aramex international

ARAMEX International X.509 Certificate Practice Statement Version 1.0 Effective Date: Feb 1, 2008 In Compliance With X.509 Certificate Policy for ARAMEX International Feb 1, 2008 Version 1.0 Prepared by: ARAMEX International Policy Management Authority (PMA) ARAMEX International Limited. http//

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ARAMEX International

X.509 Certificate Practice Statement

Version 1.0

Effective Date: Feb 1, 2008

In Compliance With

X.509 Certificate Policy

for ARAMEX International

Feb 1, 2008

Version 1.0

Prepared by: ARAMEX International Policy Management Authority (PMA) ARAMEX International Limited. http//

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P a g e | 2 ARAMEX International Certificate Practice Statement © 2008 ARAMEX International, Inc. All rights reserved. Published date: FEB 01, 2008 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise),without prior written permission of ARAMEX International. Notwithstanding the above, permission is granted to reproduce and distribute these ARAMEX Certificate Policies on a nonexclusive, royalty-free basis, provided that (i) the foregoing copyright notice and the beginning paragraphs are prominently displayed at the beginning of each copy, and (ii) this document is accurately reproduced in full, complete with attribution of the document to ARAMEX International. Requests for any other permission to reproduce these ARAMEX Certificate Policies (as well as requests for copies from ARAMEX International) must be addressed to ARAMEX International ([email protected])


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P a g e | 4 Table of Content 1.  INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................... 9 

1.1.  OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 1.2.  DOCUMENT NAME AND IDENTIFICATION .............................................................................................................. 9 1.3.  PKI PARTICIPANTS ........................................................................................................................................ 10 

1.3.1.  Certification Authorities .......................................................................................................................... 10 1.3.2.  Registration Authorities .......................................................................................................................... 10 1.3.3.  Subscribers ............................................................................................................................................ 10 1.3.4.  Relying Parties ....................................................................................................................................... 11 1.3.5.  Other Participants ................................................................................................................................... 11 

1.4.  CERTIFICATE USAGE ...................................................................................................................................... 11 1.4.1.  Appropriate Certificate Usages .............................................................................................................. 11 1.4.2.  Prohibited Certificate Uses ..................................................................................................................... 12 

1.5.  POLICY ADMINISTRATION ................................................................................................................................ 12 1.5.1.  Organization Administering the Document ............................................................................................. 12 1.5.2.  Contact Person....................................................................................................................................... 12 1.5.3.  Person Determining CPS Suitability for the Policy ................................................................................. 12 1.5.4.  CPS Approval Procedure ....................................................................................................................... 12 

1.6.  DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS ......................................................................................................................... 12 

2.  PUBLICATION AND REPOSITORY RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................. 13 

2.1.  REPOSITORIES .............................................................................................................................................. 13 2.2.  PUBLICATION OF CERTIFICATION INFORMATION. ................................................................................................ 13 2.3.  TIME OR FREQUENCY OF PUBLICATION ............................................................................................................ 13 2.4.  ACCESS CONTROLS ON REPOSITORIES ............................................................................................................. 13 

3.  IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION ....................................................................................................... 14 

3.1.  NAMING ........................................................................................................................................................ 14 3.1.1.  Type of Names ....................................................................................................................................... 14 3.1.2.  Need for Names to be Meaningful .......................................................................................................... 14 3.1.3.  Anonymity or Pseudonymity of Subscribers ........................................................................................... 14 3.1.4.  Rules for Interpreting Various Name Forms ........................................................................................... 14 3.1.5.  Uniqueness of Names ............................................................................................................................ 14 3.1.6.  Recognition, Authentication and Role of Trademarks ............................................................................ 14 

3.2.  INITIAL IDENTITY VALIDATION .......................................................................................................................... 15 3.2.1.  Method to Prove Possession of Private Key .......................................................................................... 15 3.2.2.  Authentication of Organization Identity ................................................................................................... 15 3.2.3.  Authentication of Individual Identity ........................................................................................................ 15 3.2.4.  Non-Verified Subscriber Information ...................................................................................................... 15 3.2.5.  Validation of Authority ............................................................................................................................ 15 3.2.6.  Criteria for Interoperation ....................................................................................................................... 16 

3.3.  IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION FOR RE-KEY REQUESTS .......................................................................... 16 3.3.1.  Identification and Authentication for Routine Re-key .............................................................................. 16 3.3.2.  Identification and Authentication for Re-key After Revocation ................................................................ 16 

3.4.  IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION FOR REVOCATION REQUEST .................................................................... 17 

4.  CERTIFICATE LIFE-CYCLE OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................... 17 

4.1 CERTIFICATE APPLICATION .................................................................................................................................... 17 4.1.1.  Who Can Submit a Certificate Application? ............................................................................................ 17 4.1.2.  Enrollment Process and Responsibilities ............................................................................................... 17 

4.2.  CERTIFICATE APPLICATION PROCESSING ......................................................................................................... 18 4.2.1.  Performing Identification and Authentication Functions .......................................................................... 18 4.2.2.  Approval or Rejection of Certificate Applications .................................................................................... 18 4.2.3.  Time to Process Certificate Applications ................................................................................................ 18 

4.3.  CERTIFICATE ISSUANCE.................................................................................................................................. 18 4.3.1.  CA Actions during Certificate Issuance .................................................................................................. 18 4.3.2.  Notifications to Subscriber by the CA of Issuance of Certificate ............................................................. 18 

4.4.  CERTIFICATE ACCEPTANCE ............................................................................................................................ 19 4.4.1.  Conduct Constituting Certificate Acceptance ......................................................................................... 19 


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4.4.2.  Publication of the Certificate by the CA .................................................................................................. 19 4.4.3.  Notification of Certificate Issuance by the CA to Other Entities .............................................................. 19 

4.5.  KEY PAIR AND CERTIFICATE USAGE ................................................................................................................ 19 4.5.1.  Subscriber Private Key and Certificate Usage ....................................................................................... 19 4.5.2.  Relying Party Public Key and Certificate Usage ..................................................................................... 19 

4.6.  CERTIFICATE RENEWAL .................................................................................................................................. 20 4.6.1.  Circumstances for Certificate Renewal .................................................................................................. 20 4.6.2.  Who May Request Renewal ................................................................................................................... 20 4.6.3.  Processing Certificate Renewal Requests ............................................................................................. 20 4.6.4.  Notification of New Certificate Issuance to Subscriber ........................................................................... 20 4.6.5.  Conduct Constituting Acceptance of a Renewal Certificate ................................................................... 21 4.6.6.  Publication of the Renewal Certificate by the CA ................................................................................... 21 4.6.7.  Notification of Certificate Issuance by the CA to Other Entities .............................................................. 21 

4.7.  CERTIFICATE RE-KEY .................................................................................................................................... 21 4.7.1.  Circumstances for Certificate Re-Key .................................................................................................... 21 4.7.2.  Who May Request Certification of a New Public Key ............................................................................. 21 4.7.3.  Processing Certificate Re-Keying Requests ........................................................................................... 21 4.7.4.  Notification of New Certificate Issuance to Subscriber ........................................................................... 21 4.7.5.  Conduct Constituting Acceptance of a Re-Keyed Certificate ................................................................. 21 4.7.6.  Publication of the Re-Keyed Certificate by the CA ................................................................................. 21 4.7.7.  Notification of Certificate Issuance by the CA to Other Entities .............................................................. 21 

4.8.  CERTIFICATE MODIFICATION ............................................................................................................................ 22 4.8.1.  4.8.1 Circumstance for Certificate Modification ...................................................................................... 22 4.8.2.  4.8.2 Who May Request Certificate Modification .................................................................................... 22 4.8.3.  Processing Certificate Modification Requests ........................................................................................ 22 4.8.4.  Notification of New Certificate Issuance to Subscriber ........................................................................... 22 4.8.5.  Conduct Constituting Acceptance of Modified Certificate ....................................................................... 22 4.8.6.  Publication of the Modified Certificate by the CA ................................................................................... 22 4.8.7.  Notification of Certificate Issuance by the CA to Other Entities .............................................................. 22 

4.9.  CERTIFICATE REVOCATION AND SUSPENSION ................................................................................................... 22 4.9.1.  Circumstances for Revocation ............................................................................................................... 22 4.9.2.  Who Can Request Revocation ............................................................................................................... 23 4.9.3.  Procedure for Revocation Request ........................................................................................................ 23 4.9.4.  Revocation Request Grace Period ......................................................................................................... 24 4.9.5.  Time Within Which CA Must Process the Revocation Request .............................................................. 24 4.9.6.  Revocation Checking Requirements for Relying Parties ........................................................................ 24 4.9.7.  CRL Issuance Frequency ....................................................................................................................... 24 4.9.8.  Maximum Latency for CRLs ................................................................................................................... 24 4.9.9.  On-Line Revocation/Status Checking Availability ................................................................................... 24 4.9.10.  On-Line Revocation Checking Requirements .................................................................................... 24 4.9.11.  Other Forms of Revocation Advertisements Available ....................................................................... 24 4.9.12.  Special Requirements regarding Key Compromise ........................................................................... 25 4.9.13.  Circumstances for Suspension .......................................................................................................... 25 4.9.14.  Who Can Request Suspension .......................................................................................................... 25 4.9.15.  Procedure for Suspension Request ................................................................................................... 25 4.9.16.  Limits on Suspension Period ............................................................................................................. 25 

4.10.  CERTIFICATE STATUS SERVICES ..................................................................................................................... 25 4.10.1.  Operational Characteristics ................................................................................................................ 25 4.10.2.  Service Availability ............................................................................................................................. 25 4.10.3.  Optional Features .............................................................................................................................. 25 

4.11.  END OF SUBSCRIPTION .................................................................................................................................. 25 4.12.  KEY ESCROW AND RECOVERY ........................................................................................................................ 25 

4.12.1.  Key Escrow and Recovery Policy and Practices ................................................................................ 25 4.12.2.  Session Key Encapsulation and Recovery Policy and Practices ....................................................... 26 

5.  FACILITY, MANAGEMENT, AND OPERATIONAL CONTROLS ........................................................................ 26 

5.1.  PHYSICAL CONTROLS .................................................................................................................................... 26 5.1.1.  Site Location and Construction .............................................................................................................. 26 5.1.2.  Physical Access ..................................................................................................................................... 27 5.1.3.  Power and Air Conditioning .................................................................................................................... 27 5.1.4.  Water Exposures .................................................................................................................................... 27 


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5.1.5.  Fire Prevention and Protection ............................................................................................................... 27 5.1.6.  Media Storage ........................................................................................................................................ 27 5.1.7.  Waste Disposal ...................................................................................................................................... 27 5.1.8.  Off-Site Backup ...................................................................................................................................... 27 

5.2.  PROCEDURAL CONTROLS ............................................................................................................................... 28 5.2.1.  Trusted Roles ......................................................................................................................................... 28 5.2.2.  Number of Persons Required per Task .................................................................................................. 28 5.2.3.  Identification and Authentication for Each Role ...................................................................................... 28 5.2.4.  Roles Requiring Separation of Duties .................................................................................................... 29 

5.3.  PERSONNEL CONTROLS ................................................................................................................................. 29 5.3.1.  Qualifications, Experience, and Clearance Requirements ..................................................................... 29 5.3.2.  Background Check Procedures .............................................................................................................. 29 5.3.3.  Training Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 29 5.3.4.  Retraining Frequency and Requirements ............................................................................................... 29 5.3.5.  Job Rotation Frequency and Sequence ................................................................................................. 29 5.3.6.  Sanctions for Unauthorized Actions ....................................................................................................... 30 5.3.7.  Independent Contractor Requirements .................................................................................................. 30 5.3.8.  Documentation Supplied to Personnel ................................................................................................... 30 

5.4.  AUDIT LOGGING PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................................ 30 5.4.1.  Types of Events Recorded ..................................................................................................................... 30 5.4.2.  Frequency of Processing Log ................................................................................................................. 31 5.4.3.  Retention Period for Audit Log ............................................................................................................... 31 5.4.4.  Protection of Audit Log ........................................................................................................................... 31 5.4.5.  Audit Log Backup Procedures ................................................................................................................ 31 5.4.6.  Audit Collection System (Internal vs. External) ...................................................................................... 31 5.4.7.  Notification to Event-Causing Subject .................................................................................................... 31 5.4.8.  Vulnerability Assessments ..................................................................................................................... 31 

5.5.  RECORDS ARCHIVAL ...................................................................................................................................... 32 5.5.1.  Types of Records Archived .................................................................................................................... 32 5.5.2.  Retention Period for Archive .................................................................................................................. 32 5.5.3.  Protection of Archive .............................................................................................................................. 32 5.5.4.  Archive Backup Procedures ................................................................................................................... 32 5.5.5.  Requirements for Time-Stamping of Records ........................................................................................ 32 5.5.6.  Archive Collection System (Internal or External) .................................................................................... 32 5.5.7.  Procedures to Obtain and Verify Archive Information ............................................................................. 32 

5.6.  KEY CHANGEOVER ........................................................................................................................................ 32 5.7.  COMPROMISE AND DISASTER RECOVERY ......................................................................................................... 33 

5.7.1.  Incident and Compromise Handling Procedures .................................................................................... 33 5.7.2.  Computing Resources, Software, and/or Data are Corrupted ................................................................ 33 5.7.3.  Entity Private Key Compromise Procedures .......................................................................................... 33 5.7.4.  Business Continuity Capabilities After a Disaster ................................................................................... 33 

5.8.  CA OR RA TERMINATION ............................................................................................................................... 33 

6.  TECHNICAL SECURITY CONTROLS ................................................................................................................ 34 

6.1.  KEY PAIR GENERATION AND INSTALLATION ...................................................................................................... 34 6.1.1.  Key Pair Generation ............................................................................................................................... 34 6.1.2.  Private Key Delivery to Subscriber ......................................................................................................... 34 6.1.3.  Public Key Delivery to Certificate Issuer ................................................................................................. 34 6.1.4.  CA Public Key Delivery to Relying Parties ............................................................................................. 34 6.1.5.  Key Sizes ............................................................................................................................................... 34 6.1.6.  Public Key Parameters Generation and Quality Checking ..................................................................... 35 6.1.7.  Key Usage Purposes (as per X.509 V3 Key Usage Field) ..................................................................... 35 

6.2.  PRIVATE KEY PROTECTION AND CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE ENGINEERING CONTROLS ........................................ 35 6.2.1.  Cryptographic Module Standards and Controls ...................................................................................... 35 6.2.2.  Private Key (m out of n) Multi-Person Control ........................................................................................ 35 6.2.3.  Private Key Escrow ................................................................................................................................ 35 6.2.4.  Private Key Backup ................................................................................................................................ 35 6.2.5.  Private Key Archival ............................................................................................................................... 35 6.2.6.  Private Key Transfer Into or From a Cryptographic Module ................................................................... 35 6.2.7.  Private Key Storage on Cryptographic Module ...................................................................................... 36 6.2.8.  Method of Activating Private Key............................................................................................................ 36 


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6.2.9.  Method of Deactivating Private Key ....................................................................................................... 36 6.2.10.  Method of Destroying Private Key ...................................................................................................... 36 6.2.11.  Cryptographic Module Rating............................................................................................................. 36 

6.3.  OTHER ASPECTS OF KEY PAIR MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................. 37 6.3.1.  6.3.1 Public Key Archival ........................................................................................................................ 37 6.3.2.  Certificate Operational Periods and Key Pair Usage Periods ................................................................. 37 

6.4.  ACTIVATION DATA .......................................................................................................................................... 37 6.4.1.  Activation Data Generation and Installation ........................................................................................... 37 6.4.2.  Activation Data Protection ...................................................................................................................... 37 6.4.3.  Other Aspects of Activation Data ........................................................................................................... 37 

6.5.  COMPUTER SECURITY CONTROLS .................................................................................................................... 38 6.5.1.  Specific Computer Security Technical Requirements ............................................................................. 38 6.5.2.  Computer Security Rating ...................................................................................................................... 38 

6.6.  LIFE CYCLE TECHNICAL CONTROLS ................................................................................................................. 38 6.6.1.  System Development Controls ............................................................................................................... 38 6.6.2.  Security Management Controls .............................................................................................................. 38 6.6.3.  Life Cycle Security Controls ................................................................................................................... 38 

6.7.  NETWORK SECURITY CONTROLS ..................................................................................................................... 39 6.8.  TIME-STAMPING ............................................................................................................................................ 39 

7.  CERTIFICATE, CRL, AND OCSP PROFILES .................................................................................................... 39 

7.1.  CERTIFICATE PROFILE.................................................................................................................................... 39 7.1.1.  Version Number(s) ................................................................................................................................. 39 7.1.2.  Certificate Extensions ............................................................................................................................. 39 7.1.3.  Algorithm Object Identifiers .................................................................................................................... 39 7.1.4.  Name Forms .......................................................................................................................................... 39 7.1.5.  Name Constraints ................................................................................................................................... 40 7.1.6.  Certificate Policy Object Identifier........................................................................................................... 40 7.1.7.  Usage of Policy Constraints Extension ................................................................................................... 40 7.1.8.  Policy Qualifiers Syntax and Semantics ................................................................................................. 40 7.1.9.  Processing Semantics for the Critical Certificate Policies Extension ..................................................... 40 

7.2.  CRL PROFILE ............................................................................................................................................... 40 7.2.1.  Version Number(s) ................................................................................................................................. 40 7.2.2.  CRL and CRL Entry Extensions ............................................................................................................. 40 

7.3.  OCSP PROFILE ............................................................................................................................................ 40 

8.  COMPLIANCE AUDIT AND OTHER ASSESSMENTS ....................................................................................... 41 

8.1.  FREQUENCY AND CIRCUMSTANCES OF ASSESSMENT .......................................................................................... 41 8.2.  IDENTITY/QUALIFICATIONS OF ASSESSOR ......................................................................................................... 41 8.3.  ASSESSOR'S RELATIONSHIP TO ASSESSED ENTITY ........................................................................................... 41 8.4.  TOPICS COVERED BY ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................. 41 8.5.  ACTIONS TAKEN AS A RESULT OF DEFICIENCY .................................................................................................. 41 8.6.  COMMUNICATIONS OF RESULTS ...................................................................................................................... 41 

9.  OTHER BUSINESS AND LEGAL MATTERS ...................................................................................................... 41 

9.1.  FEES ............................................................................................................................................................ 41 9.1.1.  Certificate Issuance or Renewal Fees .................................................................................................... 41 9.1.2.  Certificate Access Fees .......................................................................................................................... 41 9.1.3.  Revocation or Status Information Access Fees ...................................................................................... 42 9.1.4.  Fees for Other Services ......................................................................................................................... 42 9.1.5.  Refund Policy ......................................................................................................................................... 42 

9.2.  FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ............................................................................................................................. 42 9.2.1.  Insurance Coverage ............................................................................................................................... 42 9.2.2.  Other Assets .......................................................................................................................................... 42 9.2.3.  Insurance or Warranty Coverage for End-Entities .................................................................................. 42 

9.3.  CONFIDENTIALITY OF BUSINESS INFORMATION ................................................................................................... 42 9.3.1.  Scope of Business Confidential Information ........................................................................................... 42 9.3.2.  Information Not Within the Scope of Business Confidential Information ................................................. 42 9.3.3.  Responsibility to Protect Business Confidential Information ................................................................... 42 

9.4.  PRIVACY OF PERSONAL INFORMATION .............................................................................................................. 42 9.4.1.  Privacy Plan ........................................................................................................................................... 42 


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9.4.2.  Information Treated as Private ............................................................................................................... 43 9.4.3.  Information Not Deemed Private ............................................................................................................ 43 9.4.4.  Responsibility to Protect Private Information .......................................................................................... 43 9.4.5.  Notice and Consent to Use Private Information ..................................................................................... 43 

9.5.  INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS .................................................................................................................... 43 9.6.  REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES .............................................................................................................. 43 

9.6.1.  CA Representations and Warranties ...................................................................................................... 43 9.6.2.  RA Representations and Warranties ...................................................................................................... 43 9.6.3.  Subscriber Representations and Warranties .......................................................................................... 44 9.6.4.  Relying Party Representations and Warranties ...................................................................................... 44 9.6.5.  Representations and Warranties of Other Participants .......................................................................... 44 

9.7.  DISCLAIMERS OF WARRANTIES ........................................................................................................................ 45 9.8.  LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY ................................................................................................................................ 45 9.9.  INDEMNITIES ................................................................................................................................................. 45 9.10.  TERM AND TERMINATION ................................................................................................................................ 45 

9.10.1.  Term .................................................................................................................................................. 45 9.10.2.  Termination ........................................................................................................................................ 45 9.10.3.  Effect of Termination and Survival ..................................................................................................... 45 

9.11.  INDIVIDUAL NOTICES AND COMMUNICATIONS WITH PARTICIPANTS ........................................................................ 45 9.12.  AMENDMENTS ............................................................................................................................................... 46 

9.12.1.  Procedure for Amendment ................................................................................................................. 46 9.12.2.  Notification Mechanism and Period .................................................................................................... 46 9.12.3.  Circumstances Under Which OID Must be Changed ......................................................................... 46 

9.13.  DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROVISIONS .................................................................................................................. 46 9.14.  GOVERNING LAW ........................................................................................................................................... 46 9.15.  COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAW ................................................................................................................ 46 9.16.  MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ......................................................................................................................... 46 

9.16.1.  Entire Agreement ............................................................................................................................... 46 9.16.2.  Assignment ........................................................................................................................................ 46 9.16.3.  Severability ........................................................................................................................................ 47 9.16.4.  Enforcement (Attorney’s Fees and Waiver of Rights) ........................................................................ 47 9.16.5.  Force Majeure .................................................................................................................................... 47 

9.17.  OTHER PROVISIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 47 


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P a g e | 9 1. INTRODUCTION This document is the Certification Practice Statement (“CPS”) for the (ARAMEX Corporate Issuing CA II). It states the practices that (ARAMEX Corporate Issuing CA II ) employ in providing certification services that include, but are not limited to, issuing, managing, revoking, and renewing certificates in accordance with the specific requirements of the ARAMEX International Certificate Policies (“CP”). The CP establishes the business, legal, and technical requirements for approving, issuing, managing, using, revoking, and renewing, digital Certificates within ARAMEX Corporate and providing associated trust services. While the CP sets those requirements that should be met, this CPS describes how ARAMEX meets these requirements. This CPS conforms to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) RFC 3647 for Certificate Policy and Certification Practice Statement construction. 1.1. Overview X.509 Certificate Policy for ARAMEX (CP) International defines the requirements for the creation and management of Version 3 X.509 public-key certificates for use in applications requiring communication between networked computer-based systems. Such applications include, but are not limited to, electronic mail; transmission of unclassified and classified information; signature of electronic forms; contract submission signatures; and authentication of infrastructure components such as web servers, firewalls, and directories. This CPS covers the issuance of end user certificates (including smart card certificates). ARAMEX CP defines four assurance levels for PKI certificates. Certificates identify the entity named as the subject in the certificate, and bind that entity to a particular public/private key pair. ARAMEX International PKI consists of products and services that provide and manage X.509 certificates for public-key cryptography. Programs that carry out or support the mission of the ARAMEX International, require services such as authentication, information integrity, confidentiality, non-repudiation, and access control. These services are met with an array of network security components such as software applications, workstations, guards, firewalls, routers, In-line Network Encryptors (INE), and trusted database servers. The operation of these components may be supported and complemented by use of public-key cryptography. Security management services provided by the ARAMEX International PKI include:

• Key Generation/Storage/Recovery • Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Generation and Distribution • Certificate Update, Renewal, and Re-key • Directory Management of Certificate Related Items • Certificate token initialization/programming/management • Privilege and Authorization Management • System Management Functions (e.g., security audit, certificate tracking, archive)

The reliability of the public-key cryptography portion of the security solution is a direct result of the secure and trustworthy operation of the ARAMEX International PKI, including equipment, facilities, personnel, and procedures. 1.2. Document name and Identification This is the (ARAMEX Corporate Issuing CA II) CPS. The practices stated herein conform to ARAMEX International Certificate Policy specifications for Low Assurance and Medium Assurance. Certificates for end users that are created using these practices will assert one of the following Issuance Policies:


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• ARAMEX Client Authentication Class II V1. • ARAMEX Signature and Non Repudiation Class II V1. • ARAMEX Smart Cards V1. • ARAMEX Encryption Class I V1.

1.3. PKI Participants The following sections introduce the PKI and community roles involved in issuing and maintaining key management certificates. The ARAMEX International Policy Management Authority (PMA) is a body established by ARAMEX to:

• Oversee the creation and update of certificate policies, including evaluation of changes requested, and plans for implementing any accepted changes.

• Review the Certification Practice Statements (CPS) of ARAMEX International.

• Perform and review the results of compliance audits, and make recommendations regarding corrective actions, or other measures that might be appropriate.

• Establish the suitability of non-ARAMEX policies for use within ARAMEX network (for example, in

cases where the technical mechanism of "policy mapping" is being considered); 1.3.1. Certification Authorities

A Certification Authority (CA) is an entity authorized by the PMA to create, sign, and issue public key certificates. A CA is responsible for all aspects of the issuance and management of a certificate, including control over the registration process, the identification and authentication process, the certificate manufacturing process, publication of certificates, revocation of certificates, and re-key; and for ensuring that all aspects of the CA services and CA operations and infrastructure related to certificates issued under this Policy are performed in accordance with the requirements, representations, and warranties of this Policy. CA is an inclusive term, and includes all types of CAs. Any CA requirement expressed in this Policy applies to all CA types unless expressly stated otherwise. In the case of a hierarchical PKI, the CAs must be subordinate to a Root-CA (and a maximum of one intermediate CA). The CA to which a second CA is subordinate is called the second CA's "superior CA." 1.3.2. Registration Authorities

A Registration Authority (RA) is an entity that enters into an agreement with a CA to collect and verify Subscribers’ identity and information, which is to be entered into public key certificates. The RA must perform its functions in accordance with a CPS approved by the PMA. 1.3.3. Subscribers

A Subscriber is the entity whose name appears as the subject in a certificate, and who asserts that it uses its key and certificate in accordance with this policy. In some cases certificates are issued directly to individuals or entities for their own use. However, there commonly exist other situations where the party requiring a certificate is different from the subject to whom the credential applies. For example, an organization may require certificates for its employees to allow them to represent the organization in electronic transactions/business. In such situations the entity


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P a g e | 11 subscribing for the issuance of certificates is different from the entity which is the subject of the certificate (generally, the holder of the credential). Two different terms are used in this CPS to distinguish between these two roles: "Subscriber", is the entity which contracts with ARAMEX PKI Services for the issuance of credentials and "Subject", is the person to whom the credential is bound. The Subscriber bears ultimate responsibility for the use of the credential but the Subject is the individual that is authenticated when the credential is presented. When ‘Subject’ is used, it is to indicate a distinction from the Subscriber. When “Subscriber” is used it may mean just the Subscriber as a distinct entity but may also use the term .The targeted ARAMEX PKI Subscribers include, but are not limited to, the following categories of entities that may wish to communicate securely and have demonstrated a bona fide need for a PKI certificate:

• ARAMEX personnel, and eligible contractors;

• Workstations, guards and firewalls, routers, in-line network encryptors (INE), trusted servers (e.g., database, FTP, and WWW), and other infrastructure components. These components must be under the cognizance of humans, who accept the certificate and are responsible for the correct protection and use of the associated private key.

1.3.4. Relying Parties A Relying Party is the entity who, by using another’s certificate to verify the integrity of a digitally signed message, to identify the creator of a message, or to establish confidential communications with the holder of the certificate, relies on the validity of the binding of the Subscriber's name to a public key. A Relying Party may use information in the certificate (such as certificate policy identifiers) to determine the suitability of the certificate for a particular use. 1.3.5. Other Participants

ARAMEX relying parties shall have access to directory services to obtain PKI related information such as the certificates and CRLs. CAs operating under this policy will require the services of other security, community, and application authorities, such as compliance auditors and attribute authorities. The CA shall identify, in its CPS, the parties responsible for providing such services, and the mechanisms used to support these services. 1.4. Certificate Usage 1.4.1. Appropriate Certificate Usages Level of assurance This CPS only pertains to low and medium assurance levels. Factors in determining usage

For Subscriber certificates, see ARAMEX International CP. Value of the Information See this section in ARAMEX International CP. Threat See this section in ARAMEX International CP.


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P a g e | 12 Level of environmental protection

See this section in ARAMEX International CP. Certificates Issued to Individuals

See this section in ARAMEX International CP. 1.4.2. Prohibited Certificate Uses

Certificates shall be used only to the extent the use is consistent with applicable law, and in particular shall be used only to the extent permitted by applicable export or import laws. Also, Class 1 Certificates shall not be used as proof of identity or as support of non repudiation of identity or authority. Client Certificates are intended for client applications and shall not be used as server or Organizational Certificates.CA Certificates may not be used for any functions except CA functions. In addition, end-user Subscriber Certificates shall not be used as CA Certificates. 1.5. Policy Administration 1.5.1. Organization Administering the Document

The PMA is responsible for the definition, revision and promulgation of this policy. The PMA body is located in ARAMEX International head office. 1.5.2. Contact Person

The Information Technology Team ARAMEX International General Services Office GSO +962 6 5515111 (voice) +962 6 552 7461 (fax) [email protected] 1.5.3. Person Determining CPS Suitability for the Policy

ARAMEX International Policy Management Authority PMA determines the suitability and applicability of this CPS. 1.5.4. CPS Approval Procedure

Approval of this CPS and subsequent amendments shall be made by the PMA. Amendments shall either be in the form of a document containing an amended form of the CPS or an update notice. Amended versions or updates shall available on ARAMEX Repository located at: Updates supersede any designated or conflicting provisions of the referenced version of the CPS. The PMA shall determine whether changes to the CPS require a change in the Certificate policy object identifiers of the Certificate policies corresponding to each Class of Certificate. 1.6. Definitions and Acronyms See Appendix A for a table of acronyms and definitions.


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P a g e | 13 2. Publication and Repository Responsibilities 2.1. Repositories Repositories that support a CA in posting information as required by this policy shall:

• Maintain availability of the information as required by the certificate information posting and retrieval stipulations of this policy.

• Provide access control mechanisms sufficient to protect repository information. 2.2. Publication of Certification Information. ARAMEX International maintains a web-based repository that permits Relying Parties to make online inquiries regarding revocation and other Certificate status information. ARAMEX International provides Relying Parties with information on how to find the appropriate repository to check Certificate status and, if OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) is available, how to find the right OCSP responder. ARAMEX International will at all times publish a current version of:

• Issued encryption certificates that assert this Policy; • A CRL; • The CA's certificate for its certificate signing key • A copy of this Policy, including any waivers granted to the CA by the PMA.

ARAMEX International publishes certain CA information in the CA section of ARAMEX web site at .This include ,but not limited to , the certificates of all CA servers ,along with the recent revocation lists for each CA. 2.3. Time or Frequency of Publication CA information is published promptly after it is made available to the CA. ARAMEX PKI Services offers CRLs showing the revocation of Certificates and offers status checking services through ARAMEX repositories. CRLs for end-user Subscriber Certificates shall be issued at least once per a week. If a Certificate listed in a CRL expires, it may be removed from later issued CRLs after the Certificate’s expiration. 2.4. Access controls on repositories Repository information shall be protected from unauthorized modification and disclosure.


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P a g e | 14 3. Identification and Authentication 3.1. Naming 3.1.1. Type of Names

All certificates shall use DN name forms for the issuer and subject name fields.Subscribers shall have DNs assigned to them through their organizations, in accordance with a naming authority. ARAMEX PKI Team shall investigate and correct if necessary any name collisions brought to its attention. If appropriate, the Certificate authority team shall coordinate with and defer to the appropriate naming authority. However, names can be constructed using the organization directory services. 3.1.2. Need for Names to be Meaningful

When DNs are used, the common name shall represent the Subscriber in a way that is easily understandable for humans. For people, this will typically be a legal name. For equipment, this may be a model name and serial number, or an application process (e.g., Organization X Mail List or Organization Y Multifunction Interpreter). Class 2 end-user Subscriber Certificates shall include meaningful names in the following sense: Class 2 end-user Subscriber Certificates shall contain names with commonly understood semantics permitting the determination of the identity of the individual or organization that is the Subject of the Certificate. 3.1.3. Anonymity or Pseudonymity of Subscribers

A CA shall not issue anonymous certificates. CA certificates shall not contain anonymous or pseudonymous identities. 3.1.4. Rules for Interpreting Various Name Forms

No stipulation 3.1.5. Uniqueness of Names

Name uniqueness across the corporate must be enforced. Wherever practical, X.500 DNs allocated from corporate naming authority shall be used, and the CAs and RAs shall enforce name uniqueness within the X.500 name space, which they have been authorized. 3.1.6. Recognition, Authentication and Role of Trademarks

Certificate Applicants shall not use names in their Certificate Applications that infringe upon the intellectual Property Rights of others. Neither ARAMEX International nor any Affiliate shall be required to determine whether a Certificate Applicant has Intellectual Property Rights in the name appearing in a Certificate Application or to arbitrate, mediate, or otherwise resolve any dispute concerning the ownership of any domain name, trade name, trademark, or service mark, and ARAMEX International and any Affiliate shall be entitled, without liability to any Certificate Applicant, to reject or suspend any Certificate Application because of such dispute.


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P a g e | 15 3.2. Initial Identity Validation 3.2.1. Method to Prove Possession of Private Key

The certificate applicant must demonstrate that it rightfully holds the private key corresponding to the public key to be listed in the Certificate. The method to prove possession of a private key shall be PKCS #10, another cryptographically equivalent demonstration, or another ARAMEX-approved method. This requirement does not apply where a key pair is generated by a CA on behalf of a Subscriber, for example where pre-generated keys are placed on smart cards. 3.2.2. Authentication of Organization Identity

N/A 3.2.3. Authentication of Individual Identity

Authentication procedures for individual identity differ according to the Class of Certificate. The minimum authentication standard for each class of certificate is explained in Table below: Certificate Class Authentication of Identity

Class 1

No identity authentication. There is a limited confirmation of the Subscriber’s identity by requiring the subscriber to be able to know some kind of credentials associated with the subscriber.

Class 2

Authenticate identity by receiving an official email from the requestor using the company corporate mail or other trusted company's mail system. There should be another way of authentication, through a phone call with the subscriber or any other method (face-to-face interview, legal identity papers, or the company corporate messaging system). Right Management Services should be used when possible

3.2.4. Non-Verified Subscriber Information

Non-verified subscriber information includes:

• Organization Unit (OU) • Subscriber’s name in Class 1 certificates • Any other information designated as non-verified in the certificate. • Subscriber e-mail address included in the certificate (e.g., in the subject alternative name

extension) is not verified. 3.2.5. Validation of Authority



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P a g e | 16 3.2.6. Criteria for Interoperation

ARAMEX PKI Services may provide interoperation services that allow a non-ARAMEX CA to be able to interoperate with ARAMEX Trusted network by unilaterally certifying that CA. CAs enabled to interoperate in this way will comply with this CPS as supplemented by additional policies when required. ARAMEX shall only allow interoperation of a non-ARAMEX CA in circumstances where the CA shall at a minimum:

• Enters into a contractual agreement with ARAMEX International. • Operates under a CPS that meets ARAMEX requirements for the classes of certificates it will


• Passes a compliance assessment before being allowed to interoperate. • Passes an annual compliance assessment for ongoing eligibility to interoperate.

3.3. Identification and Authentication for Re-key Requests The longer and more often a key is used, the more susceptible it is to loss or discovery. This weakens the assurance provided to a Relying Party that the unique binding between a key and its named Subscriber is valid .Therefore, it is important that a Subscriber periodically obtains new keys and re-establishes its identity. Prior to the expiration of an existing Subscriber’s Certificate, it is necessary for the Subscriber to obtain a new certificate to maintain continuity of Certificate usage. CAs and RAs generally require that the Subscriber generate a new key pair to replace the expiring key pair (technically defined as “rekey”). However, in certain cases (i.e., for web server certificates) Subscribers may request a new certificate for an existing key pair (technically defined as “renewal”). 3.3.1. Identification and Authentication for Routine Re-key

The entity approving a Certificate Application for the Subscriber of an end-user Subscriber Certificate shall be responsible for authenticating a request for re-key or renewal. Re-key procedures ensure that the person or organization seeking to renew/rekey an end-user Subscriber Certificate is in fact the Subscriber of the Certificate. One acceptable procedure is through the use of a Challenge Phrase (or the equivalent thereof), or proof of possession of the private key. It is important to mention that full re-authentication process should be applied for Class 3 /EV Certificate holders. 3.3.2. Identification and Authentication for Re-key After Revocation

Re-key/renewal after revocation is not permitted if the revocation occurred because:

• The Class 2 Certificate was issued to a person other than the one named as the Subject of the Certificate.

• The Class 2 Certificate was issued without the authorization of the person or entity named as the Subject of such Certificate.

• The entity approving the Subscriber’s Certificate Application discovers or has reason to believe that a material fact in the Certificate Application is false.

• The certificate was deemed harmful to corporate. Subject to the foregoing paragraph, renewal of an organizational or CA Certificate following revocation of the Certificate is permissible as long as renewal procedures ensure that the organization or CA seeking renewal is in fact the Subscriber of the Certificate. Renewed organizational Certificates shall contain the


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P a g e | 17 same Subject distinguished name as the Subject distinguished name of the organizational Certificate being renewed. Renewal of an individual Certificate following revocation must ensure that the person seeking renewal is, in fact, the Subscriber. One acceptable procedure is the use of a Challenge Phrase (or the equivalent thereof). Other than this procedure or another ARAMEX-approved procedure, the requirements for the identification and authentication of an original Certificate Application shall be used for renewing a Certificate following revocation. 3.4. Identification and Authentication for Revocation Request

Revocation procedures ensure prior to any revocation of any Certificate that the revocation has in fact been requested by the Certificate’s Subscriber, the entity that approved the Certificate Application, or the applicable Processing Center. Acceptable procedures for authenticating the revocation requests of a Subscriber include:

• Receiving a message from the Subscriber that requests revocation and contains a digital signature verifiable with reference to the Certificate to be revoked.

• Communication with the Subscriber providing reasonable assurances in light of the Class of Certificate that the person or organization requesting revocation is, in fact the Subscriber. Such communication, depending on the circumstances, may include one or more of the following: telephone, facsimile, e-mail, postal mail, or courier service.

4. Certificate Life-Cycle Operational Requirements 4.1 Certificate Application 4.1.1. Who Can Submit a Certificate Application?

Below is a list of people who may submit certificate applications:

• Any individual who is the subject of the certificate. • Any authorized representative of an Organization or entity. • Any authorized representative of a CA. • Any authorized representative of an RA.

4.1.2. Enrollment Process and Responsibilities End-user Certificate Subscribers All end-user Certificate Subscribers shall manifest assent to the relevant Subscriber Agreement that contains representations and warranties described later and undergo an enrollment process consisting of:

• Completing a Certificate Application and providing true and correct information. • Generating, or arranging to have generated, a key pair. CA and RA Certificates

Subscribers of CA and RA Certificates enter into a contract with the Superior Entity that will issue the CA or RA Certificate. CA and RA Applicants shall provide their credentials to demonstrate their identity and


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P a g e | 18 provide contact information during the contracting process. During this contracting process or, at the latest, prior to the Key Generation Ceremony to create a CA or RA key pair, the applicant shall cooperate with its Superior Entity to determine the appropriate distinguished name and the content of the Certificates to be issued by the applicant. 4.2. Certificate Application Processing 4.2.1. Performing Identification and Authentication Functions

An RA shall perform identification and authentication of all required Subscriber information in terms of Section 3.2 4.2.2. Approval or Rejection of Certificate Applications

An RA will approve an application for a certificate if successful identification and authentication of all required Subscriber information in terms of Section 3.2 An RA will reject a certificate application if:

• Identification and authentication of all required Subscriber information in terms of Section 3.2 cannot be completed.

• The Subscriber fails to furnish supporting documentation upon request. • The Subscriber fails to respond to notices within a specified time. • The RA believes that issuing a certificate to the Subscriber may bring ARAMEX Services into

disrepute. 4.2.3. Time to Process Certificate Applications

CAs and RAs begin processing certificate applications within a reasonable time of receipt. There is no time stipulation to complete the processing of an application unless otherwise indicated in the relevant Subscriber Agreement, CPS or other Agreement between participants. A certificate application remains active until rejected. 4.3. Certificate Issuance 4.3.1. CA Actions during Certificate Issuance

A Certificate is created and issued following the approval of a Certificate Application by a CA or following receipt of an RA’s request to issue the Certificate. The CA creates and issues to a Certificate Applicant a Certificate based on the information in a Certificate Application following approval of such Certificate Application. 4.3.2. Notifications to Subscriber by the CA of Issuance of Certificate

CAs issuing Certificates to end-user Subscribers shall, either directly or through an RA, notify Subscribers that they have created such Certificates, and provide Subscribers with access to the Certificates by notifying them that their Certificates are available and the means for obtaining them. Certificates shall be made available to end-user Subscribers, either by allowing them to download them from a web site or via a message sent to the Subscriber containing the Certificate.


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P a g e | 19 4.4. Certificate Acceptance 4.4.1. Conduct Constituting Certificate Acceptance

The following conduct constitutes certificate acceptance:

• Downloading a Certificate or installing a Certificate from a message attaching it constitutes the Subscriber’s acceptance of the Certificate.

• Failure of the Subscriber to object to the certificate or its content constitutes certificate acceptance.

4.4.2. Publication of the Certificate by the CA

CA certificates and Subscriber encryption certificates shall be published to the appropriate repositories. 4.4.3. Notification of Certificate Issuance by the CA to Other Entities

No stipulation. 4.5. Key Pair and Certificate Usage 4.5.1. Subscriber Private Key and Certificate Usage

Use of the Private Key corresponding to the public key in the certificate shall only be permitted once the Subscriber has agreed to the Subscriber agreement and accepted the certificate. The certificate shall be used lawfully in accordance with ARAMEX Subscriber Agreement the terms of this CPS and the relevant CPS. Certificate use must be consistent with the KeyUsage field extensions included in the certificate (e.g., if Digital Signature is not enabled then the certificate must not be used for signing). The Subscriber shall use the private key for ARAMEX business only. Subscribers shall protect their private keys from unauthorized use and shall discontinue use of the private key following expiration or revocation of the certificate. The Subscriber may continue to use the decryption private key solely to decrypt previously encrypted information after the associated certificate has been revoked or has expired. 4.5.2. Relying Party Public Key and Certificate Usage

Relying parties shall assent to the terms of the applicable relying party agreement as a condition of relying on the certificate. Reliance on a certificate must be reasonable under the circumstances. If the circumstances indicate a need for additional assurances, the Relying Party must obtain such assurances for such reliance to be deemed reasonable. Before any act of reliance, Relying Parties shall independently assess:

• The appropriateness of the use of a Certificate for any given purpose and determine that the Certificate will, in fact, be used for an appropriate purpose that is not prohibited or otherwise restricted by this CPS,ARAMEX corporate, CAs, and RAs are not responsible for assessing the appropriateness of the use of a Certificate.


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• That the certificate is being used in accordance with the KeyUsage field extensions included in the certificate (e.g., if Digital Signature is not enabled then the certificate may not be relied upon for validating a Subscriber’s signature).

• The status of the certificate and all the CAs in the chain that issued the certificate. If any of the

Certificates in the Certificate Chain have been revoked, the Relying Party is solely responsible to investigate whether reliance on a digital signature performed by an end user Subscriber certificate prior to revocation of a Certificate in the Certificate chain is reasonable. Any such reliance is made solely at the risk of the Relying party.

Assuming that the use of the Certificate is appropriate, Relying Parties shall utilize the appropriate software and/or hardware to perform digital signature verification or other cryptographic operations they wish to perform, as a condition of relying on Certificates in connection with each such operation. Such operations include identifying a Certificate Chain and verifying the digital signatures on all Certificates in the Certificate Chain. 4.6. Certificate Renewal Renewing a certificate means creating a new certificate with the same name, key, and authorizations as the old one, but a new, extended validity period and a new serial number. Certificates may be renewed as a means of CRL size management. A certificate may be renewed if the public key has not reached the end of its validity, the associated private key has not been compromised, and the Subscriber name and attributes are correct. ARAMEX PKI Team should ensure that the CA renews its CA certificate value at half of the remaining validity period. The first time the issuing CA certificate is renewed, it is renewed with the original key pair. After half of the CA Certificate validity period pass, the CA certificate is renewed with a new key pair. This ensures that the same key pair is never used for a period longer than the intended original validity period the CA certificate. 4.6.1. Circumstances for Certificate Renewal

Prior to the expiration of an existing Subscriber’s Certificate, it is necessary for the Subscriber to renew a new certificate to maintain continuity of Certificate usage. A certificate may also be renewed after expiration. 4.6.2. Who May Request Renewal

Only the subscriber for an individual certificate or an authorized representative for an Organizational certificate may request certificate renewal. 4.6.3. Processing Certificate Renewal Requests

Renewal procedures ensure that the person or organization seeking to renew an end-user Subscriber Certificate is in fact the Subscriber (or authorized by the Subscriber) of the Certificate. One acceptable procedure is through sending email signed with the subscriber signing certificate. 4.6.4. Notification of New Certificate Issuance to Subscriber

Notification of issuance of certificate renewal to the Subscriber is in accordance with Section 4.3.2


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P a g e | 21 4.6.5. Conduct Constituting Acceptance of a Renewal Certificate

Conduct constituting Acceptance of a renewed certificate is in accordance with Section 4.4.1 4.6.6. Publication of the Renewal Certificate by the CA

See Section 4.4.2 4.6.7. Notification of Certificate Issuance by the CA to Other Entities

See Section 4.4.3 4.7. Certificate Re-Key Certificate rekey is the application for the issuance of a new certificate that certifies the new public key. Certificate rekey is supported for all certificate Classes. 4.7.1. Circumstances for Certificate Re-Key

Prior to the expiration of an existing Subscriber’s Certificate, it is necessary for the Subscriber to Re-key the certificate to maintain continuity of Certificate usage. A certificate may also be rekeyed after expiration. 4.7.2. Who May Request Certification of a New Public Key

Only the subscriber for an individual certificate or an authorized representative for an Organizational certificate may request certificate renewal. 4.7.3. Processing Certificate Re-Keying Requests

The re-key process could be akin to the initial certificate issuance process described in Section 4.3. 4.7.4. Notification of New Certificate Issuance to Subscriber

Notification of issuance of a re-keyed certificate to the Subscriber is in accordance with Section.4.3.2 4.7.5. Conduct Constituting Acceptance of a Re-Keyed Certificate

See Section 4.4.1 4.7.6. Publication of the Re-Keyed Certificate by the CA

See Section 4.4.2 4.7.7. Notification of Certificate Issuance by the CA to Other Entities

See Section 4.4.3


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P a g e | 22 4.8. Certificate modification Modifying (updating) a certificate means creating a new certificate that has the same or a different key, a different serial number, and differs in one or more other fields, from the old certificate. For example, a CA may choose to modify a certificate of a Subscriber who gains an authorization. The old certificate may or may not be revoked, but must not be further re-keyed, renewed, or modified. The CA shall authenticate the validity of any authorizations using the same means as for the initial authorization or means of equal or greater security and assurance. 4.8.1. 4.8.1 Circumstance for Certificate Modification

A certificate may be modified if some of the information other than the DN, such as the e-mail address or authorizations, has changed. If the Subscriber name has changed, the Subscriber shall undergo the initial registration process. 4.8.2. 4.8.2 Who May Request Certificate Modification

See Section 4.1.1 4.8.3. Processing Certificate Modification Requests

An RA shall perform identification and authentication of all required Subscriber information in terms of Section 3.2. 4.8.4. Notification of New Certificate Issuance to Subscriber

See Section 4.3.2 4.8.5. Conduct Constituting Acceptance of Modified Certificate

See Section 4.4.1 4.8.6. Publication of the Modified Certificate by the CA

See Section 4.4.2 4.8.7. Notification of Certificate Issuance by the CA to Other Entities

See Section 4.4.3 4.9. Certificate Revocation and Suspension 4.9.1. Circumstances for Revocation

A certificate shall be revoked when the binding between the subject and the subject’s public key defined within a certificate is no longer considered valid. Examples of circumstances that invalidate the binding are:

• ARAMEX PKI Team, a Customer, or a Subscriber has reason to believe or strongly suspects that there has been a Compromise of a Subscriber’s private key.


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• ARAMEX PKI Team or a Customer has reason to believe that the Subscriber has materially breached a material obligation, representation, or warranty under the applicable Subscriber Agreement.

• The Subscriber Agreement with the Subscriber has been terminated. • ARAMEX PKI Team or a Customer has reason to believe that the Certificate was issued in a

manner not materially in accordance with the procedures required by the applicable CPS, the Certificate (other than a Class 1 Certificate) was issued to a person other than the one named as the Subject of the Certificate, or the Certificate (other than a Class 1Certificate) was issued without the authorization of the person named as the Subject of such Certificate.

• In the case of Class 3 organizational Certificates, the Subscriber’s organization name changes. • The information within the Certificate is incorrect or has changed. • The continued use of that certificate is harmful to the issuing corporate. • Identifying information or affiliation components of any names in the certificate become invalid. • Privilege attributes asserted in the Subscriber's certificate are reduced. • The Subscriber can be shown to have violated the stipulations of its Subscriber agreement. • The private key is suspected of compromise. • The Subscriber or other authorized party (as defined in the CPS) asks for his/her certificate to be

revoked. ARAMEX may also revoke an Administrator Certificate if the Administrator’s authority to act as Administrator has been terminated or otherwise has ended. ARAMEX Subscriber Agreements require end-user Subscribers to immediately notify ARAMEX of a known or suspected compromise of its private key. Whenever any of the above circumstances occur, the associated certificate shall be revoked and placed on the CRL. In addition, if it is determined subsequent to issuance of new certificates that a private key used to sign requests for one or more additional certificates may have been compromised at the time the requests for additional certificates were made, all certificates authorized by directly or indirectly chaining back to that compromised key shall be revoked. Revoked certificates shall be included on all new publications of the CRL until the certificates expire. 4.9.2. Who Can Request Revocation

Individual Subscribers can request the revocation of their own individual Certificates. In the case of organizational Certificates, a duly authorized representative of the organization shall be entitled to request the revocation of Certificates issued to the organization. The entity that approved a Subscriber’s certificate Application shall also be entitled to revoke or request the revocation of the Subscriber’s Certificate. Only ARAMEX is entitled to request or initiate the revocation of the Certificates issued to its own CAs. 4.9.3. Procedure for Revocation Request

Any format that is used to request a revocation shall identify the certificate to be revoked, explain the reason for revocation, and allow the request to be authenticated (e.g., digitally or manually signed). ARAMEX PKI Team action is required for revocation (a Subscriber may not, via an automated process, revoke its own certificate or change a prior revocation reason without ARAMEX PKI Team intervention). Authentication of certificate revocation requests is important to prevent malicious revocation of certificates by unauthorized parties. In particular, if the revocation is being requested for reason of key compromise or suspected fraudulent use, then the Subscriber's and the RA's revocation request must so indicate. If a RA performs this on behalf of a Subscriber, a formal, signed message format known to the CA shall be employed. All requests shall be authenticated; for signed requests from the certificate subject, or from a RA, verification of the signature is sufficient.


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P a g e | 24 Upon receipt of a revocation request from the Subscriber or another authorized party, ARAMEX PKI Team shall authenticate the revocation request. ARAMEX PKI Team may, at its discretion, take reasonable measures to verify the need for revocation. If the revocation request appears to be valid, ARAMEX PKI Team shall revoke the certificate by placing its serial number and other identifying information on a CRL, in addition to any other revocation mechanisms used. 4.9.4. Revocation Request Grace Period

There is no grace period for revocation under this policy; Subscribers and authorized PKI entities shall request the revocation of a certificate as soon as the need for revocation comes to their attention. 4.9.5. Time Within Which CA Must Process the Revocation Request

Reasonable steps are taken to process revocation requests without delay. . 4.9.6. Revocation Checking Requirements for Relying Parties

Use of revoked certificates could have damaging or catastrophic consequences in certain applications. The matter of how often new revocation data should be obtained is a determination to be made by the Relying Party and the system accreditor. If it is temporarily infeasible to obtain revocation information, then the Relying Party must either reject use of the certificate, or make an informed decision to accept the risk, responsibility, and consequences for using a certificate whose authenticity cannot be guaranteed to the standards of this policy. Such use may occasionally be necessary to meet urgent operational requirements. 4.9.7. CRL Issuance Frequency

CRLs for end-user Subscriber Certificates are issued at least once per week. If a Certificate listed in a CRL expires, it may be removed from later-issued CRLs after the Certificate’s expiration. 4.9.8. Maximum Latency for CRLs

CRLs are posted to the repository within a reasonable time after generation. This is generally done automatically within minutes of generation. 4.9.9. On-Line Revocation/Status Checking Availability

Online revocation and other Certificate status information are available via a web-based repository and internally through the corporate directory services. 4.9.10. On-Line Revocation Checking Requirements

A relying party must check the status of a certificate on which he/she/it wishes to rely. If a Relying Party does not check the status of a Certificate on which the Relying Party wishes to rely by consulting the most recent relevant CRL, the Relying Party shall check Certificate status by consulting the applicable repository or by requesting Certificate status using the applicable OCSP responder (where OCSP services are not available yet but will be introduced in the future.). 4.9.11. Other Forms of Revocation Advertisements Available

Not applicable


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P a g e | 25 4.9.12. Special Requirements regarding Key Compromise

ARAMEX PKI Participants shall be notified of an actual or suspected CA private key Compromise using reasonable efforts. 4.9.13. Circumstances for Suspension

Not applicable 4.9.14. Who Can Request Suspension

Not applicable 4.9.15. Procedure for Suspension Request

Not applicable. 4.9.16. Limits on Suspension Period

Not applicable. 4.10. Certificate Status Services 4.10.1. Operational Characteristics

The Status of public certificates is available via CRL through a ARAMEX website (at and LDAP directory . 4.10.2. Service Availability

Certificate Status Services shall be available as much as possible. . 4.10.3. Optional Features

OCSP is an optional status service feature that is not available yet but will be available in the future. 4.11. End of Subscription Subscription is synonymous with the certificate validity period. The subscription ends when the certificate is revoked or expired. 4.12. Key Escrow and Recovery 4.12.1. Key Escrow and Recovery Policy and Practices

Key archival is enabled no this CA. Only certificates used for encryption purposes identified by EKU extension, are to be archived .Archived private keys are protected by more than one Key Recovery Agents defined by the ARAMEX PKI Team .In addition, all encrypted content that is encrypted using ARAMEX encryption certificates, can be decrypted using more than one Data Recovery Agents defined by the ARAMEX PKI Team.


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P a g e | 26 To prevent Key Management Service Administrators and other persons from obtaining unauthorized access to private keys.

• Notify the subscribers that their private keys are archived. • Protect subscribers’ archived keys from unauthorized disclosure. • Protect all information, including the Key Recovery Agent’s own key(s) that could be used to

recover subscribers’ archived keys. • Release subscribers’ archived keys only for properly authenticated and authorized requests for

recovery. • Revoke the Subscriber’s Key pair prior to recovering the encryption key if the key is

compromised. • Not be required to communicate any information concerning a key recovery to the subscriber

except when the subscriber him/herself has requested recovery. • Not disclose or allow to be disclosed archived keys or archived key-related information to any

third party unless required by the law, government rule or regulation, the enterprise’s organization policy, or by order of a court of competent jurisdiction.

4.12.2. Session Key Encapsulation and Recovery Policy and Practices

Private keys are stored on the enterprise’s premises in encrypted form. Each Subscriber’s private key is individually encrypted with its own triple-DES symmetric key. One or more Key Recovery Agent (KRA) private key is used to encrypt this triple-DES symmetric key to ensure key recovery. Furthermore, any encryption process happening in a managed corporate machine using an encryption certificate from ARAMEX CA servers, is performed using the subscriber private key and the corporate Data Recovery Key(s) 5. Facility, Management, and Operational Controls 5.1. Physical Controls Unauthorized use of ARAMEX PKI equipment is forbidden. Physical security controls shall be implemented that protect the ARAMEX PKI hardware and software from unauthorized use. ARAMEX PKI cryptographic modules shall be protected against theft, loss, and unauthorized use. 5.1.1. Site Location and Construction

All ARAMEX CA and RA operations shall be conducted within a physically protected environment that deters, prevents, and detects unauthorized use of, access to, or disclosure of sensitive information and systems. This environment shall comply with the requirements of ARAMEX Security and Audit Requirements. Such requirements are based in part on the establishment of physical security tiers. A tier is a barrier such as a locked door or gate that provides mandatory access control for individuals and requires a positive response (e.g., door or gate unlocks or opens) for each individual to proceed to the next area. Each successive tier provides more restricted access and greater physical security against intrusion or unauthorized access. Moreover, each physical security tier encapsulates the next inner tier, such that an inner tier must be fully contained in an outside tier and cannot have a common outside wall with the outside tier, the outermost tier being the outside wall of the building. The minimum level of physical security required by the CA or RA is determined by the highest class of certificates they process.


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P a g e | 27 5.1.2. Physical Access

Access to each tier of physical security shall be auditable and controlled so that each tier can be accessed only by authorized personnel. 5.1.3. Power and Air Conditioning

The secure facilities of CAs and RAs shall be equipped with primary and backup power systems to ensure continuous, uninterrupted access to electric power. Also, these secure facilities shall be equipped with primary and backup heating/ventilation/air conditioning systems to control temperature and relative humidity. 5.1.4. Water Exposures

The secure facilities of CAs and RAs shall be constructed and equipped, and procedures shall be implemented, to prevent floods or other damaging exposure to water. 5.1.5. Fire Prevention and Protection

The secure facilities of CAs and RAs shall be constructed and equipped, and procedures shall be implemented, to prevent and extinguish fires or other damaging exposure to flame or smoke. These measures shall meet all local applicable safety regulations. 5.1.6. Media Storage

CAs and RAs shall protect the magnetic media holding backups of critical system data or any other sensitive information from water, fire, or other environmental hazards, and shall use protective measures to deter, detect, and prevent the unauthorized use of, access to, or disclosure of such media. 5.1.7. Waste Disposal

CAs and RAs shall implement procedures for the disposal of waste (paper, media, or any other waste) to prevent the unauthorized use of, access to, or disclosure of waste containing Confidential/Private Information. 5.1.8. Off-Site Backup

CAs and RAs shall maintain backups of critical of critical system data or any other sensitive information, including audit data, in a secure off-site facility. System backups, sufficient to recover from system failure, shall be made on a periodic schedule. For Medium and High Assurance CAs that are continuously operated (for periods of one week or longer), full system backups shall be performed daily. At least one backup copy shall be stored at an offsite location (separate from the CA equipment). Only the latest backup need be retained. The backup shall be stored at a site with physical and procedural controls commensurate to that of the operational CA system.


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P a g e | 28 5.2. Procedural Controls 5.2.1. Trusted Roles

Employees, contractors, and consultants that are designated to manage infrastructural trustworthiness shall be considered to be “Trusted Persons” serving in a “Trusted Position.” Persons seeking to become Trusted Persons by obtaining a Trusted Position shall meet the screening requirements of this CPS. Trusted Persons include all employees, contractors, and consultants that have access to or control authentication or cryptographic operations that may materially affect:

• The validation of information in Certificate Applications. • The acceptance, rejection, or other processing of Certificate Applications, revocation requests, or

renewal requests, or enrollment information. • The issuance or revocation of Certificates. • Personnel having access to restricted portions of its repository or the handling of Subscriber

information or requests. Two approaches are taken to increase the likelihood that these roles can be successfully carried out. The first approach is to ensure that the person filling the role is trustworthy and properly trained. The second is to distribute the functions of the role among several people, so that any malicious activity requires collusion 5.2.2. Number of Persons Required per Task

CAs and RAs shall establish, maintain, and enforce rigorous control procedures to ensure the segregation of duties based on job responsibility and to ensure that multiple Trusted Persons are required to perform sensitive tasks. Policy and control procedures are in place to ensure segregation of duties based on job responsibilities. The most sensitive tasks, such as access to and management of CA cryptographic hardware (cryptographic signing unit or CSU) and associated key material, require multiple Trusted Persons. Other manual operations such as the validation and issuance of Class 3 Certificates, not issued by an automated validation and issuance system, require the participation of at least 2 Trusted Persons, or a combination of at least one trusted person and an automated validation and issuance process. 5.2.3. Identification and Authentication for Each Role

CAs and RAs shall confirm the identity and authorization of all personnel seeking to become Trusted before such personnel are:

• Issued with their access devices and granted access to the required facilities. • Given electronic credentials to access and perform specific functions on Information Systems and

CA or RA systems.

Authentication of identity shall include the personal (physical) presence of such personnel before Trusted Persons performing HR or security functions within an entity and a check of well recognized forms of identification, such as passports and driver’s licenses. Identity shall be further confirmed through background the checking procedures specified in this CPS.


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P a g e | 29 5.2.4. Roles Requiring Separation of Duties

Roles requiring Separation of duties include (but are not limited to):

• The validation of information in Certificate Applications. • The acceptance, rejection, or other processing of Certificate Applications, revocation requests, or

renewal requests, or enrollment information. • The issuance or revocation of Certificates, including personnel having access to restricted

portions of the repository. • The handling of Subscriber information or requests. • The generation, issuing or destruction of a CA certificate. • The loading of a CA on production.

5.3. Personnel Controls 5.3.1. Qualifications, Experience, and Clearance Requirements

CAs and RAs shall require that personnel seeking to become Trusted Persons present proof of the requisite background, qualifications, and experience needed to perform their prospective job responsibilities competently and satisfactorily, as well as proof of any government clearances, if any, necessary to perform certification services under government contracts. 5.3.2. Background Check Procedures

Local service, agency, or community procedures shall be followed to determine the type of background check to be performed. Such checks are to be performed solely to determine the suitability of a person to fill a PKI role, and shall not be released except as required in Section 9.3. Background check procedures shall be described in the CPS. 5.3.3. Training Requirements

All personnel involved in the ARAMEX PKI Team shall be appropriately trained. Topics shall include the operation of ARAMEX PKI software and hardware, operational and security procedures, and the stipulations of this policy and local guidance. The specific training required will depend on the equipment used and the personnel selected. A training plan shall be established for ARAMEX PKI installation, and training completed by the personnel shall be documented. 5.3.4. Retraining Frequency and Requirements

Those involved in filling PKI roles shall be aware of changes in the ARAMEX PKI operation. Any significant Change to the ARAMEX PKI operation shall have a training (awareness) plan, and the execution of such plan shall be documented. Examples of such changes are CA software or hardware upgrade, changes in automated security systems, and relocation of CA equipment. 5.3.5. Job Rotation Frequency and Sequence

This policy makes no stipulation regarding frequency or sequence of job rotation. Local policies, which do impose requirements, shall provide for continuity and integrity of the PKI service.


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P a g e | 30 5.3.6. Sanctions for Unauthorized Actions

ARAMEX PKI Team shall take appropriate administrative and disciplinary actions against personnel who violate this policy. 5.3.7. Independent Contractor Requirements

CAs and RAs may permit independent contractors or consultants to become Trusted Persons only to the extent necessary to accommodate clearly-defined outsourcing relationships and only under the following conditions:

• The entity using the independent contractors or consultants as Trusted Persons does not have suitable employees available to fill the roles of Trusted Persons.

• The contractors or consultants are trusted by the entity to the same extent as if they were employees.

Otherwise, independent contractors and consultants shall have access to ARAMEX secure facility only to the extent they are escorted and directly supervised by Trusted Persons. 5.3.8. Documentation Supplied to Personnel

Documentation sufficient to define duties and procedures for each role shall be provided to the personnel filling that role. 5.4. Audit Logging Procedures This section describes the security audit requirements for ARAMEX PKI Services. 5.4.1. Types of Events Recorded

The types of auditable events that must be recorded by CAs and RAs are set forth below. All logs, whether electronic or manual, shall contain the date and time of the event, and the identity of the entity that caused the event. CAs shall state in their CPS the logs and types of events they record. Types of auditable events include:

• Operational events (including but not limited to (1) the generation of a CA’s own keys and the keys of subordinate CAs, (2) start-up and shutdown of systems and applications, (3) changes to CA details or keys, (4) cryptographic module lifecycle management-related events, (5) possession of activation data for CA private key operations, physical access logs, (6) system configuration changes and maintenance, (7) Records of the destruction of media containing key material, activation data, or personal Subscriber information).

• Certificate lifecycle events (including but not limited to initial issuance, re-key, renew, revocation, suspension).

• Trusted employee events (including but not limited to (1) logon and logoff attempts, (2) attempts

to create, remove, set passwords or change the system privileges of the privileged users, (3) personnel changes).

• Discrepancy and compromise reports (including but not limited to unauthorized system and

network logon attempts).


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P a g e | 31

• Failed read and write operations on the Certificate and repository.

• Changes to Certificate creation policies e.g., validity period. 5.4.2. Frequency of Processing Log

Audit log processing shall consist of a review of the audit logs and documenting the reason for all significant events in an audit log summary. Audit log reviews shall include a verification that the log has not been tampered with, an inspection of all log entries, and an investigation of any alerts or irregularities in the logs. Actions taken based on audit log reviews shall be documented. 5.4.3. Retention Period for Audit Log

Audit logs shall be retained onsite for at least two (2) months after processing and thereafter archived in accordance with Section 5.5.2. 5.4.4. Protection of Audit Log

Audit logs are protected with an electronic audit log system that includes mechanisms to protect the log files from unauthorized viewing, modification, deletion, or other tampering. 5.4.5. Audit Log Backup Procedures

Audit logs are maintained using third party solution and an operation team in order to monitor any critical logs appearing in real time. 5.4.6. Audit Collection System (Internal vs. External)

Both Internal and External auditing systems are used. 5.4.7. Notification to Event-Causing Subject

There is no requirement to notify a subject that an event was audited. Real-time alerts are neither required nor prohibited by this policy. 5.4.8. Vulnerability Assessments

Events in the audit process are logged, in part, to monitor system vulnerabilities. Logical security vulnerability assessments (“LSVAs”) are performed, reviewed, and revised following an examination of these monitored events.


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P a g e | 32 5.5. Records Archival 5.5.1. Types of Records Archived

RAs and CAs archive:

• All audit data collected in terms of Section 5.4 • Certificate application information • Documentation supporting certificate applications • Certificate lifecycle information e.g., revocation, rekey and renewal application information.

5.5.2. Retention Period for Archive

Records shall be retained for at least one year following the date the Certificate expires or is revoked. 5.5.3. Protection of Archive

An entity maintaining an archive of records shall protect the archive so that only the entity’s authorized Trusted Persons are able to obtain access to the archive. The archive is protected against unauthorized viewing, modification, deletion, or other tampering by storage within a Trustworthy System. The media holding the archive data and the applications required to process the archive data shall be maintained to ensure that the archive data can be accessed for the time period set forth in this CPS. 5.5.4. Archive Backup Procedures

Entities compiling electronic information shall perform full backup to system archives of such information on a daily. Copies of paper-based records shall be maintained in an off-site secure facility. 5.5.5. Requirements for Time-Stamping of Records

Certificates, CRLs, and other revocation database entries shall contain time and date information. Such time information need not be cryptographic-based. 5.5.6. Archive Collection System (Internal or External)

Archive data may be collected in any expedient manner. 5.5.7. Procedures to Obtain and Verify Archive Information

Only authorized Trusted Personnel are able to obtain access to the archive. The integrity of the information is verified when it is restored. 5.6. Key Changeover A CA uses a signing (private) key for creating certificates; however, relying parties employ the CA certificate for the life of the Subscriber certificate beyond that signing. Therefore, CAs must not issue Subscriber certificates that extend beyond the expiration dates of their own certificates and public keys, and the CA certificate validity period must extend one Subscriber certificate validity period (listed in Section 3.3) past the last use of the CA private key. To minimize risk to the PKI through compromise of a CAs key, the private signing key will be changed more frequently, and only the new key will be used for certificate signing purposes from that time. The older, but still valid, certificate will be available to verify old


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P a g e | 33 signatures until all of the Subscriber certificates signed under it have also expired. If the old private key is used to sign CRLs that contain certificates signed with that key, then the old key must be retained and protected. 5.7. Compromise and Disaster Recovery 5.7.1. Incident and Compromise Handling Procedures

If a hacking attempt or other form of potential compromise of a CA becomes known, it shall be investigated in order to determine the nature and the degree of damage. If the CA key is suspected of compromise, the procedures outlined in Section 5.7.3 shall be followed. Otherwise the scope of potential damage shall be assessed in order to determine if the CA needs to be rebuilt, only some certificates need to be revoked, and/or the CA key needs to be declared compromised. 5.7.2. Computing Resources, Software, and/or Data are Corrupted

The CA shall maintain backup copies of system, databases, and private keys in order to rebuild the CA capability in case of software and/or data corruption. 5.7.3. Entity Private Key Compromise Procedures

In case of a CA key compromise, a superior CA shall revoke that CA’s certificate, and the revocation information shall be published immediately in the most expedient manner. Subsequently, the CA installation shall be reestablished as in section 5.7.4. If the CA is a Root-CA, the trusted self-signed certificate must be removed from each Relying Party application, and a new one distributed via secure out-of-band mechanisms. Root-CAs shall describe their approaches to reacting to a Root-CA key compromise in their CPSs. 5.7.4. Business Continuity Capabilities After a Disaster

ARAMEX entities operating secure facilities for CA and RA operations develop, test, maintain and, if necessary, implement a disaster recovery plan designed to mitigate the effects of any kind of natural or man-made disaster. Disaster recovery plans address the restoration of information systems services and key business functions. Disaster recovery sites have the equivalent physical security protections specified by ARAMEX. CA Datacenters have the capability of restoring or recovering essential operations within 3 days following a disaster with, at a minimum, support for most of certificate functions 5.8. CA or RA Termination See section 9.10.


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P a g e | 34 6. Technical Security Controls 6.1. Key Pair Generation and Installation 6.1.1. Key Pair Generation

Key pair generation shall be performed using Trustworthy Systems and processes that provide the required cryptographic strength of the generated keys and prevent the loss, disclosure, modification, or unauthorized use of private keys. 6.1.2. Private Key Delivery to Subscriber

End-user Subscribers’ private keys are generally generated by the end-user Subscribers themselves, and therefore private key delivery to a Subscriber is unnecessary. Private keys shall be delivered to end-user Subscribers when (and not limited to) their key pairs are pre-generated on hardware tokens, which are distributed to Certificate Applicants in connection with the enrollment process. For all assurance levels, when keyed hardware tokens are delivered to Subscribers, the delivery shall be accomplished in a way that ensures that the correct tokens and activation data are provided to the correct Subscribers. When any mechanism that includes a shared secret (e.g., a password or Personal Identification Number (PIN)) is used, the mechanism shall ensure that the applicant and the ARAMEX PKI Team are the only recipients of this shared secret. 6.1.3. Public Key Delivery to Certificate Issuer

When a public key is transferred to the issuing CA to be certified, it shall be delivered through a mechanism ensuring that the public key has not been altered during transit and that the Certificate Applicant possesses the private key corresponding to the transferred public key. 6.1.4. CA Public Key Delivery to Relying Parties

The PKI and the relying parties must work together to ensure the authenticated and integral delivery of Trusted Certificates. Acceptable methods for Trusted Certificate delivery include, but are not limited to:

• CAs or RAs loading Trusted Certificates onto tokens delivered to relying parties via secure mechanisms.

• Secure distribution of Trusted Certificates through secure out-of-band mechanism. • Comparison of certificate hashes or fingerprints against Trusted Certificate hashes or fingerprints

made available via authenticated out-of-band sources (note that fingerprints or hashes posted in-band along with the certificate are not acceptable as an authentication mechanism).

• Loading certificates from web sites secured with a currently valid ARAMEX certificate of equal or greater assurance level than the certificate being downloaded.

6.1.5. Key Sizes

Key pairs shall be of sufficient length to prevent others from determining the key pair’s private key using cryptanalysis during the period of expected utilization of such key pairs. The current ARAMEX Standard for minimum key sizes is the use of key pair equivalent in strength to 1024 bit RSA for end entity certificate key pairs and 2048 bit RSA for issuing CA Certificate and 4096 bit RSA for root CA Certificate.


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P a g e | 35 6.1.6. Public Key Parameters Generation and Quality Checking

Public key parameters shall always be generated and checked in accordance with the standard that defines the cryptoalgorithm in which the parameters are to be used. 6.1.7. Key Usage Purposes (as per X.509 V3 Key Usage Field)

Refer to Section 6.2. Private Key Protection and Cryptographic Module Engineering

controls 6.2.1. Cryptographic Module Standards and Controls

Private keys within the ARAMEX Corporate shall be protected using a Trustworthy System and private key holders shall take necessary precautions to prevent the loss, disclosure, modification, or unauthorized use of such Private Keys in accordance with ARAMEX CP, contractual obligations and requirements documented in ARAMEX confidential security policies. End-user Subscribers have the option of protecting their private keys in a smart card or other hardware token. The private keys of Roaming Subscribers, however, reside on the server in which their roaming profile is located in an encrypted form and the symmetric keys to encrypt or decrypt the private key are cached and kept in every machine in which the roaming profile is loaded. 6.2.2. Private Key (m out of n) Multi-Person Control

Not available 6.2.3. Private Key Escrow

CA private keys are not escrowed. Escrow of private keys for end user subscribers is explained in more detail in Section 4.12. 6.2.4. Private Key Backup

CAs shall back up their own private keys so as to be able to recover from disasters and equipment malfunction in accordance with the standards documented in the ARAMEX International confidential security policies. 6.2.5. Private Key Archival

Upon expiration of a ARAMEX CA Certificate, the key pair associated with the certificate will be securely retained for a period of at least 5 years. These CA key pairs shall not be used for any signing events after their expiration date, unless the CA Certificate has been renewed in terms of this CPS. 6.2.6. Private Key Transfer Into or From a Cryptographic Module

Not available


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P a g e | 36 6.2.7. Private Key Storage on Cryptographic Module

Not available 6.2.8. Method of Activating Private Key

All Participants shall protect the activation data for their private keys against loss, theft, modification, unauthorized disclosure, or unauthorized use. Class 1 Certificates ARAMEX Standard for Class 1 private key protection is for Subscribers to take reasonable measures for the physical protection of the Subscriber’s workstation to prevent use of the workstation and its associated private key without the Subscriber’s authorization. In addition, it is recommended that Subscribers use a password in accordance with Section 6.4.1 or security of equivalent strength to authenticate the Subscriber before the activation of the private key, which includes, for instance, a password to operate Class 2 Certificates ARAMEX Standard for Class 2 Private Key protection is for Subscribers to:

• Use a password in accordance with Section 6.4.1 or security of equivalent strength to authenticate the Subscriber before the activation of the private key, which includes, for instance, a password to operate the private key, a Windows logon or screen saver password, a network logon password, or a password.

• Take commercially reasonable measures for the physical protection of the Subscriber’s workstation to prevent use of the workstation and its associated private key without the Subscriber’s authorization.

When deactivated, private keys shall be kept in encrypted form only. 6.2.9. Method of Deactivating Private Key

End-user Subscribers have an obligation to protect their private keys. Such obligations extend to protection of the private key after a private key operation has taken place. The private key may be deactivated after each operation, upon logging off their system, or upon removal of a smart card from the smart card reader depending upon the authentication mechanism employed by the user 6.2.10. Method of Destroying Private Key

Private keys shall be destroyed when they are no longer needed, or when the certificates to which they correspond expire or are revoked. For software cryptographic modules, this can be overwriting the data. For smart cards, this can be initializing the smart card and deleting all stored private keys and user information. 6.2.11. Cryptographic Module Rating

See Section 6.2.1


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P a g e | 37 6.3. Other Aspects of Key Pair Management 6.3.1. 6.3.1 Public Key Archival

CA shall archive their own public keys, as well as the public keys of all CAs within their Sub domains, in accordance Section 5.5. 6.3.2. Certificate Operational Periods and Key Pair Usage Periods

The key usage periods for keying material are described in Section 3.3. If the CA key cryptoperiod is shorter than the end-entity cryptoperiod, then the RA key cryptoperiod shall be no longer than the CA key cryptoperiod. 6.4. Activation Data 6.4.1. Activation Data Generation and Installation

ARAMEX Participants generating and installing activation data for their private keys shall use methods that protect the activation data to the extent necessary to prevent the loss, theft, modification, unauthorized disclosure, or unauthorized use of such private keys. To the extent passwords are used as activation data, Subscribers shall generate passwords that cannot easily be guessed or cracked by dictionary attacks. Class 3 end-user Subscribers may not need to generate activation data, for example if they use biometric access devices. Processing Centers generate activation data for their own CAs’ private keys, and for the private keys of CAs and RAs within their Subdomains, in accordance with the Secret Sharing requirements of this CPS and the standards documented in ARAMEX confidential security policies. 6.4.2. Activation Data Protection

ARAMEX Participants shall protect the activation data for their private keys using methods that protect against the loss, theft, modification, unauthorized disclosure, or unauthorized use of such private keys. End-user Subscribers shall protect the activation data for their private keys, if any, to the extent Necessary to prevent the loss, theft, modification, unauthorized disclosure, or unauthorized use of such private keys. Activation data for private keys associated with certificates asserting individual identities shall never be shared. Activation data for private keys associated with certificates asserting organizational identities shall be restricted to those in the organization authorized to use the private keys. 6.4.3. Other Aspects of Activation Data Activation Data Transmission

To the extent activation data for their private keys are transmitted, ARAMEX Certificate Participants shall protect the transmission using methods that protect against the loss, theft, modification, unauthorized disclosure, or unauthorized use of such private keys. To the extent Windows or network logon user name/password combination is used as activation data for an end-user Subscriber, the passwords transferred across a network shall be protected against access by unauthorized users.


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P a g e | 38 Activation Data Destruction Activation data for CA private keys shall be decommissioned using methods that protect against the loss, theft, modification, unauthorized disclosure, or unauthorized use of the private keys protected by such activation data. After the record retention periods in Section 5.5.2 lapses, CA Centers shall decommission activation data by overwriting and/or physical destruction. 6.5. Computer security controls

6.5.1. Specific Computer Security Technical Requirements

CA equipment used for Medium Assurance infrastructures shall use operating systems that:

• Require authenticated logins • Provide discretionary access control • Provide a security audit capability

RAs shall logically separate access to these systems and this information from other components. This separation prevents access except through defined processes. RAs shall use firewalls to protect the network from internal and external intrusion and limit the nature and source of activities that may access such systems and information. RAs shall require the use of passwords with a minimum character length and a combination of alphanumeric and special characters, and shall require that passwords be changed on a periodic basis and as necessary. Direct access to the RA’s database maintaining Subscriber information shall be limited to Trusted Persons in the RA’s operations group having a valid business reason for such access. 6.5.2. Computer Security Rating

See section 6.5.1. 6.6. Life Cycle Technical Controls 6.6.1. System Development Controls

The software provided by ARAMEX, when first loaded, shall provide a method for the entity to verify that the software on the system:

• Originated from ARAMEX International. • Has not been modified prior to installation. • Is the version intended for use

6.6.2. Security Management Controls

Software for CA and RA functions designed to manage Class 2 Certificates shall be subject to checks to verify its integrity. 6.6.3. Life Cycle Security Controls

No stipulation


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P a g e | 39 6.7. Network Security Controls CA and RA functions are performed using networks secured in accordance with the standards documented in ARAMEX confidential security policies to prevent unauthorized access, tampering, and denial-of-service attacks. Communications of sensitive information shall be protected using point-to-point encryption for confidentiality and digital signatures for non-repudiation and authentication. 6.8. Time-Stamping

Certificates, CRLs, and other revocation database entries shall contain time and date information. Such time information need not be cryptographic-based. 7. Certificate, CRL, and OCSP Profiles 7.1. Certificate Profile At a minimum, X.509 ARAMEX Certificates shall contain the basic fields and indicated prescribed values or value constraints in Table below: Field   Value or Value constraint 

Serial Number Unique value per Issuer DN Signature Algorithm Object identifier of the algorithm used to sign the certificate Issuer DN See Section 7.1.4 Valid From Universal Coordinate Time base. Valid To Universal Coordinate Time base. Subject DN See CPS 7.1.4 Subject Public Key Encoded in accordance with RFC 3280 Signature Generated and encoded in accordance with RFC 3280

7.1.1. Version Number(s)

ARAMEX Certificates shall be X.509 Version 1 and Version 2 Certificates. 7.1.2. Certificate Extensions

Rules for the inclusion, assignment of value, and processing of extensions are defined in profiles. These profiles are written to prescribe an appropriate amount of control over an infrastructure, yet be flexible enough to meet the needs of the various CAs and communities. 7.1.3. Algorithm Object Identifiers

ARAMEX Certificates are signed using SHA1. 7.1.4. Name Forms

ARAMEX Certificates are populated with the name required under Section 3.1.1. In addition, end-user Subscriber Certificates generally include an additional Organizational Unit field that contains a notice stating that the terms of use of the Certificate are set forth in a URL, and the URL shall be a pointer to the


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P a g e | 40 applicable Relying Party Agreement. Exceptions to the foregoing requirement shall be permitted when space, formatting, or interoperability limitations within Certificates make such an Organizational Unit impossible to use in conjunction with the application for which the Certificates are intended, or if a pointer to the applicable Relying Party Agreement is included in the policy extension of the certificate. 7.1.5. Name Constraints

No stipulation 7.1.6. Certificate Policy Object Identifier

Certificates issued under this policy shall assert the OID appropriate to the level of assurance with which it was issued, as defined in Section 1.2. 7.1.7. Usage of Policy Constraints Extension

No stipulation. 7.1.8. Policy Qualifiers Syntax and Semantics

Certificates issued under this policy shall not contain policy qualifiers. 7.1.9. Processing Semantics for the Critical Certificate Policies

Extension This policy does not require the certificatePolicies extension to be critical. Relying Parties whose client Software does not process this extension, risk using certificates inappropriately. 7.2. CRL Profile 7.2.1. Version Number(s)

CRLs issued under this Policy shall assert a version number as described in the X.509 standard [ISO9594-8]. 7.2.2. CRL and CRL Entry Extensions

No stipulation 7.3. OCSP Profile N/A


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P a g e | 41 8. Compliance audit and other assessments 8.1. Frequency and circumstances of assessment Compliance Audits are conducted at least annually at the sole expense of the audited entity. 8.2. Identity/Qualifications of Assessor A third party auditing firm shall perform the Compliance Audits of ARAMEX Corporate PKI Services. 8.3. Assessor's Relationship to Assessed Entity Compliance Audits performed by third-party audit firms shall be conducted by firms independent of the audited entity. Such firms shall not have a conflict of interest that hinders their ability to perform auditing services. 8.4. Topics Covered by Assessment The purpose of a compliance audit shall be to verify that the audited party has in place, a system to assure the quality of the services that it provides, and that it complies with all of the requirements of ARAMEX International CP and its CPS .All aspects of the audited party’s operation related to this CPS shall be subject to compliance audit inspections. 8.5. Actions Taken as a Result of Deficiency When the compliance auditor finds a discrepancy between ARAMEX PKI operation and the stipulations of its CPS, the following actions must occur:

• The compliance auditor shall note the discrepancy. • The compliance auditor shall notify the parties identified in Section 8.6 of the discrepancy. • The audited party or auditor will propose a remedy, including expected time for completion.

8.6. Communications of Results Following any Compliance Audit, the audited entity shall provide ARAMEX with the annual report and attestations based on its audit within 2 months. 9. Other business and legal matters 9.1. Fees 9.1.1. Certificate Issuance or Renewal Fees

No stipulation. 9.1.2. Certificate Access Fees

No stipulation.


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P a g e | 42 9.1.3. Revocation or Status Information Access Fees

No stipulation. 9.1.4. Fees for Other Services

No stipulation. 9.1.5. Refund Policy

No stipulation. 9.2. Financial responsibility 9.2.1. Insurance Coverage

No stipulation. 9.2.2. Other Assets

No stipulation. 9.2.3. Insurance or Warranty Coverage for End-Entities

No stipulation. 9.3. Confidentiality of business information 9.3.1. Scope of Business Confidential Information

Not applicable. The ARAMEX PKI shall not collect business confidential information. 9.3.2. Information Not Within the Scope of Business Confidential

Information Not applicable. Privacy information is addressed in Section 9.4. 9.3.3. Responsibility to Protect Business Confidential Information

Not applicable. 9.4. Privacy of personal information 9.4.1. Privacy Plan

Privacy policies shall conform to applicable local privacy laws. ARAMEX PKI shall not disclose or sell the names of Certificate Applicants or other identifying information about them, subject to Section 9.3.2 and to the right of a terminating CA to transfer such information to a successor CA under Section 5.8.


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P a g e | 43 9.4.2. Information Treated as Private

Any information about Subscribers that is not publicly available through the content of the issued certificate, certificate directory and online CRLs is treated as private 9.4.3. Information Not Deemed Private

Subject to local laws, all information made public in a certificate is deemed not private. 9.4.4. Responsibility to Protect Private Information

ARAMEX participants receiving private information shall secure it from compromise and disclosure to third parties and shall comply with all local privacy laws in their jurisdiction. 9.4.5. Notice and Consent to Use Private Information

ARAMEX is not required to provide any notice or obtain the consent of the Subscriber in order to release the Subscriber information provided release, either within or without the corporate. 9.5. Intellectual property rights ARAMEX shall retain ownership and all intellectual property rights for any public key certificates and private keys that it issues. 9.6. Representations and warranties 9.6.1. CA Representations and Warranties

A CA who issues certificates that assert a policy defined in this document shall conform to the stipulations of this document, including:

• Providing to the PMA a CPS, as well as any subsequent changes, for conformance assessment. • Conforming to the stipulations of the approved CPS. • Ensuring that registration information is accepted only from RAs who understand and are

obligated to comply with this policy. • Including only valid and appropriate information in the certificate, and maintaining evidence that

due diligence was exercised in validating the information contained in the certificate. • Ensuring that obligations are imposed on Subscribers in accordance with Section 9.6.3, and

informing Subscribers of the consequences of not complying with those obligations. • Revoking the certificates of Subscribers found to have acted in a manner counter to those

obligations. • Operating or providing for the services of an on-line repository that satisfies the obligations under

Section 2, and informing the repository service provider of those obligations if applicable. A CA who is found to have acted in a manner inconsistent with these obligations is subject to action as described in Section 8.5. 9.6.2. RA Representations and Warranties

An RA who performs registration functions as described in this policy shall comply with the stipulations of this policy, and comply with a CPS approved by ARAMEX PMA for use with this policy. An RA who is


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P a g e | 44 found to have acted in a manner inconsistent with these obligations is subject to revocation of RA responsibilities. The division of PKI duties between the CA and RA may vary among implementations of this certificate policy as provided in the CA’s CPS. For example, the RA may collect information for the CA only, or it may build the certificate for the CA to sign. CAs are ultimately responsible for ensuring that the certificates they sign are generated and managed in accordance with this Policy, and shall ensure that certificate generation, management, and revocation functions are performed only by those who understand the associated certificate policy requirements, and who agree to abide by them. Security requirements imposed on the CA are likewise imposed on any RAs to the extent that the RAs are responsible for the information collected. 9.6.3. Subscriber Representations and Warranties

Subscribers shall:

• Accurately represent themselves in all communications with ARAMEX PKI Services. • Protect their private keys at all times, in accordance with this policy, as stipulated in their

certificate acceptance agreements, and local procedures. • Notify, in a timely manner, ARAMEX PKI Team that issued their certificates of suspicion that their

private keys are compromised or lost. Such notification shall be made directly or indirectly through mechanisms consistent with the CA's CPS.

• Abide by all the terms, conditions, and restrictions levied upon the use of their private keys and certificates.

• Use certificates provided by ARAMEX PKI only for transactions related to ARAMEX business. PKI Sponsors (as described in Section assume the obligations of Subscribers for the certificates associated with their components. 9.6.4. Relying Party Representations and Warranties

Parties who rely upon the certificates issued under a policy defined in this document shall:

• Use the certificate for the purpose for which it was issued, as indicated in the certificate information (e.g., the key usage extension).

• Check each certificate for validity, using procedures described in the X.509 standard [ISO 9594-8], prior to reliance.

• Establish trust in the CA who issued a certificate by verifying the certificate path in accordance with the guidelines set by the X.509 Amendment.

• Preserve original signed data, the applications necessary to read and process that data, and the cryptographic applications needed to verify the digital signatures on that data for as long as it may be necessary to verify the signature on that data. Note: data format changes associated with application upgrades will often invalidate digital signatures and shall be avoided.

9.6.5. Representations and Warranties of Other Participants

Repositories that support a CA in posting information as required by this policy shall:

• Maintain availability of the information as required by the certificate information posting and retrieval stipulations of this policy.

• Provide access control mechanisms sufficient to protect repository information as described in Section 2.4.


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P a g e | 45 9.7. Disclaimers of warranties No Stipulation 9.8. Limitations of liability Any Subscriber or entity will have no claim against ARAMEX arising from or relating to any certificate issued by ARAMEX CA or ARAMEX PKI Team determination to terminate a certificate. ARAMEX is not liable for any losses, including direct or indirect, incidental, consequential, special, or punitive damages. 9.9. Indemnities No stipulation. 9.10. Term and Termination 9.10.1. Term

This CPS shall remain in effect until either a new ARAMEX X.509 CPS is approved by the PMA or the ARAMEX PKI is terminated. 9.10.2. Termination

This CPS as amended from time to time shall remain in force until it is replaced by a new version 9.10.3. Effect of Termination and Survival

Upon termination of this CPS, ARAMEX participants are nevertheless bound by its terms for all certificates issued for the remainder of the validity periods of such certificates. . 9.11. Individual notices and communications with participants Any member of ARAMEX PKI Team may be removed from their duties by their supervisor. Notice is effective when given; oral notification will be confirmed in writing. If the termination is for convenience, contract expiration, re-organization, or other non-security related reason, and provisions have been made to continue compromise recovery within the timeframes specified in section 5.7.4 (including destruction or continued protection of signing key), compliance and security audit, archive, and data recovery services, then neither the terminated CAs certificate, nor certificates signed by that CA, need to be revoked. If provisions for maintaining these services cannot be made, then the CA termination will be handled as a CA compromise in accordance with Sections 5.7.3 and 5.7.4 above. Prior to CA termination, CAs shall provide archived data to a PMA approved ARAMEX archival facility.


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P a g e | 46 9.12. Amendments 9.12.1. Procedure for Amendment

The PMA shall review this policy at least once every year. Errors, updates, or suggested changes to this document shall be communicated to the contact in Section 1.5.2. Such communication must include a description of the change, a change justification, and contact information for the person requesting the change. The PMA for this policy shall publish information (including this policy) on a web site, consistent with ARAMEX policies regarding web site contents. The PMA will maintain a list of CAs asserting this policy (this responsibility may be delegated to a Root- or Intermediate-CA in practice). Certificate Policy updates shall be sent to those CAs. ARAMEX PKI Team shall notify its Subscribers of any changes to the certificate policy via a mechanism described in its CPS. 9.12.2. Notification Mechanism and Period

All policy changes under consideration by the PMA shall be disseminated to interested parties for a period of at least one month. The PMA shall accept, accept with modifications, or reject the proposed change after completion of the review period. 9.12.3. Circumstances Under Which OID Must be Changed

The policy OID shall only change if the change in the CPS results in a material change to the trust by the non-ARAMEX relying parties. 9.13. Dispute resolution provisions The PMA shall decide any disputes over the interpretation or applicability of the ARAMEX PKI CPS. 9.14. Governing law The laws of the United States of America shall govern this Policy. 9.15. Compliance with applicable law

No stipulation. 9.16. Miscellaneous provisions 9.16.1. Entire Agreement

No stipulation. 9.16.2. Assignment

No stipulation.


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P a g e | 47 9.16.3. Severability

Should it be determined that one section of this policy is incorrect or invalid, the other sections shall remain in effect until the policy is updated. Requirements for updating this policy are described in Section 9.12.1. Responsibilities, requirements, and privileges of this document are merged to the newer edition upon release of that newer edition. 9.16.4. Enforcement (Attorney’s Fees and Waiver of Rights)

No stipulation. 9.16.5. Force Majeure

No Stipulation. 9.17. Other provisions No Stipulation.


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P a g e | 48 Appendix A. Table of Acronyms and definitions Table of Acronyms Term Definition

ANSI The American National Standards Institute.

ACS Authenticated Content Signing.

CA Certification Authority.

CP Certificate Policy.

CPS Certification Practice Statement.

CRL Certificate Revocation List.

EAL Evaluation assurance level (pursuant to the Common Criteria).

EV Extended Validation

FIPS United State Federal Information Processing Standards.

ICC International Chamber of Commerce.

KRA Key Recovery Agent

LSVA Logical security vulnerability assessment.

OCSP Online Certificate Status Protocol.

PKCS Public-Key Cryptography Standard.

PKI Public Key Infrastructure.

PMA Policy Management Authority.

RA Registration Authority.

RFC Request for comment.

SAS Statement on Auditing Standards (promulgated by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants).

S/MIME Secure multipurpose Internet mail extensions.

SSL Secure Sockets Layer.

DRA Data Recovery Agent


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