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silvia cazacu architecture portfolio

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silvia cazacu

architecture portfolio

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about me

S I L V I A C A Z A C U+40 743671113

[email protected]/in/











august 2013

february 2015

august 2015

july 2014

Liceul Teoretic ''Grigore Moisil'' Tulcea mathematics - informatics profile

University of Architecture and Urbanism ''Ion Mincu'' BucharestMaster in Architecture

Institut supérieur d'Architecture 'Saint-Luc' de Wallonie - Site de Tournai, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium (Erasmus scholarship)

architect at EFdeN, Romania's Representative Team for Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 Competition; held in Versailles, France

concept, design, construction phase

Green reCreation Workshop, Baia Sprie- Romaniaindustrial architecture, landscape design, landart, geology,

sustainable development

Research Internship at The Why Factory- TU Delft conducted by Winy Maas and Felix Madrazo

IF Ideas Forward Competition Platform3rd 24h edition: Antarctic Scientific Refuge

Solar Decathlon Competition, final phase: the assemblyVersailles, France

''EFdeN- un proiect multidisciplinar de cercetare in arhitectura''ARCHITECTURA, June 2014

‘‘The Danube Delta between Tradition and the Society of the Spectacle ‘‘East Centric Arch Triennale - Critical Discourses contest nomination -2016''Learning from Charleroi- Ville de villages''


ArchiCAD, AutoCAD, 3DStudio Max, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign - advancedRevit, Adobe Illustrator - medium

hand drawing, model making, photography and image processing



Romanian-native, English-proficient(certified Cambridge), French-advanced

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Collective Housing on Mantuleasa Street

''Charleroi- La ville de villages'' urbanism project

Fish Market in Sulina: a pulsating architecture - diploma project

BiodiverCity - research internship at The Why Factory - TU Delftwith Winy Maas and Felix Madrazo

EFdeN- architectural project, construction phase, Solar Decathlon Europe competition period

‘‘The Danube Delta between Tradition and the Society of the Spectacle ‘‘East Centric Arch Triennale - Critical Discourses contest nomination


''Learning from Charleroi- Ville de villages''A+ ARCHITECTURE EN BELGIQUE, 245, June-Jully 2015

''EFdeN- un proiect multidisciplinar de cercetare in arhitectura''ARCHITECTURA, June 2014

NItulescu School of Architecture

selected works

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Collective Housing on Mantuleasa Street

Morphologically, Bucharest is one of the most heterogeneous European cities, composed of urban fragments apparently autonomous and auto referential. This character can be easily seen in Mantuleasa area, having an urban tissue of great historical value and therefore, a cre-ative challenge for planers. In the meantime the contradictory values are generating a poor quality of life for the neighbourhood's users.

My project seeks to develop a system capable of generating a positive impact for the quality of life, through a sustainable approach capa-ble of gradually evolving. It is a complex intervention with the main purpose of creating continuity at the urban structure level.

Alongside with the urban approach, regarding the micro level of the apartments' users, it is important that daily comfort is established through smart design choices like indoor-outdoor transitions (an interior street at the floor level, or apartments equipped with terraces which visually connect with the outside environment while generating an intimate setting for the owner) .

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Collective Housing on Mantuleasa Street

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Charleroi, Belgium. It testifies to a fact: cities are movements. It reflects the obsolescence with which the Progressive model sees cities growing indefi-nitely around a hyper-centre.

Their construction and development have con-ditioned the territory. The Charleroi territory now subject to its centre forgets and erases traces of its former development. It climaxed with a mono functional manner in huge, iso-lated industrial fields and created a cancerous territory.

''Charleroi- La ville de villages'' urbanism project

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''Charleroi- La ville de villages'' urbanism project

To answer positively to the situation of Charleroi, this project approaches the area from the bottom to the top.

Starting from a number of micro-centralities carefully identified and linked by a reticular development, it is inconceivable to think the urban development by a globalizing model.

The key is to enrol it into a context and imagine it from a human, cultural and terri-torial perspective.

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Fish Market in Sulina: a pulsating architecture

_the particularity of Sulina’s unique and appeal-ing appearance for the visitor immediately sends us to the idea that spectacle is a key concept in understanding its logic_spectacle becomes a deciphering key of the place and it immediately appeals to Sulina’s in-tegration into the nowadays capitalistic consum-erist society, where the image of the city and, implicitly, its architecture, become a commodity_the concept of spectacle was theorised by French philosopher Guy Debord who founded in the 60s the Situationist International Movement; alongside its peers, he strongly criticised the way society seems to replace every-day, mundane life elements with fade representations, direct-ing a show, a spectacle where dull, empty imag-es, stripped from their former content are taking over step by step_a possible and valid move to exit the logic of the spectacle is offered also by the Situationists, who propose an implantation of life situa-tions, artificially created images, moments in life which enable life to regain its content; the situations, therefore, create a context for people to start rediscovering lost social interactions

Fish Market in Sulina: a pulsating architecture Fish Market in Sulina: a pulsating architecture Fish Market in Sulina: a pulsating architecture

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Fish Market in Sulina: a pulsating architecture _a method for rediscovering a lost way of life in an almost abandoned town through architecture is to study the urban tissue in strong connection to the way it is used; _the main public space of Sulina can be found alongside the waterfront; having an orthog-onal street structure which opens towards the water channel, we can observe that Sulina’s life gravitates around this strip of land, which gradually dilates from west to east, but ends abruptly in a golf, where we find the town limit;_the present project proposes a smooth con-tinuation and enlargement of the waterfront, starting from the golf and continuing with an approx. 2km long strip of land which ends in a great body of water; the site belongs in present to the town administration, it is considered out-side of the urban tissue and is almost empty of constructions._this long and narrow space is considered an itinerary of regaining the quality of user of the town or reclaiming a lost way of life;

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Fish Market in Sulina: a pulsating architecture


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Fish Market in Sulina: a pulsating architecture

_it addresses both locals and visitors, as it represents a promenade where different types of activities coagulate and generate in-terest;_it can be called a pulsating landscape, as it thickens or dilutes according to the num-ber of users it accommodates depending on the period of the year._the premises of this project start from the idea that not all places need the same amount of activation, at the same time. Furthermore, it starts with accepting the fact that Sulina is only a shadow of a lost civiliza-tion and maybe the only salvation it can get comes from those who are not part of it- the visitors._it does not assert a miraculous activation of an ill mechanism, but an alternate perspec-tive of regeneration and an invitation to dialogue._it can be, also, a way to partially restore the notion of spectacle, starting by assum-ing and critically understanding it.

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Fish Market in Sulina: a pulsating architecture



_similar to the Situationists’ intentions, the building aims to represent a device which lets activities take control;_a repetitive structure which, helped by changes of direction, angle and pace emulat-ing the riverfront, inspires movement and seems to repeat itself endlessly; this char-acter of repetitiveness creates context for activities to take place, such as: fish prepara-tion, traditional cooking demonstrations, in-terior market, outside weekly fair, meetings and town events etc._a spectacle in itself, the building body re-minds of the long, 1 storey-high vernacu-lar constructions used throughout the del-ta for similar activities surrounding the fish tradition;_the intervention does not aim to mimic its surroundings, but to blend in with the old and recreate an atmosphere present in this territory;_the roof with a ship mast silhouette draws attention from afar and also takes into ac-count local strong N-S winds;

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Fish Market in Sulina: a pulsating architecture

_the built volume is permeable, pulsating, as it permanently communicates with the exteri-or activities;_the situations are concentrated at the interi-or of the market and slowly dilute towards the exterior through alternative routes, an outdoor covered space, changes of perspective and in-flexion point;_at the interior, the market is separated into a fish supply and preparation area, visually accessible for the user standing outside, and a vending area of raw and cooked fish produce; also, a seasonal restaurant functions near the pear, where people can try and taste local dishes and also observe the preparation_the constructive system is based on a combina-tion of telescopic, 15m high steel poles real-ized by combining 11 different pole sections for better rigidity, 10/20 cm double section lami-nated wood long span lattice beams and ten-sioned steel cables;_the 50 cm walls are built with 15/30 cm ado-be bricks, common for constructions in the area, with an additional steel structure put into place for the high glass openings above;_at the base of the glass wall, a system of auto-mated glass slides ventilation louvres is put into place on the entire building perimeter;

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BiodiverCity - research internship at The Why Factory - Delftwith Winy Maas and Felix Madrazo

‘‘Nowadays, cities shelter 50% of the world’s to-tal population and this growing tendency does not appear to cease, since human activities are continuously expanding and demanding more areas. Therefore, natural spaces are each time more scarce within urban spaces. This diminish-ment in natural green areas means that the al-ready weak existing biotopes present in the city are destroyed, leaving the local animals without a natural habitat, finding themselves in a hostile and unnatural environment.The project ‘‘BiodiverCity’’ responds to these matters by imagining how can we, as humans, live together with animals within urban spaces. The city of Lille, more specifically the district of Euralille, has been chosen for the study, since it represents the junctions of different periods of the city within one densely populated area and especially because it is an archetype of conges-tion of the artificial.’’

This represented a one-month research intern-ship conducted by our tutors at The Why Facto-ry at TU Delft, Winy Maas and Felix Madrazo.The editorial board of the book conducted it’s activity at both TU Delft office and MVRDV office in Rotterdam.As part of the editorial board, I was in charge of research and content, text and image produc-tion for final content of the book.

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BiodiverCity - research studio project with Winy Maas and Felix Madrazo

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EFdeN- Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 competition

This project is part of a competition for multidis-ciplinary teams of students which aim to design an energy efficient, sustainable house, while dealing with the users' comfort and the urban and architectural ges-ture.

The EFdeN concept is shaped around a pivot-al, centre space- a greenhouse. From a spatial point of view, this is a volume which, boldly ad-vanced into the house, provides with natural light, separates functionally different rooms and keeps a close contact with the exterior.

From a functional point of view, the greenhouse is part of the ventilation, the heating and cooling processes, being inscribed into the house's bio-climatic strategy. Speaking about the architectural gesture, the building has a clean, simple shape which can be easily inserted into different urban contexts. The prototype already built is also part of a wid-er urban strategy, proposing an alternate way of life, based on alternative transportation, sustainable energy choices and urban farming small parcels in or-der to help communities develop in a healthy manner.

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Nitulescu School of Architecture - hand drawings

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