arbiter, march 10 · 2017. 2. 11. · boise state university scholarworks student newspapers (up...

Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 3-10-1992 Arbiter, March 10 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected].

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Page 1: Arbiter, March 10 · 2017. 2. 11. · Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 3-10-1992 Arbiter, March 10 Students of Boise State University

Boise State UniversityScholarWorks

Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents


Arbiter, March 10Students of Boise State University

Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, itreveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of thismaterial; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allowfor text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact SpecialCollections and Archives at [email protected].

Page 2: Arbiter, March 10 · 2017. 2. 11. · Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 3-10-1992 Arbiter, March 10 Students of Boise State University



-;"'.''''-:-' j ",',


By Melanie Delon a friend" whom he believed livedStaff Writer in A-70S. ' Dorm's door

.©Copyright The Arbiter 1992 The male student said heCharges are pending against circled through the hall once, en- has faulty lock

a 19-year-old BSUstudent in tered a room and woke;theresi- . By Adam Rushconnection with an intrusion arid dent sleepingon the right.He said Staff Writeralleged fondling of two Towers once he discovered the sleeping .©(;Opyrigtit

~ ,.residents,in,theearly"moming"".~on;''Wa&JlQt;llis!rie.~~e~7 .,';. 'The A bit' r j 992', Feb. 29.: ' .... mediatelylefttheroom.TheiJla1e· '~:"'AJ, 'tJ~'iliwiuienJ};',~'t'

The incident has oitce.,agairi suident saidhepassedone'f()wers Feb. 29, has' raised 'raised concerns about safety in wO,~arion his way to the eleva-concem'aboul the safety ofBSU's residence halls. tor andwalkedoutofTowers.residjmcehalIS; .' week. prior to this However.jhe male student's One door of the Towers.incident, campus safety had been account differs. from witness .:Residence Hall can not be se- .addressed in a forum with reports. cured, according to Pete Boll,ASBSUPresidenl Tamara According toone of the the residence hall director.Sandmeyer, several studentbody women, a man entered her "The door locks, There'ssenatorsandmembersof theResi- unlockedroom-s-thereis noroom a problem with an aspect ofdence HaIl Association. A-:70S-;-Onthe A sideof Towers •the door but noi the door it-

, According to police reports, andwokeherby placinghis hands self. We get the door to lockthemale student has admitted on her legs.She said theman,who and then it opens," Boll said.entering the room of one female smelled' strongly of alcohol and The door apparently de-residenton theseventh,all-female appeared to be intoxicated, sat on .veloped the problem duringfloor of Towers. her bed for approximately two the asbestos removal last

One woman, who later iden- minutes and asked for her name. summer, according to Boll.tified the intru<;lerfrom a photo- The victim said shecould riot Asbestos crews had itgraph as tilemale student, saidhe identify the man because at the propped open and were mov-woke herby placing his handson timeofthe incident she was not inglargeandheavyequipmenther chest. The other woman,who wearing her contact lenses. She in and out of the building, he .

___ ....--didnotidentifyher assmlant,said said she screamed at the man said.the man woke her by placing his and heleft .' According to Boll, the,hands on her legs. TIle,victim's roommate said door sometimes will not latch

,The male student declined to she was a\Vakened ,by the " .' ,.' Photo by Mark Barnard after being' pushed open toocomment to The Arbifer; but in a screaming. '. Kris,tyMartin, and Mary Younce. sixth floor Towers reSl- wideorwhen the crashbar has ,

,written statemen,i issued to the . "When, I woke up, I noticed dents. exit Towers tllroughthe faulty door. beenhi~ hard.police, he said the following she was sittingup in bed.She told man later retUrned and trioed to room that was also unlocked,and He estim.~ed it may cost'events occUrred that nighLThe me she wasscared,'~ the roolll- . , as much $11, ,to fix themale student saidhewas atTow- mate said. She then noticed the 'enter the room again. ' ,. 'woke the B-side victim by plac- door, The. oundationers to visit a friend..and afterward, door was slightlyopenand closed The poliSCrePortsaid a man ing his hands on her chest."went to the seventhfloortowake and lockedit:The women~d the then attempted enter ano~er 'See Towers on page 3 see Door 0 age 3

·..l&gislatwede~·mf()rmation·ofIdahohigl1ere .By DaWnKramer' , the State Boam of Education into two voters in the 1992general election, 10' plail get the attcnuon It deserves than slip ,Staff Wnter' ',.' . .. sep1ttateentities., The State, Bo~rd of ~rdertogo intoeffect. It.also has similar through the Legislature i~a year with so

Fourbills were presented to theSen~ Highe,rEdUcation\Vouldgove,:"theldaho fiscalimpacts. '.' '. many other monumental1ssues~ .ate State Affairs Committee on Wednes- universities.,:, . ....., .... ,The work ,of Rep. Jim Hansen, D-, Overgaard has been a proponent of theday, March 4 that change the SIruCtur~of . .~The thifd bilrwould create an office •.Boise;.Sen. Mike Burkett, D-Boise;,and . plan for many years and drafted a bill con-the State:B~ar<lof Education and gover~ .' of regents to governhigher education~The Willard Overgaard was, the basis forthe ceming thi.s issue that was integrated i~tonanceofhigher ,educationin Idaho. . - SBE split into a .StateBoard of.,. bills, \y~ilel1lanyother peoplecontri~uted~.,the four.' before the.Educauon. -J1le f~t ~iJ1,propose~~oamend theR~gents and~ Cou~c~ for.PublicSchools., .:1\ spec.~ jointco.mlllittee met ~nFeb-. Committee·. ~.' ,;, ' ~ {; .

\. IdahoConstitutionby proYJdingfora~PIl' It creates as~ngleumversltysYSlLlm!to be,. ~ to dlSC.USSthe'1ssue .and decld~ 19.~en agre'ed,and§lild, 'It IS.late tot rilte ~~ ~ of Education to goyem ,presided ov~r ,byth~reg~nts.This b~l in". g~~the i>ills into pr,int. :".' . .'" ',.. co'!le oJ? witha C?~p~e~iS.~u.e~t(,a single "pu,bUcInst:roction,l(-12amia ~tate Boar~ cludesa defmlbon ofrestdel)Cyfor out-9L ;. D~toreapport1onmeHt,the~u1get an~ unlyerslty syst~I1l;" . ':". ' ..

. of HigherEducation togovernhigheredu-state students who pay tuition. ..•..., . '. state-;wideheaIthplans, the c9mnllttee ex" .: lWisen SaJd~ed()ubtslegislauon WIncation under a commissioner. ' '.. '. -11lefourthptQposal is much like the ,.. p~~nccm abOutinttoducinganother ~ ~~ this session. H:0,.e"e!~.he said '

,.. '. ,.1lie ~ol)d .bUlprovidesJof a ~nsti- third, however~ while being a, statutory big issue this session. . . .. be wants to generate pUblic opmlon andtutiornilainendment tha~ would divide . change, it aIs~ requires a passage by the Ov~ said h~w.ouldram.ersee the ,see if the public is ready for the Change.


to' '



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'Tuesday, March 10, 1992Issue 11 Volume 1

i~ifil:~$ASBSUSUPPOrts intramural fee hike;1F'i;,~~'~e~~':'2rysOn ::~:"le'::h= rec::~~.S~:~~~ee:·~":~~~~~i~l~h~~:~~c:

The ASBSU Senate passed a could remain open more hours, weight rooms, gyms and the been a 35 percent increase in theresolution on feb. 20 supporting 10buy new weightequipmentand racquet ball courts are becoming number of facility users this se-afee'increase of $5.50 for each to increase the maintenance overcrowdedwith fimess-seeking mester."We aregettingmore andfull-time student, per semester. budget. She said part of the students." It's just packed," she more users, but I just can't open

The Intramural Recreation moneywould also go to expand said. "Walk into the Pavilion at the doors," she said. "The stu-Departrnentis a big program that intramural sports. 6:30 p.m. andlook at the amount dents deserve better treatment."gets too little attention, says pro- Spitzer-Gibson said the'. ~b~~torTerry"AnnSPitzer- What an intramural fee increase WQ)0Uldprovide crowding problem might be re-

.. Thep gram hi h . ts A programin~Weeasesetorm.staff-h' ours \'. ~:~~n~~,e~~~~e:e:j~~:'i~~~·'·Bronco of BSU's ~tram'u%tl~;:s~d ,""' there to employ the staff.o •..... recreationprograms,thepool,and . . Spitzer-Gibson says BSUwomen. weight rooms, needs money for new weight equipment spends comparatively little on

tiill.e .... :~:~n~~tn~~:::~:~~::.~ ... -_.....~.,~,..'.mainten,~~ce ~~~:~~ tr~r:;'I;~;:t I~

./~i~~i tem=:Ior;::-Gih""'. W . s«: ~1' ~uc"::""~'::=-u:f.el~~~~,.7,,' .., ~~P~;:~~l :'~l:J;:~~~intramural sports expansion V C(.I example, ~ J~~~/~~l~~~;

Man accused ofenterlng coeds' rooms





... ---~:~-<~•. .

Page 3: Arbiter, March 10 · 2017. 2. 11. · Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 3-10-1992 Arbiter, March 10 Students of Boise State University

(Sa(n Ger~erding thankS the.Young Democrats for bringingSen. Tom Harkin to BSU andthanks Sen.Harkin for bringingthe B.S. toU.) . " .' .

: ,',,'

',":: .,' .' ,

OldMan Rex:': . ." '.' .:'··.<c,. ..'.... ' '.Please aon't.fee(I:~th.e(animaIs. '. . . warped; upside-down shapeJhe to. the top ali he searched for a

c flag acquired in'thedented curves larger the bottom.-ofeach bucket. '.' . . -,. The seals bobbed. mesmerized by

.'It was just o~e man, but ~Oto ..'the little. teasers flopping on the100 seals basked, in ~is bucXe~ '~eckand .pushed~ themselvesof food. I could tell, bytheway .' tightly against the deck.heheld the bucket close to his As the inan searched·. theychestand his meticulous patience. .began. to resemble a ro':N.ofjuicywhile searching for the larger fi~. .sardines on the top of acan •.They .that he Imders~the' value the waited patiently •. though silent,$Calsplaced on the fish and their .with bated mouths, 'until the mand6sife to eat them. Nothingpar- finally reached the scaly tail of theticular stood out among the seals . prize fish. '.When he threw it to-most were adults with the usual .the .seals. his' face-beamed withbunch of whiskers on the cheeks, pride at th~ wait he 'dgiven thembut some were. obviously the and the fluriy of fins slapping. anddominant males; whom the man water splashing as the sealsraced

At 11:30am., Saturday. Feb. threw anchovies to frequently. i to grasp the fish. • ;"29. 1992i watched a man feed 'AsIstoodthere.Iwatchedthe· .Finally, theman ran out ofseals. The man stood at the edge importance the seals gilve to the food for the seals. and humblyof a pool, throwing fish to the man. Perhaps because of illy own .knelt on the deck, reaching to theseals with verve and enthusiasm. ignorance of seal food. all the hungry nuzzles sniffmg for moreand the seals dove at them hun- anchqvieslookedthe same, but fish. He, stood up and yawned,grily.slapping their fins together the .seals.lccked more excited after carefully petting lheseals'with each fish.. He was.a little with each fish. , , noses with his 'fishy hands (itabove middle-aged. with hair They swam in their places like seemed his experience made himmade of dark shades of grey and animated buoys, barking and slap- afraid of being bitten). As hean average body type. A patch of ping each time a qsh flopped into walked humbly away • peering atthe American flag on his chest th~~ater. hiswatch, I noticed the sunlightsuggested that, whether asked or As the man' motioned differ- : bounce sharply off the.white-goldnot, ..he would proudly tell any- '.. ent ways, the seals watched with his outfit was union-made. scrutiny to see where the·.fish· .

.He offered a course of smelt, . would come from and where theanchovies and Iimoistened kind- ' fISh would'go. . .of dog food. Occasionally,.! no~ At one point. the man dugticed,the reflection of the' flag on through his deep, shiny bucket ofthe wall,' of. the buckets and .the anchovies. stirring the small ones

Sain Gerberding

..l'IiPPingitfu.·tncbutlA common complaint 'Of' 'Rape 'isa crime .of

modem-day criminal justice is vtolence-« not sex. To castratethat the punishment doesn't fit ' rapists is as effective as trying .the crime. Stephen Butler. from to. get rid of dandelions by. "Houston, Texas. will tend to cutting them off at ground level.disagree, Butler is the 28-y~- I wouldn't want to bea judgeold Texan who, after raping a l~ who sentences a future rapist toyear-old girl last year. asked the castration-only to find outjudge if he could be surgically later thecriminal has commit-castrated-rather than go to . ted murder. '. .prison. State District Judge Oui gut reaction to this kindMike McSpadden,who has of sentence is satisfaction; Atsupported the idea of castration the, moment, it sounds like.for sex offenders in the past, poetic justice: "An eye for angranted Butler's request". eye," however, is not a new

You can bet a good.number concept to justice. In this case.of people will applaud this though. the subject and thedecision. emphasizing. the object are not one and the sameconcept of "the. punishment thing.finally fits the crime." Unfortu- hi Texas, the penalty fornately, rape is not a crime about aggravated sexual assault of asex. It is a crime about violence, child is from 5 to 99 years. oras any criminal psychologists life in prison. and a fine of upwill tell us. Does, then, the pun- to $10.000. Even if Butlerishment fit the crime? If a man would have received the maxi-is castrated, what will stop him mum sentence, it would havefrom taking out his aggressions more than likely been reduced,with a baseball bat or a gun? This is why people areso frus-What's stopping him from trated with our system-itcommitting an equally heinous doesn't seem to be strongcrime? About the only thing he enough. The "eye for an eye"won't do is commit rape. cOllcept of retribution may' be'

Judge McSpadden would judicially sound, but not in thisnot have supported this punish- case. Steven Butler, after being .ment if Butler had not volun- surgically castrated; will serveteered to be castrated. But 10 years onprobation,and: ifshould it matter what the crimi- he commits .no future criines,naf thinks is important? Should the chargesof~ex'lialassaultthe criminal's ideas for punish- will be drOpped.. ,"ment count? No, they shouldn't, AlthoiJgh Butler may turnWhat do we have judges, juries, over a new leaf. this kind ofcriminal psychologists and sentence ~no gUaranteefutUieMaury Povich around for then? ,rapists will do the same. TheyShould we par these public and mayjust find some newmethodcivil servants to allow the crimi- to practice th~ir madness. .'nal to think of the punishment~ . Todd Sholt

"" We reserve the 'ri.ghtto edit•• 'o ........ Dr. ._Ill"'" letters forgrammar,length.andlibelous content, Obscene lettersand letters considered to be iIibad .taste will be rejected. Utters mustinclude your signature and phone.number for verification.·

. . .

'rnass of America's ordiiiary Citi~ . throhgh'wo~eri'seyesliliersthe' 'zens. What theSeignored groups . pace and introduces a new cast ofare left to believe is, they and characters: Daughters· and wid-other people like them have had . ows. housewives and midwives.little impact On olit shared soci- . 'domesticseivants;~entwork~.ety. . '.' . ecii club women and suffragists •.

In the face of such neglect, the for instance. With; this new cast.effort to reconstruct a female past comes new concerns: Courtshiphas been'Called "Women's' His- customs, marriage options; fertil-tory;'~ The very term callsatten- ity patterns. dowry rights, prop-tiontothe fact that something is erty rights, female friendship andmissing from historical scholar- women·snetworks. Once women'

" ship. and it aims to document and share the stage with men, the his-reinterpret that which is missing:. . torieal script must be rewritten toBy. expandirig the' focus of .his~ reflect their experiences.tOry. to include the activities and mirioritygroups,

" . . AS reeentlyas 1977, womell~s contributions of women from di- cannot afford to lack a conscious-Editor ~ ;.~ , Theresa Just ; hiStorywas virtually unknowna:s verse walks of life, we provide a. ness of identity,one which in-Managing Editor , :.Katy KrelIer a topic' of study in America' s wealthofvital .new role models volves a shared awareness of theCity Editor : ~.., ;..,.,..; Rob Bergill schools,.Toiddress this omission; for today's young People. as well past. To do so causes a collec-Opinion Editor : , TQdd Sholty the Sonoma Collnty ~ommission as for lidillts.' ..., tive amnesia, which leaves themEntertainment Editor ~~ uo Chereel1 ~yei's "onthe Suitus of Women initiated, But it is notenough to add 'a vulnerable to impositions of ste-Sports Editor ,; ScottSampl~, 'a "Women's History Week" Jor few names or snippets of infor-. reOtypesand prejudices. ToJaHChief Copy Editor ;. ~ · , ,;~,..StanOliver this califorilia county':s schools. malion to the traditiorial histori·. to include women iri the histori-B

.. M .' R 'bertW' al'dr" . The: celebration me.t with enlli.u- record .. Th,is"mixandstir" cal record denies the history of. usmess anager , ; uo•• ;~ 0 . on . ' . 'Ad CU

" Man .. R . S"l" . s.iasticsu· ·methoddoesnottakeintOacc ..ount halfof'humanlty.To·includeve SlOg ager , onme e wayReceptionist ; ; ~..Norma Clarke .to othercommimitiesand states~ diff~rences' between men and" them challenges the traditional

.Layout and Design Chief M. C. Miller . In 1981, Congress passed the women and their differing world asslimption that ~anisthemea-La t d

·D .. . . Ad'" bes .flCS1J'ointcongress'. .ional.resolution .views~ Itpuls women in the te.xts, sUreof all that is s.ignillcantyou an . eslgn : ,.................... am ~or .'Photo Chief : ; Brian Becker for National Women's History; but keeps th~m out of themter-, Women .arenot a marginal

Photoar.l h _.:.t. B 'ard . 'Sh"',' Ha" l' Wee.k.,.w..h.iChwase.x. pan..,ded,·.in pretati.·on. Toproperlytind.ersiand· minority. and women's histriry iso._p ers 1VliUl\. am awna ne . ..................................... , ; Anthony ~endoza 1987 to includ~ th~ ~ntire'm~nth women's roles in history. we need . not a collection of missing facts

Reporters Stuart Bryson Melanie DelonofMarch; ~ince the~, theNational a newangleofvisitm permitting and vie'!Vsto be incorporated into...................... ~ ; ;..Scott Gere ;~ Dawn Kramer.. WOIl}~·s History Month,rcsolu- .us to see 'that:w9men live,andtraditio~al categories .•;.: , :;:.:.~; I..eslitfMendoza Rick OV¢rtoD ~.'tion,?~S, bee~·,"?i~h ,hav~~v~,inll :worlddefin~ by.. .. ' W0't'eg .~ at least ~alf and•., ; ,.., :..•AdamRush.: ; :.JohnSaCkffiaIl . broad~baSed,blparUSansupJX?Jtm;' "and'm9stf.'requen~y.dommated ofteJl aJDlljority,o( all~ple ~d............ ;;~ , , Mack Sermon ..: Wi1li~ Stephan .·~~the House ~d Sena,~. autho-: by, ni~~an~ye~; women ha~e are distributed.' throughout all.. , ;; ,; ; Leslie Teegarden .~ , Rl1ssWeedon " ca~ upon . also shaped andm~uenced thiS classes aodcategories'of world

:Columnists ..;:.: , ; Sam Gerberding ;Shelby Reno the people of the UmtedStates to. world and al~hu",an events. , cultures. Their history refleCtsAd. Sales RePs~ ; SUslm,Lawren~ .., :.Matthew Fritsch . o~rVethese months'Pro- .. ~ To make vio~eri' historically var,iil!ipnsineCono.lJl,i~c~. race. ., '.,; . .. '. '. pnate.programs~c(:remoD1esand vlslble.byfocusmgon women's, relIgIOn andethmclty;:But'the'T~eAr~iter'is the (}fficiillstudent newspajlerof Boise state' " activities: <:' .. '.'•...•.'.. .'.. • experiences. we mustllsknew' overriding factis,women'shis-University." Il ispublished~chJ'uesday during fall arid •..Beyond theprograms~ cer~ , queStionsaridpose lJewissues. In tQi'Y is the ·hist<i.yof the major-sprlDg semester. The publisher is ,the PUblications Board. . emo!1iesand activities, lies the" .doing: so. wome!). who have tra- .. 'ity ofhumarikjridrand to contiilueThe editorial adviser is Dan MOms. The 0ll~io9S expreSSed, . larget .effor.t· of· incorporating' . .ditionallybeen behind the sCenes, ··to overlook~ ignore ordenY,this,

: in The Arbiter:are thoSeof the edito~ and writers and do not : .wopen into the histOriCalrecord~ '.now .comecenter stage-not just . 'does,~diS,sefyi~' to~1 People .., .neCessarily represent fue vi~ws of BSU., ..' . . " :.. >l'ratliti~~ly,hi~~ry h,~ focus~ c th~"greats" (~ueens., pre~ident's SO;idii~i~gW o~en·,s.}{.is,tOry

Officesarelocatedatl601Uiliversity Drive.B6ise Idaho·.J. . "OIl polItical;. mdltary, and ec~ WIVes.'Calamity Janes .or Jane. Month at B.S.U;~party .ont,..8~7~5.:);>tirtel~~0~enuRltle.rj~(2()8).,345-820,(~dQUf;:' .. :':'n~~icJead~ ~d ·eyents. This . Aristens)-bu(otdinary,~omen: ,:" . '. ;.~:.>:'>, •

>.fascim.ile Illim~r is'(208)38?~3,19,,8.·'··· , '. ..... ,.. ... "'appro,ac~ has, virtually. excJuded. yo~and land o~er"com.mpn·~ .... . '.. ' .\" SaJ:tdY,Sc,:h~ckel', " ..... '..... '.. •• ', '. .:1 ".', . . women,; people of color and the. people. Lookmg at history Ass.sUplt,Professo~-o.fHistory

"':.:~,'! • . ~....,_,\~:,".. ' .'j i"',",:',<!:,-f--' ~.,) ".-"

Speakbut: Women's tfislpty Mont)l


SandraSchackelTheArbiter Staff

I', '

Page 4: Arbiter, March 10 · 2017. 2. 11. · Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 3-10-1992 Arbiter, March 10 Students of Boise State University

'lbeArblter MarChIO. 1992 Boise Sl;aI:eUlllverslty

])lews I•.. • '

Stuaerttloans--...-' " ---paYPa.clf.inserVicc.News Analysis

Towers cont.from 'phone number. She lhenwentfront page .down to.the lobby to fiildhim,

The B,-side victim, who Steve Ware, asecUrlty guard em-aSked that herriamenCltb,epub-ployedby Student Residential.lished, said in a telephoI1e'inter- Life. He was on rounds at Lincolnviewthat the man ran from her" Residence Hall, but came to Tow-room after she was awakened. ' ers after the, A~side victim was

'She told police she put on, able to call campus security.her robe and went out into the The B~side victim' ran intohall. She said she found a man" Deputy Ron Lake in the Towersleaving a room across the hall lobby. He had overheard the,on the A side of ' answering service calling campusthe floor; and ' . ' , security at 4:45speaking to Jose :" ••• Iwent to the a.rn., and hadCardona, a third records section of headed.' forfloor "Towers UteSheriffs Of.. Towers.resident whose, Upon ar-,wife lives on the, fice and prepared rival, Ware saidseventh floor,. ',apboto lineup." he and Lake

The B-slde -..&.u--'"'!-d' -tim thoroughlyvictimlater iden- me ~I e l/IC searched row-:'tified the man' later identified ers, but couldfrom aphoto- (the'student] in' n~tfind any-graph as me male" ,- thing out of thestudent ' the pbQto Imeup. ordinary. The'Accordingto -DeputyKon Lake B-side victim

reports, Cardona ' said she andtold the man to leave the room Ware then talked to the A-sidehe had entered withoutpermis- victim. Ware said he talked tosion. The B-side resident said people who were still awake, andshe then asked the man his name they identified the male student byand why he had entered her his first name and as a member ofroom. She said the man refused Kappa Sigma give his name or answer her In the police report, Lakequestions'and asked her, in a wrote that he learned "there wassuggestive tone, "What do you [a] man named [the male student],want me to do? that is a member of Kappa Sigma

She then went back tl) her Fraternity. I checked records androom, and she and her room- learned that there was a photo ofmate attempted to call thesecu- him in records. I went to the

,rity guard at the desk in the records section of the SheriffsTowers lobby, but could not be-Office and prepared a photocause ,they did not knoV/ the lineup." The B-side victim later

competing for congressionalhigh-ground. However, National

By Rick Overton .Service has 'never appeared iIiStaff Writer presidential politics with this,

In political terms, this is cer- much~larity~tainly not the season or specifics. ' 'Tom Harkin, a veteran of theCaucuses ,andpiimaries are NavyROTC,callsfor"aprogramchances for presidential-hopefuls 'where, in return for debt forgive-to kiss babies and smile for the ness for students' college loans, 'camera. Traditionally ,'real sub~ they must engage in national ser-stance struggles to the surface vice in an expanded Teacheronly during a party's national Corps,HealthServiceCorps,Po-convention. , liceCorps"Conservation Corps or

So far the Democratic slate military service,' Har~ reiter-has blandly endorsed basic edu- ated these themes in an addresscation reform. Candidate by can- on Saturday, Feb; 29 in the SUB'sdidate, position papers and Hatch Ballroom. 'speeches call for more funding for . Bill c Clinton's program,Head Start, more bang for the dubbed the New Covenant, in-buck, more this, more that,' but eludes wfult he calls: "voluntary'much. much less of whatever the national service," through "aother guy is endOrsing. domestic GI bill, which will say

However, one program is to middle-class as well as low-already rising above therabbl~ income people "We want you toNational Service. go to college, and we're glad to

National Service is the moni- pay for it-but you've got to giveker thrown ODarange of propos- something back to your countryals, which requires students to do in return."time for their country, in return Both c"!lndidatessaid thefor all that gracious student loan programs are cost Most proposals involve a "Harkin claims every dollar spenttwo-year stint in either the mili- on federal student aid yields four

, tary or some recognized humani- timesthatamo~nt'iIi tax revenues.tarian field-such as community Clinton,' whose program isaction, Vista or the Peace Corps. bankrolled "with a portion of the

This isn't new; Congress has peace dividend and by retiring thebeen kicking it around for some present student'loan program,"time.~earIYas-1989,SamN\UU} ,c~ims it will pay for itself, andand Nancy Katzenbauin were" more. -' "

Q~es('.Ot:1t. 'IQm,frpQt.employee$ in c~ge of the mtia-mural and recreatiQndeparunent;while atBSU we only employ one'Person, one-quartertime, she said.

The program did receive one·'time funding for the programwhen it proposed a similar feeincrease bill last year. According .',to Spitzer-Gibson, the $53,000was used mostly for new equip-mentand maintenance. "

The resolution is oneaf 14such proposals presented' to theFee Increase Commi~tee. The,ASBSUsenate priori~ed the is- ,sues, and thejntran:lUialiecre-ation proposal waS fanIced as themost iniporiaIlt.lssue. Next were .proposals for a $Sand a $2.50 feeincrease.tObuild'and maintain a: 'child-caccfacility oq camp\lSanda proposal for. tt, $10 increase toadd 66 new apartmentS toUniver-sity Heights. '

identified the student in thephoto lineup, he wrote., The male student was ques-

tioned on Monday, March 2 ., As of press time no arrest hadbeen made and no formalcharges filed, according to AdaCounty Deputy Sheriff Jim Fox.

"The investigation is ongo-ing and charges are pending,"Fox said.

"[Officer Lake] is in the pro-cess of investigating it or in theprocess of getting the paperworkto the prosecutor's office." Foxsaid.

(Theresa Just, Katy Krellerand Adam Rush also contributedto this story.)

Doors cant. from frontsurrounding the door could beworked on in addition to the dooritself, he said.

As a result of the unlawfulentry, meetings were held inwhich residents were encour-aged to lock their doors. Resi-dent advisers also passed outflyers which had emergencyphone numbers listed.

Richard McKinnon. directorof Student Residential Life, said."We constantly discourage stu-dents from letting people in [theresidence halls], and we encour-age men and women to locktheir doors:;

Newsletters are handed out atthe beginning of each semesterinforming the students of precau-tion@I'Ysecurity measures, ac-cording to McKinnon.

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Page 5: Arbiter, March 10 · 2017. 2. 11. · Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 3-10-1992 Arbiter, March 10 Students of Boise State University


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Page 6: Arbiter, March 10 · 2017. 2. 11. · Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 3-10-1992 Arbiter, March 10 Students of Boise State University

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Page 7: Arbiter, March 10 · 2017. 2. 11. · Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 3-10-1992 Arbiter, March 10 Students of Boise State University



By Chereen Myers .exception.Light andcrisp, the fla-EntertainmentEditor vorful tortilla chips are good

South-of-the-border cuisine enough to stand on their own, buthas come to what used to be the salsa makes a tasty treat evenBoise's hottestnight spot. Eating better.Thick and tangy, the onlyat the Bouquet cafe and cantina danger is overindulging beforeisa delectable treat that is un- the main course.matched in our valley. •, Mychilerellenowasamouth-

While thedaysof theBouquet . watering treat and a steal at $ are gone, it still remains ~he The chile pepper, filled withjackcrowded, lively establishment it cheese, had a firm outer texture, .once was. Reservations are rec- while it was creamy and smoothommended for Fridays and Sat- . inside. Topped with rancherourdays, but despite the crunch, sauce and melted cheese, it was aservice is prompt and hospitable. satisfying and memorable expe-

Walkinginto theeateryis like rience.walkingintoanold,familiarcasa. My guest seleeted the S.O.S.The Bouquet has maintained .. (steak-on-a-stick)~anotherbar·the classic bar atmosphere, gain at $6.25; it was a colorful,whileadoptinga real south-of-the enjoyable dish. Marinated beef,border flair. served with Spanish rice and

Chips and salsa are a tradi- refried beans, make this a fillingtional prelude to any Mexican and tasty meal. .meal, and the Bouquet is no In addition to the food, diners


flip jazz group hits 'SPECBy William K. Stephan arguments between Fred andStaff Writer ,Barney. On Friday the 13th,they

A hip vocal jazz group from could have a debate you willLos Angeles, Beachfront Prop- .;never forget. 'erty, will be scatting up a storm, Beachfront releasedtheirfirstwhile singing great jazz and pop CD in 1990, self-titledclassicson March 13in theBoise "Beachfront Property."State University Special Events Tom Dustman, singer andCenter. artistic director, Claims,~'When

Beachfront Property, whose you come to one of our concerts,sound has been compared to you can expect tobe entertained."ManhattanTransfer,willbe sing-. Tickets for this concert are avail-ing awesome songs such as: able at Select·A~SeaL Prices for"Hurry on Down:' "Blackbird," tickets are $5 students, BSU'"Sophisticated Lady," and their faculty/staff and senior citizens.'legendary belly buster, "The $10 general.Plimstones Theme." During the Tom Dustman, director, will"FlintstonesTheme," Fred and be conducting a workshop onBarney will have a knock-down vocal jazz techniques and scat- ,scat debate. If you have. ever -ting, It is free to the public andwatched the cartoon of the . will be located in theBSU 'Spe-Flintstones, you can probably cial Events Ceqter fro~ 3:30 toremember some of the great '5:30 p.m. The performance and_-----------:-..;....-.~ theworkshop: are

$ponsored by the,spa Performing

Arts and Concerts ,. committees, ssu

.Music Deparunent, .:;BSUStudentUnionv :"and,the'ld8h()tom~,";.missionon the Arts. .'It is the last event ofthO first Boise Per-forming ~ts ,Series


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Page 8: Arbiter, March 10 · 2017. 2. 11. · Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 3-10-1992 Arbiter, March 10 Students of Boise State University

·Bois~ stat~ll~.~d&llltqtp~maIl1e~twith Victory, overEaStefflWaBl1ingtbll,ByScott Samples . momentum going into it. Trotter's six.Sports Editor' . BSU'.s offense, stallcil some~Three"point shooting contin-

, The BSU men's basketball; w~atin .Thursday's match-up ued tohaunt BSU, as theyshota (team finisheditsregutar season against theEagles; but the Bron- weak 3 for 16 from three-poim: ,. .-' .with something it doesn't get very cos had apair ofSCQringruns that range.often-a road win'." . gave them the win. , But with the regular season

Boise State beat Eastern Boise State rattled off a 14-0 out of the way, the Broncos canWashington 73-59 in Cheney, run in the first half and a 21-4 now concentrate on what theyWash; on Thursday. It was the spurt in the second to bury East- must do to win in the post-second' time the Broncos have em Washington; . . season. "won a conference game on the The Broncoshlidfourplayers " Boise State will start off theroad. The other victory came score in double figures, while tournament against Intra-stateagainstIdahoStateonFeb.20,as shooting 47 percent from the rival Idaho on Thursday. The twoBSU slipped past the Bengals 74- field. teams split their regular season.72 in Pocatello. Center Tanoka Beard led all games, both winning at home.

" The Broncos.ended their sea- scorers with 19 points, Michael , The Vandals won in Moscowsonw~tha7-9conferencerepord, Trouerhitforl6,DanJonesadded 76-61, and tIie Broncos won inand were 16-12 overall. . 14;and Billy FIkes scored 12. Boise 74-68. This time the teams

The win against Eastern Boise State also edged out will be playing on neutral ground,Washington had little impact on Eastern Washington on the as the tournament is being heldBoise State's position in the Big boards. The Broncos out- in Missoula, Mont.Sky Conference Tournament, but rebounded the Eagles 36-33. led BSU is the fifth ranked seed,could give the Broncos some by Beard's nine boards and and Idaho is seeded fourth.


< •• -;

Photo by Malk Barnard

One of the six male gladiators from Boise knocks off Thunder, aprofessional gladiator, in'the ,Joust.Tw~lve· Boise athletes competed in

.the American GladiatorsLiv~ Tour on Tuesday at the f.3SUravilion.

Tennis teamsrolit opponents., Both Boise state teams took

lastweekoff; which gave themsome time to recover from theirfirst defeats of the season.

Two weeks ago the men's,team was edged out by Idaho 'State 5-4. The women's team alsofell to Idaho State,;losing6-3.

bringing her record to 5-4. .With the pair of wins, the ,

men's team raised its record to 7-1 in the Big Sky Conference, 10-1 overall. '"

The women t s team alsobrought it's Big Sky record to 7-1, and is now 9~1overall.',-.. '-, _.,

By Scott SamplesSports Editor .

TheBSU men's and women'stennis teams.had a good weekend,as both teams swept their oppo-nents. ..

The men's team routed utahState on Friday 8';1, arid thumped :Montana on Sunday 8-1.

Kristian ,\Viden, a freshmanfrom' Buro, Sweden;' wasundefeated on the weekeild.'Thewins upped his record to 10-1.

The women's squad alsodominated its opponents.

Bailie State shut-out Utah /Statc'9-0~ and easily defeatedMontaJia8~l; , '

:,Deirdre Dunphy,a seniorfrOm ,.Lusaka, Zambia,. was also .'undefeated ll,t bo~ ~f~.~~atehes,

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1beArblter March 10,-1992 Boise.Stale unIvelSlty

,Broncowomenclirlch":: ;,'

,.,,',>Big,SkY'~championshipBy Scott Gere' .Staff Writer .

The BSUwomen 's basketball. team has brought the Big Sky

regular season title back to Boise.. In their last game of the sea-

son, the Broncos clinched the BigSky Conference lead with an82-, .,,9 win over Eastern Washington~nCheney. Wash ..

. Boise State finished their sea-son with a nine-game winningstreak, beating out the Universityof Montana for top honors by ahalf game.

On Wednesday the Broncos'traveled to EWU with hopes ofsecuring their conference lead,and behind the efforts of postplayers Irena "Tome" Torrolovaand Lidiya Varbanova, they didjust that

Torrolova led both teams inscoring with 20 points on 9 of 12shooting, including two three-pointersand also pulled downeightrebounds.

Varbanova put in 18 pointsand Ied all players in reboundswith 11 in only 23· minutes ofplaying time.

BSU head coach JuneDaugherty said it was a good

. thing they played on Wednesday."Emotionally it was a stress-

ful time," she said. "We had to'Stay focused and not get toohappy {with the Montanasweep]."

In the first half, one thatDaugherty thought may well bethe best half of BSU' s season, theBroncos heldEastern Washingtonto 24 points on only 30 percentshooting from the field.. "We played great defense,"

she said. "That's what makeschampions."

Boise State accumulated 25assists in the game, with five as-sists each from Shelly Wright,Torrolova, and April Cline.Theyalso racked up eight steals-sixcoming from Tricia Bader andLyndsie Rico, each with three.

BSU will host the Big SkyChampionship on March 13 and14 as a result of their conferencelead.

On Friday the Broncos willface the University of Idaho Van-dals, a team they've beaten twicealready. But Daugherty doesn'texpect an easy win. '

"Any time you playa teamthree times in a season it can betough," she said. "They havesome tremendous athletes and agood front line."

Daugherty also said the teamneeds to concentrate on rebound-

. ing, since the Vandals are an ex:'cellent rebounding team •.

To prepare for the g!\ffi~'theBroncos will "make some,tDinoradjustments," Daugherty said,and refocus on making it to theNCAA tournament


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Page 9: Arbiter, March 10 · 2017. 2. 11. · Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 3-10-1992 Arbiter, March 10 Students of Boise State University


j '.




! 'a;,l

, . . Photo by shawna.Uanel

BStJ's Debbie Justus wins beam with a,9.70 against S~e ~ciflc on saturday." .. ,

~g~J.~J~.~€~~~~~t~i.~:Ii••nasts, . scored 37.15 fQrthird. on beam with ~9;70and ~ed With ':::'fmm!g~·m;~·~,:p,imj;';·,..

On Saturday the Broncos. . Staker t.o.ok-.second on the Marti. .·nfor. 9.60. '. THE rOIM. S'[,D1."T.n~O,DYavenged a loss earlier in the sea- beam with 9.65, third on bars with Koenitecker tooksecondon vaultl;.' n Ll\ filJ I l\son to SeattlePacific, winning the 9.50, and ti.ed for first 'with with.9.75: ' NOW RENTING

ALASKA' SUMMERREADB.OOKS FOR EMPLOYMENT-fisher-.PA~!·.. ies. Earn $5,000+/ month..$1oo/TITLE! Filloutlikel .Preetranspcrtation! Roorn & ..dislike fonns; FREE,. 24hr Board! Over8,OOOopenings.recording 505~764~0699' NoE?tperiehce nec~ssary.EXT. 1301. ' . Male· or Femate. For Em-

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By Scott GereStaff Writer

The BSU gymnastics teamwas back in action this weekend,hosting back-to-back meetsagainst Brigham Young Univer-sity and Seattle Pacific.

On Friday the Broncos facedBYU, ranked ninth nationally,BYU took top honors with a teamscoreof 193.10,while BoiseStatet()taledI89.50.

Freshman Julie Wagner wasthe highest BSU scorer in the all-around, accumulating 38.25points for fourth place. Wagnerwas involved in two .three-wayties for third place in vault andbeam exercises, scoring 9.80.

Wagner currently holds orshares all individual schoolrecords - 9.80 in vault, bars,beam and floor. She also holdstheall-around record with 39.05.

Karrie Swanson took firstplace in the floor routine with a

....8'I1le' ArbIterMBrch 10.1992,' BoISe State Unlverstt;V

'Gymnastssplit two

, ~ . ,

at home

Indoor track ends at Big Sky'champiortsh'~ps'By Scott Gere Kerry Lawyerwas Boise "Total disaster is about the . Boise State ended the meet inStaff Writer State's lone first place finisher, bestway to say it," BSU head fourth·placewith48.75PQinlS.

The BSU men's and women's leading the field in the 55-meter coach EdJacoby said. "Things "Wewe,rekiridoflockedintoindoor track and field teams dash with a time of 6.32 seconds. just fell apart." .' fourth," KIeinsaid, Bswasappar-ended their seasons this weekend He also placed second in the 200- On the women's side, ihings rent by the. 10 points .separatingat the Big Sky Conference meter.JakeMillerofBSUplaced were much more predictable. En- BSUfrom f~fth place EasternChampionships. third in the 55-meter hurdles tering the meet women's head Washington,·',. '~

The meetwas held in Moscow at 7.63. coach Jim Klein had anticipated Gloria Dillard and Samanthaon Friday and Saturday, and as With two events to go, the a Weber State win, and that's just Cox went one-two in the shot putexpected Northern Arizona ran Broncos held second place in the what happened-barely. '. for :aSU with marks of 48 feet 9.5away with first place with 108.5 meet. Weber won the meet with inches and46-1O, Vanessa' Piketeam points. The Broncos placed But they couldn't hold onto 105.75 team points, followed by took second iri'the55~ineier dashfifth with 56..'. the lead. Northern Arizona with 102.75. at 7.18.

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