april 22 2015

Rup,r4hte,4t4d S6rr4e SCHOOL V Kr,naRailrnui 0 War/ti Donnelly Street Waihi Ph 078638693 Fax 07 8638671 Cell 021 02584817 Emai I [email protected]. nz www.wai hieast.school. nz Principal: Emily Hargreaves \|I IMPORTANT DATES: 23 April: 24 April: 27 April: 29 April: 30 April: 1 May: 6 May: 20 May: 22 May: 27 May: 28 May: L June: 26 June: Photolife Photos-Class & lndividual. Waihi Family Doctors -Flu shotsin Hall. Bible in Schhols starts. Anzac DayObserved. DuffyTheatreVisiting. BOTmeeting. Hearing & Vision testing at school. Term 3 Ballot closes. East Cross Country. School mufti day run by year 6 studentcouncil. WaihiSchools Cluster Cross Country. Keeping Ourselves Safe Parent meeting 3.15pmin Hall. Queen's Birthday. School closed. Tapuwae tournament. VaaeuT &Taattttn*lta<atllaazaznaz*z & 1a,:uaruel?alou4rz & eurt4deo4ntzotl &?//4,ttaolR.4ti.4/z? &TdhfkqlRa.Vzzl gn Sdl, 0t/oz4&fuapat.

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Waihi East Primary School newsletter term 2 week 1 2015.


Rup,r4hte,4t4d S6rr4e

SCHOOLV Kr,na Railrnui 0 War/tiDonnelly StreetWaihi

Ph 078638693Fax 07 863 8671Cell 021 0258 4817Emai I [email protected]. nzwww.wai hieast.school. nzPrincipal: Emily Hargreaves

\ | I


24 April:

27 April:

29 Apr i l :

30 Apri l :

1 May:

6 May:

20 May:

22 May:

27 May:

28 May:

L J u n e :

26 June:

Photol i fe Photos-Class & lndividual.

Waihi Family Doctors -Flu shots in Hall .

Bible in Schhols starts.

Anzac Day Observed.

Duffy Theatre Visiting.

BOT meeting.

Hearing & Vision test ing at school.

Term 3 Ballot closes.

East Cross Country.

School muft i day run by year 6 student counci l .

Waihi Schools Cluster Cross Country.

Keeping Ourselves Safe Parent meeting 3.15pm in Hall .

Queen's Birthday. School closed.

Tapuwae tournament.

VaaeuT &Taattttn*lta<atllaazaznaz*z & 1a,:uaruel?alou4rz & eurt4deo4ntzotl &?//4,ttaolR.4ti.4/z? &TdhfkqlRa.Vzzl gn Sdl, 0t/oz4 &fuapat.

School Notices

SOCCER Years 1-4 started yesterday at Beach School. There was a wonderful turnout of over 120 students participating. This runs every Tuesday, starting at 3.30pm. A huge thank you to those teachers and parents who are coaching, assisting, supporting and transporting our students. Year 5/6 soccer starts this Friday at Waihi College at 3.30pm. $5 per person—please pay the office. Boots/shoes to be worn. Draw for this Friday: 3.30PM East Blue vs Central 2 Field 4 3.30PM East Yellow vs Central 3 Field 5 4.15PM East Yellow vs East Blue Field 1


Saturday Netball kicks off NEXT Saturday, 2nd May with an opening and grading day starting at 9am. Each team will have 3 games on this day. Fees for the season are as follows: Year 3/4 Teams $30 per player Year 5/6 Teams $48 per player Please pay these to the school office. If you have a school account we are happy for you put these fees on your account and pay them off. Tara would like to run 2 lunchtime practices for East Shooting Stars next week on Tuesday and Friday. Please remember your shoes. There will be no lunchtime practice for the Shoot-ing Stars this week.


Kia ora,

Welcome back to school. We are all bright eyed and bushy tailed after a lovely break. I hope you enjoyed this

special time with your whanau and are ready for the excitement term two has to offer your tamariki. A huge welcome back

to our beautiful Maren Johansen. We missed you! Welcome to Katie Sinnott who is teaching in Room 9 this term. The

Board aims to appoint a Deputy Principal in the near future. A huge thank you to Phil Gurnick who has taken on Deputy

Principal responsibilities this term. We appreciate you stepping into this role.

‘I am Unique’ is the over arching topic for this term. It is a time to further enrich our knowledge of the ANZAC

troups, our whanau links and celebrations, and matariki. Our stunning team of teachers have planned yet another

outstanding term. Please make sure you join in the activities on offer.

This weekend is the 100 year anniversary of ANZAC Day. This is a hugely important anniversary, one that is the

focus in all classes. Our kura has been invited to lay a wreath and take part in the ANZAC Service. Robin Douglas is leading

our schools participation. If you and your whanau would like to join him this Saturday, please meet at the Waihi RSA at

10.30am (tamariki in school uniform please). A little reminder that Monday is a holiday, school will be closed.

Our new format of Bible In School starts this week– Friday lunch times. If your child would like to participate,

please let Sharon in the office know. Only those children with parental permission will attend.

Electives for Years 3-6 start this week. My thanks to the many parents who are running an elective. You are helping

to excite and engage our tamariki.

Our website is an amazing site with all newsletters and up-coming events. Please have a browse, it is amazing what

information you will find on this. Our thanks to Robbie McGougan for keeping our site fresh and relevant.

A massive thank you to our Breakfast Club parents. Thank you for making sure we all have a full puku, leading to a

great start to the day. We are looking for a Friday morning helper. If that is you, please let us know!

Nga mihi nui,

Emily ([email protected])


We will be holding a Onesie (or PJ’s if you don’t own a onesie) mufti day next Friday 1st May. All money raised will go to the Waihi RSA. Gold coin donation per student please. Thanks to Greta Spicer for bringing this idea to us.


We are now in training mode for our annual school and cluster cross country. Our school date is the 20th of May with the clus-ter event following on the 27th May. As always, your help is appreciated.


We have been gifted 2 x free entries to the 5km run/walk cate-gory of the up-coming Nugget event. Students, please come to the office if you are interested in receiving one of these.


We would like to welcome Levi W and Leah K to our school. We know they will enjoy their time at Waihi East School.


The Waihi East School Pool is now closed. To ensure pool is open to whanau again next season, please return all keys to the office.


Just a reminder, Photolife will be taking school photos tomorrow (Thursday).

KEEPING OURSELVES SAFE This term ‘Keeping Ourselves Safe’ will be part of our pro-gramme in weeks 7,8 and 9. Please read the information en-closed. We encourage you to attend the parent information afternoon with Constable Brett Otto on 28th of May, 3.15pm in the hall.

SCHOOL CONTACTS P : 863 8693 M : 021 0258 4817 F : 863 8671 E : [email protected]

Visit our school’s new website www.waihieast.school.nz


Yesterday at 10 o’clock we went swimming. It was

warmer than my spa. I went swimming with my friends

Tiare and Sabine. I stayed in the pool the whole entire

time we went swimming for. I have never done that be-

fore. The pool was so, so refreshing.

Alyssa M, Rm 9, 8 yrs

Last night I went for a bike ride up a hill. It was hard to get up because I had no gears so I had to walk my bike up. When I was done I hopped on my bike. Then I saw some horse riders. One horse was brown and one was black. Then I saw a police car looking—I had a helmet. I biked all the way home. Tyler T, Rm 9, 8yrs This is about Fiji. Hi, my name is Samson and I am from Fiji. It is so hot and it is so sunny at the same time but when you get in the water it is so refreshing. There is no spring or winter. When I go to town you see the new food and some other food called breadfruit and man-goes. Samson P, Rm 9, 9yrs My GOLD challenge I heard drills drumming I saw the ground shaking I saw dirt and light I felt scared I wondered how the diggers got out from underground. Moana-Lee A, Rm 5, 6yrs

Community Notices EAR CLINIC

The Ear Clinic will be outside Central School on the following dates this term: Thursday 7 May 9.30am-2pm Wednesday 3 June 9.30am-2pm Friday 3 July 9.30am-2pm


Entertainment Books will be here to purchase from April 29th. The cost is $60 per book and of this, our school will receive $12 for every book sold.


Saturday night skating at the Waihi Events Centre is back on. Satur-days from 6—8 PM. $5 entry fee (includes skate hire –adult specta-tors free) Drinks etc. for sale.


The Waihi Miners Inline Hockey Club will be starting the Mighty Pucks Learn to Skate programme this Term starting today and will be running through Term 2, Term 3 and Term 4. The cost is $20 per person, per term (there is no age limit to Mighty Pucks). The Waihi Miners Inline Hockey Club will provide all participants the necessary Skating gear for each session. Everyone is to bring their own hel-met, water bottle and any gear that they may have. Fun for all ages and abilities. Registration taken on the day at the Waihi Events Centre. Doors open at 3.30pm and lesson starts at 4pm until 5pm.


Primary aged children only. Waihi College Gymnasium. Free session to ‘have a go’ and gain info about Kiwi Gym Fun. Register on the day for the 10 week term. $50 fees to be paid by week 4. For more info: [email protected] or Tracey F 0272897799 or Shar K 021 902 797.

SQUASH CLUB NIGHTS Come along and join us at the Waihi Squash Club. Starting this Fri-day 24th April from 6pm onwards. $3 per night for non members. Everyone welcome. For more info: Kaylea 022 340 1139 or Kathy 021 599 637.

JUNIOR SURVIVOR The Junior Survivor Challenge is a fun adventure event designed for children aged up to 13 yrs taking place on Sunday 10th May 2015. Starting at the Waihi Rugby Grounds the event is a FUN RUN inter-spersed with a range of exciting obstacles designed to show kids how much fun it is to be outside and active. No special equipment or athletic skills are required, just a sense of fun and adventure. Registrations from 9.15am. Race stars at 10am. Entry is $20 for an individual or $50 for a family. Pre-entries receive a t-shirt and the chance to win awesome spot prizes on the day! Categories: Under 5– free if accompanied by an adult. 5-7 yrs 8-10 yrs 11-13 yrs How to enter: Registrations prior to race day are preferred (and will get a free t-shirt). Fill in the registration form (available from the East School office) and drop it back to school or to the Waihi Accounting office in Seddon Street. Cheques made payable to Sport n Action Trust. Registrations will also be open on race day from 9.15am at Waihi Rugby grounds. For more info call Pauline 863 7295 or 021

VKtou Rda'lti 0 ?/dili

I.URIHI €RST SCHOOL?j.lo, .///oatEST. t907

Donnelly StreetWaihi

Ph: 07 863 8693 Email: [email protected]: 07 863 8671 Web: www.waihieast.school.nz

22 April,2015

Dear Whanau,

During weeks 7, 8 and 9 we will be teaching the following units as part of the personal safety programme KeepingOurse/ves Safe:

o Getting Help : Te WhiwhiAwhina with Years 4-6


Knowing What To Do: Me Mohio Kia Pehea with Years 1-3

Keeping Ourselves Safe has been designed to give students the skills to cope in situations involving abuse. lt hasthree overall aims:

1. To develop and strengthen children's skills to keep themselves safe with other people;

2. To support and encourage abused children to get help from caring adults;

3. To make teachers and parents/caregivers more aware of the need to keep children safe from abuse byadults or other children.

These programmes will be taught by your child's teacher, with support from Brett Otto, our local Police EducationOfficer.

To be successful, Keeping Ourse/ves Safe needs your help and support. Your child will have Home BookActivities to work on with you.

It is important that you participate as much as possible and talk to your child about what they have been learning.This will help reinforce the messages the school is giving, and help your child to use his or her new skills withconfidence.

A parent and caregiver meeting will be held as follows:

Date: Thursday 28 May

T i m e : 3 . 1 S p m

Venue: Waihi East School Hall

Please contact the school if you would like any more information about the programme or about child abuse.

Return Sf ip Keeping Ourselves Safe ParenUcaregiver Meeting

Child 's Name:

Yes, we will be coming to the meeting.

No, we are unable to come to the meeting.

Number attending:

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