are we meant to be together by devilicious

are we meant to be together... author: devilicious Chapter One... ~ "I can't believe we are realli going to move to SEOUL... omg! Is so unbelievable!!" Nat exclaimed. "Yah... I can't wait... we can finally get away from our parents...ugh... but...y would u wanna study LAW at Seoul University??... I mean is fine with me since I am taking music and filming...but... LAW in KOREA??" Kris said to Nat curiously. "Well... um... I dunno... I've always wanted to live... somewhere else... away from the States and Canada... leaving...Vancouver has been my dream :)" Nat lied to her, as she thought to herself, "I am sorry Kris... I can't tell you the real reason... I just can't stay in Vancouver anymore... " "Aights, I understand... I guess you are like me... tired of Vancouver..:)" 2 Weeks Later... Nat and Kris finally arrived at Seoul, Korea and found an apartment for themselves; it is in the metro of everything... "Ahh... Finally!! We've finished unpacking!!!! Let's go out and eat, then we can go and see wutzup in Seoul! ;)" "Okay Nat, just lemme get changed first!!" "Aight Kris I'll b waiting... " As Nat waited for Kris to get changed, put on her make up, etc., she flicked on the TV, she thought to herself, "OMG! Is Shinhwa's newest MV, HERO!!...Ugh...they are so... fine...especially hyesung... " she started to sing to the tune. Even though she isn't Korean, she took some lessons in Vancouver, so she knew how to speak some Korean. Still, despite her... lack of fluency in Korean, she sound perfect... just because of her voice. "Ooh... .~Nat... nice voice u got... I realli think u oughta bcome a singer someday" "Oh... KRIS...u r done... wut took u so long?" "Don't avoid my compliment... c'mon... remember the singing contest u won in Vancouver...the New Talent wutever... man why didn't u go back to Hong Kong and become a singer?" "Well...I wanna continue my studies... u noe... I've been in University for 4 years already... I have only about 5 years left till I can get my degree. I dun wanna lose the chance... plus... HK music...just... doesn't appeal to me much... the whole media thing scares me... ." "Aights...nehoo... let's go man, I am HUNGRY" Chapter 2... ~ The 2 walked out of their apartment, and found a Korean BBQ place to eat. They ate dinner and then... saw a club named, Moon Shimmer. "Let's go Nat, we should go and meet some guys! ;)" "But I am dressed so poorly...look at me! I am in nufing but a white tank and baggy jeans... and my hair is a mess!!" Nat protested. "U look fine... remember those dogs *guys that drool when they see hot girls*

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Page 1: Are We Meant to Be Together by Devilicious

are we meant to be devilicious

Chapter One... ~"I can't believe we are realli going to move to SEOUL... omg! Is so unbelievable!!" Nat exclaimed."Yah... I can't wait... we can finally get away from our parents...ugh... but...y would u wanna study LAW at Seoul University??... I mean is fine with me since I am taking music and filming...but... LAW in KOREA??" Kris said to Nat curiously."Well... um... I dunno... I've always wanted to live... somewhere else... away from the States and Canada... leaving...Vancouver has been my dream :)" Nat lied to her, as she thought to herself, "I am sorry Kris... I can't tell you the real reason... I just can't stay in Vancouver anymore... ""Aights, I understand... I guess you are like me... tired of Vancouver..:)" 2 Weeks Later... Nat and Kris finally arrived at Seoul, Korea and found an apartment for themselves; it is in the metro of everything... "Ahh... Finally!! We've finished unpacking!!!! Let's go out and eat, then we can go and see wutzup in Seoul! ;)""Okay Nat, just lemme get changed first!!""Aight Kris I'll b waiting... "As Nat waited for Kris to get changed, put on her make up, etc., she flicked on the TV, she thought to herself, "OMG! Is Shinhwa's newest MV, HERO!!...Ugh...they are so... fine...especially hyesung... " she started to sing to the tune. Even though she isn't Korean, she took some lessons in Vancouver, so she knew how to speak some Korean. Still, despite her... lack of fluency in Korean, she sound perfect... just because of her voice."Ooh... .~Nat... nice voice u got... I realli think u oughta bcome a singer someday""Oh... KRIS...u r done... wut took u so long?""Don't avoid my compliment... c'mon... remember the singing contest u won in Vancouver...the New Talent wutever... man why didn't u go back to Hong Kong and become a singer?""Well...I wanna continue my studies... u noe... I've been in University for 4 years already... I have only about 5 years left till I can get my degree. I dun wanna lose the chance... plus... HK music...just... doesn't appeal to me much... the whole media thing scares me... .""Aights...nehoo... let's go man, I am HUNGRY"

Chapter 2... ~The 2 walked out of their apartment, and found a Korean BBQ place to eat. They ate dinner and then... saw a club named, Moon Shimmer."Let's go Nat, we should go and meet some guys! ;)""But I am dressed so poorly...look at me! I am in nufing but a white tank and baggy jeans... and my hair is a mess!!" Nat protested."U look fine... remember those dogs *guys that drool when they see hot girls* back in Vancouver... man... even if u wore ur track suit... they still hover u like mad dogs!""Hahah LOL, those are way back when Krissy"After much protest, Nat finally gave in and went into the club... not knowing that this club is mainly for ppl that are loaded... "Whoa... let's go Kris... tiz place look realli posh... ""Nah... let's stay...maybe... we'll meet a hot guy... ;)""... aights...remember I am only doing this for YOU"The two girls went to the center of the crowd and started shaking their lil bhinds. They aren't the best dancers, but they aren't bad... especially with hip-hop... JWhile the 2 girls were enjoying dancin'... they didn't notice that... there were 6 guys staring at them from the bar... "Hyesung... wutcha staring at?" asked minwoo."Oh...nuttin'...just that girl in the white tank top that's dancing in the center... I think she looks realli... pretty" said Hyesung"Ooh... sungie's in love!""Shut UP Minwoo...wutcha staring at then?"

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"The girl beside the girl u love!! ^-^" "YO the 2 of you...why don't u just go and ask ‘em to dance then!? Wutcha waitin' for? Some guys to pick ‘em up b4 u do!?" Eric shouted as he shoved the two shy lil boys towards the girls.As the two guys were making their way to the center, they started doing their "thing" (tsktsk... dance moves sorry guys I hafta use lame words). Lotsa girls were hitting on them...but they just gently push them away and ignored them... finally they reached the center of the stage dancing next to the 2 girls."Hi! ^-^ U guys can realli dance hehe :)" said kris"Umm...thx... .:)... " minwoo and hyesung replied shyly."Kris... let's go get a drink...i am exhausted!!!!!!!!!!" Nat pleaded trying to avoid the guys thinking that they must b some kinda gangsta **they were wearing a white tank and baggy pants...and u noe... . Minwoo...does kinda look like a bad kid... **"Aww... aights Nattie...we'll go... " Kris turned around and said to Minwoo " sorry guys, we'll b back later but we had to go get a drink"Not wanting to lose a chance w/Kris, Minwoo said, " Oh we are kinda tired too, sungie let's get a drink w/em""Aightz..." Hyesung replied as he continued to stare at Natalie.They arrived at the bar, and with the lights shining down, Nat finally took a better glance at the two guys... she was surprised... "You... you... are Hyesung...and u r Minwoo!! OMG...i can't believe it... !""Oh... err yah... we are just chillin' here... plz dun b so loud... shhh... ." Said minwoo."Aightz...I'll b quiet..""Nat... how do u noe them?" Kris asked with a dumb face... "Oh u stupid white washed CBC... they are... from a realli hot and popular Korean music group, Shinhwa!" Nat whispered."Oh... OOH... .so you are minwoo?... my name is Kris""Yah... um...hey""Hi... so you know our names now... wut'z urs?" hyesung asked shyly."Err I am Natalie...but call me Nat..:)... u noe...I really admire your so pretty""Thanx... ummm... well... u must b thinking that we are trying to pick up girls here...but... the truth is... we are just here b/c our friend opened tiz and we are just visitin'... we rarely... ""Oh is okay, I wasn't thinking it that way... though...i did thought u guys were from some sorta gang when u guys were dancing :) sorry :)... hehe...""LOL...ish okay...Minwoo there always looks like a gangsta... when he's out but he's such a swt lil boy""WATCH WUT U R SAYING YO!" Minwoo snapped back teasingly "AT LEAST I AM NOT SHY WITH GIRLS!!!!""... Grr... minwoo... I'll get u later tonight... ""Heheh :)you guys are like bros... wait a sec... y is it juz the 2 of u?""Oh the other guys are chilling over there," Hyesung pointed towards the lil room."Oh...okiez :)... so... ""So... you don't like Korean... or from Korea... are you Chinese?""Yah... I am Cantonese... but I am close to being white washed because I have been living in Vancouver since I woz born... tsktsk but I still enjoy Asian music""Like ours? I can't imagine us being popular in Vancouver, Canada!""Hehe...well... ish sorta like tiz... there's quite a lot of azns living in Canada... and... we talk to each other...and immigrants from HK and other places knew the next thing I noe...i woz buying your CDs and Kangta's""Kangta's too mm... he's my best bud""I know... hehe :)... you guys haf a realli really nice voice""Nat has a realli nice voice too!!! She...""Shut up Kris * in Chinese... ng ho gon ah! *... Go back to ur minwoo LA!""Okie la Okie la...i'll leave u... but HYESUNG... she does haf a realli nice voice!""Haha...really you do... that's really nice... is a gift to have a nice voice... b/c w/out voices or music... there's no sound in the world... and evything will b so empty... ""Yah... true... but... my not that nice... is juz like a normal girl's voice... ""Hehe...well... I wouldn't noe coz I never heard u sing!"

Chapter 3... ~

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The 4 girls and boys continued to chat for a while and then... they went back to the dance floor... after a couple hours later... "Kris I think we should go, ish getting late... and we don't know the neighborhood well... ""Aightz Nat, let's go then... bye guys!""Bye!" Minwoo and Hyesung saidAs the 2 girls were exiting the doors, hyesung ran up to the 2 girls... "Hey do u guys want a lift home? since Eric and the guys are jus warming up @ the dance floor... we won't be leaving till realli wut do u say?""Okay!" Kris replied.They piled into Hyesung's S-2000, which is mighty tight coz is meant for 2 only, but the 4 enjoyed the ride."Thx hyesung and minwoo! Bye!" the two girls said and walked into their apartment.... 2 months later... "Nat... r u still thinking about Hyesung? Man u haven't seen him since!""Kris... he's the most beautiful guy I've ever seen and his love for's so... interesting... ""Mm... Nat... @.@ I can't believe u... ""Wut about u huh? Kris... u've been thinking about minwoo too!! ^o^""... Neways... let's go, we are late for school..!"... Hyesung's side... "Hyesung... wutcha thinking bout?" asked Kangta."Mm... nufing hyung... juz something... ""Is it the girl that u saw @ Moon Shimmer last time? Ish been 2 months man!""... She's... so different... from the girls I've met... she's so...real... ""So you r saying that Eugene isn't real HUH... u noe she had a crush on u for the longest time already!""Kangta... I noe... but I don't like her style... I don't wanna date someone who's in this circle... ""Aight hyesung... but u noe... u might not see the girl from the bar again... wutz her name... sorri I forgot...""Natalie... "

Chapter 4... ~Another 2 months later... At Seoul University... "Hi... Nat... do you wanna go to this club w/me tonight?" asked john"Umm... sorry John... I don't really want to go out... I only want to focus at school... ""C'mon...just as frenx... evyone is going... and we just finished our mid term... c'mon... we are on holiday as of today""Okay okay but we are only going as friends k? And I am bringing Kris... btw where are we going?""Umm... Moon Shimmer... I'll pick the 2 of you up tonight at 8!"With that Nat said good bye to John and headed home... she was thinking... hmm... Moon Shimmer huh... hafn't went there since... that time... she wonders if she can see hyesung again... w/that thought she ran up the flights of stairs and flung open the door to her apartment."Sexy!! YO KRIS... wake up... we are going to MOON SHIMMER tonight @ 8pm! Get up and get dressed!""Hun... Moon Shimmer? Why all of a sudden?" Kris woke up to the word Moon Shimmer."Umm...well... ish like tiz... john asked me out... asked me to go w/the other students.. I dun wanna go alone w/him and those ppl... they are my frenx too...but they all want me to hook up w/john and I dun wanna... so...I wanna bring u along... so I can... haf some help... ""Aight sistah I'm there for u!~ :)plus maybe we'll see Shinhwa again! ^-^"->Note to readers: after Kris saw minwoo @ the club... she began looking evywhere for Shinhwa stuffs and haf fallen in love w/em... actualli she didn't' realli hafta look evywhere.., ish all stored in Nat's cpu... and her room LOL.<-"Umm... sure... I am SURE they'll remember us...neways better hurry up only an hour and a half left! LOL!"The two girls flipped over their closet looking for the right attires to wear... man... ish so hard! Finally... Nat found the perfect outfit... a red spaghetti tank, w/ a pair of black pants and a pair of red runners (converse), ish not too fancy but cute enuf... all she needs is a warm jacket to keep her warm... Kris too

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had found her outfit... ish a baby blue deep V halter w/a pair of rusted flares... *she's seriously white washed *... and after they found the outfit... the two battled for the shower...hahah :)... of coz...Nat won coz she's a sprinter J while Kris is a couch potato :P... mm..Finally at 8:30... Kris and Nat and John went to eat dinner first at a nearby restaurant w/their frenx, and John was enjoying the time he's hafing w/Nat... but she's... sorta @.@... bored... finally... at 10...

Chapter 5~... "Yes! We are finally at Moon Shimmer!" exclaimed the two girls!"Tsktsk... why r u so happi bout being here?" asked john"Oh nufin' much... " Nat replied taking off her jacket and putting it on the couch where her party is sitting... "C'mon kris let's go dancin' hafn't danced in 4 months!""Okay!"The two headed off to the dance floor... while the 2 were dancing... the MC of the club shouted... "Okay now...let's get someone to come up and sing for us... b/c tonight is also karaoke night! ... Mm... how bout...the girl in the red tank top?"*Author's note: MC is the master of ceremony commonly known as the host*"Umm...but I can't sir... ." Nat shouted as ppl pushed her up the stage... . "Sorry but I can't sing Korean... I am not good enuf to sing Korean songs... ""LOL is okay u can sing English then?""... Yah... ""That's great then...wutcha wanna sing?""Err... do I hafta""Yah... ""Okiez... umm... how bout rite here waitin'?""OKAY... music!""Ocean's apart... day after day...and I slowly go insane... I hear you laughter on the line and it doesn't ... ... ... ... ... ... where ever you go, whatever you do, I'll be right here waiting for you... "While Nat was singing... The audience was all shocked... especially John and the other guy who just walked in w/another guy.Hyesung...was mesmerized by the voice... who can such a beautiful voice!?"Hey Hyesung wutcha spacing out for?" asked kangta"Um... the voice...ish so pretty... I wonder who's singing?""Is it someone from xxx?""No... their voices are realli high pitched""Let's go check it out then..""Wherever you'll go, whatever you'll do, I'll be right here waiting for you, whatever it take or how my heart breaks I'll be right here waiting for you... ""OMG is her KANGTA... !" hyesung said w/excitement when he saw who was singing."The girl from the bar... Natalie?""Yah ish her! Man... no wonder her friend said she has the nicest voice!""Ooh... go up there yo... u are in a wig, no one will recognize u from a far... ""Umm... okay... " Hyesung walked up the stage and asked the MC quietly if he can sing w/the girl... the MC saw who it woz and agreed."Wut do u wanna sing?""Umm... how about... All My Life?""Well well well, thanx Natalie... your voice is realli pretti... we have a request from tiz man over here... he would like u to sing a song w/him... All my Life... ""Umm... okie... " not knowing how to turn down the forceful MC... and knowing that ish hard being a MC * she used to work as a DJ and MC in Vancouver * she agreed."I'll never find another lover sweeter than u, sweeter than u, and I ‘ll never find another lover, more precious than u more precious than u, girl you are close to me like my mother close to me like my father, all my life I prayed for someone like u... and I'll break down... "*clap clap * the audience is amazed at how well the 2 voices matched each other. The two accepted the applause and left the stage. Just as Nat was about to join her friends at the table again, the guy she was singing w/grabbed her arms.

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"Um... wut do you want?" she asked."Hey Nat... is me... don't u remember me... hyesung ah... ^-^""OH... hyesung... I can't recognize u w/that wig!!^-^" Nat was surprised to see Hyesung, but she's happy more than surprised."Tsktsk... oh right... I am here w/Kangta ... you wanna join us? :$""Mm... well... sure... just gimme a sec... hafta tell Kris and our frenx.""Okiez :)... I'll go w/u... ""I am sorry guys, I just met a friend I haven't seen in awhile, I am gona go hang w/him for awhile I'll b back guys! Sorry John!""Is okay but hey isn't tiz guy the guy u sang wif? U noe him?""Err... yup... ttulz!"The two walked back to where kangta was waiting, as they approached, Kangta was clapping and cheering... "WOAH... u guys make an awesome duo! Even better than our duet w/jihoon, PilKyo..""You gotta be kidding? How can I ever compare to you voice kangta!" Nat said."Hehe... so you listen to my songs eh... btw you should call me oppa, I think I am older than you... ""I am not Korean tho... yah I listen to your songs! I luf Polaris (Bookgeuksan?) is so sweet that I wanna cry... My Romance w/u and hyesung and lee jihoon... is such a nice song!""Thanx :), you are so cute""Umm... thx... hehe" Nat replied shyly."So, I fink u found yourself a really cute girl w/a nice voice! :P" teased kangta in Korean ( I don't know KOREAN sorry)."Kangta!! Shh... she understands Korean!" Hyesung whispered shyly back to kangta."Mm... hyesung and... wutz your name? Why don't u guys go out and dance a bit... I wanna chat up w/the owner for a bit, hafn't seen him in awhile" Kangta said as he winked to his buddy."My name is Natalie""Aights...juz go now go haf fun!""ALRIGHT" replied the 2.As they entered the dance floor, the DJ started playing a slow song."Umm... so u wanna dance?" hyesung asked shyly. He's blushing madly ... just like a girl... so cute!"Umm... okiz"The 2 started dancing... at first they were far apart from each other... but as the music went on... the two got closer... they were too shy to look at each other, but they were in sync... humming the song together... god must've spent... a lil more time ... on you... the song ended, and the two stopped and looked at each other... not blinking at all... Nat asked shyly, "Hyesung... y are u staring at me like this... Do I have something on my face?""... No... ish just... oh nothing... :) you look fine... very pretty ^-^!""Thx... :) LOL but HEY LOOK... there's a spider on your face!""UGH!!! WHERE IS IT!! V.v!" ahh... I dun like SPIDERS... HELP!!""Hehe... I woz only joking la... heheh can't believe Ur afraid of spiders ^-^!""Well... evyone has his own phobia ... I am sure u haf one... wut is it!?""Umm... " Nat avoids the question " let's dance!"Nat dragged Hyesung onto the stage and started dancing together... nope they weren't GRINDING...b/c Nat hates it when a guy... gets a BIT too close... :( it brings back painful memories... ANYWAYS... after an hour later... "Phew I am exhausted, I better go find Kangta, hope he didn't leave me here :(""Aightz, I should get back to my friends too, I'll see you when I see you?""Aights... bye... I had a lot of fun today Natalie... thx :)... "Nat began to walk towards her friends' table... "Wait, Nat, can I haf ur fone number? So we can... umm... hang out? Or... ""Umm... okay... here's my number... xxx-xxxx""I'll c u then" "bye"As soon as she walked back to the table, Kris grabbed Nat by the wrist and pulled her next to her... "Nat, is that... HS?""Yah... ""Ooh... "

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"Dun tell them tho... k?""Gotcha"

Chapter 6~... They went back to the table and sat down, John kept staring at Nat, as if he got sumfin' to say, but he was speechless for the rest of the night... then all of sudden... "HEY KRIS!!" a guy shouted."Umm... u r... ""REMEMBER ME? LAST TIME AT THIS CLUB!?""OH... is u!!" at that, Kris went up to Minwoo who woz standing behind her table."So how have you been? I Can't believe you still remember me!?" Kris said excitedly."LOL... of coz I remember u, you are the cute girl who's white washed :)!" Minwoo teased, "c'mon, wanna join me and HS and my bros over there? You wanna come too Nat?""Umm... I umm... but I can't really leave my friends... ""C'mon! JUST FOR AWHILE plz NATTIE?" Kris begged."Alrite... " she turned to John and her friends, "I'll be back guys, have to go w/Kris and her lust object! ^-^"The 3 of them left the party, John was looking at Natalie. She's so pretty he thought, if only she liked him... "Hey pals, I want y'all to meet Kris and her friend... *wink * the girl that HS likes? Hehe... Natalie""HEY!" the rest of the Shinhwa said."HI! ^-^!""Umm... where's Hyesung?""Oh he's talking to Kangta over there, something about a new song... mm...@.@ he'll b back, don't worry :P!" teased Dongwan."Umm...Kris you wanna dance? We didn't really get a chance to noe each other better last time... :).." Minwoo asked."Okiez ^-^!"Kris and Minwoo went out to the dance floor and started dancing, though Kris is a COUCH POTATO... Kris... can actually dance really well, better than Natalie at least. If Natalie has a nice voice then Kris had the nice moves. Guys swoon over her moves. "Wow Kris, you can really dance!! ^-^" Minwoo shouted as they started to combine rave moves into hip hop style dances."Hehe really? Thanx! ^. ^ You dance well too of coz, since u r in the most popular group in Korea! ^-^""LOL, so you KNOW who we are now!? I thought u don't know anything about azn music?""Tsktsk, before yes... but after I saw you that time, I stole into Nat's room and... kinda took a peek at her collection... ""Wut kinda collection? ^.*""Umm... collection of SHINHWA stuffs :) that girl has all the CDs and VCDs man... and some other stuffs... but mostly w/Hyesung in it... ""Hehee... man that stupid Hyesung, he's so lucky... ""Wut do u mean?""Well... I'd be very ^-^ happi if the girl I like has a lot of my stuffs... well... unless she's like some wacko stalker... fan type... but... u noe... someone like Nat... who actually enjoys the music... ""Oh... u mean me? Hehe I've been buying products w/ur face on it... afterwards! ^-^""Tsktsk... ur not a stalker tho are u? ^.*""No... but I like to kidnap lil boys like you!! ^O^""Ahhh... "With that the two continued to "jiggy wit it" hehehe (author's note: SORRY I noe is lame to say that but ish cute :)) and then, a slow jam came... is Wedding March... "Mm... I really like tiz song, especially your part ^. ^""Hahah really... Noon boo shin haet sah rae noon eul ddeu myuh Nuh ae moh seup eul dduh ohl lyuh bwah Geu toh rohk gi dah ryuh waht ddun Sarang ae geu nahl... " Minwoo sang as he was dancing with Kris."Aww... thank u... ^-^" Kris blushes.

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Chapter 7... ~Meanwhile... Kangta and Hyesung are having a lil chat... "Sungie ah... I really think you should ask her out!""Nat? I want to... but I don't think she likes me... I think she thinks of me as a friend only... plus... while I was over at her table... there's this guy... he looks like her bf... b/c he was staring at me ... w/jealousy... ""Man... stop worrying... maybe he just have a crush on her or sumfing! Don't b so pessimistic about it, the way she looks at u... I think ish love... ""But dun u remember the first thing about being a celeb? Is not to date your fans... and not to date someone you wanna be serious w/... b/c when you are forced to break up w/her due to media purposes... it hurts? And I dun wanna put her into the spotlight... she seems to hate it... ""But ... if you really like her... you really should give it a try... perhaps she won't mind... or... HEY u can make her a CELEB!?... ""Huh? How?" Hyesung asked dumbly. "Well...I mean... she can SING right?... and I do have this new piece of music... which is meant for a DUET... at first I was gona sing it w/Eugene... but then... for you hyung... I dun mind giving it to you... ""You like EUGENE?!" exclaimed Hyesung." of coz I dun... ." Lied Kangta"LOL wutever... I dunno kangta... but u keep the song... ish important to you... I guess... perhaps I should give it a try... she's really special... @[email protected] what if... ""NO wut ifs... wut if that jealous guy over there gets her first! Go get her man! She's over there talking your bros man... c'mon!""Okay okay... I'll GO!!"

Chapter 8... ~At the table where the rest of the Shinhwa and Nat is... "Mm... wutz taking Kris so long... we should get back to our friends now... they might leave anytime... @.@""ISH okay, we can take you home if you need a ride :)" said the cute Andy who always smile."Ish okay... m... I think I should head back to them now... I don't want them to worry... v.v""NO stay... we love talking to pretty girls ^-^... just joking... well... JunJin sure does like to talk to pretty girls... eh Jin?" Eric teased."Yah man, of coz... :), but then... I like guys more! ^-^" Junjin joked and puts his arm around Andy."HEY get ur dirty hands off me! :@" "LOL okay okay!""Come on just wait for a bit... HS should b back anytime now... coz Kangta has to leave in about 10 mins... " Dongwan said looking at his watch."Alright... but tell me... why do you guys want me to wait for Hyesung? I just saw him... an hour ago?""LOL... coz he wants to SEE YOU!! ^-^" Andy said."... ""SUNGIE... over here!!" Junjin shouted as he saw his friend in sight."Oh hey guys... hey Nat ^-^ good to see you again... :)" Hyesung said as he made his way towards ‘em."Hey... so I guess we meet again huh? Mm... well I better go tell my friends to leave... coz I think they are tired by now... and... since... Kris is nowhere to b found... I guess I'll have to wait for her... :(... ""Aww... I'll go with you and wait for Kris w/you :)""OOHHHH... SUNGIE is finally making a move on GIRLS... hehe... I thought he was too shy to? Hehehe ~" teased Eric."Aww...shut up Eric... " Hyesung said embarrassed, "anyways I'll walk back w/u... c'mon let's go... okiez... "The two walked back to Nat's table... "Hey guys... sorry to make you guys wait... must b tired huh? I can't find Kris anywhere... so why don't u guys go ahead... I'll wait up for her... she's probably on the dance floor... I'll wait till she's done... :) I hope you guys have fun... :)""But you'll need a ride home!" asked the concerned and jealous John as he saw Hyesung next to her."Is okay, I can take her and Kris home, don't worry." Hyesung said w/ a caring voice."C'mon John let's go then... we are tired... :) LOL dun worry about it Nat, we all noe how Kris is like when she meets a guy, we understand... we'll catch a flick sometime k? We'll c u laterz! Bye! Let's go John!"

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one of the friends said."Thx guys, I owe y'all! ^-^ Bye!!"Nat's friends left, and finally w/reluctance... John left too... but before he left, he glared at Hyesung for the longest time... with those hateful stares... (ooh scary... )

Chapter 9... ~"So what do you wanna do now? Aside from waiting for Kris?" asked Hyesung."Well... you wanna dance?""I am kinda tired thou... ""Well... you wanna sit down and haf a drink or sumthing?""Okay"The two ordered a beer and sat down around the bar... far away from the 4 remaining single Shinhwa... well... Junjin is hitting on a girl... but still :)"So... I was wondering Nat... mm... is that guy your boyfriend?""JOHN!? Hahah... no he's not my bf... I don't really want a bf right now... at least not him... to me... he's like... a good friend... a bud... that's a guy... that's all... ^-^""Ohh... " Hyesung said and takes a big sip of his beer. There was silence for a minute. Then finally, Hyesung... brought up his nerves... and... asked, "Well... if it was me... would you... would you... aighz... nvm :(""Would I what la... ""Nuffin... ""C'mon!!""Hey man, you can really sing... and you said your voice ish just like any normal GIRL!" Hyesung said trying to change the topic."Well... I ... don't consider my voice... as being special... I do admit... is a gift... but it is also a burden... that's y I don't... like to sing in front of ppl... ""Why... did something happen?""Oh... um... ish just that... " Before she can continue her sentence, though is probably gona be BS since Nat doesn't like to let ppl know about her past, the rest of the Shinhwa popped up in front of them."MAN we are dead tired, we are gona head home now k Hyesung? Wait for Minwoo aightz?" Eric said."Aightz bro~ Bye... see you tonight!""Hahah LOL you better b home tonight! Otherwise I'll call the police to arrest you for staying over at a girl's place!" Junjin said loudly in Korean thinking that a Chinese girl wouldn't understand Korean well."Err... okie... bye guys... v.v"~" Hyesung said as the guys left."BYE NAT" the guys shouted as they walked away from them."Umm... Nat... you understood that didn't ya... I am sorry they are like that all the time... b/c they aren't used to seeing me w/girls... dun worry... I will go home :)!"Nat nodded with a shy smile, "mm... I wonder what's taking Kris so long? Probably hafing fun w/Minwoo... @.@ that girl... "

Chapter 10... ~On the dance floor~~~"LOL! This is so fun!!" Kris shouted as Minwoo picked her up and started swinging her in circles—right in the middle of the dance floor."Hehe yah...but you are MIGHTY heavy! ^-^ LOL!""HEY YOU LIL... . Grrr... . :)!"Minwoo kept spinning her, despite her protests."Put ME DOWN!!! Hahah... I am getting DIZZY @.@!" Kris whined."NO! Until you say that I am the cutest guy you've ever met!""NEVER""C'MON b a good girl now!""NO...""C'mon""AHHH... fine fine fine... Minwoo YOU are the cutest guy I've ever met, and I think I like you!" Kris said finally.

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Minwoo put her down, and stared at her, "did you really mean it, the last phrase you said?""What did I just said?" Kris asked knowing how to play this game... very well :)."You said... you like me... is it true?""Wut? You mean you like me? Huh? Say dat again?""You SAID... I LIKE YOU... to me!""OH... you like me?"Minwoo finally caught on the game she was trying to play and gave up... and finally said, "Yes... I like you... would you like to go out w/me... despite the possibility of losing your privacy?""OKAY ^-^!" Kris said and hugged Minwoo."We better head back now... HS might be worried.""Yah... same with Nattie :)"Minwoo took Kris' hand and they walked hand in hand towards their shy friends."HEY GUYS ^-^" Kris and Minwoo said cutely to HS and Nat."Hey Kris... looks like you got urself a prey! ^-^" Nat teased."Shuddup girl... wut bout u?""Me? I got nothing... I don't even like fishing when there's no water around... ^-^""HAHAHAHA... ." The 2 guys laughed at Nat's joke."Stop teasing me... v.v" Kris whined."Alrite... I won't laugh at you... I wasn't laughing at you... well not directly anyways... " teased Minwoo."Ahh... you you... why did I agree to go out w/u anyways!! :@""B/c you said you like me!""Aww... " teased Hyesung and Kris."Anyways, I think is getting late, let's go!""Okay... Minwoo I bet you'll wanna drive your lil gf home... so I guess I'll take Nat home... mm... don't b too late okay? Coz I don't wanna leave a girl alone in her apartment for too long!""Well she doesn't hafta b alone, if you go up w/her!" Minwoo said half seriously."Grr...wutever... anyways let's go Nat... :)""Aightz... I'll see you later Kris... don't b too late!! Otherwise I'll lock the gate! ^.*""Bye sis... LOL I'll b back dun worry... maybe even quicker than you!!"

Chapter 11... ~The two couples left, Nat got on Hyesung's S-2000 and Kris got on Minwoo's RS-X. As Hyesung was driving Nat home, Nat was thinking to herself... "Man... I really enjoyed singing on the stage today... but... I really shouldn't... I won't do it nemore... mm... but at that moment... when I was on stage... I felt... so happy... then... again... everything came back... I don't wanna... think about it again... ""Are you okay Nat? You seem to b kinda out of it." Hyesung asked as he looked at her at the Red Light."I'm fine... just tired I guess... too much for me... ""Mm... you know... I know I said it a couple of times already... but I think you have the talents to be a singer here in Korea... ""Umm... thanx... but I am not interested... I only wanna become a lawyer... ""Why do you wanna become a lawyer? And you came all the way over here to study Law... when you dun even know the language well?""Well... I just kinda... want to leave Vancouver that's all... and... Hong Kong... is too... um... nvm... I chose Korea... b/c Seoul University accepted me ^-^... and I wanna become a lawyer... b/c my parents wants me to... and... yah""Umm... okay... but I am glad you chose Seoul as your home! ^-^""Why?""Because... I know you'll like Korea... " Hyesung said, while thinking to himself, "why am I so stupid... why didn't' I say... b/c I got to meet you and I like you? Grr I am so mad at myself... ""Mm... okay... hey that's my apartment over there... ""Aightz" Hyesung parked the car, "I'll walk you up... is not safe for a girl to go home alone at this time""Thanks"They walked up to Nat's apartment, as what they have thought, Kris wasn't back yet, so Hyesung decided to wait till Kris come back then leave, because the neighborhood that Nat lives in... isn't too safe."You really don't have to stay Hyesung, is okay, we have an alarm system""No really, I oughta stay... who know wut time those love birds will b back? I am worried @.@"

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"Okay... thx ^-^... your such a nice pal... ""... " Hyesung blushed."Would you like to have some coffee?""Sure thing.""But these coffee is different from Korean coffee... is a bit stronger... is N.American coffee""Ish okay... ""Mm... okay!" Nat began to brew the coffee, then went to her room to get changed, she doesn't like to wear the clothes like this... it just doesn't feel right for her... she feels... to exposed... She changed into a oversized white 555 hoodie and a pair of loose tearaways... "Ahh better... I feel more comfy! ^-^"Nat walked out of her room, and when Hyesung saw her... he couldn't blink... "Man... she's so cute in this... I've never seen a girl... so relaxed and natural before... !""Mm... do I look weird or something... why are you staring at me?""Mianhae...but I am just wondering y you are wearing a men's sweatshirt that's all.""Hehe... ish my ex bf's... no just kidding ya... I bought it myself because I really like comfy clothes like these, they make me feel relaxed... unlike the clothes I was wearing earlier on... ""LOL okay... m... I fink the coffee's ready... I can smell it... "

Chapter 12... ~ italics =hyesung and minwoo's dialogueNat served Hyesung some coffee and they sat down on the couch. Hyesung couldn't help thinking how cute she looks in those clothes, to him, she's the most realistic girl he had ever met... most of the time, the girls he met like him for his money, fame, popularity, etc., other girls... to him... are only like buddies... even though they have a down to earth personality. But... Natalie... to him... is not only down to earth but also original... and unique... it seems like... there's a lot more to this girl. Nat was thinking about Hyesung too, she can't believe, a celeb could b this nice and down to earth... is like... unbelievable... he's the sweetest guy she ever met, and most of the times... well... guys only walk her back to her house... was to... get closer with her physically and only hang out w/her b/c of her name of being the cute girl w/the damn nice voice who's presentable, but... Hyesung's different... to break the silence... Hyesung finally said... "This coffee is really good thanx ^-^""You're welcome, I'm getting my friend to mail me some more... you want me to order some for you?""Sure! ^-^ I bet the guys will like it too ^-^... the taste is a bit stronger... yum!""I take it that you really like drinking coffee huh?""YUP!! ^-^!""Mm... I wonder when Kris will b back... let me call her up... "

Minwoo and Kris"Hello? Oh Nat... I'll be home in 10 mins... we are just at the park that's all... I'll c u later, bye... oh HAVE FUN!""Mm... is it Nat?""Yup... she was juz worried... ""Worried about what? That I am gona rape you? Hehehe... ""More like... she's worried that I MIGHT eat you!" with that, Kris started chasing Minwoo with her 2inch heels... and being a couch potatoe... she couldn't run much... ‘Puff' ‘puff'... "Hahah LOL, man you can't run!? Heheh... here... I'll give you a piggy back ride." Minwoo teased when he walked back towards her. He picked her up and looked deep into her eyes, "You have really pretty eyes... ""Thanks."Without saying anything, Minwoo gave Kris a deep kiss... no tongue just kiss on the lips, Kris totally melted... and Minwoo was smiling after."Mmm... so what about that piggy back ride? I am kinda tired... I don't wanna walk anymore... " whined Kris in her cute lil voice."Alright... get on... :)... I'll piggy back you home!""YEH!"Minwoo carried Kris home... it was only a 4-minute walk... but... in less than a minute on Minwoo's back, Kris fell asleep. *knock knock * Minwoo knocked on the door, Nat opened the door.

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"Oh, you guys are finally back!""Yah... and she's kinda heavy can I put her down some where?""The room to your left... ""Thx"Minwoo put her down and gently kissed Kris' forehead, he thought to himself, I've never met a cuter girl before, she's so fun to be with... I can be myself... and gently closed the door behind him."Sungie... let's go home... I am tired" whined Minwoo teasingly of course."Okay lil boy... we'll go... ish past your bedtime!""HEY!""Shhh... don't wake Kris up... !""Aightz... bye Nat""Yah... maybe we can go chill sometime Nat?""Alrite Hyesung, bye you two... drive safely... call when u get home? Call my cell number you have it right, Hyesung? I gave it to you."

Chapter 13... ~The two finally left, though relieved, Nat felt kind of empty without hyesung. She went to her room... and lay on her bed thinking... about her past... why do you all keep doing this to me... do you all like me because of my voice and my face? Is that what you all think about? The superficial sides of ppl? Get away from me don't come near me... otherwise... I'll slit myself!!! ... A tear went down her face... all her boyfriends from the past... has never really liked her... they all wanted one thing... her body and her looks... they don't care if she's a bad girl or a good girl... even him... Justin... her last bf before she moved to Seoul... she thought he was different, b/c he slowly helped her recover since... her... attempt to suicide... although to everyone she seemed perfect, she had the smarts, the looks, the voice everything... but... she doesn't like it... everything around her gives her stress... especially her parents... they never approved of her one and only hobby... singing... she was spanked and nearly kicked out of the house when she competed at the singing contest... but she didn't care... all she wanted... was to sing... to bring joys to people w/music... and... then once... she finally couldn't take it nemore... she slit herself... on the wrist... thank goodness her parents found out... and rushed her to the hospital... after that... Nat... locked herself up in her room, and just go to school in the morning, and go straight into her room after... until... she met Justin... but... still... he's just another guy... . Why did I want to tell all of this to Hyesung when he asked me why I moved here today? I have never opened myself to anyone... even Kris, I've known her for 4 years... I still won't tell her... even if she asked... but... why him? With that thought, Nat went into the shower room, and took a shower. While she was showering, she stared at her scar... why does everyone treat me like this... do I really deserve it? I don't wish for much... I only wanted someone who loves me... I only wanted to sing... she cried and cried... till the water turn cold... still... she didn't leave the shower... she stayed there until there's no more tears left...

Chapter 14... ~ The Next Morning (Italics=Nat and Minwoo)

"Nat... wake up!! Is two already!! Minwoo and Hyesung are coming over!! HELLO... your SUNGIE is coming!!" Kris yelled as she knocked furiously on the door."Mmph... kris... I don't feel so well... " mumbled Nat.Kris opened the door and went to the side of her bed; she put her palms on Nat's forehead. "Ouch man... your forehead can cook eggs!! (she said in Chinese)!""Mm... really... ""Yah... what did you do last night?""I took a cold... shower... groan... ""Man... here wait... lemme bring you something to eat and some medicine for fevers... "*Ding Dong *Kris opened the door."HELLO my cute lil girlfriend!"Kris didn't smile."What's wrong? Why are you holding medicine? Are you sick? Are you Okay? Argh why did you agree to go to the movie then... you need to rest!!""Umm... Minwoo... is not for me... Nat's sick... she has a very bad flu... "

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"ISH SHE OKAY!?" asked Hyesung."Not really... here you want to take these to her? Make sure she eats some of the oatmeal first and then take 2 pills k? Don't let her take the pills without eating!""Okay no problem... "*knock knock *"Mmmph... come in... u dun hafta knock kris... " mumbled Nat."Hey... is me, Hyesung... you okie?" he asked worriedly sitting beside her bed."Not really... ""Mm... well then... I guess you should eat something... otherwise you won't get well!"" I don't wanna eat anything... and I don't wanna take any pills... can you... just leave me alone?""How can I leave you alone when you r burning at 101 degrees! C'mon, stop being a child and eat up!""JUST LEAVE ME ALONE... YOU ARE JUST LIKE THEM!!! PRETENDING... GET OUT!!!" Nat screamed."Nat... .what... .who am I just like?... I am not pretending... I am for real... I care about you Nat... I really do!""Stop lying to me!!!!!!" Nat said and covered herself with the blanket."WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" burst Kris, "Hyesung WTF are you trying to do to her!?""Nothing... I was only trying to get her to eat the food... but she said I was lying and pretending to be nice to her!""OMG... I am sorry... Nat... c'mon... you know Hyesung he's not lying, c'mon... "" I DON'T WANNA SEE HIM... I DON'T WANNA SEE ANY GUYS HERE... GET OUT!!!""Hyesung... sorry... maybe you should leave the room for now... let me take care of her... ""Okay... "They stayed silent for an hour... Kris looked at Nat with concern... "Okay, Nat... what's wrong?" Kris asked as she handed the food to Nat.Nat took the food and started nibbling at the oatmeal, "you can't cook Kris tsktsk... mm... what's wrong? Nothing's wrong... just... ""Stop lying to me... I know about you Nat... I heard stories... is it b/c of your history w/guys... that's y you can't trust Hyesung?""How did you know about my past?""I know your old pals... they told me... a lil... about you... Nat... you know deep inside... Hyesung is a nice guy""I know... is just that... I am afraid... sniff... sob... can you tell him I am very sorry, but... I just... ""I will... but I think you gotta move on from the past... perhaps... you'll meet the right one?""Sigh... I dunno if I am ready yet... here pass me the pills will you?""Okay... I'll leave you then... go back to sleep... ""Thanks"

Chapter 15... ~Kris walked out her bedroom and shook her head slightly."Kris, is Nat okay? Why is she acting so weird?""Hyesung... she said she's sorry... she doesn't mean it... is just... never mind... ""What's wrong?""I can't tell you... is not my business... and I don't know a lot too... ""C'mon Kris... tell Sungie please? He's worried sick... this guy really likes her... ""Well... okay... but... don't let her know... Minwoo... can you stay here and just keep an eye on her... I want to talk to Hyesung alone away from this apartment.""Okay!"--Italics are now HyesungThe two went to a nearby café and sat down. The café was very quiet."So... about Natalie... why was she like that today? I am not mad... or upset... I am just worried... v.v""Hyesung... I am just as worried as you are... did you by the way... noticed a scar on her right wrist? A really long one?""There's a SCAR? No I didn't notice... I think she was wearing a bracelet... did she... before?""Yah... well it happened before we met... you see... I am a good friend with Nat's secondary school friends

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and... I was asked to take care of Nat when they found out I was going to the same university as Nat in Vancouver... she didn't go to UBC with my friends because she didn't want to see them... so instead she chose to go to University of Victoria, which is on an island... ""Mmhmm... ""Well... before I met her... officially... her friends told me about her past... in some ways to prepare me for what might happen... that poor girl... Nat... she seemed to be perfect... doing well in everything, in school, in sports, in singing... and she looked fine... she's nice too... a lot of girls are jealous of her... and a lot of boys want her... she's the type that easily trusts ppl... and a lot of boys... want to take advantage of her... she was hurt many times... and the last guy she ever dated hurt her the most... ""What happened?""Well... I am not really sure... but... after she broke up with this one guy... and after the singing contest... she... committed suicide... LUCKILY... her parents found her... before she died and rushed her to the hospital... but even afterwards... she acted like a living but dead person... she'd go to school, then go home and study and repeat the same thing everyday, she shut herself off from everyone even my friends but one person... JUSTIN... ""The guy that hurt her the most!?""Yah... you see... he helped her a lot... she was really depressed and everything... but he was there to cheer her up everyday... and within 2 months... she finally recovered... her smile was back... but then... in the end... he hurt her... the only reason why he did all that... was to be with her... to have sex with her... ""Ugh... did he though?""No... he almost... but... Nat... she always carry a lil knife with her... and... she stabbed him and ran... ""My gosh... no wonder... ""From then on... she didn't trust any guys... well... till we moved here and met John... John's a really nice guy... and he treats her with respect, but she won't date him... she tells me that she's not ready to date anyone... but... I can tell... she likes you... that's why I am telling you this... ""Man... ""Yup... and she doesn't know that at first I befriended her only to do a favor for her friends... but I really love her... otherwise we wouldn't have came together... I mean I didn't speak one word of KOREAN before I came here... ""Sigh... I really wanna take care of her... heal her sadness... do you think she'll let me?""Give her time... she'll ... anyways... been here long enough let's get back... otherwise Minwoo will be bored to death and I am worried about his ability to take care of Nat."

Chapter 16... ~Italics=Minwoo and Nat"We are home... how's Nattie doing?""She's fine... she's probably still sleeping... ""Hey minwoo... why don't you go watch a movie w/Kris... I want to take care of Nat... ""But what if she refuses?""Don't worry Kris... I won't disappoint you... I promise you I'll take care of her... ""C'mon Kris... we should leave them alnoe... don't worry Hyesung's a very caring guy""Well... okay... then... take GOOD care of her okay?""Yah... okay... bye have fun!"Hyesung sat by Nat's bed... and gently took her hand into his... and saw the scar... he pities her... he still doesn't understand... why she would commit suicide... she seem to be a very happy girl... she must've went through a lot of pain... aside from pity... he also... begin to find that... he really does love her... as he look at her sleeping face... his heart is beating faster and faster... he wants to hug her... and tell her everything's okay... he wants to be with her... "Mmph... " Nat opened her eyes slightly... "Ugh... why are you here? I thought I told you to leave... ""Mianhae... yongsuhhae jwo... I am sorry to give you pain... I am so sorry... I didn't mean to... ""... You didn't do anything... is not your fault... but... I just don't want to see anyone but Kris right now... where is she?""I told her to go watch a movie w/minwoo... b/c she's really worried and... I want to be the one taking care of you... ""... Hyesung... please don't say that... I am... ""Nat... don't you understand? I want to take care of you... I want to be the one... holding you tight... keeping you away from what's troubling you... "

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"... I can't... not right now... do you see this scar here? Is not gone yet... just like the scar that's made to my heart... ""I'll heal it! I promise you I'll do anything to heal it... ""I don't want you to heal me... I don't need pity... especially from a guy... and... what if you are lying to me!?""I am not lying to you... I am not pitying you... I really like you... ""We've only met each other twice in our life... how can you possibly like someone enough? You probably just saying this b/c you want a piece of me too... like those guys... I don't want to be hurt... sometimes I'd rather that I don't look like me... but someone else... ""Nat... I know it sound crazy... but after the first time we met... I couldn't stop thinking about you... you seem like a puzzle to me... b/c your eyes... your eyes are what attracted me in the first place... then... during the past 4 months... I've been thinking about you... I want to see you... and... last night... I was so happy I saw you... and... I knew at the moment... when... we were dancing to God Must've Spent... I knew it was you... your voice... your down to earth personality... you... everything... I like you!""You won't once you see my faults... and... yet again... you are attracted by my appearance first... ""I admit that I was attracted by your looks at first... but... that wasn't anything... I fell in love w/what inside you... if I like girls that are pretty... it wouldn't be you... it would've been one of those girls... that are famous... I like you b/c of who u are... how you care about your frenx... how you'd crack me up and scare me w/the spider on my face... I like you b/c of the way you sing... how you close your eyes... and how sang your heart out... about your feelings... though I don't know who's it for... but I can tell you really love him... when u sang Right Here Waiting... ""... Hyesung... I was... thinking of you... but... really can't... Hyesung... I don't know if I'll hurt you... or if you'll hurt me... I can't stand getting hurt again... it took me a lot of strength to heal ... to leave my parents... to come to Seoul... you wanna know why I came here? Well... that's because... I wanted to start a new life... I don't want to be known as Natalie the girl that was SO popular b/c she's everything... but... Natalie the girl that came to Seoul to have a new life as a normal girl... and going out w/u... would make me... abnormal... b/c of the publicity... and... the stress... of losing my privacy... ""We don't have to let anyone know!""Sooner or later they'll find out... you know that very well... that's y you said once to an article that you won't date a girl that you love deeply... b/c you don't want to hurt her... ""Yes... but right now... I really really... want to be with you Nat... ""Is useless... I am really tired... may I go back to sleep now?""... "

Meanwhile at the movies... "Minwoo... I am really worried... what if Nat wakes up and starts going CRAZY b/c it's Hyesung that's beside her... v.v""Is okay... I trust Hyesung... he'll take care of her... ""I know he will but that girl is really tuff... she can beat up a guy even if she's sick... ""LOL... Hyesung has a black belt in TKD... ""Yah... ? So does Nat... ""Uhoh... don't worry... Hyesung's words are more powerful than anyone's fists... he can make everything better... let's go into the movies... ""Okay... "They chose a comedy to relieve Kris' stress, but it wasn't really working so during the movies Minwoo tried to cheer her up instead... he tried to catch her attention by putting his head on her shoulder and pretend to be a girl... "... Krissy... I am scared... can I have a huggy? Eww... I can't bear to watch that... is so gross... heehee""Mm... ?""Lol... I am pretending to be a girl... :)""Well... you don't really look like one... and you... just can't be a girl :)""You finally smiled ^_^ yeah!""Thanks" Kris gave Minwoo a peck on the nose."... Okies... let's enjoy the rest of the flick then ^-^"

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Chapter 18... ~Back at Nat and Kris' apt... na geu dae young won to lok ba la bo myuh sal ggae yo na geu dae sarang hae yo just falling in love with you... Hyesung was listening to Shinhwa's fourth album... the song Falling in Love... staring at Nat... the song continued to play... "if only I can look at you forever Nat... I'll know that I'll be able to live... I don't think I can live without you... I love you... please let me be the one... " Hyesung thought, "I wanna hold you... forever... ""Mmmmm... " Nat stirred and turned around... she opened her eyes slightly, "you are still here?""Yes I am not leaving till they come back... ""Oh... well... thanks... mianhae... I didn't mean to hurt you but... please give me time... I want to accept your love... but... please... prove to me that you'll take care of me?""Does this mean that I get to have a chance?!""Yes... in one condition... don't break my heart... ""I WON'T!" Hyesung said and hugged Nat."Ouch... let go of me... I wanna go back to sleep... ""Okay... " Hyesung let go of his grip and held her hand.A couple of hours later... "We are home Hyesung... how is she doing?" Kris asked with concern."Umm... she's better... and I am happy... ""Ooh... I see ... no wonder you are holding onto her hand... :) I am proud of you... ""Thank you Hyesung... please promise me that you'll not break her heart and that you will love her and heal her heart with all that you got?""Yes I'll do that... don't worry... but I gotta leave now... we have a show to do tomorrow Minwoo... ""Oh yah... oops... I'll see you later than Kris... call ya tonight k?""Okay... ""Oh and please tell Nat that I love her? Thx... :) and I won't forget the promise... please tell her that too... bye now"

The next morning... "Mmm... what a nice dream... I dreamt that ... Hyesung... loves me... weird... why am I so happy though?" Nat woke up and thought to herself. She walked to her desk and saw a note:Nat, is me Sungie... I will keep the promise... I won't ever break your heart... and I'll promise you another thing... I'll do anything to heal your scar to make you happy and to protect you... saranghae... I never thought I can like a person like this... but I guess... I can... now... please promise me... stay strong and believe in me... Love, Hyesung"Hmm... wut is tiz? Mm... ." Nat thought to herself... "Ahh wait... that wasn't a dream... Hyesung was beside me the whole day yesterday... . And I have accepted him... because of what he said and because somehow I trust him... " Nat went to take a shower, and this time... she smiled... before... every time she took a shower... she'd look at her scar and cry... but today... she felt happy...

Chapter 19... ~*Knock Knock *"Come in Kris!""Hey sexy... are you feeling better? You look happy?""Mmm... I am kinda happy and I think I am feeling really great... the fever's gone and... I think I should b alright... thx girl ^-^""Mm... must have been the love of Hyesung that healed u""Mmm... what do you mean?""Before he left last night... he told me to tell you that he loves you and he won't forget his promise... he's so sweet... ""Mmm... ""So you really gona give him a chance right?""I guess... ""Well... anyways let's go grab something to eat... I am hungry I've been waiting for you to wake up and cook for me... ""Umm... okay hahaha ^-^"

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The two girls went out for lunch, and then went shopping. Surprisingly, Natalie had a lot of energy and was very hyper. Kris was a bit worried, but crashed her thought and think that it must've been Hyesung.

"Man... this is so fun!" Nat said as she piled into the taxi with Kris.*ring ring * "Hello? Hyesung? Oh I am feeling better now... where am I? Oh I went shopping w/Kris... mm... no no I am all well now... thanks... mm... watch your show on tv tonight? Okay... I'll be watching w/Krissy... yup... bye ^-^!""Your lover boy?""C'mon... we aren't official yet... I said to him if he can heal my heart and prove that I can trust him... then I'll go out w/him... but rite now... I want to remain friends... ""But he told you he loves you... and you told him you love him too!""But... oh well... "

Chapter 20... ~The two girls got home, and were VERY satisfied with what they bought. Nat took out the newspaper she bought, and started to look for a possible part-time job. Although her apartment and tuition fees are being paid by Seoul University, she doesn't want to depend on her parents anymore. As of today, she'll live on her own, and support herself as much as possible."Mmm... this job sounds cool... Stage Manager for different concerts... mm... this one's looking for an English speaking DJ... maybe I should give that a try... " Nat kept looking and finally, "Wait! This has got to be the best... Looking For An Exciting Job? But Doesn't Like to Let People See YOU? Well... Orientation and audition on Monday... Dec... 2002... for Back-up Vocals for SM TOWN!!... mm... this sounds really interesting... I guess I'll give it a try... ""What is it Nat?""Is singing harmonies and back up for singers at SM Town... oh I hope they hire me... mm... but I guess I'll try out those 2 other jobs too... I like doing things around the media circle w/out being known ^-^""You can ask Hyesung to help you... he probably knows them... ""I wanna do this on my own... don't you dare tell that guy... ""Alright, alright, hey they are on now~ let's go watch ‘em ^-^""LOL... okay"The two girls sat in front of their TV with a big bowl of popcorn and 2 cans of coke. They saw their cute lil lovers dance and sing; however they were both having separate thoughts. Kris was thinking, she really admires the way Minwoo dance and she really like the way he treats her, how he looks, etc., but is it really love? She doesn't know, but somehow she really wants to be with him, despite the possibilities of losing her privacy. Nat was thinking about Hyesung, the words he said to her yesterday, how she hope he really meant it. She remembered the first time she saw Hyesung's face on a Taiwanese concert, he looked very similar... to someone... her first love... that she was supposed to marry. She quickly shook her head as she realized what she was thinking about, and put her concentration back to the TV.Kris noticed Nat's uneasiness, "Hey, what's wrong?""Oh nothing... LOOK... Minwoo just did the I love you sign ... so cute! ^-^""REALLY... darn I missed it... "... from the TV set... "First Love... this song is dedicated to my one and only love... " instead of Andy saying the usual opening for First Love, today... Hyesung said it... and the way he looked towards the camera... is as if... he was staring right into Nat's heart."Man... it seemed like he was... saying that... for me... @.@ sigh... what should I do?" Nat thought.My eyes and hands can all feel you. How can I describe this kind of feeling? You don't understand why I can only smile foolishly, but when you see me, you will also smile... like a fool... (Nae sohn kkeu tae nae noon kkeu tae hang sang nuhl neu kkyuh Uh ddun mahl loh ee neu kkim eul dah hae Jah kkoo oot neun nae moh seup ee ee sang hahn gah bwah Nuh doh boh myun oo seul kkuh yah babo)Chapter 21... ~ Italics=Minwoo and Natalie*ring ring*"Hello... Minwoo? HEY, yah I watched it, yah Nat watched it too, but she just went to bed, hmm... what come out now? I can't, is getting late... you'll come over tomorrow with Hyesung... don't you have to work?

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Christmas holiday... ? Oh... okay... noon... ? Okiez... bye!"The next morning... "Nat, get up! Minwoo and Hyesung are coming over in an hour!!""Okay, okay... I will get up... just let me take a shower k?""Alright... "An hour later... *ding dong*"Hey you guys are here! Kris, you boyfriend's here!! ^o^""I am CHANGING! Gimme a sec!""Alright... " Nat turned around and faced the guys, "you guys wanna take a seat? Don't just stand here!"The three of them sat down waiting for Kris, she's sorta slow when it comes to deciding what to wear and all, the 3 was sitting in silence with Hyesung sitting next to Nat and Minwoo across from the two of them...

"Umm... a great show last night :) I really enjoyed it! ^-^""Thx... umm... I thought it was okay... are you feeling better?""Yup... feeling great... ^-^... minwoo you gotta teach your girlfriend, she always take forever to get ready... btw... what brings you guys here? Don't you have stuffs to do? Like promoting or something?" "Umm... LOL... sure I'll teach her... if she'll listen... well... we are sorta on holiday ... just doing like... some shows... that's all... we just released a new album, and promoting is done already... so we are pretty free right now ^-^""Yup... that means... I can spend more time with you... " Hyesung said blushing."Umm... sure... :/""HEY peepz, I am ready! So where are we GOING?""Well... the guys and Fly to the Sky and Kangta are going to this little island near Malaysia to spend Christmas... we were just wondering if you wanna come along with us?""Umm... just us 2 girls and all these guys?""Well... SES is coming... ""But... we don't really fit the crowd... I don't think I am gonna go... sorry" Nat rejected."C'mon Nat... plz... ? I really want you to go with me... " Hyesung begged."No... I don't feel like going... I am sorry""Aww... jeesh... maybe it won't be as bad as you think Nat! C'mon, you aren't gonna tell me, you are gonna spend your Christmas studying law?" Kris asked."Yup... and I have to find myself a job too ^-^ so I'll be busy this Christmas holiday, sorry... Kris you go with them okay?""Okay... jeesh... fine... I'll go... r u sure u'll b okay alone though?""Yup, I have John to keep me company if I feel bored! Don't worry!""Alright so is set then, Kris I'll pick you up tomorrow at 8 to go... but right now... let's go grab something to eat, I am hungry... ""... Okay... " Hyesung said disappointed that Nat isn't going.The 4 of them went out for lunch, Kris and Minwoo was happy, but Hyesung and Nat remained silent for the entire time.

Chapter 21... ~"Kris... I am gonna miss you! Is the first time that I go on a vacation without you since I've met you!""LOL is okay... you have Minwoo, he'll keep you company okay? Have fun!!"*ding dong*"Minwoo's here... c'mon before I leave, give me a hug! ^-^"The 2 girls hugged, and Kris left with Minwoo, Nat is now all alone in the empty apartment she can't believe Kris' gone... but is only for 4 days, she'll be fine. Moreover, today is the audition, she better hurry and get dressed.At 10 am at SM Town's Studio... "Welcome Miss. Lee, my name is Mr. Hyung, so you've won an Asian singing contest before eh? And you've done some DJ-ing and some other miscellaneous jobs concerning the media?""Yes, I have won a contest back in Vancouver which led me to win the finals for New Talents Singing Contest that was created by Hong Kong's entertainment companies, and yes I was a DJ for a radio station back in Vancouver as well... "

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"Hmm... that's nice to hear, so you can read music right? Do you play any musical instruments?""Yes... I have an ARCT certificate for Piano, and can play all the Strings instruments especially the violin... ""That's good, can you go into the room, and try to sing this song for us? Is in English so don't worry.""Okay."Nat went into the recording room, and put the piece of music in front of her, before she started, she warmed up with a scale and finally was signaled to begin. The song is Christina Aguilera's Reflection. Who is that girl I see, Staring straight back at me? When will my reflection show who I am inside? When Nat was done, the control man and Mr. Hyung was so fascinated that they asked her to sing another song, Brian McKnight's Back At One, because they wanted to see her range.One...your like a dream come true...Two... jus wanna be with you...Three... girl its plain to see...that your the only one for me...Four...repeat steps one to three...Five... make you fall in love with me...If ever I believe our work is done...then I start Back at One

Everyone in the room was mesmerized by her awesome vocal skills, without further adieu, Mr. Hyung asked Nat to be their new backup vocal."Nat, I want you to become part of the SM Town family, we are gonna start you out as a back up vocalist first, but maybe in the future, when your Korean is better, we'd like to make you into a popular singer.""Mr. Hyung thank you so much for offering me the job, but I only want to be a back up vocalist, not a singer... ""Is alright then, we'll see about the singer thing later!""Thx... ""We'll call you whenever we need your voice... :) is awesome, I'll see you then, thank you."

Chapter 22... ~"Yo, hyesung why do you look so unhappy? What's wrong?" Minwoo asked Hyesung who's staring at the beach."Well... I don't know... Nat... does she love me? I want to know... I want to see her now... I miss her... ""Already! You've only been gone for a day... Kris told me that she thinks Nat loves you, is just things are bothering her... ""I know... that's why I want to be with her even more... to help her... to keep her away from the troubles... ""You know what? Why don't you go back now? Just change your flight schedule!""Yah maybe I should... m... I want to stay here for awhile longer... alone... do you mind... ?""Sure no probs... " Minwoo said and left his poor friend alone.An hour later... (hyesung and Kangta is now in italics)*tap tap*"Oh is you Eugene," Hyesung said as he saw who tapped his shoulders, "wuzzup?""Oh... I just wanted to talk to you... you seem to be kinda out of it""Oh ... well I was just thinking about something, what do you wanna say?""Well... I ... Hyesung... umm... I like... you see... I really like you... more than a friend... " Eugene said shyly."Eugene... mianhae~ thx for your love... but I can't accept it... you are like a sister to me... part of my family... and... someone else... have already stolen my heart... mianhae~... ""... oppa... is okay... I understand... thx for telling me that you treat me like a sister though... it means a lot... don't worry about me okay... I will be fine... oh look at the time... I better go take a shower before dinner... I'll c u later!" Eugene said and left without looking back."Mianhae... Eugene... the one that I love... is Natalie Li... "Eugene ran all the way back to the hotel and locked herself in the room, she was really sad, but she couldn't cry... she tried to... she wanted to get all her tears out... *knock knock* there was a knock on the door, "I am busy, I can't talk right now... ""Eugene... ? Are you okay? I am Kangta ah... I saw you running back from the beach... what happened?""Oppa... Hyesung... nvm... can we talk later please?""No... come on... let me in... I want to talk to you... you don't seem to be okay... ""No... "It's too late, Kangta had asked Shoo for their keys already, and he opened the door, inside he found Eugene staring at the window... towards the beach... at Hyesung...

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"Eugene ah... are you okay... ? Did something happen?""Oppa... Hyesung doesn't like me... he loves someone else!" Eugene exclaimed and finally her tears emerged from her eyes.Kangta puts his arms around her and gave her a big hug, "is okay Eugenie... don't worry... oppa's here, don't cry... Hyesung's dumb... how can he reject a pretty girl like you... c'mon now... don't cry... is going to b okay... you'll find someone better... ""... sob sob... oppa... will I?... I really liked Hyesung... I really do... ever since... the first time we met... sniff... Kangta ah... I never got hurt like this before... he told me... I am like a sister to him only... ""Is okay... you'll move on... time will heal your scar and I'll help you too... I'll always be here for you Eugene ah... maybe he just doesn't have the same feelings for you as you have for him... but someday you'll find someone who loves you... you just have to look around... that's all... ""... Oppa... thank you... sniff... can you hold on to me for awhile longer... ? Sniff... your hug... is so warm... ""Okay, anything for Eugene ^-^"The two hugged for a long time, Kangta was really upset, he really liked Eugene, he wanted to tell her that he loved her then... but he knew that she loves Hyesung... so he helped her... but now... HS has rejected her... does it mean he has a chance? Eugene is thinking as she hugged on to Kangta... "Why does my heart feel so warm... when is supposed to hurt after what Hyesung said? Is it b/c of Kangta's embrace? But... he's like a good friend... mm... ""Dinner Time People!!!" Minwoo shouted.Everyone gathered to the table where they gonna eat, the hotel's empty b/c they had reserved the entire hotel, (is really not a hotel... but a lodge sort of thing). Everyone was happy except for Hyesung, Eugene and Kangta. They were eating when suddenly... *ring ring* "Hello... ? Nat? You WHAT!? OMG... congrats!! I missed you so much!! Yup I am having fun! OH... you are going out with John tonight to celebrate? Okay have fun then... Bye sexy~" Kris said."Was that Nat?" Hyesung asked, "Why is she going out with John... did they hook up? Why congratulations?""Oh... she found a job... and she's just going out to celebrate w/John... they are good friends... ""... Okay... guys I'll be right back." Hyesung excused himself from the table and went to his room. He picked up the phone and dialed the airlines, "Hello? Yes may I book a ticket for Seoul, Korea asap... ? The flight's in about 3 hours... ? Okay... thank you... " Hyesung quickly left his info and began to pack up.He finished packing his stuffs and said goodbye to his friends. Eugene looked sad, but wished him luck as he was out the door.

Chapter 23... ~While Hyesung is coming back to Korea for Nat, Nat was out celebrating with John. They went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner and ordered some alcoholic drinks. Nat got kinda carried away with the drinking, and soon she was kinda drunk. "John, let's go drink some more, my treat!""Are you sure Nat? You seem to be kinda drunk?""LOL I am fine... I know let's go to Moon Shimmer!"They arrived at Moon Shimmer, and Nat ordered some more alcoholic drinks, she drank a lot and began to lose control of herself. Seeing that she's drunk, John decided to take her home. At first Nat refused, but soon, she was too drunk to walk and finally fainted. John took her home, and placed her on the bed. As he was about to leave the room, he heard Nat mumbling, "Hyesung... don't go... saranghae... I love you... mianhae... "With that, John got angry and being kinda drunk... he slapped Nat in the face."You SLUT! What the F*CK do you see in HYESUNG or whoever... why are you F*CKING cheating behind my BACK! YOU SLUT... " He slapped her again."Huh... OUCH... WTF are you doing JOHN!" Nat screamed as the pain woke her up on her face, "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU JERK... HELP... "Nat tried to escape from him, but he gripped on to her wrist... he won't let her go... she tried to kick him but he was too strong... he flung her on the bed and went on top of her... "WTF ARE YOU DOING YOU A$$ HOLE!! GET OFF ME!!! HELPHELP!!" Nat yelped as tears start rolling down her red cheeks."YOU SLUT I'll give you what you deserved for not liking me, I've been here for you all the time... and you... you... go and LIKE another MAN... you B*TCH! WHO do YOU think you ARE? A WHORE!?" John yelled and slapped her again.

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"Argh... get off me... or... ""OR WHAT? GET ur BOY to kill ME huh? LOL... ""Or... I'll stab you... " Nat said as she pulled out a dagger under her pillow."I'll like to SEE you DO THAT... you PROBABLY DON'T EVEN have the FRIGGING GUTS to!"Nat couldn't stand it anymore... she stabbed the dagger into John's left arm and kicked him in the nuts. As he was shouting in pain, she got up and ran out of the door John chased her. Just as she was running down the stairs like a mad woman and reaching for the main door, she bumped into Hyesung.*Omph... *"NAT!! WHAT'S WRONG!?""HYESUNG... save me!! Get me out of here!!""YOU BIT*CH WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING!" hollered John from behind."Hyesung let's GO! PLEASE! HURRY!""Okay okay... let's get into my car then quick!"They got on Hyesung's car and Nat couldn't stop crying. Hyesung didn't ask her any questions and drove her to a hotel nearby. He got a room with two single beds, and gently guided her into the room."Don't worry, you are safe now, you are safe w/me... I won't let anyone hurt you... " Hyesung said as he patted Nat's back."... Thx... sniff... I can't believe... ""Shh... is okay... don't talk now... you look very weary... here sit down on the bed... I'll get you some ice for the swelling and some water for you to drink okay? I will b back." Hyesung said."No... don't leave me please?" Nat begged and grabbed Hyesung's wrist, "please... don't leave me... ? Please?""... Okay... " Hyesung said and sat beside her.Nat cried and cried and cried beside Hyesung, she couldn't get over the fact that... John would ever do something like this to her... she thought he was a good friend... and she couldn't understand another thing as well... why is Hyesung here? Shouldn't he be with his friends? She wants to die... yet... something is keeping her from doing that... she wants to leave this damned world... and slowly... her mind started to drift, and she was calming down and then... she fainted."OMG! Nat you okay?!" Hyesung exclaimed when he saw Nat collapsed on the bed. He checked for her pulse, "good she's still breathing, must've passed out... *sniff* mm... she must've drank a lot... I can smell alcohol... the poor girl... "He gently tucked her in and put a wet towel on her forehead, he didn't want to wake her up... so he went outside to give Kangta a call."Hello Kangta, is Hyesung, I am with Nat right now... she's not well... something's wrong... but don't let Kris know k... ? Don't worry about us... we'll be fine... have fun and Merry Christmas... and please tell Eugene that I am sorry and thx for wishing me luck... you too Kangta, hang on to her... bye now."Hyesung hang up and went back to the sleeping Nat.

Chapter 24... ~Everyone was sitting in the lounge, Kangta walked back inside after the call and said, "Guys, Hyesung just called, he found her and he said Merry Christmas.""How's Nat? Is she doing fine?" asked Kris."... She's fine he said he's with her right now... ""That's great!""Now you don't have to worry about Nat anymore Krissy and you can have fun with me! ^-^" Minwoo said with a little bit of jealousy."LOL... you aren't jealous of Nat are you?" "Haha... yah... kinda :)" Minwoo replied, "anyways Krissy you wanna go for a walk?""Okay ^-^"The two left and soon everyone began to feel sleepy and went to bed, Kangta remained in the room with Eugene."Eugene ah... you okay?""Yup oppa, I am fine... I just realize how Hyesung really must love her... and I sincerely wants him to be happy... as long as he's happy I am happy, I'll move on from now... and as you have said... maybe I'll find someone soon.""That's good, I am glad you got over it... yah that boy really loves her... for some reasons... every time I

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see them together... the feeling I get from them... it seems as if they had known each other forever""Really?... *yawn* I am getting tired, think I'll go to bed now... good night oppa!""Good night Eugene ^-^."They both went to bed with different emotions, Eugene is happy for Hyesung and confused about Kangta. She seemed to have developed some feelings for him after the hug while Kangta was really worried about Hyesung and Nat but happy that Eugene's gonna move on... Meanwhile, Minwoo and Kris were walking on the beach.

Author's note: to make it easier... Minwoo is now in italics

They were walking hand in hand silently, they didn't want to spoil the moment, it seemed as if... their hearts were linked... after finding out Minwoo was jealous of Nat, Kris was really happy and thought he was cuter than before and Minwoo he was really attracted to Kris not only by her dance moves and her looks anymore, but the love she has for her friends."Kris... " Minwoo said as he stopped in front of her and looked into her eyes, "I don't know how to say this... but at first... I was really drawn to you by your cuteness and your dancing... but... after how I realize that you care so much about your friends... and after finding out that you are such a carefree person... I think... I... umm... ""You... you... umm... what? So you only liked me for my looks and my moves!? You are so shallow... but LOL... at first I liked you for that too hehe... " Kris teased."Umm... can you let me finish? Well... now... I am not only drawn to you by those... but also everything about you... Kris... ? Saranghae~" Minwoo said shyly and then planted a kiss on Kris' lips. It was the longest kiss ever... the two didn't want to separate... they have found each other... "Minwoo... what's saranghae?""LOL you didn't know what it means? I thought you listen to our songs! You've been living in Korea for 4 months already too!""Well... ""Okay, it means... I Love You... ""HAHAHAHA... gotcha!! You really think I didn't know what it means! HAHAHA you are so dumb!! ^O^ I just wanted you to say it in English LOL YEAH""Man YOU are so gonna get it!" Minwoo chased Kris as she was trying to run away from him, being the clumsy potato; she tripped and fell on the sand."Ouch! See what you've done now? I am hurt *boohoo*... ""Aww I am SO sorry here let me help you up... " As Minwoo was trying to help her up, Kris stood up and flung him on the sand, she stood over him and said, "HA! GOTCHA! DO YOU THINK I AM THAT CLUMSY! LOL""Grr... "

Chapter 25... ~It was morning, Hyesung woke up to the blinding sunlight, and he got off his bed and went to the washroom. After he got out of the washroom, he walked to the side of Nat's bed and looked sadly at her, "why do you always hide your sadness from everyone, you seem so happy and strong in front of everyone, but... you are just a helpless little girl... why must God treat you so unfairly... you've been through a lot... " He suddenly saw a smile on Nat's face, and all of a sudden... some flashbacks played in his head... (Steve is Hyesung's English name in real life)"Steve... wait for me!" a little girl was running behind a little boy "I can't run that fast! All I wanted to was to play DOLLIES with you!"Another flashback... they are now older about... junior high"Steve, Nat... we have talked amongst each other, is for the best of the two families and for the two of you... you guys will be getting married right after your high school graduation... ""YEAH!!" Steve hugged the girl next to him happily."Huh... what was that... ? That Steve guy... he looked like me... and Nat... is... in that too... but a lot younger... very young... I don't understand... " Hyesung thought."Mmph... " Nat stirred and opened her eyes, "Hyesung... ?""Hey you are up! You fainted last night... you better now?""Yah... thx... " Nat got up and headed for the washroom.

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Nat was thinking in the washroom, about everything that happened last night, she's kinda confused... but she remembered getting drunk... and then John slapping her and all... and then ending up at the hotel with Hyesung... but why is she smiling? And why did she sleep so well last night? Usually she would wake up in the middle of the night screaming out Steve's name. But last night, the dream she had... though still about Steve... but he didn't leave her this time... he stayed... and he looked like... Hyesung!! "NO wait... it can't be... because I've seen his elementary school picture and is in Korean too... @.@ he can't be Steve... "She walked out of the washroom and saw Hyesung holding up some food, "Hungry?""Yah... very... thx for saving me last night... ""Do you mind if I ask... ? What happened last night? Who was that guy?""Umm... well... I was celebrating with John... and I got kinda drunk... he brought me home... and somehow... I was awaken by this horrible pain on my face and I realized he was slapping me... then he tried to rape me... and I stabbed him w/my dagger and I ran out of the house and I bumped into you... ""What!? That BASTARD! I'll beat the crap out of him... are you okay though Nat? Are you hurt? I am sorry, if only I had came earlier, if only I didn't leave Seoul... this wouldn't have happened... mianhae~... ""Hyesung... is not your fault... is my fault for trusting him... is my fault for drinking too much... I am fine... I've been through this before... and he's probably in much more pain than me... ""Umm... you've been through this before... sorry I didn't mean to ask you... ""Is okay... I had a terrible past that's all... Hyesung I have a question... have you been living in Korea all you life?""Yah... why?"Because... well... never mind... you can't be... ""Huh... ? Anyways... is time to check out... and let's take you home okay?"The two left the hotel and while driving Nat home, Hyesung put his hand on hers, Nat didn't budge, she didn't mind, because his hands kept her warm, and safe. Together they walked up the flights of stairs to her apartment and saw John waiting outside the door."YOU JERK why are YOU here! HAVEN'T YOU HURT NAT ENOUGH ALREADY!?" Hyesung shouted and pushed John to the wall and put his hands around John's neck so he can't budge."I am SORRY Nat, I didn't know what went wrong with me... I am sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you like this... I was... drunk... and... jealous... of him... this guy... I am so sorry... please forgive me... I'll disappear from now on... ""Just go John... I don't want to see you anymore... I will never forgive you... just go... you've hurt me enough... please just go... ""GO! BEFORE I kill YOU!" Hyesung said releasing John.John left, and with a bit of a relief, Nat and Hyesung went into her apartment."Thx Hyesung, you didn't have to do that... ""I have to... I have to protect you... I almost wanted to kill him when I saw him... but you were there... ""Thx... you don't need to though... I am not worth it... ""Why?""Hyesung... I like you... but... in my heart... there's someone else in there... but he's gone... forever gone... and you know why I like you? Is because you look just like him... that's why... ""He looked just like me?" Hyesung asked curiously thinking about his flashback, "is his name... by any chance... Steve... ?""HOW DID YOU KNOW! I NEVER TOLD ANYONE BEFORE! *Gasp* Are... you... Steve... ?""No... I mean... I don't know... while I was looking at your sleeping face this morning... I had these flashbacks... or whatever... and you were in it, along with a guy that looks like me but his name is Steve... and... we've known each other since we were young... and were going to get married... after high school... I saw Steve... hugging you... when the two of you heard from your parents... ""No... it is YOU... you are STEVE... " Nat cried."But how can I be Steve? I was born in Korea and had lived here all my life!""... but then how do you explain those flashbacks... ?""I can't explain... what happened to Steve then, why aren't you guys married?""Well... soon after that... they went on a holiday... and the plane they were on... crashed, the bodies of his parents were found, but not Steve's, the police said his body must've sunk w/the plane... to the bottom of the sea... ""Where were they? Their destination, I mean."

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"... Somewhere in Asia... ""Mm... so are you saying b/c I look like him... that's y you liked me in the first place?""Yes... please don't be upset... at first that's the reason why I started liking you and Shinhwa, but when I finally met you in person... I... think... I've fallen in love with you... for who you are... but... I just can't be with you... b/c every time I look at your face... I see Steve... before I tried to get him off my head and tried to be w/u... but I feel guilty... ""Don't feel guilty! Is okay, Steve would want you to be happy, I am sure... please Nat, is time for you to think about yourself... you want to be happy right? I want to give you the happiness Steve couldn't give you... I want to be with you... ""Hyesung... " Nat thought for a moment, "you sure you won't mind? I don't want to hurt you... nor myself... ""Yes I am sure, I want to protect you w/everything I got""Well... okay... I guess... "With that answer, Hyesung hugged Natalie, he held her so close to him, that it seems like he'll never let her go.