your prayers.

They will receive the sacrament of reconciliation this

Friday April 16, 2021 and will be Confirmed Friday April

23, 2021 at 6:00 pm

Oren por nuestros candidatos para la Confirmación.

Recibirán el sacramento de la reconciliación este

Viernes 16 de abril, 2021 y serán confirmados el

Viernes 23 de de abril, 2021 a las 6:00 pm.


FALL APPEAL 2020-2021

Please remember, our Fall Appeal extends from November 2020 to June 2021, the end of our fiscal

operating year. We are asking that you prayerfully consider helping us with our church and school op-

erating deficits. Including our regular offertory and school tuition, we have a combined projected

shortfall of $350,000. This is a lofty goal, and as of 4/9/21, we have only raised $56,350

Fall Appeal envelopes will continue to be included in your regular offertory envelopes through June

2021. If you do not use the special envelopes, please indicate “Fall Appeal” on the memo line of your

check. If you choose to go online, you will see a “Fall Appeal” option on the St. Matthew website.

Please accept our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your generous donations this

past year. Your financial support has been especially helpful during these difficult times. May the Holy

Spirit guide us all and keep us in good health.

1. To donate online go to https://www.stmatthewhillsboro.org/s

2. Click on Giving


4. Make your donation, select an amount and frequency.









February March April May June



Recuerde que nuestra “Campaña de Otoño” se extiende desde noviembre de 2020 hasta junio de

2021, el final de nuestro año fiscal operativo. Le pedimos que considere en oración ayudarnos con las

deficiencias operativas de nuestra iglesia y escuela. Incluyendo nuestro ofertorio regular y la matrícula

escolar, tenemos un déficit proyectado combinado de $ 350,000. Este es un objetivo elevado y, al

4/9/21, solo hemos recaudado $56,350

Los sobres de Campaña de Otoño seguirán incluyéndose en sus sobres de ofertorio habituales hasta

junio de 2021. Muchas gracias por apoyar a nuestra Iglesia con sus donativos.



This week we will begin with the Eucharis-

tic Adoration. The blessed Sacrament will be

exposed each WEDNESDAY, beginning April

14, 2021

After 8:15 am Mass, the priest that cele-

brates morning Mass will expose the

Blessed Sacrament for Adoration until 5pm,

before Spanish Mass begins.

Doors will be closed, but unlocked. You will be able to access the Church at every hour.

Time-slots: 9:00 am; 10:00am;

11:00am; 12:00pm; 1:00pm; 2:00pm;

3:00pm; 4:00pm

Please sign-up on our website to

guarantee there will be someone

present at every hour.

Register here:



Esta semana iniciamos la Adoración Eucarística

en la Iglesia. El Santismo será expuesto cada

MIÉRCOLES, a partir del 14 de abril de 2021.

Después de la misa de las 8:15 am, el

sacerdote que celebra la Misa de la mañana ex-

pondrá el Santísimo para la Adoración hasta las

5:00 pm, antes de que comience la misa en es-


Las puertas estarán cerradas, pero sin llave.

Podrán acceder a la Iglesia sin problema


Horarios: 9:00 am; 10:00 am; 11:00 am;

12:00 pm; 1:00 pm; 2:00 pm; 3:00 pm; 4:00


Regístrese en nuestra página web para

garantizar que habrá alguien presente a cada

hora durante la adoración.

Para la registración:





Please call to let us know if you would like to add your loved one's name to the prayer list. Also, we have a prayer chain for specific

prayer requests. Please let us know if you would prefer to be included in the prayers of the St. Matthew prayer chain.

Call Maxine McFeron at 503-926-3282 or email [email protected]

Si quisiera añadir/remover a alguien a esta lista, comuníquese con el P. Rito Guzmán, MSpS 503-684-1998 ext. 260

Zenaida Abarca Bruce Aberth

Mario Garcia Alcala Louise Bernards George Bernert Marlene Bloes Pamela Boon Nancy Boyer Mark Boyer

Jose Calderon Amanda Campbell

Marilyn Carter Jose Castañeda Chad Chisolm

Jan Costas Araceli Cuenca Myron Dennis

Maria DeGuzman Edmund Duyck Leonila Ebuen Delora Evans Louise Gang

Juanita Garcia Grant Gard Marie Gordy

Cassandra Grigsby Gwen Hampsten

Hernandez Family Ruth Holland Jon Huettl


MAJ Justin Aberth

Angelica Aguilar

MAJ Mark Brodie

Trevor Buck Lt.

David Clitheroe, Lt. USN

PV2 Sean Dugan Josue, Luis, and Vivian Hernandez-Davila

Armando Garfias, USAF Cpt.

Patrick Hunt

Ron King

MAJ Thomas Lanigan

Patric Margiotta

Brenda Martinez

Lt. Zach Marsh

MAJ Richard Park

Joshua Shaw

Steven Walliman

Philip Zmolek, USN


Stephen Huettl Marco Jaime David Jurhs

John & Jean Krautscheid Jorgenson Family Josephine Linville

Shane McCord Declan McNulty

Ana Moreno Patricia Moreno

Tom & Barbara Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Landis Pacheco

Yu Xiao Palafox Maria Pascual Mark Petsche

Bob Puncochar Bailey Reeves

Candace Rueda Wayne Smith

Rafaela Sanchez Charles Schmucker

Jayson Strayer Antonia Sterling

Fran Teeter Jack Valvo

Genevieve Vanier Rosemarie Ward Kathleen White

George & Catherine Vanderzanden


PARISH OFFICE: 503-648-1998

WEBSITE: www.stmatthewhillsboro.org


Fr. Lucio Villalobos, Parish Administrator x249

[email protected]

Fr. Agustin Rodriguez, Associate Pastor x262

[email protected]

Fr. Rito Guzman, Associate Pastor x260

[email protected]


Becky Smith, Business Manager x248

Wayne Carter, Payroll Clerk x252

Cece Clitheroe, Development Coordinator x256

Efren De Loa, Maintenance x254

Esme Herrera, Youth Ministry Coordinator x258

Maria Wanner, Faith Formation Coordinator x230

Parish Secretary x245


221 SE Walnut St. Hillsboro, OR 97123

Phone 503-648-2512, Fax 503-648-4518

School Principal - Lesley Lindell, x223

Website: www.stmatthewschoolhillsboro.org


Parish groups, direct requests to your staff rep. Two weeks prior to Sunday desired.


We would like to thank the businesses that advertise in our weekly bulletin. It is with their support that we are able to receive our

bulletin at no cost from LPi. Should you wish to advertise, please contact Kjirsten Finnegan, at (402) 312-9955 or

[email protected] and George at (630) 319-3672 or [email protected].





Mon, April 12 8:15 am Elenor Briones

Wed, April 14 8:15 am Andrea Ayar +

5:00 pm Alejo Martinez Rojas +

Thu, April 15 8:15 am Fulgencio Roblero +

5:00pm Olga Escobar & Ercilia +

Fri, April 16 8:15 am Andrea Ayar +

5:00 pm Fulgencio Roblero +

Sat, April 17 8:15 am Josephine Linville (healing)

5:30 pm Our Parishioners/

Nuestros Parroquianos

Sun, April 18 6:30 am Reynado River +

8:30 am Gerardo Paramo +

10:00 am Vernon Duyck +

11:30 am Monica y Cristian

5:30 pm Sireña Flores Santos

@smcc_hillsboro @stmatthewhillsboro smcc_hillsboro



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