arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries Are we there yet? François Massonnet 21-26 January 2018 1

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Page 1: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Arctic sea ice prediction

from days to centuries Are we there yet?

François Massonnet

21-26 January 2018


Page 2: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries


Page 3: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

September 2007: the

Arctic black swan


Page 4: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Number of results from Google Scholar query

« Arctic sea ice prediction » per year of publication

Arctic sea ice prediction:

an emerging area of research



of p






Page 5: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Three excellent articles on

Arctic sea ice predictability

and prediction


Page 6: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Arctic sea ice prediction

1. From days to centuries

2. What are the ways forward?


Page 7: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Arctic sea ice prediction

1. From days to centuries

2. What are the ways forward?


Page 8: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries


Autocorrelation of 1979-2015 sea ice

thickness (model output, one grid point)

Lag [days]



Page 9: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Sea ice speed (one point)

Total sea ice kinetic energy

Sea ice concentration (one point)

Total sea ice extent

Total snow on sea ice volume

Total sea ice area

Snow on sea ice depth (one point)

Sea ice thickness (one point)

Total sea ice volume

Persistence of anomalies [days] Data: satellite (NSIDC) + reanalysis (PIOMAS) + ocean-sea ice global simulations

Lag [days]

Autocorrelation of 1979-2015 sea ice

thickness (model output, one grid point)


Persistence: a primary source

of sea ice predictability on a

spectrum of time scales


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June 20th – July 12th 2015, LANCE-MODIS, 2 images per day;topic=176.0;attach=18238;image


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June 20th – July 12th 2015, LANCE-MODIS, 2 images per day;topic=176.0;attach=18238;image


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June 20th – July 12th 2015, LANCE-MODIS, 2 images per day;topic=176.0;attach=18238;image


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Sources of



June 20th – July 12th 2015, LANCE-MODIS, 2 images per day;topic=176.0;attach=18238;image


Page 15: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Sources of



-Mechanical forcing

by wind

-Current ice state

(deformation, age,

thickness ,


June 20th – July 12th 2010, LANCE-MODIS, 2 images per day;topic=176.0;attach=18238;image


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Page 17: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

July August Sept.

Weekly sea ice extent predictability stems from



: N




Page 18: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

[Simmonds and Rudeva, Geophys. Res. Lett, 2012, Zhang et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 2013; Parkinson and Comiso, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2013 ]




July August Sept.

Weekly sea ice extent predictability stems from

persistence but can be affected by synoptic events

Sea Level Pressure 6th Aug 2012



: N




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Page 20: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries


: N




Reemergence through

ice area-SST coupling

Blanchard-Wrigglesworth et al., J. Clim., 2011; Chevallier et al., J. Clim., 2012; Day et al., J. Clim., 2014, Stammerjohn et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 2012

Correlation date of ice retreat vs

date of ice advance (1979-2010)

Example of reemergence: melt to freeze up


Page 21: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Chevallier et al., J. Clim., 2013; Msadek et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 2014; Sigmond et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 2013; Peterson et al., Clim. Dyn., 2015; Massonnet et al., Ocean Model., 2015; Merryfield et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 2013; Bushuk et al., Geophys. Res. Lett. 2017


Page 22: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Hamilton and Stroeve, Polar Geography, 2016




Page 23: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Predictions are unfortunately not

skillful in « operational » mode.

Possible reasons:

• Technical issues (e.g., fields not

available at time of forecast) imply that

groups cannot perform as well as on

retrospective predictions

• Predicting sea ice is tougher today

than it used to be

Hamilton and Stroeve, Polar Geography, 2016




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Page 25: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Tietsche et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 2014

Ensemble spread of total sea

ice volume from 4 GCMs

Interannual time scales: « grey

zone » of sea ice predictability


Page 26: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Interannual time scales: « grey

zone » of sea ice predictability

Swart et al., Nature Clim. Change, 2014

Distribution of all possible 7-yr trends

(1979-2013) in September sea ice extent


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Page 28: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Yeager et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 2015; Årthun et al., Nat. Comm., 2017

Decadal predictions are

mostly skillful

-In winter

-In the Atlantic Sector

Skill stems from poleward

oceanic heat transport

and from radiative forcing







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Page 30: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Notz and Stroeve, Science, 2016

Arctic sea ice area is slaved

to the forcing


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Notz and Stroeve, Science, 2016; Bitz and Roe, J. Clim., 2004; van der Linden et al., J. Clim., 2015

Arctic sea ice area is slaved

to the forcing

but thinning rate depends

on initial thickness

CMIP5 models


Page 32: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Arctic sea ice prediction

1. From days to centuries

2. What are the ways forward?

• There is in general predictability beyond

persistence, but predictive capacity depends on

- Time scale considered

- Season considered

- Region considered

- Parameter considered

• Knowledge of baseline sea ice+ocean state is key

to perform skillful predictions


Page 33: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Arctic sea ice prediction

1. From days to centuries

2. What are the ways forward?

• There is in general predictability beyond

persistence, but predictive capacity depends on

- Time scale considered

- Season considered

- Region considered

- Parameter considered

• Knowledge of baseline sea ice+ocean state is key

to perform skillful predictions


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Page 37: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

September 1993-2007

mean sea ice

concentration bias

With DA

Without DA

March 1993-2007 mean sea ice

thickness bias (wrt IceSat)

[Chevallier et al., Clim. Dyn.,


Reanalyzed thickness: all over the place

Chevallier et al., J. Clim. 2016 37

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Page 39: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Goessling et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 2016



Courtesy Andrea Gierisch

Shipping not




Need for new metrics

and diagnostics


Page 40: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Arctic sea ice prediction

1. From days to centuries

2. What are the ways forward?


Page 41: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Concluding thoughts


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Concluding thoughts

• Arctic sea ice prediction is « in the making »


Page 43: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Concluding thoughts

• Arctic sea ice prediction is « in the making »

• A seamless polar prediction community is building


Page 44: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

• Arctic sea ice prediction is « in the making »

• A seamless polar prediction community is building

• We are chasing a moving target

Concluding thoughts


Page 45: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Thank you! @FMassonnet

[email protected] @ WWW


Page 46: Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries

Arctic sea ice prediction from days to centuries Are we there yet?

January 25th, 2018

François Massonnet

Earth and Life Institute, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

This text is an approximate transcript of the keynote

presentation I gave during the Arctic Frontiers

conference (22-26 January, 2018, Tromso). The

numbers [1], [2], … are meant to refer to the slide page.

[1] Everyone in this room has in mind his or her favourite book. One of my favourite books is

undoubtly the Black Swan by Nicholas Taleb.

[2] A black swan is an event that is at the same time (1) extreme in a statistical sense, (2) impactful in

terms of consequences and (3) unpredictable. There are many examples of black swans in many

disciplines. When Christopher Columbus left Europe to discover India, no one would have bet one

penny on the fact that he would then discover a whole new continent. Nobody understood that

disruptive events like the 9 11 attacks in New York and Washington could possibly occur, before they

actually happened. And nobody had seen the 2008 financial crisis coming with all the dramatic and

far-reaching consequences that this crisis incurred.

The black swan of Polar Scientists undoubtly showed up on September 16th, 2007.

[3] Arctic sea ice had been on decline already since decades, but that event literally shook the

scientific community. Nobody until then had imagined that the Arctic could resemble anything like

that before 2020 or 2030, at least. This event suddenly put the lights on the Arctic and since then, …

[4] … the scientific literature on Arctic sea ice prediction has literally exploded. The figure behind me

shows a rough estimation of the number of papers published with the title « Arctic sea ice prediction

» in them. Clearly, 2007 has been a pivotal event for the community.

I started doing research two years later, in 2009, and one of the questions that has guided my

research since then is whether this type of events, and the Arctic sea ice in general, is predictable at

all, from a few days up to centuries. In the next twenty minutes or so I would like to review what we

know about Arctic sea ice prediction. I would like to warmly thank the organizers for having invited

me to Tromso to share my views on this very exciting area of research.

Now I will not make a comprehensive review of anything that has been published on the topic for

two reasons: (1) 20 minutes is just not enough to make a good review in a professional way and (2)

There are excellent ….

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[5] And I stress the word, especially because I’m not co-author of these studies, they’re excellent,

they’re comprehensive and they’re extremely well written . So I strongly urge you to take one day in

your busy agendas to shut down your computers, ignore you e-mails, and take the time to read these

three papers. So instead of reviewing something that has been done very well by others, [6] … I

decided to attempt a journey over timescales, from day to centuries, and to identify for each time

scale (1) the factors that are thought to give predictability on these time scales, and (2) to review the

current practical limitations that should be addressed with highest priority in order to significantly

advance our prediction capabilities.

[7] OK let’s get started. There is one thing to keep in mind at all times: Nature is very generous and it

always offers some baseline, trivial predictability. This trivial predictability: persistence.

[8] The idea of persistence is very simple: take the parameter you want to study, remove seasonal

cycle, estimate the auto-correlation of anomalies, so the correlation with itself at different lags and

determine when this correlation drops below a given threshold, usually 1/e. This gives you a window,

called persistence, over which the parameter remembers itself and therefore carries predictive


I repeated this exercise of computing persistence for many other sea ice parameters

[9] And what comes very clearly out of this analysis is that sea ice exhibits persistence on a fairly wide

and fairly long range of time scales. Dynamic parameters like the sea ice speed at one point have of

course little persistence – only one day or so – but others like the sea ice thickness at one point or

the total Arctic sea ice volume display persistence from seasons to years.

Of course there might be predictability beyond those horizons, but then it must come from more

subtle mechanisms, from external drivers or from other slower components

[10] Now let’s start our journey by first looking at what’s going on at really fast, daily time scales

[11] What you can see behind me is a composite of 12 snapshots taken every second day in Nares

Strait by the LANCE-MODIS satellite during summer 2015.

If I now…

[12] … stop this animation and ask what it will look like two days later, in other words if I’m asking

the question of sea ice prediction with a 2-day lead time, without big surprise it will be fairly similar.

[13] Similar, but not exactly identical and you see that in the mean time a huge lead, a huge crack has

developed. Being able to predict when and where such lead would open is extremely important for

navigation purposes for instance.

[14] So while the best guess for predicting sea ice at these time scales is to simply persist the existing

field, knowledge…

[15] … on the wind field and on the current sea ice state (including where it is more prone to break

up) is crucial to predict the fine details of its evolution

[16] Let’s move a bit in time

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[17] Let’s look this time at the total Arctic sea ice extent in summer 2012. I’m showing here the

anomalies of total sea ice extent for the month of July. If you remember my figure on persistence I

showed that sea ice extent is persistent for something like one to two months. And the reason why

anomalies do not persist for ever is that the Arctic is constantly crossed by synoptic systems, like

[18] Storms and other powerful cyclones that bring huge amounts of heat and moisture above the ice

but also induce a significant dynamical break up of the ice.

In 2012, a massive cyclone entered the Arctic on August 2nd. The onset of such events is by definition

very difficult to forecast but if they are detected early enough, then their impact on sea ice can be

anticipated and give predictability at weekly time scale.

Let’s continue forward

[19] I will treat monthly and seasonal prediction timescales together because similar mechanisms are

at play. Also, I will spend a little bit more time on these time scales because

1) This is the timescale for which there is currently the most literature

2) There are specific physical mechanisms that push predictability well beyond persistence

3) There is a strong interest from a wide range of users in monthly to seasonal predictions.

The physical basis for the feasibility of monthly to seasonal sea ice predictions relies on a work that

was done

[20] In 2011 Ed Blanchard and colleagues discovered a quite interesting mechanism of reemergence

of sea ice area anomalies. By reemergence, we mean that the autocorrelation of sea ice extent

anomalies from one given month, for instance May, drop rapidly before reemerging a few months

later. The mechanism is actually quite simple. Suppose that the ice is retreating a bit earlier in spring

than normal. Then extra energy will be absorbed in the first meters of the ocean, so that when

comes the fall, freeze up will be delayed by a few days due to higher than normal sea surface


This mechanism is very robust, has been identified in different models, in observations and is

supported by good physical understanding.

There are other mechanisms like this that operate between summer and winter, I won’t detail them,

but the bottom line is that such mechanisms can push predictability of sea ice beyond classical

persistence scales.

These results have prompted a number of research groups to start undertaking actual predictions

using a variety of methods (dynamical forecasting, statistical forecasting)

[21] … and it is now quite common to see in the sea ice literature big headlines like « skillful sea ice

predictions »

However (because there is a however), these predictions are all retrospective, not prospective. That

means that they’re done on past cases, not in an operational way.

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[22] There is one thing that still puzzles everyone, it’ s that the skill of actual predictions doesn’t

seem to be that high.

What you see on the right in blue is a set of forecasts that were collected by the Sea Ice Prediction

Network each year in July for a September sea ice extent forecast. There are two problems here:

1) The ensemble seems to be overconfident

2) The ensemble median does not seem to forecast the year-to-year variations in observed


You will frequently hear sentences about this graph like « the forecasts are good for normal

years and they’re not doing good for anomalous years » this is to me equivalent to saying that the

forecasts can predict the overall decline of Arctic sea ice but not its interannual variability.

So there is a paradox here. On the one hand we have this literature that says « hey, we’re doing good

retrospective forecasts », and these results that say « wo, we’re not skillful on prospective

forecasts »

[23] I see at least two possible reasons

(1) Running prospective forecasts is technically not easy, you often need real-time data sets that

are not always available

(2) I’m afraid that we are chasing a moving target. Arctic sea ice has changed dramatically in the

past years and many studies have shown that the predictability itself might become shorter

as the ice gets thinner.

[24] Let’s now continue to yearly time scales.

[25] We’re entering what I would call a grey zone. I’m calling that a grey zone because at these time

scales the predictability of even the most predictable parameters like sea ice volume starts to

dissipate. In otherwords initial-value predictability is almost gone

And at the same time the boundary-value predictability is not taking over yet

[26] To make this point clearer, have a look on the right. You can see a distribution of all possible 7-yr

trends in summer sea ice extent over 1979-2013

What you want to take out of this histogram is that at these time scales, internally generate climate

variability is prominent and can significantly mask the forced, predictable decline of Arctic sea ice.

That’s also a time scale for which there is a lack of knowledge as to how remote regions of the planet

like the tropics affect sea ice variations

[27] Let’s move ahead

[28] At interannual to decadal time scales things become interesting again. I would like to single out

two studies. Both studies have shown consistently that sea ice in the Atlantic sector or the Barents

Sea is predictable from a few years to a decade, because of the strong role exerted by the ocean heat

convergence on the position of the sea ice edge.

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What is interesting is that one study utilizes a global climate model while the other uses a statistical

approach, showing that both approaches are valid and perhaps complementary.

[29] Let’s finish by looking at very long time scales, decades to centuries. Here, internal variability is

fading out

[30] And research has shown that the sea ice area is strongly controlled by the external forcing

This figure shows a relationship between the sea ice area and the cumulative emissions of CO2 in our

atmosphere, but you would see similar behaviour if you would plot sea ice area versus global mean


[31] But interestingly, sea ice volume trends still remember their initial conditions, in other words the

response of sea ice thickness is not entirely slaved to the forcing.

[32] So, in a nutshell, this is what we know or – this is what I know that we know about sea ice

prediction. I’d like you to take two points

1) One cannot talk about sea ice predictability as such

2) The knowledge of initial conditions is important

So for a science that is 10 year old, I think very good progress had been made though there are still

areas of shadow. Now, how can we make sure to get progress?

[33] Until now I’ve talked a lot about mechanisms and skill, but not about value.

[34] This paper was recommended to me by Laurent Bertino, and that paper written in 1993 tries to

define what a good forecast is.

[35] It says first that there should be consistency in the forecasts, mechanical understanding of these

forecasts. If you make a forecast, can you at least understand, as an expert, the underlying physical

reasons behind the forecast?

[36] Second, the forecast must match some observational reference (and this is what we usually call


In terms of skill my feeling is that much skill can still be gained by improving the way we estimate

initial conditions in the forecasts

[37] Today most seasonal prediction systems start from reanalyzed sea ice thickness.

What this figure from Matthieu Chevallier and Colleagues show, is that assimilation is very efficient

at constraining the variable that is assimilated (here, sea ice concentration), but that it is not able to

reduce the bias in other variables, for example sea ice thickness. That means that most of the time,

predictions start from incorrect initial sea ice thickness fields, an therefore the skill is not as high as it

could be expected.

[38] And third, the forecast should have value for decision makers, for those who need the forecast

most. What does that mean? Well, suppose that I’m developing a brand-new prediction system and

I’m going to the shipping industry saying that my system skilfully predicts 97% of the observed

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variance in monthly mean sea ice extent, the first thing they will tell me is two words: so what?

Monthly mean sea ice extent is like annual mean global temperature: an interesting statistical index

with absolutely no practical value.

[39] This is why a number of researchers have started to define new metrics and diagnostics that at

least recognize the importance of spatial variations, and recognize the importance to communicate

information in a language that can be interpretable. On the left is a new metric proposed by Helge

Goessling and colleagues to diagnose model-observation mismatch that accounts for spatial

misplacement of the ice. And on the right is a proposed diagnostic to inform a ship captain on the

risks associated with the navigation in an area around Svalbard, green meaning OK while red means

no go, depending on the ship class.


[41] It’s time to wrap up.

[42] This presentation like many others in this session and in this conference, would not have been

possible 10 years ago. And likewise I’m sure that the person that will be standing here in 10 years will

have a lot of things to say that haven’t been said today.

[43] Along with these exciting research questions a seamless polar prediction community is building:

seamless across time scales, seamless acro discplines, seamless across continents

[44] We’re not just trying to predict something that will be there forever. As I said multiple times the

Arctic is on decline, and with that comes strong shifts in predictability regimes.

This brings me back to my black swan book. We are very good at predicting things retrospectively,

but the real challenge is, to me, to predict things prospectively.

[45] Thank you.