april 17 2012 | reliability committee meeting

APRIL 17 2012 | RELIABILITY COMMITTEE MEETING Marianne Perben SUPERVISOR, RESOURCE ANALYSIS & QUALIFICATION FCM Qualification Overlapping Interconnection Impacts Standard

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APRIL 17 2012 | Reliability Committee Meeting. Marianne Perben. Supervisor, Resource Analysis & Qualification. FCM Qualification. Overlapping Interconnection Impacts Standard. Background & Agenda. Discussions held at the February and March Reliability Committee (RC) included: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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A P R I L 1 7 2 0 1 2 | R E L I A B I L I T Y C O M M I T T E E M E E T I N G

Marianne PerbenS U P E R V I S O R , R E S O U R C E A N A L Y S I S & Q U A L I F I C A T I O N

FCM Qualification

Overlapping Interconnection Impacts Standard

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Background & Agenda

• Discussions held at the February and March Reliability Committee (RC) included:– The description of the overlapping interconnection impacts standard for generating

resources as it is outlined in Planning Procedure 10 – Planning Procedure to Support the Forward Capacity Market (PP-10)

• Included examples of various qualification outcomes• Included numerical examples regarding the application of the standard to generating


– FCA # 6 qualification statistics

• Topics to be covered today include:– Additional details regarding the numerical examples presented in March– The description of the overlapping interconnection impacts standard for Demand

Resources (DR) as it is outlined in PP-10– Next steps

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March RC Meeting – Example of Pre-Project System

Most impacting Helper to the stress is turned off

Application of the stress stops when a monitored transmission element reaches a loading of 100%

Load Zone BLoad Zone A

3% DFAX Circle:Harmer generators with DFAX ≥ 3% are turned on up to their CNRC (on-line generators are colored pink)





Direction of the stress






PP-10 Section 5.7.1

116 MVA

150 MVA

84 MVA


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March RC Meeting – Example of Post-Project System

Lines [AB], [CD] and [EF] overload as a result of the addition of the Project.

The Project has more than 3% DFAX (or impact) on lines [AB] and [CD], but not [EF].

The Project Sponsor will be responsible for upgrading lines [AB] and [CD] but not [EF].

Load Zone BLoad Zone A





New Project Generator

Direction of the stress





PP-10 Section 5.7.1

116 MVA

150 MVA84 MVA


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March RC Meeting – Example Rationale

• If the New Project Generator is 100 MW, then:– Assuming the New Project Generator’s DFAX on line [AB] is 30%; the incremental loading (in %) on

line [AB] caused by the addition of the New Project Generator can be estimated by:

• Gen MW * DFAXAB / Line [AB]’s Rating = 100 * 30% / 150 = 20%

– Assuming the New Project Generator’s DFAX on line [CD] is 15.1%; the incremental loading (in %) on line [CD] caused by the addition of the New Project Generator can be estimated by:

• Gen MW * DFAXCD / Line [CD]’s Rating = 100 * 15.1% / 84 = 18%

– Assuming the New Project Generator’s DFAX on line [EF] is 2.9%; the incremental loading (in %) on line [EF] caused by the addition of the New Project Generator can be estimated by:

• Gen MW * DFAXEF / Line [EF]’s Rating = 100 * 2.9% / 116 = 2.5%

• The size of the New Project Generator, the rating of the transmission element and the electrical distance between the New Project Generator and the transmission element are key factors in determining the incremental loading (in %) on the transmission element caused by the addition of the New Project Generator

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Application of the Overlapping Interconnection Impacts Standard to Demand Resources• A DR overlapping interconnection impacts standard is

– A way of establishing the incremental usefulness of the capacity offered by DR

– A planning analysis to review the effects of adding a DR project on the reliability of the transmission system

• If a new DR project is rejected in FCM qualification for overlapping interconnection impacts

– It does not mean that load cannot ever be reduced at that location

– It means that the usefulness of the measure is not “deliverable” to the broader system or in other words, the reduction in load is not incrementally useful within the Load Zone

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Demand Resource Dispatch Zones

• The New England Control Area is divided into 19 Dispatch Zones

• Dispatch Zones are used to establish the geographic location and real-time dispatch of active Demand Resources

– Real-Time Demand Response Resources

– Real-Time Emergency Generation Resources


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Description of the Overlapping Interconnection Impacts Standard for Demand Resources• Only active Demand Resources (Real-Time Emergency Generation and

Real Time Demand Response) are analyzed for overlapping impacts

– Passive Demand Resources (On-Peak Demand Resources and Seasonal Peak Demand Resources) are not reviewed for overlapping interconnection impacts

• The standard makes use of the Dispatch Zone locational of active Demand Resources

– The location of passive Demand Resources is known at the Load Zone level only

• In those Dispatch Zones where incremental new resources are not deliverable to the rest of the Load Zone, then no new active Demand Resource proposed within that Dispatch Zone will qualify for the FCA

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Analysis at the Dispatch Zone Level

• To the extent that the new active Demand Resource could, without the inclusion of any other new resources submitted for qualification in that Dispatch Zone, deliver any portion of its capacity from the Dispatch Zone to which it is interconnecting to the Load Zone to which it is interconnecting, then the full proposed amount of the new active Demand Resource shall qualify for the FCA

• Practically, the analysis is performed by individually testing each node within the Dispatch Zone

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Analysis at the Nodal Level

• When the nodal location of the proposed Demand Resource is provided, then the analysis can be performed at a nodal level

– Nodal location is required from each Demand Resource project with a single facility which rating is greater than or equal to 5 MW

• To the extent that the new active Demand Resource could, without the inclusion of any other new resources submitted for qualification at that nodal location, deliver any portion of its capacity from the nodal location to which it is interconnecting to the Load Zone to which it is interconnecting, then the full proposed amount of the new active Demand Resource shall qualify for the FCA

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Overlapping Interconnection Impacts Analysis of New Demand Resources• Overlapping interconnection impacts review of new Demand Resources is

run separate from and independent of the concurrent analysis of new generation in a given FCA qualification period

• The test performed at each node is run in a similar manner as it would be for a generator

– Uses the same assumptions, settings and software functionality

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Demand Resource Overlapping Interconnection Impacts – Example

HelperGeneration & DR

HarmerGeneration & DR


Constraint (Overlapping Impact)Transmission Interface or Element New DR

• If the transmission element is constrained (i.e., running at its limit), then an incremental reduction in load on the Harmer side will cause the need for a reduction in generation on the Harmer side; otherwise the transmission element would become overloaded

• The amount of capacity that can be delivered to the rest of the zone is limited by the transfer limit of the constraint


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Demand Resource Overlapping Interconnection Impacts – Example, cont.

100MW limit






100MW limit






100MW limit






5MW New Gen Proposed

5MW New DR Proposed

Base Case

This new generator would be rejected due to overlapping interconnection impacts

This new DR has the same impact on the system as the new generator above and would be rejected too

Bus I

Bus I

Bus I

Bus E

Bus E

Bus E


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Demand Resource Overlapping Interconnection Impacts – Example, cont.

Load Zone BLoad Zone A





Direction of the stress






PP-10 Section 5.7.1

116 MVA

150 MVA84 MVA

Dispatch Zone D

Due to the constraint [AB], none of the resources located in Dispatch Zone D are deliverable to the rest of the Load Zone A, therefore no new active Demand Resource proposed within that Dispatch Zone will qualify.


3% DFAX Circle

Most impacting Helper to the stress is turned off

New DR Project

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Next Steps

• May RC– Summarize and discuss feedback received in prior RC meetings– Review potential changes or clarifications to the overlapping

interconnection impacts standard for generating or demand resources to be implemented for FCA #7 qualification reviews

– Presenting draft redlines of PP-10 (if time permits)

• June RC – Further discuss PP-10 redlines and potential vote

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