
Enhancing Capacity for Growth 2008 Laporan Tahunan Annual Report

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Enhancing Capacity for Growth

2008 Laporan TahunanAnnual Report

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Menjadi supplier komponen otomotif kelas dunia, sebagai mitra usaha pilihan utama di Indonesia.

World class auto parts supplier, partner of choice in Indonesia.

Sebagai produsen komponen kendaraan bermotor dengan keunggulan komparatif multi proses dan menghasilkan aneka produk. PT Astra Otoparts Tbk yakin bahwa Indonesia akan terus berkembang sebagai “production base”, dan Perseroan berada pada posisi yang paling siap untuk merespon pasar seiring pemulihan ekonomi.

Melalui Visi, Misi dan strateginya, Perseroan mencanangkan program dengan berkonsentrasi pada produk-produk unggulan (berdasarkan besarnya pasar, pertumbuhan, laba) dan pengembangan produk baru. Hal ini dilakukan agar dapat menghasilkan bisnis yang bernilai tinggi, menyesuaikan kemampuan teknologi, memiliki harga yang mampu bersaing, dan mulai memperhitungkan pesaing tingkat dunia, hingga dapat menjadi pemain tingkat dunia.

As a supplier of automotive components with the comparative advantage of having a variety of processes and products, PT Astra Otoparts Tbk believes that Indonesia has prospects as a ‘production base’, and the Company will move to prepare itself and be ready to seize market opportunities when the economy ultimately recovers.

Guided by its vision and mission statements, the Company continues to pursue a strategy of concentrating on high-value products - based on market size, sales growth, and profit margin - and the development of new products. Through this strategy, the Company seeks to increase its franchise value, acquire technological competencies, offer competitive prices, and ready itself for global competition, ultimately becoming a world-class player in the industry.

Visi Vision

1. Mengembangkan industri komponen otomotif yang handal dan kompetitif, serta menjadi mitra strategis bagi para pemain industri otomotif Indonesia dan regional.

2. Menjadi warga usaha yang bertanggung jawab dan memberikan kontribusi positif kepada stakeholders.

1. To develop a strong and competitive automotive components industry, and become a strategic partner for domestic and regional industry players.

2. To be a responsible corporate citizen that provides positive contributions to stakeholders.

02 Sekilas PT Astra Otoparts Tbk • PT Astra Otoparts Tbk in Brief

03 Ikhtisar Keuangan • Financial Highlights

05 Ikhtisar Saham • Shares Highlights

06 Jejak Langkah 2008 • 2008 Milestones

10 Laporan Dewan Komisaris • Board of Commissioners Report

16 Laporan Direksi • Board of Directors Report

25 Laporan Manajemen • Management Report

26 Strategi Bisnis • Business Strategy

28 Segmen Bisnis Manufaktur • Manufacturing Business Segment

36 Segmen Bisnis Pemasaran • Marketing Business Segment

44 Sumber Daya Manusia • Human Resources

49 Lingkungan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja • Environment, Health and Safety

52 Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan • Corporate Social Responsibility

55 Analisis & Pembahasan Manajemen • Management Discussion & Analysis

67 Tata Kelola Perusahaan • Good Corporate Governance

86 Laporan Komite Audit • Audit Committee Report

89 Laporan Keuangan • Financial Report

i - xx Data Perseroan • Corporate Data

Misi Mission

Daftar IsiTable of Contents

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08 01

Enhancing Capacity for Growth

Kapabilitas manufaktur dan jaringan distribusi merupakan pilar-pilar utama struktur bisnis PT Astra Otoparts Tbk (“Perseroan”). Di tahun 2008, manajemen Perseroan berkonsentrasi pada upaya pembenahan optimasi kapasitas manufaktur yang tersedia dan jaringan distribusi, yang berujung kepada peningkatan efisiensi operasional dan produksi. Seiring dengan pasar otomotif domestik yang kondusif, langkah-langkah tersebut berhasil memacu kinerja usaha Perseroan di tahun 2008, sekaligus meletakkan dasar bagi percepatan pertumbuhan di tahun-tahun mendatang.

The business structure of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk (“the Company”) relies on two main pillars: its manufacturing capabilities and its distribution network. In 2008, the Company’s Management focused on efforts to optimize existing manufacturing capacity while revitalizing its distribution networks, leading to improved production and operational efficiency. Along with favorable conditions in the domestic automotive market, these efforts succeeded in driving record business performance for the Company in 2008, while setting the stage for accelerated growth in coming years.

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 0802

Sekilas PT Astra Otoparts TbkPT Astra Otoparts Tbk In Brief

Cikal bakal PT Astra Otoparts Tbk adalah PT Alfa Delta Motor yang didirikan pada tahun 1976 dan bergerak di bidang industri komponen otomotif, peralatan mesin dan konstruksi. Perusahaan mengalami beberapa kali pergantian nama dan kepemilikan, termasuk pada tahun 1993 ketika kepemilikan sahamnya diambil-alih oleh PT Astra International Tbk, dan tahun 1997 ketika berganti nama menjadi PT Astra Otoparts. Pada tahun 1998, Perseroan menjadi perusahaan publik dengan mencatatkan sahamnya di Bursa Efek Jakarta (sekarang Bursa Efek Indonesia).

Perseroan menjalankan kegiatan usaha di bidang produksi dan distribusi komponen otomotif baik mobil maupun sepeda motor, untuk melayani kebutuhan dari produsen/pabrikan otomotif domestik, serta pasar suku cadang pengganti baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri. Saat ini, kegiatan usaha tersebut dilakukan melalui operasional enam divisi dan penjualan Perseroan sendiri, serta melalui aktivitas 18 anak perusahaan terkonsolidasi dan 14 perusahaan asosiasi dan jointly controlled entities (kepemilikan langsung maupun tidak langsung) dalam rangka kerja sama strategis dengan mitra produsen komponen otomotif asing.

Dengan 93,9% kepemilikan saham oleh PT Astra International Tbk, Perseroan merupakan salah satu perusahaan komponen otomotif terbesar di Indonesia saat ini, dengan total aset konsolidasian sebesar hampir Rp 4,0 triliun dan penjualan bersih senilai Rp 5,3 triliun pada tahun 2008.

PT Astra Otoparts Tbk originated from PT Alfa Delta Motor, a company established in 1976

with interests in automotive, industrial machinery and construction equipment. Subsequently,

PT Alfa Delta Motor underwent several changes in name and ownership, including in 1993 when its shares

were acquired by PT Astra International Tbk, and in 1997 when its name was changed to PT Astra Otoparts.

In 1998, the Company went public by listing its shares on the Jakarta Stock Exchange (the present Indonesia

Stock Exchange).

The Company is currently engaged in the manufacture and distribution of automotive components

for automobiles and motorcycles, serving the needs of domestic automotive manufacturers and

the replacement component markets, both in-country and overseas. At present, these activities are

conducted through the operations of the Company’s six divisions, 18 consolidated subsidiaries, and

14 associated companies and jointly-controlled entities (with direct and in-direct ownership) in strategic

joint ventures with foreign automotive component manufacturerpartners.

With 93.9% of its shares owned by PT Astra International Tbk, the Company is currently one of largest

automotive component companies in Indonesia, with total consolidated assets of almost Rp 4.0 trillion and

net sales revenue of Rp 5.3 trillion in 2008.

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08 03

Laba Bersih (Dalam jutaan Rupiah) Net Income (In million of Rupiah)

Jumlah Aset (Dalam jutaan Rupiah) Total Assets (In million of Rupiah)

2005 2005

20052005 2005

2006 2006

20062006 2006

2004 2004

20042004 2004





1,250,0006,000,000 500,000
















0 0

00 0




2007 2007

20072007 2007

2008 2008

20082008 2008

566,025 3,981,316



454,907 3,454,254









720,874 295,158









Laba Kotor (Dalam jutaan Rupiah)Gross Profit (In million of Rupiah)

Penjualan Bersih (Dalam jutaan Rupiah)Net Sales (In million of Rupiah)

Laba Usaha (Dalam jutaan Rupiah)Income from Operation (In million of Rupiah)

Kontribusi PenjualanRevenue Contribution

Original Equipment Manufacturer Replacement Market Export

Penjualan 20082008 Sales(Rp 5.3 triliun / trillion)

Penjualan 20072007 Sales(Rp 4.2 triliun / trillion)

Ikhtisar KeuanganFinancial Highlights

38.3% 43.9%

16.6% 14.7%

45.1% 41.4%

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 0804

Ikhtisar Keuangan Financial Highlights

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Laba Rugi Income Statements

Penjualan Bersih 2,924,581 3,852,998 3,371,898 4,184,279** 5,337,720 Net Sales

Laba Kotor 568,305 720,874 608,459 793,649** 989,737 Gross Profit

Laba Usaha 238,637 295,158 158,352 363,124** 451,868 Income from Operation

Laba Bersih 223,158 279,027 282,058 454,907 566,025 Net Income

Laba Usaha per Saham (Rp) 311 383 205 471 586 Income from Operation per Share (Rp)

Laba per Saham (Rp) * 294 362 366 590 734 Earnings per Share (Rp) *

Neraca Balance Sheets

Jumlah Aset 2,436,481 3,028,465 3,028,160 3,454,254 3,981,316 Total Assets

Jumlah Aset Lancar 1,092,828 1,370,108 1,292,027 1,666,848** 1,862,813 Total Current Assets

Penyertaan Saham 576,474 712,702 907,520 1,013,259 1,194,295 Investment in Share of Stock

Aset Tetap - Bersih 662,876 798,249 719,140 634,717** 702,097 Property, Plant and Equipment - Net

Jumlah Kewajiban Lancar 766,124 800,830 746,438 758,853 873,185 Total Current Liabilities

Jumlah Kewajiban Tidak Lancar 101,990 359,349 320,491 335,881 317,701 Total Non-Current Liabilities

Jumlah Kewajiban 868,114 1,160,179 1,066,929 1,094,734 1,190,886 Total Liabilities

Modal Kerja Bersih *** 471,203 607,858 552,828 740,865 747,575 Net Working Capital ***

Jumlah Ekuitas 1,398,514 1,636,389 1,864,461 2,261,414 2,652,969 Total Equity

Jumlah Ekuitas dan Hak Minoritas 1,568,367 1,868,286 1,961,231 2,359,520 2,790,430 Total Equity and Minority Interest

Rasio Analisis dan Informasi Lainnya Analysis Ratio and Other Information

Rasio Margin Laba Kotor 19.4% 18.7% 18.0% 19.0% 18.5% Gross Profit Margin

Rasio Margin Laba Usaha 8.2% 7.7% 4.7% 8.7% 8.5% Operating Margin

Nilai Aset Bersih per Saham (Rp) 1,821 2,122 2,418 2,932 3,440 Net Asset Value per Share (Rp)

Rasio Laba terhadap Jumlah Aset 9.2% 9.2% 9.3% 13.2% 14.2% Return on Assets

Rasio Laba terhadap Jumlah Ekuitas 16.0% 17.1% 15.1% 20.1% 21.3% Return on Equity

Rasio Lancar 1.43 1.71 1.73 2.20 2.13 Current Ratio

Rasio Kewajiban terhadap Jumlah Ekuitas 62.1% 70.9% 57.2% 48.4% 44.9% Liabilities on Equity Ratio

Rasio Kewajiban terhadap Jumlah Aset 35.6% 38.3% 35.2% 31.7% 29.9% Liabilities on Assets Ratio

Jumlah Saham yang Ditempatkan dan Disetor Penuh (dalam jutaan) 767.98 771.16 771.16 771.16 771.16 Issued Shares (in million)

PT ASTRA OTOPARTS Tbk KONSOLIDASIIKHTISAR KEUANGAN(Jutaan Rupiah, kecuali laba usaha per saham, laba per saham dan persentase)


(Million Rupiah, except income from operation per share, earnings per share and percentages)

* Laba per saham dihitung dengan membagi laba bersih dengan jumlah rata-rata tertimbang saham yang beredar pada tahun yang bersangkutan.

** Reklasifikasi akun agar sesuai dengan implikasi penerapan standar akuntansi keuangan baru pada laporan keuangan untuk tahun berakhir 31 Desember 2008.

*** Piutang Usaha + Persediaan - Hutang Usaha Jangka Pendek.

* Earning per share is computed by dividing net income with the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year.

** Account have been reclassified to conform to the account presentation of the financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2008.

*** Trade Receivables + Inventory - Current Trade Payables.

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08 05

PT Astra International Tbk


PT Astra Otoparts Tbk’s Shareholdersas of December 31, 2008

Kinerja Saham 20082008 Shares Performance Chart

Ikhtisar SahamShare Highlights

Harga dan Volume Saham Per Triwulan di BEIQuarterly Shares Price and Volume at IDX

2007 2008

Highest (Rp)Lowest



Average Volume (units)

Highest (Rp)Lowest



AverageVolume (units)

Triwulan PertamaFirst Quarter

3,000 2,475 2,625 193,637 3,500 2,850 3,400 171,240

Triwulan KeduaSecond Quarter

3,325 2,600 2,950 756,167 4,050 3,000 3,725 193,264

Triwulan KetigaThird Quarter

3,700 2,500 3,175 328,557 5,000 3,600 3,950 51,508

Triwulan KeempatFourth Quarter

3,450 3,100 3,325 160,078 4,000 2,350 3,500 20,079



Auto Price Volume





















































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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 0806


Jejak Langkah 20082008 Milestone


Penghargaan Shop&Drive Shop&Drive menerima penghargaan di bidang bisnis franchise (waralaba) yang diselenggarakan oleh Majalah Informasi Franchise.Penghargaan yang diterima Shop&Drive meliputi kategori sebagai berikut:- Peringkat ke-1 untuk kategori Franchise System- Peringkat ke-1 untuk kategori Franchise

Relationship- Peringkat ke-2 untuk kategori Franchise Support- Peringkat ke-3 untuk kategori Business Prospect- Peringkat ke-2 untuk kategori TOP Franchise 2008

Award Shop&Drive Shop&Drive received awards in franchise businesses given by Franchise Information Magazine.The awards received by Shop&Drive include following categories:- Ranked 1st in the category of Franchise System- Ranked 1st in the category of Franchise Relationshop- Ranked 2nd in the category of Franchise Support- Ranked 3rd in the category of Business Prospect- Ranked 2nd in the category of TOP Franchise 2008


Penghargaan di bidang Quality Cost and Delivery (QCD) Pada bulan April 2008, anak perusahaan PT Astra Otoparts Tbk yang mendapat penghargaan di bidang QCD yaitu:- PT FSCM Manufacturing Indonesia meraih penghargaan The Excellent

Quality Performance dari PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia. - PT Indokarlo Perkasa meraih penghargaan Quality Achievement dari

PT Akashi Wahana Indonesia; penghargaan Delivery Performance dari PT Hino Motor Mfg. Indonesia, dan penghargaan Quality dari PT Abadi Barindo Autotech.

- PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Divisi Adiwira Plastik memperoleh penghargaan Quality dari PT Abadi Barindo Autotech.

Awards in Quality Cost and Delivery (QCD) In April 2008, the subsidiaries of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk received awards in QCD were as follow :- PT FSCM Manufacturing Indonesia was awarded with The Excellent Quality

Performance Award from PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia.- PT Indokarlo Perkasa was awarded with the Quality Achievement Award

from PT Akashi Wahana Indonesia; Delivery Performance Award from PT Hino Motor Mfg. Indonesia, and Quality Award from PT Abadi Barindo Autotech.

- PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Adiwira Plastik Division was awarded with the Quality Award from PT Abadi Barindo Autotech.

Penghargaan di bidang Quality Cost and Delivery (QCD) Selama bulan Maret 2008, penghargaan di bidang QCD (Quality, Cost, Delivery) yang berhasil diraih oleh anak-anak perusahaan PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, yaitu :- PT Indokarlo Perkasa meraih penghargaan Cost

Performance Award (Paling aktif lokalisasi), Cost Target Award, dan Quality Achievement Award. Ketiganya diperoleh dari PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia.

- PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Divisi Nusametal memperoleh penghargaan di bidang Cost Target Achievement dan Quality Target Zero Defect, keduanya dari PT Toyota Manufacturing Indonesia.

- PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Divisi Adiwira Plastik meraih penghargaan Achieved Quality Target dari PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia.

Award in Quality Cost and Delivery (QCD) In March 2008, the awards in QCD (Quality, Cost, Delivery) received by the subsidiaries of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, were:- PT Indokarlo Perkasa was awarded with the Cost

Performance Award (the most active in localization), Cost Target Award, and Quality Achievement Award. Those three were given by PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia.

- PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Nusametal Division was awarded with the Cost Target Achievement and Quality Target Zero Defect award, both were given by PT Toyota Manufacturing Indonesia.

- PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Adiwira Plastik Division was awarded with the Achieved Quality Target from PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia.


Penghargaan Sales Rally Nasional 2008 Penghargaan Sales Rally Nasional 2008 diselenggarakan oleh PT Astra Otoparts Tbk sebagai wujud penghargaan kepada para sales force, baik para salesman maupun sales supervisor yang telah berhasil mencapai nilai penjualan yang baik dan menguasai materi pelatihan praktis yang telah diberikan.

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) dan Perubahan Susunan Anggota Komisaris dan Direksi PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Pada tanggal 29 April 2008 diselenggarakan RUPS Tahunan PT Astra Otoparts Tbk yang bertempat di hotel Gran Melia, Kuningan. Pada acara tersebut dihasilkan beberapa keputusan, salah satu yang terpenting yaitu menyangkut perubahan susunan anggota Komisaris dan Direksi. Di mana anggota Komisaris yang sebelumnya berjumlah 7 orang menjadi 9 orang. Sedang anggota Direksi PT Astra Otoparts Tbk yang sebelumnya 6 orang menjadi 8 orang.

Sales Rally Award Nasional 2008 The national Sales Rally Award 2008 was held by PT Astra Otoparts Tbk to appreciate the sales force, be it the salesmen or sales supervisors who successfully achieved excellent sales score and mastering the practice training material.

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) and the Change In the Board of Commissioners and Directors of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk In 29 April 2008, the AGMS of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk was held in Gran Melia hotel, Kuningan. As results of the meeting, few decisions were made, the most important one was about the change in the member of the Board of Commissioners and Directors. The number of the member of the Board of Commissioners was changed from 7 persons to 9 persons. While the Directors of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk which was 6 person has become 8 persons.

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08 07



Program Penghijauan PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Dalam rangka HUT Astra ke-51, PT Astra International Tbk mengajak anak-anak perusahaan di lingkungan Astra Group untuk meningkatkan kepedulian terhadap lingkungan terkait isu pemanasan global dan pembalakan liar hutan-hutan. Program yang bertujuan ikut melestarikan lingkungan hidup ini mengambil tema “Go Green with Astra” dan mencanangkan penanaman 1 pohon 1 karyawan.

The Replanting Program of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk In commemoration with the 51st anniversary of Astra, PT Astra International Tbk encouraged its subsidiaries within the Astra Group to increase awareness on environmental issue, especially related with the global warming issue and illegal loging of the forest. This program, which was aimed to help preserving the environment, took the theme of “Go Green with Astra” and launched the campaign of 1tree1employee.


Penghargaan di bidang Quality Cost and Delivery (QCD) Pada bulan Mei 2008, anak-anak perusahaan PT Astra Otoparts Tbk yang memperoleh penghargaan di bidang QCD yaitu:- PT Indokarlo Perkasa meraih penghargaan

Best Vendor for Quality & Delivery dari PT Astra Daihatsu Motor.

- PT Akashi Wahana Indonesia meraih penghargaan di bidang Quality & Delivery Performance dari PT Astra Daihatsu Motor.

Awards in Quality Cost and Delivery (QCD) In May 2008, the subsidiaries of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk received Awards in QCD were as follow:- PT Indokarlo Perkasa was awarded with

The Best Vendor for Quality & Delivery Award from PT Astra Daihatsu Motor.

- PT Akashi Wahana Indonesia was awarded with The Quality & Delivery Performance Award from PT Astra Daihatsu Motor.

Penghargaan Indonesia’s Most Admired Companies (IMAC)Medio Juni 2008, PT Astra Otoparts Tbk berhasil meraih penghargaan IMAC 2008, The Company with the best corporate image untuk kategori perusahaan Automotive Spare Parts. Penghargaan diberikan kepada perusahaan-perusahaan yang terkemuka (the best corporate image) di bidang industrinya masing-masing berdasarkan hasil survei yang dilakukan oleh Frontiers Consulting, bekerja sama dengan majalah Business Week.

Peluncuran Packaging Baru GS BatteryPada bulan Juni 2008 secara resmi diluncurkan tampilan baru kemasan dan produk GS Battery. Yang dibanding sebelumnya, ada penambahan nama dan logo PT Astra Otoparts Tbk baik di karton box maupun di produk GS Battery itu sendiri. Sosialisasi tampilan baru ini sejak bulan Juni 2008 telah dilakukan ke seluruh jaringan toko-toko di seluruh Indonesia.

IMAC AwardIn the mid of June 2008, PT Astra Otoparts Tbk was awarded with IMAC Award 2008, The Company with the best corporate image for the category of Automotive Spare Parts. The awards were given to prominent corporates (best corporate image) in each industry based on the survey conducted by Frontiers Consulting, in collaboration with Business Week magazine. New GS Battery PackagingIn June 2008 was officially launched with new packaging and product GS Battery. Compare to the previous one, there was addition of name and logo of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, on the boxes as well as on product of GS Battery itself. The sosialization of the new look was done since June 2008, and has been done in the entire network throughout Indonesia.

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 0808

Jejak Langkah 20082008 Milestone



Peningkatan Kepemilikan Saham di PT Mopart Jaya Utama Perseroan dan PT Senantiasa Makmur meningkatkan kepemilikan di PT Mopart Jaya Utama, anak perusahaan dealer komponen otomotif, menjadi 100%.

Increase of share ownership in PT Mopart Jaya UtamaThe Company and PT Senantiasa Makmur have increased their share ownership in PT MJU, an automotive component dealership subsidiary, to 100%.

Bantuan Sembako untuk Warga Kurang Mampu Sebagai wujud keperdulian sosial terhadap lingkungan, khususnya terhadap warga kurang mampu yang berada di sekitar lokasi perusahaan (kelurahan Pegangsaan Dua), PT Astra Otoparts Tbk bersama-sama dengan anak-anak perusahaan yang berlokasi di area Pegangsaan Dua, yaitu PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Divisi Nusametal, PT Tri Dharma Wisesa, dan PT Inti Ganda Perdana Group, menyelenggarakan bakti sosial pembagian sembako kepada 1.050 Kepala Keluarga, yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi beban ekonomi mereka.

The Basic Staples Donation for the Needy As a realization of its social awareness for the neighboring environment, especially for the needy in the vicinity of the Company’s location (Pegangsaan Dua village), PT Astra Otoparts Tbk along with the subsidiaries within the area of Pegangsaan Dua, namely PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Nusametal Division, PT Tri Dharma Wisesa, and PT Inti Ganda Perdana Group, organized a social program by distributing basic staples to1,050 head of family, aimed to lessen their economic burden.


Penghargaan Auto BildPT Astra Otoparts Tbk Divisi Domestic Sales Operation meraih penghargaan Auto Bild untuk produk GS Battery, yang terpilih sebagai Favourite Battery Reader’s Choice, yang diselenggarakan oleh majalah Auto Bild.

Auto Bild AwardPT Astra Otoparts Domestic Sales Operation Division received the Auto Bild Award for GS Battery, chosen as the Favourite Battery Reader’s Choice, held by Auto Bild Magazine.

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08 09


Penghargaan Indonesia’s Most Admired Companies 2008Penghargaan untuk kategori perusahaan Automotive Spare Parts oleh Frontiers Consulting, bekerja sama dengan majalah Business Week.Award for Spare Parts Automotive Company by Frontiers Consulting, cooperation with Busines Week magazine.

Penghargaan Shop&Drive 2008Penghargaan di bidang bisnis Franchise (Waralaba) yang diselenggarakan oleh Majalah Informasi Franchise.Award in Business Franchise (Waralaba) conducted by Franchise Information magazine.Desember



Bantuan Modal Usaha kepada Pengusaha Kecil di Lingkungan Pegangsaan DuaDalam upaya memberdayakan pengusaha kecil di lingkungan sekitar perusahaan dan dalam rangka meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat sekitar perusahaan, PT Astra Otoparts Tbk memberikan bantuan modal usaha kepada 36 pengusaha kecil di wilayah Pegangsaan Dua. Mereka diantaranya terdiri dari pemilik usaha minuman ringan, warung sayur, warung kelontong, usaha jahit, warteg, pembuatan jok, rias pengantin, susu kedelai. Hal ini dilakukan guna mewujudkan PT Astra Otoparts Tbk sebagai Community Friendly Company.

Penghargaan Shop&Drive : The Best in Franchise System, Indonesia Franchisor of The Year 2008Menutup tahun 2008, Shop&Drive menambah satu prestasi lagi dengan terpilih sebagai The Best in Franchise System dalam anugerah Indonesia Franchisor of The Year 2008. Pemberian Award diselenggarakan atas kerjasama antara Majalah Franchise Indonesia dan Asosiasi Franchise Indonesia. Penganugerahan Award ini kepada Shop&Drive merupakan wujud pengakuan akan kehandalan sistem Franchise yang telah diterapkan selama ini.

Capital Aid for Micro Businesses in Pegangsaan DuaTo empower micro businesses in the surounding neighborhood and in order to leverage the life quality of its people, PT Astra Otoparts Tbk provided capital aid for 36 small entrepreneurs in Pegangsaan Dua. Among them were soft drink hawker, vegetable shops, mini shops, tailor, small restaurant, chair cushion maker, bridal, soya milk. This is done to materialize PT Astra Otoparts Tbk as a Community Friendly Company. Award Shop&Drive : The Best in Franchise System, Indonesia Franchisor of The Year 2008Closing the year 2008, Shop&Drive made one more achievement chosen as The Best in Franchise System in the Indonesian Franchisor of The Year 2008 Award. This event was conducted by Indonesian Franchise Magazine in cooperation with the Indonesian Franchise Association. The award received by Shop&Drive was an acknowledgement to the reliability of the implementation of its Franchise system.

Penghargaan di bidang Quality Cost and Delivery (QCD)Sepanjang akhir tahun 2008, beberapa anak perusahaan PT Astra Otoparts Tbk memperoleh penghargaan di bidang QCD, di antaranya: - PT Menara Terus Makmur memperoleh anugerah “QCC Gold” dan “SS Gold” dari Toyota

Manufacturing Club.- PT FSCM Manufacturing Indonesia meraih Award of Excellent Quality Improvement dari PT Yamaha

Indonesia Motor Manufacturing.- PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing meraih Vendor Award dari PT Astra Honda Motor.- PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Divisi Adiwira Plastik memperoleh penghargaan Best Cost dari

PT Toyota Astra Motor

Award in QCDThroughout 2008, the subsidiaries of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk was given awards in QCD, among others were:- PT Menara Terus Makmur was awarded with “QCC Gold” and SS Gold” from Toyota Manufacturing Club.- PT FSCM Manufacturing Indonesia as awarded with the Award of Excellent Quality Improvement from

PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing.- PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing as awarded with Vendor Award from PT Astra Honda Motor.- PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Adiwira Plastik Division as awarded with the Best Cost Award from

PT Toyota Astra Motor.

Toyota Best Cost 2008PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Divisi Adiwira Plastik memperoleh penghargaan Best Cost dari PT Toyota Astra MotorPT Astra Otoparts Tbk Adiwira Plastik Division awarded as Best Cost Award from PT Toyota Astra Motor.

Toyota Best Cost 2008PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Divisi Adiwira Plastik meraih penghargaan Achieved Quality Target dari PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia.PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Adiwira Plastik Division receive award for Achieved Quality Target from PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia.

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 0810

Laporan Dewan KomisarisBoard of Commissioners Report

Prijono Sugiarto

Presiden Komisaris President Commissioner

Naik-turunnya pasar otomotif domestik merupakan siklus yang normal terjadi di Indonesia, dan kami tetap optimis akan prospek Perseroan jangka menengah ke depan.

Volatility of the domestic automotive market is a common phenomenon in Indonesia, and we remain optimistic about the mid-term prospects of the Company.

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08 11

Pemegang Saham yang Terhormat,

Dengan mengucapkan puji dan syukur ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, kami berbesar

hati dapat menyampaikan bahwa PT Astra Otoparts Tbk telah mengakhiri tahun 2008

dengan kembali membukukan kinerja yang sangat baik, melampaui rekor pencapaian

angka penjualan maupun laba bersih tertinggi sebelumnya di tahun 2007. Prestasi

ini merupakan hasil dari kerja keras dan dedikasi Direksi, Manajemen dan seluruh

staf Perseroan dalam memanfaatkan peluang dan mengatasi tantangan yang ada

sepanjang tahun 2008.

Kinerja Perseroan di tahun 2008 berkembang sesuai perubahan pada kondisi

perekonomian nasional pada umumnya. Pada periode sembilan bulan pertama tahun

2008, perekonomian Indonesia tumbuh cukup baik didukung oleh faktor-faktor makro

ekonomi yang kondusif seperti nilai tukar mata uang, inflasi, serta tingkat suku bunga.

Namun, krisis sektor keuangan yang berawal di Amerika Serikat dan Eropa pada triwulan

ketiga tahun 2008 kemudian dengan cepat telah berdampak pada krisis keuangan dan

kelesuan ekonomi global, yang akhirnya juga mempengaruhi perkembangan sektor

keuangan dan ekonomi riil di Indonesia. Berbagai perkembangan tersebut mewarnai

naik-turunnya industri dan pasar otomotif di Indonesia sepanjang tahun 2008.

Dear Esteemed Shareholders,

With gratitude for the Grace of God Almighty, I am pleased to report that

PT Astra Otoparts Tbk has ended the year 2008 by again booking a solid

performance, improving on the record sales figures and net profit that we achieved in

the previous year. The Board of Directors, management and staff of the Company

rightly deserve to be lauded for their dedicated hard work that has resulted in such a fine

performance, and in exploiting the opportunities and managing the challenges in 2008.

The Company’s performance in 2008 was a reflection of developments in Indonesia’s

economic condition during that year. In the first nine-month period of 2008, the Indonesian

economy grew at a fairly satisfactory rate, supported by constructive macro economic

factors such as favorable currency exchange rate, stable inflation, and low interest rates.

However, the financial sector crisis that started in the United States and Europe in the

third quarter of 2008 quickly spread throughout the world, causing an economic slump.

Ultimately, Indonesia was no exception, with the crisis spreading to the financial sector and

then the real sector of the economy. In turn, these conditions affected the performance of

the domestic automotive market and industry throughout 2008.

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 0812

Laporan Dewan KomisarisBoard of Commissioners Report

Dewan Komisaris menyampaikan penghargaan yang

setinggi-tingginya kepada Direksi, manajemen dan

seluruh jajaran karyawan Perseroan yang telah

menunjukkan kemampuannya membaca situasi pasar

dan mengambil langkah-langkah yang tepat sesuai

perkembangan yang terjadi. Hingga periode sembilan

bulan pertama 2008, Perseroan mampu memaksimalkan

potensi dan sumber daya yang ada sehingga dapat

mengakomodasi peningkatan permintaan dari konsumen

di segmen produsen otomotif maupun pasar suku

cadang pengganti, termasuk dengan mengoptimalkan

nilai investasi yang dikeluarkan untuk perluasan kapasitas

produksi. Sebaliknya, ketika permintaan pasar cenderung

melemah pada triwulan terakhir 2008, manajemen

bergerak cepat melakukan efisiensi di segala bidang

guna menekan biaya-biaya dan meminimalkan kerugian

akibat menurunnya penjualan. Prestasi kerja yang baik

ini tercermin pada peningkatan penjualan bersih dan

laba bersih Perseroan sebesar masing-masing 27,6% dan

24,4%, dibanding tahun 2007.

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Perseroan pada tanggal

29 April 2008, telah memutuskan posisi Presiden

Komisaris dan Wakil Presiden Komisaris dijabat oleh

saya sendiri dan Johnny Darmawan Danusasmita,

menggantikan Tossin Himawan dan Maruli Gultom

yang kemudian terus menjabat sebagai Komisaris.

Di tengah pergerakan pasar yang sangat dinamis

sepanjang tahun 2008, Dewan Komisaris berupaya

meningkatkan efektivitas perannya dalam memberikan

masukan maupun supervisi kepada Direksi.

Komisaris juga terus memantau dan menjaga penerapan

praktik Tata Kelola Perusahaan. Melalui keberadaan

Komite Audit, Komisaris terus memastikan bahwa

setiap aktivitas di lingkungan Perseroan telah berjalan

sesuai dengan standar, kebijakan maupun peraturan

perundangan-undangan yang berlaku. Dengan

The Board of Commissioners expresses its highest

appreciation to the Board of Directors, the Management,

and all the staff of the Company who have shown the ability

to correctly interpret market trends and developments

and take suitable measures in response. Up until the first

nine-month of the year, the Company was able to maximize

all available resources to accommodate growing demands

from automotive manufacturers as well as the replacement

market segment, by among other actions, making optimal

investments to expand production capacity. On the other

hand, as the market slowed down in the third quarter 2008,

the management was quick to respond by instituting a range

of cost efficiency, thereby reducing expenses and minimizing

losses due to slower sales. This fine performance is reflected

in the increased sales and higher net profit for the Company

in 2008 of 27.6% and 24.4%, respectively, compared to 2007.

At the Company’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

on 29 April 2008, the positions of President Commissioner

and Vice President Commissioner were assigned to myself

and Johnny Darmawan Danusasmita, respectively, while

Tossin Himawan and Maruli Gultom continue to serve as

Commissioners. Throughout the dynamics of the market in

2008, the Board of Commissioners did its best to improve

its effectiveness in supervising and advising the Board of


The Board of Commissioners continues to monitor and ensure

the effective implementation of Good Corporate Governance

practices. Through the activities of the Audit Committee, the

Board ensured that all activities at the Company complied

with established standards and policies as well as current

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08 13

Laporan Dewan KomisarisBoard of Commissioners Report

persetujuan pemegang saham, Perseroan juga telah

melakukan perubahan-perubahan yang diperlukan pada

Anggaran Dasar untuk menyesuaikan dengan ketentuan

UU No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas.

Komitmen Perseroan terhadap tanggung jawab sosial

perusahaan tetap terjaga. Komisaris menilai bahwa

program-program Tanggung Jawab Perusahaan

(Corporate Social Responsibility) telah dilakukan dengan

fokus yang tepat untuk membantu peningkatan

kesejahteraan masyarakat secara nyata dalam skala yang

disesuaikan dengan kemampuan keuangan Perseroan.

Melalui program-program pengembangan masyarakat

yang dilaksanakan secara terarah dan berkelanjutan.

Naik turunnya pasar otomotif domestik merupakan siklus

yang normal terjadi di Indonesia, sebagaimana dapat

kita lihat dalam sepuluh tahun belakangan ini. Bersama

dengan Direksi dan seluruh jajaran Perseroan, Komisaris

memiliki optimisme yang tinggi akan prospek Perseroan

ke depan, sekalipun dengan adanya perkembangan

yang kurang menguntungkan di penghujung tahun

2008 dan berbagai ketidakpastian yang dihadapi

memasuki tahun 2009. Pada dasarnya, krisis yang saat ini

terjadi bukan merupakan refleksi dari kelemahan pada

fundamental ekonomi Indonesia, melainkan lebih berupa

dampak ikutan dari perkembangan-perkembangan di

ekonomi dan pasar Amerika Serikat dan Eropa yang

kemudian menjalar ke seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia.

Pemerintah Indonesia juga dengan sigap telah mengambil

langkah-langkah yang efektif untuk menanggulangi krisis

likuiditas perbankan dan kepercayaan pasar domestik,

selain menerapkan paket stimulus fiskal untuk

mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi terutama di 2009.

Di lain pihak, gejolak naik-turunnya pasar otomotif di

Indonesia bukan merupakan hal baru bagi para pelaku di

industri tersebut, termasuk dalam hal ini Perseroan. Oleh

karenanya, Komisaris menaruh keyakinan yang cukup

optimis akan prospek Perseroan dalam jangka menengah

ke depan.

laws and regulations. With the approval of shareholders,

the Company also made necessary changes in its Articles of

Association in compliance with the provisions in Law No. 40

Year 2007 on Limited Liability Companies.

In the meantime, the Company also kept its commitments

in terms of corporate social responsibility (CSR). The Board

of Commissioners is glad to see that the Company’s CSR

programs have been undertaken in an effective manner to

bring tangible benefits in improving the welfare of its target

communities. Within the Company’s financial capabilities,

these CSR programs have been conducted in a sustainable

and focused manner.

Volatility in the domestic automotive market is a common

phenomenon in Indonesia, as we have observed in

the last decade. Along with the Board of Directors and

all employees, the Board of Commissioners retain high

hopes for the prospects of the Company. Thus despite

the negative developments in the closing months of 2008

and the uncertainties that greet us upon entering 2009, on

the whole, the current crisis is not a reflection of weaknesses

in Indonesia’s economic fundamentals, but rather

a spill-over from market and economic developments in

the United States and some European countries, which then

spread to other economies in the world, including Indonesia.

The Government of Indonesia has taken prompt and

effective measures to resolve the liquidity crisis in

the banking sector and restore confidence in the domestic

markets, as well as introducing a fiscal incentive package

intended to promote economic growth in 2009. However,

the Company is not unfamiliar with volatility of the domestic

automotive market in Indonesia. Accordingly, the Board

of Commissioners is fairly optimistic about the mid-term

prospects of the Company.

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 0814

Banyak pihak telah berkontribusi pada keberhasilan

Perseroan di tahun 2008. Direksi, manajemen dan seluruh

jajaran karyawan Perseroan telah memperlihatkan

dedikasi dan profesionalisme yang tinggi. Dewan

Komisaris juga berterima kasih kepada pemegang

saham, pelanggan, relasi dan mitra kerja Perseroan atas

dukungan dan kepercayaan mereka kepada Perseroan.

Dengan berbekal semangat yang sama, kami percaya

bahwa Perseroan akan mampu mengatasi tantangan di

tahun 2009 dan terus mempertahankan pertumbuhan

yang berkelanjutan dan peningkatan nilai bagi seluruh


Jakarta, April 2009

Prijono SugiartoPresiden KomisarisPresident Commissioner

The successes of the Company in 2008 are the contribution

of many. We wish to express our appreciation to the Board

of Directors, along with the management and staff of

the Company, who have shown a high level of professionalism

and dedication. The Board of Commissioners is also grateful

for the support and trust that we continue to receive from

shareholders, customers and business partners. By continuing

in this same spirit, we are confident that the Company will be

able to face the challenges of 2009, and sustain its growth

while creating greater value for its stakeholders.

Laporan Dewan KomisarisBoard of Commissioners Report

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08 15

Dari Kiri ke Kanan • From Left to Right

Maruli GultomKomisarisCommissioner

Bambang TrisuloKomisaris IndependenIndependent Commissioner

Johnny Darmawan DanusasmitaWakil Presiden KomisarisVice President Commissioner

Chiew Sin CheokKomisarisCommissioner

Prijono SugiartoPresiden KomisarisPresident Commissioner

Tossin HimawanKomisarisCommissioner

Muhamad Chatib BasriKomisaris IndependenIndependent Commissioner

Patrick Morris AlexanderKomisaris IndependenIndependent Commissioner

Simon John MawsonKomisarisCommissioner

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 0816

Eduardus Paulus Supit

Presiden Direktur President Director

Pada tahun 2008, Perseroan mencapai tingkat penjualan dan laba bersih yang tertinggi sampai saat ini, melampaui rekor yang dicapai sebelumnya di tahun 2007.

In 2008, the Company posted the highest level yet achieved in revenues and net income, breaking the previous record achieved in 2007.

Laporan DireksiBoard of Directors Report

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08 17

Pemegang Saham yang Terhormat,

Puji dan syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas keberhasilan

PT Astra Otoparts Tbk membukukan kinerja yang sangat memuaskan pada tahun

2008. Memanfaatkan momentum pasar otomotif domestik yang baik pada tahun

tersebut, Perseroan berhasil mencatat peningkatan penjualan bersih konsolidasi

sebesar 27,6% menjadi Rp 5,3 triliun, sementara laba bersih tumbuh 24,4% menjadi

Rp 566,0 miliar, untuk tahun buku 2008, melampaui rekor pencapaian tertinggi

sebelumnya yang dibukukan oleh Perseroan di tahun 2007.

Sekalipun saat ini terdapat kekuatiran menyangkut meluasnya dampak krisis

keuangan Amerika Serikat dan global terhadap perkembangan perekonomian

Indonesia dan kinerja Perseroan, kami percaya bahwa strategi dan program kerja

yang telah memungkinkan kinerja yang menggembirakan dalam beberapa tahun

terakhir ini telah menempatkan Perseroan pada posisi yang lebih kokoh dengan

landasan yang lebih kuat untuk persiapan menghadapi tantangan dimasa yang

akan datang.

Dear Esteemed Shareholders,

Praise Be to God Almighty for His Blessings and Grace, that PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

has been able to achieve excellent results in 2008. Capitalizing on

the strong momentum in the domestic automotive market in 2008, the Company

succeeded in posting a 27.6% growth in net consolidated sales to Rp 5.3 trillion, while net

income grew by 24.4% to Rp 566.0 billion in 2008. These figures exceeded the previous

records for sales and net income, recorded in 2007.

Despite present concerns regarding the spill-over effects of the US and global financial

crisis to Indonesia’s economy and the Company’s performance, we are confident

that we are now in a more solid position to face any future challenges. Thanks to

the business strategy and work programs that we have carried out in the last couple of

years, encouraging results throughout those years have bolstered our position.

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 0818

Memasuki tahun 2008, pasar otomotif domestik terlihat

terus menguat, melanjutkan tren pertumbuhan yang

konstan sejak tahun 2007. Sekalipun permintaan kemudian

menurun sejak menjelang triwulan terakhir tahun 2008,

namun secara keseluruhan pasar otomotif domestik

membukukan peningkatan yang signifikan pada tahun

2008, dimana penjualan kendaraan bermotor roda-dua

dan roda-empat meningkat masing-masing 32,6% dan

39,9% dibandingkan tahun 2007, menjadi 6.215.865 unit

dan 607.805 unit.

Kondisi tersebut menghadapkan Manajemen Perseroan

pada tantangan tersendiri yang memiliki dua sisi. Di satu

pihak, bagaimana memanfaatkan peluang pasar tersebut

untuk meningkatkan penjualan dan memperkuat

posisi Perseroan di pasarnya. Di lain pihak, Perseroan

harus berhati-hati mempertimbangkan investasi yang

diperlukan guna mendukung peningkatan penjualan

tersebut, mengingat kemungkinan fluktuasi yang menjadi

ciri di pasar dan industri otomotif. Untuk itu, Manajemen

menyusun program kerja yang bertumpu pada

peningkatan kepuasan pelanggan melalui aspek Quality,

Cost, Delivery, Safety and Moral (QCDSM), pengembangan

produk suku cadang baru sesuai perkembangan pasar

Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), optimalisasi

produktivitas manufaktur komponen untuk memenuhi

kenaikan permintaan, meningkatkan penjualan tujuan

ekspor, memperkuat kapabilitas jaringan distribusi dan

yang terutama mempersiapkan sumber daya manusia

yang mendukung program-program tersebut.

Di aspek bisnis manufaktur komponen, peningkatan

kemampuan produksi untuk mengimbangi kenaikan

permintaan pasar dilakukan dengan lebih menginten-

sifkan lagi upaya-upaya utilisasi kapasitas produksi

yang telah dilakukan sejak tahun 2007. Pada saat yang

bersamaan, investasi pada kapasitas produksi dilakukan

dengan cermat dan secara bertahap, dengan penekanan

pada kemampuan untuk memproduksi komponen-

Entering the year 2008, the domestic automotive market

continued with its strong upward trend that began in 2007.

Although demand tapered off entering the last quarter of

the year, annualized sales at the domestic automotive market

showed a significant increase in 2008 over 2007 figures,

with 2008 sales of two wheeler and four wheeler vehicles

increasing by 32.6% and 39.9%, respectively, representing

sales of 6,215,865 and 607,805 units of motorcycle and cars,


This volatile market condition presented quite a challenge to

the Company’s Management in two ways. On the one hand,

we were presented with an opportunity to increase sales and

improve our position in the market. On the other hand, in

view of potential market fluctuations that characterized the

domestic automotive market, the Company had to be careful

before making any investment in additional production

capacity to meet increasing demand and cope with

increasing sales. Accordingly, the management formulated

a work program in 2008 that relied on enhancing customer

satisfaction through adherence to aspects of Quality, Cost,

Delivery, Safety, and Moral (QCDSM), developing new

automotive part products to fulfill the needs at the Original

Equipment manufacturer (OEM) segment, optimizing

productivity at existing component manufacturing facilities,

strengthening our export drive, improving capability of

the distribution networks and, most importantly, preparing

our human resources, who were needed to implement

the above programs.

In the component manufacturing business, expansion of

production capacity to meet increasing market demand was

attained by intensifying, even more, the efforts at capacity

utilization that have been made since 2007. At the same time,

the Company made well-considered and gradual investments

in production capacity expansion, and especially on

production capability for new types of components required

Laporan DireksiBoard of Directors Report

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08 19

komponen baru yang dibutuhkan oleh segmen pasar

OEM, serta produksi produk-produk unggulan untuk

memasok kebutuhan segmen pasar suku cadang

pengganti (REM).

Di aspek bisnis distribusi, program pembenahan

jaringan distribusi yang telah dimulai tahun 2007

melalui peningkatan kepemilikan Perseroan di beberapa

perusahaan distributor utama kemudian berlanjut di tahun

2008 dengan upaya-upaya konsolidasi dan perampingan

jalur distribusi. Dengan mata rantai distribusi yang lebih

pendek dan sistem logistik yang mendukung, proses

distribusi produk ke pasar REM dapat berlangsung

dengan lebih efisien, menghasilkan peningkatan nyata

diukur dari volume penjualan maupun penghematan biaya.

Sementara penjualan untuk tujuan ekspor secara pasti

terus meningkat dan berkonsentrasi pada produk dengan

aplikasi universal.

Sebagai bagian dari strategi pertumbuhan jangka

panjang Perseroan, jajaran Direksi juga telah diperkuat

dengan penambahan dua posisi Direksi baru. Dengan

demikian, diharapkan bahwa dengan pembagian tugas

dan tanggung jawab yang lebih baik dapat berdampak

pada fokus yang lebih tajam pada masing-masing bidang

tugas serta pengambilan keputusan yang lebih optimal

dalam merespon perkembangan yang ada. Dalam

kesempatan ini, perkenankan saya mengucapkan selamat

datang kepada Bapak Darmawan Widjaja, Bapak Widodo

Eko Rijanto, Bapak Dandy Soelip, dan Bapak Robby Sani

yang telah bergabung dengan Direksi di tahun 2008.

Saya juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada

Bapak Eko Deddy Haryanto dan Ibu Kartina Rahayu atas

kontribusinya selama ini kepada Perseroan, semoga terus

berprestasi di lingkungan yang baru.

Kami ingin menggarisbawahi disini peran yang penting

dari kesiapan sumber daya manusia Perseroan melalui

program-program peningkatan kompetensi dan keahlian

by the OEM segment, as well as production capacities related

to our superior products in demands by the Replacement

market (REM) segment.

In the distribution business, the Company initiated

a program in 2007 to improve the distribution chain by

increasing share acquisitions in a number of the Company’s

main distributors affiliates. This program was continued in

2008 with efforts to consolidate and shorten distribution

channels. With a shorter distribution chain and support by

improved logistic capability, product distribution efficiency

in the REM market was considerably improved, leading to

appreciable increases both in sales volume and cost savings.

Meanwhile, export sales continued to improve, driven by

sales of universal component products.

As part of the Company’s long-term growth strategy,

the Board of Directors had been strengthened by the addition

of two new Director posts. With the improved division of

duties and responsibilities among the Directors, each will

have a better focus on his respective area of responsibilities,

which enables more effective decision-making to respond

to ongoing developments as they unfold. On this occasion,

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome

Mr. Darmawan Widjaja, Mr. Widodo Eko Rijanto,

Mr. Dandy Soelip, and Mr. Robby Sani in joining the Board

in 2008. Likewise, I would like to express my appreciation

to Mr. Eko Deddy Haryanto and Mrs. Kartina Rahayu for

their contributions in their former posts as Directors of

the Company, and may they continue to excel in their new


The Board of Directors would like to emphasize

the contribution of our human resources who, through

continuous competence and skills development programs,

Laporan DireksiBoard of Directors Report

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 0820

yang telah memungkinkan tercapainya tujuan-tujuan

usaha Perseroan di 2008. Direksi juga merasa puas

melihat berbagai kemajuan yang terus dicapai oleh

Perseroan dan anak perusahaan terkait dengan aspek

Lingkungan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja.

Dalam pada itu, kami tetap menjaga komitmen terhadap

peningkatan kualitas praktik Tata Kelola Perusahaan

yang Baik di seluruh perusahaan dalam lingkungan

Perseroan. Dalam situasi perkembangan sosial dan

ekonomi saat ini, peran serta Perseroan dalam aktivitas

Tanggung Jawab Sosial menjadi semakin relevan. Melalui

program-program rutin yang telah konsisten dijalankan

dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini di aspek pendukung

pendidikan, pengembangan ekonomi mandiri, serta

pemeliharaan lingkungan hidup, Perseroan telah secara

efektif berkontribusi bagi peningkatan kesejahteraan

masyarakat dan lingkungan di sekitar lokasi


Untuk berbagai prestasi yang ditunjukkan, Perseroan

boleh berbangga dengan adanya berbagai pengakuan

yang diterima. Untuk kedua kalinya berturut-turut,

Perseroan kembali meraih penghargaan ‘Indonesia Most

Admired Company 2008’ (IMAC 2008) dengan predikat

Best Sustainable Corporate Image untuk kategori

perusahaan komponen otomotif, diberikan oleh Frontiers

Consulting bekerja sama dengan majalah Business Week.

Pada triwulan terakhir tahun 2008, permintaan di pasar

otomotif domestik terlihat menurun cukup signifikan,

seiring dengan adanya perkembangan yang kurang

menguntungkan terkait krisis sektor keuangan global

serta tanda-tanda awal resesi ekonomi di berbagai negara

maju. Hal ini memberikan suatu ketidakpastian tersendiri

mengenai prospek ekonomi Indonesia di tahun 2009,

termasuk dampaknya pada sektor industri dan pasar

have played a vital role in the Company’s successes in 2008.

Likewise, we are pleased to note the progress achieved by

the Company as well as its affiliate companies in improving

aspects of Environment, Health and Safety.

Throughout the year, the Company solidly maintained

its commitment towards the practice of Good Corporate

Governance in all companies within our Group. Equally

important is our Corporate Social Responsibility

commitments, which have become more relevant in view of

ongoing developments in the social and economic situation.

During the past few years, the Company has consistently

implemented a variety of programs in educational support,

economic self-sufficiency, and environment preservation,

contributing effectively to the welfare of communities and

the environment around its operational locations.

The Company is deservedly proud of the many recognitions

it has received in appreciation of its fine achievements.

For example, for the second consecutive year, the Company

won the ‘Indonesia Most Admired Company’ award in 2008

in terms of Best Sustainable Corporate Image in the category

of automotive component industry, presented by Frontiers

Consulting in cooperation with Business Week magazine.

In the last quarter of 2008, the domestic automotive

market showed a significant drop in demand, in line

with adverse developments related to the crisis in global

financial industries and early signs of recession in many of

the developed economies of the world. This presented some

uncertainties regarding economic prospects in Indonesia for

the year 2009, including impacts to the domestic automotive

market and industry. Without being unduly pessimistic, it is

only reasonable to expect a decline in the domestic market

demand in 2009. The decline will for the most part affect

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otomotif domestik. Tanpa harus bersikap pesimis, kiranya

cukup beralasan kalau kita memperkirakan akan adanya

penurunan permintaan pasar otomotif domestik. Hal ini

terutama akan berdampak terhadap penjualan Perseroan

ke segmen OEM, sementara permintaan di segmen REM

kiranya tidak akan banyak terpengaruh.

Menyikapi prospek tersebut, Manajemen Perseroan

mengambil langkah-langkah proaktif untuk mem-

pertahankan posisi Perseroan di pasar dan industrinya.

Melanjutkan dengan strategi pembenahan jaringan

distribusi, pembentukan organisasi yang lebih lincah dan

responsif terhadap perubahan, sumber daya manusia

yang terlatih, serta peningkatan kapabilitas rekayasa

tehnik untuk mengoptimalkan kemampuan produksi.

Selain itu, untuk mengantisipasi kondisi dunia usaha yang

akan semakin berat dan ketat persaingan di tahun 2009,

Perseroan juga akan lebih mengintensifkan program

efisiensi biaya di segala bidang, disamping memonitor

secara lebih ketat perkembangan yang terus berubah.

Pada saat bersamaan, Perseroan juga akan melangkah

memasuki tahap pertumbuhan berikutnya menjadi

pemain di tingkat global, memanfaatkan semakin

terbukanya peluang Indonesia untuk menjadi ‘production

base’ bagi industri komponen otomotif. Dengan

mempersiapkan diri untuk merespon pasar saat ekonomi

kembali pulih, menambah kemampuan teknologi, dan

meningkatkan daya saing produk Perseroan di pasar

dunia, maka Perseroan akan mampu terus meningkatkan

kapasitas untuk bertumbuh, dan mengubah tantangan

yang ada menjadi peluang untuk berkembang.

Mewakili Direksi Perseroan, saya ingin menutup laporan

ini dengan mengucapkan terima kasih yang tulus kepada

seluruh pihak yang telah berperan dalam memungkinkan

pencapaian dan kinerja Perseroan di tahun 2008.

sales to the OEM segment, while demand from the REM

segment will not be much affected.

With these prospects in mind, the management of

the Company had taken anticipatory measures in order to

maintain its position in the market and industry. These steps

include continuing with the consolidation of distribution

networks, building a more agile and responsive organization

to adapt to changes, developing skilled human resources,

and improving engineering competences to optimize

production capability. Further, in anticipation of a difficult

business environment and increased competition in 2009,

the Company will also intensify its cost efficiency programs

in various operational aspects, as well as keeping a close

eye on developments in the constantly changing business


At the same time, the Company is also moving ahead into its

next growth stage to become a global player, as Indonesia

now has greater opportunities to become a production base

for the global automotive component industry. By preparing

to meet market demand when the economy eventually

recovers, by improving technological competences and by

enhancing product competitiveness in the global markets,

the Company will be able to sustain and increase its capacity

for growth, while turning challenges into opportunities for


In closing, I would like to speak for all members of the Board

of Directors in expressing our heartfelt gratitude to the many

parties who have contributed to the Company’s excellent

achievements and performance in 2008. We are grateful

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Kerja keras dan dedikasi dari seluruh jajaran staf dan

karyawan sangat kami hargai, seperti juga kerja sama dan

dukungan dari para mitra kerja serta pelanggan Perseroan.

Kami juga berterima kasih atas pengarahan yang telah

dilakukan oleh Dewan Komisaris, serta kepercayaan yang

ditunjukkan oleh pemegang saham.

Semoga Tuhan Yang Maha Esa selalu memberkati usaha


Jakarta, April 2009

Eduardus Paulus SupitPresiden DirekturPresident Director

for the hard work and dedication shown by all staff and

employees of the Company, as well as for the support and

cooperation that we received from our business partners and

customers. We also appreciate the valuable direction given

by the Board of Commissioners and the show of confidence

from the shareholders.

May God the Almighty bless us in all our endeavors.

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Dari Kiri ke Kanan • From Left to Right

Gustav A. HuseinDirekturDirector

Djangkep Budhi SantosoDirekturDirector

Widodo Eko RijantoDirekturDirector

Leonard LembongWakil Presiden DirekturVice President Director

Eduardus Paulus SupitPresiden Direktur President Director

Robby SaniDirekturDirector

Dandy SoelipDirekturDirector

Darmawan WidjajaDirekturDirector

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Laporan ManajemenManagement Report

Integrasi anak-anak perusahaan di bidang distribusi komponen otomotif merupakan langkah strategis

Perseroan di tahun 2008 untuk memfasilitasi strategi penjualan dan pemasaran yang lebih

efisien dan komprehensif.

The integration of subsidiaries in the distribution of automotive components represents a strategic

undertaking by the Company in 2008 towards a more efficient and comprehensive sales

and marketing strategies.

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Strategi BisnisBusiness Strategy

Dalam rangka mempercepat pencapaian visinya, menjadi

pemasok suku cadang di Indonesia tingkat dunia,

Perseroan memiliki beberapa strategi diantaranya:


1. Meningkatkan efisiensi proses produksi, melakukan

perbaikan yang berkesinambungan dan melakukan

investasi pada perluasan kapasitas produksi secara


2. Fokus terhadap upaya mengoptimalkan utilisasi

kapasitas produksi yang tersedia untuk memasok

kebutuhan pasar, dengan mengedepankan aspek

Quality, Cost and Delivery (QCD).

3. Terus mengembangkan kapabilitas rekayasa produk

untuk menghasilkan produk-produk baru sehingga

dengan meningkatnya kemampuan core product

design yang bersinergi dengan kekuatan brand

diharapkan mampu menembus pasar otomotif


4. Terus menjalin hubungan bisnis yang baik dengan

mitra kerja asing dalam rangka meningkatkan

sinergi bagi kedua belah pihak, termasuk dalam

pengembangan produk-produk baru yang mampu

meningkatkan penjualan Perseroan.

5. Meningkatkan kemampuan sumber daya manusia

sebagai landasan untuk menuju “manufacturing

excellence” dengan memperkuat “shop floor


To facilitate the drive towards its vision of becoming a world-

class supplier of automotive components in Indonesia, the

Company has developed the following business strategy:


1. Increase the efficiency of production processes, striving

for continuous improvement, and engage in selective

investments in new production capacities.

2. Focus on efforts to optimize the available production

capacities to meet market demands with an emphasis on

aspects of Quality, Cost and Delivery (QCD).

3. Continue with the development of product engineering

capabilities to build core product design competences

that, in synergy with a strong brand, will facilitate wider

penetration of the automotive market in Indonesia.

4. Continue to maintain harmonious business relations

with overseas joint-venture partners in order to improve

synergies for both parties, including in the development

of new products that can contribute to increased sales for

the Company.

5. Improve the competences of human capital as

the foundation towards “manufacturing excellence” by

strengthening capabilities in “shop floor management”.

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Selain itu PT Astra Otoparts Tbk juga mencanangkan

program standarisasi manajemen kualitas dan otomotif

bertaraf International ISO 9000, QS 9000 dan ISO-TS 16949

yang telah diimplementasikan di 24 unit bisnis.


1. Memenuhi permintaan pelanggan produsen

kendaraan (OEM) dan pelanggan suku cadang

pengganti (REM) sesuai dengan kebutuhannya dalam

aspek Quality, Cost and Delivery.

2. Memperkuat jaringan distribusi dan mempercepat

proses pendistribusian barang sehingga pelanggan

suku cadang pengganti, dapat memperoleh barang

dengan mudah dan cepat. Juga melakukan ekspansi

pemasaran dengan penambahan dealer/toko.

3. Fokus terhadap produk-produk REM dengan volume

maupun nilai penjualan yang tinggi.

4. Untuk pasar tujuan ekspor, Perseroan fokus terhadap

produk yang aplikasinya bersifat universal antara lain

automotive battery.

In addition, the Company also seek international standards

in quality management and automotive manufacturing

through ISO 9000, QS 9000 and ISO-TS 16949 certifications,

which to date have been implemented in 24 business units.


1. Meet the needs of customers in the automotive

manufacturer (OEM) segment and the replacement

maarket (REM) segment in terms of Quality, Cost, and

Delivery aspects.

2. Strengthen the distribution networks and improve

the distribution process of components to facilitate faster

and more convenient receipt of orders from customers in

the REM segment, while also expand marketing through

additional dealers/shops.

3. Focus on replacement parts and components with high

sales volume and value.

4. Focus on products with universal applications such as

automotive batteries for the export markets.

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Memasuki tahun 2008, kecenderungan meningkatnya

permintaan pasar domestik untuk kendaraan bermotor

roda dua maupun roda empat dari tahun 2007 terus

berlanjut, setidaknya sampai pada triwulan ke-3 tahun

tersebut. Dibanding tahun sebelumnya, total penjualan

unit mobil dan sepeda motor baru meningkat masing-

masing 39,9% dan 32,6%, selama tahun 2008. Kondisi

ini memberikan peluang yang sangat baik bagi segmen

bisnis manufaktur Perseroan guna meningkatkan jumlah

pasokan komponen otomotif, baik kepada pelanggan

pabrikan otomotif (OEM) maupun ke segmen pasar suku

cadang pengganti (REM).

Aktivitas segmen bisnis manufaktur Perseroan dilakukan

melalui perusahaan-perusahaan afiliasi, anak perusahaan

yang dikonsolidasi, maupun oleh divisi manufaktur

Perseroan sendiri.

Merupakan tantangan tersendiri bagi Perseroan untuk

selalu menjaga kepercayaan dari pelanggan. Oleh

sebab itu guna mengakomodasi permintaan pasar yang

terus meningkat pada tahun 2008, Perseroan telah

meningkatkan output produksi dan mengoptimalkan

fasilitas-fasilitas manufaktur Perseroan yang ada hingga

telah beroperasi mendekati kapasitas maksimumnya.

Dimana memungkinkan, Perseroan terus mengupayakan

peningkatan utilisasi fasilitas produksi sampai batas

maksimum antara lain dengan mengoptimalkan sumber

The upward demand trend for both two wheeler and

four wheeler vehicles in the domestic automotive market

continued from 2007 into 2008, at least up until the third

quarter of 2008. In comparison to the previous year, total

unit sales of new cars and motorcycles in 2008 grew by 39.9%

and 32.6%, respectively. This condition offered an excellent

opportunity for the Company’s manufacturing business

segment to increase the supply of automotive parts and

components, both for the automotive manufacturer industry

(OEM) as well as the segment of automotive replacement

parts market (REM).

The Company engages in the automotive component

manufacturing business through the activities of affiliated

companies, wholly-owned subsidiaries, and its own

manufacturing business divisions.

The Company strives at all times to maintain the trust

of customers. To accommodate the growing market

demands in 2008, the Company has therefore responded

by optimizing the operation of its manufacturing facilities

to their maximum capacity, and thus managed to increase

production output levels. Whenever possible, the Company

strived to push the utilization of existing production facilities

up to the peak production capacities, among others by

optimizing all existing resources, adding extra work shifts

Segmen Bisnis ManufakturManufacturing Business Segment

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daya yang ada, menambah jumlah shift kerja di pabrik

dan memberlakukan kerja lembur, meningkatkan efisiensi

proses produksi dan non produksi serta menjaga kinerja

mesin dan alat produksi melalui prosedur pemeliharaan

yang optimal.

Selain dengan memaksimalkan utilisasi kapasitas

yang ada, Perseroan juga telah melakukan investasi

pada perluasan kapasitas produksi, sehingga dapat

memanfaatkan secara optimal peluang yang ada akibat

meningkatnya permintaan pasar. Namun demikian,

mengingat karakteristik bisnis manufaktur Perseroan di

sektor otomotif domestik yang mengalami permintaan

pasar yang terus berfluktuasi, investasi pada perluasan

kapasitas produksi harus dilakukan dengan perhitungan

yang cermat. Pada tahun 2008, Perseroan mengalokasi

dana untuk meningkatkan kapabilitas produksi antara

lain melalui penyelarasan berbagai proses produksi untuk

menghilangkan kondisi bottleneck, serta optimalisasi

alur produksi melalui penggabungan atau modifikasi

lini produksi sehingga selain waktu proses lebih cepat,

produktivitas juga meningkat.

Sementara itu, investasi pada pengembangan kapasitas

produksi pada tahun 2008 terutama diprioritaskan untuk

mendukung kemampuan produksi jenis komponen baru,

guna mengakomodasi kebutuhan pelanggan OEM yang

meluncurkan berbagai jenis kendaraan roda dua dan

roda empat baru ataupun modifikasi pada model-model

yang telah ada. Selain itu, investasi juga dilakukan untuk

menambah kapasitas di berbagai lini produksi yang

menghasilkan produk-produk unggulan untuk konsumsi

segmen REM, seperti misalnya produk battery otomotif.

Perseroan memiliki kapabilitas yang telah teruji terkait

dengan pengembangan jenis komponen baru sesuai

dengan perkembangan industri dan pasar otomotif.

Divisi Riset & Pengembangan Perseroan melalui

perusahaan-perusahaan afiliasi, anak perusahaan yang

dikonsolidasi, maupun oleh divisi manufaktur Perseroan

sendiri, saat ini telah mampu menangani seluruh tahap

and overtime, improving efficiency in production and non-

production processes, and ensuring consistent machinery

performance through optimum maintenance procedures.

Aside from maximizing the utilization of existing production

facilities, the Company has also invested in expanding

production capacities in order to take full advantage of

the opportunities presented by the increasing market

demand. However, in view of the Company’s manufacturing

business characteristics in the domestic automotive sector,

which is influenced by fluctuating market demands, any

investment in expanding production capacities must be

made after careful consideration. In 2008, the Company

allocated funds to a variety of projects to increase production

capacity, including the harmonization of production

processes to eliminate bottlenecks, and the reconfiguration

of production lines to achieve optimization. These

thereby resulted in faster production processes and higher


Meanwhile, investments in the expansion of production

capacity in 2008 were mostly undertaken in support of

the production of new types of components, in order to

accommodate the needs of OEM customers who launched

a series of new two wheeler and four wheeler models or

who modified existing models. Moreover, investments

were also allocated to increase capacity in production lines

specializing in manufacture of superior products for the REM

segment, such as automotive batteries.

The Company has proven its engineering capability with

the development of new types of components in line

with progress in the automotive market and industry.

The Research & Development Division, working through

the Company’s affiliated companies, consolidated

subsidiaries, and the Company’s own manufacturing

divisions, has been able to undertake all stages in

the product development process, each involving a different

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Segmen Bisnis ManufakturManufacturing Business Segment

pengembangan produk dengan yang skala tahap

pengembangan yang berbeda pada tiap produknya,

mulai dari tahap sketsa, modeling menggunakan

perangkat CAD (Computer Aided Design), proses tooling

dan pembuatan prototype, sampai pengujian dan evaluasi


Dalam rangka mengikuti perkembangan industri

otomotif, dengan diluncurkannya produk-produk baru

sepeda motor maupun mobil, PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

ikut serta berperan sebagai pemasok komponennya.

Selain itu, di pasar REM, PT Astra Otoparts Tbk juga

meningkatkan sinergi antara kemampuan core product

design dengan kekuatan merek yang kedepannya

diharapkan mampu menembus pasar regional.

Kemajuan PT Astra Otoparts Tbk dalam mengembangkan

beberapa produk baru diantaranya:

PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Divisi Adiwira Plastik berhasil

mengembangkan produk-produk Front fender mirror

untuk kendaraan roda empat (OEM) dengan model

yang lebih sesuai dengan kendaraan di Indonesia. Untuk

segmen REM dikembangkan Side body molding dan

Fog lamp garnish (REM). Sedangkan untuk kendaraan

bermotor roda dua, dikembangkan Louver set dan produk-

produk aksesoris dengan desain yang lebih menarik dan


scope of activity, from the sketching stage, modeling with

CAD (Computer Aided Design) tools, tooling processes,

prototyping, and on to product testing and evaluation.

In order to keep up with developments in the domestic

automotive industry, the Company supplies those

components that are needed in the launch of new

motorcycle and car models. In addition, in the replacement

parts market (REM), the Company strives for improved

synergy between core product design capability and brand

strength, which in the future is expected to fuel penetration

into the regional markets.

Progress in developing new products included:

PT Astra Otoparts Tbk - Adiwira Plastik Division developed

front fender mirror products for four wheeler vehicles

produced by the OEM segment to suit the current car models

in Indonesia. Side body molding and fog lamp garnish

components were developed for the replacement market

(REM). For two wheeler vehicles, the Division developed

louver sets and motorcycle accessories with attractive and

trendy designs.

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Segmen Bisnis ManufakturManufacturing Business Segment

PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Divisi Nusa Metal, melalui proses

aluminium casting membuat wheel rim untuk kendaraan

roda dua (REM). PT Menara Terus Makmur memproduksi

komponen produk common rail untuk engine part

OEM dimana secara tidak langsung telah diekspor

ke Thailand, under bracket steering system dan untuk

REM dikembangkan produk tie rod end dan long tie rod.

Sedangkan PT Gemala Kempa Daya mengembangkan

produk side rail untuk pasar kendaraan komersial,

PT Inti Ganda Perdana mengembangkan kemampuan

mendesain propeller shaft dan rear axle untuk OEM

kendaraan tipe baru. PT Inti Ganda Perdana juga

dipercaya oleh pelanggan produsen kendaraan (OEM)

untuk melokalisasi beberapa produk seperti diff carrier &

case, fly wheel dan ring gear.

Kemampuan Perseroan untuk melakukan rekayasa

produk menggarisbawahi kemajuan yang terus dicapai

dalam meningkatkan kompetensi engineering yang

dimiliki. Kerja sama strategis dengan prinsipal perusahaan-

perusahaan afiliasi Perseroan diadakan antara lain

dengan mengirimkan karyawan mengikuti pelatihan di

fasilitas produksi mitra asing tersebut, sehingga terjadi

proses alih-pengetahuan dan peningkatan kemampuan

engineering yang handal.

PT Astra Otoparts Tbk - Nusa Metal Division produced

motorcycle wheel rims using the aluminium casting process

for the two wheeler vehicles in the REM segment. PT Menara

Terus Makmur produced common rail components for

engine parts in the OEM segment, which were indirectly

exported to Thailand; and an under bracket steering

system, while simultaneously developing tie rod end and

long tie rod products for the REM segment. PT Gemala

Kempa Daya developed side rail products for commercial

vehicles. Meanwhile, PT Inti Ganda Perdana has developed

designs for propeller shafts and rear axles for some of the

newer models of cars produced by the OEM segment. PT Inti

Ganda Perdana has also been chosen by the automotive

manufacturing industry (OEM) to develop local production

for some components such as differential carriers and cases,

fly wheels and ring gears.

The Company’s significant record in improving product

engineering underscores its capability and competencies.

In strategic cooperation with the principals of affiliated

companies, the Company sends its employees to attend

training sessions at the partner’s production facilities,

enabling more effective and reliable transfer of knowledge

and enhancement of engineering capabilities.

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Segmen Bisnis ManufakturManufacturing Business Segment

Di lingkungan Perseroan sendiri, salah satu cara yang

terbukti cukup efektif telah memberikan kontribusi

positif kepada Perseroan untuk perluasan pangsa pasar

penghematan biaya ataupun peningkatan kualitas adalah

melalui Innovation Challenge, suatu ajang kompetisi

tahunan yang diadakan untuk mendorong terciptanya ide

dan pemikiran kreatif yang dapat menghasilkan inovasi di

bidang rekayasa produk dan proses baru dan dapat diikuti

oleh seluruh anak perusahaan Perseroan. Pada ajang

Innovation Challenge tahun 2008, misalnya, telah dihasil-

kan beberapa ide kreatif di bidang produk dengan tema

Design & Development of D40D- Propeller Shaft oleh tim

PT Inti Ganda Perdana, Design Change GT6A (GM5Z-

VRLA) oleh tim PT GS Battery. Sedangkan pada kategori

proses, dihasilkan oleh PT Aisin Indonesia dengan tema

Optimasi Sistem Pendingin pada Proses Pemanasan

dan Press Quenching untuk Menurunkan Cycle Time

Proses pada Line Manufaktur Diaphragm Spring, dan

PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing dengan tema Aluminium

Modifier Improvement by Replacing Phosphor T-113 Into

Environmental Friendly Alumunium Phosphor (AL-P) Dditive

in AC8A Material.

Didukung oleh ketentuan pemerintah tentang lokalisasi,

industri alat-produksi lokal pada akhirnya akan lebih

meningkatkan daya saing Industri Komponen melalui

alat-alat produksi yang murah dan delivery yang cepat

tanpa proses dan prosedur impor yang rumit dan

memakan waktu. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini

Perseroan juga secara konsisten melakukan upaya

penguasaan teknologi rekayasa teknik khususnya di

bidang peralatan dan mesin produksi, yaitu melalui

aktivitas PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Divisi Winteq (Workshop

for Industrial Equipment). Sejak tahun 2006, Divisi

Winteq telah menghasilkan sekitar 272 unit alat dan

mesin produksi berbagai jenis, yang telah digunakan di

berbagai fasilitas produksi massal Perseroan maupun di

luar Perseroan. Sejauh ini, melalui produk-produk yang

dihasilkan, Divisi Winteq telah berkontribusi secara nyata

pada penghematan biaya pengadaan alat produksi dalam

Within the Company itself, the Innovation Challenge

competition has been proven quite effective and has

contributed positively to the Company in terms of increased

market share, cost reductions, and improved product quality.

The annual competition, open for participation by all

the companies within the Group, fosters creative thinking

that can lead to innovations in new product engineering and

new production processes. Among some of the creative ideas

in the Innovation Challenge 2008 were the D40D Propeller

Shaft by the team of PT Inti Ganda Perdana, and a Design

Change of GT6A (GM5Z-VRLA) by the team at PT GS Battery,

both in the category of product Design and Development.

Meanwhile, in the process category, the team at PT Aisin

Indonesia came up with Optimizing the Cooling System in

the Heating Process and Press Quenching to Lower Cycle

Time in the manufacturing line of diaphragm springs,

and PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing with Aluminum

Modifier Improvement by Replacing Phospohor T-113 into

the Environmentally Friendly Aluminum Phosphor (AlP)

Additive AC8Al.

Supported by Government policies concerning local content,

the local equipment production industry will benefit

the automotive component manufacturing industry through

the provision of affordable production equipment and

machinery with fast delivery time, avoiding complicated

and time-consuming import processes.In the past few years,

the Company has also striven to acquire advanced

engineering technology especially in the area of production

equipment and machinery, through the activities of Winteq

(Workshop for Industrial Equipment) Division. Since 2006,

Winteq has produced around 272 units of various types of

production equipment and machinery, which were used in

the Company’s mass production facilities as well as by

external customers. So far, through its products, Winteq

has enabled cost savings in the procurement of production

equipment and machinery for the Company’s manufacturing

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Segmen Bisnis ManufakturManufacturing Business Segment

aktivitas segmen bisnis manufaktur Perseroan. Dalam

jangka panjang, peningkatan kapabilitas Divisi Winteq

diharapkan akan dapat berperan dalam mendukung

Manufacturing Excellence di lingkungan Perseroan, serta

peningkatan daya saing industri komponen otomotif di

Indonesia sebagai basis produksi untuk pasar global.

Dalam keseluruhan aktivitas di segmen bisnis manufaktur,

Perseroan tetap mengedepankan konsep QCDI (Quality,

Cost, Delivery, Innovation) sebagai suatu sasaran yang

senantiasa diupayakan guna meningkatkan daya saing

Perseroan dalam jangka panjang. Pengakuan pelanggan

terhadap prestasi Perseroan ini tercermin dalam beberapa

penghargaan di bidang QCD yang diterima oleh unit-

unit bisnis manufaktur Perseroan, terkait dengan

kinerja mereka dalam memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen

produk komponen otomotif, khususnya pelanggan

OEM. Diantaranya: PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Divisi Adiwira

Plastik memperoleh penghargaan kategori Best Quality

dari PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia dan

PT Abadi Berindo Autotech, Cost Performance dari

PT Toyota Astra Motor. PT Menara Terus Makmur

memperoleh penghargaan kategori Best Quality

(PT Denso Indonesia), Best Delivery (PT Kramayudha

Tiga Berlian) dan Improvement (Toyota Manufacturing

Club). PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Divisi Nusametal

memperoleh penghargaan kategori Cost Target

activities. In the longer term, the increased capabilities

of Winteq is expected to support the achievement of

Manufacturing Excellence at the Company, as well as to

promote competitiveness of the Indonesian auto part

industry as a production base for global markets.

In all of its activities in the manufacturing business segment,

the Company has striven to uphold the QCDI (Quality, Cost,

Delivery, Innovation) concept as a strategic objective in

order to improve the Company’s competitive advantages in

the long run. The Company’s successes have been recognized

by its customers, as reflected in the various awards in

the QCDI area received by its manufacturing business units

for their excellent performance as supplier of automotive

component products, especially to OEM customers. Among

some of these awards were: the Adiwira Plastic Division

received the award in the category of Best Quality from

PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia and PT Abadi

Berindo Autotech, and in the category of Cost Performance

from PT Toyota Astra Motor. PT Menara Terus Makmur

received the award in the category of Best Quality (Denso

Indonesia), Best Delivery (PT Kramayudha Tiga Berlian) and

Improvement (Toyota Manufacturing Club). The Nusametal

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Segmen Bisnis ManufakturManufacturing Business Segment

Achievement Suppliers, Appreciation for Achievement

Quality Target & Zero Defect dari PT Toyota Motor

Manufacturing Indonesia. PT Indokarlo Perkasa

memperoleh penghargaan kategori Best Quality and

Delivery Performance dari PT Astra Daihatsu Motor,

PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, dan

PT Hino Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, kategori Cost

Performance dan Cost Target Achievement dari PT Toyota

Motor Manufacturing Indonesia.

PT Federal Izumi Manufacture (FIM) memperoleh

penghargaan kategori Best effort dari PT Astra Honda

Motor. PT FSCM Manufacturing Indonesia (FSCM)

memperoleh penghargaan kategori Excellent Quality

Performance dari PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia dan

Excellent Quality Improvement dari PT Yamaha Indonesia.


Berdasarkan keseluruhan kinerja tahun 2008, Astra

Otoparts Group mendapat penghargaan dari PT Hino

Motor Manufacturing Indonesia dengan kategori sebagai


a. Quality & Delivery award diraih oleh PT Indokarlo


b. Delivery Award diraih oleh PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Divisi Nusa Metal, PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing,

PT Inti Ganda Perdana

Division received an award in the category of Cost Target

Achievement Suppliers, Appreciation for Achievement

Quality Target & Zero Defect from PT Toyota Motor

Manufacturing Indonesia. PT Indokarlo Perkasa received

the award in the category of Best Quality and Delivery

Performance from PT Astra Daihatsu Motor, PT Toyota Motor

Manufacturing Indonesia, and PT Hino Motor Manufacturing

Indonesia, and in the category of Cost Performance and Cost

Target Achievement from PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing


Additionally, PT Federal Izumi Manufacture received

the award in the category of Best Effort from PT Astra Honda

Motor, while PT Federal Superior Chain Manufacturing

received the award in the category of Excellent Quality

Performance from PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia and

Excellent Quality Improvement from PT Yamaha Indonesia.


Based on overall 2008 performance, Astra Otoparts Group

received awards from PT Hino in the categories as follows:

a. Quality & Delivery Award was given to PT Indokarlo


b. Delivery Award was given to PT Astra Otoparts Tbk - Nusa

Metal Division, PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing, PT Inti

Ganda Perdana

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Segmen Bisnis ManufakturManufacturing Business Segment

Dari PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia dengan

kategori sebagai berikut:

a. Quality Awards diraih oleh PT NHK Gasket Indonesia

b. Toyota Appreciation Zero Defect diraih oleh

PT GS Battery, PT Indokarlo Perkasa, PT NHK Gasket

Indonesia, PT Nusa Keihin, PT Tri Dharma Wisesa,

PT Toyoda Gossei Safety System

c. Quality Appreciation diraih oleh PT Aisin Indonesia,

PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Divisi Adiwira Plastik, PT Denso

Indonesia, PT Federal Nittan Industries

d. Cost Reduction Appreciation diraih oleh PT Aisin

Indonesia, PT AT Indonesia, PT Denso Indonesia,

PT Federal Nittan Industries, PT Gemala Kempa Daya,

PT NHK Gasket Indonesia, PT Toyoda Gossei Safety


e. VA Contribution Appreciation: PT Aisin Indonesia,

PT AT Indonesia, PT Denso Indonesia, PT Inti Ganda

Perdana, PT Kayaba Indonesia.

From PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia in the

categories as follows:

a. Quality Awards was given to PT NHK Gasket Indonesia

b. Toyota Appreciation Zero Defect was given to PT GS

Battery, PT Indokarlo Perkasa, PT NHK Gasket Indonesia,

PT Nusa Keihin, PT Tri Dharma Wisesa, PT Toyoda Gossei

Safety System

c. Quality Appreciation was given to PT Aisin Indonesia,

PT Astra Otoparts Tbk - Adiwira Plastik Division, PT Denso

Indonesia, PT Federal Nittan Industries

d. Cost Reduction Appreciation was given to PT Aisin

Indonesia, PT AT Indonesia, PT Denso Indonesia,

PT Federal Nittan Industries, PT Gemala Kempa Daya,

PT NHK Gasket Indonesia, PT Toyoda Gossei Safety


e. VA Contribution Appreciation: PT Aisin Indonesia, PT AT

Indonesia, PT Denso Indonesia, PT Inti Ganda Perdana,

PT Kayaba Indonesia.

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Segmen Bisnis PemasaranMarketing Business Segment

Peningkatan permintaan di tahun 2008, untuk produk-

produk komponen otomotif baik untuk kebutuhan

produsen kendaraan (OEM) maupun suku cadang

pengganti (REM), diikuti dengan persaingan usaha yang

lebih ketat. Hal ini tercermin pada bertambahnya jumlah

pesaing dengan aktivitas-aktivitas pemasaran yang me-

narik. Faktor ini terutama berpengaruh di segmen REM,

dimana selain faktor kualitas produk, pilihan konsumen

juga semakin sering ditentukan oleh kemampuan daya

beli dan kemudahan dalam memperoleh suku cadang.

Untuk itu, Perseroan terus mengupayakan berbagai

peluang sehingga dapat meningkatkan nilai yang

diberikan kepada pelanggan, baik di pasar domestik

maupun internasional, yang pada akhirnya mampu

meningkatkan pangsa pasar produk-produknya melalui

program-program kegiatan pemasaran, jaringan distri-

busi dan dukungan logistik yang kuat.

Agar lebih memahami keinginan pelanggan suku cadang

pengganti (REM), Perseroan melakukan upaya-upaya yang

dilakukan untuk menjalin hubungan yang erat dengan

pelanggan. Diantaranya menyelenggarakan program

edukasi pelanggan melalui promosi dan pengiklanan

bersama pada produk-produk Perseroan untuk me-

ningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya

keaslian produk, seperti Program Heavy Promotion

Battery GS-ASTRA dan suku cadang pengganti ASPIRA

asli dengan harapan dapat mengurangi adanya peniruan

dan pembajakan. Program menarik lainnya adalah respon

yang cepat dalam mengikuti perkembangan harga timah

In 2008, increased demand for automotive component

products to fill the needs of the automotive manufacturers

(OEM) segment as well as the replacement parts market (REM)

was accompanied by higher competition. This is evident from

the greater number of players in the market with attractive

marketing and sales campaigns. Supply to the REM segment

was particularly affected, as consumer’s buying decisions

were increasingly made based on purchasing power and

ease of getting replacement parts, as well as on the quality

of the product. Therefore, the Company continued to

explore opportunities to offer higher value to customers in

the domestic as well as overseas markets through attractive

marketing programs, extensive distribution networks, and

reliable logistical support, in order to widen the market share

of its products.

To get a better understanding of customers’ needs in the REM

segment, the Company engaged in a variety of initiatives to

deepen the customer relationship. Among these initiatives

was the customer education program through joint

promotion and advertising of the Company’s products in

order to promote greater awareness among the consumer of

the importance of using genuine products. Heavy promotion

programs for GS Astra battery and ASPIRA genuine spare

parts are intended to help reduce product piracy and copycat

products. The Company also responded sooner than its

competitor to adjust its pricing to reflect changes in the

price of lead. Highly effective strategies in the production,

pricing and marketing of the GN5Z Kit motorcycle batteries,

for example, has led to an almost complete domination in

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dibanding kompetitornya. Khusus untuk aki roda dua

tipe GN5Z Kit, melalui strategi yang tepat, telah membuat

Perseroan mampu merebut hampir seluruh pangsa

pasar pada tipe tersebut di Indonesia dan meningkatkan


Memperkuat jaringan distribusi merupakan strategi

Perseroan untuk meningkatkan pemasaran. Sebagai

distributor suku cadang pengganti (REM) baik kendaraan

roda dua maupun roda empat, PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Divisi Domestic Sales Operation dan PT Astra Komponen

Indonesia (ASKI) mendistribusikan produk-produk

dengan merek Perseroan dan merek mitra usaha melalui

jaringan distribusi Perseroan yaitu dealer-dealer di bawah

naungan Perseroan dengan 19 kantor cabang di seluruh

Jawa, Bali, dan Nusatenggara maupun independen pihak

ketiga untuk area lainnya. Di tingkat retailer, Perseroan

menguasai 9.240 tradisional dan 95 outlet modern aktif.

Perseroan terus melanjutkan langkah-langkah

implementasi strategi konsolidasi jaringan distribusi.

Menyusul akuisisi PT Anugerah Paramitra Motorpart,

PT Astrido Jaya Sentosa, dan PT Banjar Jaya Sentosa

pada tahun 2007, pada bulan Juli 2008 Perseroan telah

meningkatkan kepemilikan sahamnya di PT Mopart Jaya

the market in Indonesia for that particular product type and

help boost sales.

To improve product marketing, the Company continues

to strengthen its distribution networks. As the distributor

of replacement parts for two-wheeled and four-wheeled

vehicles, the Company’s Domestic Sales Operation division

and PT Astra Komponen Indonesia (ASKI) distribute products

under the Company’s own brands as well as partner brands.

The distribution networks comprise affiliated dealers with

19 branch offices that serve areas in Java, Bali and Nusa

Tenggara, as well as independent dealers that cover all other

areas. At the retailer level, the Company maintains an active

network of 9,240 traditional outlets as well as 95 modern


The Company continued to implement its strategy for

the consolidation of distribution networks. Following

the acquisition transactions of PT Anugerah Paramitra

Motorpart, PT Astrido Jaya Sentosa, and PT Banjar Jaya

Sentosa in 2007, the Company in July 2008 increased its

share ownership in PT Mopart Jaya Utama, parts dealer for

the Jakarta area, from 71.7% to 100%. With the completion

of the acquisition of these major dealership companies,

the Company now has the opportunity to integrate

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Utama, dealer untuk wilayah Jakarta, dari 71,7% menjadi

100%. Dengan selesainya keseluruhan proses akuisisi

dealer-dealer utama Perseroan tersebut, terbuka peluang

untuk mengintegrasikan berbagai proses distribusi,

pemasaran dan penjualan, sehingga lebih efisien dan

lebih efektif dalam merespon perkembangan dan

permintaan pasar atau konsumen.

Strategi untuk fokus pada produk-produk unggulan

dengan volume dan nilai penjualan yang tinggi telah

memungkinkan Perseroan untuk memperoleh marjin

lebih besar, serta memperkokoh pangsa pasar Perseroan

untuk produk-produk tersebut. Strategi ini didukung oleh

sistem pemasaran produk yang lebih intensif, termasuk

upaya peningkatan kualitas para wiraniaga sebagai tim

pemasaran Perseroan. Untuk itu melalui program Sales

Force, Perseroan mempersiapkan semua tenaga penjual

baik jaringan tradisional maupun modern outlet untuk

dijadikan tenaga penjual yang handal dan terpercaya

dengan pembekalan pengetahuan produk, strategi

the various distribution, marketing and sales processes.

In turn, this integration has led to higher efficiency and

effectiveness in responding to market developments and

consumer needs.

The strategy to focus on several fast-moving products that

contribute the highest sales volume and sales revenue has

enabled the Company to improve its profit margins as well as

to strengthen its market share of those products. Intensified

product marketing programs, including efforts to improve

the quality of the Company’s marketing and sales personnel,

support this strategy. Through the Sales Force program,

the Company strives to provide its sales personnel serving

the traditional as well as modern retail outlet networks with

adequate product knowledge, sales strategy, and other

necessary sales and marketing tools in order to improve their

professional competences. In turn, this has led to increased

sales in 2008.

Segmen Bisnis PemasaranMarketing Business Segment

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penjualan dan lain-lain. Pada gilirannya, hal ini telah

berdampak pada peningkatan penjualan pada tahun


Selain itu, Perseroan telah mempersiapkan sistem logistik

yang terdiri dari pendistribusian barang dengan kontrol

yang ketat terhadap tingkat persediaan pada depo-depo

yang tersebar di area Jawa-Bali, sistem pergudangan

yang terdiri dari penerimaan, penyimpanan dan

pengeluaran barang, sinkronisasi pengiriman barang,

yang kesemuanya didukung oleh sistem yang terintegrasi

dan biaya penanganan yang kompetitif, dengan tujuan

memudahkan pelanggan memperoleh produk-produk

Perseroan. Mekanisme ini terus menerus dikembangkan

dan disesuaikan dengan kondisi masing-masing wilayah

di seluruh Indonesia sehingga lebih efektif dan efisien.

Di penghujung tahun 2008, dengan pertimbangan akses

yang strategis dan optimalisasi pemakaian, Perseroan

memindahkan pusat pergudangan ke kawasan industri

MM2100, Cibitung dengan luas tanah 18.000 m2 dan luas

bangunan 10.500 m2.

In addition, the Company has improved its logistics system,

comprising of a parts distribution infrastructure with close

control on product inventory levels at the various depots

throughout Java and Bali, and a warehousing infrastructure

for the synchronized receipt, storage, and delivery of parts and

products. All of these are supported by an integrated system

and competitive cost structure, providing customers with

convenient access to the Company’s products. The logistical

mechanism is continuously enhanced and adjusted to

specific conditions that exist in the various areas throughout

Indonesia to make it more effective and efficient. Near

the end of 2008, to provide better physical access and more

optimum facility utilization, the Company has relocated its

primary warehouse facilities to the MM2100 industrial estate

in Cibitung, comprising 10,500 square meters of buildings on

a total area of 18,000 square meters.

In 2008, the Company’s successful activities in the marketing

segment have been recognized through the Top Brand 2008

award for GS Battery in the Car Battery category for Best in

Segmen Bisnis PemasaranMarketing Business Segment

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Mind Share and Commitments in a polling by Marketing

Magazine and Frontier Consultant Group. The same product

also received an award from the Auto Bild Magazine as

the Reader’s Choice in the Favorite Battery category.


Since its initial launch in 1998, the Shop&Drive network has

now became an effective distribution channel in support of

the Company’s retail distribution business. Under a franchise

system, the Shop&Drive outlets provide services in sales of

common spare parts and light maintenance for 4-wheeled

vehicles, specifically packaged for the needs of modern retail

consumer who places a premium on product quality and

transaction convenience.

The Company consistently strives to improve the perfor-

mance of its Shop&Drive network and increase its

contribution to the Company’s sales revenue. The Shop&Drive

system is one of the best in its category, with full integration

of front office and back office functions. All operational

activities are supported by a computerized and centralized

system at the Company’s Head Office, enabling prompt

and accurate analysis of performance. The franchisee is

also a vital component for the continuity of the Shop&Drive

business model. Accordingly, the Shop&Drive strives at all

times to maintain good relations and effective two-way


Throughout 2008, the Shop&Drive network has been

expanded by the opening of an additional 10 new outlets,

making for a total of 95 Shop&Drive outlets in various cities

in Indonesia. Aside from network expansion, a variety of

performance intensification measures have resulted in an

increase of 27% in revenues contribution by Shop&Drive,

compared to the previous year. These programs include

Segmen Bisnis PemasaranMarketing Business Segment

Tahun 2008, di bidang pemasaran Perseroan memperoleh

penghargaan berupa Top Brand 2008 untuk brand GS

battery kategori Car Battery dengan kriteria The best in mind

share and commitment share dari Majalah Marketing dan

Frontier Consultant Group. Untuk produk yang sama juga

memperoleh penghargaan dari majalah Auto Bild dengan

kriteria Favorite Battery Reader’s Choice.


Sejak pertama kali diluncurkan pada tahun 1998, jaringan

Shop&Drive kini telah menjadi salah satu sarana yang

efektif guna mengembangkan bisnis distribusi ritel

Perseroan. Dengan konsep waralaba, outlet Shop&Drive

menyediakan layanan penjualan suku cadang umum

dan perawatan ringan bagi kendaraan roda empat, yang

dikemas untuk konsumsi konsumen ritel modern yang

mengutamakan kualitas produk dan kenyamanan dalam


Perseroan terus berupaya untuk mendorong kinerja

jaringan Shop&Drive dan meningkatkan kontribusinya

terhadap penjualan Perseroan. Melalui sistem terintegrasi

dari front office hingga back office, telah menjadikan

Shop&Drive terbaik dalam sistemnya. Seluruh kegiatan

operasional didukung dengan komputerisasi dan

tersentralisasi di Head Office agar analisa dapat dilakukan

sedini dan seakurat mungkin. Terwaralaba juga me-

rupakan salah satu komponen vital dalam kelangsungan

bisnis Shop&Drive. Oleh karena itu, membina hubungan

baik dan komunikasi dua arah adalah hal yang mutlak

dilakukan oleh Shop&Drive.

Sepanjang tahun 2008, jaringan Shop&Drive mencatat

penambahan outlet baru sebanyak 10 buah, sehingga

kini terdapat 95 outlet Shop&Drive di berbagai kota

besar di Indonesia. Selain melakukan ekstensifikasi

dengan perluasan jaringan, Shop&Drive juga melakukan

intensifikasi dengan hasil peningkatan pendapatan

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push-and-pull marketing activities designed to improve sales

revenue. Moreover, these marketing programs were also

effective in improving brand awareness among consumer.

With the support of GS Battery, Shop&Drive introduced

an exclusive product, the maintenance-free GSMF Color

car battery, which within a short time has become one of

the most popular products among the consumer. In its

concern over environmental aspects, the Company also

offers a trade-in program, through which the used car

battery traded-in by the customer can be properly disposed

in cooperation with Government-licensed institutions for

waste disposal. To increase value and forge closer ties with

the consumer, Shop&Drive currently also offers the 24-hour

Battery Home Delivery service for purchases of GS Battery

products. Improved sales were supported by a variety of

marketing and promotional activities, which also served

to enhance consumer awareness towards the Shop&Drive


The effectiveness of the Shop&Drive franchise system as

well as its strong brand image is evident from the growing

number of outlets throughout the years. This was also

evident from the various recognitions received by

the Shop&Drive in 2008, which include a second ranking

in the Top Franchise Award 2008, award for Best Franchise

Relationship, and award for Best in Franchise System. These

three awards were given following a Franchisee Satisfaction

Survey conducted by The Bridge, an independent survey

agency, and sponsored by the Franchise Indonesia Magazine.

Shop&Drive ended 2008 in another fine achievement with

the award for Best in Franchise System in the Indonesia

Franchisor of the Year 2008 competition held by

the Indonesian Franchise Association and the Franchise

Indonesia Magazine.

sebesar 27% dari tahun sebelumnya. Berbagai program

dijalankan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dalam

bentuk aktivitas push dan pull marketing. Di samping

peningkatan pendapatan penjualan, program pemasaran

ini juga ditujukan untuk meningkatkan brand awareness.

Dengan dukungan GS Battery, Shop&Drive mem-

perkenalkan produk eksklusif aki bebas repot GS

Maintenance Free Color yang dengan cepat mampu

menjadi salah satu produk paling populer di kalangan

konsumen dan melalui trade in program ini juga

merupakan bentuk kepedulian Perseroan terhadap

lingkungan melalui penanganan limbah aki bekas

pakai bekerja sama dengan lembaga resmi yang telah

ditunjuk oleh Pemerintah dalam pengolahan limbah.

Untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah dan lebih mendekati

konsumen, pembelian Battery GS di Shop&Drive kini

juga dapat dilakukan melalui layanan Battery Home

Delivery 24-jam. Peningkatan penjualan juga didukung

oleh berbagai aktivitas promosi dan pemasaran, yang

sekaligus juga ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran

akan merek Shop&Drive di kalangan masyarakat.

Berkembangnya jumlah outlet dari tahun ke tahun

merupakan suatu indikasi akan efektivitas sistem

waralaba yang diterapkan maupun keunggulan

brand Shop&Drive. Hal ini juga terbukti dari beberapa

penghargaan yang diterima oleh Shop&Drive di tahun

2008, antara lain berhasil meraih posisi ke-2 Top Franchise

Award 2008, The Best in Franchise Relationship dan

The Best in Franchise System. Ketiga penghargaan tersebut

berkaitan dengan Franchisee Satisfaction Survey, dilakukan

oleh badan independen survei The Bridge dan dipelopori

oleh Majalah Franchise Indonesia. Shop&Drive menutup

tahun 2008 dengan sebuah prestasi yaitu, penghargaan

The Best in Franchise System dalam Indonesia Franchisor

of The Year 2008 yang diberikan oleh Asosiasi Franchise

Indonesia dan Majalah Franchise Indonesia.

Segmen Bisnis PemasaranMarketing Business Segment

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Lain-lain Others

Timur Tengah Middle East

Afrika Africa

Asia & Oseania Asia & Oceania









Penjualan Berdasarkan Regional 2007Sales by Region in 2007

Penjualan Berdasarkan Regional 2008Sales by Region in 2008


The international marketing segment plays a vital role

in support of the Company’s business growth. During

the last 5-year period, the Company consistently booked

increasing export sales each year. Export sales have proven

its effectiveness as a market diversification measure to

reduce the impact from potential volatility in the domestic

automotive market. The continuing development of

the Company’s overseas markets also represents an effort to

strengthen its position at the regional and global level, in line

with the direction of the Company’s medium and long-term

growth strategy in the next several years.

The International Sales Operations Division manages

the Company’s overseas marketing activities, supported by

branch offices in Singapore and Dubai as well as a distributor

subsidiary in Australia. In 2008, sales to export markets

contributed 14,7% of the Company’s total sales revenues.

Revenues from export sales amounted to Rp 780.6 billion in

2008, representing an increase of 9% compared with sales of

Rp 696.1 billion in 2007.


Segmen pemasaran internasional memegang peranan

yang cukup penting dalam menunjang pertumbuhan

bisnis Perseroan. Selama periode 5 tahun terakhir ini,

nilai penjualan ekspor Perseroan terus menunjukkan

peningkatan yang konsisten. Penjualan ekspor dengan

demikian telah terbukti merupakan langkah diversifikasi

pasar yang cukup efektif untuk meredam dampak dari

potensi gejolak pasar otomotif domestik. Pengembangan

pemasaran internasional juga merupakan suatu upaya

untuk memperkokoh keberadaan Perseroan di lingkup

regional dan global, sesuai dengan arah strategi

pertumbuhan jangka menengah-panjang Perseroan

dalam beberapa tahun mendatang ini.

Aktivitas segmen bisnis pemasaran Perseroan ditangani

oleh PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Divisi International Sales

Operations, dengan kantor cabang di Singapura dan

Dubai serta sebuah anak perusahaan distributor di

Australia. Pada tahun 2008, penjualan ke pasar ekspor

memberikan kontribusi sebesar 14,7% terhadap total nilai

penjualan Perseroan. Jumlah penjualan ekspor tercatat

sebesar Rp 780,6 miliar pada tahun 2008, meningkat 9%

dibandingkan Rp 696,1 miliar di tahun 2007.

Segmen Bisnis PemasaranMarketing Business Segment

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The Company continued to implement a number of proven

and effective strategies to maintain and improve its export

sales. Export sales were focused on universal products such

as automotive battery products, while also continuously

adding new types of product for export market consumption.

In addition, the Company strives to maintain and further

develop its existing export markets by accommodating

market needs in terms of types of products and volume of

supply, and maintaining the quality of sales to customers in

terms of product quality, competitive pricing, and on-time

deliveries. The Company also continues to seek opportunities

for penetration into new export market destinations.

At present, the Company supplies automotive component

products to its primary export market destinations in

the Middle East, Asia-Oceania, and Africa. In 2008, these

markets absorbed 35%, 33%, and 26%, respectively, of

the Company’s total export sales revenues. The remaining 6%

of export sales revenues was contributed by sales to markets

in South America, Europe, and several other countries.

Perseroan melanjutkan strategi yang telah terbukti

efektif untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan

penjualan ekspor. Perseroan berkonsentrasi untuk

memasok produk-produk yang mempunyai aplikasi

universal seperti produk battery otomotif dan dari

tahun ke tahun terus menambah jenis produk yang

dipasok. Selain itu, Perseroan secara konsisten berupaya

mempertahankan dan semakin mengembangkan

pasar yang telah ada saat ini, dengan cara memenuhi

permintaan pasar dari sisi jumlah atau produk yang

diperlukan, mempertahankan kinerja penjualan kepada

konsumen dari sisi kualitas produk, harga yang bersaing,

dan ketepatan waktu delivery. Perseroan juga terus

mencari peluang untuk melakukan penetrasi ke pasar-

pasar yang baru.

Penjualan produk-produk komponen otomotif Perseroan

saat ini dilakukan ke berbagai negara tujuan ekspor utama

di kawasan Timur Tengah, Asia-Oceania, dan Afrika. Pada

tahun 2008, pasar di kawasan-kawasan tersebut tercatat

menyerap berturut-turut 35%, 33% dan 26%, dari total

penjualan ekspor Perseroan berdasarkan nilai penjualan.

Sedangkan sekitar 6% selebihnya total penjualan ekspor

Perseroan diserap oleh pasar di kawasan Amerika Selatan,

Eropa dan beberapa negara lain.

Segmen Bisnis PemasaranMarketing Business Segment

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Sepanjang tahun 2008, Perseroan melanjutkan upaya-

upaya yang terarah dalam transformasinya menjadi

suatu lean organization sebagai suatu bagian penting

dari strategi pertumbuhan Perseroan ke depan. Terkait

dengan transformasi dan memenuhi kebutuhan

organisasi Perseroan, upaya pengembangan kualitas

Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) Perseroan menempati

posisi yang penting dan strategis, dan terutama dilakukan

melalui pengembangan kapabilitas SDM berdasarkan

kompetensi dengan meningkatkan keterlibatan seluruh


Sebagai tindak lanjut atas program Management Human

Asset Value yang dimulai bulan Oktober 2007 dalam

melakukan kajian serta pemetaan atas potensi dan

kinerja setiap karyawan, Perseroan pada tahun 2008

telah mengembangkan Individual Development Program

(IDP) dengan memperhatikan kekuatan, kelemahan,

aspirasi dan kebutuhan tiap karyawan yang sesuai

dengan kebutuhan organisasi. Dengan demikian, IDP

secara sistematis akan dapat meningkatkan kapabilitas

individu karyawan yang ke depannya berkesinambungan

dengan program Perseroan selanjutnya yaitu memiliki

nilai-nilai kultur yang membanggakan bagi individu

maupun Perseroan. Bersama dengan program promosi,

rotasi dan mutasi karyawan, hal ini pada akhirnya dapat

meningkatkan kompetensi organisasi secara keseluruhan

sesuai dengan tuntutan pertumbuhan Perseroan.

Untuk menjaga dan terus meningkatkan kualitas SDM

yang ada, Perseroan menyelenggarakan berbagai

program pelatihan dan pendidikan guna meningkatkan

kompetensi karyawan baik dalam aspek keterampilan

teknis, keahlian manajemen, maupun pengembangan

diri. Program-program pelatihan dan pendidikan tersebut

dilakukan baik secara internal maupun dengan bekerja

sama dengan lembaga pelatihan dan institusi pendidikan


Throughout 2008, the Company continued with well-directed

efforts in its transformation into a ‘lean organization’,

forming a vital element of its long-term growth strategy.

Within this transformation, and to meet the operational

needs of the Company as well, improvements to the quality

of Human Resources (HR) continue to occupy a central and

strategic position. This strategic undertaking is mainly carried

out through competence-based HR capability development

programs involving a greater level of participation from

the entire staff.

Following up on the Management of Human Asset Value

program that was initiated in October 2007 to review and

map-out the performance and capability potential of each

individual employee, the Company in 2008 proceeded to

develop an Individual Development Program (IDP) with

a view to align the strengths and weaknesses as well as

the aspirations and needs of individual employees to

the needs of the organization. The IDP thus allows for

a systematic improvement of individual employee

capabilities and, going forward, they become aligned with

the Company’s furture objective of nurturing a desired set

of core values both within the individual and the Company.

In conjunction with employee promotion, rotation and

growth, this will ultimately result in enhanced organizational

competence, keeping pace with the demands of growth.

The Company engages in a variety of training and education

programs to maintain and further develop the quality of

its HR, involving aspects of technical skills, managerial

capabilities, and personal development. The training and

education programs are conducted internally as well as

externally in cooperation with independent institutions.

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

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Program-program pelatihan tersebut antara lain adalah:

1. Program manajemen, guna meningkatkan kemampuan

karyawan secara umum dalam menunjang organisasi

perusahaan secara menyeluruh.

2. Program pelatihan mengenai Shopfloor, guna

meningkatkan kemampuan karyawan khusus di bidang

manufacturing dan sales force excellent untuk bidang

pemasaran. Seperti perencanaan produksi, teknik

penjualan, kepuasan pelanggan, dan sebagainya.

3. Program pelatihan dengan sertifikasi berstandar

international, guna menunjang dan menjaga posisi

Perseroan yang telah menerapkan program kerja dengan

standar Internasional, seperti Standar Mutu (ISO & TS),

Environment, Health & Safety, Audit, dan sebagainya.

Dalam rangka peningkatan kompetensi SDM, Perseroan

juga melakukan benchmarking di lingkungan Perseroan

dan mitra bisnisnya baik dalam dan luar negeri, untuk

memperoleh best practice di berbagai aspek, memfasilitasi

program magang karyawan antar perusahaan afiliasi

Perseroan, serta mengirimkan karyawan untuk

berpartisipasi secara langsung pada berbagai proyek

pengembangan sistem dan produk baru di perusahaan

Among some of these programs were:

1. Managerial development programs to improve the overall

capability of employees in supporting organizational

objectives as a whole.

2. Training programs in Shopfloor to improve specific work-

related manufacturing capabilities of employees, sales

for excellence to improve marketing capabilities. This

includes training in production planning, sales techniques,

customer satisfaction, and others.

3. Training and programs for international or professional

certification in support of various work processes within

the Company, adopting international standards, such as

in Quality management (ISO and TS), Environment, Health

& Safety management, Audit, and others.

As part of HR competence development, the Company

undertook benchmarking among companies within

the Group as well as with its domestic and overseas partner

companies, in order to learn about ‘best practices’ in a wide

variety of aspects. The Company also facilitated employee

apprentice programs among its affiliated companies, and

sent its employees to participate in various product or systems

development projects undertaken at affiliated companies.

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Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 0846

afiliasi. Karyawan juga dapat menambah wawasan

pengetahuan mereka dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas

perpustakaan yang disediakan Perseroan.

Keahlian dan pengetahuan baru yang diperoleh

karyawan melalui keikutsertaan pada program-program

pelatihan ataupun sertifikasi tersebut wajib diterapkan

di lingkungan kerja masing-masing sampai pada bagian

yang terkecil. Dengan demikian, akan berlangsung proses

alih-pengetahuan kepada rekan-rekan kerja di tempatnya

masing-masing melalui praktik kerja sehari-hari. Pada

akhirnya, proses ini diharapkan akan menciptakan suatu

lingkungan dimana terjadi perbaikan terus-menerus di

tempat kerja, yang akan berdampak positif terhadap

kemajuan Perseroan lebih lanjut.

Proses alih-pengetahuan seperti tersebut di atas juga

merupakan komplemen yang efektif bagi program

Astra Total Quality Control, yang selama beberapa tahun

terakhir ini telah menjadi bagian dari aktivitas kerja di

lingkungan Group Astra Otoparts, melalui pembentukan

kelompok-kelompok Gugus Kendali Mutu. Setiap tahun,

Perseroan menyelenggarakan Konvensi Quality Control

Circle (QCC) untuk mencari kontributor terbaik dari antara

kelompok-kelompok QCP, QCC, SS dan pemenangnya

kemudian dikirim untuk mengikuti kompetisi QCC di

tingkat kelompok perusahaan Astra International.

Perseroan senantiasa menjaga komunikasi yang efektif

dan intensif antara manajemen dan karyawan, untuk

membangun suatu hubungan industrial yang harmonis

yang akan dapat memacu produktivitas dan efisiensi

kerja. Di antara berbagai upaya yang selama ini telah

dilakukan, Perseroan juga memfasilitasi forum Lembaga

Kerja Sama Bipartit di setiap anak perusahaan Perseroan.

Dengan demikian, SDM Perseroan akan semakin efektif

Employees can also improve their horizon and knowledge

utilizing reading materials at the Company’s library facility.

As employees acquire new skills or knowledge through

the training or certification programs, they are next required

to implement and practice those new skills at the workplace,

down to the smallest detail. In this way, colleagues at

the respective work places would also benefit from a transfer

of knowledge through daily work activities. Ultimately, this

is expected to create a continuous process improvement at

the work place, which will eventually benefit the Company in

terms of its future progress.

The process for transfer of knowledge such as illustrated

above is also an effective complement to the Astra Total

Quality Control program, which in the last several years

has become part of the work activities in companies within

the Astra Otoparts Group through the establishment of

Quality Control Circle (QCC) groups. Each year, the Company

holds a Quality Control Circle Convention to seek out

the best contributions from the various QCP, QCC and SS

groups. The winners of each year’s convention are then sent

to participate at the QCC Convention for companies within

the Astra International Group.

The Company also strives to maintain intensive and effective

communication between management and employees,

in order to nurture a harmonious industrial relationship,

leading to improved productivity and work efficiency.

Among the initiatives in this area was the establishment of

an LKS Bipartite forum in each of the Company’s subsidiaries.

In this way, employees function more effectively as a partner

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

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Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

berperan sebagai mitra manajemen dalam mewujudkan

tujuan-tujuan Perseroan, termasuk peningkatan

kesejahteraan bagi karyawan sendiri.


Pada tanggal 20 Desember 2008 telah terselenggara

Employee Day 2008 di Gunung Geulis Resort, Puncak,

Bogor yang diikuti tidak kurang dari 320 karyawan dari

kantor pusat.

Acara tersebut bertujuan menciptakan hubungan yang

harmonis antara Manajemen dan seluruh karyawan.

Sesuai dengan tema acara ‘Unity in Nature’, aktivitas yang

diadakan berkaitan dengan team building, games dan

hiburan di alam perbukitan Gunung Geulis Resorts, yaitu

antara lain penanaman pohon langka oleh Direksi dan

karyawan serta Outbound per kelompok dimana setiap

kelompok diberi tantangan yang menguji kerja sama dan

of Management in working towards Company objectives,

while employee welfare is also assured.


On 20 December 2008, the Company held the Employee

Day 2008 event that took place at Gunung Geulis Resort,

Puncak, Bogor, participated by some 320 employees from

the Company’s Head Office.

The event is intended to promote a harmonious relationship

between Management and employees.

With a theme of ‘Unity in Nature’, the event saw various

outdoor activities in team building, games and entertainment,

organized in the open hilly grounds of the Gunung Geulis

Resort, including the planting of rare trees by Directors and

employees of the Company, and outbound games where

each team was given challenges that require good team

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Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

kekompakan. Anggota Direksi yang hadir dalam acara ini

juga berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan outbound tersebut.

Pada akhir tahun 2008, jumlah karyawan Perseroan

tercatat sebanyak 23.693 orang, termasuk karyawan anak

perusahaan dan afiliasi.

work. Members of the Board of Directors that were present at

the event also participated in these outbound games.

As at year-end 2008, the Company had a total headcount of

23,693 employees, including employees of subsidiaries and

affiliated companies.

Komposisi Karyawan Berdasarkan PendidikanEmployee Composition Based on Education

Elementary/Junior High

Senior High



Master Degree






Komposisi Karyawan Berdasarkan UsiaEmployee Composition Based on Age















Non-official staff


Komposisi Karyawan Berdasarkan StatusEmployee Composition Based on Status





Statistik Sumber Daya Manusia Tahun 2008Human Resources Statistic in 2008

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Lingkungan, Kesehatan danKeselamatan Kerja

Environment, Health and Safety

Perseroan memiliki komitmen yang tinggi pada upaya

untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang aman dan sehat

secara berkelanjutan, termasuk meminimalkan dampak

negatif terhadap lingkungan hidup. Perseroan percaya

bahwa hal tersebut pada akhirnya akan berdampak

positif kepada peningkatan produktivitas kerja karyawan

di tempat kerjanya masing-masing.

Untuk itu, Perseroan mengupayakan agar seluruh

kegiatan operasionalnya dilakukan sesuai dengan

standar pengelolaan aspek Lingkungan, Keselamatan

dan Kesehatan Kerja (LK3) yang ketat, dengan mengacu

kepada konsep Astra Green Company (AGC) yang telah

dikembangkan oleh PT Astra International Tbk. Audit AGC

dilakukan setiap tahun untuk melihat perkembangan

kinerja LK3 di masing-masing perusahaan di lingkungan

Group Astra Otoparts. Sesuai dengan sistem yang dianut

dalam AGC, kinerja LK3 diperingkat dalam beberapa

kategori, mulai dari kategori Hitam (terburuk), Merah,

Biru, Hijau, sampai Emas (terbaik).

Hasil audit AGC yang dilakukan pada tahun 2008

memperlihatkan adanya peningkatan yang nyata

pada kinerja LK3 perusahaan-perusahaan Group Astra

Otoparts secara keseluruhan, dibandingkan kondisi tahun


Kinerja aspek LK3 Perseroan secara keseluruhan

memperlihatkan peningkatan yang nyata di tahun 2008,

sebagaimana tercermin dari hasil audit AGC pada 29

perusahaan di lingkungan Group Astra Otoparts. Apabila

di tahun 2007 masih terdapat 3 perusahaan yang berada

di peringkat terendah, maka pada tahun 2008 tidak

lagi terdapat perusahaan yang memperoleh peringkat

Hitam, sementara jumlah perusahaan di peringkat Merah

juga berkurang dari 8 menjadi 5 perusahaan. Sementara

itu, jumlah perusahaan yang memperoleh peringkat

Biru bertambah dari 15 menjadi 18 perusahaan, dan

perusahaan dengan peringkat Hijau bertambah dari 3

menjadi 5 perusahaan. Pada tahun 2008 juga tercatat

The Company has a full commitment to create and sustain

a healthy and safe work environment, while also minimizing

the adverse effects to the natural environment from its work

activities. The Company believes that this will ultimately

benefit the Company in terms of increased employee

productivity at each and every work place.

Towards this end, the Company strives to ensure that all of

its operational activities have been undertaken in compliance

with the strict standards in Environment, Health and Safety

(EHS) management that have been established within

the framework of the Astra Green Company (AGC) concept

as developed by PT Astra International Tbk. An AGC audit is

conducted each year to review the EHS performance at each

company within the Astra Otoparts Group. According to

the evaluation system as used at the AGC, EHS performance

is rated into several categories, from Black (the lowest rank),

Red, Blue, Green, and Gold category (the highest rank).

The results of the AGC audit in 2008 showed a marked

improvement in the EHS performance of Astra Otoparts

Group companies in general, as compared with the perfor-

mance in the previous year.

In 2008 as in 2007, the AGC audit was performed at 29

companies within the Astra Otoparts Group. Whereas in

2007 there were 3 companies with a Black rating, none of

the companies were rated Black in 2008, while the number

of companies with a Red rating was also reduced from 8 to

5 companies, in 2008. Meanwhile, the number of companies

with a Blue rating increased from 15 to 18 companies, and

those with a Green rating increased from 3 to 5 companies.

In addition, there was 1 company that achieved a Gold

rating, the highest category, in 2008. Each year, companies

with a Green or Gold rating were nominated by the Company

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terdapat 1 perusahaan yang memperoleh peringkat

Emas atau kategori tertinggi. Setiap tahun, Perseroan

mengajukan perusahaan-perusahaan di kategori

peringkat Hijau dan Emas sebagai nominator untuk AGC

Award di lingkungan Astra International.

Selain melalui struktur pengelolaan yang komprehensif,

sistematis dan terukur dalam kerangka AGC, Perseroan

juga mengupayakan implementasi berbagai standar

internasional yang relevan terkait aspek LK3. Dari antara

29 anak perusahaan dan afiliasi, sebanyak 23 perusahaan

juga menerapkan standar internasional sistem ISO

14001 di bidang Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan,

17 perusahaan menerapkan standar OHSAS 18001 di

bidang Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan

Kerja, dan 4 perusahaan menerapkan standar nasional

SMK3. Penerapan standar-standar tersebut sekaligus

mencerminkan kesiapan Perseroan untuk bersaing di

pasar global.

Praktik pengelolaan LK3 sebagaimana diterapkan

oleh perusahaan-perusahaan di lingkungan Group

Astra Otoparts sejauh ini telah berkontribusi kepada

peningkatan produktivitas maupun efisiensi biaya,

misalnya melalui program penghematan sumber

daya energi dan air. Perseroan juga terus mendorong

pengembangan produk dan proses produksi yang lebih

ramah lingkungan, antara lain dengan meminimalkan dan

sedapat mungkin menggantikan penggunaan B3 (Bahan

Berbahaya dan Beracun) yang berpotensi merugikan

lingkungan hidup.

to participate in the annual AGC Award for companies within

the Astra International Group.

In addition to the comprehensive, systematic and mea-

surable EHS management through the AGC framework,

the Company also strives to implement a number of relevant

national and international standards in EHS management.

Of the 29 subsidiary and affiliated companies, some 23 com-

panies have also implemented the ISO 14001 international

standard in Environmental Management, 17 companies

have implemented the OHSAS 18001 standards in Work

Health and Safety Management, while 4 companies have

implemented the national SMK3 standard. Implementation

of these standards also helps the Company in competing in

global markets.

EHS management practices as implemented by companies

in the Astra Otoparts Group have also contributed directly

to increased productivity as well as higher cost efficiency,

including cost savings from the efficient use of energy and

water resources. The Company also continues to promote

the development of environmentally friendly products or

production processes, among other things by minimizing or,

whenever possible, eliminating the use of Toxic and Hazard-

ous Materials that may harm the natural environment.

The Company strives to achieve a zero-accident work

condition, and to improve its corporate image as an Environ-

mentally Friendly Corporation. Regularly, the Company

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Perseroan melakukan berbagai upaya untuk mencapai

kondisi nihil kecelakaan kerja dan meningkatkan

citra sebagai Perusahaan Ramah Lingkungan. Dari waktu

ke waktu, Perseroan mengikutsertakan karyawannya pada

berbagai pelatihan dan seminar untuk meningkatkan

pemahaman mengenai kesehatan dan keselamatan

di tempat kerja. Pada tahun 2008, Perseroan juga aktif

berpartisipasi dalam program penghijauan ‘1 karyawan

1 pohon’ dengan tema Go Green With Astra. Aktivitas

penanaman pohon tersebut dilaksanakan secara bertahap

pada bulan Februari sampai Juni 2008, di berbagai

tempat di sekitar lokasi operasional PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

dan anak perusahaan serta afiliasinya di wilayah Jakarta,

Bekasi, Cikarang, Karawang, Tangerang dan Bogor.

sends its employees to attend relevant training courses and

seminars to improve their knowledge on issues of industrial

health and safety. In 2008, the Company also participated

in the tree-planting program of ‘one employee, one tree’

campaign under the umbrella theme of Go Green With Astra.

The tree-planting activities were carried out in several phases

between February and June 2008, at several locations

near the operational sites of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk and its

subsidiaries and affiliate companies in Jakarta, Bekasi,

Cikarang, Karawang, Tangerang and Bogor.

Hijau Green

Emas Gold

Hitam Black





Peringkat Astra Green Company 2007Astra Green Company Ranking in 2007






Peringkat Astra Green Company 2008Astra Green Company Ranking in 2008






Lingkungan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan KerjaEnvironment, Health and Safety

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Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 0852

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Responsibility

Pelaksanaan aspek Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibility – CSR) dilakukan dalam kerangka konsep Astra Friendly Company (AFC). Sebagai-mana diterapkan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan di ling-kungan Group Astra, konsep AFC meletakkan tanggung jawab ke tangan tiap-tiap perusahaan tersebut untuk menjalankan aktivitasnya sehingga mampu memberikan manfaat bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan yang terkait, termasuk dengan berbagi kepada komunitas di sekitar lingkungan operasional perusahaan.


Kontribusi kepada pengembangan kemampuan ekonomi kalangan masyarakat pra-sejahtera merupakan salah satu bagian penting dari aktivitas kepedulian sosial Perseroan. Sejak tahun 2003, Perseroan telah mengembangkan suatu kegiatan pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat dengan menyediakan bantuan pinjaman bergulir bagi pelaku usaha kecil seperti pedagang makanan dan minuman, pemilik warung kelontong, usaha konveksi/jahit dan usaha furnitur, serta kegiatan usaha produktif dalam skala mikro dan kecil lainnya. Melalui program ini, Perseroan memberikan pinjaman untuk keperluan modal kerja maupun alat produksi, yang wajib dikembalikan dengan mengangsur selama jangka waktu satu tahun, tanpa dikenakan bunga. Sasaran program ini adalah pengusaha golongan ekonomi lemah yang berdomisili di sekitar Kantor Pusat Perseroan di wilayah Pegangsaan Dua, Jakarta Utara.

Dalam pelaksanaannya, program ini terbukti cukup ber-hasil, dimana para wirausaha tersebut dapat memanfaat-kan dana tersebut dengan baik untuk memajukan usaha mereka dan mengembalikan pinjaman yang diterima. Oleh karenanya, Perseroan dari tahun ke tahun berupaya menambah jumlah pendanaan yang disediakan sesuai kemampuan keuangan Perseroan, agar dapat bermanfaat bagi lebih banyak penerima bantuan. Pada tahun 2008, sejumlah Rp 80 juta telah disalurkan kepada 36 pengusaha kecil, meningkat dari Rp 60 juta kepada 25 penerima pinjaman pada tahun 2007.


Setiap tahun, Perseroan menyediakan kesempatan dan fasilitas bagi pelajar dan mahasiswa untuk melakukan program magang atau kuliah kerja nyata di berbagai perusahaan di lingkungan Grup Astra Otoparts.

The implementation of the many aspects of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) commitments are undertaken within the framework of the Astra Friendly Company (AFC) concept. As practiced by all companies within the Astra Group, the AFC concept holds that each company is responsible for conducting its operational activities in such a way as to provide benefits for all relevant stakeholders, including benefit sharing with the communities around its operational locations.


Contributions towards improving the economic welfare of economically underprivileged communities represent an important part of the Company’s social responsibility commitments. Since 2003, the Company has been engaged in community income generating activities through a program to provide revolving working capital loans to small-scale businesses such as food and beverage vendors, household necessities stalls, home industries in garments and furniture, and other micro and small-scale productive enterprises. Through this program, the Company provides interest-free loans for working capital or the purchase of productive equipment, repayable in monthly installments within a one-year period. These loans are provided to small-scale entrepreneurs domiciled in the area around the Company’s Head Office at Pegangsaan Dua, North Jakarta.

The program has been quite successful, as the beneficiaries were able to use the loans to good effect to grow their respective businesses, and were able to repay the loans on time. Accordingly, the Company tries each year to allocate more funds, within the constraints of its financial capability, in order to benefit a larger number of loan recipients. In 2008, a total of Rp 80 million was disbursed in loans to 36 small-scale entrepreneurs, comparing favorably with total loans of Rp 60 million disbursed to 25 beneficiaries in 2007.


Each year, the Company provides opportunities and facilities for school and university students wishing to participate in work apprenticeship programs or to conduct field research studies involving various companies within the Astra

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Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini, Perseroan juga aktif memberikan bantuan pengadaan buku bagi per-pustakaan di beberapa sekolah di kawasan sekitar lokasi Perseroan beroperasi. Upaya-upaya ini merupakan bagian dari dukungan Perseroan terhadap sektor pendidikan di Indonesia.

Dari waktu ke waktu, perusahaan-perusahaan di ling-kungan Perseroan menyisihkan dana untuk program beasiswa dalam rangka membantu siswa berprestasi dari kalangan masyarakat yang kurang mampu. Melalui berbagai cara tersebut, Perseroan berusaha berkontribusi secara nyata pada upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan maupun memperluas kesempatan belajar, sebagai salah satu langkah awal untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat.


Aktivitas bantuan dan komunikasi sosial Perseroan dimaksudkan terutama dalam rangka upaya menjalin hubungan yang harmonis dengan warga dan masyarakat khususnya yang tinggal di lingkungan sekitar lokasi operasional Perseroan. Bersama dengan program pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat, berbagai aktivitas tersebut diharapkan dapat membantu terciptanya sta-bilitas lingkungan sosial yang dinamis, aman dan tertib, sehingga memberikan manfaat positif bagi Perseroan maupun bagi warga masyarakat setempat.

Perseroan memiliki program rutin pemberian paket sembilan bahan pokok (sembako) untuk membantu mengurangi beban ekonomi dari masyarakat yang kurang mampu, khususnya warga pra-sejahtera yang bertempat tinggal di wilayah Kelurahan Pegangsaan Dua, Jakarta Utara. Pada bulan September 2008, mengulangi kegiatan yang serupa di tahun 2007, Perseroan telah membagikan paket sembako senilai total Rp 101 juta ke-pada sejumlah 1.050 Kepala Keluarga di kawasan tersebut. Upaya Perseroan untuk lebih mendekatkan diri kepada masyarakat juga dilakukan melalui penyelenggaraan acara buka puasa bersama, serta pemberian hadiah dan sumbangan kepada anak-anak yatim-piatu di berbagai panti asuhan khususnya dalam menyambut perayaan hari-hari besar keagamaan seperti Idul Fitri dan Natal. Perseroan juga bekerjasama dengan Palang Merah Indonesia mengadakan program donor darah.

Otoparts Group. In recent years, the Company has also actively supported a number of school libraries located near its area of operations through a book donation program. These initiatives are part of the Company’s support to help improve the educational sector in Indonesia.

From time to time, companies within the Astra Otoparts Group also set aside funds for scholarship programs to help talented students from economically underprivileged families. Through these and other initiatives, the Company is contributing in tangible ways to efforts in improving the quality of education as well as in providing greater access to education, as the first step towards improving the welfare of communities.


The Company engages in a variety of social charity and relationship building activities, mainly as part of our efforts to establish harmonious relations with community members, especially those who live near the Company’s operational locations. Alongside the income generating activities, these activities are expected to help promote a stable, safe and orderly social environment in the area, bringing positive benefits for the Company and for local community members as well.

The Company has a routine program to distribute packages of the nine staple items (or sembako) to help ease the burden of economically underprivileged community members, and especially of those who reside at the Pegangsaan Dua District, North Jakarta. In September 2008, in a repeat of the same program conducted in 2007, the Company distributed sembako packages worth a total of Rp 101 million to 1,050 households in the Pegangsaan Dua District. In furthering its out reach to the community, the Company also conducts such activities as communal breaking of the fast during the Islamic fasting month of Ramadhan, and the distribution of gifts and other kinds of donations for children in a number of orphanages nearby, especially as part of religious festivity celebrations such as Idul Fitri or Christmas. The Company also cooperated with Indonesian Red Cross to carry out blood drive program.

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Management Discussion and Analysis

Seiring menguatnya pasar otomotif domestik pada tahun 2008, penjualan bersih meningkat

27,6% menjadi sebesar Rp 5,3 triliun, sementara laba bersih tumbuh 24,4% menjadi

sebesar Rp 566,0 miliar.

A strong domestic automotive market in 2008 resulted in an increase of 27.6% in net revenues to

Rp 5.3 trillion, while net income grew by 24.4% to Rp 566.0 billion.

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Secara keseluruhan, kondisi perekonomian Indonesia di

tahun 2008 menunjukkan adanya perbaikan. Pertumbuh-

an ekonomi di tahun tersebut sangat mendukung kinerja

industri otomotif domestik, di mana penjualan mobil dan

sepeda motor masing-masing meningkat sebesar 32,6%

dan 39,9% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya.

Total Penjualan Otomotif Domestik

Total Domestic Automotive Sales

Hal ini berdampak langsung pada membaiknya kinerja

Perseroan di tahun 2008, mengingat Perseroan merupakan

pemasok yang cukup signifikan untuk pasar otomotif




Penjualan bersih Perseroan meningkat 27,6% dari

Rp 4,2 triliun di tahun 2007 menjadi Rp 5,3 triliun di tahun

2008. Penjualan komponen mobil memberikan kontribusi

sebesar Rp 2,8 triliun atau 52,7% dari total penjualan

bersih, sementara penjualan komponen sepeda motor

sebesar Rp 2,5 triliun atau 47,3%. Kontribusi penjualan

berdasarkan segmen pasar pada tahun 2008 adalah

segmen pabrikan (Original Equipment Manufacturer/OEM)

43,9%, segmen pasar pengganti (Replacement Market/

REM) 41,4%, dan pasar ekspor 14,7%.

In 2008, the Indonesian economy showed an overall

improvement in many aspects, and economic growth proved

beneficial to the domestic automotive market and industry.

This was reflected in increasing unit sales of automobiles

and motorcycles in 2008, growing by 32.6% and 39.9%,

respectively, compared to sales in the previous year.

This development had a direct and positive impact on

the Company’s performance in 2008, as one of the leading

suppliers of automotive components to domestic automotive


Results of opeRations


The Company posted an increase of 27.6% in net revenues

to Rp 5.3 trillion in 2008, from Rp 4.2 trillion in 2007. Sales of

automobile components contributed Rp 2.8 trillion, or 52.7%,

to total net revenues, while the contribution of motorcycle

components amounted to Rp 2.5 trillion, or 47.3%. Based on

market segments, the automotive manufacturer (Original

Equipment Manufacturer/OEM) segment contributed 43.9%,

the Replacement Market (REM) segment 41.4%, and export

markets 14.7%, to total revenues.

Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

Unit Sales 2007 2008 ChangeMotorcycle 1) 4,688,263 6,215,865 32.6%Automobile 2) 434,473 607,805 39.9%

Sumber/Source : 1) AISI 2) GAIKINDO

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Penjualan Berdasarkan Segmen Pasar

Sales by Market Segment


Total penjualan bersih dari segmen OEM meningkat

sebesar 46,3% dari Rp 1,6 triliun di tahun 2007 menjadi

Rp 2,3 triliun di tahun 2008 seiring dengan membaiknya

pasar otomotif. Peningkatan tersebut merupakan

kontribusi dari kenaikan volume penjualan dan efek

kenaikan harga jual akibat melonjaknya harga beli bahan



Nilai penjualan bersih dari segmen REM naik 17,1% dari

Rp 1,9 triliun di tahun 2007 menjadi Rp 2,2 triliun di

tahun 2008. Penjualan aki otomotif (battery) merupakan

kontributor penjualan terbesar baik di segmen REM

maupun terhadap total penjualan bersih Perseroan

(33,1%), turun sebesar 7,7% dibandingkan dengan tahun

2007, hal ini disebabkan karena kenaikan penjualan dari

segmen pabrikan lebih besar dibandingkan dengan

kenaikan penjualan segmen REM.


Nilai penjualan bersih ke segmen pasar ekspor naik 12,9%

dari Rp 0,7 triliun di tahun 2007 menjadi Rp 0,8 triliun di

tahun 2008. Penjualan aki juga merupakan kontributor

terbesar dari total penjualan bersih pasar ekspor. Kenaikan


Net revenues from the OEM segment grew in line with

the stronger automotive market, registering an increase of

46.3% from Rp 1.6 trillion in 2007 to Rp 2.3 trillion in 2008,

attributable to increased sales volume as well as higher sales

prices due to increases in raw material costs.


Net revenues from the REM segment increased by 17.1%

from Rp 1.9 trillion in 2007 to Rp 2.2 trillion in 2008. Sales of

automotive batteries represented both the largest contributor

to REM segment revenues and to the Company’s total net

revenues (33.1% of the total). However, the contribution of

automotive batteries to total net revenues was 7.7% lower

compared to 2007, due to higher 2008 sales growth in

the OEM segment as compared to the REM segment.


Net revenues from the export market segment grew by 12.9%

from Rp 0.7 trillion in 2007 to Rp 0.8 trillion in 2008. Sales

of automotive batteries was also the largest contributor to

total sales in the export market. This increase in export sales

Net Sales2007

(In billions of Rupiah)


(In billions of Rupiah)

Share Change

Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) 1,603 38.3% 2,345 43.9% 46.3%Replacement Market (REM) 1,885 45.1% 2,207 41.4% 17.1%Export Market 696 16.6% 786 14.7% 12.9%Total 4,184 100.0% 5,338 100.0% 27.6%

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penjualan ekspor juga disebabkan oleh kenaikan nilai

tukar rupiah terhadap dollar Amerika. Penjualan ekspor

selama tahun 2008 didominasi oleh penjualan ke daerah

Afrika, Timur Tengah dan Asia.


Produk yang memberikan kontribusi terbesar pada

penjualan bersih Perseroan adalah penjualan aki sebesar

33,1% disusul oleh produk-produk seperti komponen

Aspira, komponen plastik, komponen aluminium,

komponen tempaan, dan rantai.

Seperti yang telah dijelaskan di atas, peningkatan

penjualan aki disebabkan oleh kenaikan pada harga jual

maupun volume penjualan.

Penjualan Berdasarkan Produk

Sales by Market Product


Laba kotor Perseroan naik sebesar 24,7% dari

Rp 793,6 miliar di tahun 2007 menjadi Rp 989,7 miliar di

tahun 2008, sementara marjin laba kotor Perseroan turun

sebesar 0,5% dari 19,0% di tahun 2007 menjadi 18,5% di

tahun 2008.

revenues was partly the result of depreciation of the Rupiah

against the US Dollar. Export sales in 2008 were mainly

conducted to destinations in Africa, the Middle East, and



The largest contributor to the Company’s net revenue was

sales of automotive batteries, which contributed 33.1%

of total sales, followed by other products such as Aspira

components, plastic components, aluminum parts, forged

parts, and automotive chains.

As mentioned above, the growth in automotive battery sales

revenues was driven by both higher sales prices and higher

sales volume.


The Company posted an increase of 24.7% in gross profit

from Rp 793.6 billion in 2007 to Rp 989.7 billion in 2008.

The gross profit margin meanwhile declined slightly by 0.5%

to 18.5% in 2008, from 19.0% in 2007.


(In millions of Rupiah)


(In millions of Rupiah)


Battery 1,708 40.8% 1,769 33.1%Aspira Parts 408 9.8% 529 9.9%Plastic Parts 377 9.0% 509 9.5%Aluminium Parts 338 8.1% 437 8.2%Tool, Jack, Forging Parts 281 6.7% 410 7.7%Chains 247 5.9% 361 6.8%Others 825 19.7% 1,323 24.8%Total 4,184 100.0% 5,338 100.0%

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Penurunan marjin laba kotor Perseroan terutama

disebabkan karena kenaikan harga bahan baku material

dan akibat kenaikan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap mata uang

asing. Namun penurunan ini dapat diimbangi dengan

peningkatan efisiensi dan produktivitas seiring dengan

adanya penggunaan maksimum kapasitas produksi,

sehingga penurunan marjin laba kotor Perseroan dapat



Beban usaha Perseroan terdiri dari beban penjualan dan

beban umum dan administrasi, mengalami kenaikan

sebesar 24,9%, yakni dari Rp 430,5 miliar di tahun 2007

menjadi Rp 537,9 miliar di tahun 2008. Kenaikan tersebut

terutama disebabkan oleh kenaikan beban penjualan

sebesar 35,7% dari Rp 178,4 miliar di tahun 2007 menjadi

Rp 242,1 miliar di tahun 2008, karena pada tahun 2008

Perseroan dan anak perusahaan melakukan aktivitas

promosi dan periklanan untuk meningkatkan penjualan


Di samping itu, kenaikan pada beban umum dan

administrasi hanya sebesar 17,3% dari Rp 252,1 miliar

menjadi Rp 295,7 miliar, di mana kenaikan ini terutama

disebabkan oleh kenaikan beban kompensasi karyawan.


Laba usaha Perseroan naik 24,4% dari Rp 363,1 miliar

di tahun 2007 menjadi Rp 451,9 miliar di tahun 2008.

Kenaikan laba usaha Perseroan disebabkan karena

kenaikan penjualan bersih, dan karena penggunaan

kapasitas produksi secara maksimum di tahun 2008.

The decline in gross profit margin was mainly attributable to

increases in raw material prices, as well as to the depreciation

of the Rupiah against foreign currencies. However, maximum

utilization of existing production capacities led to improved

production efficiency and output, which in turn helped to

minimize the decline in the Company’s gross profit margin.


The Company’s operating expenses, consisting of marketing

expenses and general and administrative expenses, recorded

an increase of 24.9% from Rp 430.5 billion in 2007 to Rp 537.9

billion in 2008. This growth was mainly due to an increase of

35.7% in marketing expenses from Rp 178.4 billion in 2007 to

Rp 242.1 billion in 2008, in line with increased promotion and

advertising activities by the Company and its subsidiaries

throughout 2008 in support of the drive to increase sales


Meanwhile, general and administrative expenses recorded

a relatively low increase of 17.3% from Rp 252.1 billion in 2007

to Rp 295.7 billion, due mostly to the increase in personnel

expenses in 2008.


Operating profit grew by 24.4% from Rp 363.1 billion in 2007

to Rp 451.9 billion in 2008. The increase in the Company’s

operating profit was attributable to the increase in net

revenue, as well as to maximum utilization of production

capacities in 2008.

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Pada tahun 2008, Perseroan membukukan kerugian selisih

kurs sebesar Rp 26,5 miliar terutama akibat melemahnya

mata uang Rupiah terhadap mata uang asing terutama

Dolar AS dan Yen Jepang di mana tingkat tertinggi

pertukaran mata uang Rupiah terhadap Dolar AS dan Yen

Jepang terjadi di kuartal terakhir tahun 2008 (nilai tukar

mata uang Rupiah terhadap Dolar AS naik dari IDR 9.419

di tahun 2007 menjadi IDR 10.950 di tahun 2008, dan

nilai tukar mata uang Rupiah terhadap Yen Jepang juga

ikut naik yakni dari IDR 83 menjadi IDR 121), sedangkan

pada tahun 2007 Perseroan hanya membukukan kerugian

selisih kurs sebesar Rp 7,3 miliar.

Perseroan juga membukukan penghasilan bunga sebesar

Rp 38,3 miliar, naik sebesar Rp 25,5 miliar dari tahun

2007, di mana pada tahun 2007 Perseroan membukukan

penghasilan bunga sebesar Rp 12,8 miliar. Kenaikan

ini terutama disebabkan karena meningkatnya jumlah

deposito berjangka Perseroan di tahun 2008.

Penghasilan lain-lain bersih pada tahun 2008 tercatat

sebesar Rp 53,3 miliar, yang terdiri dari penerimaan

jasa manajemen, penjualan barang bekas, keuntungan

selisih perubahan nilai wajar properti investasi, dan sisa

penghasilan lain-lain (bersih) berasal dari keuntungan

penjualan aset tetap.


Seiring dengan membaiknya pasar otomotif domestik

di tahun 2008 baik mobil maupun sepeda motor, bagian

laba bersih pada perusahaan asosiasi dan jointly controlled

entities meningkat sebesar Rp 80,6 miliar atau 39,8%

dari Rp 202,6 miliar menjadi Rp 283,2 miliar. Kontribusi

peningkatan bagian laba bersih pada perusahaan asosiasi

dan jointly controlled entities tahun 2008 adalah dari anak


In 2008, the Company posted a loss on foreign exchange

transactions of Rp 26.5 billion, due to the weakening Rupiah

currency against foreign currencies and especially against

the US Dollar and Japanese Yen, with most of the loss

recorded during the last quarter of 2008. The Rupiah to US

Dollar exchange rate went up from Rp 9,419/$US 1 in 2007 to

Rp 10,950/$US 1 in 2008, while in the same period

the Rupiah to Japanese Yen exchange rate also increased

from Rp 83/1 Yen to Rp 121/1 Yen. In 2007, the Company

had booked a lower loss on foreign exchange transactions

at Rp 7.3 billion.

The Company booked an interest income of Rp 38.3 billion

in 2008, representing an increase of Rp 25.5 billion from

Rp 12.8 billion in 2007. The increase in interest income was

mainly due to the increase in time deposit placements by

the Company in 2008.

Other income – net in 2008 amounting to Rp 53.3 billion,

represents income from management service fees, sales

of scraps, gain from differences in fair market value of

investments in properties, and the remaining from gain on

sales of fixed assets.


In line with improving conditions in the domestic automotive

market in 2008 for automobiles as well as motorcycles, equity

in the net income of associates and jointly controlled entities

increased by Rp 80.6 billion, or 39.8%, from Rp 202.6 billion

to Rp 283.2 billion. The increase in equity in net income of

associates and jointly controlled entities in 2008 was mostly

contributed by subsidiaries that produce front forks, shock

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perusahaan yang memproduksi front fork, peredam kejut,

busi, aki, unit radiator, kompresor, AC dan pressure parts.


Perseroan membukukan keuntungan pos luar biasa

sebesar Rp 1,1 miliar (setelah dipotong pajak) pada

tahun 2008. Hal ini terkait dengan pembebasan

pembayaran bunga dan penurunan angka pokok

pinjaman jangka pendek yang telah dikurangkan dengan

pajak kepada Credit Suisse First Boston International,

London (CSFBI) yang diterima oleh PT Federal Izumi

Manufacturing (FIM), anak perusahaan Perseroan, sebesar

USD 120 ribu atau setara dengan Rp 1,1 miliar.


Hak minoritas Perseroan meningkat sebesar 58,3% atau

Rp 16,6 miliar dari Rp 28,4 miliar di tahun 2007 menjadi

Rp 45,0 miliar di tahun 2008, hal ini disebabkan kenaikan

bagian hasil bersih anak Perseroan konsolidasian.


Laba bersih Perseroan meningkat sebesar 24,4% dari

Rp 454,9 miliar di tahun 2007 menjadi Rp 566,0 di

absorbers, spark plugs, batteries, radiator units, compressors,

air conditioning units, and pressure parts.


The Company recorded a one-off extraordinary income

of Rp 1.1 billion (after taxes) in 2008. The gain was

related to the waiver of interest payments and reduction

of loan principal, after deduction of taxes, with a total

value of US$ 120 thousand, equivalent to Rp 1.1

billion. The loan involved was a short term loan

from Credit Suisse First Boston International (CSFBI),

London, to PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing (FIM),

a subsidiary of the Company.


Minority interest recorded an increase of Rp 16.6 billion,

or 58.3%, from Rp 28.4 billion in 2007 to Rp 45.0 billion

in 2008, due to an increased share of the net results of

the Company’s consolidated subsidiaries.


The Company’s net income grew by 24.4% from Rp 454.9

billion in 2007 to Rp 566.0 billion in 2008, attributable

(Dalam jutaan Rupiah)(In millions of Rupiah)


Laba KotorGross Profit












Laba UsahaOperating Income

Laba BersihNet Income

2007 2008

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tahun 2008. Kenaikan laba bersih tersebut disebabkan

karena peningkatan pendapatan bersih, peningkatan

penghasilan lain-lain (bersih), serta adanya pendapatan

di luar operasional Perseroan. Laba bersih per saham naik

Rp 144 atau 24,4%, dari Rp 590,0 di tahun 2007 menjadi

sebesar Rp 734,0 di tahun 2008.



Total aset Perseroan meningkat sebesar 15,3% atau

sebesar Rp 527,1 miliar, dari Rp 3,4 triliun di tahun 2007

menjadi Rp 4,0 triliun di tahun 2008. Aset lancar naik

sebesar Rp 196,0 miliar, didominasi oleh kenaikan kas dan

setara kas sebesar Rp 158,1 miliar, kenaikan persediaan

sebesar Rp 173,0 miliar sebagai akibat dari pertumbuhan

bisnis selama tahun 2008, walaupun terdapat penurunan

piutang dagang sebesar Rp 140,9 miliar sebagai akibat

dari membaiknya tingkat kolektivitas piutang dagang di

tahun 2008, yakni menurun dari 61 hari menjadi 38 hari.

Aset tidak lancar naik sebesar Rp 331,1 miliar, terutama

terkait dengan peningkatan saldo investasi Perseroan

pada perusahaan asosiasi dan jointly controlled entities

sebesar Rp 181,0 miliar, kenaikan aset tetap sebesar

Rp 67,4 miliar terutama disebabkan oleh kenaikan mesin

dan peralatan pabrik, dan kenaikan aset derivative sebesar

Rp 47,3 miliar dimana pada tanggal 11 Juli 2008, Perseroan

menandatangani kontrak cross currency swap dengan

Standard Chartered Bank.


Jumlah pinjaman Perseroan dan anak perusahaan turun

1,3% atau sebesar Rp 4,5 miliar, dari Rp 336,4 miliar di tahun

2007 menjadi Rp 331,9 miliar di tahun 2008. Penurunan

ini terutama disebabkan karena pada bulan Maret 2008

pinjaman jangka pendek PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing

to increases in net revenues, net other income, and non-

operating income. This net income equates to net earnings

per share of Rp 734.0 in 2008, which represented an increase

of Rp 144.0, or 24.4%, from Rp 590.0 per share in 2007.

finanCial Condition


The Company’s total assets increased by Rp 527.1 billion, or

15.3%, from Rp 3.4 trillion in 2007 to Rp 4.0 trillion in 2008.

Current assets increased by Rp 196.0 billion, mainly driven by

an increase of Rp 158.1 billion in cash and cash equivalents,

as well as an increase of Rp 173.0 billion in inventories

due to the growth in business volumes during 2008; these

were partly offset by a decline of Rp 140.9 billion in trade

receivables as a result of improved trade receivables turnover

from 61 days in 2007 to 38 days in 2008. Non-current assets

meanwhile increased by Rp 331.1 billion, mainly driven by

an increase of Rp 181.0 billion in the Company’s investments

in associates and jointly controlled entities, an increase of

Rp 67.4 billion in fixed assets mainly for machinery and

equipment, and an increase of Rp 47.3 billion in derivative

assets, related to the cross currency swap agreement signed

by the Company on 11 July 2008 with Standard Chartered



Loans received by the Company and subsidiaries declined

slightly by Rp 4.5 billion, or 1.3%, from Rp 336.4 billion in

2007 to Rp 331.9 billion in 2008. The decline was mainly

related to the short term loan of US$ 694 thousand received

by PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing (FIM), a subsidiary, from

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(FIM), anak perusahaan, kepada Credit Suisse First Boston

International, London (CSFBI) dengan total keseluruhan

USD 694 ribu mendapatkan pembebasan pembayaran

bunga dan penurunan pokok pinjaman menjadi

USD 375 ribu. Penyelesaian atas pinjaman ini dilakukan

pada tanggal 26 Maret 2008. Atas transaksi tersebut, FIM

mencatat pembebasan atas biaya bunga dan sebagian

pokok pinjaman setelah pajak sebagai “Pos Luar Biasa,

Setelah Pajak”.

Hutang dagang naik sebesar 5,5% atau sebesar

Rp 25,4 miliar dari Rp 461,9 di tahun 2007 menjadi

Rp 487,3 miliar di tahun 2008, hal ini sejalan dengan

kenaikan penjualan dan beban pokok pendapatan di

tahun berjalan. Kemampuan Perseroan untuk membayar

hutang masih baik, karena jumlah aset lancar sebesar

dua kali dari kewajiban lancar, dan jika dilihat dari tingkat

perputaran hutang dagang terdapat peningkatan dalam

pembayaran hutang yakni dari 49 hari menjadi 40 hari.


Setelah dilakukan penyesuaian nilai wajar properti

investasi sebesar Rp 72,3 miliar maka saldo ekuitas

Perseroan awal tahun disajikan kembali menjadi sebesar

Rp 2.333,7 miliar.

Dengan perolehan laba bersih sebesar Rp 566,0 miliar,

dan pembayaran dividen sebesar Rp 246,8 miliar, jumlah

ekuitas Perseroan naik sebesar Rp 319,3 miliar dari

Rp 2.333,7 miliar tahun 2007 menjadi Rp 2,653 miliar pada

akhir tahun 2008.

Nilai aset bersih naik sebesar Rp 508 per saham dari

Rp 2.932 per saham di tahun 2007 menjadi Rp 3.440 per

saham di tahun 2008.

Credit Suisse First Boston International, London (CSFBI), while

FIM in March 2008 received a waiver of interest payment and

reduction of loan principal to US$ 375 thousand. The loan

was settled on March 26, 2008. Concerning this transaction,

FIM recorded the waiver of interest payment and reduction

of loan principal, net of taxes, as ‘Extraordinary Item – net of

tax’ in the financial statements.

Trade payables increased by Rp 25.4 billion, or 5.5%, from

Rp 461.9 billion in 2007 to Rp 487.3 billion in 2008, in line with

the growth in sales and in cost of goods sold during the year

under review. The Company has sufficient ability to serve its

debt obligations, with current assets of twice the amounts

of current liabilities. This can also be seen from the trade

payables turnover period that has improved from 49 days to

40 days.


Following the adjustment to the fair market value of

investments in properties of Rp 72.3 billion, shareholders’

equity as restated at the beginning of the year was

Rp 2,333.7 billion.

With the addition of Rp 566.0 billion of net income, offset by

a dividend payment of Rp 246.8 billion, shareholders’ equity

increase a by Rp 319.3 billion from Rp 2,333.7 billion in 2007 to

Rp 2,653.0 billion at year-end 2008.

Net asset value per share increased by Rp 508, from Rp 2,932

per share in 2007 to Rp 3,440 per share in 2008.

Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion & Analysis

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Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion & Analysis


Perseroan telah membayar dividen kas final sejumlah

Rp 235 per lembar saham atau sejumlah Rp 181,2 miliar

untuk tahun buku 2007. Untuk tahun buku 2008, Perseroan

telah mengumumkan dividen kas interim sejumlah Rp 115

per lembar saham atau sejumlah Rp 88,7 miliar yang telah

dibayarkan pada tanggal 11 November 2008.



Perseroan membukukan arus kas bersih dari aktivitas

operasi sebesar Rp 490,0 miliar di tahun 2008 dibanding-

kan dengan arus kas bersih dari aktivitas operasi sebesar

Rp 241,8 miliar di tahun 2007, terutama disebabkan karena

kenaikan penerimaan kas dari pelanggan dan lainnya

sejalan dengan penurunan piutang dagang dan kenaikan

penjualan Perseroan.


Pengeluaran kas untuk kegiatan investasi turun sebesar

Rp 0,5 miliar dari Rp 33,0 miliar di tahun 2007 menjadi

Rp 32,4 miliar di tahun 2008. Hal ini terutama disebabkan

karena kas yang dikeluarkan untuk perolehan aset tetap

dan aset yang belum digunakan sebesar Rp 176,0 miliar,

di samping terdapat penerimaan kas atas hasil penjualan

aset tetap dan aset tidak digunakan dalam operasi sebesar

Rp 56,8 miliar dan pengeluaran kas untuk investasi lainnya

sebesar Rp 15,4 miliar. Dividen kas yang diterima Perseroan

di tahun 2008 sebesar Rp 102,2 miliar.


The Company in 2008 paid a final cash dividend of Rp 235 per

share, or a total of Rp 181.2 billion, from the profits of fiscal

year 2007. For fiscal year 2008, the Company has announced

an interim cash dividend of Rp 115 per share or a total of

Rp 88.7 billion, which was paid to shareholders on

11 November 2008.

Cash flows


The Company recorded Rp 490.0 billion in net cash generated

from operating activities in 2008, compared with net cash

from operating activities of Rp 241.8 billion in 2007, mainly

reflecting the increase in cash receipts from customers and

others, in line with the increase in sales and the decline in

trade receivables.


Cash used for investment activities declined by Rp 0.5

billion from Rp 33.0 billion in 2007 to Rp 32.4 billion in

2008. This mainly reflected cash outflows of Rp 176.0 billion

for acquisitions of fixed assets and assets not yet used in

operations, cash receipts of Rp 56.8 billion from sales of

fixed assets and assets not yet used in operations, and cash

outflows of Rp 15.4 billion for other investments.

The Company also received Rp 102.2 billion in cash

dividends in 2008.

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Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion & Analysis


Kas yang digunakan untuk aktivitas pendanaan naik dari

Rp 75,2 miliar di tahun 2007 menjadi Rp 276,6 miliar di

tahun 2008. Selama tahun 2008 Perseroan menerima

pinjaman jangka pendek Rp 485,7 miliar serta membayar

pinjaman jangka pendek dan jangka panjang sebesar

Rp 531,0 miliar. Pembayaran dividen tercatat sebesar

Rp 251,2 miliar.


PT Non Ferindo Utama Aluminium Alloy (NFUAA), anak

perusahaan dalam proses likuidasi, sebagaimana ter-

cantum dalam akta notaris No.1 tanggal 7 Januari 2009 dari

Drs. Chaerul Anwar, S.H., notaris di Depok, telah

menyelesaikan proses likuidasi sesuai ketentuan pasal

152 (3) Undang-undang Perseroan Terbatas No. 40/2007.

Hasil akhir likuidasi telah diumumkan melalui koran

“Harian Terbit” pada tanggal 2 Februari 2009.


Cash used in financing activities increased from

Rp 75.2 billion in 2007 to Rp 276.6 billion in 2008.

During 2008, the Company received a total of

Rp 485.7 billion in short-term loan facilities, and repaid

a total of Rp 531.0 billion of its short-term and long-term

borrowings. Distribution of cash dividends amounted to

Rp 251.2 billion.


PT Non Ferindo Utama Aluminium Alloy (NFUAA), a subsidiary

in the process of liquidation, as recorded in Notary Deed

No. 1 dated 7 January 2009 of Drs. Chaerul Anwar, SH,

notary in Depok, has completed its liquidation process in

accordance with the stipulations of article 152 (3) of Law

No. 40/2007 on Limited Liability Company. The result of

the liquidation process was announced at the ‘Harian Terbit’

daily on 2 February 2009.

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Tata KelolaPerusahaan

Good Corporate Governance

Perubahan Anggaran Dasar perusahaan guna menyesuaikan dengan UU No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas merupakan salah satu upaya meningkatkan kualitas penerapan

praktik Tata Kelola Perusahaan di lingkungan PT Astra Otoparts Tbk.

The amendments to the Company’s Articles of Association to align with the stipulations of Law

No. 40 Year 2007 on Limited Liability Company represent an effort to improve the quality of Good

Corporate Governance practices within PT Astra Otoparts Tbk.

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Tata Kelola PerusahaanGood Corporate Governance

Praktik Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang baik merupakan

salah satu faktor strategis dalam upaya Perseroan untuk

senantiasa meningkatkan nilai pemegang saham dan

stakeholder lainnya serta memelihara pertumbuhan yang


Perseroan percaya bahwa peningkatan nilai pemegang

saham dan stakeholder serta pertumbuhan yang

berkelanjutan, dapat dicapai melalui penerapan tata

kelola perusahaan yang baik.

Bagi Perseroan, penerapan tata kelola perusahaan yang

baik adalah lebih dari sekedar memenuhi ketentuan

perundang-undangan, namun merupakan bagian

yang tidak terpisahkan dari praktik bisnis berkelanjutan

yang berlandaskan pada standar etika tertinggi. Dalam

penerapan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik terdapat

lima prinsip dasar yang menjadi acuan bagi setiap langkah

yang dibuat oleh Manajemen dan karyawan Perseroan,

yaitu prinsip transparansi, akuntabilitas, responsibilitas,

independensi, kewajaran dan kesetaraan.

Perwujudan prinsip-prinsip tersebut di lingkungan

Perseroan dilakukan melalui perangkat tata kelola

perusahaan yang mencakup Rapat Umum Pemegang

Saham, Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, dan dibantu oleh

berbagai komite dan perangkat fungsional lain.


Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) merupakan

organ Perseroan yang mempunyai wewenang yang tidak

diberikan kepada Dewan Komisaris atau Direksi dalam

batas yang ditentukan dalam undang-undang maupun

anggaran dasar perseroan. RUPS memiliki wewenang

untuk, antara lain, mengangkat dan memberhentikan

anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, mengevaluasi

kinerja Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, menyetujui

perubahan anggaran dasar Perseroan, menyetujui

The practice of Good Corporate Governance is a strategic

element within the Company’s overall drive to increase

value for shareholders and other stakeholders, as well as to

maintain a sustainable business growth.

The Company believes that increased value for shareholders

and stakeholders as well as sustainable growth can be

achieved through the implementation of Good Corporate

Governance practices.

More than just a matter of compliance with prevailing

regulations, the Company views implementation of Good

Corporate Governance as an integral part of sustainable

business activities that are based on the highest of ethical

standards. The implementation of Good Corporate

Governance involves five core principles guiding the actions

of management and employees, namely the principles of

transparency, accountability, responsibility, independency,

and fairness and equality.

These core principles are manifested within the Company

through the corporate governance infrastructure that

comprises of the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board

of Commissioners and Board of Directors, assisted by various

committees and functional units.


The General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) is the Company’s

main organ, holding all authority that has not been

delegated to the Board of Commissioners or the Board

of Directors within limits stipulated in prevailing laws or

the Company’s Articles of Association. The GMS has

the authority to, among other things, appoint and dismiss

members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of

Directors, evaluate the performance of Commissioners and

Directors, approve changes to the Articles of Association,

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laporan keuangan Perseroan, serta menetapkan

remunerasi bagi anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi,

namun RUPS dan atau pemegang saham tidak dapat

melakukan intervensi terhadap tugas, fungsi dan

wewenang Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi.

Perseroan menyelenggarakan RUPS Tahunan pada

tanggal 29 April 2008, dengan ringkasan keputusan

sebagai berikut:

1. Menyetujui Laporan Tahunan dan mengesahkan

Laporan Keuangan Perseroan untuk tahun buku

2007 dan memberikan pembebasan tanggung jawab

sepenuhnya (acquit et decharge) kepada Direksi dan

Dewan Komisaris Perseroan.

2. Menetapkan penggunaan laba bersih Perseroan

untuk tahun buku 2007 sebesar Rp 454.906.779.149,-

(empat ratus lima puluh empat miliar sembilan

ratus enam juta tujuh ratus tujuh puluh sembilan

ribu seratus empat puluh sembilan rupiah) sebagai


a. Dibagikan sebagai dividen final untuk tahun buku

2007 sebesar Rp 235 (dua ratus tiga puluh lima

rupiah) per saham.

b. Untuk dana cadangan sejumlah Rp 7.500.000.000,-

(tujuh miliar lima ratus juta rupiah).

endorse the Financial Statements, and determine

the remuneration for Commissioners and Directors.

However, the GMS may not intervene with the duties,

role and authorities of the Board of Commissioners and

the Board of Directors.

The Company conducted the Annual GMS on 29 April 2008,

which passed the following resolutions:

1. To accept the Annual Report and endorse the Financial

Statements of the Company for fiscal 2007, and grant full

acquittal and dismissal of responsibilities to the Board of

Directors and Board of Commissioners. 2. To determine the distribution of net income in fiscal 2007

amounting to Rp 454,906,779,149 (four hundred fifty

four billion, nine hundred and six million, seven hundred

and seventy nine thousand, one hundred and forty nine

Rupiah) as follows:

a. Final dividend for fiscal year 2007 in the amount

of Rp 235 (two hundred and thirty five Rupiah) per


b. Reserve funds in the amount of Rp 7,500,000,000

(seven billion and five hundred million Rupiah).

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3. Menetapkan susunan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

Perseroan sampai dengan ditutupnya RUPS Tahunan

yang akan diselenggarakan di tahun 2009.

4. a. Memberikan kuasa dan wewenang kepada Dewan

Komisaris Perseroan untuk menentukan dan

menetapkan gaji dan tunjangan serta penghasilan

lainnya dari anggota Direksi Perseroan; dan

b. Menetapkan honorarium Dewan Komisaris

Perseroan dengan jumlah maksimum keseluruhan

sebesar Rp 1.800.000.000 (satu miliar delapan

ratus juta rupiah) per tahun sebelum dipotong

pajak penghasilan dan memberikan kewenangan

kepada Presiden Komisaris untuk menentukan


5. Memberikan kewenangan kepada Dewan Komisaris

Perseroan untuk menunjuk Akuntan Publik serta

memberikan wewenang kepada Direksi Perseroan

untuk menetapkan besarnya honorarium Akuntan

Publik tersebut.

6. Menyetujui mengubah Anggaran Dasar Perseroan

untuk disesuaikan dengan Undang-undang Nomor

40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas.

Keputusan-keputusan RUPS Tahunan 2008 tersebut

telah dilaporkan kepada otoritas yang terkait sesuai

ketentuan yang ada, serta dipublikasikan melalui situs

web Perseroan di


Anggota Dewan Komisaris diangkat dan diberhentikan

berdasarkan keputusan RUPS. Masa tugas anggota

Dewan Komisaris adalah selama 2 (dua) tahun, tanpa

meniadakan kewenangan RUPS untuk memberhentikan

anggota Dewan Komisaris sebelum masa tugasnya

berakhir. Dewan Komisaris bertugas dan bertanggung

jawab secara kolektif untuk melakukan pengawasan dan

memberikan nasehat kepada Direksi, serta memastikan

bahwa perusahaan melaksanakan Tata Kelola Perusahaan

3. To determine the composition of the Board of

Commissioners and the Board of Directors for a term of

office until the close of the AGMS in 2009.

4. a. To grant authorization to the Board of Commission-

ers to determine the amount of salaries and benefits

and other remuneration for members of the Board of

Directors; and

b. To determine the compensation for the Board

of Commissioners at a total maximum of

Rp 1,800,000,000 (one billion and eight hundred

million Rupiah) gross annually – before income

taxes – and to grant authorization to the President

Commissioner to determine its distribution.

5. To grant authorization to the Board of Commissioners

to appoint the Public Accountants Firm, and to grant

authorization to the Board of Directors to determine

the fees for said Public Accountants Firm.

6. To approve the amendments to the Articles of Association

in alignment with Law No. 40 Year 2007 on Limited

Liability Companies.

The resolutions of the Annual GMS in 2008 have been

reported to the relevant authorities according to

the prevailing provisions, and also published at the

Company’s website at


Members of the Board of Commissioners are appointed and

dismissed by a resolution of the GMS, to serve a 2 (two)-year

term of office, while recognizing the authority of the GMS

to dismiss a member of the Board of Commissioners before

the end of the term of office. The Board of Commissioners has

a collective duty and responsibility to provide supervision and

advice to the Board of Directors, and to ensure the practice of

Tata Kelola PerusahaanGood Corporate Governance

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yang Baik. Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya tersebut,

Dewan Komisaris bertanggung jawab kepada RUPS.

Sebagaimana telah diubah berdasarkan keputusan RUPS

Tahunan tanggal 29 April 2008, dengan susunan sebagai


Komposisi Dewan Komisaris Perseroan telah memenuhi

ketentuan yang berlaku dari Badan Pengawasan

Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan (Bapepam-

LK) menyangkut jumlah Komisaris Independen yaitu

sedikitnya sepertiga dari jumlah Komisaris.

Profil singkat dari masing-masing Komisaris dapat dilihat

di bagian Data Perseroan pada halaman ii-iii Laporan

Tahunan ini.


Direksi adalah organ perusahaan yang bertugas dan

bertanggung jawab dalam mengelola perusahaan sesuai

maksud dan tujuan perusahaan.

Anggota Direksi diangkat dan diberhentikan berdasarkan

keputusan RUPS. Sesuai dengan keputusan RUPS Tahunan

Good Corporate Governance. In the discharge of its duties,

the Board of Commissioners is responsible to the GMS.

The composition of the Board of Commissioners, as last

changed through a resolution of the Annual GMS on 29 April

2008, is as follows:

The composition of the Board of Commissioners conforms

to prevailing regulations issued by the Capital Market

and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-

LK) regarding the minimum number of Independent

Commissioners of at least one third of the number of


Brief profiles of individual Commissioners are presented

at the Corporate Data section on page ii-iii of this Annual



The Board of Directors is responsible for the management

of the Company in line with the Company’s purposes and


Members of the Board of Directors are appointed and

dismissed by a resolution of the GMS. Based on the resolution

Nama / name Jabatan / titlePrijono Sugiarto Presiden Komisaris – President CommissionerJohnny Darmawan Danusasmita Wakil Presiden Komisaris – Vice President CommissionerMuhamad Chatib Basri Komisaris Independen – Independent CommissionerPatrick Morris Alexander Komisaris Independen – Independent CommissionerBambang Trisulo Komisaris Independen – Independent CommissionerChiew Sin Cheok Komisaris - CommissionerTossin Himawan Komisaris - CommissionerSimon John Mawson Komisaris - CommissionerMaruli Gultom Komisaris - Commissioner

Tata Kelola PerusahaanGood Corporate Governance

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tanggal 29 April 2008, susunan Direksi Perseroan adalah

sebagai berikut:

Profil singkat dari masing-masing Direksi dapat dilihat

di bagian Data Perseroan pada halaman iv-v Laporan

Tahunan ini.

Untuk memastikan efektivitas pelaksanaan tugas Direksi

dalam mengelola Perseroan, Direksi telah mengadakan

pembagian tugas dan tanggung jawab, seperti dapat

dilihat pada bagan struktur organisasi, bab Data Perseroan,

halaman viii-ix pada Laporan Tahunan ini.


Dalam rangka menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya, Dewan

Komisaris dan Direksi masing-masing mengadakan rapat-

rapat secara berkala maupun sewaktu-waktu apabila

diperlukan. Rapat rutin Dewan Komisaris diadakan satu

kali setiap tiga bulan, sementara Direksi bertemu secara

reguler satu kali tiap minggu.

Selama tahun 2008, rapat Dewan Komisaris tercatat

sebanyak 5 (lima) kali, sementara rapat Direksi adalah 22

(dua puluh dua) kali. Tingkat kehadiran masing-masing

of the Annual GMS on 29 April 2008, the composition of

the Board of Directors is as follows:

Brief profiles of individual Directors are presented at

the Corporate Data section on page iv-v of this Annual


To ensure the effective discharge of its duties, each of the

members of the Board of Directors has been assigned

a specific area of responsibilities, as can be seen from the

organizational chart at the Corporate Data section on

page viii-ix in this Annual Report.


In the discharge of their duties, the Board of Commissioners

and the Board of Directors hold regular meetings, as well

as other meetings as required. The Board of Commissioners

meets regularly once every three months, while the Board of

Directors holds regular weekly meetings.

Throughout 2008, there were 5 (five) meetings of the Board

of Commissioners, and 22 (twenty-two) meetings of the

Board of Directors. The attendance record of individual

Tata Kelola PerusahaanGood Corporate Governance

Nama / name Jabatan / titleEduardus Paulus Supit Presiden Direktur - President DirectorLeonard Lembong Wakil Presiden Direktur – Vice President DirectorDjangkep Budhi Santoso Direktur – Director Darmawan Widjaja Direktur – Director Robby Sani Direktur – Director Widodo Eko Rijanto Direktur – Director Dandy Soelip Direktur – Director Gustav Afdhol Husein Direktur – Director

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Komisaris dan Direksi pada rapat-rapat tersebut dapat

dilihat pada tabel berikut:


Sesuai Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, RUPS Tahunan

menetapkan besarnya honorarium untuk Komisaris

Perseroan. Selanjutnya, RUPS Tahunan memberikan

kuasa dan wewenang kepada Dewan Komisaris

Perseroan untuk menentukan dan menetapkan

besarnya gaji dan tunjangan serta penghasilan lainnya

dari Direksi Perseroan. Untuk tahun buku 2008, total

remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi tercatat

sebesar Rp 16,2 miliar.

Commissioners and Directors at those meetings is presented

at the following table:


As stipulated in the Articles of Association, the Annual

GMS shall determine the compensation for the Board

of Commissioners. Further, the Annual GMS shall grant

the authorization to the Board of Commissioners to

determine the amount of salaries and benefits and other

compensation for the Board of Directors. In fiscal year 2008,

the total amount of remuneration paid to the Board of

Commissioners and Board of Directors amounted to Rp 16.2


Tata Kelola PerusahaanGood Corporate Governance

Nama / name BOC Meetings5 Meetings

BOD Meetings22 Meetings

BOC-BOD Meetings5 Meetings

Dewan Komisaris / Board of CommissionersPrijono Sugiarto **) 3 3Johnny Darmawan Danusasmita **) 1 1Muhamad Chatib Basri 5 5Patrick Morris Alexander 5 5Bambang Trisulo 5 5Chiew Sin Cheok 2 2Tossin Himawan 4 4Simon John Mawson 1 1Maruli Gultom 4 4Direksi / Board of directorsEduardus Paulus Supit 20 4Leonard Lembong 19 5Djangkep Budhi Santoso 21 4Darmawan Widjaja **) 14 3Robby Sani **) 15 3Widodo Eko Rijanto **) 16 3Dandy Soelip **) 14 3Gustav Afdhol Husein 21 5Kartina Rahayu *) 6 2Eko Deddy Haryanto *) 1 1Keterangan / Notes:*) Berakhir masa jabatan sejak tanggal 29 April 2008 / Terms of office ends on 29 April 2008**) Mulai menjabat sejak tanggal 29 April 2008 / Appointed since 29 April 2008

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Guna mencegah terjadinya benturan kepentingan,

Komisaris dan Direktur yang mempunyai kepentingan

atas suatu transaksi dengan Perseroan tidak diper-

kenankan menandatangani surat persetujuan atau

dokumen yang berhubungan dengan transaksi tersebut.

Selanjutnya seluruh Komisaris dan Direksi secara

berkala mengisi dan menandatangani suatu Daftar

Khusus (yang dikelola oleh Sekretaris Perusahaan), yang

mengungkapkan kepemilikan saham di Perseroan atau

perusahaan lain (jika ada) dan hubungan bisnis atas

namanya dan keluarganya dengan Perseroan.


Perseroan telah memiliki Komite Audit, yang merupakan

salah satu perangkat penting dalam penerapan tata

kelola perusahaan yang baik. Sesuai ketentuan, Komite

Audit dibentuk melalui suatu Keputusan Dewan Komisaris

untuk membantu pelaksanaan fungsi pengawasan Dewan

Komisaris, dan menjalankan aktivitasnya berdasarkan

suatu Pedoman Dasar Komite Audit.

Tugas dan tanggung jawab Komite Audit:

1. Memberikan pendapat profesional yang independen

kepada Dewan Komisaris atas laporan yang

disampaikan Direksi kepada Dewan Komisaris,

termasuk hal-hal yang diputuskan dalam RUPS.

2. Mengidentifikasikan hal-hal yang memerlukan

perhatian Dewan Komisaris:

a. Menelaah informasi keuangan yang akan

dipublikasikan oleh Perseroan.

b. Menelaah independensi dan obyektivitas Auditor


c. Menelaah kecukupan pemeriksaan yang dilakukan

oleh auditor eksternal untuk memastikan semua

risiko yang penting telah dipertimbangkan.


To avoid the potential of a transaction with a conflict of in-

terest, individual Commissioners or Directors who have an

interest regarding a transaction made by the Company are

prohibited from signing an agreement or document related

to that particular transaction. Furthermore, all Commission-

ers and Directors are periodically required to complete and

sign a Special Register (maintained by the Corporate Secre-

tary) disclosing his/her share ownership at the Company or

other company (if any), as well as any business relationship

with the Company in his/her name or in the name of any

family member(s).


The Company established the Audit Committee as an

important element in the implementation of good corporate

governance. In conformity with prevailing provisions,

the Audit Committee was established through a Decision

Letter of the Board of Commissioner to assist the Board in its

supervisory function, and performed its activities based on

the Audit Committee Charter.

Duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee:

1. To provide an independent professional opinion to

the Board of Commissioners regarding reports submitted

to the Board by the Board of Directors, including

the resolutions of the GMS.

2. To identify issues that require the attention of the Board

of Commissioners:

a. Reviewing financial information to be published by

the Company.

b. Reviewing the independency and objectivity of

the External Auditor.

c. Reviewing the adequacy of audit work by the External

Audit to ensure that all important risk factors have

been considered.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanGood Corporate Governance

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d. Menelaah efektivitas mekanisme pengawasan

internal Perseroan.

e. Menelaah kepatuhan terhadap peraturan

perundangan yang berlaku di pasar modal dan

peraturan perundangan lainnya yang terkait.

f. Melakukan pemeriksaan atas dugaan adanya

kekeliruan, kesalahan atau penyimpangan dalam

pelaksanaan hasil keputusan rapat direksi.

g. Melakukan kajian atas pelaksanaan paket

kompensasi dari Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris.

3. Membahas dengan Direktur Keuangan perubahan

yang signifikan dalam kebijakan akuntansi Perseroan.

4. Melakukan kajian bersama dengan Auditor Eksternal


a. Rencana dan ruang lingkup pemeriksaan dalam

rangka audit tahunan.

b. Hasil dari audit tahunan dan pendapat yang


c. Kecukupan sistem pengendalian internal Perseroan.

5. Melakukan kajian bersama dengan Kepala Audit

Internal atas:

a. Rencana dan ruang lingkup kegiatan pemeriksaan


b. Hasil pemeriksaan yang dilaksanakan.

d. Reviewing the effectiveness of the Company’s

internal control mechanism.

e. Reviewing compliance to capital market regulations

as well as other relevant laws and regulations.

f. Investigating any allegation of mistakes, errors, or

deviation in the implementation of decisions made

in meetings of the Board of Directors.

g. Reviewing the implementation of remuneration

packages for Directors and Commissioners.

3. To discuss any significant changes to the Company’s

accounting policies with the Director in charge of


4. To review, together with the External Auditor, aspects of:

a. The audit work plan and scope of the annual audit.

b. Results of the annual audit and auditor’s opinion.

c. Adequacy of the Company’s internal control


5. Joint reviews with Head of Internal Audit on the following


a. Plan and scope of internal audit activities.

b. Results of internal audit work .

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c. Pelaksanaan pengendalian internal Perseroan.

d. Kepatuhan terhadap etika kerja Perseroan.

e. Pedoman Dasar Internal Audit.

6. Melakukan kajian bersama dengan Audit Internal

dan Auditor Eksternal tentang koordinasi kegiatan

pemeriksaan untuk memastikan kelengkapan

cakupan dan pemanfaatan yang efektif dari sumber

daya audit.

7. Menjalin hubungan dengan Direksi, tim Audit

Internal dan Auditor Eksternal secara terpisah untuk

membahas masalah yang membutuhkan perhatian


8. Melaksanakan tugas-tugas lainnya yang disyaratkan

oleh peraturan perundangan atau sebagaimana

ditugaskan oleh Dewan Komisaris.

9. Menelaah dan memperbaharui Pedoman Dasar

Komite Audit setiap tahun.

Dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya

tersebut, Komite Audit memiliki kewenangan sebagai


a. Memperoleh akses untuk meminta dan memperoleh

keterangan secara penuh terhadap catatan, karyawan,

dana, aset serta sumber daya Perseroan lainnya,

melalui kerjasama dengan Audit Internal.

b. Memperoleh informasi tertulis dari Audit Internal

mengenai hal tersebut diatas serta mengenai rencana,

aktivitas dan hasil audit.

c. Menunjuk konsultan atau tenaga ahli yang diperlukan,

atas biaya Perseroan, setelah memperoleh persetujuan

tertulis terlebih dahulu dari Dewan Komisaris, dalam

rangka pelaksanaan tugas sesuai pertimbangan

lingkup dan kompleksitas usaha Perseroan.

Anggota Komite Audit saat ini diangkat berdasarkan

Keputusan Dewan Komisaris tanggal 25 Juni 2007,

dan susunan serta persyaratan keanggotaannya telah

memenuhi ketentuan Bapepam-LK dan Bursa Efek

Indonesia, termasuk aspek Komisaris Independen dan

anggota eksternal dalam keanggotaan suatu Komite


c. Implementation of internal control procedures.

d. Compliance with the Company’s work ethics.

e. Internal Audit Charter .

6. Conduct joint reviews with Internal Audit and

the External Auditor regarding the coordination of

audit work to ensure adequate coverage of audit and

the effective utilization of audit resources.

7. Maintain communication separately with the Board of

Directors, Internal Audit, and External Auditor, to discuss

issues that require special attention.

8. Perform other duties as required by prevailing regulations

or as assigned by the Board of Commissioners.

9. Perform an annual review and update on the Audit

Committee Charter

In the discharge of its duties and responsibilities, the Audit

Committee has the following authority:

a. Access to request and to receive information regarding

the Company’s records, employees, funds, assets and

other resources, in cooperation with the Internal Audit


b. To receive information in writing from Audit Internal

regarding the above issues, as well as regarding

the internal audit plan, activities and findings.

c. To appoint outside consultants or experts, at

the Company’s expense and after a written approval

by the Board of Commissioners if deemed necessary in

the discharge of its duties in consideration of the scope

and complexity of the Company’s business activities.

The current members of the Audit Committee were appointed

based on Decision Letter of the Board of Commissioners

dated 25 June 2007. The composition and membership

criteria have conformed to regulations of Bapepam-LK and

the Indonesia Stock Exchange, including requirements for

Independent Commissioner and external parties in the Audit


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Profil dari masing-masing anggota Komite Audit dapat

dilihat di bagian Data Perseroan di halaman vi Laporan

Tahunan ini. Dalam menjalankan fungsinya, sepanjang

tahun 2008 Komite Audit menyelenggarakan 7 (tujuh)

kali rapat dengan Manajemen Perseroan maupun pihak

Auditor Eksternal untuk mendiskusikan berbagai hal

terkait dengan kinerja Perseroan. Perincian aktivitas

Komite Audit tersebut dilaporkan terpisah dalam Laporan

Komite Audit yang disajikan pada halaman 86-87 Laporan

Tahunan ini.


Departemen Audit Internal menjalankan fungsi

kontrol internal untuk memastikan efektivitas dan

kehandalan mekanisme pengawasan internal Perseroan,

memberikan nilai tambah kepada berbagai proses bisnis

Perseroan, serta memberikan rekomendasi praktis untuk

meningkatkan kualitas pengelolaan risiko dan kontrol

internal di lingkungan Perseroan. Departemen Audit

Internal bertanggung jawab langsung kepada Direksi,

dan juga memberikan laporan kepada Komite Audit

atas temuan-temuan dan langkah-langkah yang telah

diimplementasikan. Dalam menjalankan aktivitasnya,

Brief profiles of members of the Audit Committee are

presented at the Corporate Data section on page vi of this

Annual Report. In the discharge of its function, the Audit

Committee conducted 7 (seven) meetings throughout 2008

with the Management and with External Auditor to discuss

issues related to the Company’s performance. A detailed

report of the activities of the Audit Committee is presented

on a separate Report of the Audit Committee on page 86-87

of this Annual Report.


The Internal Audit Department performs an internal control

function to ensure the effectiveness and reliability of

the Company’s internal control mechanisms, to add value to

the various business processes undertaken by the Company,

and to provide practical recommendations to improve

the quality of risk management and internal control at

the Company. The Internal Audit Department is directly

responsible to the Board of Directors, and provides a report

to the Audit Committee concerning the audit findings and

its follow-up actions. In performing its activities, the Internal

Audit Department is guided by an Internal Audit Charter,

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Departemen Audit Internal berpedoman kepada

Pedoman Dasar Audit Internal, dan menggunakan

pendekatan serta metodologi standar sebagaimana

diterapkan di perusahaan-perusahaan di lingkungan

Grup Kegiatan Departemen Audit Internal dilakukan

berdasarkan suatu rencana audit tahunan yang mengatur

fokus dan arah kegiatan audit pada tahun bersangkutan,

yang dikembangkan melalui konsultasi intensif dengan

Manajemen Perseroan. Hasil-hasil temuan audit, beserta

rekomendasi untuk langkah lanjutan apabila diperlukan,

dilaporkan kepada Direksi secara berkala. Bagian-bagian

yang membutuhkan perbaikan diidentifikasi dan langkah-

langkah lanjutan dilakukan untuk memastikan bahwa

rekomendasi telah dijalankan. Perseroan terus-menerus

berupaya untuk meningkatkan kinerja dari Departemen

Audit Internal, antara lain melalui pemenuhan jumlah

personil auditor yang memadai serta peningkatan

kompetensi individual para auditor Perseroan.

Perseroan memiliki personil-personil auditor yang telah

memperoleh sertifikasi Qualified Internal Auditor (QIA).


Manajemen risiko mempunyai peran yang vital dalam

menghadapi lingkungan bisnis yang terus berubah

secara dinamis, sehingga diperlukan langkah-langkah

yang sistematis dalam mengidentifikasi, mengukur,

mengevaluasi dan kemudian mengelola serta berupaya

mengurangi dampak berbagai faktor risiko yang ada

termasuk risiko strategis dan risiko operasional dalam

aktivitas bisnis perusahaan.

Salah satu alat yang digunakan dalam mengevaluasi risiko

adalah Control Self Assessment (CSA) yang menetapkan

dan membuat profil risiko yang dihadapi Perseroan secara

sistematis, dengan memetakan serta memprioritaskan

berbagai faktor risiko berdasarkan kemungkinan terburuk

yang dapat terjadi dan mengevaluasi dampaknya

and uses the standard audit methodologies and approaches

as used by companies within the Astra Group. The Internal

Audit department conducts its activities based on an

annual audit plan developed through intensive consultation

with the Management, and which sets the focus and

overall direction of audit activities for any respective year.

The audit findings, along with any recommendations for

follow-up actions where necessary, are regularly reported to

the Board of Directors. Areas that require improvement are

identified, and follow-up measures are undertaken to ensure

that recommendations have been properly implemented.

The Company continues to strive to improve the perfor-

mance of the Internal Audit Department, including by

ensuring that the department is equipped with adequate

numbers of internal audit personnel, and by continuously

improving the individual competence of internal auditors.

The Company employs internal auditors that have been

certified as Qualified Internal Auditor (QIA).


Risk management plays a vital role in the dynamic and

continuously changing business environment. In turn,

this requires a systematic framework in which to identify,

assess, evaluate, and then to manage and mitigate, possible

impacts from a variety of risk factors, including strategic

and operational risks that exist in the Company’s business


The Control Self Assessment (CSA) method is widely used as

a tool to systematically evaluate and determine the risk

profile of the Company by mapping out and prioritizing

identified risk factors based on a worst-case scenario, and

then evaluating the possible impact on shareholders’

value. Aside from being useful in enabling a comprehensive

perspective of risks across all operational aspects of

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terhadap nilai pemegang saham. Selain memberikan

perspektif komprehensif atas risiko di seluruh aspek

operasional Perseroan, aktivitas CSA juga memfasilitasi

perencanaan sumber daya yang dibutuhkan utuk

mengelola dan meminimalkan dampak risiko-risiko


Implementasi sistem CSA telah dilakukan secara bertahap

dimulai dari tingkat Korporasi dan Holding, dan hingga

akhir tahun 2008 telah diterapkan sampai tingkat

perusahaan afiliasi dengan tetap fokus pada perusahaan

konsolidasi seperti PT Century Batteries Indonesia,

PT Dirgamenara Nusadwipa, PT Gemala Kempa Daya,

PT Inti Ganda Perdana dan PT Wahana Eka Paramitra.

Selain implementasi CSA, dalam rangka pengembangan

manajemen risiko, perseroan juga telah memfasilitasi

beberapa aktivitas seperti implementasi whistleblower

dan Business Continuity Plan (BCP). Whistleblower

merupakan sarana penyampaian informasi alternatif

bagi karyawan dan diharapkan membantu Perseroan

dalam pengembangan tata kelola perusahaan yang

baik di lingkungan Perseroan. Di tahun 2008 kebijakan

whistleblower telah dibuat dan disosialisasikan ditingkat

Holding dan Korporasi.

the Company, the CSA also facilitates the proper planning

of needed resources in order to manage risks and mitigate

the impact of such risks.

CSA have been implemented in stages, beginning at

the Corporate and Holding Company level, and as at year-

end 2008 have been implemented at the level of affiliated

companies, with particular focus on the consolidated

companies. These include PT Century Batteries Indonesia,

PT Dirgamenara Nusadwipa, PT Gemala Kempa Daya,

PT Inti Ganda Perdana and PT Wahana Eka Paramitra.

In addition to the implementation of CSA, the Company

also strives to enhance its risk management capabilities

by facilitating certain activities such as the whistleblower

program, as well as through the development of a Business

Continuity Plan (BCP). The whistleblower program represents

an alternative information conduit for employees who are

expected to help improve the quality of corporate governance

practices within the Company. In 2008, a formal policy on

whistleblower was formulated and socialized at the Holding

and Corporate level.

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Business Continuity Plan (BCP) merupakan pedoman

untuk menjamin kelangsungan operasional perusahaan

saat terjadi suatu bencana atau sesuatu yang tidak

diharapkan sehingga kerugian karena bencana tersebut

dapat diminimalisir. Di tahun 2008 Perseroan telah

membuat buku manual dan melakukan sosialisasi BCP di

tingkat Holding.

Dengan demikian, Perseroan telah mencapai kemajuan

yang penting dalam upayanya menerapkan suatu

kerangka dan nilai tambah pada sistem Enterprise-wide

Risk Management yang dapat membantu menganalisa

serta mengidentifikasi berbagai risiko di semua level



Manajemen Perseroan telah mengidentifikasi lima faktor

risiko strategis, serta telah memformulasikan kebijakan

antisipatif sebagai upaya mengelola risiko-risiko tersebut,

sebagai berikut:

• PengembanganKompetensiBaru

Sebagian besar produk Perseroan saat ini berdasarkan

pada teknologi dan hak cipta yang dikembangkan oleh

mitra bisnis atau pelanggan OEM. Untuk mengurangi

ketergantungan terhadap teknologi-teknologi

semacam itu, Perseroan terus berupaya untuk

meningkatkan kemampuan desain produk, termasuk

mencari sumber-sumber teknologi yang cocok dari

perusahaan-perusahaan Penelitian dan Pengembangan

pihak ketiga untuk beberapa proyek atau jenis produk


The Business Continuity Plan has been developed to

ensure continuity of operations in the event of a disaster or

unexpected development, thus minimizing losses arising

from such a disaster. In 2008, the Company has published

a BCP manual that has been socialized at the Holding level.

With these developments, the Company has made important

strides and progress in its efforts to increase value through

the development of an Enterprise-wide Risk Management

framework that can assist in the analysis and identification

of various risk factors at all organizational and managerial

levels .


The Management of the Company has identified

the following five strategic risk factors, and has formulated

the necessary anticipatory policies and measures to manage

those risks, as follows:

• Development of New Competences

Most of the Company’s current products are based on

technology and patented processes developed and

owned by its partner companies or OEM customers.

To reduce the dependency on such technologies,

the Company continues to develop and improve its

product design and engineering capabilities, including

through sourcing the appropriate technologies from

independent Research & Development institutions for

certain projects or types of product.

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• KetergantunganpadaPelangganOEM

Pada tahun 2008, penjualan ke segmen OEM

menyumbang sekitar 43,9% dari total penjualan

Perseroan, sedangkan selebihnya adalah penjualan

ke segmen REM (41,4%) dan pasar ekspor (14,7%).

Untuk mengurangi risiko yang berkaitan dengan

ketergantungan pada segmen OEM, Perseroan

terus berupaya mengembangkan segmen REM dan

memperluas jalur pemasaran dan distribusi yang ada.

• PosisiMerek

Sebagian besar produk-produk komponen otomotif

Perseroan saat ini dijual dengan merek yang dimiliki

oleh mitra bisnis atau pelanggan OEM. Untuk

mengurangi risiko terkait kurangnya kontrol atas

merek-merek tersebut, Perseroan terus berupaya

untuk mengembangkan produk-produk dengan merek


• JalurDistribusi

Produk-produk komponen otomotif Perseroan

disalurkan ke pasar melalui beragam jalur distribusi.

Untuk wilayah pasar Jawa, Bali, dan Nusa Tenggara,

Perseroan memiliki sendiri perusahaan dealer untuk

wilayah tersebut, sehingga Perseroan dapat me-

ngontrol secara langsung distribusi dan aktivitas

pemasaran dari produk-produk Perseroan. Sedangkan

untuk wilayah pasar di luar wilayah tersebut, Perseroan

bekerja sama dan bersinergi dengan jaringan dealer

pihak ketiga.

• ManajemenSumberDayaManusia

Sumber daya manusia merupakan salah satu aset

terpenting Perseroan, dan Perseroan terus melakukan

investasi pada pengembangan kompetensi dan

keahlian para karyawannya. Dengan demikian,

Perseroan menghadapi risiko kehilangan keahlian

ketika karyawan tersebut meninggalkan Perseroan.

• Dependency on OEM Customers

In 2008, sales to the OEM segment contributes 43.9%

of the Company’s total sales, with the remainder

comprising of sales to the REM segment (41/4%) and to

export markets (14.7%). To reduce risks related to this

dependence on the OEM segment, the Company strives

to develop its REM segment and to expand its existing

marketing and distribution networks.

• Brand Position

Currently, the Company sells most of its automotive

component products under a variety of brand names

belonging to its partner companies or its OEM customers.

To reduce risks related to inadequate control over those

brands, the Company continues with efforts to develop

products under its own proprietary brands.

• Distribution Network

The Company distributes its automotive component

products to markets using a variety of distribution

channels and networks. For distribution in Java, Bali and

Nusa Tenggara, the Company operates through wholly

owned distributor companies, allowing direct control by

the Company over product distribution and marketing

in those areas. For all other areas, the Company relies

on building synergy with independent and third party

dealer networks.

• Human Resources Management

The Company continues to invest in developing the skills

and competences of its human resources as one of its

most valuable assets. Thus, the Company is exposed

to the risk of losing valuable competences should

the respective employee(s) leave the Company.

To mitigate this risk, the Company strives to retain key

personnel and their respective competences aboard,

through, among other things, the implementation of

a clearly defined career path system, regular evaluation

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Untuk mengurangi risiko tersebut, Perseroan berupaya

mempertahankan karyawan-karyawan kunci dan

keahlian yang mereka miliki, antara lain dengan

menerapkan sistem pengembangan jalur karir

karyawan yang jelas, mengevaluasi penghargaan kerja

kepada karyawan untuk memastikan tingkat gaji yang

kompetitif di industrinya, serta program-program

lain yang bertujuan untuk mempertahankan loyalitas



Tanggung jawab utama Sekretaris Perusahaan antara lain

adalah memastikan kepatuhan Perseroan pada peraturan

pasar modal serta terlaksananya aspek keterbukaan

informasi mengenai kondisi Perseroan terhadap otoritas

pasar modal, pemegang saham, dan masyarakat umum.

Dalam kapasitasnya tersebut, Sekretaris Perusahaan

bertindak sebagai penghubung antara Perseroan,

Bapepam-LK, bursa efek, media dan publik.

Jabatan Sekretaris Perusahaan saat ini dipegang oleh

Direktur Perseroan, Bapak Robby Sani.

Sehubungan dengan pelaksanaan aspek keterbukaan

informasi, sepanjang tahun 2008 Sekretaris Perusahaan

telah terlibat dalam berbagai aktivitas sebagai berikut:

1. Menyelenggarakan paparan publik pada tanggal

29 April 2008.

2. Berpartisipasi pada workshop Wartawan Pasar Modal

yang diadakan oleh PT Astra International Tbk,

di Bandung.

3. Berpartisipasi pada workshop Wartawan Perindustrian

dan Perdagangan yang diadakan oleh PT Astra

International Tbk, di Bandung.

4. Memastikan publikasi Laporan Keuangan Tahunan

dan triwulanan tepat pada waktunya sesuai dengan

peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh Bapepam-LK.

of employee remuneration to ensure competitiveness

with peer industries, and other such programs and

measures designed to enhance employee loyalty.


The primary responsibilities of the Corporate Secretary are,

among others, to ensure compliance with capital market

regulations and to promote transparency regarding

the disclosure of information on the Company’s condition

to capital market authorities, shareholders, and the general

public. In this capacity, the Corporate Secretary performs

a liaison function between the Company, Bapepam-LK,

the stock exchange, the mass media, and the public.

Mr. Robby Sani, a Director of the Company, currently holds

the office of Corporate Secretary.

With regards to aspects of information disclosure,

the Corporate Secretary was involved in various activities

throughout 2008, as follow:

1. Public expose on 29 April 2008.

2. Workshop for Capital Market Journalists conducted by

PT Astra International Tbk in Bandung.

3. Workshop for Industry and Trade Journalists conducted

by PT Astra International Tbk in Bandung.

4. Timely publication of quarterly and Annual Financial

Statements as required by Bapepam-LK regulations.

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5. Memberikan informasi kinerja keuangan triwulanan

Perseroan di website Perseroan.

6. Melaporkan penambahan kepemilikan saham di

PT Mopart Jaya Utama dari 71,7% menjadi 100%, pada

tanggal 24 Juli 2008.

7. Melaporkan perubahan sekretaris perusahaan kepada

Bapepam-LK dan mengumumkan kepada publik

melalui media cetak.

8. Menyampaikan informasi Perusahaan kepada publik

guna memenuhi ketentuan/peraturan Bapepam-LK.

9. Memberikan penjelasan kepada media massa in-

formasi mengenai Perseroan dan perkembangannya.

Selain melalui aktivitas-aktivitas tersebut di atas,

informasi mengenai Perseroan serta perkembangan yang

berpengaruh pada Perseroan juga tersedia untuk diakses

oleh masyarakat umum melalui website Perseroan,

dengan alamat


Sebagai perusahaan publik, laporan keuangan Perseroan

diaudit oleh akuntan publik yang independen.

Penunjukan akuntan publik dilakukan oleh Dewan

Komisaris, yang menerima wewenang tersebut dari

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham, sedangkan wewenang

untuk menentukan besarnya honorarium bagi

akuntan publik dimaksud dilimpahkan kepada Direksi.

Untuk mengaudit Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian

tahun buku 2008, Dewan Komisaris telah menunjuk

Kantor Akuntan Publik KAP Haryanto Sahari & Rekan

(member of PricewaterhouseCoopers). Laporan

Keuangan Konsolidasian Perseroan tahun buku 2007

diaudit oleh KAP Haryanto Sahari & Rekan (member of


5. Updating the quarterly financial performance

information posted at the Company’s website.

6. Reporting the share acquisition transaction in PT Mopart

Jaya Utama on 24 July 2008, whereby the Company’s

shareholding increased from 71.7% to 100%.

7. Reporting to Bapepam-LK on the appointment of

a new Corporate Secretary, which was also announced to

the general public through the print media.

8. Public disclosure of all pertinent information about

the Company in conformity with Bapepam-LK


9. Disclosing to the mass media pertinent information

about the Company and its business development.

Other than through such information disclosure activities,

information related to the Company and developments

affecting the Company were also available for public access

through the Company’s website at http://www.component.


As a publicly-listed entity, the Company’s financial state-

ments are audited by an independent public accountants

firm. The Board of Commissioners, as authorized by the GMS,

appoints such public accountant firm. The GMS also grants

the authorization to the Board of Directors to determine

the fees paid for the services of said public accountant

firm. The Board of Commissioners has appointed the Public

Accountant Firm (KAP) Haryanto Sahari & Partners (member

firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers) to perform the audit on the

Company’s Consolidated Financial Statements for fiscal year

2008. The Company’s Consolidated Financial Statements for

fiscal 2007 were audited by KAP Haryanto Sahari & Partners

(member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers).

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Perseroan memiliki komitmen untuk senantiasa

memastikan bahwa etika bisnis dan etika kerja diterapkan

di seluruh bagian operasional Perseroan. Melalui

komitmen tersebut, Perseroan berupaya agar sikap dan

perilaku manajemen dan karyawan dalam berhubungan

dengan mitra, relasi bisnis, pelanggan dan masyarakat

menerapkan prinsip-prinsip etika bisnis. Dan prinsip-

prinsip etika kerja diterapkan dalam sikap dan perilaku

karyawan dalam berhubungan dengan pihak-pihak di

dalam Perseroan.

Upaya untuk mensosialisasikan prinsip-prinsip etika

bisnis dan etika kerja di seluruh lapisan manajemen dan

karyawan Perseroan terus dilakukan secara konsisten dan

terarah, termasuk dengan menjadikannya sebagai bagian

integral dari program orientasi bagi karyawan baru.

Prinsip-prinsip tersebut diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan

bagi perilaku karyawan di tempat kerja, yang mencakup

hubungan antara karyawan dan atasan, hubungan antar

sesama karyawan, serta hubungan antara karyawan dan

pelanggan dan masyarakat.


Sesuai dengan keputusan RUPS Tahunan tanggal 29 April

2008, atas laba bersih Perseroan tahun buku 2007 sebesar

Rp 454,9 miliar, Perseroan membagikan dividen tunai

sebesar ±40% (empat puluh persen) dari laba bersih yaitu

sebesar Rp 181,2 miliar atau sebesar Rp 235,- (dua ratus

tiga puluh lima rupiah) per saham, dengan perhitungan

sebagai berikut:

a. Sebesar Rp 30,- (tiga puluh rupiah) per saham sebagai

dividen interim yang dibayarkan pada tanggal

9 Nopember 2007.


The Company has a firm commitment to ensure

the implementation of proper work and business ethics in

all of its operational activities. This commitment means that

the Management and employees uphold the highest

standards of business ethics in their relationships with

business partners, customers, and the public. Likewise,

employee attitude and behavior in all internal company

interactions shall be guided by established work ethics.

The Company continues to consistently socialize the conduct

of proper work and business ethics among the Management

and employees, including through the inclusion of these

principles in the work orientation program for new recruits.

Ultimately, these principles are expected to function as

guidelines for employees in their daily interactions at

the work place, with respect to the relations between

employee and superior, among colleagues at work, and

the relations between employee and the customers as well as

the public in general.


The Annual GMS of the Company on 29 April 2008 approved

the distribution of cash dividends of approximately 40%

out of the net income in fiscal 2007 of Rp 454.9 billion, or

amounting to Rp 181.2 billion, equating to Rp 235 (Rupiah

two hundred and thirty five) per share, as follows:

a. An interim dividend of Rp 30 (Rupiah thirty) per share

had already been paid on 9 November 2007.

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Tata Kelola PerusahaanGood Corporate Governance

b. Sebesar Rp 205,- (dua ratus lima rupiah) per saham

merupakan dividen final yang telah dibayarkan pada

tanggal 26 Juni 2008.

RUPS Tahunan tanggal 29 April 2008 telah memberikan

kewenangan kepada Direksi Perseroan untuk

melaksanakan pembagian dividen tunai tersebut, dan

Direksi telah melaksanakan penugasan tersebut dengan



Pada saat Laporan Tahunan ini dipublikasikan, Perseroan

tidak sedang terlibat dalam suatu kasus hukum yang

dapat berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kinerja

dan kondisi keuangan Perseroan.

b. A final dividend of Rp 205 (Rupiah two hundred and five)

per share had already been paid on 26 June 2008.

The Annual GMS on 29 April 2008 granted authorization to

the Board of Directors to execute the distribution of said cash

dividends, and the Board of Directors has duly carried out

the assignment.


As at the publication of this Annual Report, the Company is

not involved in any legal cases that may have a significant

impact on its business performance or financial condition.

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Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 0886

Laporan Komite AuditAudit Committee Report

Selama tahun 2008 hingga tanggal diterbitkannya Laporan Tahunan Perseroan, Komite Audit telah melakukan kegitan-kegiatan antara lain sebagai berikut:

Rapat tanggal 18 Pebruari 2008 dengan Direktur Keuangan PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, auditor eksternal – KAP Haryanto Sahari & Rekan, Departemen Audit Internal dan Akuntansi mengenai laporan keuangan konsolidasian tahun 2007 dan kegiatan audit internal.

Rapat tanggal 21 April 2008 dengan Direktur Keuangan PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, Departemen Audit Internal dan Akuntansi mengenai laporan keuangan konsolidasian triwulanan, kegiatan audit internal dan pengelolaan risiko.

Rapat tanggal 21 Juli 2008 dengan Direktur Keuangan PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, Departemen Audit Internal dan Akuntansi mengenai laporan keuangan konsolidasian triwulanan, kegiatan audit internal dan pengelolaan risiko.

Rapat tanggal 27 Oktober 2008 dengan Direktur Keuangan PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, Departemen Audit Internal dan Akuntansi mengenai laporan keuangan konsolidasian triwulanan, kegiatan audit internal dan pengelolaan risiko.

Rapat tanggal 31 Oktober 2008 dengan Direktur Keuangan PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, auditor eksternal – KAP Haryanto Sahari & Rekan, dan Departemen Akuntansi PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, membahas mengenai Client Service Plan dari auditor eksternal.

Rapat tanggal 15 Desember 2008 dengan Direktur Keuangan PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, auditor eksternal – KAP Haryanto Sahari & Rekan, dan Departemen Akuntansi PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, membahas mengenai hasil-hasil dari Hard Close Audit – per 31 Oktober 2008.

Rapat tanggal 18 Pebruari 2009 dengan Direktur Keuangan PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, auditor eksternal – KAP Haryanto Sahari & Rekan, Departemen Audit Internal dan Akuntasi mengenai laporan keuangan konsolidasian tahun 2008 dan kegiatan audit internal.

Selama tahun 2008 Komite Audit dan manajemen Perusahaan telah bekerja keras dalam mengembangkan dan menggali secara mendalam role internal audit, manajemen risiko, kontrol keuangan.

Throughout 2008, and up to the publication date of the Company’s Annual Report, the Audit Committee has engaged in the following activities:

Meeting on 18 February 2008, with the Finance Director, external auditor KAP Haryanto Sahari & Rekan, Internal Audit and the Accounting Department of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, to discuss issues of consolidated financial statements for fiscal 2007 and internal audit activities.

Meeting on 21 April 2008, with the Finance Director, Internal Audit and the Accounting Department of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, to discuss issues of quarterly Consolidated’s Financial Statement, internal audit activities and risk management.

Meeting on 21 July 2008, with the Finance Director, Internal Audit and the Accounting Department of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, to discuss issues of quarterly Consolidated’s Financial Statement, internal audit activities and risk management.

Meeting on 27 October 2008 , with the Finance Director, Internal Audit and the Accounting Department of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, to discuss issues of quarterly Consolidated’s Financial Statement, internal audit activities and risk management.

Meeting on 31 October 2008, with the Finance Director of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, external auditor KAP Haryanto Sahari & Rekan, and the Accounting Department of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, to discuss the Client Service Plan proposed by external auditor.

Meeting on 15 December 2008, with the Finance Director of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, , external auditor KAP Haryanto Sahari & Rekan, and the Accounting Department of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, to discuss the results of Hard Close Audit as of 31 October 2008.

Meeting on 18 February 2009, with the Finance Director, external auditor KAP Haryanto Sahari & Rekan, Internal Audit and the Accounting Department of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk to discuss issues of consolidated financial statements for fiscal 2008 and internal audit activities.

In 2008 the Audit Committee worked closely with company management in broadening and deepening the role of internal audit, risk management, and financial control.

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Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08 87

Dari Kiri ke Kanan • From Left to Right

Patrick Morris AlexanderKetua Chairman

Kanaka PuradiredjaAnggotaMember

Candelario Tambis AnggotaMember

Komite Audit menyatakan kepuasannya atas ketersediaan seluruh informasi yang dibutuhkan dari laporan keuangan konsolidasian yang telah diaudit untuk tahun yang berakhir 31 Desember 2008.

Demikian kami sampaikan Laporan Kegiatan Tahunan Komite Audit PT Astra Otoparts Tbk untuk diterima dengan baik.

Jakarta, April 2009

Patrick Morris AlexanderKetuaChairman

The Audit Committee is satisfied that the audited consolidated financial statements for the year end December 31, 2008 fully disclose all required information.

We hereby submit the Annual Activity Report of the Audit Committee of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk for your perusal.

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Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08 89

Laporan KeuanganFinancial Report


Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian31 Desember 2008 dan 2007

Consolidated Financial StatementsDecember 31, 2008 and 2007

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Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08 i

Data PerseroanCorporate Data

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08ii

Maruli GultomKomisaris IndependenIndependent CommissionerWarga Negara Indonesia, lahir tahun 1947, menjabat Komisaris PT Astra Otoparts Tbk sejak 2008, sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Wakil Presiden Komisaris PT Astra Otoparts Tbk (2007-2008), pernah juga menjabat diberbagai posisi yaitu sebagai Direktur PT Astra International Tbk (2005-2008) yang bertanggung jawab atas bidang usaha agribisnis dan teknologi informasi, beliau juga pernah menjabat sebagai Presiden Komisaris PT Astra Graphia Tbk sampai tahun 2008, Wakil Presiden Direktur PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk (1999-2000), Presiden Direktur PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk (2000-2008), karirnya di Astra Group dimulai ketika bergabung sebagai staf di Divisi Honda - PT Astra International, Inc. pada tahun 1970, dan sejak tahun 1988 pernah menjabat sebagai Direktur di beberapa anak perusahaan Grup Astra, Saat ini juga menjabat sebagai Advisor pada PT Triputra Agro Persada sejak Mei 2008, Komisaris Utama PT Perkebunan Negara V sejak Oktober 2008 dan sebagai Rektor Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI) sejak Desember 2008. Lulus dari Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, jurusan Teknik Mesin.

Indonesian citizen, born in 1947. Commissioner of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk since 2008. Previously, Vice President Commissioner of PT Astra Otoparts (2007-2008) and various positions such as Director of PT Astra International Tbk (2005-2008) responsible for the Agribusiness and Information Technology businesses, President Commissioner of PT Astra Graphia Tbk until 2008, Vice President Director of PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk. (1999-2000) and also its President Director (2000-2008). Joined PT Astra International Inc. – Astra Honda Sales Operation in 1970, and since 1988 has served as Director at several companies within the Astra Group. Concurrently also serves as Advisor of PT Triputra Agro Persada since May 2008, President Commissioner of PT Perkebunan Negara V since October and Lecturer at Universitas Kristen Indonesia since December 2008. Graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta.

Prijono SugiartoPresiden Komisaris President CommissionerWarga Negara Indonesia, lahir tahun 1960, menjabat Presiden Komisaris PT Astra Otoparts Tbk sejak tahun 2008, saat ini juga menjabat sebagai Direktur PT Astra International Tbk sejak tahun 2001 dan bertanggung jawab atas bidang usaha otomotif (Daihatsu, Isuzu, Nissan Diesel, Peugeot dan BMW) Astra Honda Group dan Astra Otoparts Group. Beliau juga menjabat sebagai Presiden Komisaris PT United Tractors Tbk, dan Presiden Komisaris PT Astra Honda Motor termasuk pernah menjabat sebagai Komisaris PT Astra Otoparts Tbk pada tahun 2003-2007, serta Wakil Ketua GAIKINDO. Karirnya di Astra Group dimulai sejak tahun 1990. Sebelumnya, beliau adalah Sales Engineering Manager di Daimler-Benz Indonesia. Menyandang gelar Dipl-Ing, dibidang Teknik Otomotif dari University of A. Sc. Konstanz, Jerman pada tahun 1984 dan gelar Dipl.-Wirtschaftsing dibidang Administrasi Niaga dari University of A. Sc. Bochum, Jerman pada tahun 1986.

Indonesian citizen, born in 1960. President Commissioner of PT Astra Otopart Tbk since 2008. Concurrently also serves as Director of PT Astra International Tbk since 2001 and responsible for Automotive business (Daihatsu, Isuzu, Nissan Diesel, Peugeot and BMW) of Astra Honda Group and Astra Otoparts Group. He is the President Commissioner of PT United Tractors Tbk, the President Commissioner of PT Astra Honda Motor and a Commissioner of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk in 2003-2007, as well as Vice Chairman of GAIKINDO (Association of Indonesian Automotive Industries). Joined Astra since 1990. Previously, Sales Engineering Manager at Daimler-Benz Indonesia. He graduated in Automotive Engineering from the University of A. Sc. Konstanz, Germany in 1984, and in Business Administration from the Univeristy of A. Sc. Bochum, Germany in 1986.

Profil Dewan KomisarisBoard of Commissioners Profile

Johnny Darmawan DanusasmitaWakil Presiden KomisarisVice President CommissionerWarga Negara Indonesia, lahir tahun 1952, menjabat Wakil Presiden Komisaris PT Astra Otoparts Tbk sejak tahun 2008, saat ini juga menjabat sebagai Direktur PT Astra International Tbk sejak tahun 2005 dan bertanggung jawab atas bidang usaha otomotif (Toyota) serta Komisaris PT Serasi Autoraya sejak April 2008, beliau juga menjabat sebagai Presiden Direktur PT Toyota Astra Motor sejak 2002 dan Wakil Presiden Direktur PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia. Sebelumnya beliau pernah menjabat sebagai Komisaris PT Astra Otoparts Tbk pada tahun 2005 sampai 2006. mengawali karirnya di Astra Group sejak tahun 1982, lulus dari Universitas Trisakti Jurusan Akuntansi.

Indonesian citizen, born in 1952. Vice President Commissioner of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk since 2008. Concurrently also serves as Director of PT Astra International Tbk since 2005 and is responsible for the Automotive business (Toyota) and Commissioner of PT Serasi Autoraya since April 2008, President Director of PT Toyota Astra Motor since 2002 and Vice President Director of PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indoneisa. Previously, Commissioner of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk from 2005 until 2006. His carrer in Astra Group began in 1982. Graduated with degree in Accountancy from Universitas Trisakti.

Tossin HimawanKomisaris IndependenIndependent CommissionerWarga Negara Indonesia, lahir tahun 1947. Komisaris PT Astra Otoparts Tbk sejak tahun 2008. Menjabat Direktur PT Astra International Tbk sejak Mei 2005 sampai Mei 2008, pernah menjabat sebagai Presiden Komisaris PT Astra Honda Motor, Presiden Komisaris PT Astra Otoparts Tbk dan Komisaris di PT Astra Graphia Tbk, PT Federal International Finance, dan PT Astra Sedaya Finance. Karirnya di Astra Group dimulai ketika bergabung dengan PT Federal Motor (sekarang PT Astra Honda Motor) pada tahun 1972, sampai menduduki jabatan Direktur Keuangan dan Administrasi PT Federal Motor (1987-1997). Kemudian menjabat sebagai Deputi Presiden Direktur di Bank Universal pada tahun 1997, Managing Director PT Federal Motor (1998-2000) dan Wakil Presiden Direktur PT Astra Honda Motor (2001-2007). Berpengalaman di bidang industri otomotif. Lulus dari Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Bandung, jurusan Administrasi Niaga.

Indonesian citizen, born in 1947. Commissioner of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk since 2008. Previously, served as Director of PT Astra International Tbk since May 2005 until May 2008, President Commissioner of PT Astra Honda Motor, President Commissioner of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk and as Commissioner of PT Astra Graphia Tbk, PT Federal International Finance, and PT Astra Sedaya Finance. His career in Astra Group began when he joined PT Federal Motor (the present PT Astra Honda Motor) in 1972, rising to the position of Finance and Administration Director of PT Federal Motor (1987-1997). Subsequently served as Deputy President Director of Bank Universal in 1997, Managing Director of PT Federal Motor (1998-2000) and Vice President Director of PT Astra Honda Motor (2001-2007). Wide experience in the automotive industry. Graduated with a degree in Business Administration from Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Bandung.

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Chiew Sin CheokKomisaris IndependenIndependent CommissionerWarga Negara Malaysia, lahir tahun 1961. Komisaris Independen PT Astra Otoparts Tbk sejak tahun 2007. Menjabat sebagai Group Finance Director di Jardine Cycle & Carriage sejak November 2006, setelah sebelumnya menjabat berbagai posisi keuangan di Jardine Matheson Group sejak pertama bergabung di tahun 1993. Saat ini juga menjabat sebagai Komisaris PT Astra International Tbk, Wakil Komisaris PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk, Direktur di Cycle & Carriage Bintang, dan anggota Komite Audit di PT Tunas Ridean Tbk. Anggota Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Meraih gelar Bachelor Science. (Ekonomi) dari London School of Economics dan Master of Science (Ekonomi) di bidang Management Science dari Imperial College, London, Inggris.

Malaysian citizen, born in 1961. Independent Commissioner of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk since 2007. He has been the Group Finance Director of Jardine Cycle & Carriage since November 2006, prior to which he held various finance positions in the Jardine Matheson Group which he joined in 1993. Concurrently also serves as Commissioner of PT Astra International Tbk, Vice President Commissioner of PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk, Director of Cycle & Carriage Bintang, and member of the Audit Committee of PT Tunas Ridean Tbk. Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Obtained a Bachelor degree in Economics from London School of Economics and a Master of Science degree in Economics from Imperial College, London, UK.

Muhamad Chatib BasriKomisaris IndependenIndependent CommissionerWarga Negara Indonesia, lahir tahun 1965. Komisaris Independen PT Astra Otoparts Tbk sejak tahun 2005. Saat ini juga menjabat Komisaris Independen PT Astra International Tbk. Pernah bekerja sebagai konsultan Bank Dunia, Aus Aid, United Nation Conference on Trade and Development, anggota Pacific Economic Outlook Forecasting Panel, dan Direktur Riset di Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia (LPEM-UI). Saat ini selain menjadi pengajar di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia (FEUI), juga menjadi Direktur LPEM-FEUI. Meraih gelar Master of Economic Development dan PhD. di bidang Ekonomi, keduanya dari Australian National University.

Indonesian citizen, born in 1965. Independent Commissioner of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk since 2005. Concurrently also serves as Independent Commissioner of PT Astra International Tbk. Previously worked for the World Bank, Aus Aid, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, member of the Pacific Economic Outlook Forecasting Panel, and Associate Director of Research at the Institute for Economic and Social Research Universitas Indonesia (LPEM UI). Currently, in addition to being a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Indonesia (FEUI), also serves as Director at LPEM-FEUI. Obtained a Master of Economics Development degree and a PhD. in Economics, both from the Australian National University.

Bambang TrisuloKomisarisCommissionerWarga Negara Indonesia, lahir tahun 1946. Menjabat sebagai Komisaris Independent PT Astra Otoparts Tbk. sejak tahun 2007. Saat ini, selain menjabat sebagai Komisaris PT Astra Nissan Diesel Indonesia, dan sebagai Komisaris PT Fuji Technica Indonesia, juga menjabat sebagai Ketua Umum GAIKINDO (Gabungan Industri Kendaraan Bermotor Indonesia) dan Presiden FOI (Federasi Otomotif Indonesia). Berkarir di lingkungan Astra Group sejak tahun 1973, antara lain sebagai Presiden Direktur PT Astra Nissan Diesel Indonesia (2000-2006), dan antara tahun 1980 hingga 2000, mempunyai jabatan rangkap sebagai Direktur diberbagai perusahaan otomotif Astra lainnya. Di ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), pernah menjabat sebagai President AAF (ASEAN Automotive Federation) dari tahun 2006-2008. Lulus dari Institute Technology Bandung, jurusan Teknik Mesin.

Indonesian citizen, born in 1946. Independent Commissioner of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk since 2007. Concurrently also serves as Commissioner of PT Astra Nissan Diesel Indonesia and PT Fuji Technica Indonesia, Chairman of GAIKINDO (Association of Indonesia Automotive Industries) and Chairman of FOI (Indonesian Automotive Federation). Pursued a career within the Astra Group since 1973, including serving as President Director of PT Astra Nissan Diesel Indonesia (2000-2006) and as Director at various Astra automotive companies between 1980 and 2000. At ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) serves as President of AAF (ASEAN Automotive Federation) from 2006-2008. Graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung.

Patrick Morris AlexanderKomisaris IndependenIndependent CommissionerWarga Negara Australia, lahir tahun 1953. Komisaris Independen dan Ketua Komite Audit PT Astra Otoparts Tbk sejak tahun 2007. Saat ini juga menjabat sebagai Direktur Sound Oil Plc., Direktur Archipelago Resources Plc., Komisaris Independen dan Ketua Komite Audit PT Astra International Tbk (2002-2008), Komisaris Independen dan Ketua Komite Audit PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk (2003-2007). Selain itu menjabat juga sebagai Managing Partner di Batavia Investment Management, dan partner di PT Ithabi Bara Utama. Lulus dari Fakultas Hukum, University of Western Australia.

Australian citizen, born in 1953. Independent Commissioner and Chairman of Audit Committee of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk since 2007. Concurrently also serves as Director of Sound Oil Plc., Director of Archipelago Resources Plc., Independent Commissioner and Chairman of Audit Committee of PT Astra International Tbk (2002-2008), Independent Commissioner and Chairman of Audit Committee of PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk (2003-2007). In addition, also serves as Managing Partner of Batavia Investment Management, and partner of PT Ithabi Bara Utama. Graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Western Australia.

Simon John MawsonKomisaris CommissionerWarga Negara Inggris, lahir tahun 1959. Komisaris PT Astra Otoparts Tbk sejak tahun 2007. Saat ini juga menjabat sebagai Group Treasurer di Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, serta Direktur di PT Astra International Tbk yang bertanggung jawab atas bidang Keuangan, Teknologi Informasi dan Manajemen Risiko Korporasi. Sebelumnya pernah berkarir di PriceWaterhouse di Leeds, London dan di Hong Kong. Anggota dari Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Menyelesaikan studi di bidang Modern History di Magdalen College, Oxford, dan meraih gelar Master of Arts dari Oxford University, Inggris.

British citizen, born in 1959. Commissioner of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk since 2007. Concurrently also serves as Group Treasurer of Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, and Director of PT Astra International Tbk responsible for Corporate Finance, Information Technology and Risk Management. Previously pursued a career with PriceWaterhouse at Leeds, London and Hong Kong. Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Studied Modern History at Magdalen College, Oxford, and obtained a Master of Arts degree from Oxford University, UK.

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Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08iv

Djangkep Budhi SantosoDirekturDirectorWarga Negara Indonesia, lahir tahun 1960. Direktur PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk sejak tahun 2007, saat ini juga menjabat sebagai Presiden Direktur di PT Nusa Keihin Indonesia, PT NHK Gasket Indonesia, PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing, Wakil Presiden Direktur PT Federal Nittan Industries, Direktur PT Kayaba Indonesia. Sebelumnya pernah menjabat Wakil Presiden Direktur PT FSCM Manufacturing Indonesia (2000-2003), Direktur PT Aisin Indonesia (1993-2000), Presiden Direktur PT Menara Terus Makmur (2000-2003). Sarjana jurusan Teknik Elektro lulusan Universitas Trisakti, dan lulusan Magister Manajemen STIE Gunung Sewu.

Indonesian citizen, born in 1960. Director of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk since 2007. Concurrently also serves as President Director of PT Nusa Keihin Indonesia, PT NHK Gasket Indonesia, PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing, Vice President Director of PT Federal Nittan Industries, Director of PT Kayaba Indonesia. Previously served as Vice President of PT FSCM Manufacturing Indonesia (2000-2003), Director of PT Aisin Indonesia (1993-2000), President Director of PT Menara Terus Makmur (2000-2003). Graduated with a degree Electrical Engineering from Universitas Trisakti, and a Magister degree in Marketing Management from STIE Gunung Sewu.

Profil DireksiBoard of Directors Profile

Eduardus Paulus SupitPresiden Direktur President DirectorWarga Negara Indonesia, lahir tahun 1955. Presiden Direktur PT Astra Otoparts Tbk sejak tahun 2007. Presiden Direktur PT Asuransi Astra Buana (1999-2007). Managing Director PT Astra Nissan Diesel Indonesia (1997-1999). Chief Executive PT Astra International Tbk – Overseas Operation (1997-1999), Managing Director Astra Credit Companies (1993-1997) dan Managing Director Astra Card (1991-1993). Director Astra Credit Companies (1988-1991). Sarjana jurusan Teknik Sipil lulusan Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Indonesian citizen, born in 1955. President Director of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk since 2007. Previously served as President Director of PT Asuransi Astra Buana (1999-2007), Managing Director of PT Astra Nissan Diesel Indonesia (1997-1999), Chief Executive Astra International – Overseas Operation (1997-1999), Managing Director of Astra Credit Companies (1993-1997) and Managing Director of Astra Card (1991-1993). Director of Astra Credit Companies (1988-1991). Graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Leonard LembongWakil Presiden Direktur Vice President DirectorWarga Negara Indonesia, lahir tahun 1954. Wakil Presiden Direktur PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk sejak tahun 2001. Direktur PT Astra Otoparts Tbk sejak 1999. Presiden Direktur PT GS Battery sejak 1995 dan Presiden Direktur PT Century Batteries Indonesia sejak 1996. Pernah menjabat sebagai Direktur PT Denso Indonesia (1992-1995). Wakil Presiden Direktur PT Denso Indonesia (2006-2007) dan Wakil Presiden Direktur PT Tri Dharma Wisesa (2006-2007). Sarjana jurusan Teknik Mesin lulusan Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Indonesian citizen, born in 1954. Vice President Director of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk since 2001. Director of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk since 1999. Concurrently also serves as President Director of PT GS Battery since 1995 and President Director of PT Century Batteries Indonesia since 1996. Previously served as Director of PT Denso Indonesia (1992-1995), Vice President Director of PT Denso Indonesia (2006-2007) and Vice President Director of PT Tri Dharma Wisesa (2006-2007). Graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Gustav A. HuseinDirektur DirectorWarga Negara Indonesia, lahir tahun 1955. Direktur PT Astra Otoparts Tbk sejak tahun 2005. Saat ini juga menjabat sebagai Presiden Direktur PT Dirgamenara Nusadwipa sejak tahun 2005, Wakil Presiden Direktur PT Tri Dharma Wisesa sejak tahun 2007, Direktur PT Kayaba Indonesia sejak tahun 2005, Direktur PT DIC Astra Chemical sejak tahun 2005 dan Chief Operation Officer PT Astra Otoparts Tbk - Divisi Winteq sejak tahun 2006. Pernah menjabat sebagai Presiden Direktur PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing (2002-2007) dan Wakil Presiden Direktur PT Federal Nittan Industries (1999-2007). Sarjana jurusan Teknik Mesin lulusan Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Indonesian citizen, born in 1955. Director of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk since 2005. Concurrently also serves as President Director of PT Dirgamenara Nusadwipa since 2005, Vice President Director of PT Tri Dharma Wisesa since 2007, Director of PT Kayaba Indonesia since 2005, Director of PT DIC Astra Chemical since 2005, and Chief Operations Officer PT Astra Otoparts Tbk - Winteq Division since 2006. Previously served as President Director of PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing (2002-2007) and Vice President Director of PT Federal Nittan Industries (2001-2007). Graduated with a degree in Industrial Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung.

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Darmawan WidjajaDirekturDirectorWarga Negara Indonesia, lahir tahun 1964. Direktur PT Astra Otoparts Tbk sejak tahun 2008, Direktur PT Astra Graphia Tbk (2007-2008), Wakil Presiden Direktur PT SCS Astragraphia Technologies (2007-2008), Human Resources Division PT Astra International Tbk (2006-2007), Direktur PT Bank Permata Tbk (2006), Presiden Direktur PT Astra Credit Companies (2002-2006). Lulus dari University New South Wales, Australia, meraih Bachelor of Science (Information System) tahun 1987.

Indonesian citizen, born in 1964. Director of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk since 2008. Previously served as Director of Astra Graphia Tbk (2007-2008), Vice President Director of PT SCS Astragraphia Technologies (2007-2008), Human Resources Division of PT Astra International Tbk (2006-2007), Director of PT Bank Permata Tbk (2006), President Director of PT Astra Credit Companies (2002-2006). He Obtained a Bachelor of Science (Information System) from University New South Wales, Australia, 1987.

Widodo Eko RijantoDirekturDirectorWarga Negara Indonesia, lahir tahun 1952. Direktur PT Astra Otoparts Tbk sejak tahun 2008, Direktur Toyota Karawang Plant (1999-2008), Division Head Stamping Plant PT Toyota Astra Motor (1996 -1998), PT Astra Semiconductor – BATAM (1993-1996), Division Head Casting Plant PT Toyota Astra Motor (1990 -1993). Lulus dari Universitas Diponegoro Semarang, Teknik Kimia tahun 1980.

Indonesian citizen, born in 1952. Director of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk since 2008. Previously served as Director of Toyota Karawang Plant (1999-2008), Division Head Stamping Plant of PT Toyota Astra Motor (1996 -1998), PT Astra Semiconductor – BATAM (1993-1996), Division Head Casting Plant of PT Toyota Astra Motor (1990 -1993). Graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from Universitas Diponegoro, 1980.

Dandy SoelipDirekturDirectorWarga Negara Indonesia, lahir tahun 1955. Direktur PT Astra Otoparts Tbk sejak tahun 2008, Direktur PT Federal International Finance ( 2007-2008), General Manager PT Astra Honda Motor (2000-2007), Kepala Cabang PT Astra International Tbk - HSO Semarang (1997-1999), Kepala Cabang PT Astra International Tbk - HSO Denpasar (1993-1996). Lulus dari Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Kemasyarakatan Jurusan Manajemen, Universitas Katholik Atmajaya tahun 1980.

Indonesian citizen, born in 1955. Director of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk since 2008. Previously served as Director of PT Federal International Finance (2007-2008), General Manager of PT Astra Honda Motor (2000-2007), Branch Manager of PT Astra International Tbk - HSO Semarang (1997-1999), Branch Manager of PT Astra International Tbk - HSO Denpasar (1993-1996). Graduated from the Faculty of Social Studies majoring in Management, Universitas Katholik Atmajaya, 1980.

Robby SaniDirekturDirectorWarga Negara Indonesia, lahir tahun 1956. Direktur PT Astra Otoparts Tbk sejak tahun 2008, Direktur PT Bank Permata Tbk ( 2006-2008), Direktur PT Serasi Auto Raya (2005-2006), Presiden Direktur PT Karsa Surya Indonesia (2003-2005), Direktur & Komisaris di beberapa anak perusahaan Astra (2003-2008). Meraih gelar Master of Laws (LL.M) dari Washington College of Laws tahun 1987, lulus Program Notariat Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia tahun 1990 dan Sarjana Hukum dari Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gajah Mada tahun 1981.

Indonesian citizen, born in 1956. Director of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk since 2008. Previously served as Director of PT Bank Permata Tbk (2006-2008), Director of PT Serasi Auto Raya (2005-2006), President Director of PT Karsa Surya Indonesia (2003-2005), Director & Commissioner at subsidiaries of Astra Companies (2003-2008). Obtained a Master of Laws (LL.M) degree from Washington College of Laws in 1987, graduated from the Notary Program, Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia in 1990, and obtained a Bachelor degree in Law from the Faculty of Law, Universitas Gajah Mada in 1981.

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Profil Komite AuditAudit Committee Profile

Kanaka PuradiredjaAnggota MemberWarga Negara Indonesia, lahir tahun 1944. Anggota Komite Audit PT Astra Otoparts Tbk sejak tahun 2007. Mantan Senior Partner di KAP Kanaka Puradiredja, Robert Yogi, Suhartono dan mantan Managing Partner dan Chairman di KPMG Indonesia. Saat ini menjabat sebagai Ketua Dewan Pengurus Ikatan Komite Audit dan Ketua Majelis Kehormatan Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia. Pernah menjabat juga sebagai anggota Komite Audit di berbagai perusahaan termasuk PT Astra International Tbk (2002-2008), PT Federal International Finance (2004-2006), PT Astra Sedaya Finance (2004-2008), dan PT Indocement Tbk. Lulusan Fakultas Ekonomi jurusan Akuntansi, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung.

Indonesian citizen, born in 1944. Member of the Audit Committee of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk since 2007. Former Senior Partner of KAP Kanaka Puradiredja, Robert Yogi, Suhartono and former Managing Partner and Chairman of KPMG Indonesia. Concurrently also serves as Chairman of the Executive Board of Association of Audit Committee (Ikatan Komite Audit) and Chairman of the Honorary Board of Indonesia Association of Accountants (Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia). Previously, served as member of the Audit Committee with several companies including PT Astra International Tbk (2002-2008), PT Federal International Finance (2004-2006), PT Astra Sedaya Finance (2004-2008), and PT Indocement Tbk. Graduated from the faculty of Economics with a major in Accountancy from Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung.

Candelario TambisAnggota MemberWarga Negara Indonesia, lahir tahun 1936. Anggota Komite Audit PT Astra Otoparts Tbk sejak tahun 2007. Presiden Direktur dari PT C. Tambis & Co., perusahaan konsultan investasi dan manajemen. Menjabat juga sebagai Presiden Komisaris PT Ferrarimas Italindo, serta sebagai anggota Komite Audit di PT Astra Graphia Tbk (2002-2008), PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk (2007-2009), PT United Tractors Tbk (2003-2007), PT Serasi Autoraya (2008-2010). Sarjana Business Administration jurusan Akuntansi, memiliki lisensi dari Pemerintah Filipina sebagai Certified Public Accountant dan lisensi dari Pemerintah Republik Indonesia sebagai Penasehat Investasi.

Indonesian citizen, born in 1936. Member of the Audit Committee of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk since 2007. President Director of PT C. Tambis & Co., an investment and management consultancy company. Concurrently also serves as President Commissioner of PT Ferrarimas Italindo, and as member of the Audit Committee of PT Astra Graphia Tbk (2002-2008), PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk (2007-2009), PT United Tractors Tbk (2003-2007), PT Serasi Autoraya (2008-2010). Graduated with a degree in Business Administration with an Accountancy major, holder of a Certified Public Accountant license from the Government of the Philippines and an Investment Advisor license from the Government of Indonesia.

Patrick Morris AlexanderKetua ChairmanWarga Negara Australia, lahir tahun 1953. Komisaris Independen dan Ketua Komite Audit PT Astra Otoparts Tbk sejak tahun 2007. Saat ini juga menjabat sebagai Direktur Sound Oil Plc., Direktur Archipelago Resources Plc., Komisaris Independen dan Ketua Komite Audit PT Astra International Tbk (2002-2008), Komisaris Independen dan Ketua Komite Audit PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk (2003-2007). Selain itu menjabat juga sebagai Managing Partner di Batavia Investment Management, dan partner di PT Ithabi Bara Utama. Lulus dari Fakultas Hukum, University of Western Australia.

Australian citizen, born in 1953. Independent Commissioner and Chairman of Audit Committee of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk since 2007. Concurrently also serves as Director of Sound Oil Plc., Director of Archipelago Resources Plc., Independent Commissioner and Chairman of Audit Committee of PT Astra International Tbk (2002-2008), Independent Commissioner and Chairman of Audit Committee of PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk (2003-2007). In addition, also serves as Managing Partner of Batavia Investment Management, and partner of PT Ithabi Bara Utama. Graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Western Australia.

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Sejarah SingkatBrief History

1976Berdiri sebagai PT Alfa Delta Motor, sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri otomotif, perakitan mesin, dan konstruksi. Pemilik dari perusahaan ini adalah William Soeryadjaja dan PT Djaya Pirusa.

Founded as PT Alfa Delta Motor with businesses in the auto trading industry, the assembly of machinery, and construction. PT Alfa Delta was owned by William Soeryadjaja and PT Djaya Pirusa.

PT Alfa Delta Motor berubah nama menjadi PT Pacific Western.

PT Alfa Delta Motor changed its name into PT Pacific Western.


1981PT Astra International Inc. membeli saham PT Summa Surya di PT Menara Alam Teknik.

PT Astra International Inc. took over PT Summa Surya’s shares in PT Menara Alam Teknik.

1983PT Pacific Western berubah nama menjadi PT Menara Alam Teknik dan berganti kepemilikan, menjadi milik PT Summa Surya, PT Windu Tri Nusantara dan PT Multivest.

PT Pacific Western changed its name into PT Menara Alam Teknik and changed the owners to PT Summa Surya, PT Windu Tri Nusantara, and PT Multivest.


PT Astra International Inc. mengambil alih seluruh saham PT Menara Alam Teknik, dan merubah nama PT Menara Alam Teknik menjadi PT Menara Alam Pradipta.

PT Astra International Inc. took over all of the shares, and changed the name of PT Menara Alam Teknik into PT Menara Alam Pradipta.

Di awal tahun PT Menara Alam Pradipta berubah nama menjadi PT Astra Pradipta Internusa. Bulan Juli 1996, bergabung dengan beberapa perusahaan Astra dan berubah nama menjadi PT Federal Adiwira Serasi. PT Federal Adiwira Serasi bergerak di bidang manufaktur dan perdagangan metal dan plastik. Bulan Desember 1996, PT Federal Adiwira Serasi berubah nama menjadi PT Astra Dian Lestari, di mana 97% sahamnya dimiliki oleh PT Astra International Tbk.

Early in the year, PT Menara Alam Pradipta changed its name into PT Astra Pradipta Internusa. In July 1996, it merged with several Astra Group companies and changed its name into PT Federal Adiwira Serasi. PT Federal Adiwira Serasi’s businesses were in manufacturing and trading in metal and plastic parts. In December 1996, PT Federal Adiwira Serasi changed its name into PT Astra Dian Lestari, which was 97% owned by PT Astra International Tbk.


1997PT Astra Dian Lestari berubah nama menjadi PT Astra Otoparts.

PT Astra Dian Lestari changed its name into PT Astra Otoparts.

PT Astra Otoparts menjadi Perusahaan Publik dengan mencatatkan sahamnya di Bursa Efek Jakarta, dengan kode transaksi: AUTO.

PT Astra Otoparts publicly listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange, with transaction code: AUTO.


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Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08viiiPT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08viii

Struktur OrganisasiOrganisational Structure


Corporate Internal Audit Heri Purnomo

Corporate Human Resources Dev. Widodo E. Rijanto

Corporate Group Services, EHS & Corp. Social Responsibility Sugito

Corporate Secretary, Public Relation, Legal Robby Sani

Corporate Finance & Support Darmawan Widjaja

Finance Operation & Administration Rianawati Widjaja

Investor Relation Darmawan Widjaja

Corp. Information Technology & Business Process Improvement Darmawan Widjaja

Logistic Division Harry Widjaja

Technology & Engineering Gustav A. Husein


IP & Product Development Djangkep B. Santoso

Domestic Sales Operation Divison Ferry Rampengan

Retail Division Dandy Soelip

Adiwira Plastik Division Djangkep B. Santoso

Nusa Metal Division Djangkep B. Santoso

Winteq Division Gustav A. Husein

Eduardus P. Supit

Widodo E. Rijanto

Darmawan Widjaja

Robby Sani

Gustav A. Husein

Djangkep B. Santoso

Domestic Trading Operation DIC : Dandy Soelip

International Sales Operation DIC : Eduardus P. Supit

Manufacturing Operations DIC : Leonard Lembong

International Sales Operation Division Eduardus P. Supit




President Commissioner Prijono SugiartoVice President Commissioner Johnny Darmawan DanusasmitaCommissioner Tossin Himawan Maruli Gultom Simon J. Mawson Bambang Trisulo Chiew Sin Cheok Patrick M. Alexander Muhamad Chatib Basri

President Director Eduardus Paulus Supit Vice President Director Leonard LembongDirector Djangkep B. Santoso Widodo E. Rijanto Darmawan Widjaja Robby Sani Gustav A. Husein Dandy Soelip


Eduardus P. Supit


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Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08 ix





PT Astrindo Jaya Sentosa

PT Astra Komponen Indonesia

PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa

PT Anugerah Paramitra Motorpart

PT Banjar Jaya Sentosa

PT Mopart Jaya Utama

Astra Otoparts Australia Pty Ltd

PT Dirgamenara Nusadwipa

PT DIC Astra Chemicals

PT GS Battery

PT Denso Indonesia Corp.

PT Aisin Indonesia

PT AT Indonesia

PT Century Batteries Indonesia

PT Inti Ganda Perdana

PT Gemala Kempa Daya

PT Wahana Eka Paramitra

PT Menara Terus Makmur

PT EDS Manufacturing Indonesia

PT Toyoda Gossei Safety Systems Indonesia

PT FSCM Manufacturing Indonesia

PT Indokarlo Perkasa

PT Kayaba Indonesia

PT Tri Dharma Wisesa

PT Federal Nittan Industries

PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing

PT NHK Gasket Indonesia

PT Nusa Keihin Indonesia

PT SKF Indonesia

Trading Business UnitsEduardus P. Supit

Manufacturing IWidodo E. Rijanto

Trading IIEduardus P. Supit

Trading IDandy Soelip

Manufacturing IIDjangkep B. Santoso

Manufacturing Business UnitsLeonard Lembong

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Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08x

Informasi Pemegang SahamShareholders Information

Modal Saham (per tanggal 31 Desember 2008):Capital stock (as of 31 december 2008):Modal Dasar:Rp terbagi atas saham, dengan nilai nominal sebesar Rp 500 per saham

Modal Di tempatkan dan Disetor Penuh:771.157.280 saham dengan nilai nominal Rp 385.578.640.000, yaitu:a. PT Astra International Tbk (724.163.114 saham)b. Publik (46.994.166 saham)

Pusat Informasiinformation CentrePertanyaan pemegang saham dan publik dapat dialamatkan kepada:

Departemen Hubungan InvestorJl. Raya Pegangsaan Dua Km. 2,2Kelapa Gading, Jakarta 14250IndonesiaTel. : (62-21) 460-3550, 460-7025Fax : (62-21) 460-3549, 460-7009E-mail : [email protected]

Biro Administrasi Efekshare Register BureauPT Raya Saham Registra merupakan biro administrasi efek dari saham PT Astra Otoparts Tbk. Semua pertanyaan pemegang saham terdaftar yang berkenaan dengan dividen, kehilangan, atau kecurian sertifikat saham, penggantian alamat, dan hal-hal lainnya yang berhubungan dengan status pendaftaran pemegang saham dapat dialamatkan kepada:

PT Raya Saham RegistraGedung Plaza Sentral, Lt. 2Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 47-48Jakarta 12930Tel. : (62-21) 252-5666Fax : (62-21) 252-5028

Bursa Efekstock exchangeSaham PT Astra Otoparts Tbk (kode transaksi: AUTO) dicatat dan diperdagangkan di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI).

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunanannual General Meeting of shareholdersRapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan PT Astra Otoparts Tbk tahun buku 2007 diselenggarakan pada tanggal 29 April 2008 bertempat di Hotel Gran Melia, Jakarta.

Paparan Publikpublic exposePaparan Publik PT Astra Otoparts Tbk tahun 2007 diselenggarakan pada tanggal 29 April 2008 bertempat di Hotel Gran Melia, Jakarta.

authorized Capital:Rp 1,000,000,000,000 divided into 2,000,000,000 with nominal value Rp 500 per share

issued and paid up Capital:771,157,280 shares at par value of Rp 385,578,640,000 held by:a. PT Astra International Tbk (724,163,114shares)b. Public (46,994,166 shares)

Shareholders and public inquiries may be addressed to:

investor Relations departmentJl. Raya Pegangsaan Dua Km. 2,2Kelapa Gading, Jakarta 14250IndonesiaTel. : (62-21) 460-3550, 460-7025Fax : (62-21) 460-3549, 460-7009E-mail : [email protected]

PT Raya Saham Registra is the share register for PT Astra Otoparts Tbk shares. All listed shareholders queries related to dividends, loss or theft of shares certificates, change of address and other matters pertaining to the status of shareholders registration may be addressed to:

pt Raya saham RegistraGedung Plaza Sentral, 2nd Fl.Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 47-48Jakarta 12930Tel. : (62-21) 252-5666Fax : (62-21) 252-5028

The common stock of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk (transaction code: AUTO) is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).

PT Astra Otoparts Tbk’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for 2007 was held on 29 April 2008 at Gran Melia Hotel, Jakarta.

Public Expose PT Astra Otoparts Tbk for 2007 was held on 29 April 2008 at Gran Melia Hotel, Jakarta.

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Keterangan / description 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Dividen untuk tahun buku Dividend for fiscal year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Dividen per saham (Rp) Dividend per share (Rp) 85 50 60 100 75 235

Jumlah lembar sahamTotal shares 750,304,780 757,372,280 771,157,280 771,157,280 771,157,280 771,157,280

Jumlah dividen yang dibayarkan (Rp)Total dividend payment (Rp) 63,775,906,300 37,868,614,000 46,269,436,800 77,115,728,000 57,836,796,000 181,221,960,800

Pengumuman pembagian dividenAnnouncement of dividend payment 29 April 2003 21 April 2004 26 April 2005 26 April 2006 3 May 2007 29 April 2008

Tanggal pembayaranPayment date

- Dividen interim/Interim dividend - - - - 28 Nov 2006 9 Nov 2007 - Dividen final/Final dividend 24 June 2003 30 June 2004 21 June 2005 23 June 2006 29 June 2007 26 June 2008

Rasio dividen terhadap laba bersihDividend payout ratio 25% 18% 21% 28% 21% 40%

Jumlah Saham Beredar total shares issued

Opsi Pemilikan Saham Karyawan employee stock option


Jumlah SahamNumber of Share

Nilai Nominal (dalam juta Rp)Nominal (in million Rp)

Jumlah SahamNumber of Share

Nilai Nominal (dalam juta Rp)Nominal (In million Rp)

31 Dec 1998 749,930,280 374,965 - - 31 Dec 1999 749,930,280 374,965 - - 31 Dec 2000 749,930,280 374,965 - - 31 Dec 2001 749,930,280 374,965 - - 31 Dec 2002 749,930,280 374,965 - - 31 Dec 2003 755,341,280 377,671 5,411,000 2,706 31 Dec 2004 767,978,280 383,989 12,637,000 6,319 31 Dec 2005 771,157,280 385,579 3,179,000 1,590 31 Dec 2006 771,157,280 385,579 - - 31 Dec 2007 771,157,280 385,579 - -31 Dec 2008 771,157,280 385,579 - -

Kebijakan Dividen PT Astra Otoparts TbkDividend Policy of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Jumlah Sahamnumber of shares %

PT Astra International Tbk 724,163,114 93.91%Public (below 5% each) 46,994,166 6.09%Including Commissioners and Directors:

- Maruli Gultom (Komisaris/Commissioner) 10,000 - Leonard Lembong (Wakil Presiden Direktur/Vice President Director) 281,000 - Gustav Afdhol Husein (Direktur/Director) 1,000

Total 771,157,280 100.00%

Pemegang Saham (Per 31 December 2008)Share Ownership (As of 31 December 2008)

Kronologis Saham Share Chronology

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No. Dealer Address Telephone Facsimile


1 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa

SO Pusat Barat Jl. Danau Sunter Utara Raya Blok C-1 no. 5-5A, Jakarta 021-65830815 021-65830812

SO Utara Timur Jl. Raya Gading Kirana Timur Blok A13 no. 26, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta

021-4516088 021-4534584

SO Selatan Jl. RS Fatmawati no. 41, Jakarta 021-7690432 021-7690208

SO Serpong Jl. Pahlawan Seribu no. 8H, Bumi Serpong Damai, Tangerang

021-53152216, 021-53152218


SO Serang Ruko Kepandehan 3B, Jl. Raya Serang Cilegon, Legok Sukmajaya, Serang

0254-215700, 0254-215800


SO Bogor Ruko Pandu Raya Blok D-7, Tanah Baru Tegal Gundil, Bogor

0251-8379803, 0251-8335429


SO Bekasi Ruko Villa Galaxy, Jl. Pulo Ribung Raya AR-1, Jakasetia, Bekasi

021-82418239, 021-82418925


SO Bandung Jl. Cibolerang Baru no. 203 Kav. 5 Kopo, Bandung, Jawa Barat

022-5424643, 022-5425683


SO Tasikmalaya Jl. Mayor SL Tobing no.39 Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat 0265-313688 0265-313677

SO Cirebon Jl. Ahmad Yani no. 48 Cirebon, Jawa Barat 0231-248065, 0231-248022


SO Semarang Jl. Majapahit no. 84 RT.005/RW.01, Pandean Lamper, Semarang

024-76725560 024-76725564

SO Purwokerto Jl. S. Parman 1549-C (Belakang Toko Rakyat), Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah

0281-643101 0281-643104

SO Yogyakarta Jl. Magelang Km. 7,2 Dusun Mlati Yogyakarta 0274-4362461, 0274-7104266


SO Solo Ruko Plaza Eceran Blok CA-33 Jl. Raya Solo Permai, Solo Baru, Solo

0271-626820 0271-626826

SO Surabaya Jl. Surowongso no. 359 RT. 04/RW. 01, Gedangan, Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur

031-8916899 031-8911199

SO Kediri Jl. K.H. Agus Salim no. 116 Bandar Kidul Kediri, Jawa Timur

0354-779299, 0354-778687


SO Jember Jl. Teuku Umar 67-A Jember, Jawa Timur 0331-338831, 0331-338852


SO Malang Jl. MT Haryono 133/8 Malang, Jawa Timur 0341-558169 0341-577368

SO Madiun Jl. Urip Sumoharjo 100 Madiun, Jawa Timur 0351-467777 0351-467776

SO Denpasar Jl. Gatot Subroto Timur no. 39 Denpasar, Bali 0361-461777, 0361-461598


2 PT Meka Adipratama

Cabang Semarang Jl. Puspowarno Tengah no. 7,8,11 Semarang 024-7603001, 024-7603002


Cabang Yogyakarta Jl. Parangtritis no. 139B, Brontokusuman, Kec. Mergangsan, Yogyakarta

0274-382613 0274-418514

Main Dealer of PT Astra Otoparts TbkDomestic Sales Operation Division


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No. Dealer Address Telephone Facsimile


3 PT Capella Patria Utama

Cabang Medan Jl. Sekip Baru no.13,15,17, Medan 20112 061-4524211 061-4529400, 061-4145381

Cabang Pekanbaru Jl. Soekarno Hatta no.57, Kel. Labu Baru, Pekanbaru 28291 0761-587321, 0761-588000

0761-587300, 0761-857800

Cabang Padang Jl. Bypass Baru Km.6, Kel. Tanjung Sara, Padang 25224 0751-775733, 0751-775734


Cabang Palembang Jl. Sako Raya no.5A, Kel. Sako Kenten, Palembang 30251 0711-813041, 0711-813042


Cabang Lampung Jl. Laksamana Malahayati no. 146 C-D, Teluk Betung, Bandar Lampung

0721-489857, 0721-489858


4 CV Prima Mustika Agung Jl. RE Martadinata no. 97, Pangkal Pinang, Bangka 33128 0717-423630, 0717-431691



5 PT Bintang Putra Autoparts Jl. Pak Kasih no. 38, Pontianak 78112 0561-766519, 0561-766520


6 PT Gutrado Utama Trading Jl. Jendral A. Yani 34-A/III, Banjarmasin 70233 0511-3267920 0511-3267966, 0511-3254940

7 PT Aneka Mekar Jl. Sudimampir no. 3-A, Banjarmasin 0511-3353745 0511-3353745

8 PT Harapan Jaya Sentosa Abadi Jl. Jendral A. Yani no.110-A, Banjarmasin 70233 0511-3268548, 0511-3251810


9 PT Graha Arta Kaltim Sentosa Jl. Ir. Sutami Blok J no. 9, Kompleks, Pergudangan, Samarinda 75126

0541-274542, 0541-274543


10 PT Kumala Central Partindo Jl. Sutoyo S. no. 144 RT.08, Banjarmasin 70118 0511-4417127, 0511-4416579



11 CV Aneka Gemilang Jl. Dotu Lolong Lasut no. 20, Manado 95122 0431-863035 0431-863720

12 PT Mutiara Denso Sejati Jl. Jendral Sudirman 4/2 no. 57, Kel. Pinaesaan, Manado 95122

0431-864373, 0431-864267


13 PT Multi Imperium Tiaga Jl. Walanda Maramis no. 212, Manado 0431-862628, 0431-854235


14 UD Multi Jaya Bersama Jl. Soeprapto no. 27, Gorontalo 96111 0435-821090 0435-822431

15 PD Indokita Makmur Jl. Sungai Gumbasa no. 1, Palu 94222 0451-425282, 0451-425272


16 PT Catur Putra Harmonis Jl. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sutami (TOL) Makassar 90212 0411-511700, 0411-511800

0411-511500, 0411-512270

17 PT Budipratama Sejati Jl. Samalona no. 5-A, Makassar 90174 0411-320988, 0411-327957



18 CV Fajar Baru Jl. Percetakan no. 14, Jayapura 99111 0967-531877 0967-533497

19 Toko Sabarco Jl. Merdeka no. 54, Manokwari 0986-211079, 0986-211167


20 Toko Salawati Jl. Sam Ratulangi no. 29, Sorong 0951-321994, 0951-321547


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Main Dealer of PT Astra Komponen Indonesia

No. Dealer Address Telephone Facsimile


1 PT SUMATRA PRIMA JAYA Jl. Pulau Menjanagan No. 1 Blok C 15Medan Industrial Centre (KIM II), Medan

061-6871626 061-6871624

2 PT Calispo Multi Utama Medan

Prof. H.M. Yamin, SH 70 BCDMedan - 20234



3 PT Calispo Multi Utama Kisaran

H.O.S Cokroaminoto 177/179 Kisaran - 21216 0623-44910 0623-43225

4 Mahkota Abadi Jl. Pondok No. 86 D, Padang – 25211 0751-24653 0751-812158

5 PT Calispo Jaya Abadi Jl. Soekarno-Hatta (d/h Arengka) No. 25 HPekan Baru – 28292



6 PT Calispo Citra Lestari Jl. Laksamana Bintan, Komp. Executive Centre Blok 10 No. 6Sei Panas Batam - 29432

0778-453355 0778-453499

7 PT Jambi Mitra Sejati Jambi

Jl. Abdul Rahman Saleh No. 16 Paal Merah Lama, Jambi Selatan - 36139



8 CV Prima Mustika Agung Jl. R.E. Martadinata No. 97Pangkal Pinang – 33128



9 PT Aspirasi Jaya Lestari Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 6-7, 8 Ulu, Palembang - 30252 0711-512380 0711-512381

10 PD Sinar Bahagia Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.18Belitung



11 PT Makmur Prima Sejahtera Jl. Teuku Umar No. 57, Tanjung Karang – Bandar Lampung 0721-773701 0721-773701

12 CV Summa Putra Hokindo Jl. Pangeran Antasari No. 83, Tanjung Karang - Lampung 0721-7622584 0721-77622918


13 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa Pusat & Barat

Jl. Danau Sunter Utara Raya C1 No. 5-5A Jakarta 021-65830815 021-65830812

14 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa Utara & Timur

Gading Kirana Timur Blok A-13 No. 26, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara

021-4516088 021-4534584

15 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa Fatmawati

Jl. RS Fatmawati No. 41Jakarta Selatan

021-7690432 021-7690208

16 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa Serpong

Jl. Pahlawan Seribu No.8-H, Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD)Tangerang 15321

021-53152216 021-5374513

17 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa Serang

Ruko Kepandehan 3B Jl. Raya Serang-Cilegon, Legok Sukmajaya, Serang 42162



18 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa Bandung

Jl. Cibolerang Baru No. 203 Kav. 5 Kopo, Bandung 022-5424643 022-5424642

19 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa Cirebon

Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 48 Kelurahan PegambiranCirebon – 45113



20 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa Tasikmalaya

Jl. Mayor SL Tobing No.39 Tugu Jaya – Cihideung Tasikamalaya – 46126




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No. Dealer Address Telephone Facsimile

21 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa Bekasi

Ruko Villa Galaxy Jl. Pulo Ribung Raya Blok AR 1 No. 6Bekasi – 17147



22 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa Bogor

Jl. Pandu Raya Ruko No. 7 Tegal Gundil, Bogor 0251-3354290251-379803


23 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa Semarang

Jl. Majapahit No.84 RT/RW: 005/001 , Pandean Lamper - Gayam Sari, Semarang

024-76725560 024-76725564

24 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa Purwokerto

Jl. S. Parman No.1549 C Purwokerto – 53141 0281-6431010281-6431030281-643105


25 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa Yogyakarta

Jl. Magelang km 7,2 Yogyakarta 0274-4362461 0274-4362464

26 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa Sukoharjo

Jl. Ruko Plaza Eceran Blok CA-33, Solo Baru PermaiSolo - 57552

0271-626820 0271-626826

27 CV Putra Ramayana Solo

Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 162, Solo - 57152 0271-622740 0271-632852

28 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa Surabaya

Jl. Surowongso 359, Ds. Karangbong - GedanganSidoarjo – 61254

031-8916899 031-8911199

29 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa Kediri

Jl. KH. Agus Salim No.114 Mojokerto – Kediri 0354-688429 0354-688451

30 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa Jember

Jl. Teuku Umar No. 67 A Jember – 68131 0331-338852 0331-338695

31 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa Madiun

Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No. 100 Madiun – 63127 0351-467777 0351-467774

32 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa Malang

Jl. MT. Haryono No. 133/08 Malang – 65144 0341-558169 0341-577368

33 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa Bali

Jl. Gatot Subroto Timur No. 39, Denpasar – 80237 0361-461777 0361-467614

34 PT Jambi Mitra Sejati Kupang

Jl. W C W Oematan No.18 Kupang – 85226 0380-8081167 0380-827049


35 CV Mitra Makmur Jl. Siam No. 110, Pontianak – 78122 0561-767163 0561-745036

36 CV Dewata Motor Jl. Tanjungpura No. 70, Pontianak 78123 0561-738194 0561-760378

37 PT Borneo Mitra Makmur Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 35 - 36 Samarinda - 75113 0541-742996 0541-741248

38 PT Kumala Central Partindo Jl. Sutoyo S. No. 144 RT.08Banjarmasin – 70118




39 CV Multi Imperium Tiaga Jl. M Walanda Maramis No. 212Manado - 95112



40 CV Mitra Tunggal Anugerah Jl. Danau Poso No. 20-22Palu Barat, Palu



41 PT Sadar Inti Perkasa Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani No. 37NMakassar - 90174




42 CV Fajar Baru Jl. W.R. Supratman No.10-14 (d/h Jl. Percetakan)Jayapura 99111

0967-531877 0967-533497


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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08xvi

No. Company Address Telephone Facsimile

1 PT Astra Otoparts TbkDivisi Astra Niaga Domestik

Jl. Raya Pegangsaan II, Km. 2,2Kelapa Gading - Jakarta Utara 14250

021- 4603550021-4607025 (hunting)

021-4607009 021-4607010

2 PT Astra Otoparts TbkDivisi Astra Niaga International

Jl. Raya Pegangsaan II, Km. 2,2Kelapa Gading - Jakarta Utara 14250

Overseas Branch:

Dubai BranchPO. BOX 17968 Jebel AliFree Zone Dubai, UEA (Uni Emirat Arab)

Singapore Branch246 Macpherson Road# 07-02 Betime Building, Singapore 348578

Australia Branch10 Hopegood Place, Lynbrook, VIC, 3975

021- 4603550021-4607025 (hunting)

021-4607009 021-4607010

3 PT Astra Otoparts TbkDivisi Retail

Jl. Raya Pegangsaan II, Km. 2,2Kelapa Gading - Jakarta Utara 14250

021-4603550021-4607025 (hunting)


4 PT Astra Otoparts TbkDivisi Nusametal

Jl. Raya Pegangsaan II, Km. 2,1Kelapa Gading - Jakarta Utara 14250

021-4603272 021-4601677

5 PT Astra Otoparts TbkDivisi Adiwira Plastik

Plant IJl. Raya Jakarta - Bogor Km. 51,3Sukaraja - Bogor 16710

0251-8652703-8 0251-8652701-2

Plant IIJl. Raya Jakarta – Bogor Km. 47Nanggewer Mekar Bogor 16912

021-8754241 021-8754346

6 PT Astra Otoparts TbkDivisi Winteq

Jl. Raya Jakarta - Bogor Km. 47Nanggewer Mekar Bogor 16912

021-8756148 021-8751629

7 PT Astra Komponen Indonesia Jl. Raya Pegangsaan II, Km. 2,2Kelapa Gading - Jakarta Utara 14250

021-4603550021-4607025 (hunting)

021-4607009 021-4607010

8 PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa Gading Kirana Timur Blok A-13 No. 26Kelapa Gading - Jakarta Utara 14250

021-4516088 021-4534583

9 PT Aisin Indonesia East Jakarta Industrial Park (EJIP) Plot 5JCikarang Selatan, Bekasi 17750

021-8970909 021-8970910

10 PT AT Indonesia Jl. Maligi III H 1-5, Kawasan Industri KIICTol Jakarta Cikampek Km. 47, Karawang 41361

021-8904376-9 021-8904308021-8901662

11 PT Century Batteries Indonesia Jl. Raya Bekasi km. 25, Cakung, Jakarta 13960 021-4600880 021-4601068

12 PT Denso Indonesia Plant IJl. Gaya Motor I No. 6 Sunter II, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara

Plant IJl. Kalimantan Blok E1-2, Kawasan Industri MM2100, Cikarang Barat, Bekasi





13 PT DIC Astra Chemicals Jl. Pulo Buaran Raya Blok III DD 5-10Kawasan. Industri Pulo Gadung, Jakarta 13930



14 PT Dirgamenara Nusadwipa Jl. Kasir I, Desa Pasir Jaya, Kec. JatiuwungKodya Tangerang, Banten, Jawa Barat

021-5900555 021-5900614

15 PT EDS Manufacturing Indonesia Jl. Raya Serang Km. 24 Balaraja, Tangerang 15610 021-5951535 021-5951539

PT Astra Otoparts Tbk and Affiliated Companies


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Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08 xvii

No. Company Address Telephone Facsimile

16 PT Federal Izumi Mfg. Komplek Industri Menara PermaiJl. Narogong Raya Km. 23,8 - Cilengsi, Bogor

021-8230355 021-8230041

17 PT FSCM Manufacturing Indonesia Plant I & Plant IIJl. Raya Pulogadung No. 30Kawasan Industri Pulogadung, Jakarta Timur 13930

021-4600163 021-4603688-89

Plant IIIJl. Raya Narogong Km. 15 Pangkalan 6Cileungsi Bogor

021-8230760-61 021-8230350

Plant IVJl. By Pass Krian Km. 26 No. 8Desa Barengkrajan Kec. Krian, Sidoarjo – Jawa Timur

031-8972425 031-7096028

18 PT Federal Nittan Industries Jl. Sulawesi II Blok F4, Kawasan Industri MM2100Cikarang Barat, Bekasi

021-8980452 021-8980451

19 PT Inti Ganda Perdana Jl. Pegangsaan Dua Km. 1,6 Blok A1Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara 14250

021-4602755 021-4602765

20 PT Gemala Kempa Daya Jl. Pegangsaan Dua Km. 1,6 Blok A1Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara 14250

021-4602755 021-4602765

21 PT Wahana Eka Paramitra Jl. Pegangsaan Dua Km. 1,6 Blok A1Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara 14250

021-4602755 021-4602765

22 PT GS Battery Plant I (Heaf Office)Jl. Laksamana Muda Yos Sudarso, Sunter I – Jakarta Utara

021-6518979 021-6518975021- 6518978

Plant IIKawasan Industri Surya Cipta SwadayaJl. Surya Utama Kav. 13-14 Teluk Jambe, Karawang Jawa Barat

0267-440961-4 0267-440965

23 PT Indokarlo Perkasa Jl. Raya Jakarta - Bogor Km. 47 Cibinong, Bogor 16912

021-8754146 021-8754966

24 PT Kayaba Indonesia Jl. Jawa Blok ii No. 4, Kawasan Industri MM2100 Cikarang Barat, Bekasi 17520

021-8981456, 8980114

021-8980713, 89983169

25 PT SKF Indonesia Jl. Tipar – Inspeksi Cakung DrainCakung Barat, Jakarta 13910

021-4605925 021-4605964

26 PT Menara Terus Makmur Jl. Jababeka XI Blok H3 No.12Kw. Industri Jababeka, Cikarang – Bekasi 17530

021-8934504 021-8934505

27 PT NHK Gasket Indonesia Jl. Maligi III Lot N-1, KIIC Karawang Barat, Jawa Barat 41361 021-8904404, 8905632


28 PT Nusa Keihin Indonesia Jl. Raya Pegangsaan II, Km. 2,1, Kelapa Gading - Jakarta Utara 14250

021-46823730 021-46823731

29 PT Toyoda Gosei Safety Systems Ind. Jl. Raya Jakarta - Bogor Km. 47.5 RT. 02 RW. 03Nanggewer Cibinong Bogor 16912

0251-8650411 / 021-8765809

0251-8650216 / 021-8765686

30 PT Tri Dharma Wisesa Jl. Pegangsaan Dua Blok A1 Km. 1,6Kelapa Gading - Jakarta Utara 14250

021-46830075 021-46826659

31 E-Tech Incorporated (Japan) 198-2-101, 4-Chome Nishitakao, Kitamoto-shi, Saitama-ken 48-593-0755 48-591-7970


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Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08xviii

Portofolio InvestasiInvestment Portfolio

Parent Companies of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Line of BusinessDomestic Sales Operation Division Automotive parts distribution for domestic

Retail Division Automotive parts distribution for domestic

International Sales Operation Division Automotive parts distribution for export

Nusa Metal Division Aluminum die casting product and parts

Adiwira Plastik Division Plastic injection, back mirror, motorcycle seat and air cleaner

Winteq Division Machinery, equipment and automation

Consolidated Companies % Ownership(direct & indirect) Line of Business

PT Non Ferindo Utama Aluminum Alloy 100.00% On process liquidation

AOP Australia Pty Ltd 100.00% Automotive parts sales representative distribution for Australia and Oceania region

PT Menara Terus Makmur 100.00% Forging parts, tools and mechanical jack

PT Senantiasa Makmur 100.00% Holding company

PT Cipta Piranti Tehnik 100.00% Inactive

PT Banjar Jaya Sentosa 100.00% Inactive

PT Astrindo Jaya Sentosa 100.00% Inactive

PT Anugerah Paramitra Motorpart 100.00% Inactive

PT Astra Komponen Indonesia 100.00% Sole distributor for ASPIRA products

PT Ardendi Jaya Sentosa 100.00% Automotive parts dealer for Java and Bali area

PT FSCM Manufacturing Indonesia 100.00% Motorcycle chain (drive chain, cham chain & silent chain), industrial chain, filter

PT Indokarlo Perkasa 100.00% General rubber parts, antivibration parts and rubber hose

PT Mopart Jaya Utama 100.00% Automotive parts dealer for Jabotabek area

PT Century Batteries Indonesia 80.00% Automotive battery

PT Dirgamenara Nusadwipa 66.67% Tool steel and heat treatment service

PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing 58.06% Piston (automobile and motorcycles)

PT Nusa Keihin Indonesia 51.00% Machining and aluminum parts assembling

PT Gemala Kempa Daya 50.67% Frame chassis and press parts

Equity Method Companies % Ownership (direct & indirect) Line of Business

PT GS Battery 50.00% Automotive battery

PT Kayaba Indonesia 50.00% Shock absorber

PT NHK Gasket Indonesia 50.00% Automotive gasket

PT Tri Dharma Wisesa 50.00% Brake system

PT Wahana Eka Paramitra 43.50% Transmission and gear box

PT Inti Ganda Perdana 42.50% Rear axle and propeller shaft

PT AT Indonesia 40.00% Brake drum, pressure plates

PT Federal Nittan Industries 40.00% Engine valve

PT Aisin Indonesia 34.00% PT Aisin Indonesia is the producer of clutch disc, clutch cover, door lock, door frame and window regulator (indirect ownership through PT Senantiasa Makmur)

PT Denso Indonesia 25.66% Air conditioner, alternator, starter, spark plug

PT Toyoda Gossei Safety Systems Indonesia 20.00% Steering wheel

Cost Method Companies % Ownership Line of BusinessE-Tech Incorporated (Japan) 19.00% Designing, manufacturing, selling and maintenance of electronic machines and

facility, machine tools and industrial machines, precision measuring machines

PT SKF Indonesia 13.52% Ball bearing

PT DIC Astra Chemical 11.11% Colorant and compound plastic

PT EDS Manufacturing Indonesia 5.00% Cable and wiring harness

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Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08 xix

Kantor Pusat head officeJl. Raya Pegangsaan Dua Km. 2,2, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta 14250Tel. : (62-21) 460-3550, 460-7025Fax : (62-21) 460-3549, 460-7009Website : : [email protected]

Bidang Usahanature of BusinessAutomotive components and spare parts

Dewan KomisarisBoard of CommissionersPresiden Komisaris / president CommissionerPrijono Sugiarto

Wakil Presiden Komisaris / Vice president CommissionerJohnny Darmawan Danusasmita

Komisaris / CommissionerTossin HimawanMaruli GultomSimon John MawsonChiew Sin Cheok

Komisaris Independen / independent CommissionerMuhamad Chatib BasriBambang TrisuloPatrick Morris Alexander

DireksiBoard of directorsPresiden Direktur / president directorEduardus Paulus Supit

Wakil Presiden Direktur / Vice president directorLeonard Lembong

Direktur / directorGustav Afdhol HuseinDjangkep Budhi SantosoDarmawan WidjajaWidodo Eko RijantoDandy SoelipRobby Sani

Komite Audit audit CommitteeKetua / ChairmanPatrick Morris Alexander

Anggota / MembersKanaka PuradiredjaCandelario Tambis

Sekretaris Perusahaan Corporate secretaryRobby SaniE-mail: [email protected]

Hubungan Investor investor RelationsRoslynda KarimE-mail: [email protected]

Hubungan Publik public RelationsRobby Sani / Ni Luh Made K. AryaniE-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Kantor Akuntan Publik auditor2001-2002 : Hans Tuanakotta & Mustofa2003-2004 : Hans Tuanakotta Mustofa & Halim2005-2006 : Osman Ramli Satrio & Rekan2006-2007 : Haryanto Sahari & Rekan2007-2008 : Haryanto Sahari & RekanMember of PricewaterhouseCoopersJl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-7 No. 6Jakarta 12940 - IndonesiaP.O. Box 2473 JKP 10001Tel. : (62-21) 521-2901Fax : (62-21) 5290-5555, 5290-5050Website :

Biro Administrasi Efekshare Register BureauPT Raya Saham RegistraGedung Plaza Sentral, Floor 2nd

Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav. 47-48Jakarta 12930Tel. : (62-21) 252-5666Fax : (62-21) 252-5028

Saham Tercatat share listedIndonesia Stock Exchange

Informasi PerusahaanCorporate Information

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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 08xx

Tanggung Jawab Pelaporan TahunanResponsibility for Annual Reporting

Laporan Tahunan ini, berikut laporan keuangan dari informasi lain yang terkait, merupakan tanggung jawab Manajemen PT Astra Otoparts Tbk dan dijamin kebenarannya oleh seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dengan membubuhkan tandatangannya masing-masing di bawah ini.

This Annual Report, and the accompanying financial statements and related financial information, are the responsibility of the Management of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk and have been approved by members of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors whose signatures appear below.

Dewan KomisarisBoard of Commissioners

Prijono SugiartoPresiden Komisaris

President Commissioner

Johnny Darmawan DanusasmitaWakil Presiden Komisaris

Vice President Commissioner

Simon John MawsonKomisaris


Tossin HimawanKomisaris


Bambang TrisuloKomisaris Independen

Independent Commissioner

Maruli GultomKomisaris


Muhamad Chatib BasriKomisaris Independen

Independent Commissioner

Chiew Sin CheokKomisaris


Patrick Morris AlexanderKomisaris Independen

Independent Commissioner

DireksiBoard of directors

Eduardus Paulus SupitPresiden DirekturPresident Director

Leonard LembongWakil Presiden Direktur

Vice President Director

Widodo Eko RijantoDirekturDirector

Gustav Afdhol HuseinDirekturDirector

Dandy SoelipDirekturDirector

Djangkep Budhi SantosoDirekturDirector

Robby SaniDirekturDirector

Darmawan WidjajaDirekturDirector

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Jl. Raya Pegangsaan Dua Km. 2,2

Kelapa Gading, Jakarta 14250, Indonesia

Tel. 62-21 460 3550, 460 7025

Fax. 62-21 460 3549, 460 7009

website :

email : [email protected]

2008 Laporan TahunanAnnual Report