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5/2012 APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR ® Checkup Participating Contractor Name and Logo Use Agreement and Guidelines

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APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Checkup Participating ContractorName and Logo Use Agreement and Guidelines


Overview The APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Checkup program provides resources for Contractors to differentiate themselves in a competitive marketplace. It offers the value of APS marketing and advertising support. The APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Participating Contractor name and logo are intended for use only by general Contractors who have met the qualifications listed below and are in good standing with the APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Program.

•HavecompletedtheAPSHomePerformancewithENERGYSTAR application and been approved by FSL Home Improvements for the APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR program



Process Summary for using the APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® logo and name: 1 Become an approved Contractor

2 Sign the logo/name use agreement form

3 APS will send you the approved logos

4 All materials using the name or logo must be sent to APS for approval

5 Once approved, you are free to distribute

Termination ClauseThe Home Performance with ENERGY STAR program is subject to change due to Arizona Corporation

Commission or other regulatory agency orders or requirements. As such, APS reserves the right to

change or terminate the Home Performance Participating Contractor Co-op program. Upon notification

you are required to change or discontinue the logo use and name, as directed by APS.



Program NameHome Performance with ENERGY STAR® is a registered trademark with the Environmental Protection

Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). This name and logo is strictly regulated

by the EPA/DOE and, as such, it is essential that this name and logo is used in accordance with the

ENERGY STAR logo guidelines. When used in advertising, it is essential that the complete program

name be used as follows:

• Program Name—APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR

• Approved Contractor Designation—APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR

Participating Contractor

• The first time the program name is used, a registered trademark sign must appear directly



In all advertising, collateral and promotions, the full program name and Contractor name must be used

and the attached logo guidelines must be strictly adhered to in order to remain in good standing with

the APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Participating Contractor program. It is required, in all

instances where the name/logo will be used, that the materials must be pre-approved by APS before

any materials may be distributed. Misuse of the names or logos will disqualify you from the program

and may revoke your ability to participate in the participating Contractor program.

EligibleUsesfortheName/Logo (Note: Requires pre-approval by APS)

• Direct mail (within APS territory)

• Coupon mailers (e.g. ValPak, Money Mailer, etc. in APS territory)

• Door hangers (in APS territory)

• Print advertising (newspapers and magazines circulated in APS territory)

• Broadcast advertising

• Websites

• Collateral materials

• Event materials


• Yellow pages advertising

• Business cards

• Promotional giveaways (swag)

• Wearables (e.g. uniforms, jackets, hats)

• Fleet signage (cars, trucks)

• Building signage

• Billboards

• Direct Mail, coupon packs and door hangers outside of APS service territory

• Projects not receiving pre-approval from APS


APS Marketing Support

• APS will occasionally promote APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Participating Contractors

in its customer newsletters, bill inserts, advertising and promotional activities.

• APS collateral materials are available for use by APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR

Participating Contractors. These materials may not be modified or changed by Contractors.

APS Approved Messages

The following message points have been approved for use in promoting APS Home Performance

with ENERGY STAR Checkups and APS Home Performance Participating Contractors:

• With an APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Checkup you can learn how your home wastes

energy and money.

• For just $99, (insert Contractor name) will perform a Home Performance with ENERGY STAR

comprehensive evaluation, using state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment to assess the energy

inefficiencies in your home and provide you with a customized energy report with a list of

improvements that can make your home more comfortable and help you save energy and money.

• (Insert Contractor name) will also install up to one low-flow showerhead, three low-flow faucet

aerators and 10 CFLs.

• (Insert Contractor name) will walk you through the recommendations that make sense for you.

• You could save up to 30% on your energy bill.

• You may be eligible for up to $1,000 in additional APS rebates.

• You’ll learn how to take advantage of valuable APS rebates for energy efficiency improvements.

- Up to $250 for sealing your home’s leaky ducts

- Up to $250 in rebates for sealing air leaks

- Up to $250 in rebates for insulation improvements

- Up to $250 on shade screen installations

- APS rebates of up to $525 for energy-efficient AC equipment

- APS rebates on solar panels and solar water heaters

• Can improve comfort.

• Can reduce hot or cold spots.

• The APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR program has partnered with National Bank of Arizona,

a member of FDIC, to offer low, fixed rate financing for energy saving home improvement projects.

- Start by getting your $99 APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Checkup from a participating

Contractor. Your Contractor will help you make energy efficiency improvements, identify eligible

APS rebates, and apply for financing.

- Once you have had the $99 checkup performed, you may complete your energy-saving home

improvement projects with little to no additional out of pocket cost.

- Get started today! Go to aps.com/financing to qualify and to find a participating Contractor.

• For more information on an APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Checkup visit

aps.com/checkup or call 877 850 8358.

The following disclaimers must be included in all Print, Direct Mail, Door Hangers, Broadcast, Collateral and Web Advertising:


(Note: Minimum point size – 8 point font)

• To participate in the APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR program, you must be an APS

residential customer.

• Participating Contractors are not affiliates or agents of APS. APS assumes no liability for their

product or service.

Program Requirements

Steps to Receive Approval of Marketing Materials1 Submit a draft of your marketing piece for approval along with a completed project form and, where

applicable, estimated number of pieces to be mailed and/or distributed within the APS service territory,

dimensions of piece if using inserts, print publications, broadcast stations or website addresses.

Hard copies can be sent to: Maggie Cocco

APS Marketing

M.S. 8028

400 N. 5th Street

Phoenix, AZ 85004

Or in PDF form by email to: [email protected]

Maggie can be reached directly at 602 250 5444.

2 You will receive approval/denial or edits within 10 business days of submission.

• The APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR

(HPwES) Participating Contractor name and logo

are restricted for use in promoting APS Home

Performance with ENERGY STAR Checkups among

APS customers. Using the name/logo for any other

promotion may disqualify Contractors from the

HPwES program.

• Contractor must be an APS Home Performance with

ENERGY STAR Participating Contractor. APS may

disallow a Contractor to participate in the program

based on complaints registered with the AZROC,

customer complaints, or if the Contractor is not in

good standing with HPwES program requirements.

• All marketing pieces must be pre-approved by APS (including descriptions of APS incentives,

accuracy of production or savings claims and how

APS is represented).

• Creative must prominently feature the contracting company’s name as the primary logo, title, or message. APS or HPwES logos should be secondary

to the Contractor logo, title or message.

• Creative must clearly separate APS from the

Contractor and cannot imply in any way that the

Contractor has a special relationship with APS,

is in partnership with APS or that APS will treat

customers preferentially based on their using

a certain Contractor’s services.

• Each marketing piece using the APS HPwES

participating Contractor logo must be approved.

Approval of one piece does not grant approval to additional pieces.

• APS HPwES participating Contractor logos can only

be used by HPwES participants.

• APS HPwES participating Contractor logo must be in

compliance with APS graphic standards (See page 8)—there must be at least 1/2 inch of white space

around the logo. Only logos provided by APS may

be used in accordance with the APS style guide.

• When marketing the APS Home Performance

with ENERGY STAR checkup or energy audit,

contractors can only promote the audit price of $99.

Advertising of any other audit price is not permitted

without prior written permission from APS.


APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Participating Contractor Agreement Form

ContraCtor InformatIon:



Contact Person:

Phone Number: Website:

ROC Number:

As an approved APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Participating Contractor, you must agree

to abide by the guidelines, terms and conditions set forth in this document, including but not limited to

the following program parameters:

• The APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR

Checkup and APS Home Performance with

ENERGY STAR Participating Contractor name

and logos are restricted for use in promoting

APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR

Checkups among APS customers. Using the

name/logos in any other way will disqualify

Contractors from the program.

• Contractor must be an APS Home Performance

with ENERGY STAR Participating Contractor in

good standing. APS may disallow a Contractor

to participate in the program based on

complaints registered with the AZROC, customer

complaints, or any other basis as determined

by APS.

• Marketing pieces must be pre-approved by

APS (including descriptions of APS program,

accuracy of savings claims and how APS is


• Creative must prominently feature the

contracting company’s name as the primary

logo, title, or message. APS HPwES participating

Contractor logo or HPwES logos should be

secondary to the Contractor logo, title or message.

• Creative must clearly separate APS from the

Contractor and cannot imply in any way that the

Contractor has a special relationship with APS,

is in partnership with APS or that APS will treat

customers preferentially based on their using

a certain Contractor’s services.

• Each marketing piece using the APS HPwES

participating Contractor logo must be approved.

Approval of one piece does not grant approval

to additional pieces.

• Program is only to be made available to APS

residential customers.

• Required disclaimers must be used.

• APS HPwES participating Contractor logo must

be in compliance with APS graphics standard—

there must be at least 1/2 inch of white space

around the logo. Only logos provided by APS may

be used in accordance with the APS style guide.

• The APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR

Participating Contractor name and logos are

only authorized for use by the company name

listed above. Sharing the name or logo with

Contractor or affiliated companies will, at APS’s discretion, result in termination from the program.

• When marketing the APS Home Performance

with ENERGY STAR checkup or energy audit,

contractors can only promote the audit price

of $99. Advertising of any other audit price is

not permitted without prior written permission

from APS.

Name of Company’s Authorized Representative:

Title: Company:

Signature: Date:


APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Participating Contractor Project Approval FormProjeCt InformatIon (each project requires a separate form):

Type of project (please check):

Direct Mail: Mailing quantity Mail Date

Coupon Packs: Mailing quantity Mail Date

Door Hangers: Distribution quantity Distrib. Date

Print Ads, list publications and issue date below (or attach):

Broadcast Ads, list stations and air dates below (or attach):

Collateral Materials, list distribution method below:

Event Materials, list name/description of event and estimated attendance:

Website, list URL(s)

Other, please explain:

• Marketing pieces must be pre-approved by APS (including descriptions of APS program,

accuracy of savings claims and how APS is represented).

• Creative must prominently feature the contracting company’s name as the primary logo, title,

or message. APS HPwES participating Contractor logo should be secondary to the Contractor logo,

title or message.

• Creative must clearly separate APS from the Contractor and cannot imply in any way that the

Contractor has a special relationship with APS, is in partnership with APS or that APS will treat

customers preferentially based on their using a certain Contractor’s services.

• Each marketing piece using the APS HPwES participating Contractor logo must be approved.

Approval of one piece does not grant approval to additional pieces.

• APS HPwES participating Contractor logo must be in compliance with our graphics standard—there

must be at least 1/2 inch of white space around the logo. Only logos provided by APS may be used in

accordance with the APS style guide.

Name: Company:

Signature: Date:

Please submit signed form and copy of marketing piece for review to: By mail: Maggie Cocco, APS Marketing

M.S. 8028, 400 N. 5th St., Phoenix, AZ 85004

By email: [email protected]


The APS Contractor LogoEstablishing a brand presence for APS is critical to the company’s success

in a competitive market. A key part of branding APS Home Performance with

ENERGY STAR® Participating Contractor is developing consistency in the

way the Contractor logo is presented and in the look of all their materials.

The company’s branded look for its communication and advertising program

for the APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Participating Contractor

consists of the following graphic elements:

aPS PartICIPatInG ContraCtor wIth dISClaImer loGo

It is the consistent treatment, positioning and use of these graphic elements

that create the brand personality. Since quality and consistency are the operative

words in creating the proper brand image, we have developed guidelines to be

used by anyone working with the APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR®

Participating Contractor program. The following pages help provide context

for their use when using logos and creating marketing and advertising pieces.


Brand Divider

Logo Sub-logotype


Color The APS logo should be reproduced in CMYK whenever possible. However, when

only PMS printing is available, the colors below should be employed. The APS brand must never be shown in colors other than those specified in this manual, even if they are within the brand color palette.

PMS 166 U

C = 0, M = 64, Y = 100, K = 0

R = 244, G = 123, B = 32

Hex = F47B20

PMS 3005 U

C= 100, M = 34, Y = 0, K = 2

R = 0, G = 129, B = 198

Hex = 001DC6

PMS 362 U

C= 70, M = 0, Y = 100, K = 9

R = 73, G = 169, B = 66

Hex = 49A942

PMS Black U

C= 0, M = 0, Y = 0, K = 100

R = 0, G = 0, B = 0

Hex = 000000

aPS loGo Palette

Clear SpaceA minimum area within and surrounding the

sub-brand logos must be kept clear of any

other typography or graphic elements such as

photographs, illustrations, thematic images and

patterns and the trim edge of a printed piece.

More than the minimum clear space is encouraged

if applications provide the opportunity.

Minimum clear space on all sides is equal to

height of the logotype, regardless of the

language of the tagline. Within the rectangle

so described, all the area is clear space.


APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Participating ContractorHORIZONTAL FORMAT

The APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Participating Contractor logo can be used

as shown for situations where a horizontal logo solution works best in a layout.

CmYK loGo - Preferred

The CMYK logo is the preferred logo and should be

employed on a white or light background.

one-Color loGo

When the logo can’t be produced in color, a one-color

version may be employed.

reverSed loGo

When the background is a color, the reversed logo

should be employed.

CmYK reverSed loGo

When the background is 100% black, the CMYK

reversed logo should be employed.


APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Participating ContractorVERTICAL FORMAT

The APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Participating Contractor logo can be used

as shown for situations where a vertical logo solution works best in a layout.

CmYK loGo - Preferred

The CMYK logo is the preferred logo and should be

employed on a white or light background.

one-Color loGo

When the logo can’t be produced in color, a one-color

version may be employed.

reverSed loGo

When the background is a color, the reversed logo

should be employed.

CmYK reverSed loGo

When the background is 100% black, the CMYK

reversed logo should be employed.


APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Participating Contractor Seal The APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Participating Contractor seal logos are only to be

used by Program-approved APS Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Participating Contractors.

CmYK Seal loGo - Preferred

The CMYK APS Home Performance with ENERGY

STAR® Participating Contractor seal logo shown

to the right is the approved logo. Do not reverse

the logo.

The seal should never be used smaller than 1.25" tall.

one-Color Seal loGo

The one-color APS Home Performance with ENERGY

STAR® Participating Contractor seal logo shown

to the right is the approved logo. Do not reverse

the logo.

The seal should never be used smaller than 1.25" tall.