aradhana year 02 issue 04 2013 jul aug online

Rikhiapeeth, Rikhia, Deoghar, Jharkhand, India

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Rikhiapeeth, Rikhia, Deoghar, Jharkhand, India

Page 2: Aradhana Year 02 Issue 04 2013 Jul Aug Online

Printed by: Swami Gyantara Saraswati, Rikhiapeeth, P.O. Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar, Jharkhand – 814113

Published by: Swami Gyantara Saraswati, Rikhiapeeth, P.O. Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar, Jharkhand – 814113

Owned by: Rikhiapeeth Public Charitable Society, P.O. Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar, Jharkhand – 814113

Printed at: CDC Printers Pvt. Ltd., Tangra Industrial Estate-II, Bengal Pottery, Kolkata

Published at: Rikhiapeeth, P.O. Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar, Jharkhand – 814113

Editor: Swami Gyantara Saraswati

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ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 2 Jul/Aug 2013

–Sure Steps to Spiritual Life–


The realisation

of oneness in

all existences,

manifested and

unmanifested, is the

goal of human life.

No vision of

truth or God is

possible without

annihilating the

ego. Until man

recognises the fact

that in essence he

is the immortal soul, he will not know himself, as through


When knowledge dawns through annihilation of

LJQRUDQFH�� LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ� ZLWK� WKH� ERG\� YDQLVKHV�� +H�becomes one with the Supreme Soul and attains

knowledge of Brahman.


—Swami Sivananda Saraswati

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ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 3 Jul/Aug 2013

5HÀHFWLRQV�RI�*XUX�%KDNWL�<RJD Swami Sivananda Saraswati

!e transformation of consciousness of the disciple through being in"uenced by the Guru is both a subjective and an objective process. Mind is an objecti#ed stress in universal consciousness and is like a ripple therein. !e Guru as well as the disciple are such consciousness-stresses di$ering only in the degree of the subtlety and the expansiveness of their condition. Each higher, subtler and more expansive

condition is more potent and inclusive than the lower. !e Guru is a Brahmanishtha, one rooted in the In#nite Truth. !e mind of the Guru, being nearest to the absolute condition of changeless Existence, possesses limitless powers beyond imagination. !e initiation of the disciple by the Guru is a process of the infusion by the Guru of this supernormal force of spiritual consciousness into the grosser state of the disciple’s mind. !is results in the dispelling of the darkness and the enlightening of the disciple’s spiritual illumination is directly proportionate to the receptive capacity of the disciple and the Consciousness - Force of the Guru. No action or event is completely subjective or completely objective.

!e truth is midway between the two. E$ort and grace are the subjective and the objective forces simultaneously working and each depending on the other. !e external and the internal are the two complementary faces of one whole being. !ere is no purpose served when there is only the eye or when there is only the external luminous object. !e contact of both e$ects the perception of the light. If entire

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subjectivity were the truth, the whole world would have vanished when the first person attained Self-realisation. If entire objectivity were the truth, no person could have attained liberation, until the entire universe was exalted to the consciousness of the unconditioned absolute. But none of these is the complete truth. !e subject and the object have equal shares in the transformation of an individual. !e one is a copy of the other. !e world is the materialisation of the collective totality of the thoughts of all the beings constituting it and hence, the dissolution of the mind of one being among them requires a reshu"ing in the thoughts of the others for the subjective and the objective powers of the Pure Being. !e Guru’s unlimited consciousness invades the dark corner of the disciple who is able to bear it through the strength of truth and purity and who receives it to

the extent his mind is purged of rajas and tamas. !e Guru is identical with the Existence itself and hence the help which is derived from him cannot be estimated by the faculty of thinking.

It is a decided and established conclusion that Guru is absolutely essential for spiritual progress. Even secular science, arts and all worldly undertakings need

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the help of a teacher. More so is the need for guidance in the spiritual path. A seeker a!er truth should be blessed with the company of his Satguru so that the former may get rid of his defects and develop virtues and attain Godhead.

"e company of great men is very rare to be got. "e attainment of a Satguru is the result of the full grace of God. A true spiritual Guru is God Himself.

A disciple should not act against the wishes of his Guru. He should not speak displeasing words to his Guru. He should view everyone with Guru-Bhava. "is is the culmination of Guru-Bhakti.

A disciple without devotion to his Guru is like a #ower without fragrance, a well without water, a cow without milk or a body without life.

If you want to be a true disciple you should follow the instructions of your Guru to their very letter and spirit. If you make a promise to your Guru you should ful$l it even at the cost of your own life.

"e treasure of Guru-Bhakti is not acquired in a day. "e disciple has to cultivate it gradually and painstakingly. He must increase it day by day. It develops through constant earnest prayers in the secret chamber of your heart. You must make yourself perfectly blind to the human aspects of your Guru. "en you will develop true Guru-Bhakti.

Dei$cation of the Guru is a mysterious powerful method of having his grace. When you deify him, you see only the storehouse of perfection in him. Even if you cannot understand his actions, do not misunderstand them. Be humble and silent. Wait patiently. You will be rewarded with light later on.


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Guru-Bhakti is the magic wand in the hands of the disciple to cross the ocean of Samsara. Guru-Bhakti will make possible for you, all that is impossible. !e unattainable can be attained by Guru-Bhakti.

!e true disciple is concerned only with the Divine Nature of the Guru. !e Guru’s actions

as man, is not the disciple’s concern. He is totally oblivious of it. To him the Guru is Guru, even if he acts unconventionally. Always remember that the nature of a saint is unfathomable. Judge him not. Measure not his divine nature with the inadequate yardstick of your ignorance.

A sincere disciple, who is living with his Guru, should not foolishly sit idle, waiting for verbal instruction from the Guru every day. !e day-to-day conduct of the Guru is in itself a living ideal to him, who is observant. He must eagerly observe and learn precious lessons of life from the personality and actions of the Guru. !e life of Guru is a living sermon to the sincere disciple. !e Guru teaches through personal example. !e disciple learns through devout observation.

Swami Sivananda Paduka Abhishek

Guru-Bhakti Yoga is the transformation of the ego sense

which consists in transmutation of individual feeling, willing,


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ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 7 Jul/Aug 2013

!is year’s Chaitra Navaratri sadhana, a much anticipated event here at Rikhiapeeth was a lovely o"ering to our beloved Swami Satyananda. !is event spanning nine days, presided by Swami Satyasangananda, was an aradhana to invoke the presence of Lord Rama and Devi Ma.

!e theme of Navaratri was Transformation and each morning Swami Satyasangananda elucidated how depth transformation can be achieved through mantra sadhana. !is was followed by chanting of the powerful mantras of Ramacharitmanas with faith and devotion, led by the kanyas of Rikhia and the Ramayan Mandali of Sn. Mantranidhi.

Mantra yoga was the basis of Swami Satyananda’s sadhana at Rikhiapeeth, which he perfected here. As such the chanting of siddha mantras for Rama and Devi during Navaratri at the sacred tapobhumi of Sri Swamiji created a powerful and auspicious energy #eld which all could bask in.

Every evening beautiful and inspiring Ram Katha was lucidly narrated by Manas Kokila, Smt. Krishna Devi from Bhagalpur. Diksha was given on Ashtami.

Chaitra Navaratri 11th-20th April

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Guru: An all-consuming Force 6ZDPL�6DW\DQDQGD�6DUDVZDWL

To be in love with the Divine means to be in a state where the soul rests in the blissful lap of the Divine. It is a state of being, it is not a feeling coming from outside, not dependent on a person or an external form. It is a state where all shades of emotion as-sume a concentrated form. Emotion is one force, but it has many channels. Some !ow towards other people, objects, ambitions and a"airs. When emotions are sublimated, they unite to form one force, just as many small streams converge to form a large river. In bhakti all channels of emotion are fused into one, it is an all-consuming force. It is one’s inner attitude towards God and Guru.

When bhakti awakens, the universe appears to be in#nite and vast, and the devotee #nds he is all alone. He knows not where he came from, nor where he is going. $is is a psychic experience in one’s life. However, devotion to God and Guru does not arise due to insecurity or loneliness; it comes when one realises the limitations of all other forms of attachment. All other attachments are subject to conditions related to time, space and object. $ey have a beginning and an end. Only attachment to the Divine has no limits. It is a force

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which alleviates every worry and frees one from the thraldom of dissatisfaction and spiritual unrest.

When the intensity of bhakti attains its peak, it becomes para bhakti, transcendental devotion, supreme devotion. If one has ever loved or hated intensely, one will understand what is meant by intensity of devotion in a para bhakta. It is like a boy with a beautiful new girlfriend. No matter what he does, she is always before him. He may not see her, say her name or even think of her on a conscious level, but he is aware of her all the time on the subconscious plane of the mind. It is this quality of awareness of God that one must have. Bhakti is a feeling which is extremely strong, so strong that one is constantly aware of it. It is not a lukewarm attraction, it is so overpowering that nothing else exists in the mind. It cannot be forgotten, no matter how hard one tries. !e feeling of love for Him overpowers the mind, whether one is asleep, awake, or even dreaming.

How does a small child feel towards his mother in her absence as well as her presence? A similar love and devotion must be awakened. Overwhelming, overpowering and intoxicating love is the secret. Like Chaitanya, Mira and Radha, one must awaken one’s devoted and loving soul. Bhakti is an inexplicable attitude of devotion towards one’s chosen form of God, ishta devata. It is not passion, lust or romance. It is an unceasing thirst for union with God.

Without intense devotion for Him, if one forgets Him for worldly

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interests, one will be unable to commune with Him. Surrender is a mockery if the aspirant lacks bhakti or love for God. As long as one is unable to surrender entirely and rest in His grace, as long as one is not overwhelmingly devoted to Him, no amount of fasting,

pilgrimage, study of the scriptures and ritualistic worship and chanting will confer the divine experience. Everything can be obtained from the material world except love for Him. !at love can only be awakened from within oneself. It is already there, trying to "nd an expression.

Love intensi!es the process of spiritual growth, deepens the awareness and protects the aspirant from laziness as well as mental dissipation. "e deeper the love, the more intense the awareness. Intense awareness helps to free the devotee from mentally dri#ing during sadhana. If there are $uctuations during sadhana, it means that the awareness is not intense and the love is not constant. However, if one fails to develop intense longing to unite with Him, it is the individual, not the mind, that is to blame. !e individual has been unable to channel his dissipated emotions towards Him because his bhava, inner feelings, are insipid. Guru bhakti yoga only asks the devotee to get rid of mental imbalance and spiritual ignorance.



—Swami Sivananda Saraswati

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ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 11 Jul/Aug 2013

For twenty years Swami Satyananda performed long and arduous tapasya at Rikhiapeeth during the Uttarayan period as it is the most appropriate time for such austerities. Akshay Tritiya, which falls during Uttarayan, was a very special day for his sadhana as the akshay tithi magni!es and renders indestructible whatever one does on that day. To maintain the tradition Sri Swamiji started of utilising the permanent nature of the


akshay tithi, from 2009 the sacred Sri Vidya Puja according to the ancient tantric rituals of mantra, yantra and mandala, is performed at Rikhiapeeth. "is year too for three days Rikhiapeeth was pervaded by divine beauty and auspiciousness as it resonated with the sound of powerful Devi mantras chanted by the expert Yoginis of Lalita Mahila Samajam of Tamil Nadu. "e presence of Swami Niranjanananda and Swami Satyasangananda at this aradhana, which was an o#ering to Sri Swamiji, added to the luminosity, grace and beauty of the occasion, for which thousands of devotees poured in from all over the globe. As one visitor aptly said “For three days Rikhiapeeth became the epicentre of the universe”. During this three day yajna, Devi prasad of clothes, utensils, grains and other household amenities was o#ered to over 2000 villagers from Rikhia and surrounding panchayats. Cows, rikshas and thelas were also given to deserving recipients. 1800 Kanyas and Batuks received new out!ts, educational aids, cameras, toys and backpacks as well as sumptuous meals daily at Annapurna Kshetram Kanya Kitchen. All devotees who attended this magni!cient yajna also received Devi prasad. On the !nal a$ernoon Diksha was given to 300 participants.

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How to Kindle Devotion 6ZDPL�6DW\DQDQGD�6DUDVZDWL

!e Guru-disciple relationship has to be unsel"sh. Sometimes it is, but most times it is not. When it is unsel"sh, it can endure. If it is sel"sh, it cannot. Suppose you go to a Guru for something and he gives it to you, then you have faith in him. Later he is not able to give it to you and so you say, “Oh, now he is no longer my Guru, he has lost his powers. Formerly, he had spiritual powers, now he is caught by maya and so he has lost his spiritual power.” What kind of faith and devotion is that? Once you have accepted him as your Guru, there ends the matter. But it does not happen like this because our analysis is intellectual.

!e relationship between Guru and disciple must become more and more intense day by day. You can develop the relationship to an extent where you and he are experienced as one - I am in my Guru and he is in me. And whenever you close your eyes, he is there. It is not necessary that you should be with him all the time, but it is necessary that he live with you much closer than your own breath. You breathe twenty-one thousand six hundred times in twenty-four hours, and if the breath stops for three minutes you are gone, "nished. Such

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an essential process of life and so very close to you, still you seldom know that you are breathing.

In the same way, the Guru lives in us, but we do not know he is there. How do you develop that awareness? First, you

must have an external Guru. As he is a man, you can love him, you can think about him, you can understand his love, his benediction, his compassion, his nature. You can understand his frivolities too. You see, he is like us and we can identify ourselves with him because he lives more or less on the same plane. !ereby the awareness is made more and more intense. You can go on thinking about him during meditation, then during lunch and dinner, when you are unhappy, tired, "ghting with your husband or wife, when your child is sick or something is wrong. On hundreds and thousands of occasions you can practise awareness of him, thereby developing the faculty of constant awareness. !en you project the same onto God.

So, the relationship between disciple and Guru must be

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developed on any dimension. You may consider him worshipful, an honourable man, a man whom you can love, it’s okay. If you do not like an object, you cannot concentrate on it. Buddha once said in one sutra, that in order to develop one-pointedness of mind, !rst comes liking and pleasantness, next love and a"ection and thirdly concentration. If you want concentration, total absorption in Guru or anything, you must follow this order. First liking for him, and this liking must develop pleasantness in you, you like to think about him. A#er that, a"ection or love and devotion must develop, and automatically concentration will occur. If you do not like the object, you cannot be comfortable with it and so it will not develop love within you and you will not be able to get concentration of mind.

*XUX�LV�WKH�ZD\��WKH�OLIH�DQG�WKH�JRDO�XOWLPDWH��1R�RQH�VKDOO�attain the supreme beatitude except through the Guru.

—Swami Sivananda Saraswati


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ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 15 Jul/Aug 2013

Connection with the Guru Element6ZDPL�1LUDQMDQDQDQGD�6DUDVZDWL�

What is the purpose of Guru Purnima? Is it only to celebrate our link and our association with our Guru and our master? Is it just another day which society celebrates as Guru’s Day as there are Father’s Day, Mother’s Day and Lover’s Day? Or is there a speci!c reason to celebrate Guru Purnima? No, there is a speci!c reason for celebration of Guru Purnima. "at speci!c reason is connection with the Guru element. Guru element is not a person, it is power. Paramahansaji used to tell us many times that the electrical current #ows in the wires and illuminates a bulb. "e capacity of the bulb decides how much light will be seen. In a zero watt bulb light will be minimum. In a 20 watt light will be more, 40 watt more, in 60 watt more, in 100 watt even more. "e important thing is the current to light the bulb which will only light up when current #ows through it. In the same manner each one of us is a light bulb, but in our con-nection the current is not #owing, there is a lot of carbon accumu-lated in the wire. "e carbon which covers the wire is called mala, impurity. "e carbon, the impurity, which covers the wire has to be cleaned. Once this impurity is cleaned the current will #ow into the bulb and the bulb will be illuminated.

During Guru Purnima, we try to connect to the energy !eld

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of the Guru which is spiritual in nature. Remember that the word Guru means dispeller of darkness. !e word Guru doesn’t mean teacher, the word Guru does not mean master, the word Guru does not mean propagator. !e word Guru means by whose grace we are able to remove the darkness from our life. !at grace is of Shakti and that Shakti is the Guru Tattwa. Not everybody can acquire this Shakti. It is very easy for you people to tell other people that you are Guru, that you are so nice, you are so wonderful, you are so great, you are so compassionate, you are so loving, you are so kind, therefore you must be Guru, that is wrong. Never say things like that, because this indicates you don’t know the meaning of Guru. Guru is realisation of an inner state of purity, harmony and oneness with the inner spirit, and the outer person is the catalyst, is the guide, who tells us how to come in contact with that source of inspiration and strength. !at is how one has to understand the concept of Guru. !e energy of Guru is eternal and permanent, that energy never dies, that energy never decays, that energy never changes. !ose people become the real Gurus who are born with a special destiny and mission in life. Not every dhoti wearer, not every person who wears geru is a Guru, simple as that. Not every sannyasin is a Guru. !ere are ‘quali"cations’ of a Guru and the "rst indication of Guru is a special mission which becomes evident when one is born.

Guru is that person who has no choice, who is an emissary for the higher reality, higher consciousness, he is born with this destiny to upli# the spiritual consciousness. In the lives of these people the presence of spiritual consciousness is seen from the time of their birth. !e presence of their spiritual consciousness is seen in their character, thought and behaviour. Swami

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Sivananda, our Paramguru had a destiny which he came to ful!l. Our Guru Sri Swamiji had a destiny which he ful!lled. And today re"ecting back on the lives of the luminaries of our tradition we can see that in each stage of their life they were guided by Divine providence, by the Divine higher force. #e result of that guidance is what we are experiencing here, the completeness and the wholeness in yoga, the completeness and wholeness in service. #ey have a purpose and a direction which manifests and is ful!lled naturally and spontaneously without any e$ort. #e path becomes smooth. Paramahansaji said that in every step of his life he has been guided by God and Guru. So Gurus are those people who are emissaries of God. With Ramana Maharshi, the spiritual e$ulgence was seen in his life at a very early age. Like this there are hundreds of luminaries whose name I can take to prove that there are people who are born with speci!c destiny, karma and samskara and they have lived according to that.

What destiny and karma do we have? Just by taking initiation we say we have become a disciple, but have we actually tried to do anything to change ourselves? Nothing. #e habit which I had 15 years ago I still have it today. #e habit which I had 10 years


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ago I still have today. !e habit which I had 5 years ago I still have today. So what have I done for myself? Nothing. I have not been able to change anything. I don’t mean me personally but I mean me in general terms. We have not been able to do anything. We have not been able to change our own thoughts, ideas and perceptions. We are bu"eted by the situations and tensions of life. What have we learnt? Let me tell you very frankly. Nothing. We have enjoyed our practice of yoga, one hour a day. We have enjoyed our practice of meditation. We have enjoyed our practice of chanting, kirtan and singing. But that enjoyment has only been mental and super#cial. Can anybody sitting here tell me the substantial transformation that they have experienced which has changed their life, which has changed their perception, which has made them better? !ink about it, because that will indicate your depth of understanding and your commitment to the spiritual process. Strive every day to improve and become better. Habits can be changed and converted into skills. Skills can be converted into habits. Overcome the habit and cultivate the skills in your life and let the skills become your habit. If you can allow that to happen, then that is the beginning of your spiritual journey.

To cultivate spiritual awareness two things are important, shraddha, faith, and samarpan, letting go of the hang-ups, releasing the knots from life and surrendering oneself. Faith and surrender, these are two major contributors to spiritual life. Meditation is not a contributor to management of your mind. It can hold the mind, it can #x the mind. !at is the purpose of meditation. Asana is not a contributor to spiritual life. !ey are to #x your pranas,

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your bodies, your awareness, your attention, so that the dissipations and distractions can stop and awareness can expand. However the real contributors to spiritual life are faith and surrender. If you look at the lives of luminaries in this world, you will discover that on the strength of faith and surrender they have come up in life. In every tradition, Saint Francis, Mother Teresa or anybody, they became

what they are because of the strength of their faith and surrender. Swami Sivananda became what he is because of the strength of faith and surrender. !is spiritual process can be imbibed in an ashram environment, because the environment of the ashram comprises of these two elements. Hydrogen and oxygen is water, H"O. When they combine together water is seen. In the same manner, when you combine one part shraddha, faith, with another part samarpan, surrender, then you get spiritual awareness. !e elements of faith and surrender vibrate in an ashram environment. Paramahansaji created this spiritual epicentre in Rikhia which is an ashram. Ganga Darshan is not an ashram, it is an institute. Right from day one of establishment of the yoga movement in Munger, Sri Swamiji established Bihar School of Yoga not Ashram of Yoga. Until today it is Bihar School of Yoga which is active in Munger and that school is an institution, a university, a college, it is a place of education and learning.

Yoga is to stop the dissipation of the mind but then a#er that, a#er the mind has been stilled, what is the next level? !e experience of the inner spirit with the cultivation of faith and dedication and that is realised in Rikhia. Rikhiapeeth I will call the spiritual epicentre where the two are realised by a spiritual aspirant. What is your dharma as a disciple? I am not asking what is your dharma

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as a yoga practitioner. I’m asking what is your dharma as a disciple of a Guru. Your dharma as a yoga practitioner is to practice your yoga in the morning and meditation in the evening or according to

your routine, whatever you have set for yourself. But your dharma as a disciple of a Guru is to cultivate the strength of spirit and the strength of spirit is the cultivation of faith and surrender which is the beginning of spiritual life.

For awakening the power of faith and surrender in one’s life Rikhiapeeth came into existence. Here Paramahansaji has given the opportunity to just come and live, one week, one month, one year, one lifetime. As long as you follow the principles, the systems and disciplines of the ashram you are most welcome. And the day you don’t, ashram will put you out. No it’s not a joke, that’s the truth. Painstakingly through austerities, the vibrations, the energy has been built up and your whims cannot alter that energy !eld. "erefore, come to experience the cultivation of that faith and surrender in an ashram. During this Guru Purnima try to discover what your dharma is as a disciple. Don’t talk about Guru’s greatness, only idiots in order to continue their own selves talk about Guru’s greatness, Guru’s like this, Guru’s like that. Please don’t mind me saying but that is the talk of the idiots who talk about the Guru. "e enlightened talk about their dharma. What should be my dharma? To improve myself, to improve the quality of my life. How can I ful!l the dharma of discipleship, because Guru is complete, I don’t have to write a thesis on Guru to say Guru is complete. I have to write a thesis about myself as to how I can progress, change and transform. Kill this little “I”, die to live, lead the divine life. Our Paramguru Swami Sivananda used to say, how can I kill this little “I”, how can I die to live, how can I live that immortal life? "ink about what is the dharma of a disciple.

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Since the last 20 years Sivananda Math has been working tirelessly to upli! the impoverished in the rural area of Rikhia panchayat by fostering self-su"ciency, health, peace and plenty. #e ongoing seva projects at Rikhiapeeth are Sivananda Datavya Chikitsalaya an outpatient clinic that provides free medical check-ups and medical aid to the local villagers, bringing great relief to those most in need, and educational assistance to the neglected and downtrodden children of the surrounding villages by way of English, computer and yoga classes. #ose who wish to o$er their seva either in the rural clinic or kanya classes are welcome to Rikhiapeeth.


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!e times in which we live and the events which take place around us, have a direct and deep in"uence bearing on us. !e age in which we live is called the Kali Yuga. In modern terms, we can call it the mechanical or industrial age and as our minds are in"uenced by the environment and circumstances in which we live, that is how our minds have also become.

!e mind of an individual in Satya, Treta and Dwapara Yuga was di#erent as in these yugas man was more in tune with nature. In the present Kali Yuga, on account of the demands he faces, man has compromised his natural instinct and intuition to develop his intelligence and intellect, and aligns himself more and more with an unnatural life. !is has resulted in a mind that is governed by matter, which is mechanical and thinks in a very rigid way. !e man of today does not have a "exible mind and therefore is not at all habituated to change. It is a mind which $nds change very, very di%cult.

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!is is the bane of man today because a rigid mind is a mind that breaks easily leading to dissipation and distraction. Our minds are broken, scattered, dissipated, we "nd concentration di#cult. A student is not able to study even two pages before his mind starts wandering. Even adults "nd it di#cult to concentrate. You are not able to concentrate because your mind keeps wandering. You have to struggle with your mind when you try to meditate. !at is the sign of a broken mind. On the other hand, a $exible mind is not dissipated easily and does not break easily.

So what is the sadhana for a broken and wavering mind? A%er all what is the use of struggling to meditate when we do not even possess the quality of mind that is required for meditation. Peace and stillness of mind is not an outcome of meditation, but a pre-requisite. Without reducing the thoughts and agitations of mind, it is impossible to meditate.

It is for this reason that the sadhana prescribed for the Kali Yuga is not dhyana yoga but mantra yoga. !e sadhana for this age is the repetition of mantra which is based on sound frequency. Mantra is not just any sound, but sound of ultra-high frequency -uhf. !e repetition of mantra in$uences the mind which is scattered, dissipated, oscillating and broken. It captures that mind, streamlines it and makes it one-pointed and ready for meditation. !at is the power of mantra.

Along with the repetition of mantras there is another form of


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sadhana which is prescribed in this age for the kind of person we have become today. We have become very egotistic. !e ego is very prominent and that is largely because we think we are very capable. We study in school, get good marks, get a job, earn money and live a kind of life that make us think we are very accomplished and have achieved a lot. !at attitude strengthens the ego. We have a lot of pride about ourselves even though we may know nothing. Even the most stupid person has a great opinion about himself and nobody can challenge his belief, he simply will not accept that. Human beings have become very sel"sh, sceptical and doubtful.

In this present scenario we may practice any form of yoga, jnana yoga, hatha yoga, kundalini yoga, chakra yoga, nada yoga but sooner or later we are bound to realise that it is simply not enough, for eventually we have to confront our mind. !at is the most di#cult task that we are faced with. In order to succeed not just in meditation but even in our day to day life we have to know how to deal with our mind.

Most people fail in this because they try to deal with their mind through the mind. !e same mind which is scattered, broken and dissipated is trying to deal with the mind. How on earth is


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that possible? You may be the greatest intellectual or the most intelligent person but you will !nd that the mind cannot be dealt with through logic and reasoning, facts and statistics, nor even law and order. "at is why even the most sound law and order system in the highly developed nations of the world have not been able to curb the disturbed and unruly actions of their people. No amount of sermons on the necessity of being good, kind and compassionate can make a man that. We all know and believe in goodness, but just by believing in goodness I cannot become good. When the crunch is on, o#en we fail.

So what is the way for this unruly and rigid mind. Mantra is an e$cient way to deal with the mind, as mantra sadhana does not require concentration. You just have to repeat the mantra with

awareness and gradually the energy !eld built through repetition draws the mind into its fold, and streamlines it. A#er all mind too is energy and when the mental energy comes within the range and in%uence of the ultra-high frequency energy !eld of the mantra it spontaneously and naturally aligns itself and starts becoming streamlined and one-pointed.

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Apart from mantra yoga there is another special yoga to deal with the mind. It is the yoga of the heart. It is the heart that can sort out the mind, for heart is the seat of emotion, and the vehicle for mind is emotion. It is emotion that sweeps your mind in di!erent directions. When you love somebody very much, your mind "ies in that direction, you see nothing else but that person. When you hate somebody, even then, your mind is swept in that direction. You cannot think of anything else. #e person who you hate, occupies your mind totally. You cannot work, eat, sleep or enjoy life, because the thing that you hate occupies your mind day and night, even when you sleep. It is emotion that has to be streamlined if you want to tackle you mind, not the intellect.

Unfortunately, in this age a great deal of emphasis has been laid on how to tackle the intellect and intelligence for optimum performance. But the emotions have been overlooked and apart from what we have imbibed in early child-hood, we have not been taught how to tackle emotions. As a consequence whatever emotion prevails, we just "ow with it. If your emotion is of hate, your mind "ows with that feeling. You cannot stop or control it because emotion is a torrent. It is so powerful, it overpowers you. We are unable to control the turbulence of our emotions. Many people are driven to suicide, commit murder or have a nervous breakdown because of

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their emotional make-up. !eir life is destroyed because of a small little emotion, like failure. In the face of failure, many lose their balance and even take their own life. What is failure and what is success in the eternity of life? What is good, what is bad, what is sin, what is virtue, what is vice? In every di"erent age and time, these concepts keep changing for they are social concepts and society is not static, it keeps evolving and changing.

What is that yoga that we can do to streamline the emotions? Swami Satyananda and his Guru Swami Sivananda have le# a vast legacy of yoga for us. !ey have given a way to deal with every kind of problem we may face in life whether physical, mental, emotional, psychic, or spiritual. Asana and pranayama is a very small portion of their teachings, for they have emphasised that development and progress of an individual has to be total. Not just physical or mental and intellectual, but emotional, psychic and spiritual too.

!e yoga prescribed by Swami Sivananda for re$ning the emotions and managing the mind is Guru bhakti yoga. Bhakti is an emotion, but it is a supreme and re$ned emotion. It is an emotion that can upli# you and rede$ne your complete life. It is an emotion that can attach and link you with a very high force. It is an emotion that can even bring you face to face with God. You can live with God, walk with God, eat with God, and talk to God.

We only experience emotions like hatred, love, jealousy, greed, anger, ambition but these are very ordinary emotions. Bhakti is the


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emotion that can completely transform your life. So if it is transformation that we want through yoga, we will have to consider i n t r o d u c i n g bhakti into our

life as the basis of all the yogas we practise. !en no matter what yoga you do whether karma yoga, hatha yoga or kundalini yoga, you will get the results.

Guru bhakti yoga is attaching yourself with a very strong force that can streamline your emotions and upli" you. For every emotion you need a basis. In order to express a#ection, you need a child. In order to express passion, you need a partner. In the same way, in order to express love, hatred, jealousy or guilt, you need an external basis to express that emotion.

Supposing you have a lot of a#ection but you do not have anybody to express it towards it will create a lot of turmoil within you. You may suppress the sentiment for some time but if it doesn’t $nd an outlet it can become the cause of sickness, disease, instability of mind, unhappiness, grief and depression. Supposing you have passion but you don’t have anybody to whom you can express it, you can land up in the loony bin, you can go insane. In the same way, there is an external basis for the emotion of bhakti.

Bhakti is a sublime emotion and everybody has it. Nobody is devoid of that. You are born with bhakti just as you are born with two eyes, one nose and one mouth. You are born with bhakti. You do not have to bring it from outside, it is in you. !e seed is in you but it begins to %ower when you have an external basis, and the external basis is Guru. Guru is the basis of bhakti through which you can express that emotion.

!e basis of Guru bhakti yoga is obedience, sincerity, faith and

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devotion. Once you have a Guru, there is no use doubting. People !nd a Guru, make that person their Guru and a"er some time they begin to doubt him, they are not obedient to him. #ey have all sorts of reasons in their head why they should not. #ey even misinterpret what the Guru has said just because it suits their convenience. #at is how clever the mind is, but the relationship with Guru is not of mind. #e relationship with Guru is of heart and the heart is a pure substance, it can never deceive you. #e mind can deceive you and lead you astray but not the heart. #erefore when the basis of your relationship with Guru is with the heart and not the mind there is purity in that relation.

Guru bhakti yoga is something which each and every person has to think about and has to include in his sadhana if he wants to tread the spiritual path. It is absolutely essential for without that at some point your progress will come to a standstill. If you want to go further within yourself, discover, develop and realise your full potential, then you have to include Guru bhakti in your life as it is an essential ingredient for the experience of your inner self.

It is with this in mind that the tradition of Guru Bhakti Yoga has been started here at Rikhiapeeth from the 5th of December 2009 when Swami Satyananda entered Mahasamadhi. Samadhi is when the awareness transcends the body and merges with the absolute


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under your wilful control. We all die and our awareness leaves the body going in di!erent directions according to the way we have lived our lives. To voluntarily direct the awareness to the destination that you want is called Yoga Samadhi. Since then, to commemorate the date that Swami Satyananda took Yoga Samadhi, we observe Guru bhakti yoga on the 5th and 6th of every month, with the hope that this will connect us with the Guru Tattwa.

Swami Satyananda taught many di!erent kinds of yoga but did you ever wonder what yoga he practised himself? Well let me tell you, the basis of his sadhana was Guru bhakti yoga which in simpli"ed terms is the Yoga of Remembrance. #at is what he came to Rikhia for, because when he was given the mandate to come here he was also told “Remember me with every breath.”

Remembrance is also an emotion. Your life is shaped by what you remember. #ere is a proverb “As you think so you become.” If you constantly remember negative things you develop a negative personality, if you remember positive things you become more positive in life. In yoga too from the "rst class the emphasis is on remembrance. Remember you breath, remember your thoughts, and this in fact is a mental training for Guru Bhakti Yoga, the Yoga of Remembrance. To remember the person you adore, revere and love helps you to connect with that divine force called Guru and to create a channel to attain His blessings, because it is through remembrance that a connection takes place.

We remember all sorts of things and get connected to them, but here in Rikhiapeeth we want to remember a divine force. We do not want to remember anything that will bring us down to the level of gross experience. We want to remember something that will upli$ us to a divine experience, to the experience of spirit because that is what Sri Swamiji is now. He is not embodied, he is pure spirit, chaitanya and by remembering Him, we too can avail ourselves of the purity, the beauty and the auspiciousness of the spirit. So these two days are dedicated to remembering a very great soul that came and lived with us, talked to us and told us so many precious things.

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Aradhana during Shravan – August

Sri Radha Krishna JhoolanRaksha Bandhan17th – 21st August 2013

This annual worship of Radha, Krishna and Bal Gopal is a celebration


³5DNVKD�%DQGKDQ�LV�FHOHEUDWHG�WKURXJKRXW�,QGLD�RQ�WKH�IXOO�PRRQ�GD\�of Shravan. This festival is unique because throughout life it reminds us

of the perennial ties which bind us to our benefactors and protectors.



—Swami Sivananda Saraswati

Sri Radha Krishna Jhoolan Aradhana



Om devakinandanaaya vidmahe vaasudevaaya dhimahi

tanno krishnah prachodayaat

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Sri Swamiji I never had your darshan,Never saw your face,Never heard your voice,This was not my fate.

Others tell from you waves of pure love would emanate,Of how you made the air shimmer and vibrateOf how your magnetism ÀOOHG�WKHP�DOO�ZLWK�DZH�Of how once was not enough, you always left them wanting more.

:KHQ�,�KHDU�WKHVH�ZRQGHUV�DQ�DFKLQJ�ÀOOV�P\�KHDUW�For the joy of which I will never be a part

If I can long so deeply for something that I never knew,How great must be the yearning of those who lived each day with you?

Even though you’ve left your body you are still around,All over Rikhiapeeth your presence can be found.

In the laughter of the kanyas,,Q�WKH�GDQFLQJ�EXWWHUÁLHV�In the soaring eagles and the light in your Sannyasins’ eyes.

It’s small of me to wish you back,From the realm where you are free,Just so I can catch your gaze,Just so I can see.

Rather let it be with your blessings and your grace,That I may come to you and meet you face to face.

Sri Swamiji please hear my aradhana, my prayer,From now with every breath I will be aware,From now with every step I will take the utmost care,To reach the gateway to eternity and forever have your darshan there.

Sridhara, February 2013

$UDGKDQD�-XO\���$VKDDGGuru Purnima 22nd�-XO\�����

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—Swami Sivananda Saraswati


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$UDGKDQD�-XO\���$VKDDGGuru Purnima 22nd�-XO\�����

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ARADHANA Yoga of the heart �� Jul/Aug 2013

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Page 41: Aradhana Year 02 Issue 04 2013 Jul Aug Online

Aradhana during Bhadrapad – August/September

Krishna Janmashtami28th August 2013

Krishna Janmashtami is the birthday of Lord Krishna. It falls on the

eighth day of the dark half of the month of Bhadrapad.

The eighth avatar, Krishna, who has become

the beloved of India and the world

at large, had a threefold objective:

to destroy the wicked demons, to

play the leading role in the great

ZDU�IRXJKW�RQ�WKH�EDWWOHÀHOG�RI�Kurukshetra, where he delivered

His wonderful message of the

Bhagavad Gita, and to become

the centre of a marvellous

development of the bhakti schools

of India.

Lord Krishna was the incarnation of

celestial love on earth, an element that is

missing everywhere today. At present we

have everything, but we lack love. Love

is that aspect of emotion where you think

about others, not about yourself. That

is love. Love is giving not taking and



Krishna Janmashtami Aradhana Rise early and after taking bath offer

prayers to Lord Krishna. Sing prarthanas

and chant Madhurastakam, Meri Prarthana and

Narayan Suktam. In the evening perform havan

by chanting the Gopala Gayatri mantra 108 times.

Sing and dance joyous kirtans dedicated to Krishna.

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ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 41 Jul/Aug 2013

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ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 42 Jul/Aug 2013


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ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 43 Jul/Aug 2013

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Spic Macay International Shivir at IIM 20th - 26th May 2013

At an international gathering of over 1500 youth, Swami Tyagraj conducted extensive daily classes on various aspects of yoga. Swami Yogapratap assisted him with sessions which included asanas, pranayama, yoga nidra, and instruction on simple meditative practices. !ey also conducted intensive workshops explaining the e"ect of yoga on the body, mind, and the entire personality. !e highlight of this seminar was Nada Yoga which was enjoyed by all the youngsters.

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ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 52 Jul/Aug 2013

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Page 55: Aradhana Year 02 Issue 04 2013 Jul Aug Online

Swami Sivananda full of joy, on the banks of the Ganga, Rishikesh

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Swami Satyananda embracing us all, Sat Chandi, 2008

Page 57: Aradhana Year 02 Issue 04 2013 Jul Aug Online

Swami Niranjanananda leading the way, Greece, 2009

Page 58: Aradhana Year 02 Issue 04 2013 Jul Aug Online

Swami Satyasangananda strengthening the sankalpa, Basant Panchami, 2013

Page 59: Aradhana Year 02 Issue 04 2013 Jul Aug Online

Yoga is the key to sound health, vitality and a clear and balanced mind. Through yogic prac-

tices you can restore balance of body, mind and emotions, leading to improved health and

renewed energy. Whether you are suffering from physiological or psychosomatic problems

this course offers a way to maintain resilience and achieve health of body, mind and spirit.

Compiled from the satsangs and enlightening informal talks

given by Sri Swami Satyananda Saraswati in Rikhia from

the time of his arrival in 1989 until he attained Mahasamadhi

on 5th December 2009. Through a mandate from God Sri

Swamiji began to transform the lives of thousands of his

poverty-stricken neighbours in Rikhia panchayat. This book

illustrates how this great soul gave everything to realise his

divine mission.

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