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  • 8/9/2019 Architects Directory 2010


    Architects Directory 2010 |Maurijones J. de Albuquerque 1

    Architects Directory 2010Architects Directory 2010Architects Directory 2010Architects Directory 2010

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    Architects Directory 2010 |Maurijones J. de Albuquerque 2

    Architects Directory 2010


    For this year's Architects Directory, we've opened up the minds of our 30 chosen studios,giving them a dream brief with just a few qualifications. Divided between town and country,the 30 conceptual structures shown here are intended as architectural provocations,practice statements that embody individual approaches, without ever losing sight of theeconomic and environmental concerns that have been pushed to the forefront of theagenda as never before. Scattered across a selection of sites from the Ukraine toArgentina, half in cities and half on rural sites, these houses are the fresh visions ofemerging architectural talents, each designed to maximise the qualities of its particular site,as well as point to new ways of making a home.

    This years chosen architects photographed at the Centre Pompidou MetzImage: Jonathan de Villiers

    Architects Pictured Not present

    Spora Architects (HU)Carson & Crushell (IE)

    Walker Architects (IE)NArchitekTURA (PL)Surez Santas (ES)

    Frei + Saarinen (CH)OnOffice (PT)

    Marchal Frstenburger (CH)Rocha Tombal (NL)

    Ramdam (FR)Edgeley Design (UK)

    Scenario Architecture (UK)Hein-Troy (CH)

    X -ArquitectosZoka Zola Architects

    Moto DesignshopRory Hyde ProjectsDieter JanssenClaudio VilarinhoAas/Thaulow Axelrod ArchitectsTakao AkiyamaJose Ulloa Davet & Delphine DingSkourtil-Stavropoulou ArchitectsNajjar & NajjarObra ArchitectsOwen and VokesJohan Sundberg2-B-2 Architecture

    Tennent + Brown ArchitectsAxelrod Architects

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    Architects Directory 2010: sporaarchitects



    WEEKEND-CITY | View in Google Earth: 47.502822, 19.061550

    PROFILEBudapest-based sporaarchitects is a multi-disciplinary practice, set up in 2002 and currentlyhard at work on the city's Metro4 underground line, a major infrastructural project. The fourpartners are all in their late 30s and early 40s, and have wide-ranging experience inarchitecture, urbanism and development. Tibor Dkny, Sndor Finta, dm Hatvani andOrsolya Vadsz are also all graduates from the Budapest University of Technology andEconomics (BME), and also maintain membership of the Hungarian ContemporaryArchitecture Centre, a nexus for new ways of thinking in the country. 'At the core of ourarchitecture is the ability to take a fresh look at things through experienced eyes,' they state.

    WEEKEND-CITYThis cascading structure is spora's response to shifting perceptions of what it is to be urban.As planners argue as to whether suburban or inner city conditions are the best means ofgenerating life, community and economic vitality, the Weekend-City marches in with atumble of ideas, a blend of the traditional summer house with an urban site. Designed tocounter Budapest's proliferation of courtyard-centric dwellings and meagre apartments,spora suggests an agreeable architectural jumble. 'The project combines the benefits ofmetropolitan and rural life,' they say, 'it would create a vertical village with criss-crossingterraces and gardens connected to each flat, while the apartments are overrun by plants

    and everyone would have a small garden to grow fruit and vegetables.'

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    Architects Directory 2010: Walker Architects

    Walker ArchitectsIreland

    DUBLIN ROW HOUSE - View in Google Earth: 53.333691, -6.272808

    PROFILEAfter working in Europe and America with artists, designers and architects on a wide varietyof projects (including a spell at the Centre Pompidou), Dublin-based architect Simon Walkerfounded his own firm in 1998. The University College Dublin graduate combines privatepractice with teaching, writing, furniture design and curating; he even worked with PatrickLynch on the Irish exhibition at the 2008 Venice Biennale. Born into an architectural family -his father was a partner in the great Irish modernist firm of Scott Tallon Walker Walkerhas seen the country's fortunes rise and fall. 'Now the climate is very different,' he admits

    'There is no appetite for ostentatious excess, even among the rich, and many people areunable to borrow the money to develop even the most modest proposals.' Which explainsWalkers belief and growing body of work that architecture must deliver more than the mereprovision of value or spectacle.

    DUBLIN ROW HOUSEWalker's proposed Dublin row house updates some would say, reinvent a commontypology so as to practically double the density of a typical site. 'Two residential units sharethe plot, yet both have access to front and back of the site, and both are distributed overupper and lower levels,' he says. Designed to slot neatly into the many empty sitesscattered around the mews and laneways on Dublins south side, the template house gives

    the sense that qualities like sustainable design must become utterly integrated into newarchitecture, while the stylish mix of old and new should be second nature.

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    Architects Directory 2010: NArchitecTURA


    'SHELTERING SKY' | View in Google Earth: 13.905407, -4.553833

    PROFILEBartosz Haduch founded NArchitecTURA in 2007. Based in Krakow, the studio takes itsname from the fusion of nature and architecture, with a remit that extends to landscapedesign, graphics, photography and even journalism (Haduch has contributed in the past). Haduch has worked in Holland, Austria and Spain, as wellmaking research forays around the world. Working together with Bartosz Karda, MichaHaduch and Micha Sapeta, Haduch combines practice with PhD studies at Wroclaw'sUniversity of Technology. Attuned to the media age, NArchitecTURA's work explores theways in which architecture conveys information, 'transforming it into a game of searching,

    hearing and reading, to which all users and visitors are invited.' Vernacular forms are aconstant inspiration, 'simple buildings and objects designed by people whose names willprobably never end up in Google.'

    'SHELTERING SKY'Inspired by Bernando Bertolucci's 1990 film, the Sheltering Sky House is designed for thecity of Djenne in Mali, where the streets are made up of traditional clay buildings. 'Thehouse is a hypothetical proposal of a scenery for the future life of the film's' main character,Kit Moresby, after her husband's death,' says Haduch. With a fictional client in hand,NArchitecTURA's wedge-shaped design is effectively a stage set, a void around which twofloors of 'furniture walls' are placed, freeing up the internal space. The living space has justone window, a vast opening roof 'to connect with ever changing nature and the 'shelteringsky''.

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    Architects Directory 2010: Surez Santas Arquitectos

    Surez Santas ArquitectosSpain

    X HOUSE | View in Google Earth: 43.414016, -2.960263

    PROFILEAsier Santas Torres and Luis Suarez Mansillas practice, Suarez Santas Arquitectos, spansthe whole spectrum of architectural design, including urban planning, design research andarchitectural theory. Both the architects graduated from the University of Navarra School ofArchitecture (ETSAUN), where Santas was also awarded his PhD (Suarez is currentlypursuing one). Their joint firm was established in 2003. Working with public projects as wellas private clients, the north Spanish practice has already been awarded in more than 15national and international competitions. Now, apart from heading their fast-growing studio,the pair frequently lecture and exhibit, such as at the 11th International ArchitectureExhibition at the Venice Biennale. Their multi-levelled approach is part of their philosophy.We understand architecture as a discipline based on three principles: theoretical research,

    teaching and professional practice, they explain. Their design influences include masterslike Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, Aalto or Kahn, but also Terragni, Bunshaft, Breuer,Koening, and Ellwood.

    X HOUSE'The X House is not piece of architecture,' the architects clarify, 'it is a mark on thelandscape that has been drawn with the spontaneity of the ancient surveyors, and with theoptimistic spirit of travellers that aspire to discover new places.' Located in North Spain on aBiscay Coast cliff facing the Cantabrian Sea, the location is blessed with stunning views,which the architects took full advantage of. Designed to highlight the link betweenarchitecture and its user, the house is low, graphic and horizontally planned, open towards

    all directions.

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    Architects Directory 2010: Frei + Saarinen Architekten

    Frei + Saarinen ArchitektenSwitzerland

    RURAL HOUSE | View in Google Earth: 43.151045, -77.046969

    PROFILEBarbara Frei and Martin Saarinen had worked in well-known practices like NL Architects,Sadar Vuga, Erick van Egeraat and Herzog & de Meuron before setting up their joint firm inZurich in 2005. Both graduates of ETH Zurich, the architects state that while they do notprefer to use the word inspiration for their work, the list of practices and works that weadmire is long. Nomen Est Omen (name is omen) suggests similarities to Frei Ottos orEero Saarinens work. A nice thought Using new technologies only if they contribute toan architectural idea, the architects do not share many of their colleagues fascination withdigital technologies as a means in itself, preferring to allow their work to be influenced bythe social changes.

    RURAL HOUSEInspired by the briefs requirement for a standalone house in a rural location Frei and

    Saarinen reference Andrea Palladios Villa Rotonda and chose to work on a farmhouseincluding 11 cows and confront the challenges and the spatial and atmospheric potential ofsharing a house with farm animals. Integrating the animals presence in the house design,they used the cows body warmth to help heat up the rooms. The house was seen as adomesticated piece of nature, working to reinforce the inhabitants natural experience butalso, in a way, an art piece. By putting the fully glazed stables on a socle, like DamianHirst's Golden Calf, the relation of watching and being watched is shifted, they explain,adding, in a deadpan way that in fact, the inhabitants work as entertainment for the

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    Architects Directory 2010: OnOffice



    SHUFFLE HOUSE | View in Google Earth: 41.153612, -8.625136

    PROFILEOnOffice is the epitome of the trans-European architectural practice. Established in 2008 bythe Portuguese architects Joao Viero Costa, Ricardo Guedes, the Italian FrancescoMoncada and the Japanese-American Leon Rost, the studio's first port of call was Oslo,where the quartet spent a year before relocating to Porto in 2009. With experience in large,media-savvy acronym-heavy studios like MVRDV, FOA, KSARK, OMA and PLOT(subsequently split into JDS and BIG), OnOffice emerged into the world with a fully-formedunderstanding of the relationship between architecture and modern media. Their practice isfully committed to extensive research - 'the greater the research, the more departure pointswe find for design' - with the aim of distilling ideas down to a single solution. Currently mostinfluenced by the 'economy and ecology,' thanks to the knock-on effect of the global

    downturn, they place their practice at the heart of the current 'sustainability revolution',considered integral to their work.

    SHUFFLE HOUSEOnOffice's global approach is informed by their experience of Dutch, Scandinavian andJapanese architecture culture. The proposed Shuffle House transcended their initialimpulse for a piece of paper architecture and is instead intended for a specific plot, locatedclose to their office, with a specific client in mind. With one question at the heart of thedesign - 'if each room has different demands for space, shouldnt each room claim thespace it needs, like a Mondrian grid?' - the Shuffle House is a jigsaw of internal volumesthat uses the typical massing and forms of the Porto townhouse, reorganised around a

    thinly sliced circulation section that allows for a multiplicity of internal spaces. The adhocexternal facade reflects this reorganised interior logic, while the facade is clad in a designbased on a scaled up Azulejo ceramic tile.

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    Architects Directory 2010: Marchal Furstenberger

    Marchal FurstenbergerSwitzerland

    CITYHOUSE | View in Google Earth: 47.552383, 7.588974

    PROFILESacha Marchal and Philippe Furstenberger met at the Basel offices of Herzog & de Meuron,where they racked up 20 years of service between them before setting up on their own in2006. Both in their early 40s, the Franco-Swiss studio has an ethos of providing quality oflife, not just to their clients, but to everyone who has to engage and interact with theirarchitecture. Without wishing to pigeonhole themselves as purveyors of flowinginside/outside space or tightly controlled interiors, Marchal Furstenberger's projectsfrequently bring together both approaches, influenced by the broad spectrum of modernmedia and culture, eg the recent Arlesheim House that appears to float above its site with afully glazed ground floor and rendered first floor.

    CITYHOUSEDesigned for a plot in the heart of their home city, the Cityhouse is an attempt to tackle asite with 'extreme geometry', just five metres wide but 30m long, stretching between twostreets, one with a commercial focus, the other residential. Marchal and Furstenbergerbegan by posing the question, 'What does living in the city mean?', rapidly concluding thatthe modern city dweller considers the urban realm as an extension of their house .'The timewe used to spend in our living room is nowadays shared with the cinema, the theater or amuseum of art. We share our lunch with some friend in the restaurant or we just go to thepark to enjoy our free time. What is the role of the house in the city?' The solution is thiscave-like form, a throwback to the house as fundamental shelter.

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    Architects Directory 2010: Rocha Tombal

    Rocha TombalNetherlands

    PRINSENEILAND HOUSE | View in Google Earth: 52.385050, 4.887756

    PROFILEAna Rocha and Michel Tombal left major roles at Dutch mega-practice Mecanoo to set upRocha Tombal in 2006. Their work is an attempt to reconnect with the emotional resonanceof architecture, the remembered spaces of childhood, 'the light reflection in the corridor, theintimacy of the attic shape, the excitement of the open doors to the inviting garden.' Therecently completed Huis Bierings and Huis Ijburg illustrate this approach: superficiallymodernist in form and materials, but actually rather uncanny and intricate in feel, theirspatial eccentricities are exaggerated by window placement and the play of natural lightpaired with a healthy disdain for the self-conscious traditionalism of the open plan.

    PRINSENEILAND HOUSETheir proposed house is set in Amsterdam's Prinseneiland harbour extension which Rochaand Tombal describe as a battlefield where warehouses, residential blocks, freighters andprivate boats have attempted to establish its hegemony'. Set amongst the scrubbyvegetation of post-industrial decay, the house is designed as a 'sounding box where naturallighting and the variety of views generated a state of constant transformation.' Intended as alow-impact house that maximises sustainability and solar gain, the Prinseneiland House isarranged around a service nucleus (the kitchen and stairs) with the rest of the house openand flexible like the original brick warehouses that dot the surrounding landscape. Finally,the house's close relationship to nature and decay is cemented by the use of recycledpanels in the facade. 'A good building has a structural role in its surroundings,' they say,

    explaining that they create a relationship between the inside life of a building and thesurroundings.'

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    Architects Directory 2010: Ramdam


    THE DOMINO HOUSE | View in Google Earth: 51.557915, -0.105970

    PROFILEFounded in Paris by Germain Bouchon, Franck Dibon and Olivier Misischi in 2009,RAMDAM is a small idea-driven architectural practice. 'The studio developed naturally outof our attachment to public spaces,' says Dibon, 'our name is designed to evoke theeffervescence of the Bazaar, the image of a town that is open, free, unrestricted and full ofcontrast.' RAMDAM's deliberate strategy of cultural blending underpins their laissez-faireapproach to use; future changes and alterations are positively encouraged. Proposals likethe BeTwin Passive Townhouses illustrate their preoccupation with intelligent greensolutions that also add a playful visual pluralism to the modern city.


    With a knowing nod to one of Le Corbusier's most celebrated conceptual ideas, RAMDAM'sMaison Domino is a deconstruction of the traditional terrace, featuring a monolithic block'whose stability depends on the stability of its neighbours'. Set at an alarming angle, theidea is to evoke the sense of flux and change within the city, with the infill site playing acritical role. Those canted voids created by the house's tipped rectangular form don't go towaste either - they're designed to function as passageways, parking, small stores, cellars orstorage, as the need arises. Solar panels can festoon the sloping roof, which also scoopsup rainwater for irrigation and recycling. https:/

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    Architects Directory 2010: Edgeley Design

    Edgeley DesignUK

    PLANE HOUSE | View in Google Earth: 51.412816, -2.054637


    Edgeley Design grew organically out of a self-built project in Islington the Secret House which the firms director, Jake Edgeley began in 2004. Officially establishing his practice in2006, Edgeley, a Manchester University and Architectural Association graduate, has sincebuilt a strong portfolio of residential commissions. An admirer of all things simple, Edgeleyexplains the practices approach: Our aesthetic is derived from simplicity, from a desire todistil a project to its essentials and at the same time maximise the spatial and materialquality of the building. Consciously focusing on low tech and environmental design, thestudio now works a lot with structural timber design and highly insulated buildings thatrequire little energy. The architect counts among his influences the 'pure material aestheticof David Adjaye, the referential creativity of Herzog and de Meuron,' as well as Frank LloydWright, Scarpa, Kahn, Le Corbusier, Picasso, Ray Kappe vernacular architecture and

    minimalist and landscape art.PLANE HOUSEPlane house was designed for a location in Wiltshire, UK. A minimal composition of basicorthogonal shapes, the house is defined by a series of walls, which enclose the interiorsfree-flowing open-plan spaces, extending organically into the landscape through thestructures large windows. The absence of window frames also accentuates the openness,giving the impression of a ground floor united with the scenery. Placing kitchen and diningareas on the eastern side and living spaces to the west, Edgeley orientated the house sothat it would make the most out of the garden views. The bedrooms are placed on the toplevel. The house is designed to be fully self-built with the help of local material, adding to itsminimal nature, and can be adapted to different sites and scales.

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    Architects Directory 2010: Scenario Architecture

    Scenario ArchitectureUK

    A HOUSE FOR TWO | View in Google Earth: 51.531784, -0.103712


    Young London-based practice Established in 2007, Scenario Architecture consists ofArchitectural Association alumni Ran Ankory and Maya Carni, both in their 30s. Their skillset includes digital visualisation, construction work and even blacksmithing, making themwell suited to the hands-on nature of contemporary practice. Describing themselves as'spatial problem solvers,' their work to date has been small on scale but large on ambition,frequently involving a twist of surfaces or materials to create spaces with a sense of thestrangely familiar. For example, the Focal Shift (shortlisted for the Emerging ArchitectureAwards last year) is a sculpted fireplace that pokes subtly out into the room, angled so as tomake a psychological divide in an open plan living space.


    Research, specifically into day-to-day activities and routines, drives the way Scenarioshapes spaces. To this end, they're working on tools that'll decipher such 'habitationscenarios', helping shape environmental and social variables for future homes. 'The core ofour inspiration is a pure fascination with the archetypes of dwelling; elusive, organic,beautiful and intangible.' This is illustrated in A House For Two, their conceptual design.Intended for young professional couple living in North London, the slim terraced structureslots into an infill site, its form notched at critical junctures so as to allow 'specific sun anddaylight patterns,' illuminating daily life and assisting environmental performance. Thehouse inverts traditional living patterns, with a garden at the front first floor level, a skewedroof for better solar panel angling and a lower ground floor master suite for maximumprivacy.

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    Architects Directory 2010: Hein-Troy


    STAGGERED HOUSE | View in Google Earth:

    PROFILEGraduates from the architecture schools of Innsbruck and Vienna, Matthias Hein and JuriTroy established their separate practices in Bregenz in 2002 and Vienna in 2003respectively. Although they keep their own offices, in 2006 they went on to merge, and haveworked together ever since. Stimulated by art, film and photography, they are alsoinfluenced by their travels, applying their inspiration on their numerous residential,commercial and educational projects. 'We always try to work with basic materials and findnew ways of using them and playing with their own particular characteristics. The sameapproach is applied to each projects site - location helps us react to the maximumparameters that a site offers, say the architects.

    STAGGERED HOUSEWe wanted to create a house with both closed areas and some open space in between,explain Hein and Troy. Creating a dialogue between the private and the social functions of ahouse, the architects treated their proposal for a house in the country as a solid structure,conceived though as a combination of open and closed spaces, featuring a completelyopen-air part as well. Covered by climbing plants, the open part acts as a skylight in thewinter - allowing the light to come in - and shade in the summer - protecting the interior fromthe hot sun, transforming the house into a living green sculpture. Democratically sited in acornfield in Anif, the conceptual design is placed exactly in the same distance from their twooffices in Vienna and Bregenz.

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    Architects Directory 2010: Takao Akiyama

    Takao AkiyamaJapan

    HOUSE IN TOKYO | View in Google Earth: 35.670121, 139.809179

    PROFILETakao Akiyama is one of Japan's legion of very talented sole practitioners. Devoted tocarefully crafted domestic designs for discerning clients who want a house that is perfectlytailored to their needs, the 54 year-old set up Akiyama Architecture Design in 1995, 15years after graduating from Nihon University and an early career in various architecturefirms around Japan. Throughout his solo career, his philosophy remains unchanged.'Architecture is the background that illuminates the inhabitants,' he says, even though theconstant march of technology means he is ceaselessly researching how lifestyles change.He cites the films of Jean-Luc Godard as inspiration, admiring the emotionlessperformances and comparing them to the lack of geometries or colors in his own work. 'I tryto visualize the relationship between people and architecture with a design ego.'

    HOUSE IN TOKYOThis urban house reflects Akiyama's desire to create a sense of distance between insideand outside spaces so as to detach the dwellers from the bustle of the city. Located indowntown Tokyo, the house backs onto a canal. A punched aluminum roof brings dappledlight into the interior spaces, as well as a light mist of rain and wind. 'It's pretty close to anatural environment,' the architect says. The quasi-open upper storey also houses theglass-walled bathroom and a clear acrylic water-covered terrace, creating a translucent 'sky'above the main functions on the ground floor. The ground floor is intended as one longroom that can be divided into several narrow rooms by punched aluminum walls.Minimalism is the order of the day: closets and furnishings are intended to become 'interior

    scenery', visible through the perforated metal walls and casting shadows against the real orartificial light.

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    Architects Directory 2010: Dieter Janssen

    Dieter JanssenCanada

    SECOND SKY | View in Google Earth: 42.853487,-79.680450

    PROFILECurrently teaching at the University of Toronto as well as practicing, Dieter Janssen hasbeen directing his studio, DJA, since 1999. The architect works with a range of residentialprojects and keeps an open mind about inspiration, although he admits that photographers,such as Thomas Demand as well as travelling with his own camera have proved to be avaluable resource. 'My architectural ambition is that type of experiment: one in which thepotential of establishing an exchange between people and spaces could lead to a novelform of intimacy,' says Janssen. Influenced by his teachers, he also finds the work ofdesigners like Maarten van Severen, Karel Martens and Jorg Conzett an excitingknowledge pool.

    SECOND SKYSet on a breathtaking location at the edge of Lake Erie, Janssens country house proposaltakes its cue from the areas cloud formations. The name is inspired by the structures wavyroof, which works creatively with the horizon line, also prompting a light and shadow playinside. Working with nature in terms of materials as much as it does in terms of concept, thebuilding uses a green roof water system and is made of a combination of reclaimedcomponents sourced from condominium sales centres and recycled materials from anearby quarry. The lightweight structures interior layout is as simple as it gets, with twopartition walls, also doubling as storage space, defining the houses main areas.

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    Architects Directory 2010: Tennent + Brown Architects

    Tennent + Brown ArchitectsNew Zealand

    OTAKI RIVER HOUSE | View in Google Earth: -40.815380, 175.196515

    PROFILEEwan Brown joined Hugh Tennents existing practice in 2003 to form Tennent + BrownArchitects. The two architects obtained their architectural degrees from Victoria Universityand Auckland University respectively before setting off to work for different New Zealandpractices; eventually joining forces. Focusing on residential projects, but also working oncommunity and commercial commissions, the practice seeks to innovate, to fulfil eachprojects vision and to use quality architecture to clarify function through design. Aiming toemploy more sustainable systems in their coming projects, the architects also hope to usetheir skills in different areas of culture and in enhancing their countrys urban environment.

    The pair draws inspiration from many and varied sources: 'local and regional culturalexpression, design from other nations of similar climate and scale and the developing world,as well as leading thinkers like the American author Ken Wibler.'

    OTAKI RIVER HOUSETaking its name from its location on a river terrace overlooking the Otaki River, nearWashington, New Zealand Tennent and Browns house is orientated so that it can makethe most of the sweeping views towards the coastal bush clad ranges and plains. Clean andsimple in its design, the house provides communal and personal spaces around a centralsheltered deck. Most of the material required for its construction can be locally sourced or

    produced; laminated veneer lumber panels are alternated with double-glazing. Solar panelssupport the structures energy needs and roof water is collected for use in the house andgarden.

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    Architects Directory 2010: Johan Sundberg

    Johan SundbergSweden

    URBAN ROW-HOUSE | View in Google Earth:


    Johan Sundberg began his practice while still a student at the Lund School of Architecture,shifting from graphic design into interiors and small houses. By the time he had graduated and bagged a Swedish best debut project award for the Villa Bergman the 33-year oldwas practically an established name. Currently collaborating (and office sharing) withBlasberg & Andrasson Architects, he also teaches. Sundberg's approach is pragmatic. 'Iwould say that form, space and order surpasses any kind of conceptual ideas or beliefs,' heexplains, 'but ultimately, what after some serious thought feels right, is usually right.' Takinginspiration from his students, as well as the work of Zumthor and Utzon 'but I could just aswell say Jackson Pollock' Sundberg's work is crisp, refined and shot through withcommon sense.

    URBAN ROW-HOUSEA proposal for a three-storey house on a site in Malmo's old town, Sundberg's designdisplays its 'moral clarity' through a simple material palette, beginning with a solid concreteground floor and gradually becoming more open as it rises. The 'stuck-on' facadereferences the 18th and 19th-century structures around it, only the new proposal usesglass, steel and timber panels that can be folded back to open it up to the street if needed.The proposal is unnamed, 'otherwise it would suggest that there was an underlying themethat rises above all else,' says Sundberg, 'I don't believe in that sort of thing.' Instead, thearchitect describes the houses as a symphony of 'spaces and functions, material andstructural consistency, light and emotion', all brought together in order to 'create a whole

    larger than the sum of its parts.'

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    Architects Directory 2010: Rory Hyde Projects

    Rory Hyde ProjectsAustralia

    MANY HAPPY RETURNS | View in Google Earth: -33.893872, 151.187913

    PROFILERory Hyde set up his studio in Melbourne in 2005, originally as a side project to help him siftthrough a number of ongoing themes, such as writing, installation and design. Havingworked for Ashton Raggatt McDougall and Black Kosloff Knott Architects following hisgraduation from the city's RMIT, Hyde starting working full-time on RHP in 2008. Still in his20s, Hyde belongs to a generation entirely comfortable with extracting, evolving andexploiting the social patterns that manifest through the Internet. 'Architecture should besocial, not formal,' he says, 'useful, not iconic; experimental, not safe; pluralist, not pure;collaborative, not protective; and smart, not pretty.' Above all, Hyde is a passionate believerthat 'architecture has to change something - it has to be an active participant.' He alsoacknowledges that all architecture now exists in the broad context of finance, sustainability,

    politics and social change, rather than just aesthetics.

    MANY HAPPY RETURNSThe Many Happy Returns house is a proposal for an urban house that doubles up as a newsocial centre, thanks to a series of spatial interventions into the conventional form of thestreetscape. Hyde and his team have rearranged the floor plan, creating a stacked four-storey house bisected by a community garden and a public staircase. Hyde suggests thisspace could be used for film screenings or meetings, as well as attracting customers to anysmall businesses that might want to set up in the adjacent private workshop. As its namesuggests, the house gives back to its site, both through its response to the streetscape andcommunity, but also through the incorporation of a self-contained apartment. 'Every street

    should have one,' the architect concludes.

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    Architects Directory 2010: 2-B-2 Architecture

    2-B-2 ArchitectureUkraine

    PROJECT | View in Google Earth: 46.955194, 31.909485

    PROFILEArchitect Dmitry Burnashov and designer Andrey Bondarenko describe their work as a'gathering the whole out of parts,' and have an eclectic portfolio that embraces everythingfrom yacht interiors to restaurant designs. Their aesthetic approach is also admirably broad.Clients clearly call the shots in country where a unified design culture has yet to find its feet.Their interior for the 30m Ocean Star yacht, constructed in Nikolaev's Liman Shipyard, is aheavy fusion of contemporary art deco and traditional gentleman's club, whereas theTamplier restaurant is, to Western eyes, straight out of a theme park, pushing even themost liberal definition of post-modernism to the limit. That said, the architects rail againstthe system of 'thoughtless consumption' that pervades their contemporary scene.

    PROJECTFor Wallpaper*, 2-B-2 relished being left to their own devices. Without the weight ofcommercial pressure, it's clear Andrey and Dmitry have much to offer. This two-storey townhouse for a traditional family unit is intended for a site in the south of Ukraine, where thereis a random scattering of various house designs from the past few decades. 2-B-2's designis characterized by its clean lines and contemporary influences, a distillation of classic'white' modernism and the slashed facades of Ito and Libeskind. These latter formsreference the house's steel construction; 'it has the structure of a tree, with a strong trunkand thin branches that frame the building's volume.' The criss-crossed facade fills thedownstairs living space with ever-changing patterns of light.

  • 8/9/2019 Architects Directory 2010


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