are you a squater or lunger?

Have you ever had such sore muscles that it hurt to sit or go up and down stairs? And then you wonder is it really worth it. That's me today! My glute muscles have been sore since Saturday! I did the P90X Legs & Back workout on Friday. P90X is built on the philosophy of muscle confusion and boy oh boy did it work for me this week. Lots of squats and lunges did it to me. But it's a great way to get in shape fast . Are you tired of not fitting into your jean? Doing lunges and squats will surely help. So yes, doing lunges and squats (along with the soreness) is worth it. If you are sore the day after, then you definitely got your money's worth from the workout and a stop closer to those jeans and getting those legs in shape fast. In today's article I share information about those muscle burning squats and lunges. Maybe you'll join me with a sore back end. Get in Shape Fast Using Your Legs & Butt Our legs and glutes are the largest muscles in our bodies and working them will give you a good calorie burn. Both squats and lunges work multiple muscles and will give you a nice calorie burn.

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Post on 10-Mar-2016




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Have you ever had such sore muscles that it hurt to sit or go up and down stairs? And then you wonder is it really worth it. That's me today! My glute muscles have been sore since Saturday! I did the P90X Legs & Back workout on Friday. P90X is built on the philosophy of muscle confusion and boy oh boy did it work for me this week. Lots of squats and lunges did it to me. But it's a great way to get in shape fast.


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Have you ever had such sore muscles that it hurt to sit or go up and down stairs?  And then you wonder is it really worth it.  That's me today!  My glute muscles have been sore since Saturday!  I did the P90X Legs & Back workout on Friday. P90X is built on the philosophy of muscle confusion and boy oh boy did it work for me this week.  Lots of squats and lunges did it to me.  But it's a great way to get in shape fast.

Are you tired of not fitting into your jean?  Doing lunges and squats will surely help.  So yes, doing lunges and squats (along with the soreness) is worth it.  If you are sore the day after, then you definitely got your money's worth from the workout and a stop closer to those jeans and getting those legs in shape fast.

In today's article I share information about those muscle burning squats and lunges.  Maybe you'll join me with a sore back end.

Get in Shape Fast Using Your Legs & ButtOur legs and glutes are the largest muscles in our bodies and working them will give you a good calorie burn.  Both squats and lunges work multiple muscles and will give you a nice calorie burn.

It's usually a love / hate relationship with squats and lunges.  You'll love what they do for your legs and butt, but you will hate them while doing them.  Do enough of them and you will feel the burn and feel it the next day.

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What is Harder, A Squat or a Lunge?There is no real answer to this question.  However, most people think lunges are harder.  The movement and pushing off from the lunge really works the front of the quad and the butt.  Also with the lunge, you are getting a bit of a cardio workout with all the movement, especially if you are holding some weights.  The squat on the other hand mimics a daily movement of sitting down, so maybe that's why people don't find it as hard or can do more reps than a lunge.

What Muscles Are Worked?Lunges mainly use the quadriceps (front part of your thigh).  But lunges also work the calves, glutes and hamstrings.  Squats use the same muscles as lunges, with the addition of the lower back too.  Working these large muscle groups hard a few days a week will really help you get in shape fast.

Squat & Lunge VariationsYou can vary the way you do lunges and squats to mix up your routine and work those muscles a bit differently. For example, with lunges you can

• Add hand weights or a barbell

• Lunge backwards

• Lunge to the side

•• Lunge forward and kick

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• Lunge and then jump up and switch legs into another lunge

As for squats, you can vary them by

• Add hand weights or a barbell

• Move your legs close together

• Move your legs further apart or feet pointed out

• Squat down to a bench

• Do one leg squats

• Squat, touch the ground and jump up

• Squat with dumbbells and when you come up do an overhead press

Next time are at the gym or at home working out, give these squats and lunges a try.  Do 3 sets of 12 - 15 reps each (for lunges that means 3 sets on each side) and let me know how your legs feel the next day.  If you don't do these regularly, you should feel it in your muscles the day after and it will help you get in shape fast.  I'd love to hear from you!  Drop by my Facebook Page and let me know how the squats and lunges go.

 Click through here for more information on how we help people Get in Shape Fast with my private coaching groups.


Kathryn Wong is a Fitness Coach who works with others to help them realize their dreams and potential.  After years of putting her education, corporate career and family first, she was

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unhappy with her life and body.  She knew something had to change.  Kathryn struggled with exercise and healthy eating for a number of years, until she found the magic combination that changed everything.

Kathryn jumped at the opportunity to dump her corporate career and follow her new passion of fitness and health, while maintaining a balanced family life.  She now helps others who lack hope and are unhappy with their current situation to change their life too.  Whether you are lacking energy, drive, motivation, or financial means, Kathryn is here to help you get the RESULTS you WANT and DESERVE.   It's never too late and I'll help you get in shape fast!