april 2013 focus

EASTER PEOPLE ON A MISSION FOR GOD Writing in the Upper Room Disciplines, Melanie Lee Carrey tells a story from her childhood: My father used to wake us on Easter by singing the refrain of “Up from the Grave He Arose,” and then we would go to an Easter sunrise service. My siblings and I would protest that it was too dark to go anywhere. My father responded: “Easter begins in the dark; God’s promises of new life begin in the midst of darkness”. (Disciplines, 2007, p.146) Most of us know the truth of his declaration. It is in the darkest, most despairing and trou- bling times of our lives, that we know most clearly our need for Resurrection. Right at the moment when we feel like all is lost, the church proclaims that Christ is risen and reminds us that God’s love is victorious and that God has the last word. When we say yes to the risen Christ, when we promise to put our whole trust in Christ as Lord of our lives, we become God’s Easter people. We experience the power of forgiveness and love in our lives and discover new options, new possibilities, new life! The love of God, and the resurrection power of Christ fills us and overflows in concrete ways in our daily lives as we love and serve our neighbor. We are God’s Easter people here at First United Methodist of Holland. In our vision statement, we say it this way: “We are a community that has such a passion for God that we worship with joy on Sunday and then worship with our lives every day of the week.” We have not fully arrived at this vision, but it calls us forward to strive and grow in our faith and in loving our neighbor. I see glimpses of resurrection in this congre- gation and its ministry everywhere. Young people and children among us grow as disci- ples of Christ nurtured by this community of love. Others give hours and hours of their time to feed seniors and others in our com- munity, build PET vehicles, listen with com- passion as Stephen Ministers, tutor with Kids Hope, work at Justice for Our Neigh- bors, care for our elders, and venture on mission trips. Gifts of all kinds, large and small, are offered in a spirit of Christ for life giving endeavors. We are Easter people. And yet, I wonder what is ‘new life’ for our congregation as we strive toward our vision? What are the new possibilities, and the new options for ministry in light of Christ’s resurrection power? Are there troubling places in our life together into which Christ’s risen light dawns? Are there needs around us which God would send us to meet? I invite you to pray with me so that we might discern together God’s call for our next steps as a congregation. May we grow together as Easter people on a mission for God. –Pastor Lynn Worship Times and Topics for April Sunday Morning 8:30 and 10:45 Pastor Lynn Pier-Fitzgerald, preaching April 7 “Welcoming the Stranger/Welcoming Jesus” Luke 24: 13-35 The Lord’s Supper April 14 1st Service “Try the Other Side” John 21: 1-14 2nd Service Youth Musical “Elijah! God’s Faithful Prophet” by Mark Patterson April 21 “A Passion for People in Need” Acts 9 : 36-43 Sacrament of Baptism April 28 Saints and Zombies John 24: 24-31 Confirmation Church Events, Caring Ministry, Birthdays, Stephen Ministry 2 & 3 Nurture Ministry 4 & 5 Outreach Ministry 6 & 7 Finance, Witness, UMW 8 Youth Ministry, calendar 9 Inside this issue: Focus FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH April 2013

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Page 1: April 2013 FOCUS


Writing in the Upper Room Disciplines, Melanie Lee

Carrey tells a story from her childhood:

My father used to wake us on Easter by

singing the refrain of “Up from the Grave

He Arose,” and then we would go to an

Easter sunrise service. My siblings and I

would protest that it was too dark to go

anywhere. My father responded: “Easter

begins in the dark; God’s promises of new

life begin in the midst of darkness”.

(Disciplines, 2007, p.146)

Most of us know the truth of his declaration. It is in the darkest, most despairing and trou-bling times of our lives, that we know most clearly our need for Resurrection. Right at the moment when we feel like all is lost, the church proclaims that Christ is risen and reminds us that God’s love is victorious and that God has the last word. When we say yes to the risen Christ, when we promise to put our whole trust in Christ as Lord of our lives, we become God’s Easter people. We experience the power of forgiveness and love in our lives and discover new options, new possibilities, new life! The love of God, and the resurrection power of Christ fills us and overflows in concrete ways in our daily lives as we love and serve our neighbor.

We are God’s Easter people here at First

United Methodist of Holland. In our vision statement, we say it this way: “We are a community that has such a passion for God that we worship with joy on Sunday and then worship with our lives every day of the week.” We have not fully arrived at this vision, but it calls us forward to strive and grow in our faith and in loving our neighbor. I see glimpses of resurrection in this congre-gation and its ministry everywhere. Young people and children among us grow as disci-ples of Christ nurtured by this community of love. Others give hours and hours of their time to feed seniors and others in our com-munity, build PET vehicles, listen with com-passion as Stephen Ministers, tutor with Kids Hope, work at Justice for Our Neigh-bors, care for our elders, and venture on mission trips. Gifts of all kinds, large and small, are offered in a spirit of Christ for life giving endeavors. We are Easter people.

And yet, I wonder what is ‘new life’ for our congregation as we strive toward our vision? What are the new possibilities, and the new options for ministry in light of Christ’s resurrection power? Are there troubling places in our life together into which Christ’s risen light dawns? Are there needs around us which God would send us to meet? I invite you to pray with me so that we might discern together God’s call for our next steps as a congregation.

May we grow together as Easter people on a mission for God. –Pastor Lynn

Worship Times and Topics for April Sunday Morning 8:30 and 10:45

Pastor Lynn Pier-Fitzgerald, preaching

April 7 “Welcoming the Stranger/Welcoming Jesus” Luke 24: 13-35 The Lord’s Supper April 14 1st Service “Try the Other Side” John 21: 1-14 2nd Service Youth Musical “Elijah! God’s Faithful Prophet” by Mark Patterson April 21 “A Passion for People in Need” Acts 9 : 36-43 Sacrament of Baptism April 28 Saints and Zombies John 24: 24-31 Confirmation

Church Events, Caring

Ministry, Birthdays,

Stephen Ministry

2 & 3

Nurture Ministry 4 & 5

Outreach Ministry 6 & 7

Finance, Witness, UMW 8

Youth Ministry, calendar 9

Inside this issue:



















April 2013

Page 2: April 2013 FOCUS

Come join the Lunch Bunch on Sun-days following the 10:45 a.m. service. We will gather at the Good Shepherd window to get a head count and head out to a lo-

cal restaurant. All ages are welcome to join including singles, couples, and families. Check the bulletin for the days’ location or contact David Newton.

Epsilon will meet Wednesday, April 17, 11:30a.m. at Beechwood Inn. Please call Dave or Dorothea 392-3493 by April 15th for reservations.

Will be going to the Grand Rapids Public Museum to see the Titanic Exhibit on Thursday, April 4th. We will meet in the Lounge ready to take the church bus by 1:30 p.m. You must make a reservation to go. Call Sharon Rocker or email her at

[email protected]. It is possible that by the time you read this, all the tickets are gone, so see Sharon to find out. The cost is $15.

For April, Book Club will discuss Same Kind Of Different As Me by Ron Hall. The co-author relates how he was

The deadline for article submissions for the May Focus is April 16. Please email articles to

[email protected] by that date or earlier. If a hard copy must be used, please bring to

main office by that date also. If you would prefer not receiving the Focus in the mail, please let

Marj Haney know at [email protected].

Page 2

Happening this Month


held under plantation-style slavery until he fled in the 1960's. He suffered homelessness for an additional 18 years before the wife of the other co-author, an art deal-er accustomed to privilege, intervened. Please read the book and join us in the conference room at 6:30, Mon-day, April 8.

The Kids In Tow April event will be the United Methodist Women’s presentation of the Village Puppeteers on Friday, April 26th at 7:00 pm. More information about this event is on page 10 of this Focus. Please see the Welcome Center and bulletin boards for

the complete year’s schedule and contact information.

The Meet-n-Eat Singles group will gather at the Trestle Stop at the southern edge of Hamilton along MI-40, Thursday, April 25 at 6 p.m. We’ll carpool from the church parking lot at 5:15 p.m. Reservations are due to David Newton by calling him at 396-5205 or

[email protected], by April 24. Anyone is welcome to attend the time of fellowship and food.

STEPHEN MINISTRY – A Personal Survey

“Christ Caring For People Through People

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved

you.” -John 15:12

Answer each question by circling the percentage you think is closest to reality. What percent of this congre-gation:

1. Knows what Stephen Ministry is, how it works, and knows some of the types of needs for which Stephen Ministers can provide care?

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

2. Knows how to obtain the care of a Stephen Minis-ter?

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

3. Believes that all Christians are gifted for and called to the ministry of Christian care in some capacity?

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

The purpose of this little questionnaire was to get you thinking: Do you know what Stephen Ministry is? Do we understand that we all have a responsibility to be a part of the total caring ministry of our church? Do we see Stephen Ministry as one piece of this overall plan for caring ministry?

Are you being called to be a Stephen Minister? For more info, or suggestions on reaching people, call Sha-ron Rocker (392-1966), Ann Nieuwkoop (405-0701), or Pastor Lynn (396-5205)

Page 3: April 2013 FOCUS

Happy Birthday Wishes! Please be in prayer for these congregation members and friends...

Notes of appreciation received since

the last Focus:

Dawn Clapp wrote: Dear FUMC family and staff-Thank you for the get well card and words of encouragement. May God bless all of you and keep you all safe and healthy.

Nita White wrote: Dear church family-Thank you so much for the cards, calls, hugs and good wishes for my birthday. Its’ great to be part of this church family.

Elaine and Max Doolittle wrote: Max and I have been touched in so many ways these past months by all of your caring. There have been cards, notes, calls, flowers, visits, food and many prayers. Each of these has served to remind us how blessed we are. We have

experienced Jesus’ love in so many way. You are spe-cial and God once again reminds us of it!

A PRI L 20 13 Page 3

Caring Ministry

Sharon Rocker, Director of Visitation Ministry (ext. 13)

These friends are celebrating at least their 85th birth-day this month. Please extend your well wishes!


17 Judge Wendell A. Miles 3604 Fulton St. E Apt. 244 Grand Rapids MI 49546

Mary-Jo Delany; Edith Fincher; Jan Hann; Cindy Helder; Dave and Dorothea John; Jeff Robinson; Kathy Everse, all those having medical testing, all those experiencing depression or other traumas during this dreary winter season.


Is your family looking for a mini-ministry opportunity? Are you part of a small group - or band of friends - who would be willing to do something that would benefit an un-known neighbor? Then consider adopting one of the three Red Cross blood drives, hosted by our church on Sundays. For example, the Andy Kenyon family has helped set up for our winter blood drive for the past three years. Lee Voigt has done the same service for the fall drive for at least two years. Now we would like to find a family or a group to take on a drive - either by doing things themselves or gathering others (like Amy Abel, who has worked the refreshment table at several blood drives). Basically only two volunteers need to be on hand at one time. The next blood drive at our church will be in the fall (Hope Church does two during the summer). So if you, or your family, or your band of buddies, would be interested in doing a good deed, consider adopting a Red Cross blood drive by contacting Tim Haney at [email protected]

We would like to start a church-wide prayer group to pray for our church world-wide and God’s work among all peoples. We are planning on the first Tuesday of each month. Time will be determined by those who participate. We will start the first Tuesday of May and be in the Care Ministry office. Call Sharon Rocker at 392-1966, if you are interested.

Plan on joining us for a “Summer Reading for the Spirit” book group. They will meet the second Monday of June, July and August from 6:30-7:30 in the church lounge. Our reading will be devoted to spiritual matters. Materials will be available for June soon. Call Sharon Rocker at 392-1966 for more information.

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Page 4

Nurture Ministry Marj Haney, Director (ext. 15) Heidi De Moss, Director of Adult Ministry


Small Groups

Small Group is a commitment that will bring you closer to God, grow your understanding of various Christian topics and the Christian faith itself, and bring you into deeper fellowship with some other Christians who are seeking the same thing. Here is a list of FUMCH’s current Small Groups. Sunday Night Group Sunday Evening Led by Dave Marckini & George Ward Lounge Coffee Klatz & Conversation Monday Morning Led by David Newton Lounge The Searls Group Monday Evening Led by Jim Searls Room 301 at 7:00

The Rocker Group Monday Evening contact Bill & Sharon Rocker (every other week) Young Adult’s Bible Study Tuesday Evening Led by Pastor Lynn Conference Room Tuesday Night Group Tuesday Evening fed by Steve and Sandy Snyder Sr. Snyder home Young Mom’s Bible Study Wednesday Evening Led by Pastor Lynn Conference Room Ladies Only Thursday Morning contact office (every other week) Care Ministry Office

Spark Rotation

For April our theme is Doubting Thomas. We will have a music center this time for something different. The bible refer-ence is John 20:19-31 ~ Jesus gives us peace.

Family Camps

Two opportunities for family camp are being offered this summer. The first will be June 14-16 at TriPonds Campground in Allegan. The cost is $80 for the weekend and we have 14 sites reserved. Please let us know ASAP if you are interested. The first night’s deposit has been paid and needs to be paid back soon. Please see Marj or Tim Haney to sign up.

The second weekend will be Aug. 9-11 at Lakeview Campground north of Grand Rapids on the shores of beautiful Town-line Lake. This is a UM campground and the cost for the weekend is $52. We have 16 sites reserved for that weekend. The first night’s deposit has also been paid for this weekend so please let Marj or Tim Haney you are interested asap to claim your site. Check out all there is to do at this campground at www.lakeviewcamp.org

I still have sites for both weekends but will be returning those unspoken for the TriPonds weekend on April

16. Please claim yours soon!! I can keep the Lakeview weekend open longer...until the first of July.

Summer Camp Time!

Summer camp season will soon be here. Information about all camps that are being offered this summer at a variety of locations around West Michigan is available on the bulletin boards at each main entrance. There are camps for kids who are just finishing 1st grade through those who are graduating from high school, as well as some specialty camps for younger kids and adults. The church will pay for 1/2 of a week of camp for active member’s children - made possible by your generous donations to the $10 for 10 cam-paign. Please be aware that all registration now takes place online at www.westmichiganconference.org Just click on the camping tab at the top and follow the directions. You will be given a user name and password that will be good for every year your child can go to camp, so all your information will be there. Once you are registered, you need to

let me know so I can be sure Liz sends in your scholarship. The checks will be sent directly from Liz to the Con-

ference Center or Lake Louise for our share of your cost, you just need to make sure your part is paid by May


Hope you will consider this wonderful opportunity for the children in your life, even grandkids would like a week at camp!

Page 5: April 2013 FOCUS

Adult Jubilant Journey Opportunities

What is Eastertide?

Eastertide, or Easter season is The Great Fifty Days. What we celebrate is way too big to be contained in just one day, so we take fifty. We begin with Easter Sunday and end with Pentecost, which is actually the last day of East-ertide. That is eight Sundays. Just as Lent was traditionally a time for repentance and preparing for our new life in Christ, The Easter season is the time to celebrate that. The resurrection shows and offers us a new kind and quali-ty of life. The wonder of Peter at the tomb is ours as well. We find ourselves in amazement, some for the first time, and some yet again, that such a life could be offered to us by Grace.

How about Pentecost?

Pentecost is the day that we remember the coming of God’s Spirit to God’s Church. The sparking of this new movement called Christianity. It is the day we celebrate our birthday as God’s body universal. We remember that we want the Sprit to wash us with grace. We want the Spirit to give us the fire and passion which moves us forward. We want the Spirit’s wind to blow over us, filling our sails and letting us strive forward. Pentecost is the day we remember, and look with vision to where the Spirit will lead.

A PRI L 20 13 Page 5

Ongoing Classes on Sunday Morning


Spiritual Parenting: Raising Kids in a Christian Con-

text Jean Russner, MA, LLP, MSA and Rev. Jan Lancaster,

BS, RN, presentors Will meet in the Lounge

April 14 Compliance to authority

"We had human parents to discipline us, and we respected

them." - Hebrews 12:9a.

-- includes tantrums to teenage rebellion

April 21 Starting mature behaviors and stopping unwanted


"Train children in the right way, and when they are old they

will not stray." - Proverbs 22:6.

-- how to get them to do what you want and stop doing what

you don't want.

April 28 Conflict management between kids & staying


"Let no foul or polluting language, nore evil word, nor un-

wholesome or worthless talk come out of your mouth; but

only such speech as is good and beneficial to the spiritual

progress of others, as is fitting to the need and the occasion,

that it ay be a blessing and give grace to those who hear it." -

Ephesians 4:29, Amplified.

-- how to deal with bickering and fighting, teaching your kids

how to handle peer interpersonal relationships, and how not

to be a "helicopter parent."

May 5 Raising spiritual children & Answering your

parenting questions

"For you are my hope, O Lord God; I have had faith in you

since the time I was young." - Psalms 71:5.

-- an open forum to address your concerns, plus home rituals

and ways to teach your kids how to be closer to Christ.

Please join Jean and Pastor Jan for a give-and-take class on

how to raise good kids.

FaithLinks Class Where : Filling Station contact Peg Minert

UMC FaithLinks material Leadership will be provided by FaithLinks members. Apr. 7, 14, 21, 28 ~ Class discussion based upon UMC materials and Bible readings.

Pastor Lynn’s Class Where : Conference Room led by Pastor Lynn

Sermon based Discussions Apr. 7 ~ Welcoming the Stranger/Welcoming Jesus

Luke 24:13-35 Apr. 14 ~ Try the Other Side John 21:1-14 Apr. 21 ~ A Passion for People in Need Acts 9 : 36-43 Apr. 28 ~ Saints and Zombies John 24: 24-31

Fellowship Space Coffee and Conversation Where : East end of Fellowship Hall

What : A time to gather and visit with each other, or just relax and refresh. Copies of the newspaper are present, as well as coffee, tea, and often some light refreshments.

Looking for something new?

A Novel Idea Where : Lounge hosted by Lisa Snyder

When : Wednesday evenings 6:30 to 8:30

What : A different kind of book club. A time to gather, visit, and relax as a book is read aloud. Maybe you choose to be one of the readers, or just listen. Feel free to draw, knit, cro-chet, or do some other type of handwork as you listen.

Beginning : Wednesday, April 10th. Childcare could be provided if needed, please let Heidi know by April 3 if you need childcare.

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Outreach Ministry Tracy Garrett, Director (ext. 11)


Community Action House

As always we accept donations of non-perishable food items, household cleaning,

and hygiene products for the emergency pantries of Com-munity Action House. Your donation may be brought to the church anytime and placed in the baskets at both main entry doors.

Styrofoam Recycling

We will be collecting Styrofoam on the third Sunday of each month. All items must be clean!

Please, do not to bring items during the week - we have no place to store it.

If you would like to help with this effort please contact Dave Marckini ([email protected]).

Have you ever found something floating in your glass of water? It’s enough to make you sick…

Thankfully, sickness from dirty water is not a common threat in our area. However, more than 3.5 million people die each year

from waterborne illnesses - that’s about as many people as the state of Oregon. Across Southeast Asia, simple sand filters are made from local sources to trap 98.5% of pollu-tion, make water safer to drink. CROP Walk helps by rais-ing funds for water filters and other nutrition and feeding programs. You can help by walking with us on April 27 or 28 - sign up in Fellowship Hall after worship services on Sundays or in the church office during the week.

Bread Pan Offering on Sunday, April 14, will support Adult Mission Trips from our church.

Funds raised through this special offering will provide pro-ject funds (for materials and supplies) and trip scholarships (if needed) for our many adult mission projects of 2013. Mission projects benefit those we serve both physically and spiritually. Mission projects benefit those we send through spiritual growth. Mission projects benefit our congregation through passion, sharing, and spiritual renewal. Our mission opportunities for adults include: Lake Louise trips in the spring and fall to help with camp maintenance and improvements. A House Painting Party in the warmer part of spring - this will be a local project that you can par-ticipate in for a day or part of a day. Guatemala mission trip toward the end of August (details coming soon). And pos-sibly a Volunteers in Mission trip for Hurricane Sandy re-covery and construction - this trip is dependent on an open invitation from VIM for lay teams. Details of these mission opportunities will be advertised in future bulletins and newsletters - please keep watching.

Please prayerfully consider sharing your financial blessings on April 14.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You have generously supported our special offerings in February.

Communion Offering (March 3) in support of Haiti Hot Lunch (an ongoing feeding program of Michigan Area UMCs), your gifts totaled $342.36.

Bread Pan Offering (March 17) in support of our local Ste-phen Ministry program, your gifts totaled $1,216.50 (as of March 18).

Your help is needed! For years our church has provided meals to tourists at Tulip Time which is the second week of May this year. Already we have many reservations, and will be receiving more. We also serve Dutch food in the Civic Center at the Marktplaats (Marketplace) food court. Last year the profit from these combined efforts provided nearly $10,000 for mission projects. Since Hope College is not providing meals to tourists because of construction projects, we have the opportunity to serve even more visitors who want to experience authentic Dutch cuisine. If you can help for just a few hours at church--in the kitchen, dining room--or at Marktplaats, please contact us. No special skills are needed. We will be glad to answer your questions. Call Phyllis Boal, 399-0273, Susan Kuite Smith, 836-2184, or Linda DenUyl, 269 561-2840, to help in the kitchen/dining room or Dorothy Chamness, 396-3292 to help at Marktplaats. Thank you!

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A PRI L 20 13 Page 7

Please note: The local

UMC portion of

funding includes both

FUMC Holland and

Grand Rapids First


Holland’s contribu-

tion to JFON comes

from individual do-

nors and one volun-

tary Bread Pan Offer-

ing. No significant

funding comes from

our general operating

budget. Only $125.00

per year is directed to

JFON through our

Outreach budget –

this covers the cost of

copies and printing at

Holland clinics.

Here are some questions that you may wonder about

the JFON ministry:

How many Justice for our Neighbors clinics are there

and where are they located?

Currently, JFON has 32 nationwide clinics in 13 states. Michigan is home to five (5) JFON sites with pres-ence in each conferences, Detroit and West Michigan. In West Michigan there is Grand Rapids and Holland, a satellite clinic, with Traverse City pending as a new satellite clinic.

Other sites include:

How is JFON funded? See chart below

When was JFON founded? The JFON program was ini-tiated by the General Board of Church and Society in 1999. It has helped serve thousands of immigrants and is spon-sored by the United Methodist Committee on Relief

(UMCOR) and now has a new National JFON board.

What types of services does JFON provide? JFON has served over 1,500 clients from 60 nations in 8 years of ser-vice. In 2012, we served over 300 new clients by providing one-time consultations and accepting many for on-going rep-resentation.

JFON rescued immigrant women and their children from abusive relationships by preparing “Violence Against Women Act” applications;

JFON combated human trafficking and helped immigrant victims of crime;

JFON supported unaccompanied minor children and orphans by representing them in court and making multiple filings to complete their Special Immigrant Juvenile applications;

JFON prepared green card applications for 99 reset-tled refugees through a new multi-agency collaboration;

JFON prepared 57 applications for US Citizenship;

JFON advocates for immigrants on issues of social justice and works to make our communities more welcoming to all immigrants by speaking at community and church events.

Arkansas (3 clinics) Nebraska (2 clinics)

Baltimore/Washington DC (3


New York (3 clinics)

California (1 clinic) North Carolina (1 clinic)

Florida (3 clinics) Tennessee (1 clinic)

Northern Illinois (2 clinics) Texas (5 clinics)

Iowa (3 clinics)

UMC District / Conference, $34,268.00

Cost Recovery, $1,900.00

Foundation Grants,


Local UMC Church*,


Private Donations, $13,950.00

Honorariums, $320.00

Fundraising Event,


National JFON Grant, $15,000.00

West Michigan JFON Income Summary - 2012

*No funds were provided from Holland First UMC General Funds

Page 8: April 2013 FOCUS

United Methodist Women Finance Update Liz Travis, Treasurer (ext. 12)

Page 8 F OCUS

Witness and Invitational Ministry Liz Travis, Director (ext. 12)

Laura and Charles (Chuck) Beasley are coming to us from King of Glory, Lu-theran Church-ELCA, Loveland, Colora-do. They have two sons. The older one,

Charles, a 9th grader at Zeeland East, is transferring to us from the Lutheran Church of Hope, Broomfield, Colora-do. Charles plays football, likes to snowboard, and play games on his Xbox. Their younger son, Isaac, is a 7th grad-er at Zeeland Cityside Middle. Laura is a RN case manager with Hospice of Holland and previously was an operating room RN. She has her BA in nursing from College of St. Scholastica. Laura enjoys downhill skiing, hiking, walking, swimming, and scrap booking. Chuck is an Product Design Engineer at Disher Design in Zeeland and has a Bachelor of Applied Science in Industrial Technology from the Univer-sity of Minnesota Duluth, Chuck’s hobbies are fishing, hunting, hockey, and enjoys snowmobiling and mission trips. Chuck and Charles already plan to go on the South Dakota mission trip. Their fellowship friends are Kevin and Tracy Virta. Welcome to the whole family!

Christin (Christy) Conway is transferring from Hope Church and was previously a member here at Holland FUMC. She is a teacher at Holland Heights School, our Kids Hope partner school. Christy has a masters in Ele-mentary Education and enjoys reading, knitting, and out-door activities. We welcome Christy back to our congrega-tion! Her fellowship friend is Robin Williams-Voigt.

Joseph (Joe), Mary-Jo, Chelsea, and Sarah DeLany are trans-ferring to us from Holt UMC and formally were members here at Holland FUMC. Their youngest daughter, Valerie, is in the 8th grade confirmation class. Joe is presently unem-

ployed but previously was a network administrator. His in-terests are computers, catering, reading, and Bible study. Mary-Jo has a BA teaching degree and two years of seminary. Her hobbies are sewing and crafting. Chelsea is a high school graduate and enjoys reading and writing. Sarah’s interests are reading, writing, research, and childcare and she also is a high school graduate. The family lives in Hudson-ville and are caring for Mary-Jo’s brother, Jon Knoll, who is a member of FUMC. Their fellowship friends are Jeff and Heidi DeMoss. Welcome back!

Steve VanBragt is joining by profession of faith but Steve was baptized here and grew up at FUMC. He is a high school graduate and has training in the building trades. He is searching for a job. His hobbies are woodworking and model building. Longtime members will remember his family/friends, Charlie & Mary Pardue, Mary & Steve Roberts, and Jim & Liz Roberts. Steve’s fellowship friends are Rock and Julia Colingsworth. Happy to have you join!

Carl and Georgianne (Gigi) Virta are the parents of four adult children including our Kevin Virta. They are joining by profession of faith. Carl is a retired manufacturing man-ager and enjoys golf, fishing, and his grandchildren. Gigi’s interests are golf and traveling. She is a realtor with C.B. Woodland Schmidt on 16th Street. We welcome them and Carol and Bill Mungall are their fellowship friends.

The next new member class cycle will be April 14,

May 5 and June 2 on Sunday evenings from 6-7:30 in

the Conference Room. Those choosing to do so will

join on June 16. For more information about this,

please see Liz Travis.

Service Group for April is Hope Circle

April Calendar:

4 6:30 p.m. Exec. Board

10 12 noon, Hope Circle in the Lounge

11 9:30 a.m., Shalom Circle in the Lounge and at 1p.m. Joy Circle in the Lounge

13 8:30 a.m. to about 1p.m. Brownies and Buttercake for Tulip Time

15 7p.m., Bazaar Meeting

16 Set up for Pig in Blankets workshop

17 8a.m. - 4pm Pig making workshop, come one, come all!

26 7p.m. Family night pro-gram and ice cream, Fun for all (see article on back page for more information)

At the end of February the Capital Reserve account totaled $57,066 which is almost 10% of our budget.

The UMW was paid back for half of the kitchen freezer cost in Feb. (Church Council in 2012 had voted to split the cost with UMW).

The commercial loan on the 10th St. properties principal balance is $33,632 .

Page 9: April 2013 FOCUS

For times and locations of events and meetings each week, refer to the calendar available at our website,

www.fumcholland.org on the right hand side of the page. Staff can be reached via the website by clicking on Contact

Us at the top. Check out our website!

Youth Ministry

LuAnne Stanley Hook, Director (ext. 19)

A PRI L 20 13 Page 9

Schedule of Events

April 9 FUN School board 7:00 PM

April 9 Staff Parish 7:30 PM

April 15 Trustees 7:00 PM

April 16 Finance 7:00 PM

April 18 SM Supervision 7:00 PM

April 19 JFON Clinic 8:00 AM

April 23 Church Council 7:00 PM

April 30 FUN School board 7:00 PM

Each week:

Tuesday noon: Senior Meal

Thursday 7:00: Volleyball

THANK YOU to all who supported our $10 for 10 cam-paign with donations totaling over $10,500! All of the youth and leaders are so grateful to be a part of a GIVING con-gregation! Each child and youth who wants to attend church camp and mission trips can have some help doing so, thanks to you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

All children and youth who have completed kindergarten and up are encouraged to sign up for church camp. FUMC will pay for half of the cost. Please let LuAnne Stanley Hook or Marj Haney know if your child is planning on go-ing to camp in order to get the scholarship. Camp registra-tions need to be in and paid for by May 15, so don’t delay! Thanks to our $10 for 10 donors once again for this oppor-tunity!

This past month we have been busy finishing up with $10 for 10 and hosting the dinner, planning and carrying out Youth Sunday, as well as hosting some of the youth from Valley Church in Allendale for a fun night of “gross, green games” for St. Patrick’s Day. It was a whirlwind month, and we had lots of fun!

Here’s what’s happening in the weeks ahead:

Sunday, March 31 and Sunday, April 7: EASTER and Spring Break—no youth group

Sunday, April 14: Youth group, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Sunday, April 21: Youth Group, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Senior highs to head over to the Family Hope Center to host a party after dinner. Don’t be late!

Sunday, April 28: CONFIRMATION SUNDAY, during second service.

Youth Group, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Middle schoolers, bring gloves and dress to be outside and get dirty, working in the Community Garden.

Sunday, May 5: Youth Group Taste of Tulip Time, 5:00-7:30 p.m. Bring $10-$20 to walk around to the Tulip Time ven-dors and eat junk food! This will be our dinner that night. Money-saving tip: bring a water bottle to save money on a drink!

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April 2013

Page 10: April 2013 FOCUS

Pastor Rev. J. Lynn


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Highlights for the Month

Phone: 616-396-5205

April 2013

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Come to the Village Puppeteers presentation on Friday, April 26th beginning at 7:00 p.m. here at the church. No reservations are needed and the suggested donation per family is $5.00.

This is a special event sponsored by the United Methodist Women for all ages. A portable theater will be set up in Fellowship Hall. The Village Puppeteers

have been bringing their brand of puppetry to West Michigan for over five years. They are originally from Chicago, designers, creators, and performers, Mike Schwabe and Larry Basgall are award winning artists and have worked in the field of puppetry since the 1970s. They recently filmed Walt Disney's Bunnytown current-ly playing on Playhouse Disney.

You will see classic fairytales in a comical romp called Lost in Storyland. This family friendly event features kooky characters brought to life including Puss ’n Boots, the Three Little Pigs, Rumpelstiltskin, Rapunzel, Humpty Dumpty, Little Miss Muffett, the Itsy-Bitsy Spider and others to delight audiences of all ages.

Following this play, the children will have an opportunity to make their own puppet to take home. The usual ice cream sundaes will also be available. Hope to see you and your family there!