ardenglen newsspring 2017 office info 355 tormusk road, castlemilk, glasgow g45 0hf tel: 0141 634...

SPRING 2017 OFFICE INFO 355 TORMUSK ROAD, CASTLEMILK, GLASGOW G45 0HF TEL: 0141 634 8016 FAX: 0141 634 9016 E-MAIL: [email protected] A RECOGNISED CHARITY NO. SC032542 PROPERTY FACTOR REGISTRATION NO. PF000168 Ardenglen News • Doing what matters most to our customers • Investing in our homes and communities • Making us stronger for the future OUR OBJECTIVES: After 28 years as Ardenglen’s Senior Officer, Kenny Stocks has confirmed he will be retiring in May from his role as Chief Executive. Kenny said “I joined Ardenglen in 1990 when the community had just voted to leave the Council and form a Housing Association. We had no office, no staff and very little money. It was a real struggle to get established, but thanks to the hard work of the Committee, we finally got the recognition and funding we required to start the improvements we see today.” “It has been hugely rewarding to help establish and then lead Ardenglen over the past 28 years and a pleasure to work with so many talented and dedicated people who are truly committed to Ardenglen’s purpose of Investing in our Community.” “Ardenglen is in my blood, so while I am sad, you have to leave at some time and after 36 years working in housing the time just felt right. In any case, it’s not about any one individual which makes an organisation successful but everyone - staff, board and the community all pulling in the same direction with the same vision and goals.” “Over the years I have been lucky to work with colleagues, tenants and community volunteers who do truly amazing stuff, so while there are lots of things to look back and remember, most of all I will miss Ardenglen’s people, many of who have become friends.” “I have also been lucky to have worked with an innovative and dedicated Board who enjoy, rather than fear the challenge of change, but who have preserved the unique local status and values which have made Ardenglen so successful over nearly a third of a century. I wish them every success for the future.” Isa Brier the Chair of Ardenglen said “Kenny was Ardenglen’s first employee and the Board and staff thank him for his commitment to Ardenglen and the part he has played in the regeneration of east Castlemilk. Kenny has led Ardenglen through several stock transfers and a merger and leaves Ardenglen in an excellent position to meet the challenges of the future. Although we are sad to be losing Kenny, I’m sure his legacy and the values he helped create will continue for many years. We wish him well for the future.” The Board have now started the recruitment process to find a successor. Kenny Stocks Retirement

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Page 1: Ardenglen NewsSPRING 2017 OFFICE INFO 355 TORMUSK ROAD, CASTLEMILK, GLASGOW G45 0HF TEL: 0141 634 8016 FAX: 0141 634 9016 E-MAIL: A RECOGNISED CHARITY NO. SC032542



Ardenglen News

• Doing what matters most to our customers • Investing in our homes and communities • Making us stronger for the future


After 28 years as Ardenglen’s Senior Officer, Kenny Stocks has confirmed he will be retiring in May from his role as Chief Executive.

Kenny said “I joined Ardenglen in 1990 when the community had just voted to leave the Council and form a Housing Association. We had no office, no staff and very little money. It was a real struggle to get established, but thanks to the hard work of the Committee, we finally got the recognition and funding we required to start the improvements we see today.”

“It has been hugely rewarding to help establish and then lead Ardenglen over the past 28 years and a pleasure to work with so many talented and dedicated people who are truly committed to Ardenglen’s purpose of Investing in our Community.”

“Ardenglen is in my blood, so while I am sad, you have to leave at some time and after 36 years working in housing the time just felt right. In any case, it’s not about any one individual which makes an organisation successful but everyone - staff, board and the community all pulling in the same direction with the same vision and goals.”

“Over the years I have been lucky to work

with colleagues, tenants and community volunteers who do truly amazing stuff, so while there are lots of things to look back and remember, most of all I will miss Ardenglen’s people, many of who have become friends.”

“I have also been lucky to have worked with an innovative and dedicated Board who enjoy, rather than fear the challenge of change, but who have preserved the unique local status and values which have made Ardenglen so successful over nearly a third of a century. I wish them every success for the future.”

Isa Brier the Chair of Ardenglen said “Kenny was Ardenglen’s first employee and the Board and staff thank him for his commitment to Ardenglen and the part he has played in the regeneration of east Castlemilk. Kenny has led Ardenglen through several stock transfers and a merger and leaves Ardenglen in an excellent position to meet the challenges of the future. Although we are sad to be losing Kenny, I’m sure his legacy and the values he helped create will continue for many years. We wish him well for the future.”

The Board have now started the recruitment process to find a successor.

Kenny Stocks Retirement

Page 2: Ardenglen NewsSPRING 2017 OFFICE INFO 355 TORMUSK ROAD, CASTLEMILK, GLASGOW G45 0HF TEL: 0141 634 8016 FAX: 0141 634 9016 E-MAIL: A RECOGNISED CHARITY NO. SC032542

Welcome to Ardenglen News

Page 2

I recently found the first article I ever wrote for the Ardenglen News nearly 28 years ago and as I will be retiring from Ardenglen at the end of May, this will be my last.

As I looked back at that very first Ardenglen News, it was a great reminder of just how far we have come - and how much has been achieved. Some of you might remember, that not so long ago politicians thought that cold, damp, poorly maintained properties were acceptable living conditions for the people of Castlemilk.

Of course, many people reading Ardenglen News today may not have been born when as a local community people realised that if they got organised, with a bit of support they could do things better themselves. Well the local community did get organised and haven’t they done well!

We have built over 400 new homes and refurbished and improved over 600 more. Over 3,000 people now live in an Ardenglen property and we take that responsibility very seriously. Not only have we built houses, we want to protect them for future generations and will keep investing in our homes to ensure we never go back to the spiral of disrepair which so blighted Castlemilk in the 1970’s and 80’s.

We bought the land and built our own offices - so our customers get the best possible service right in the heart of our community. But its not just homes that we are investing in – we want to tackle the usual stereotype images of Castlemilk – an image which we know is false. That is why we are also investing in our community and in particular working with our young people.

We want to help them be the best they can and to offer the same opportunities many other communities simply take for granted. It’s fantastic to see so many of them buying into what we are trying to achieve.

We will continue to ask our tenants how we are doing and invite them to help us ensure we spend their rent money wisely and to shape future service delivery. In particular we want to be a landlord our residents would recommend to a friend.

As I prepare to leave Ardenglen, I am proud to have been a part of a truly magnificent example of local people standing up and taking back control. I have met and worked with some truly inspiring community champions who give up huge amounts of their own time to improve their neighbourhood. I applaud them all.

I have also been lucky to work with

colleagues past and present who do truly amazing stuff and are dedicated to values that have made Ardenglen such a success. I will miss them!

I hope you enjoy reading our newsletter and would like to take this final opportunity to thank you for your support and to wish you, your family and everyone associated with Ardenglen every success for the future.

Many Thanks Kenny Stocks Chief Executive

We’re looking for enthusiastic committed individuals who love to make a difference to our local community.

• Become a member for just £1

• Join our Board of Management and we can help with babysitting or transport costs.

• Become a Volunteer at the Maureen Cope Community Hall and you could be doing something you never thought possible!

Interested and would like to know more….

Call our office or pop in for more informationPhone: 0141 634 8016Email: [email protected]

Passionate about our community?Become involved now!

Page 3: Ardenglen NewsSPRING 2017 OFFICE INFO 355 TORMUSK ROAD, CASTLEMILK, GLASGOW G45 0HF TEL: 0141 634 8016 FAX: 0141 634 9016 E-MAIL: A RECOGNISED CHARITY NO. SC032542

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On March 1st 2017, Maureen Cope MBE was invited to speak at the CHEX National Conference on the theme of Power, Inequality and Community-led Health.

Maureen spoke about fighting back – about her campaigning journey which included why she got involved in the community led housing agenda to her campaigning work with GWSF over Welfare Reform.

The audience was made up of community-led health organisations and public sector partners. It was a great day of useful conversations which provided the chance to meet and learn from each other.

Maureen’s talk was very well received with the following being typical of the response:

Our Regeneration Officer has certainly had a busy few weeks! On Tuesday 7th March, Fiona was invited to speak at an event called “Everyone’s Children” which focussed on Child Poverty and the role of the Registered Social Landlord (RSL). One of the aims of the event was to showcase good practice by housing associations working with children and young people.

Fiona presented information about Ardenglen’s partnership with young people which regular readers of Ardenglen News will know involves a variety of projects including:

• TEEN Zone Youth Committee

• Enterprise Lessons with local high schools

• Employment & Life Skills Initiative (ELSI)

• Intergenerational Workshops: the 3B’s (Bite, Blether & Bingo); Grow Your Own (Gardening) & Sew Fabulous (Up-cycling)

• Humanitarian Project – visit to Uganda with Castlemilk High.

• Cost of the School Day (Participatory Budgeting)

As well as featuring case studies, Fiona explained to the audience why Ardenglen thinks it is important to engage with our young people and why it is important for our young people to engage with us!

Feedback was very positive and we welcomed the opportunity to engage with others in conversation over this very important issue.


CHEX National Conference 2017

…Thank you for sharing your story

on tackling poor housing and the

bedroom tax in Castlemilk and

across Scotland.

...Maureen’s presentation was very inspirational.

…Hearing from the speakers on

how they have led organisations

to where they are just now and

especially how Maureen Cope has

helped change her community.

The RSL Role in Child Poverty

Page 4: Ardenglen NewsSPRING 2017 OFFICE INFO 355 TORMUSK ROAD, CASTLEMILK, GLASGOW G45 0HF TEL: 0141 634 8016 FAX: 0141 634 9016 E-MAIL: A RECOGNISED CHARITY NO. SC032542


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Budgeting Together For The School DayWe know through The Only Way Is Up, that when people engage in their community they often experience all sorts of positive outcomes. Taking part in the life of the local community is sometimes called Participatory Democracy. The Scottish Government has been promoting a form of participatory democracy called Participatory Budgeting, which comes from Brazil and has become popular as a way for local people to have a say in how public funds can be used to improve things that they care about.

The impact of poverty is something that our local community cares deeply about. In Glasgow, it is estimated that one in three children (that’s over 36,000 young people) are living in poverty. Low household income can mean that some young people can’t afford school activities which cost money. Consequently many pupils miss out on opportunities and feel different to their classmates.

In partnership with One Parent Families Scotland (OPFS), Ardenglen received funding from the Scottish Government’s Community Choices Fund last year to develop a project to reduce the cost of the school day. Since last Autumn, Fiona (Ardenglen’s Regeneration Officer) and Marie from OPFS have been working with

the school communities from Miller and John Paul II Primaries. Armed with a budget of £10,000 each, young people and parents have been considering how to develop ideas to reduce the hidden costs of going to school.

The process culminated with a fun voting event at the Maureen Cope Community Hall on Saturday 18th March. Ideas were pitched from a shortlist of options and school community members, including the all important pupils themselves, voted for their favourites.

We’ll let you know in a future newsletter what each school voted for and how they have got on developing their exciting new plans. In the meantime, here’s a flavour of some of the feedback from the day:

“I came because it was for my school and my

mum wanted to come to see what it was about.

Today was excellent!”

Leah Robertson, P4

“I think it’s amazing today. I liked the BBQ. I liked voting for school trips.”

Niall Porter, P5 (with sister Melisa).

“Today I was telling the

people about computers

for the parents’ room…

I felt excited and not

nervous at all.”

Amy Ingram, P4

“I think it went well, there has been a bigger turn out than I thought there would be…”Mary Eardly, parent.

“We should be really thankful for Marie and Fiona for putting in all the hard work to make this happen; they’ve been phenomenal.”Catherine McDonald, parent.

“This seems actually quite fair. People are

actually getting to have their say. If they don’t

like an idea, don’t vote for it. It’s as plain and

simple as that.”

Mark Ingram, parent

“Today children have learned lifelong skills about democracy - their vote counts. Doing this in a big public way with children and adults together is a really important value.”

Lorraine Booth, Miller PS Head Teacher

Page 5: Ardenglen NewsSPRING 2017 OFFICE INFO 355 TORMUSK ROAD, CASTLEMILK, GLASGOW G45 0HF TEL: 0141 634 8016 FAX: 0141 634 9016 E-MAIL: A RECOGNISED CHARITY NO. SC032542


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Budgeting Together For The School Day

Ardenglen would like to thank the Scottish Government for their generous funding, OPFS for their hard work in helping us to deliver the project, the school communities of Miller and John Paul II primaries who embraced the idea so warmly and the Scottish Community Development Centre for helping us to evaluate the process. Of course, we would also like to thank our Social Committee for putting the “fun” into a voting day like no other!

Page 6: Ardenglen NewsSPRING 2017 OFFICE INFO 355 TORMUSK ROAD, CASTLEMILK, GLASGOW G45 0HF TEL: 0141 634 8016 FAX: 0141 634 9016 E-MAIL: A RECOGNISED CHARITY NO. SC032542

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TOWiU has been running for a number of years now and here at Ardenglen we closely monitor the outcomes which participants achieve to help shape the future direction of the service.

It is also very important to show our Funders what our community has been doing with their support.

On behalf of everyone involved in TOWiU, we would like to say a huge thanks to the Scottish Government (especially our friends at the People & Communities Fund) and Glasgow Clyde College (funded through GCC Integrated Grants Funding) for their faith in us.

We would also like to take the opportunity to

thank our wonderful partners who deliver our TOWiU programmes - you know who you are and what you mean to our learners!

We hope you like this handy infographic which we have pulled together to summarise the main “headlines” from TOWiU 2016!

TOWiU Headlines 2016


Since joining TOWiU I have

completed various courses

and got certificates along

with making new friends. I

have even joined some of the

groups. This has helped me

get out of my house more.

Joining REVIVE has been the best thing I have done recently. I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the group and taking part in the different educational courses and visiting Castles and Wind Farms and Crime Scene Investigation at the Science Centre. I have been learning without realising I’m doing so.

TOWiU has helped me to be able to apply the skills I have learned during the courses to be able to create my CV and try and sell myself for a job.

Since joining TOWiU and

coming to the Maureen

Cope Community Hall, I

feel more confident. I have

made a lot of new friends

and have done a lot of

courses which I have really

enjoyed. I especially love

the friendly atmosphere!


PARTICIPANTS:People have benefitted from one or several TOWiU Activities

Registered with IT/ ALN Classes

Accessed their Individual Learning Accounts

Secured full time employment

Registered with ESOL Classes

Sew Fabulous (up-cycling) sewing programme

Intergenerational – 3B’s (Bite, Blether & Bingo)

Achieved their Food & Hygiene Certification via

Grub’s Up

Accessed SVQ Employability Award

Accessing life long learning

Achieved SVQ Employability Award






34 2




12 6 6



8 7

10 8

Accessing life-long learning & health & wellbeing group led courses:-

REVIVE (Women’s Group)

1Direction (Men’s Group)

Re-Start (Lone Parent Group)

Grow Your Own (Happy Gardeners Group)

Creative Writing Group

TOWiU Management Committee established Volunteers

Representatives with Go-Well Panel

Management Committee members

Friends of Cathkin Braes Park

Mitchellhill Community Group

of regular participants have stated that their involvement with TOWiU has positively impacted on their lives!

1 8South East Integration Network

Colleges and Lifelong Learning Policy Commission – learner consultation

Volunteers undertaking Community Achievement


In partnership with - lots of likeminded organisations - thank you!

1Food Bank with 5 volunteers

Page 7: Ardenglen NewsSPRING 2017 OFFICE INFO 355 TORMUSK ROAD, CASTLEMILK, GLASGOW G45 0HF TEL: 0141 634 8016 FAX: 0141 634 9016 E-MAIL: A RECOGNISED CHARITY NO. SC032542

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Between May 2016 to February 2017, Glasgow City Council held “The College & Lifelong Learning Policy Commission” to look at skills development within the lifelong learning sector

and, crucially, barriers to participation. This was important for Ardenglen as the Commission looked in detail at the delivery of community learning such as our capacity building programme - The Only Way is Up (TOWiU).

We were therefore delighted to be asked to form a Discussion Group to give evidence about our learners’ experiences of lifelong learning. 8 members of TOWiU met with representatives from GCC on 9th December and Commission members saw for themselves what goes on at the Maureen Cope Community Hall. We think it would be fair to say that they left impressed!

The Commission has now concluded its research and produced a Final Report full of recommendations to help people to access learning opportunities throughout their lives. The Commission spoke to learners across

the City and the Report findings reflects their experiences. We are pleased that many of the Report recommendations already happen within the TOWiU framework but we will be studying its contents to assess where there might be room for improvement.

The Report was launched at the City of Glasgow College on Monday 27th February and a small group of learners from TOWiU were in attendance. They all agreed that it had been a worthwhile experience and were happy to take up the opportunity to have their thoughts and feelings taken on board in this important piece of research.

One Parent Families Scotland

TOWiU Members Have Their Say!





IF YES why not come along & meet our friendly tutor Scott Monday to Friday 12noon to 3pm

(excluding public holidays)

TOWiU’s• Do you live in Castlemilk?• Do you need help with the

English language?• Do you want to make new friends?

If yes, then why not join our FREE English Classes?Every Monday (excluding public holidays)from 12noon to 3pm




IF YES why not join them on Wednesdays from 10AM TO 12NOON

TOWiU’s Women’s Group


& WELLBEING?• DO YOU WANT TO LEARN NEW SKILLS? IF YES why not join them on Fridays from 10AM TO 12NOON (excluding public holidays)

TOWiU’sLone Parent Group

Supported by:




IF YES why not join them on Mondays from 10AM TO 12NOON (excluding public holidays)

Page 8: Ardenglen NewsSPRING 2017 OFFICE INFO 355 TORMUSK ROAD, CASTLEMILK, GLASGOW G45 0HF TEL: 0141 634 8016 FAX: 0141 634 9016 E-MAIL: A RECOGNISED CHARITY NO. SC032542

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Have you ever thought about popping along to one of our Tenants’ Events? Or maybe you haven’t been for a while and are thinking about coming back…

We’d love to hear from you! Our Social Committee, supported by Jackie (our Regeneration Assistant), are always coming up

with new ways to get people out of the house, get active and maybe even do something they might not expect!

People tell us not just that they had a great time but that they met up with old or maybe made some new friends. What have you got to lose – even if we can’t guarantee good weather, we

can promise you lots of laughs and a sunny disposition!

Have a look at this year’s calendar and make that call to the office on 634-8016 to reserve your place…









Please check Ardenglen Quarterly News for updates and how to get tickets for

forthcoming trips. Please note that some dates may change or events may

be cancelled due to circumstances outwith our control so please check with the

offfice to avoid disappointment.


Page 9: Ardenglen NewsSPRING 2017 OFFICE INFO 355 TORMUSK ROAD, CASTLEMILK, GLASGOW G45 0HF TEL: 0141 634 8016 FAX: 0141 634 9016 E-MAIL: A RECOGNISED CHARITY NO. SC032542

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FESTIVE FUN ENJOYED BY ALL!Thursday 1st December Friday 2nd DecemberChristmas 2016 activities kicked off with our annual trip to the Panto when a jam packed bus left Castlemilk for East Kilbride’s Village Theatre to see “Cinderella”. A big thumbs up was given for a brilliant night out at the Ball! There is no truth in the rumour that Fiona and Jackie were mistaken for the ugly sisters!

Was a busy day in the calendar! It was the date for this year’s Christmas Fayre at Castlemilk Community Centre. As well as the switching on of the Castlemilk Christmas Tree, local groups took up stalls to promote themselves in a variety of ways. So our talented “Sew Fabulous” and RESTART groups grabbed the opportunity to sell their seasonal goodies!

Later that evening, TEEN Zone Youth Committee enjoyed a well earned Christmas night out at Air Space in East Kilbride - where it was reported that Lesley looked a bit queezy just watching the action from the sidelines!

Friday 9th December Friday 16th DecemberWe hosted our always magical Children’s Christmas Party at the Maureen Cope Community Hall and, of course, our secret “special” guest took time out of his hectic schedule to pop by and wish everyone a very “Merry Christmas - ho,ho,ho!”

Our 3B’s and Younger At Heart Residents enjoyed a lovely festive lunch together at the Croft. Despite enjoying a good time, folks reported missing the usual goings-on at the Maureen Cope Community Hall and the request was made to “stay at home” next year. Happy to oblige!

More Of The Same Please!Of course, none of these tenants’ activities would be possible without the

support of our fantastic Social Committee volunteers. “Please keep doing

what you do…” seemed to be the general message from all who took part

in the 2016 seasonal programme. Look out for the 2017 Calendar of Events

on the page opposite!

Page 10: Ardenglen NewsSPRING 2017 OFFICE INFO 355 TORMUSK ROAD, CASTLEMILK, GLASGOW G45 0HF TEL: 0141 634 8016 FAX: 0141 634 9016 E-MAIL: A RECOGNISED CHARITY NO. SC032542

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Contract Update The following confirms details of all our planned contracts for financial year 2017/18

Address Works Programme 5 -17 Tormusk Grove 52 - 62 Tormusk Road 23 - 29 Tormusk Drive

Window and door installation

3/04/17 to 28/04/17

1 - 43 Scarrel Terrace Window and door installation

28/04/17 to 23/05/17

264 -288 Tormusk Road 2 -16 Ballantay Road

Bathroom and shower installation

Programme to be confirmed. Expected to start in April 2017

2 – 6 Ardencraig Street 2 -12 Ardencraig Quadrant120 – 126 Ardencraig Road 133 – 143 Ardencraig Drive 171 – 175 Ardencraig Road 6 – 10 Iris Avenue 90 – 94 Ardencraig Road 101 – 137 Ardencraig Road 5 -17 Tormusk Grove 52 - 62 Tormusk Road 23 - 29 Tormusk Drive1 - 43 Scarrel Terrace180 – 198 Ardencraig Road

Maintenance painter work

Programme to be confirmed. Start date 27/03/2017

Various addresses Electrical testing Will begin 27/03/17

20 - 40 Ardencraig Street 61 – 83 Ardencraig Drive 1 – 51, 2 - 34 Ardencraig Gardens

Boiler and carbon monoxide alarms renewal

Year 2017/2018

1 - 15 Ballantay Road 3 – 17 Ballantay Terrace

Window and flat door installation

Year 2017/2018

Various addresses Smoke detector replacement

Year 2017/2018

You may recall from previous editions that as a result of changes to procurement legislation, we were forced to advertise our reactive repairs work on the Public Contracts Scotland website.

After a long assessment process, I am pleased to confirm that the contract was secured by Mears. The exact start date will be agreed at the pre start meeting which will be held after this article goes to print. Look out for the vans appearing in the area in the not too distant future.

The contract contains a number of standards that Mears are required to meet to ensure you receive the highest possible standard of service. At the moment the reactive out of hour service will still be provided by City Building and City Technical Services for heating.

Finally, we have had a great deal of support for our existing contractors who have worked in the area for over 20 years. I am pleased to confirm that we have negotiated with Mears subcontracting opportunities for those who wish apply – so perhaps you will continue to see some familiar faces attending to your repairs!

Right to repair reminder Qualifying for Right to Repair Timescale

(Working Days)Blocked flue to open fire or boiler 1Blocked or leaking foul drains, soil stacks or toilet pans where there is no other toilet in the house


Blocked sink, bath or drain 1Loss of electric power 1Partial loss of electric power 3Insecure external window, door or lock 1Unsafe access path or step 1Significant leaks or flooding from water or heating pipes, tanks, cisterns 1Loss or partial loss of gas supply 1Loss or partial loss of space or water heating where no alternative heating is available 1Toilet not flushing where there is no other toilet in the house 1Unsafe power or lighting socket, or electrical fitting 1Loss of water supply 1Partial loss of water supply 3Loose or detached banister or handrail 3Unsafe timber flooring or stair treads 3Mechanical extractor fan in internal kitchen or bathroom not working 7

Tax Credit changes from April 2017From 6th April 2017 Child Tax Credit will be limited to only two children. This will only affect new claimants from 06/04/17, anyone claiming for more than two children before this date will continue to receive tax credits for more than two children unless there is a change of circumstances which may result in a new claim. If you are worried about how this will affect you please contact a member of the housing services team or make an appointment with Paul Pearson, Welfare Rights Officer.

Reactive Repairs Contract


From 30 September 2002 legislation was passed to ensure tenants have the right to have small urgent repairs carried out within a specified given timescale. This is known as Right to repair. The repairs covered must be under the value of £350.

When you report any qualifying repairs you will be advised of the maximum repair time and also be given details of a secondary contractor in the event that the main contractor fails to adhere to the timescales. For 2017/18 our designated secondary contractor is Power-Lite who can be contacted on 0800 028 6734.

Having to call a secondary contractor will entitle you to a compensation claim of £15. The qualifying repairs are listed opposite;

Page 11: Ardenglen NewsSPRING 2017 OFFICE INFO 355 TORMUSK ROAD, CASTLEMILK, GLASGOW G45 0HF TEL: 0141 634 8016 FAX: 0141 634 9016 E-MAIL: A RECOGNISED CHARITY NO. SC032542

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Last year we told you all about Housing Options which is the new way we help people deal with their housing needs. We’ve been doing Housing Options for a full year now so this is just a wee update to let you know how things have been during that time.

Altogether we interviewed 181 people who approached us about rehousing. A third of these are already our own Ardenglen tenants and the others were tenants of other housing associations or private landlords, owner occupiers and people lodging with friends and family. Only 2 of these people, after interview, decided themselves not to proceed to housing application with Ardenglen.

Initially we did 3 or 4 housing options interviews every day but this has reduced to 2 per day over the past few months due to staffing changes in the Housing

Services Team. There is currently a 3 week wait for a housing options appointment and it’s disappointing that we’ve had over 100 people who didn’t show up for their interview over the last year. We’ll always send a reminder as we really want to avoid wasting these precious appointments.

All other housing associations in Castlemilk are now involved in Housing Options with Craigdale just about to start their training. It’s still the case that tenants who want to apply for housing elsewhere will be seen by their own landlord first so if you do want move house, please approach us first for your housing options interview.

If you wish to apply for housing or want to know more about housing options contact Lauren Docherty at Ardenglen Office on 0141 631 5047 or email me at [email protected].

HOUSING OPTIONS UPDATEWAITING LIST REVIEWWe have changed the way we do our Waiting List Review. Normally we contact applicants at the same time every year but now we’ll be doing this on a monthly basis. So in the month that you first applied to us for housing, that’s the month we’ll make contact with you every year. The process is still the same and we’ll be looking for you to confirm that you want to stay on our waiting list, update your contact details and tell us about any changes you might have.

Initially we’ll contact you by text or email at the beginning of the month. If you don’t have a mobile or email, we’ll send you a postcard in the first instance. If we discover that your mobile phone number or email address is no longer in use, we’ll send you a postcard. If we don’t hear from you by the last week in the month, we’ll send you a postcard reminder. If you don’t confirm your wish to stay on the list your application will be cancelled. It’s really easy to respond to the review and it only takes 2 minutes of your time.

CONDENSATIONRecently we have had a lot of reports of dampness in our properties which usually turns out to be the result of condensation. Condensation happens when moist air comes into contact with a cool surface and water droplets form. This is what happens when your bathroom mirror steams up.

When this happens on your window, the glass mists up and drops of water run down the window. This can result in mould forming on the rubber seal along the bottom of the glass. When it happens on a wall, the wall absorbs the moisture and the surface becomes damp. Black mould then grows on the damp areas.

WHERE DOES IT COME FROM?Your body produces moisture all the time when you breathe and perspire (sweat). This is more noticeable when you do exercise and overheat. We also put lots of moisture into the air when we take a bath or shower, cook or wash dishes. Moisture is also produced when we dry clothes indoors, use an unvented tumble dryer, boil the kettle or use a steam iron.

WHERE CAN IT HAPPEN?Areas with poor ventilation can be prone to condensation. This could be behind furniture, particularly wardrobes and beds if they have been placed against an outside wall. Condensation can happen in any room, but is most likely to occur in your bathroom and bedrooms as they are cooler.

Condensation happens mostly on the cool parts of walls, particularly on outside walls where there is not much air movement. It often appears as a thick patch in corners near the skirting and on the ceiling. The side walls of windows are often affected as they are even colder.

Moisture is most commonly found in the bathroom and is easily seen on tiles and bath trims.

HOW DO YOU CLEAN IT?Mould can be easily removed by wiping it off with a disposable cloth using some household cleaner. There is no need to use strong chemicals. Wipe over the area again every few days using diluted household cleaner to stop the mould growing back. There are also proprietary mould removal products available from supermarkets and DIY stores.

HOW DO YOU PREVENT CONDENSATION IN YOUR HOME?To prevent mould, open the window and wipe tiles down after bathing or showering. Bathroom fans should never be switched off at the isolator switch, even when the window is open.

To help reduce the risk of condensation in your home you should:

• Keep a window open when drying clothes indoors

• Don’t dry clothes over warm radiators• Keep the kitchen door closed when cooking• Keep lids on pots and pans when cooking• Don’t overfill cupboards and wardrobes –

make sure air can circulate• If you have an extractor fan in the kitchen and

bathroom, make sure it is switched on• Don’t keep furniture and beds hard against

walls – make sure air can circulate• Keep your heating on low throughout the day

in cold weather• When using a tumble dryer, make sure the

hose is venting outdoors

• Open windows in every room where possible, even just a little will help improve air movement and prevent condensation in the room

• After a bath or shower, open the window and shut the door so that moisture escapes and doesn’t drift through the rest of the house

• Keep the bathroom door closed when running a bath or bathing or showering

• Keep wet coats, boots and shoes out of cupboards and main living areas

Occasionally a mould problem may not be caused by condensation and if you have tried all the remedies above and you are still concerned please contact us, but in most cases these simple lifestyle changes should sort out the issue and banish the black stuff!

EXTRACTOR FAN MAINTENANCEIf you have an extractor fan in your bathroom or kitchen you should ensure that you use it during times of high moisture e.g. cooking or showering. You should also allow your fan to run for an additional 20 minutes after showering or cooking to allow moisture to be drawn from the air. If your fan is not working please report this to us to fix. It is also important to keep your extractor fans clean to allow it to work effectively. Through time you will notice a build up of dust inside your extractor fan. This should be cleaned regularly using a duster or the hose from your vacuum cleaner with the brush attachment but please remember to turn your fan off during the cleaning process.

Page 12: Ardenglen NewsSPRING 2017 OFFICE INFO 355 TORMUSK ROAD, CASTLEMILK, GLASGOW G45 0HF TEL: 0141 634 8016 FAX: 0141 634 9016 E-MAIL: A RECOGNISED CHARITY NO. SC032542

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DOG FOULINGIt is important for all dog owners to take responsibility for cleaning up after their animal as not only is it unpleasant to look at and even more unpleasant to step in, it can also pose a serious health risk.

If you spot a dog fouling problem, you can report it to Glasgow City Council Environmental Task Force team who have a specialist unit to investigate and treat issues of dog fouling within your area.

You can make a report via the following methods;

The My Glasgow app on any smart phone

Twitter @theenvtaskforce.

Glasgow City Council website

Contact number 0141 287 1059

Grass cutting within your area is now due to commence, please ensure your garden is free from any dog fouling.

Ardenglen does our very best to provide you with the highest possible quality of repairs service. In order to achieve best value for money, it is more economical for us to be able to carry out repairs to your home during working hours.

We will make sure that you are provided with contact numbers for emergency repairs out with office hours. If you are unfortunate enough to have to make a call at night time or weekends please note the level of service provided is restricted to an emergency basis only. This may mean an operative may not fix your problem there and then and will be required to make another visit. All our emergency operatives are instructed to make safe as a priority as opposed to ensuring a first fix. The reason for this is to ensure we can keep your rents at an affordable level by minimising premium costs for out of hour calls.

We understand that people have busy lives and arranging access for repairs is not always easy. We do have some flexibility around early evening and Saturday morning appointments to carry out routine repairs.

If this is something you could benefit from, please ask and we will try to help by working around your schedule.

Moss on drivewaysAs part of the landscape contract, Land Engineering treat moss on the estate with chemicals at various intervals throughout the year to help control its build up. If you have a driveway you can brush away the moss with a stiff brush to improve the appearance.

Between 2014 and 2016 we installed Aluclad windows to 287 properties. Since installation date, we have received many reports of window sills becoming loose or not being properly supported.

It appears that in certain cases the window sills have not been installed to the standard we would expect. Our installation contractor CCG has listened to our concerns and has agreed to carry out any remedial works required to every property.

While I apologise for requesting access once again to the properties affected by this, I think it is important that checks are done and problems rectified sooner rather than later. It is imperative that you are

completely satisfied with the installation and we want you to have many years of enjoyment from your new windows.

More importantly, this contract was funded from your rent

money and we need to hold our contractors to account to deliver the quality of service which you expect and are entitled to. We will give notice as and when access will be required to your home.

ASSOCIATION’S PUBLIC DOCUMENTSAll of the Association’s public documents can be translated in other languages, or made available in large print, on tape/CD and in Braille on request.

If you require any of these services please contact our office for further information.

Window Installation Defects


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Timescales to resolveWhen a complaint is received we aim to resolve the matter within 5 working days however if the complaint is more complex and requires a full investigation we aim to respond within 20 working days.

Complaints Upheld & responded to within timescale


Tree maintenance on the estate As part of the landscape contract, Land Engineering performs a winter and summer inspection of all trees on the estate.

Trees will be trimmed with a 2 metre clear canopy from ground level at each visit and dead wood and branches will be carefully cut away and disposed off site.

If you have any concerns or issues regarding any trees on the estate, please contact Ardenglen and we will be happy to help answer any questions or deal with any issues you may have.

Please note:

All trees in the woodland areas are the sole property of Glasgow City Council and any concerns regarding these trees should be directed to their arboricultural team by phoning 0141 287 5064.

Many of you have already met our Welfare Rights Officer Paul Pearson. Paul has many years’ experience helping tenants with all manner of benefit issues as well as budgeting and debt advice. The service is open to all Ardenglen tenants and is completely free and confidential.

Appointments are available on Wednesdays and Thursdays at Ardenglen’s office and home visits can be arranged for tenants with health or mobility issues.

Welfare Rights

YOU SAID, WE DIDYOU SAIDA customer complained about a delay with boiler parts resulting in no heating for a number of days.

WE DIDWe apologised, confirmed that parts are expected within 24 hours, we investigated with our contractor with regards to the delay and we were in daily communication with both contractor and customer until the matter was resolved. Temporary electric heaters were provided and the tenant was compensated with an allowance to assist with increased electricity bill during this period. This matter was raised with our Contractor as being a failure and both ours and our customer’s dissatisfaction was accepted by our Contractor.

YOU SAIDA new tenant reported being unhappy with the condition of kitchen worktops at letting stage.

WE DIDWe apologised, we checked our records which highlighted concern about the kitchen worktops but at inspection stage before letting the property the kitchen had just been cleaned and the worktops looked ok. An inspection was arranged when our customer complained and it was agreed that the worktop was worn with a few scores. The worktop was replaced and customer was satisfied.

Between October and December 2016 we received

29 complaints.

Complaints Upheld

Complaints Partially Upheld

Complaints Not Upheld

Complaints Responded to

within timescale





Customer Satisfaction with Complaints Handling

100% satisfied

Don’t forget

In the last 3 months 10 hours

of appointment time has been

lost due to tenants failing to

attend or not calling to cancel

their appointment. In order to

ensure Paul can be the best help

possible to all of our tenants

please always ensure you keep or

cancel your appointment

Page 14: Ardenglen NewsSPRING 2017 OFFICE INFO 355 TORMUSK ROAD, CASTLEMILK, GLASGOW G45 0HF TEL: 0141 634 8016 FAX: 0141 634 9016 E-MAIL: A RECOGNISED CHARITY NO. SC032542

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Worries about our income can affect us all from time to time, but if money is a constant source of worry or stress, perhaps it’s time to give your finances a spring clean. It can be difficult to think and talk about money, as previous Epic 360 clients have told us:

“All my life I’ve been afraid of money, I was never good at maths at school, all my life I’ve stuck my head in the sand about it.” - *Sam

Links between money and stress have been well researched and documented, finances can have an affect on many areas of day to day life including sleep and moods, the NHS noted that:

“It’s normal to feel worried, anxious or down when times are hard”

At Epic 360 we’re aware of how money worries can affect the people that we support with their finances, since we started offering appointments in August 2015, over 200 clients have said that they felt less stressed and anxious and over 100 acknowledged feeling happier, some have even noticed how they have got a better night’s sleep!

Financial Capability Officers work in all areas across Glasgow and they provide 6 free, confidential and non-judgemental appointments in a range of venues including housing offices, libraries, cafes and community centres. Our client John* had this to say about his sessions:

“At first I was nervous about going to my first meeting because I didn’t know Angie (FCO) or what it was going to be like. After the first meeting I was happy, they have shown me how to budget my money a lot better. I would like to say a really big thank you to Epic 360 for all their help and advice, use are a good bunch :)”

During the one to one conversations, the FCO will help you to look at;

• Budgeting – Being aware of what money is coming in and how much there is versus how much is going out on a monthly basis. Looking at this can help you to know what money you have available for spending and what needs to go on bills. They can provide budget sheets or show you how you can keep track of this online.

• Spending – Spending can be hard to keep track of. As well as the regular money we habitually spend, many people find they spend on “impulse buys” across the month. As a non-judgemental service, Epic 360 won’t tell you what you should or shouldn’t spend your money on; instead they will help you to identify patterns, decide what is important to you and help you if you decide to make changes. We can provide spending diaries to help you keep track, or find a way that works for you. For some people spending can feel out of control, Epic 360 can help you to get that control back. Through looking at spending, Angie’s client John said “I realised I hadn’t been in control, even though I thought I was. I started to save by opening two credit union accounts as I wanted to put money away for my kids.”

• Reducing Waste – Ever wondered if you’re paying over the odds for broadband, TV packages, insurance, phone contracts etc.? Ever wondered if there was a more efficient way to shop. Or perhaps just didn’t know where to start when dealing with gas and electricity? A conversation with an Epic 360 advisor could start you on the path to reducing these outgoings.

• Changing Income – Has your income changed and you’re wondering how to manage? Perhaps you’ve recently taken on a tenancy or let, or maybe you know your income is going to change through finishing or a change to employment or benefits. At Epic 360 we can help you plan ahead, if you know you’ll be receiving less money, we can help you to look at where to make cuts or changes, or perhaps you’ll be receiving a bit more, and would like to think about saving.

• Financial Products – Thinking about opening a bank or credit union account can be daunting, as can deciding on insurance policies but talking about available options with an Epic 360 Financial Capability Officer can help to de-mystify the process and help

you decide what’s right for you. “Before, I would have thought, “saving is a waste of time”, but now, it’s happened and I can see it’s like I’ve planted a seed and it’s grown, that’s me, I’m on a track, a good track. I’ve got money, there’s food in the house.” - *Steve

These are some of the ways that Epic 360 can help you, if we don’t know how to help you, there’s a chance we will know someone who can and we often refer people for help with fuel, debt and benefit advice.

If you would like a free and confidential appointment with an Epic 360 advisor, you can call us on 0141 630 4324 or make a referral online by going to . On making a referral an advisor will contact you within a week to make an appointment at a date, time and venue that suits you.

Epic 360 provides a free and confidential surgery at the Maureen Cope Community Hall on Mondays and Fridays between 1230 and 230pm.

*All names have been changed.

Is Money Keeping You Up At Night?

Take control of your finances

“More month than money?”Call or

click today“I have gained

confidence in my ability to manage

my finances” Megan, Glasgow

Free, local, confidential

Can we help you budget?

Call EPIC 360 on 0141 630 4325 or 0141 630 4324 to find out more or email us at [email protected] or visit our website at


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Preparing for the unexpected.

Things don’t always go according to plan, but you can protect yourself financially by using insurance products. Ardenglen can put you in touch with Thistle Insurance, who can help you arrange your insurance at a special low cost rate.

Do You Need Home Contents Insurance?What would you do if you lost everything in your home?

Buying everything again would be really expensive so home contents insurance is vital if you’re going to protect your personal belongings for events like a burglary or a fire.

What Does Home Contents Insurance Cover?

Some of the personal belongings cover includes:

• Furniture• Electrical goods • Clothing• Jewellery

Contact our office for further details on 0141 634 8016 or pick up a leaflet from our office.

Spring has arrived!Over the next few months we will be making some minor changes to the office car park.

We will be planting new shrubs and tubs to provide some colour and attract wildlife in the form of bees and butterflies.

A bike rack has been erected at the far end of the car park and a new bench has been ordered. This will be placed near the office entrance to enjoy the sunshine and watch the world go by before or after your visit to the office.

You may also notice some yellow lines on our car park – these areas are to be kept clear of cars to allow for the safe movement of vehicles and unobstructed access for emergency services.

Ardenglen aims to be as transparent as possible, so with this in mind, we intend to keep you informed by publishing our quarterly financial results. During the nine months of our financial year from April to December 2016 - the income receivable was £2.88 Million and from this the expenditure incurred to deliver our service was £1.82 Million.

This is how your rent has been spent over these nine months.

The Unexpected!

HOW YOUR RENT MONEY IS BEING SPENT“TOP TEN” AREAS OF SPENDArdenglen would also like to publish our “Top 10” expenditure items, on a quarterly basis, which will hopefully give you an insight into our key areas of spend. If you have any further questions or would like additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Amy McQueen or Leanne McGowan from our Finance Team.

Total Staffing Costs

Internal Door Replacements

Day to Day Repairs


Landscape Maintenance

Repairs to Empty Homes

IT, Equipment & Telecoms

Property Insurance

Boiler & Central Heating Repairs

Close Cleaning












Office overheads

Reactive repairs

Planned maintenance

Management & maint admin


Interest paid on loans

Money set aside for future investment

Ardenglen has developed a Business Planning Model for investment in your homes and community. So any reported surplus will be re-invested at a future date in line with our business goals and objectives.






Page 16: Ardenglen NewsSPRING 2017 OFFICE INFO 355 TORMUSK ROAD, CASTLEMILK, GLASGOW G45 0HF TEL: 0141 634 8016 FAX: 0141 634 9016 E-MAIL: A RECOGNISED CHARITY NO. SC032542















COMMUNITY NEWSTo keep up to date with what’s going on in our

communities within Castlemilk and Glasgow, we’ve

listed a couple of websites where you will find lots of

information about living in Glasgow – there’s events

and advice for all age groups.


Download the Castlemilk Park 2017-18 events calendar

Like Castlemilk Park Project on


Subscribe to the e-newsletter


Ardenglen’s Social mediaWe’re currently working on updating the Ardenglen website to ensure we meet the standard required by the Scottish Housing Regulator. We want to make the website more mobile friendly and accessible to all. If you know anyone who would benefit from receiving our newsletter in a different format please contact Maureen Perry on 0141 631 5043.

Our Facebook page is still live so please visit and see what’s been happening in our community and at the Maureen Cope Hall.


Our noticeboard is open to anyone in the community who would like to say something publicly - it could be an expression of “thanks,” a simple announcement or news that you would like to share. Just call or pop in to the office and pass the details on to Maureen on 631 5043 space permitting, we will post your notice in the next edition of our newsletter.

Local ElectionsOn Thursday 4 May 2017 the Scottish Local Government Election or Council elections as commonly known will take place across Scotland to elect new Councils.

This election gives the citizens of Glasgow whose names appear on the Register of Electors on or before 5pm Monday 17th April 2017 the chance to have their say on the Councillors they want to represent them and their community on Glasgow.Electors in Glasgow will be asked to elect a total of 85 Councillors across 23 wards.

This is an increase from the former 79 Councillors/21 wards as a result of the review of local authority wards and Councillor numbers by the Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland Fifth Statutory Review.

Up to date information will be displayed in our office including dates and times of surgeries.

Our Office will be closed: • Friday 14 and Monday

17 April• Monday 1 May• Friday 26 and Monday

29 May

Emergency phone numbers when our office is closed:For all central heating and hot water emergencies please call City Technical Services on 08445 796493

For all other repairs please call City Building on 0800 595595 (press option 2 for City Building). When reporting a repair please advise the contractor you are an Ardenglen Housing Association tenant.

Report a repair free phone line 0300 303 8000 – this number not available during public holidays.

We are pleased to announce that a total of £247 was donated to the Community Meal held in Castlemilk Parish Church on Christmas Day. The money was raised from the sale of raffle tickets for our festive hamper and the toy tombola held on the night of our Childrens’ Christmas party. Congrats to Mags Docherty for winning the hamper, which was kindly provided by Ardenglen and our Social Committee. A huge thank-you also to our friends at Craigdale for their very kind donation of toys.


Castlemilk Parish Church