are we true muslims”??? · 2016. 5. 29. ·...

1 Are we True Muslims”??? Uzair Riaz Tanoli Class 11th A We are Muslim and our religion is Islam. Islam is the best and complete religion in the whole world and it has all the solutions of our problems not for only this world but also for the world here after. It gives us best way to survive. We can spend our life span in a best way if we follow teachings of Islam and Quran, which is complete book. We have no such good qualities which should be present in a true Muslim. Islam teaches us to help others, always speak truth, respect elders, always remember Allah through thick and thin. We do not obey Allah and His sayings in Holy Quran. We have all the habits of non-Muslims. We are derailing from the right path. We are all masters of our own wills, we do whatever we want and there is no value of others in our eyes. Humanity has totally vanished. We always think of our own advantages. If someone gets fame in his field we become jealous of him. We are not such Muslims, which Allah wants to see. If we will not be sincere to Islam and if we will not join together to be one Muslim force, then we will be destroyed by ourselves.

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Page 1: Are we True Muslims”??? · 2016. 5. 29. · habits of non-Muslims. We are derailing from the right path. We are all masters of our


Are we True Muslims”???

Uzair Riaz TanoliClass 11th A

We are Muslim and our religion is Islam. Islam is the

best and complete religion in the whole world and it has all

the solutions of our problems not for only this world but also

for the world here after. It gives us best way to survive. We

can spend our life span in a best way if we follow teachings of

Islam and Quran, which is complete book. We have no such

good qualities which should be present in a true Muslim. Islam

teaches us to help others, always speak truth, respect elders,

always remember Allah through thick and thin. We do not

obey Allah and His sayings in Holy Quran. We have all the

habits of non-Muslims. We are derailing from the right path.

We are all masters of our own wills, we do whatever we want

and there is no value of others in our eyes. Humanity has

totally vanished. We always think of our own advantages. If

someone gets fame in his field we become jealous of him. We

are not such Muslims, which Allah wants to see. If we will not

be sincere to Islam and if we will not join together to be one

Muslim force, then we will be destroyed by ourselves.

Page 2: Are we True Muslims”??? · 2016. 5. 29. · habits of non-Muslims. We are derailing from the right path. We are all masters of our



Shahab-ul-IslamClass 1st year

Abbottabad is the city located in Hazara

region of the Khber Pakhtunkhwa province in Pakistan. The

city is situated in Orash Valley. 50km (BxM)north east of the

capital Islamabad and 150km east of Peshawar at an attitude

of 1200 meters and is the capital of Abbottabad district the

city is wall known through out Pakistan for it pleasant whether

high standard educational institution and military


The town of Abbottad under the British Raj was the head

quarters of the Hazara District during British rule of India. It

was named after Major.

James Abbott who found the and district in January

1853. After the sepration of Punjab. He remained the first

deputy missioners of the Hazara District from 1849 until Apridl

1853. Major Abbott is noted for naming written a poem tittled

"Abbottabad” befor he went back to Britain, in which he wrote

of his foundnes for the town and his sadness at having to

leave it. In the early 20th century Abbottabad became an

important in military cantonment and sanatorium sieving as a

head quarter of a brigade in the second region of the northern

Page 3: Are we True Muslims”??? · 2016. 5. 29. · habits of non-Muslims. We are derailing from the right path. We are all masters of our


army aops. The garrison consisted of four battalions of native

infantry and four native mountain batteries.

In 1901 the population of town was 7,764 and the

income average is 14,900. Due to the Abbott who visited here

this town was named as Abbottabad.

Abbottabad has a very good atmosphere with mild to

warm temperature during the spring and autumn months,

humid temperature during June and July and immediately

when there change during these months due to rain snowfall

on occur in January, through it is sparse, while most rainfall

occurs during the monsoon season.

According to 1998 in the Abbottabad district Hindko was

spoken by most of the people and Pushto, Punjabi and Urdu

was also spoken there. Therefore hindko is the most common

language in Abbottabad.

Abbottabad has been attracting tourist since major

James Abbott found it and till now it the most beautiful place

of Pakistan. It is the major way to visit to naran, Kaghan,

Murree and Nathiagalli. The Kara Karam high way which traces

one of paths of the ancient silk Road, Starts from Hasan Abdal.

Thus Abbotttabad is the most wonderful place all over

the world.

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Haris Younas Khalid Class 7th A

Patriotism means love and regard for the country. It is a natural instinct that man loves the place where he gets his birth & he is brought up. It is one of the noblest passion of human nature. Every man works for the up Uective interests of their country. And a man who does not work for the interest of their country, is traitor and deserve any sympathy.

The only way to serve Pakistan is that we should be sincere with our country. We should keep our personal feeling behind & work for the welfare of our country.

Country is not just a piece of land. It is the heritage of our dreams, aspirator culture tradition our great religion Islam. We must make it strong & undefeatable castle of Islam

It is an active virtue. The real love urges man to perform their duties honestly & devotedly Patriotism makes him a good citizen. It is our sacred passion that we must love our heats till the death.

The great wars of the were won because of the supreme importance of patriotism. Only those nations can survive or distinguish themselves, whose citizens Keep a high and positive soured of patriotism. We Should support our country in any aspect of life. If we will do like thir, no power will be to able harm us.

Give love to your country and it will give you all the bussings.

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Mansoor Ahmad Class 9th C

Patriotism means love and regard for our country. It is a

natural instinct that a man loves that place where he is born

and is brought up Patriotism is the noblest passion of human

being. Man is a social animal. He cannot live alone. He needs

other human beings for assistance. So, people who live

together in a country and kingdom are brothers. They struggle

for the well being and interest of their country. One who works

against the interest of his country is a traitor; he does not

deserve any sympathy.

The only way to serve Pakistan is that we should be

sincere to our country. A country is not just a piece of land. It

is not a collection of mountains, river, oceans villages etc. It is

the heritage of our dreams, aspiration and our future plans.

We love Pakistan because. It is the centre of our hopes and

the land of our following generations.

Patriotism is a virtue that makes a person to love his


It makes him to perform his duties honestly and devotedly. It

makes a person to be a good citizen. A good citizen is he who

struggles to develop his country, he who is ready to give

every kind of sacrifices to serve his country. He waits for the

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moment that when will he work with the best of his talent to

serve his country. He is a true patriot.

The greatest wars of the world were won on the basic of

patriotism. Only those nations survived and distinguished

themselves who were true patriots and were having a positive

sense of patriotism. The increasing corruption in Pakistan is

just because of lack of patriotism. Every person in Pakistan

wants himself to be good and he do not even know about our

country. Everyone wants to be rich himself and do not care

about his country. The other great nation who is developing

their country just wants the welfare of their country. They

have a high and do not care about themselves. They sacrifice

their dreams and even their lives and families for the welfare

of the country. That is why UDA, Russia, China and other

countries have become superpowers. We have to make

Pakistan an undefeatable castle of Islam. It can only happen if

the citizens of Pakistan are true patriots. But unfortunately the

young citizens of Pakistan are focused in Mobiles, computers


The young citizens of Pakistan instead of doing only any

thing for their country? Waste their time on games, movies,

mobiles etc, The youngs citizen of Pakistan are the future of

Pakistan. It they remaind unfocused, the future of Pakistan will

be disappointing. They The young citizens should stress on

their studies and should have a true virtue of Patriotism. They

should give all their love for the country and they will get all

the blessings fro the country in return.

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Azighum AbbasClass J C

Patriotism is the feeling or love for your country. In my

point of view, this is what we Pakistanis are in need of today

we are destroying, decomposing and killing our own country.

We are doing corruption, not obeying the laws, doing bob

blasts and destroying Pakistan at our very own hands. Only

due to this we lack the feeling of patridsm. We have no love,

no feeling, you our country.

In the struggle for Pakistan we lost thousands of lives,

people scarified every thing, their jobs, land, property and

even their lives for the sake of a separate homeland. A

country in which they could live and live with their own laws

and regulations but now here we are doing every possible

thing to destroy and divide our country. Now we are no more a

nation we are a crowd and this country is no more a single

state but is a group of states. We are all disintegrated. Love

for your nation and country is what we lack of we may take

bribes in order to gain our own interests but on the other and

will spoil this country. Only of we have spirit of Patriotism

we will be the super power in the world. We take bribers in

order to have a bob blast in a navy or any army garrison but

have we every said “No” just for the sake of our country.

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We are people who are dead, we have no boughts no

feelings. May Allah help us to have this feeling of Patriotism?

We had People in our past like Aziz Bhatti gave their live in

order to safeguard his country but we are doing the opposite

we are destroying our motherland in order to safe guard our

own lives. We are misleading our nation and have reached at

the edge there we will decline.

All we need is a little sense of “Pakistan” and honestly

and we are going to be the most successful nation and

country. The great people we have in our post but still they

are history but in present we are noting. We should follow the

footsteps of people Muhammad Bin Qasim, Muhammad Ali

Jinnah, Allama Iqbal and all the people of past to learn the love

and feeling that they had in their minds and hearts for their

feeling that they had in their minds and hearts for their

country. We all must be patriots and love our country and its


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“Successful People don’t Plan Result They Plan Right beginnings.”

Have you ever wondered

....................wished.............dreamt but get nowhere really

fast? What’s stopping you? What really standing between you

and your goals, your dreams?

If you really want to achieve your goals, because your

wonders, wishes and dreams to manifest, what is holding you


May people believe that people who consistently

achieve their goals are often lucky or in heredity ordained with

some magical wand, Some people even believe that you must

be born of a certain sature and be groomed in a certain

environment to guarantee success in life. It seems all too

simple when I put it like this, however, if you think about it,

you will realize that you either thought this way or know the

people who have.

The truth is that there is no magic wand and there is no

genetic make up that dictates one person’s success versus

another. Would it surprise you to discover that your success

rests entirely in your hands? No matter what has happened in

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your past or what you might be facing at this very moment,

your future is completely up to you and what you make of it.

I don’t care what has happened in my past, I don’t even

care what is going on in my life. Right now. I know that there

is something specific I can do to day that will make my life

better or worse and the choice is mine.

In order to consistently achieve the results you desire,

you must endeavour to plan, prepare and expect them to

happen. Truly successful people are no lucky, rather, they

create their own luck!

I have heard many people saying that prayer resolves

all things but the real truth is that prayer without action

produces exactly what you had before you prayed nothing.

Any Kind of thought without deliberate action moves

nothing in your favour. It all sounds great however, if you

don’t act, manifestation cannot occur.

Thousands miles of journey starts with one step, where

to start the one first step? Efforts without planned beginnings

are like released arrows without aims. The journey of success

should move on the path of planning. You should plan your life

with great ideas and ideals. People without planning can’t

achieve any thing in life. It you wish to get best out of your

life, planning specially planning the right beginning is


There is nothing accidental about what happens to truly

successful people who achieve success at a high level. It is a

deliberate result of a sound plan through preparation and

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realistic expectation. If a person wishes to be successful he

has to be planning right from the beginning. As David frost

said, “Don’t aim for success if you want it, just do what you

love and believe in and it will come naturally”.

Successful people are not special simply because they

are successful; they are special because of the road they walk

to get there. They pull in efforts, they plan, they prepare and

they expect.

Positive self esteem is the foundation for success. You

can be successful if you believe in yourself. Always desire for what you

what to be and you will achieve it, as Juliana halfield said “If you want to

achieve things in life, you have just got to do them and if you are talented and

smart you will succeed”.

Try to be successful in the field you love, and it is easy to succeed in

the field you love, as your interest makes you work with great devotion and

love which automatically leads to success.

As Geage Burns said “I honestly think that it is better to be failure at

something that you love than to be success at some thing you hate”.

You have to think of obstacles you face during the course of your

journey towards success. No success is possible without various hurdles and

consequences which may arise due to improper planning, bad environment,

lack of encouragement and misplaced problem which you have created for

yourself. You should not forget short term goals. Then only you will be happy

while achieving your goals.

Good eating habits, physical exercise, adaptability to different weather

condition and having a plan B on hand. These qualities will strengthen your

resolve to achieve your goals. The path of planning earning your livelihood is

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not taught in the business schools. Great education without planning about

happy living is a criminal waste of life. Instead you can plan your life doing

small jobs like plumbing or carpentry.

So if you start your life with right beginnings having clear goals in

mind and you work hard devotedly for it, no one can stop you from being

successful are right beginning always leads to success.

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“I love the once who.............”

Faizan Shergill Class J C

Love is that affection which is given to a

personally someone to tell that that he likes the person. Some

people love the ones who look pretty, handsome, smart or

beautiful. Some people love the ones who have wealth. And

some people love others for their own good.

I don’t care about all of this I love the ones who are kind

to each other and who respect the rights of others. I love the

ones who obey their older and who are honest in every job. I

love the ones who don’t create any disturbance or any

terrorism. The people who speak the truth and do good deeds

to others and who care about each other. And I love the

people who never care about others wealth and who aren’t

greedy. I love those who help each other, and who sacrifice

their life for others, the people who aren’t circus to their

juniors and who fight for justice, truth and liberty. I like those

people who have courage to give their life for their own nation

and who are brave and who can defeat the enemies of liberty.

Those people who love freedom.

Our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) loved everyone, poor or rich,

so we should not love only rich people out the poor too.

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“Am I A True Patriot”

Faran Ali Class 8th C

For hundred’s of years slavery was

suffered by many nations. True died for the freedom of their

countries if we see our own country we can easily see that we

were also under the slavery If Britishers. The patriots of

Pakistan gave their blood to make us independent. They were

our elders + two patriots. They suffered a lot to make us

independents. Almost all the patriots of Pakistan were

martyred. Because of the true patriots we are living in an

independents country we are living in freedom. Now the point

is that when we were not independent our elders were the

patriots but now what happened, why we are not following the

path of our elders. If we ask some one that you love your

country be will say yes. If you ask the same person that will

you die for your country the same person will say no? I myself

cannot say that I am a true patriot. A true patriot is, the one

who can die for his country, who can suffer fro his country,

who can leave his family for his country and who is for his

country. Even own today’s soldiers are doubtful for they

haven’t fought with India. The soldiers till 1971 were the

patriots but on today’s soldiers we still have doubt. If we ask a

student that what would you do after studies he will say I will

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go to some other country? This means that he is not a true

patriot even I also say that I will go to America. This proves

that I am not a true patriot even I am not only Patriot. We are

not using our capabilities for the betterment of our country

and the main reason behind this is our government and the

laziness of our people. In short we can say that our country is

losing its lovers or true patriots and among the people who

are not the patriots of Pakistan I am also included.

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Shah FaisalComputer Teacher

Internet is a very cheap source of gaining

the latest information about the world. It is the network of

almost all computer networks in the world. It is thus working

as a huge computer network. It is considered as a backbone of

modern information technology. It contains world wide web

(www) which is a collection of several millions uploaded

websites that exist in the world. These websites contain

information about different fields of life. This information can

be easily accessed if someone is connected to the internet.

Internet provides many services to millions of people.

Having access to internet means that you can talk

electronically with experts world wide on any subject. You can

find jobs, communicate with customers, workout technical

problems, sell products, conduct research, advertise your

products, get admissions abroad, send or receive instant

messages to friends or relatives through email and chatting


The rapid and widespread use of internet reveals its importance felt in the recent years and provides the answer that how did this remarkable technology develop in a short span of time. Internet has become the need of most of us

because of the vast activities possible with it.

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“Importance of Mathematics”

Muhammad JavadMathematics Deptt:

Mathematics is a vast subject which, like

a full-grown tree, has many branches. We teach mathematics

mainly for two reasons. In the one hand we use the subject as

a means of developing the intelligence of the pupil; on the

other hand we endeavour to make him skilful in the use of

practical tool-the properties of number and form.

Without overstating the case we may say that

mathematics provides opportunities, for training pupils to

think for themselves to distinguish between, essentials and

unessential, to sift facts, to set down conclusion tersely and

with out ambiguity, and that it is subject by rigid reasoning.

We must remember, however, that the power of reasoning is a

gradual growth.

While attaching great importance to the mental

discipline afforded by the study of mishmashes, the teacher

must remember that the chief reason why it finds a place in

the curriculum is that knowledge of the subject is of direct

practical rule. His main aim should be to give his students skill

and confidence in the application, of the pruderies of number

and form to practical problems. This is the point of view which

should determine what we are to teach in the mathematics

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course. Is this likely to be of use to the students in their

future life. Will it help them to master other subjects? There

are the basic questions we are challenged with.

In a broad based view, we all agree that mathematics

plays major role in the present scientific developments, such

as in electronic calculators, computers and many other

machines where properties, values and calculation matter.

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“ ”

Rashad Mughal

There was a king with a lot of wealth; He wanted to

remain alive in the pages of history, forever. He though &

thought upon to do such a task, which could hep him stay

alive. But, he could not find any in the mean time; his queen

whom he bitterly loved fell ill & died. An idea, then, clicked his

mind to build such a tomb for this wife, which should he

unique in all respects. So, he, the king, shah jalian decided to

build the Taj Mahal A numbers of episodes of his cruelty are

related to achieve his objective to built a tomb of its own kind

20 thousand labour & other workers worked day & night for ,

twenty years to give

Taj Mahal its unique identity which an amount of Rs 03 crore &

twenty lakh. Mind you that at that time one rupee was equal

to your British pounds & the amount spent was more than the

GPD of the whole Europe and the value of both oxford and

Cambridge University was only twelve lakh rupees.

But to satisfy his ego, to fulfil his desire & to stay alive

& famous forever, shah Tala built the Taj Mahal similarly,

There was another person a penman who also wanted to stay

alive in the pages of history forever. He was appointed as a

dark in British Government. But after passing through an

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examination, he was appointed as a fudge.

He was without money, without are soured. His urge to Oct

famous was instigatiy him to do some thing different for his

beloved nation, And, what he decided to do was to open a

school. The first English Medium School for Muslim at Aligarh

was the fruit of Sir Syed Alurda Khan’s untiring efforts. He

collected all over. He collected whatever he could get from

even the most detested class of the Muslims, He bogged

every one & shaped his dream as the most powerful tool to

stay alive in the pages of history, today, we know that small

institution as aligarh University. And what this university did to

help Muslims of Inob Pak to get independent is not a secret we

all know well about it is sufficient only to admit that what we

are today is the consequences of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan’s Ali

gharh University.

Now, that comparison I made, between a king of king &

a poor common man is quite clear. But I leave the conclusion

an you to draw, who really worked for humanity who is

remembered as the none respectable among the famous &

well known people who really loved someone Sheh Jalan on Sir

Syed whose effort will always be admired, I hope your answer

will he Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.

So, Students! Why net to do some thing as benefited for

our nation as he did.

Think over it.

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“Acid Rain”

Mumtaz Hussain

Emissions of sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen from

pocoer stations, factories, and motor vehicles cause the

formation of sulphuric and nitric acids in rain clouds “This type

of Pollution” is called “Acid Rain”.

Many people are convinced that acid rain is causing

serious damage to plant sails and fresh water life around the


Damage to Plants: In west Germany acid rain is

blamed for damaging 34% of that country’s forests old

exposed trees are most affected. There is progressive death of

young shoots, leaves turn yellow and fall off, fine root

structure is damaged and the whole tree eventually dies. The

same thing is happening to forests in central Europe,

Scandinaria, Britain and the United States.

There is also serious damage to crop plants in farms

near cities.

Damage to Soils: A sail rich in time will in time will

neutralize acids it receives from rainfall. Peaty sails, and those

formed on acid rocks like granite could be more affected

because they are already acidic. Acid rain may do more than

simply make a sail more acid. It may cause mineral nutrients

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to be washed away and can release toxic chemicals into a sail

such as aluminium and mercury. Thus acid rain could make

sails less fertile and even poisonous to plants.

Acid rain may also wash aluminium and mercury out of

sail into lakes and rivers where they poison.

Damage to fresh water life: In southern Norway and

in Sweden stocks of atlantics salmon have declined so far that

they are now almost extinct. It is believed that this is due to

acidification and mineral poisoning of their river breeding


Thousand of lakes in these two countries have suffered

a decline in their fresh population. Fish are thought to be

killed when acidity releases aluminium into the water. This

builds up as a layer of aluminium hydroxide on their gills.

Perhaps servers’ droughts, frost disease and other

factors weaken wild life over the year so that the extra stress

caused by acid rain is too much it lips the ecologloal balance

the wrong way which leads to disaster.

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“When Money Speaks, Truth Remains Silent”


President, Most respected judges and my fellow students!

Money, money everywhere!Everywhere, everywhere!On the roads, in the sky,In the death and life gone by!Money here, money thereMoney, money everywhere!

The topic of my speech is, “When money speaks, Truth

remains Silent.”

Believe it or not! The earth is revolving Money. The

ultimate god, many people have come and gone by and many

are living legends. Their name and fame may not remain after

them. But money is immortal. It never ides, Money was

created by man yet it has won over man. The modern man

knows the power of money. He knows that when money

speaks, even the truest of the truths remains silent.

The newspapers nowadays publish ads more than

articles and news. If at all they publish some true news

involving big politicians or ministers they are forced by some

higher forces to publish corrigendum. Some important news,

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which has great truth in it, will not be published if there are

ads giving more money. Oh! Just chuck it out. It is money after

all ... silencing all the truths.

Power is money and money is power. They are money

more example of this now than any time in the past. One of

the most obvious examples of politic. If a man who earns a

standard salary wants to run for president, he has no chance

at all unless he is backed by people with money.

U.S. Presidential elections which are held every four

years, hundred of millions of dollars are spent. The more

money a candidate has, the farther he can get. Although the

richest competitor doesn’t always win, the president is usually

a very wealthy man. Wealth paves the road to a good

education. If the presidential candidate is rich, he either

inherited it or was educated enough to make it.

Power and money also affects the average person with

expenses of college. An average poor students is going to

have a much harder time getting into a good school than a

wealthy kid. With money, all the rich student needs to do is

maintain an average grade. When a student had money,

he/she does not have to work as hard to succeed...... money,

Speaks for itself!

A rich criminal, who is able to afford a very good team of

lawyers, has far better chance of getting a decision is his

favour than an average person. A poor man with a criminal

record would probably be found guilty because of the

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representation by an over-worked public defender. The truth

that the money helps uncover, the realties that it helps

digging out are far beyond the reach of an ordinary man. It is

true, “When Money Speaks, Truth Remains Silent”.

Why go and search examples anywhere else... just recall the recent

shameful incident of Raymond Davis. What happened?......

Truth faded away in the glitter of money

Money being the power, proved its power &

It molded even the law to suit itself

Yes, it is true, “When Money Speaks, Truth Remains Silent”.