are you fixed for a fall suit or overcoat, or a clothing...

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Last Wednesday George Crandall, of Panama and Miss Violet Starkey, of this -place, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowen and Miss Lulu Star- key, went to Denison. where the former two were united in marriage at the Methodist parsonage. Rev. J. L. Boyd performing the ceremony, which took place at noon. The bride was beauti- fully gowned in blue silk messaline daintily trimmed in white. The groom wore the customary tolack. Immedi- ately after the ceremony the happy couple returned to Dow City, where an elegant dinner was served at the home of the bride, after which they left for Panama, near which place they will make their home. The bride is the second daughter of Albert Starkey. and is a sweet, lovable girl and will make a true helpmate for the husband she has chosen to honor. The groom is not so well known here, but is highly spoken of by those who know him. The bride has many friends here who wish them mucfi joy and happiness in their journey through life together. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Baber entertain- ed her sister-in-law, Mrs. B. W. Sowlesi and son of Kearney, Neb., last week. Mr. and Mrs. jjugli Butterworth motored to Ida Grove Wednesday to attend the wedding of the latter's cousin, Miss Helen Schlieper. -Miss Golda Dow was in Omaha sev- eral days the past week. Orvie Boliara and family moved last 1 week into the house which was recent- ly vacated by the Frank Joyce family. The house vacated by the Boham fam- ily will be occupied by the Wallace Edwards family. E. L. Barber, of Denison, was a bus- iness caller here Thursday. George Rule visited here with his family a few days recently, returning to Fonda last Tuesday. Mesdames Clair Butterworth, E. N Chamberlain, Hugh Butterworth and two children and Miss Mildred Butter- worth. motored to Omaha Thursday on a shopping expedition and also to at tend the Ak-sar-ben, returning home Friday evening. Mrs. J. H. Miller was down from Denison Thursday visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roy. The people of th« Methodist church are planning on holding a series of re- vival meetings in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence O'Meara are again residents of Dow City, moving from Nebraska City the first of last week. Dr. F. N. Rowe and wife and two children attended the Ak-sar-ben on Thursday.- They also visited at the,' Charley Horn home while in Omaha. Fred Buss received a load of calves from Omaha Friday. W. C. Rolls; is the owner of a new Overland car. - Sears McHenry, of Denison, was a pleasant caller in town one day last week. - - -. ., Mrs. Earnest Edwards returned Sat urday to hei' home in Armour, S; D. after a pleasant ten days' visit with her mother, Mrs. Ballengee, and other rel atives.,„ > ' Jay Baber has accepted a position in Bert' Winn's restaurant which has just recently been opened in the old sa- loon building. Percy Brown will have charge of the former's dray line. Miss Alta Mackey was in Omaha several days last week attending the Ak-sar-ben. Mesdames J. R. Griffin and Bert Winn returned Friday morning from a two months' visit in California. They report having had a very enjoyable time. Mrs. Chris Vollerson was a county at visitor Thursday. 1 Miss Janet Rae returned Friday from a week's visit with relatives in Omaha A. A. Fishel was a Denison caller Friday. V. E. SowleB, of Manilla, and Mrs. Austin Saunders and children, from Cedar Falls, were visiting at the E. H. Baber home'one day last week. Miss Lottie Woodard returned to her home in Council Bluffs Sunday after a pleasant week's visit at the Fields homg. The W. F. M. S. met last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ward Towne. This was the first meeting of the year and a very large number were present. Mrs. A. B. Adams had charge of the lesson, conducting it in a very inter- esting way. At the close of the lesson the remainder of the afternoon was spent in a social way. after which Mrs Towne, assisted by Mrs. Ida Talcott and Mrs. George "Talcott, served a very nice supper. R. E. Adams, of Logan, was a pleas ant caller in town Saturday. Mrs. Clark Sterret, of Anthon, is visiting here with old friends and rel- atives. Mrs. Fred Daudel, who has been vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Dell, for the past few weeks, return- ed Wednesday to her home in New Hampton. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiley and little daughter, who will spend a week at that place. They made the trip by auto. O. S. Carlson was in Denison Friday having dental work done. Mrs. M. B. Bailep came up from Dunlap Thursday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. F. C. Howorth, return- ing Friday morning to Dunlap. Mrs. Howorth accompanied her. the former having a music class there which she conducted on Friday and Saturday. The library has been moved from the drug store to the Inforifter office. Another dance was given in the op- era house Thursday evening, a fair sized crowd being in attendance. The music was furnished by the O'Banion orchestra from Dunlap. Miss Alta Mackey was a Denison caller Friday. Mrs. Thos. Munsey and daughter Josephine, were in Omaha Wednesday. Mrs. Elmer Turnlund was up from Council BluCfs between trains Friday afternoon. Miss Grace Edwards was a Denison visitor Thursday. Last Friday George Carey moved one of his houses, onto the John Ed- wards lots, which he purchased some time ago. Alex Rieuben went to Omaha Friday to visit his folks and also to attend the Ak-sar-ben. Miss Alma Edwards went to Glidden Wednesday. Robert Rule and Robert Hunt came down from Denison Friday and spent the week end with their parents. W. E. Kahler, of Denison, was a bus- iness visitor here Thursday. Mrs. Clyde Haskins and Mrs. Clifford Purdy and daughter, from Manilla, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Burwell, of Defiance and Dan Reeser, of Denison, spent the Sabbath at the parental, Jake Reeser home. Nephi Goodman, of South Dakota was calling on 1 relatives and friends here Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. B. G. Lyman was down from Carroll Friday visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Rudd. Mrs. Mary Allen and Mrs. Martha Raven, of Unionville, and Mrs. Nan Keeler, of Centerville, were pleasant visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Allen last week. The former is Mr. Allen's mother and the latter two his aunts. Miss Zelma Colby was in Omaha sev- eral days the past wpek. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Rudd and Will Clark autoed to Omaha last Wednesday. Willie Hansen has accepted a posi tion in the 1, C. depot. Mrs. Henry Hoevoka was down from Denison Friday visiting at the home of her brother, M. A. Riley, returning to Denison Saturday morning. Vic Keehner was a westbound pas- senger Saturday. Allen Doidge was an Omaha visitor Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Fred Colby, accompanied by Grandma Rudd, motored out to the Thos. Aliart home Friday for a short visit. Mrs. Claude Blackman was down from Denison between trains Satur day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sterret. Miss Viv- ian Sharp and Jilrs. Clark Sterret motored to Denison Friday. Rev. W. H. Cable, the district super- intendent, was up from Council Bluffs Saturday having charge of the quar- terly conference at the M. E.. church Mrs. Fred. Coleman and daughter Marie, and Miss Lona Wiley were county seat callers Saturday. Mr. DeGee, of Logan, has accepted a position here in the Art Wilson bar- ber shop. A number from here attended the Odd Fellow meeting in Denison last Thursday evening. - Geo. Pearsall, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pearsall and Miss Smith werij Denison shoppers Saturday. Mrs. W. B. McDonald was hostess to the Friday club last Friday. About forty were there urn! all enjoyed the usual good time. Dainty refreshments weer served as a fitting close to the afternoon's pleasures. The out of town gues"ts were Mrs. A. C. Brooks of Auburn, and Mrs. Henry Hoevoka of Denison. The next meeting wilT bn at the home of Mrs. Fred Bean. The basement of the M. fc. church is almost completed. Mrs. ,-D. E. Bremser and children were Denison visitors Saturday. David Clark has purchased the ICO acre farm of Benson Smith at $150 per acre. Miss Etta Reynolds, of Arion, was visiting at the A. L. Brown home Fri day and Saturday. W. A. Seemann spent the week end here with his family. Mrs. S. E. Wiley entertained at din- ner Friday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bin- nail and Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Wiggins, the occasion being the birthdays of Mrs. Blnnall. Mrs. S. E. Wiley and M. G. Wiggins.' The birthdays, of these people are'observed every year as they come on the same day. Mrs. R. F. Smith came' up from Oma- ha Saturday for an over Sunday visit with her husband, who is here working on the new school building. Mrs. E. S. Tatroe came Saturday from Cherokee for a visit with her son, Carl, and daughter, Miss Bertha The former's husband, who has been here for. several weeks, will return home with her. S Dan Howorth, of Dunlap, spent the week end here with liis brother, Ed- mund. Lewis Crandall, of Boone, was vis- iting at the Alfred Jackson home on Friday. ' The Fields Brothers have purchased. 80 acre's of the Benson Smith land for ?100 per acre. Mrs. Jacobuski, from near Earling. was visiting at tlie John Weller home l&st week. Fred Wright, from the Willow, was in town Saturday. He had just re- turned from a trip out west. Arch'Lambert and family Sundayed at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lem Lambert. Miss Hannah Dybdal, who has been visiting at the Pete Hansen and Fred Nelson homes for the past three weeks, returned Saturday to her home in Emmetsburg.v She was accompan- ied by the Pete Hansen family and Miss Minnie Bahr. who will spend sev- eral days there. We are informed that Jack -Aliart has bought the Harold Alexander farm Last week "Miss Bernice Hunsicker was the recipient of a box of good things to eat "from her home and on Friday afternoon after school she ga<ve a spread to the-rest of the teachers, and a very enjoyable time was had. , Mrs. Elmer Newkirk was in Charter Oak last Tuesday and Wednesday vis- iting her friend, Mrs. John Torrey. Work is progressing nicely on the new S. E. Goddard residence. Misses Anna and Helga Brodersen of Bloomeld. ^'eb., are visiting at the Fritz Steffen and Chris Wilbeck homes. They are nicces of Mrs. Stef fen. Saul Miller and family were in Den ison Saturday visiting their daughter Mrs. Carl Blackman. Miss Mable Cole came down from Deloit for an over Sunday visit at home. Fred Frame and family, from Leon- ard, Minn., are visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. John "Matliys. T^hey probably will locate here. The residence of W. W. Galland has been newly shingled. Chas. Hollins, of Lohrville, was in town several days last week. He 1s talking of moving his family back to Dow City. Johnny O'Meara and sister, Mary from Nebraska City, have been visit- ing here with relatives for several days past. Mrs. Wm. Ettleman and her mother Mrs. J. H. Hargqns, were visiting rela- tives near Dunlap Friday. Mr! and Mrs. R. E. Lusk attended the Ak-sar-ben in Omaha several days last week and also visited with rela- tives. Miss Kate Clinton-, of Denison. is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs Arch Laird. She probably will keep house for Mr. Laird and the children until Mrs, Laird is able to come home from the hospital in Denison. Miss Lola Strait, of Dunlap, was a week end guest of Miss Zelma Colby. Mrs. Adolph Ahart and little daugh- ter went to Buck Grove Saturday for a Sunday visit with her parents. Her husband and sister, Miss Tillie Siem ere, drove over there Sunday and they all returned homo together. Mrs. W. C. Saul and daughter. Jeau came from Carroll Saturday and spent Sunday at the home of her brother, E L. Thomas. , Saturday night Clair Lloyd returned from a year's sojourn in Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. John Kepford and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Polzein, of Buck Grove, attended church here Sunday. The J. B. G.'s were very pleasantly entertained Saturday at the home of Miss Ilva Fishel, nearly all of the mem bers being present. The afternoon was spent in sociability and fancy work and all had a delightful * time. The hostess served a dainty luncheon at the close. The club meets two weeks hence with Miss Mable Thomas. Mr. tod Mrs. Charley Smith, R. W- Houston and daughter, Mae, and Misfe Stella Riddle spent the day Thursday in Omaha. Mrs. E. H. Barber was a Denison visitor one day last week. Mrs. Clark Sterret and Mrs. S. jE. Wiley are visiting relatives on Pretty Prairie. Mrs. Claus Hansen and son, Oscar, were in Omaha Friday visiting her sis- ter. Two government stock inspectors were in this vicinity several days last week. Mrs. Anna Doser has returned from a week's visit at the John Eck home near Ute. Mrs. Earnest- Edwards was visiting at the Oliver McBride home in Logan and also at the Jl. B. Glassburner home in Woodbine a couple of days last week. Fred Buss and family and Frank Wiley were in Omaha Wednesday and Thursday attending the Ak-sar-ben They also visited at the Elmer Turn- lund home in Council Bluffs. Miss Minnie Bahr was in Manning a few days last week visiting at the John Bahr home. , Miss Mattie Teck was an over Sun- ! day visitor at the John Webor homo. Mrs. Jim Turner was visiting rela- tives in Scranton several days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keohner. from near Dunlap, Sundayed here with theii son, Vic Keehrier, anil family. Mr. and Mrs. Al'Iv JSefeon and two daughters were visiting her parents' Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Baughman, near Dunlap Friday. Mr. Baughman is re- ported as being quite sick. Last Saturday night at the picture s!*.ow a sack of flour waa grven-'away by Herman Lazerus to the one holdl? g the ticket with the lucky number oi it. Mr. Mahnke, from'near Kenwood, won the prize. Miss Fanchon Wiley was a Deni3on shopper Saturday. Miss Flora Wiggins came up from Woodbine and spent the Sabbath \viU> the home folks. * Charley Miller was in attendance at the Ak-sar-ben several days. One day last week Albert Miller met v :th quite a misfortune. He was d'r.v ing home from town with a horse and buggy and as he wal going up a hill near his home the bolt which holds the shafts broke in some way. The horse became frightened and started to run and ran through a closed gate at the Miller place, breaking the bug- gy to pieces. The horse kept on going until it ran into a corn crib and drop- ped dead. Mr. Miller escaped witli a dislocated finger and considers himself lucky that he received no greater in- juries. Mrft.' John Williamson and son Chauncey, were Omaha visitors last Wednesday. Mr.'and Mrs. Walter Pettcoff and baby were down from Denison Sunday visiting with friends. v' Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brooks, of Audu- bon, were pleasant visitors at the Wm McDonald and Elmer Newkirk homes a coupel of days last week. Mrs Brooks is a cousin of Mrs. Newkirk* and Mr. McDodald. Fred Colby, W. E. Dow, Prof. C. W. Manning and Mads Justesen were out on a hunting expedition Sunday night. They succeeded in catching six coons and thus feel well repaid for the trip. Dr. P. T. Conlan and family of Oma- ha, were Sunday guests at the Art Randel home. Mrs. Henry Bell and granddaughter, Jean Mulvihill, have returned from a week's visit with relatives in Omaha. Verne Grace and wife were guests at the George and Frank Binnall homes Saturday and Sunday. They were just recently married and are on their wedding trip» They left Mon- day for a week's viist in Nebraska, be- fore going to their home in Sheridan. Wyo. Mr. Grace is a nephew of Geo. and Frank Binnall. M. E. Jones and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Barber and daughter, R. W. Haw- thorne and Tamily, Mrs. R. P. Plimpton and her mother and Mr. Tourtellot motored down from Denison Sunday to attend Hie rally day services at the Baptist church. . , Mi. and Mrs. Art Wilson were en- terained at dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.'W. B. Gibson in the country. Mr. and Mrs. IFred Colby attended church in lluck Grovo Sunday morn- ing and spent the rest of the day at tlu; John Finnegan home. Linfred Ahart was a pleasant caller at the Will Buss home Friday evening. Mrs. .1. J. , Houston attended the funeral of Mike Barrett in Dunlap on Friday. i ' Jus. Pearsall, Sr. and J. M. Pett and son, Holland, were in Woodbine Sun- day attends the L. D. S. quartely con- ference atilf also visited relatives. Mrs. .Spn>y Malone was a guest of Mrs. Frank" Carl in Kenwood Wednes- day. George Roberts, of Dunlap, was a pleasant caller ill town .Monday. G. M. Brake s;pent the day Sunday at the honj.e of his daughter, Mrs. L. E. McBride, .in Logan. Misses Margaret and Ruth Houston who are attending school in Dunlap. spent the week end at home. Miss Josephine Stepanek was a vis- itor in Denison.Monday. , Ivan Davis, of Corsica, S. D., has^ been visiting here with friends the past week. He resided here some six- teen years ago. G. W. Langley. who went to Ains- ,worth. Neb., the first of last week for , a three weeks' visit with his children, was taken sick shortly after reaching there and was i compelled to come home Saturday. W. W. Galland is improving the ap: pearance of his property by putting in a cement walk. George Trager was down from Den- ison Monday on business- Mrs. J. F. Potter has returned froa> ' a week^s visit with relatives and friends in Scranton and Jefferson. Sunday Mrs. Lee Winn gave a din- ner in honor of Ivan Davis, of Corsi- ca,.S. D. Those present were the fam- ilies of Arch Wight, Fred Bean, Frank Slater, Chas. McBride and Otto Wat-- je, about thirty all together. An ele- gant dinner was served and all en- joped themselves immensely. E. H. Swasey was a county seat caller Monday. Mads Justesen is the proud owner of a Ford roadBter. Mr. DdGee spent the day Sunday in Logan. GLYCERINE AND BARK PREVENT APPENDICITIS The simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glyecriue, etc., known as Adler- i-ka, astonishes Denison people. Be- cause Adler-i-ka acts on BOTH lower and upper bowel, ONE SPOONFUL re- lieves almost ANY CASE constipation,, sour stomach or gas. It remove? sisoh surprising foul matter that a few dos-js often relievo or prevent appendicitis A short treatment helps chroms stom- ach trouble. The INSTANT, easy ac- tion of Adler-i-lta is astonishing. PU. A. Schlumberger, Druggist. are You Fixed for a Fall Suit or Overcoat, or a Clothing Co. I Dandv Good Mackinaw? iKemming Clothing Co £3* v."'-. l have them in an endless variety and at prices to suit all. We have made a special effort for this fall to - get merchandise and to get them at right prices, and we think we have succeeded admirably. We have suits cheaper than we had them last year—and we thought we had them right. Our overcoats and mackmaws are simply wonders for style, fit and price---they must be seen to be appreciated, so call and let us show you our line and see for yourself. , All our Merchandise Must be as Represented or Money Cheerfully Refunded Sweaters Men's Suits rt on $10 and e them in all < $30.00 Our men's suits start on $10 and they are good for the money. We have them in all grades up to 'Men's Overcoats Start on and run as high as $65. In fur lined you neve^SjaiWt^n assortment as we are carrying for this fall. Mackinaws lors and they n $5 up to $10.00 In all styles and colors and they are winners. 34 to 36 inches long. From $5 up to Made in shaker-knit or the heavy rope-knit They are certainly fine. Start .on and up to $8.50 Men's Shoes Run by an fitting. . Can the " shoe fitter who has made a study of feet smile. Our prices are as low as. Underwear We are selling fleeced underwear, same as we did a year ago, and they are O. K. for the money. We have underwear—all prices—wool or cotton and to fit the largest in the country. You are sure to get your fit in Underwear Here : ii * n.!-V' !*. h-\ -l M. Hats and Caps This department is just bubbling over with good styles and patterns, and our prices suit all. All sizes up to 7 3-4. - Trunks, Suit Cases, and Bags "«• i' ' i r •p.-. /i -i - i.' ' ,i -'l ' 'ft, : i : ii-' ->1 -•!•-. •; " Otir trunks start at $2.50 and run as high as S30.00 for a wardrobe tiiink. Suitcases from $1.00 to $10.00. Bags SI.50 to $20.00. AHA. 1. "The Place to Get Fits" Kemming Clothing Company Denison, Iowa. t . •• •y »' ' i I •''i '.y I i I) i r 1 K' m- h \ 1 •fv r |u 4a P'i •X ' 1 B|* I 1 -i 1 •'» r 6 •- a- r' t > K; 4 IA ' 1 ' : # f" 1 1 I ' N BH';, A ; 1 n' 1 * I /

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PAGE SIX Denison Review, Wednesday* October 11.1916

« * * DOW CITY ITEMS. • * * «•*«**<• + • + •***** + *


George Fritz has returned • from a visit with his daughter, Mrs. Paul Ahrens, and family at Ames.

Mr. and Mrs. Art Danyard and chil­dren were Omaha visitors one day last week.

Mrs. L. Roberts, of Arion, and Mrs. H. Heller of Manning, were visiting at the A. L. Brown home last week.

Wm. Ettleman and family have mov­ed into the Qeo. Fritz residence vacat­ed by the E. H. Baber family.

Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Allen were in Omaha Tuesday and Wednesday, tak-„ ing in the sights at the Ak-sar-ben. '

Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hatch and daugh­ter, Lois, motored to Council Bluffs Saturday for an over Sunday visit with relatives.

Last Wednesday George Crandall, of Panama and Miss Violet Starkey, of this -place, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowen and Miss Lulu Star-key, went to Denison. where the former two were united in marriage at the Methodist parsonage. Rev. J. L. Boyd performing the ceremony, which took place at noon. The bride was beauti­fully gowned in blue silk messaline daintily trimmed in white. The groom wore the customary tolack. Immedi­ately after the ceremony the happy couple returned to Dow City, where an elegant dinner was served at the home of the bride, after which they left for Panama, near which place they will make their home. The bride is the second daughter of Albert Starkey. and is a sweet, lovable girl and will make a true helpmate for the husband she has chosen to honor. The groom is not so well known here, but is highly spoken of by those who know him. The bride has many friends here who wish them mucfi joy and happiness in their journey through life together.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Baber entertain­ed her sister-in-law, Mrs. B. W. Sowlesi and son of Kearney, Neb., last week.

Mr. and Mrs. jjugli Butterworth motored to Ida Grove Wednesday to attend the wedding of the latter's cousin, Miss Helen Schlieper. -Miss Golda Dow was in Omaha sev­eral days the past week.

Orvie Boliara and family moved last 1 week into the house which was recent­

ly vacated by the Frank Joyce family. The house vacated by the Boham fam­ily will be occupied by the Wallace Edwards family. • E. L. Barber, of Denison, was a bus­

iness caller here Thursday. George Rule visited here with his

family a few days recently, returning to Fonda last Tuesday.

Mesdames Clair Butterworth, E. N Chamberlain, Hugh Butterworth and two children and Miss Mildred Butter­worth. motored to Omaha Thursday on a shopping expedition and also to at tend the Ak-sar-ben, returning home Friday evening.

Mrs. J. H. Miller was down from Denison Thursday visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roy.

The people of th« Methodist church are planning on holding a series of re­vival meetings in the near future.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence O'Meara are again residents of Dow City, moving from Nebraska City the first of last week.

Dr. F. N. Rowe and wife and two children attended the Ak-sar-ben on Thursday.- They also visited at the,' Charley Horn home while in Omaha.

Fred Buss received a load of calves from Omaha Friday.

W. C. Rolls; is the owner of a new Overland car. - Sears McHenry, of Denison, was a pleasant caller in town one day last w e e k . - - - . . ,

Mrs. Earnest Edwards returned Sat urday to hei' home in Armour, S; D. after a pleasant ten days' visit with her mother, Mrs. Ballengee, and other rel a t i v e s . , „ > ' Jay Baber has accepted a position in Bert' Winn's restaurant which has just recently been opened in the old sa­loon building. Percy Brown will have charge of the former's dray line.

Miss Alta Mackey was in Omaha several days last week attending the Ak-sar-ben.

Mesdames J. R. Griffin and Bert Winn returned Friday morning from a two months' visit in California. They report having had a very enjoyable time.

Mrs. Chris Vollerson was a county at visitor Thursday.1

Miss Janet Rae returned Friday from a week's visit with relatives in Omaha

A. A. Fishel was a Denison caller Friday.

V. E. SowleB, of Manilla, and Mrs. Austin Saunders and children, from Cedar Falls, were visiting at the E. H. Baber home'one day last week.

Miss Lottie Woodard returned to her home in Council Bluffs Sunday after a pleasant week's visit at the Fields homg.

The W. F. M. S. met last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ward Towne. This was the first meeting of the year and a very large number were present. Mrs. A. B. Adams had charge of the lesson, conducting it in a very inter­esting way. At the close of the lesson the remainder of the afternoon was spent in a social way. after which Mrs Towne, assisted by Mrs. Ida Talcott and Mrs. George "Talcott, served a very nice supper.

R. E. Adams, of Logan, was a pleas ant caller in town Saturday.

Mrs. Clark Sterret, of Anthon, is visiting here with old friends and rel­atives.

Mrs. Fred Daudel, who has been vis­iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Dell, for the past few weeks, return­ed Wednesday to her home in New Hampton. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiley and little daughter, who will spend a week at that place. They made the trip by auto.

O. S. Carlson was in Denison Friday having dental work done.

Mrs. M. B. Bailep came up from Dunlap Thursday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. F. C. Howorth, return­ing Friday morning to Dunlap. Mrs. Howorth accompanied her. the former having a music class there which she conducted on Friday and Saturday.

The library has been moved from the drug store to the Inforifter office.

Another dance was given in the op­

era house Thursday evening, a fair sized crowd being in attendance. The music was furnished by the O'Banion orchestra from Dunlap.

Miss Alta Mackey was a Denison caller Friday.

Mrs. Thos. Munsey and daughter Josephine, were in Omaha Wednesday.

Mrs. Elmer Turnlund was up from Council BluCfs between trains Friday afternoon.

Miss Grace Edwards was a Denison visitor Thursday.

Last Friday George Carey moved one of his houses, onto the John Ed­wards lots, which he purchased some time ago.

Alex Rieuben went to Omaha Friday to visit his folks and also to attend the Ak-sar-ben.

Miss Alma Edwards went to Glidden Wednesday.

Robert Rule and Robert Hunt came down from Denison Friday and spent the week end with their parents.

W. E. Kahler, of Denison, was a bus­iness visitor here Thursday.

Mrs. Clyde Haskins and Mrs. Clifford Purdy and daughter, from Manilla, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Burwell, of Defiance and Dan Reeser, of Denison, spent the Sabbath at the parental, Jake Reeser home.

Nephi Goodman, of South Dakota was calling on1 relatives and friends here Wednesday and Thursday.

Mrs. B. G. Lyman was down from Carroll Friday visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Rudd.

Mrs. Mary Allen and Mrs. Martha Raven, of Unionville, and Mrs. Nan Keeler, of Centerville, were pleasant visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Allen last week. The former is Mr. Allen's mother and the latter two his aunts.

Miss Zelma Colby was in Omaha sev­eral days the past wpek.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Rudd and Will Clark autoed to Omaha last Wednesday.

Willie Hansen has accepted a posi tion in the 1, C. depot.

Mrs. Henry Hoevoka was down from Denison Friday visiting at the home of her brother, M. A. Riley, returning to Denison Saturday morning.

Vic Keehner was a westbound pas­senger Saturday.

Allen Doidge was an Omaha visitor Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. Fred Colby, accompanied by Grandma Rudd, motored out to the Thos. Aliart home Friday for a short visit.

Mrs. Claude Blackman was down from Denison between trains Satur day morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Sterret. Miss Viv­ian Sharp and Jilrs. Clark Sterret motored to Denison Friday.

Rev. W. H. Cable, the district super­intendent, was up from Council Bluffs Saturday having charge of the quar­terly conference at the M. E.. church

Mrs. Fred. Coleman and daughter Marie, and Miss Lona Wiley were county seat callers Saturday.

Mr. DeGee, of Logan, has accepted a position here in the Art Wilson bar­ber shop.

A number from here attended the Odd Fellow meeting in Denison last Thursday evening. -

Geo. Pearsall, Mr. and Mrs. Mark

Pearsall and Miss Smith werij Denison shoppers Saturday.

Mrs. W. B. McDonald was hostess to the Friday club last Friday. About forty were there urn! all enjoyed the usual good time. Dainty refreshments weer served as a fitting close to the afternoon's pleasures. The out of town gues"ts were Mrs. A. C. Brooks of Auburn, and Mrs. Henry Hoevoka of Denison. The next meeting wilT bn at the home of Mrs. Fred Bean.

The basement of the M. fc. church is almost completed.

Mrs. ,-D. E. Bremser and children were Denison visitors Saturday.

David Clark has purchased the ICO acre farm of Benson Smith at $150 per acre.

Miss Etta Reynolds, of Arion, was visiting at the A. L. Brown home Fri day and Saturday.

W. A. Seemann spent the week end here with his family.

Mrs. S. E. Wiley entertained at din­ner Friday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bin-nail and Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Wiggins, the occasion being the birthdays of Mrs. Blnnall. Mrs. S. E. Wiley and M. G. Wiggins.' The birthdays, of these people are'observed every year as they come on the same day.

Mrs. R. F. Smith came' up from Oma­ha Saturday for an over Sunday visit with her husband, who is here working on the new school building.

Mrs. E. S. Tatroe came Saturday from Cherokee for a visit with her son, Carl, and daughter, Miss Bertha The former's husband, who has been here for. several weeks, will return home with her. S

Dan Howorth, of Dunlap, spent the week end here with liis brother, Ed­mund.

Lewis Crandall, of Boone, was vis­iting at the Alfred Jackson home on Friday. '

The Fields Brothers have purchased. 80 acre's of the Benson Smith land for ?100 per acre.

Mrs. Jacobuski, from near Earling. was visiting at tlie John Weller home l&st week.

Fred Wright, from the Willow, was in town Saturday. He had just re­turned from a trip out west.

Arch'Lambert and family Sundayed at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lem Lambert.

Miss Hannah Dybdal, who has been visiting at the Pete Hansen and Fred Nelson homes for the past three weeks, returned Saturday to her home in Emmetsburg.v She was accompan­ied by the Pete Hansen family and Miss Minnie Bahr. who will spend sev­eral days there.

We are informed that Jack -Aliart has bought the Harold Alexander farm

Last week "Miss Bernice Hunsicker was the recipient of a box of good things to eat "from • her home and on Friday afternoon after school she ga<ve a spread to the-rest of the teachers, and a very enjoyable time was had. , Mrs. Elmer Newkirk was in Charter Oak last Tuesday and Wednesday vis­iting her friend, Mrs. John Torrey.

Work is progressing nicely on the new S. E. Goddard residence.

Misses Anna and Helga Brodersen of Bloomeld. ^'eb., are visiting at the Fritz Steffen and Chris Wilbeck

homes. They are nicces of Mrs. Stef fen.

Saul Miller and family were in Den ison Saturday visiting their daughter Mrs. Carl Blackman.

Miss Mable Cole came down from Deloit for an over Sunday visit at home.

Fred Frame and family, from Leon­ard, Minn., are visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. John "Matliys. T^hey probably will locate here.

The residence of W. W. Galland has been newly shingled.

Chas. Hollins, of Lohrville, was in town several days last week. He 1s talking of moving his family back to Dow City.

Johnny O'Meara and sister, Mary from Nebraska City, have been visit­ing here with relatives for several days past.

Mrs. Wm. Ettleman and her mother Mrs. J. H. Hargqns, were visiting rela­tives near Dunlap Friday.

Mr! and Mrs. R. E. Lusk attended the Ak-sar-ben in Omaha several days last week and also visited with rela­tives.

Miss Kate Clinton-, of Denison. is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs Arch Laird. She probably will keep house for Mr. Laird and the children until Mrs, Laird is able to come home from the hospital in Denison.

Miss Lola Strait, of Dunlap, was a week end guest of Miss Zelma Colby.

Mrs. Adolph Ahart and little daugh­ter went to Buck Grove Saturday for a Sunday visit with her parents. Her husband and sister, Miss Tillie Siem ere, drove over there Sunday and they all returned homo together.

Mrs. W. C. Saul and daughter. Jeau came from Carroll Saturday and spent Sunday at the home of her brother, E L. Thomas. , Saturday night Clair Lloyd returned

from a year's sojourn in Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. John Kepford and Mr.

and Mrs. Elmer Polzein, of Buck Grove, attended church here Sunday.

The J. B. G.'s were very pleasantly entertained Saturday at the home of Miss Ilva Fishel, nearly all of the mem bers being present. The afternoon was spent in sociability and fancy work and all had a delightful * time. The hostess served a dainty luncheon at the close. The club meets two weeks hence with Miss Mable Thomas.

Mr. tod Mrs. Charley Smith, R. W-Houston and daughter, Mae, and Misfe Stella Riddle spent the day Thursday in Omaha.

Mrs. E. H. Barber was a Denison visitor one day last week.

Mrs. Clark Sterret and Mrs. S. jE. Wiley are visiting relatives on Pretty Prairie.

Mrs. Claus Hansen and son, Oscar, were in Omaha Friday visiting her sis­ter.

Two government stock inspectors were in this vicinity several days last week.

Mrs. Anna Doser has returned from a week's visit at the John Eck home near Ute.

Mrs. Earnest- Edwards was visiting at the Oliver McBride home in Logan and also at the Jl. B. Glassburner home in Woodbine a couple of days last week.

Fred Buss and family and Frank

Wiley were in Omaha Wednesday and Thursday attending the Ak-sar-ben They also visited at the Elmer Turn-lund home in Council Bluffs.

Miss Minnie Bahr was in Manning a few days last week visiting at the John Bahr home. ,

Miss Mattie Teck was an over Sun- ! day visitor at the John Webor homo.

Mrs. Jim Turner was visiting rela­tives in Scranton several days the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keohner. from near Dunlap, Sundayed here with theii son, Vic Keehrier, anil family.

Mr. and Mrs. Al'Iv JSefeon and two daughters were visiting her parents' Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Baughman, near Dunlap Friday. Mr. Baughman is re­ported as being quite sick.

Last Saturday night at the picture s!*.ow a sack of flour waa grven-'away by Herman Lazerus to the one holdl? g the ticket with the lucky number oi it. Mr. Mahnke, from'near Kenwood, won the prize.

Miss Fanchon Wiley was a Deni3on shopper Saturday.

Miss Flora Wiggins came up from Woodbine and spent the Sabbath \viU> the home folks. *

Charley Miller was in attendance at the Ak-sar-ben several days.

One day last week Albert Miller met v :th quite a misfortune. He was d'r.v ing home from town with a horse and buggy and as he wal going up a hill near his home the bolt which holds the shafts broke in some way. The horse became frightened and started to run and ran through a closed gate at the Miller place, breaking the bug­gy to pieces. The horse kept on going until it ran into a corn crib and drop­ped dead. Mr. Miller escaped witli a dislocated finger and considers himself lucky that he received no greater in­juries.

Mrft.' John Williamson and son Chauncey, were Omaha visitors last Wednesday.

Mr.'and Mrs. Walter Pettcoff and baby were down from Denison Sunday visiting with friends. • v'

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brooks, of Audu­bon, were pleasant visitors at the Wm McDonald and Elmer Newkirk homes a coupel of days last week. Mrs Brooks is a cousin of Mrs. Newkirk* and Mr. McDodald.

Fred Colby, W. E. Dow, Prof. C. W. Manning and Mads Justesen were out on a hunting expedition Sunday night. They succeeded in catching six coons and thus feel well repaid for the trip.

Dr. P. T. Conlan and family of Oma­ha, were Sunday guests at the Art Randel home.

Mrs. Henry Bell and granddaughter, Jean Mulvihill, have returned from a week's visit with relatives in Omaha.

Verne Grace and wife were guests at the George and Frank Binnall homes Saturday and Sunday. They were just recently married and are on their wedding trip» They left Mon­day for a week's viist in Nebraska, be­fore going to their home in Sheridan. Wyo. Mr. Grace is a nephew of Geo. and Frank Binnall.

M. E. Jones and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Barber and daughter, R. W. Haw­thorne and Tamily, Mrs. R. P. Plimpton and her mother and Mr. Tourtellot

motored down from Denison Sunday to attend Hie rally day services at the Baptist church. . ,

Mi. and Mrs. Art Wilson were en-terained at dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.'W. B. Gibson in the country.

Mr. and Mrs. IFred Colby attended church in lluck Grovo Sunday morn­ing and spent the rest of the day at tlu; John Finnegan home.

Linfred Ahart was a pleasant caller at the Will Buss home Friday evening.

Mrs. .1. J. , Houston attended the funeral of Mike Barrett in Dunlap on Friday. i '

Jus. Pearsall, Sr. and J. M. Pett and son, Holland, were in Woodbine Sun­day attends the L. D. S. quartely con­ference atilf also visited relatives.

Mrs. .Spn>y Malone was a guest of Mrs. Frank" Carl in Kenwood Wednes­day.

George Roberts, of Dunlap, was a pleasant caller ill town .Monday.

G. M. Brake s;pent the day Sunday at the honj.e of his daughter, Mrs. L. E. McBride, .in Logan.

Misses Margaret and Ruth Houston who are attending school in Dunlap. spent the week end at home.

Miss Josephine Stepanek was a vis­itor in Denison.Monday. ,

Ivan Davis, of Corsica, S. D., has^ been visiting here with friends the past week. He resided here some six­teen years ago.

G. W. Langley. who went to Ains-,worth. Neb., the first of last week for , a three weeks' visit with his children, was taken sick shortly after reaching there and was i compelled to come home Saturday.

W. W. Galland is improving the ap: pearance of his property by putting in a cement walk.

George Trager was down from Den­ison Monday on business-

Mrs. J. F. Potter has returned froa> ' a week^s visit with relatives and friends in Scranton and Jefferson.

Sunday Mrs. Lee Winn gave a din­ner in honor of Ivan Davis, of Corsi­ca,.S. D. Those present were the fam­ilies of Arch Wight, Fred Bean, Frank Slater, Chas. McBride and Otto Wat--je, about thirty all together. An ele­gant dinner was served and all en-joped themselves immensely.

E. H. Swasey was a county seat caller Monday.

Mads Justesen is the proud owner of a Ford roadBter.

Mr. DdGee spent the day Sunday in Logan.


The simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glyecriue, etc., known as Adler-i-ka, astonishes Denison people. Be­cause Adler-i-ka acts on BOTH lower and upper bowel, ONE SPOONFUL re­lieves almost ANY CASE constipation,, sour stomach or gas. It remove? sisoh • surprising foul matter that a few dos-js often relievo or prevent appendicitis A short treatment helps chroms stom­ach trouble. The INSTANT, easy ac­tion of Adler-i-lta is astonishing. PU. A. Schlumberger, Druggist.

are You Fixed for a Fall Suit or Overcoat, or a Clothing Co. I Dandv Good Mackinaw? iKemming Clothing Co



l have them in an endless variety and at prices to suit all. We have made a special effort for this fall to - • get merchandise and to get them at right prices, and we think we have succeeded admirably. We have

suits cheaper than we had them last year—and we thought we had them right. Our overcoats and mackmaws are simply wonders for style, fit and price---they must be seen to be appreciated, so call and let us show you our line and see for yourself. ,

All our Merchandise Must be as Represented or Money Cheerfully Refunded

Sweaters Men's Suits rt on $10 and e them in all <


Our men's suits start on $10 and they are good for the money. We have them in all grades up to

'Men's Overcoats Start on and run as high as $65. In fur lined you

neve^SjaiWt^n assortment as we are carrying for this fall.

Mackinaws lors and they n $5 up to


In all styles and colors and they are winners. 34 to 36 inches long. From $5 up to

Made in shaker-knit or the heavy rope-knit They are certainly fine. Start .on and up to


Men's Shoes Run by an

fitting. . Can the "

„ shoe fitter who has made a study of feet smile. Our prices are as low as.

Underwear We are selling fleeced underwear, same as we did a

year ago, and they are O. K. for the money. We have

underwear—all prices—wool or cotton and to fit the

largest in the country.

You are sure to get your fit

in Underwear Here

: ii •

* n.!-V' !*. • h - \ - l M.

Hats and Caps This department is just bubbling over with good styles

and patterns, and our prices suit all. All sizes up to 7 3-4. -

Trunks, Suit Cases, and Bags

• "«• i' ' i

• r • •p.-. /i -i -i . ' ' , i - ' l ' ' f t ,

: i • : ii-' ->1 -•!•-. •; " Otir trunks start at $2.50 and run as high as S30.00 for a wardrobe tiiink.

Suitcases from $1.00 to $10.00.

Bags SI.50 to $20.00. AHA. 1.

"The Place to Get Fits" Kemming Clothing Company Denison,



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