aranjuez: world heritage landscape situation · aranjuez is entirely cataloged as unesco world...

R e s t o r a t i o n o f A z u d a d e l a M o n t a ñ a a n d i t s S u rr o u n d i n g s // U N E S C O W o r l d H e r i t a g e L a n d s c a p e o f A r a n j u e z . C o m u n i d a d d e M a d r i d // A r c h i t ec t : M a n u e l F on s ec a G a ll e g o 3 r d E U RO P E A N A W A R D F OR A R C H I T E C T U R A L H E R I T A G E I N T E R V E N T I O N AA D I P A // C a t e g o r y A : I n t e r v e n t i on i n b u il t h e r i t a g e 1 Introduction Situation Aranjuez: World Heritage Landscape Azuda is an Arabic origin word for a noria used to irrigate crops and orchards. It is composed by a large wheel that when pushed by the stream spins and pulls up the water to an upper channel. In 2009, the Dirección General del Agua, Conferedació Hidrográfica del Tajo from the Ministry of Envoroment gave the assignment to TRAGSA group. The project is encompassed in the frame of restoration of historic irrigation systems from Aranjuez. The restoration of Azuda and its nearby is the result of a campaign from a local association called "La Azuda". This community was created aiming to retrieve abandoned heritage of Aranjuez. They accomplish the first historiographical studies and proposals. Location: The set has a total surface of 207.216,00 m². It is conformed by the azuda, the aqueduct and its landscape. It is located at the north area of the municipality of Aranjuez. Aranjuez is entirely cataloged as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its limits match the "caz" (duct) of the Azuda, excluding the aqueduct. Tajo River, spreads in a wide terrace when it reaches Aranjuez, there it collects Guaduela and Gallo rivers. Between gardens and orchards, Jarama River arrives, bringing waters from Manzanares, Lozoya and Henares Rivers. During Aranjuez development, hydraulic works became necessary for several reasons: Brigdes: to be able to cross Jarama and Tajo Rivers, both with heavy flow. Dams and channels: not just for irrigating through a net of ducts and ditches but to provide water with enough speed to impulse the waterwheels of the mills along the edge. Water engineering to raise flow to upper irrigation ditches. Fountains: there are many remaining fountains around the Palace of Aranjuez The channel of the Azuda has a total growth of 7.717m. It waters Cortijo and Rebollo fields. It also has, next to Prince's Garden, two piers called Of Enmedio and Of Tejeras.

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Page 1: Aranjuez: World Heritage Landscape Situation · Aranjuez is entirely cataloged as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its limits match the "caz" (duct) of the Azuda, excluding the aqueduct

R e s t o r a t i o n o f A z u d a d e l a M o n t a ñ a a n d i t s S u r r o u n d i n g s / / U N E S C O W o r l d H e r i t a g e L a n d s c a p e o f A r a n j u e z . C o m u n i d a d d e M a d r i d / / A r c h i t e c t : M a n u e l F o n s e c a G a l l e g o3 r d E U R O P E A N A W A R D F O R A R C H I T E C T U R A L H E R I T A G E I N T E R V E N T I O N A A D I P A / / C a t e g o r y A : I n t e r v e n t i o n i n b u i l t h e r i t a g e 1Introduction

SituationAranjuez: World Heritage Landscape

Azuda is an Arabic origin word for a noria used to irrigate crops and orchards.It is composed by a large wheel that when pushed by the stream spins and pulls up the water to an upper channel.

In 2009, the Dirección General del Agua, Conferedació Hidrográfica del Tajo from the Ministry of Envoroment gave the assignment to TRAGSA group.The project is encompassed in the frame of restoration of historic irrigation systems from Aranjuez.

The restoration of Azuda and its nearby is the result of a campaign from a local association called "La Azuda". This community was created aiming to retrieve abandonedheritage of Aranjuez. They accomplish the first historiographical studies and proposals.

Location:The set has a total surface of 207.216,00 m². It is conformed by the azuda, the aqueduct and its landscape. It is located at the north area of the municipality of Aranjuez.Aranjuez is entirely cataloged as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its limits match the "caz" (duct) of the Azuda, excluding the aqueduct.

Tajo River, spreads in a wide terrace when it reaches Aranjuez, there it collects Guaduela and Gallo rivers.Between gardens and orchards, Jarama River arrives, bringing waters from Manzanares, Lozoya and HenaresRivers.

During Aranjuez development, hydraulic works became necessary for several reasons:

Brigdes: to be able to cross Jarama and Tajo Rivers, both with heavy flow.

Dams and channels: not just for irrigating through a net of ducts and ditches but to provide water withenough speed to impulse the waterwheels of the mills along the edge.

Water engineering to raise flow to upper irrigation ditches.

Fountains: there are many remaining fountains around the Palace of Aranjuez

The channel of the Azuda has a total growth of 7.717m. It waters Cortijo and Rebollo fields. It also has,next to Prince's Garden, two piers called Of Enmedio and Of Tejeras.