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April 2, 2017 5th Sunday in Lent

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April 2, 2017

5th Sunday in Lent



PRELUDE Behold the Lamb (The Communion Hymn) Arr. L. Shackley Getty/Townsend


INTROIT God So Loved The World Tunney

*CALL TO WORSHIP L: And God said, "You shall live; and you shall know that I am the Lord." Come, let us surround ourselves with the compassion of God who gathers up our brokenness and binds it with the wholeness of a new vitality. P: We come with all our brokenness. We come in search of new life. We come to worship our compassionate Creator.

*INVOCATION (unison) O God, you are near as the very air we breathe and the light around us, yet our thought's farthest reach falls short of you. We yearn to reach you. We seek the light and warmth of your presence, for we are lost without you. O let our desire be so strong that it will tear the veil that keeps you from our sight! Let you light penetrate our darkness, to reveal to us the glory and joy of your eternal presence.

*HYMN #376 (blue hymnal) “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling”


*PRAYER OF CONFESSION (unison) We are set free by your saving grace, Generous God, yet we seem una-ble to throw off the grave clothes of destructive habits, finding them too com-fortable to wear. We cling to our fears, for they are so familiar and make such good companions. Yet, there in every corner of our lives, in every shad-ow we fear, you come, Steadfast Love. You break the bonds of sin and terror, giving us new strength and hope for the journey, and calling us to new life through the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

(time for silent personal confession) *DECLARATION OF FORGIVENESS We can put your hope in God, for God offers us that love which never fades, that life which never ends. We wait for God, and God does not fail us. God's hope, God's love, and God's grace are forever. Thanks be to God. Amen.


*PASSING THE PEACE OF CHRIST L: The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all! P: And also with you.

*Response Gloria Patri #579 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

And to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be:

World without end. Amen. Amen.

Time with Children


OLD TESTAMENT LESSON Ezekiel 37:1-14 EPISTLE LESSON Romans 8:6-11 This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

ANTHEM Think of Me and Remember Raney

NEW TESTAMENTLESSON John 11:17-27 This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD Rev. Banu Moore “Can God Make the Skeletons Dance?”

*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH Nicene Creed (blue hymnal pg. 15) *HYMN #323 (blue hymnal) “Loving Spirit” JOYS AND CONCERNS OF THE PEOPLE


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

PRAYER RESPONSE The Lords Prayer Malotte



OFFERTORY When I Survey The Wondrous Cross I. Watts Arr. S. Pethel Trumpet solo by Darlene Podolak *Doxology

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below;

Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

*PRAYER OF DEDICATION (unison) For all left by the side of society, for all whose strength has vanished, for all whose bones are brittle with despair, may our gifts bring hope and healing, peace and plenty, in your name and in your love. This we pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

SACRAMENT OF THE LORD’S SUPPER INVITATION GREAT THANKSGIVING L: May the God of tears be with you. P: And also with you. L: Offer your hearts to the One who calls us out of death into life. P: Unbound, we bring our hearts to our God of new mornings. L: People of God, sing songs to the One in whom we hope. P: We rejoice in God, who dwells in our souls. *************************************** L: With those who have stood beside graves, and those who wait for signs of

hope, we sing our praises to you: P: Holy, holy, holy are you, God of our shadowed valleys. All creation

hopes in you and waits. Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is the One who calls us to new life. Hosanna in the highest!

*************************************** L: Believing that he is the One who calls us to new life, trusting that, by his tears, he takes away our pain, we proclaim that mystery we call faith: P: Christ died, taking away the sins of the world; Christ was raised, taking away the power of sin and death; Christ will return, taking us by the hand to lead us home.



PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING (unison) Thank you for inviting us to this banquet! Help us to remember the gift we have received and to live as your Kingdom people with the strength and breath of the Spirit. All praise to you Lord Jesus Christ!

*HYMN #302 (blue hymnal) “I Danced in the Morning”



*POSTLUDE Largo, and Amazing Grace Arr. M. McDonald G.F. Handel and Tune: “ New Britain”


Worship Leader: Rev. Banu O. Moore, OblSB Liturgist: Janet Cole

• Fellowship Luncheon worship • Prayer Group in the Fellowship Hall

Monday, April 3

• Book Group 7pm

Wednesday, April 5

• CHOIR REHEARSAL 6:30pm Chancel Choir 7:45pm Steeple Bells

Thursday, April 6

• Scrap Happy Quilting Group 9:30am

Palm Sunday, April 9 10am

Worship Leader: Rev. Banu O. Moore, OblSb

• Procession of the palms and Palm Sunday Live Children’s Program

• Fellowship Lunch after worship • Prayer Group in the Board Room

March and April Food Pantry Needs

Tuna Helper Hamburger Helper

Tomato Soup Vegetable Soup

Canned Tomatoes Crackers

SATURDAY APRIL 8 @ 10AM Palm Sunday Live Program Practice

All children are invited to make

a fun treat after worship with Laurie Karlik


Michelle Cole Anne Speck - Mike Speck Charlotte Ross Pat Dec Dan Sellen Osburn Family John Podolak Cassie

Bobbi LaFratta Donald Doody Lin Rooker Mary Kwietniak Bernard Riester Nora Wright Marie Factor Starla Webster Sophanna Sinn

Family Clifford Jordan Shirley Weldon Betty Wiley Helene Grant

Family and Friends who are grieving after loss


Short term

Kayla & her mom, Kelly Danny Karlik Margaret Wylie Michael Graybill Pradeep Mehra Hannah Roberts Dorothy Keough Genny Salvatore Neal Neighbor George Raymond Al Steigerwald Susan Tebbs Elaine Guilkey Megan Allen & Edna Shotwell Matthew Mike Crary Dorothy Noble

Kyle-Jan Bartlett’s grandson Chris Coleman Fred Forbes Cassie Catto Keith Gibbs Kelly Custer Sheila Lee Heery Family - twins 8/21 (at risk) Bob White Patrick Griffin Martha Russell Maura Marcia Rambaud

Long term Abbie Kessler Jared Clark Gloria Fisher Whitten family Dorothy Miller Bob & Lucia Short Nancy Wasileski Lloyd Holdredge Bob Schuster Marjorie Burns Evelyn & Dick Kelley Robbie Sasser Alan Wilson Vicki Siobhan Phillippe Gertie Bench Esther Champlin Laura Conley Lula Birdsall

June Rose Wyn Wilson Greg Power Caden Schmitt Emily-leukemia Barb Estep Nancy Canale Tom Brown Ann Wiley Michael Trapani Marina and Kathy Zamniak Colleen Pinckney Wes and Edie Bogart Doris Moody Bob Banker Vic Fandrich Carl Mattison Jean and Baby Carol Porter



Special Prayer Needs

• Leaders of our church: elders, deacons, staff, pulpit supply, Presbytery • Our financial situation and people involved in the world finances • Country and decisions being made on our behalf • Presbyterian Event and Retreat Center (Formerly known Case Mansion) • Safety of our active duty troops: Alex Green • Health of our earth, farmers • People involved in wars: resolution of conflict and for peace • ACH and its future (ER and clinic changes) • Congregational transformation, worship participation and rebuilding

the children/youth ministry • Persecution of Christians and others in the Middle East especially

Pastor Andrew Brunson and his family • Improved race relations in our community and country • Ministry at CCC • Those that lost their jobs at Welch Allyn and those who are left • Drug epidemic; pray for addicted and children involved • Holy Spirit–led guidance for our country’s leaders as we all work

together for unity


Gildards (USA)… Birds (Tyrone, GA) Calvary Food Pantry

and other food pantries Chapel House, Hospice,

Matthew House, Rescue Mission, Salvation Army,

HUGS (Help Understanding Grief), Vanderkamp, Hospital,

Prison Ministry


FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 112 South Street, Auburn, NY 13021


Led by God, Serving Christ, Guided by the Holy Spirit, Strong in Faith

Sunday Worship 10am Followed by Fellowship

Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month unless noted otherwise

in the church calendar

Phone: 315.252.3861 E-mail:

[email protected]

Office Hours Monday 9am-1pm Tuesday 9am-1pm

Wednesday 9am-1pm Thursday 9am-1pm

Office Manager: Bill Flynn Music Director: Judy Eddy Organist: Donna Riester