are you suprised - kenya law...

SPECIAL ISSUE THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. CXIII—No. 5 NAIROBI, 14th January, 2011 Price Sh. 50 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 435 THE TRUTH, JUSTICE AND RECONCILIATION ACT (No. 6 of 2008) TRIBUNAL APPOINTED TO INVESTIGATE THE CONDUCT OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE TRUTH, JUSTICE AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION, AMBASSADOR BETHWELL KIPLAGAT RULES OF PROCEDURE WHEREAS in exercise of powers conferred by section 17 (2) of the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Act, 2008, His Lordship the Chief Justice, through Gazette Notice No. 15894 of 2010, appointed a Tribunal to investigate the conduct of the Chairman of the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission, Ambassador Bethwell Kiplagat; and through Gazette Notice No 15895 of 2010, appointed Counsel to assist the Tribunal, and also appointed joint secretaries to the Tribunal; AND WHEREAS Gazette Notice No. 15894 mandates the Tribunal to regulate its own procedure; NOW THEREFORE the Tribunal makes the following Rules of Procedure: 1. The Tribunal shall sit on such days and such times and venues as shall be determined by the Tribunal. 2. The Tribunal as duly constituted shall sit to carry out its proceedings, provided that the absence of a member shall not limit its competence to discharge its mandate. 3. The hearings of the Tribunal shall be held in public unless the Tribunal at its own discretion or upon a request by the subject of the investigation which request is subject to the approval of the Tribunal otherwise directs. 4. The Tribunal may exclude any person or class of persons from all or any part of the investigation if satisfied that it is desirable to do so for the following reasons: (a) The preservation of order; or (b) The due conduct of the investigation; or (c) For the protection of a person, property or reputation of any witness in the investigation or any other person referred to in the investigation, and may, if satisfied that it is desirable to do so for any of the foregoing purposes, order that no person shall publish the name, address or photograph of any such witness or person or any evidence or information whereby she or he would likely be identified. 5. The subject of the investigation shall be present during the proceedings and may be represented by legal counsel. 6. The Counsel assisting the Tribunal shall draw up a list of the allegations against the subject of the investigation and shall serve the said list of the allegations on the subject of the investigation at least fourteen (14) days before the date of commencement of the Tribunal hearings. 7. The Tribunal shall serve on the subject of the investigation a hearing notice, at least seven (7) days before the date of the hearing as per Form 1 of the Schedule hereto. 8. (a) The Tribunal may summon any person or persons to testify before it on oath or affirmation or to produce such document(s) as the Tribunal may require, and the person so summoned shall be obliged to attend and testify or produce the required document(s). (b) A witness summons under this rule shall be as per Form 2 of the Schedule hereto. 9. The Counsel assisting the Tribunal shall present the evidence relating to the conduct of the subject of the investigation and any matter relevant to the investigation. 10. The Tribunal shall be guided by the basic rules applicable to fair trial, including rules of natural justice and relevance, but shall not be bound by the provisions of the Evidence Act (Cap. 80) of the laws of Kenya. 11. Every testimony made before the Tribunal shall be given either under oath or affirmation. 12. The subject of the investigation shall have the right to cross- examine any witnesses in the investigation: Provided that cross-examination shall be conducted with a consciousness for time and relevance, and as may be directed by the Tribunal. 13. The subject of investigation shall be entitled to call evidence to rebut any allegations made against him. 14. (a) The Counsel assisting the Tribunal shall be entitled to cross-examine the subject of the investigation and his witnesses. (b) Any party shall be entitled to re-examine any of its witnesses. [113

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THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya

(Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.)

Vol. CXIII—No. 5 NAIROBI, 14th January, 2011 Price Sh. 50



(No. 6 of 2008)




WHEREAS in exercise of powers conferred by section 17 (2) of

the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Act, 2008, His Lordship the Chief Justice, through Gazette Notice No. 15894 of 2010, appointed a

Tribunal to investigate the conduct of the Chairman of the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission, Ambassador Bethwell

Kiplagat; and through Gazette Notice No 15895 of 2010, appointed Counsel to assist the Tribunal, and also appointed joint secretaries to

the Tribunal;

AND WHEREAS Gazette Notice No. 15894 mandates the

Tribunal to regulate its own procedure;

NOW THEREFORE the Tribunal makes the following Rules of


1. The Tribunal shall sit on such days and such times and venues

as shall be determined by the Tribunal.

2. The Tribunal as duly constituted shall sit to carry out its

proceedings, provided that the absence of a member shall not limit its competence to discharge its mandate.

3. The hearings of the Tribunal shall be held in public unless the Tribunal at its own discretion or upon a request by the subject of the

investigation which request is subject to the approval of the Tribunal otherwise directs.

4. The Tribunal may exclude any person or class of persons from all or any part of the investigation if satisfied that it is desirable to do

so for the following reasons:

(a) The preservation of order; or

(b) The due conduct of the investigation; or

(c) For the protection of a person, property or reputation of any

witness in the investigation or any other person referred to in the investigation, and may, if satisfied that it is desirable to do

so for any of the foregoing purposes, order that no person shall

publish the name, address or photograph of any such witness or person or any evidence or information whereby she or he

would likely be identified.

5. The subject of the investigation shall be present during the

proceedings and may be represented by legal counsel.

6. The Counsel assisting the Tribunal shall draw up a list of the

allegations against the subject of the investigation and shall serve the said list of the allegations on the subject of the investigation at least

fourteen (14) days before the date of commencement of the Tribunal hearings.

7. The Tribunal shall serve on the subject of the investigation a hearing notice, at least seven (7) days before the date of the hearing as

per Form 1 of the Schedule hereto.

8. (a) The Tribunal may summon any person or persons to testify

before it on oath or affirmation or to produce such document(s) as the Tribunal may require, and the person so summoned shall be obliged to

attend and testify or produce the required document(s).

(b) A witness summons under this rule shall be as per Form 2 of

the Schedule hereto.

9. The Counsel assisting the Tribunal shall present the evidence

relating to the conduct of the subject of the investigation and any matter relevant to the investigation.

10. The Tribunal shall be guided by the basic rules applicable to fair trial, including rules of natural justice and relevance, but shall not

be bound by the provisions of the Evidence Act (Cap. 80) of the laws of Kenya.

11. Every testimony made before the Tribunal shall be given either under oath or affirmation.

12. The subject of the investigation shall have the right to cross-examine any witnesses in the investigation:

Provided that cross-examination shall be conducted with a consciousness for time and relevance, and as may be directed by the


13. The subject of investigation shall be entitled to call evidence to

rebut any allegations made against him.

14. (a) The Counsel assisting the Tribunal shall be entitled to

cross-examine the subject of the investigation and his witnesses.

(b) Any party shall be entitled to re-examine any of its witnesses.


THE KENYA GAZETTE 14th January, 2011


15. The Tribunal may call for further evidence on any relevant

point or matter before it and may recall any witness for further examination.

16. Evidence may be presented orally or in the form of memoranda ,affidavits or other documentation and the Tribunal shall be entitled to

receive such documents and use the contents thereof in forming its opinion:

Provided that the subject shall be furnished with copies of any such documentary evidence and may seek leave to address the Tribunal


17. At the close of all the evidence adduced before the Tribunal,

Counsel assisting the Tribunal, and the subject of investigation, or if represented, his Counsel may make final submissions.

18. The Tribunal may, from time to time, by notice in the Gazette, amend any of these Rules.

19. Nothing contained in these Rules shall be deemed to limit or otherwise affect the powers of the Tribunal which are necessary for the

proper execution of its mandate as set out in Gazette Notice.No15894 of 2010.

20. The Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission Rules of Procedure, 2011 are revoked*.

*G.N. 435/2011.



To: .................................................................................................. (subject)




WHEREAS His Lordship, the Chief Justice of the Republic of

Kenya has appointed a Tribunal to investigate your conduct as per the mandate of the Tribunal set out in Gazette Notice No. 15894 of 2010,

annexed hereto:

TAKE NOTICE that we, the said Tribunal will, seven (7) days from

today, assemble at

............................................................................................ at ........ a.m. on

the .................................................. day of .................................2011, to carry out the said investigation.

AND FURTHER, TAKE NOTICE that you………………………… must appear in person and may be accompanied by your advocate at

the hearing of the evidence, to cross-examine any witness testifying thereto, and to adduce, without unreasonable delay, material evidence

in your behalf in refutation of, or otherwise in relation to the evidence.

GIVEN under the hand of the Chairman for and on behalf of the said

Tribunal this………day of ................................................................ 2011.


Chairman of the Tribunal

To be served upon:





Please acknowledge this notice and the attached instrument by signing hereunder:

................................................... day of .............................................. 2011

FORM 2 (r. 8 (b)


To: ............................................................................................................




WHEREAS His Lordship, the Chief Justice of the Republic of

Kenya has appointed a Tribunal to investigate the conduct of the Chairman of the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission

Ambassador Bethwell Kiplagat, the mandate of which is set out in Gazette Notice No. 15894 of 2010:

AND WHEREAS your personal attendance is required as a witness to give evidence.

NOW THEREFORE you are ordered to attend the investigation at ……at ……........................….....…a.m., on the ………..........…… day

of………….....…2011, as a Witness in the said investigation and to remain in attendance until released by the Tribunal.

GIVEN under the hand of the Chairman for and on behalf of the said Tribunal this…… of ……………………..2011.

......................................................................................................... Chairman of the Tribunal

To be served on:





Please acknowledge this witness summons by signing hereunder:

...................................... day of ......................................................... 2011.

Dated the 24th January, 2011. ONESMUS K. MUTUNGI,

Chairperson of the Tribunal.



(Cap. 404)


THE under-mentioned applications will be considered by the Transport Licensing Board at Nairobi Railway club, on the following days.

Tuesday, 18th January, 2011—NRB/R/01/11/01 to NRB/R/11/01/25. Wednesday, 19th January, 2011—NRB/R/01/11/26 to NRB/R/11/01/50.

Thursday, 20th January 2011 to consider deferred cases and renewals of the year 2011. Friday, 21st January, 2011 to consider deferred cases and renewals of the year 2011.

Monday, 24th January, 2011—NRB/R/01/11/51 to NRB/R/11/01/75. Tuesday, 25th January, 2011—NRB/R/01/11/76 to NRB/R/11/01/100.

14th January, 2011 THE KENYA GAZETTE 115

Wednesday, 26th January, 2011

Thursday, 27th January 2011 to consider deferred cases and renewals of the year 2011. Friday, 28th January 2011 to consider deferred cases and renewals of the year 2011.

Every Objection in respect of an application shall be lodged with the Licensing Authority and the District Commissioner of the district in which such an application is to be heard and a copy therefore shall be sent to the applicant not less than seven (7) days before the date at which such an

application is to be heard. Objections received later will not be considered except where otherwise stated that the applications are for one vehicle.

Every objector shall include the registration number of his/her vehicle (together with the timetable where applicable), operating on the applicants

proposed route. Those who submit applications in the names of partnership and companies must bring certificates of business registration to the Transport Licensing Board meeting.

Applicants who are Kenya, Tanzania or Uganda citizens of non-African origin must produce their certificates or any other documentary proof of their citizenship.

Applicants who fail to attend the above meeting as per required of this notice, without reasonable cause will have their appl ications refused and should therefore, not expect further communication from the Board.


NRB/R/11/2/1 Panari Cars Limited, P.O. Box 40206 Nairobi

Route: I/Area – South B – Ngumo and back KBL 840E, 25 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/2 Ketnno Sacco, P.O. Box 85722 Machakos Route: Globe – Thika – Mathare North and back

KBL 746X, 25 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/3 Ali Mohamed Guyo, P.O. Box 572 Isiolo Route:

Isiolo – Meru – Nanyuki – Nairobi and back KBN 768U, 7 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/4 Irean palahmen, P.O. Box 9266 Kisumu Route: Nairobi – Kisii – Sirare and back KBM 460G,

11 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/5 Joseph Mwangi Maina, P.O. Box 1490 Karatina

Route: Nairobi – Nyeri and back KBM 744L, 14 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/6 Evelyne Oyula Maende, P.O. Box 48709 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Kenyatta University

and back, KBJ 709C.

NRB/R/11/2/7 Nazishi Motors, P.O. Box 39828 Nairobi Route:

Within Kenya KBK 751V, 5 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/8 Eldoret Express, P.O. Box 30135 Nairobi

Route: Nairobi – Nakuru Kisumu and back KBK 810Q. 67 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/9 Nelson Chengo, P.O. Box 66908 Nairobi Route: within Kenya KBL 656Y 5 passangers.

NRB/R/11/2/10 Njuguna Samuel Mungai, P.O. Box 66908 Nairobi Route: Railways – Karen – Ngong and

back KBM 659B, 37 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/11 Francis N Mwangi, P.O. Box 15297 Nairobi

Route: Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisumu and back KBK 206 P, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/12 Henry Nganga Gikonyo, P.O. Box 31021 Nairobi Route: Bus station – Dagorreti Market –

Kikuyu and back KBK, 298R 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/13 Phares Kibaki Njega, P.O. Box 413 Njoro Route: Nairobi – Narok – Kisumu and back

KBM, 403F 14 Pass

NRB /R/11/2/14 Simon Njagi Kondia, P.O. Box 2874 Nyeri Route: Nakuru – Nanyuki – Meru and back

KBN 119X 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/15 Samuel Kariuki Mungai, P.O. Box 3512 Kitale

Route: Kitale – Kisumu and back KBN 966V, 11 passengers.

NRB /R/011/2/16 Michael Osahah Mwalo, P.O. Box 30599

00100 Nairobi Route: Kiambu – Limuru and back KBM 373G, 28 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/17 September Auto Spares, P.O. Box 93710

Mombasa Route: Bus station – Kiambu and back KBL 974, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/18 Wasioya Salma Muhinini, P.O. Box 1 Nairobi Route: Bamburi – Docks and back KBL 500M,

14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/19 Micro Start Holdings Ltd, P.O. Box 48231

Nairobi Route: Railways – Kiserian and back KBL 191E, 51 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/20 Johnny Michael Thuita, P.O. Box 20 Gilgil; Route: Nairobi – Naivasha – Nakuru – Kisumu

and back KBD 285G, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/21 A. M. Said, P.O. Box 197 Mombasa Route: Bus

station – Kitengela and back KBB 949B, 14 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/22 Henry Maina, P.O. Box 28028 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Kangari – Muranga and back KBN

296L, 14 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/23 Khilji Ent., P.O. Box 476 Malindi Route:

Nairobi – Sirare – Kilgoris and Back and back KBF 714D, 14 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/24 Eufra Ent, P.O. Box 119 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Nakuru – Kabarnet – Eldoret and Back KBN

395A, 7 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/25 Araya S, P.O. Box 4 Kijabe Route: Nairobi –

machakos – Kangundo and Back KBM 578K,14 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/26 Makie Invest co., P.O. Box 14528 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Ruiru – Thika and Back KBM

584D, 14 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/27 S Koskei, P.O. Box 920 Nairobi Route: Odeon –

Kangemi – Uthiru and Back KBF 733H, 33 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/28 Isaac Shitubi, P.O. Box 911 kakamega Route: Eldoret – Kitale – Malaba and Back KBM

671B, 7 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/29 Charles Mwangi, P.O. Box 30527 Nairobi

Route: Khoja – Limuru and Back KBK 109G, 14 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/30 Antony Maina , P.O. Box 60 Nairobi Route: Kayole – Umoja – Outering Rd – Juja Rd –

Gikomba and Back KBB 337F, 14 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/31 Bolpak Trading Co ltd, P.O. Box 13668 Nairobi

Route: Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisumu and Back KBL 451C, 9 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/32 B.M. Muingai, P.O. Box 998 Muranga Route: Kangari – Thika – Nairobi and Back KBM

058C, 14 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/33 Edward Wakahiu Gathuki, P.O. Box 48148

Route: Kangundo – Outering – Nairobi and Back KBM 048A, 26 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/34 Gilbert Onderi , P.O. Box 16314 Nakuru Route: Nakuru – Kisii – Kisumu and Back KBL 825C,

14 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/35 George Titus, P.O. Box 14930 Nairobi Route:

Malindi – Kilifi – Mombasa and Back KBL 518Y, 14 passengers.

THE KENYA GAZETTE 14th January, 2011


NRB/R/11/2/36 Fredrick Kiptanui , P.O. Box 126 Litein Route:

Bomet – Kericho – Nairobi and back KBL 385B, 14 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/37 John Michemi Ngaruni, P.O. Box 67 Marima Route: Meru – Chuka – Nairobi and back KBK

986A, 14 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/38 James Waithanji, P.O. Box 44599 Nairobi

Route: Bus Station – Kayole and back KBM 230A, 46 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/39 Drew company, P.O. Box 14528 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisumu and Back

KBE 617L, 14 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/40 Rhino Safaris Ltd, P.O. Box 48023 Nairobi

Route: Carriage of Tourists within Kenya KBJ 681U,7 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/41 Habiba Sharif, P.O. Box 21824 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Nyeri – and Back KBL 611V, 14


NRB/R/11/2/42 Patrick Oduor Owino, P.O. Box 14528 Nairobi Route: Nairobi Oyugis and Back KBE 512B, 11


NRB/R/11/2/43 Pagama Tulaga Ltd, P.O. Box 270 S. Kinangop Route: Nairobi – olkalou – Nyahururu and Back

KBE 585V, 41 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/44 Stephen Nderitu, P.O. Box 57914 Nairobi

Route: Odeon – Westlands – Kangemi and Back KBL 716U, 14 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/45 Nancy Nyambura, P.O. Box 7142 Eldoret

Route: Nakuru – Nyahururu – Nyeri and Back KBL 811U, 14 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/46 Benjo Transporters Ltd, P.O. Box 42877

Mombasa Route: Nairobi – Kitui – Mwingi and Back KBM 818F, 46 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/47 Discover Kenya Safaris, P.O. Box 24584 Nairobi Route: Carriage of Tourists KBJ 035Q,

9 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/48 Stephen Nderitu, P.O. Box 565 Molo Route:

Nairobi – Nyeri and Back KAS 864J, 14 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/49 Kaburu Festus Muriuki, P.O. Box 366 Meru Route: Nairobi – Embu – Meruand Back KBF

177B, 14 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/50 Crown Tours, P.O. Box 10915 Nairobi Route:

Carriage of Tourists Within Kenya KBD 273Y,8 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/51 Mohammed Ali, P.O. Box 170 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Nairobi – Naivasha – Nakuru and

Back KBF 097H, 14 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/52 F W Mwangi, P.O. Box 310 Nairobi Route:

Thika – Nairobi – Mtito Andei and back KBF 411B, 14 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/53 Tom Kiboma, P.O. Box 658 Thika Route: Nairobi – Kisii – Migori and back KBK 543F,

14 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/54 Kenya Bus Service Mngt, P.O. Box 41001

Nairobi Route: Kawangware Kibera B/S and back KBF 765G, 46 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/55 Patrick Wanga, P.O. Box 267 Gatundu Route:

Nairobi – Meru – Isiolo and back KBD 849F, 14 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/56 Solomon M Macharia, P.O. Box 2032 Naivasha

Route: Nairobi Embu Nyeri and back KBD 470J 682S, 26 passengers.

NRB/R/11/2/57 Eufra Ent Limited, P.O. Box 2032 Naivasha Route: Nairobi – Eldoret – Kitale KBE 013L, 14


NRB/R/11/2/58 Kilimani Motors ltd, P.O. Box 2032 Naivasha

Route: Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisii – Kisumu and back KBK 610A, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/59 Danson Muriithi , P.O. Box 154 Nanyuki Route: Nairobi – Nanyuki – Isiolo and back KBL 224E

14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/60 Patrick Masika, P.O. Box 34826 Nairobi Route:

Kawangware – Yaya – Railways and Back KBB 042A 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/61 Joseph M Ndave, P.O. Box 144 Emali Route: Nairobi – Machakos – Makueni and Back KDB

226P, 29 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/62 C W Nderitu, P.O. Box 777 Nyahururu Route:

Nairobi – Nakuru and back KBC 861Q, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/63 Madthew Waithaka Ndiritu, P.O. Box 21824 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Nanyuki – Isiolo and

back KDB 191P, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/64 Jacob Ngala Owaga, P.O. Box 10 Voi Route:

Likoni – Lunga Lunga and back KBD 809F, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/65 Richard Maina Nyagechi, P.O. Box 20895 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Nakuru and back

KAX 422J, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/66 Private Safaris Ltd, P.O. Box 43366 Nairobi

Route: Within Kenya KBD 499P, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/67 Nancy Waswa, P.O. Box 34611 Nairobi route Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisumu and back KBD

897D, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/68 N W Nderitu, P.O. Box 28786 Nairobi Route:

Nairobi Rongai Kiseriana and back KBC 836G 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/69 Julius N Muthuri, P.O. Box 59380 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Isiolo and Back KAL 975N, 8


NRB /R/11/2/70 Wachira David Kimija, P.O. Box 21824 Route:

Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisumu and back KBJ 903M, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/71 Frola Wairimu Gisthwa, P.O. Box 95350 Mombasa Route: Tudor – Ferry and back KBJ

062L, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/72 Ahamed A marei, P.O. Box 25900 Nairobi

Route: Railways – Ngong – Kiserian and back KBB 728F, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/73 G P Wambui, P.O. Box 74 Ruiru Route: Ndenderu – Aghakhan – Odeon and back KBJ

920N, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/74 Moses J Kamau, P.O. Box 27778 Nairobi

Route: Odeon – Uthiru and back KBC 732S, 29 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/75 Thuo Rechela Wairimu, P.O. Box 143 Menengai west Route: Nairobi _ Nakuru and

back KBK 719C, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/76 Daniel Ndungu Karanja, P.O. Box 91 Siakago

Route: Nairobi – Siakago – Embu and back KBK 449W, 7 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/77 Margaret Wanjiru , P.O. Box 73951 Nairobi Route: Kayole – J Rd – Gikomba and back

KBL 032D, 26 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/78 Francis Giathi Mwaura, P.O. Box 141 Nairobi

Route: Globe – Githurai and back KBF 724H, 29 passengers.

14th January, 2011 THE KENYA GAZETTE 117

NRB /R/11/2/79 Flowerwings Kenya Ltd, P.O. Box 43359

Nairobi Route: within, Kenya KBE 009V, 55 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/80 Esso Motors Sales and Services Station, P.O. Box 879 Nairobi, Route: Within Kenya KBB

516A, 8 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/81 Omar M Artan, P.O. Box 81575 Mombasa,

Route: Nairobi – Nakuru and back KBA 630 W, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/82 Sylals Ndamia Gathura, P.O. Box 12196 Nyeri Route: Nairobi – Nyeri _ Nyahururu and back

KBB 592L,

NRB /R/11/2/83 Oyoo Ongoro, P.O. Box 2032 Naivasha Route:

Eastleigh – Commercial and back KBC 682S, 26 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/84 Eufra Ent ltd, P.O. Box 2032 Naivasha Route: Nairobi – Eldoret – Kitale KBE 013L, 14


NRB /R/11/2/85 Kilimani Motors ltd, P.O. Box 2032 Naivasha

Route: Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisii – Kisumu and back KB 610A, 14 passengers.

NRB /R /11/2/86 Sony Driving School, P.O. Box 2032 Naivasha Route: Temple Road Githurai and back KBF

755H, 51 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/87 Habib Gulam, P.O. Box 75956 Nairobi Route:

Limuru – Nairobi – Nakuru and Back KBE 816E, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/88 David Kimani, P.O. Box 13323 Nakuru Route: Bus Station – Kiambu – Githunguri and back

KBE 155L, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/89 Impact Trading, P.O. Box 34299 Nairobi Route:

Nairobi – Meru – Maua and back KBE 366L, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/90 S Kariuki, P.O. Box 57 Chogoria Route: Odeon – Westlands – Kileleshwa and back KBD 425U,

14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/91 General Motors, P.O. Box 30527 Nairobi Route:

Khoja – Banana – Limuru and back KBE 270V, 51 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/92 Tamasha Africa, P.O. Box 30120 Nairobi Route: Carriage of Tourists within Kenya KBJ

701Y, 9 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/93 Michael Metho, P.O. Box 1436 Nairobi Route:

carriage of tourists within Kenya KBE 035L, 9 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/94 Spendastar, P.O. Box 18554 Nairobi. Route: Nairobi – Machakos – Kagundo – Kitui and

back KBD 128N, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/95 James Mwaura, P.O. Box 8322 Kitale Route:

Nairobi – Eldoret – Kitale and back KBG 747L,11 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/96 2NK SACCO, P.O. Box 74925 Nairobi Route:

Nairobi – Nyeri and Back KBG 133W, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/97 James Munyiri, P.O. Box 7689 Nairobi Route:

Nairobi – Nyeri – Isiolo – Nanyuki and Back KBJ 288H, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/98 Macharia Gatete, P.O. Box 42297 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Nakuru – Ol – kalou –

Nyahururu and Back KBK 738A, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/99 Macharia Gatete, P.O. Box 42297 Nairobi

Route: Nairobi – Nakuru – Ol – kalou – Nyahururu and Back KBL 738A, 14 passengers.

NRB /R/11/2/100 Abulatif marei, P.O. Box 9223 Mombasa

Route: Bamburi – Likoni KBN 562N, 14 passengers.

Dated the 13th January, 2011.


Acting Chief Executive Officer/Secretary, Transport Licensing Board.



(Cap. 404)


THE under-mentioned applications will be considered by the Transport Licensing Board at Nakuru St. Mary’s Pastoral Centre, on the following


Monday, 7th February, 2011—NKR/R/01/11/01 to NKR/R/11/01/50

Tuesday, 8th February, 2011—NKR/R/01/11/51 to NKR/R/11/01/100

Wednesday, 9th February, 2011 to consider deferred cases and renewals of the year 2011

Thursday, 10th February, 2011 Friday, 11th February, 2011

Every objection in respect of an application shall be lodged with the Licensing Authority and the District Commissioner of the District Commissioner of the District in which such an application is to be heard and a copy therefore sent to the applicant not less than seven (7) days before

the date at which such an application is to be heard. Objections received later will not be considered except where otherwise stated that the applications are for one vehicle.

Every objector shall include the registration number of his/her vehicle (together with the timetable where applicable), opera ting on the applicant’s proposed route. Those who submit applications in the names of partnership and companies must bring certificates of business registration to the

Transport Licensing Board meeting.

Applicants who are Kenya, Tanzania or Uganda citizens of non- African origin must produce their certificates or any other documentary proof of

their citizenship.

Applicants who fail to attend the above meeting as required of this notice, without reasonable cause will have their applications refused and

should therefore, not expect further communication from the Board.


THE KENYA GAZETTE 14th January, 2011


NKR/R/11/2/1 Gerald K Mwatha, P.O. Box 56685 Nairobi

Route: Within Kenya KBL 904Q, 29 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/2 Fredrick Mwenda Nduruhu, P.O. Box 44599

Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Mombasa and back KBK 180W, 38 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/3 Njuguna F Mwaura, P.O. Box 434 Kikuyu

Route: Bus station – Dagorreti – Kikuyu and back KBJ 925Q, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/4 David Wambandi Kariuki, P.O. Box 34245 Nairobi Route: Muthurwa – Umoja – Kangundo

and back KBD 767W, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/5 Al Husnain Motors, P.O. Box 99032 Mombasa

Route: Nairobi – Meru – Maua and back KBK 804Q, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/6 Husnain Motors, P.O. Box 99032 Mombasa

Route: Nairobi – Nyahururu and back KBK 470T, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/7 Bolpak motors, P.O. Box 94083 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Machakos and back KDB 496N, 14


NKR/R/11/2/8 Magman Enterprises Limited, P.O. Box 25425

Nairobi Route: Within Kenya KBK 348W, 9 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/9 Paul Mwangi Mbugua, P.O. Box 53970 Nairobi Route: Within Kenya KBK 206R, 9 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/10 Aripal Motors, P.O. Box 52343 Nairobi Route: Nairobii – Kitengela and back KBM 151C, 14


NKR/R/11/02/11 Nazish Motors, P.O. Box 40206 Mombasa

Route: Sirare – Kisii – Kisumu and back KBM 559C, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/1/11/12 Stephen Biko Oduor, P.O. Box 85722 Machakos Route: Globe – Thika – Mathare

North and back KBJ 870Y, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/13 Gerald K Mwatha, P.O. Box 572 Isiolo Route:

Nairobi– Eldoret – Kisumu – Nairobi and back KBN 162Q, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/14 Irean palahmen, P.O. Box 9266 Kisumu Route: Nairobi – Kisii – Sirare and back KBL 460G, 11


NKR/R/11/2/15 Joseph Mwangi Maina, P.O. Box 1490 Karatina

Route: Nairobi – Nyeri and back KBL 744L, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/16 Evelyne Oyula Maende, P.O. Box 48709 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Kenyatta University

and back, KAV 709C.

NKR/R/11/2/17 Nazishi Motors, P.O. Box 39828 Nairobi Route:

Within Kenya KBM 751V, 5 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/18 Jennifer N Muiruri, P.O. Box 70865 Nairobi

Route: Buruburu – Jogoo rd Buruburu and back KBB 602T. 26 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/19 Ana Traders, P.O. Box 66908 Nairobi Route: within Kenya KBM 104S 5 pass

NKR/R/11/2/20 Capital Ventures, P.O. Box 66908 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Kisumu and back KBM 797M,

14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/21 Francis N Mwangi, P.O. Box 15297 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisumu and back

KBM 206 P, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/22 Henry Nganga Gikonyo, P.O. Box 31021

Nairobi Route: Bus station – Dagorreti Market – Kikuyu and back KBM, 298R 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/23 Phares Kibaki Njega, P.O. Box 413 Njoro Route: Nairobi – Narok – Kisumu and back

KBM, 403F 14 Pass

NKR/R/11/2/24 Simon Njagi Kondia, P.O. Box 2874 Nyeri

Route: Nakuru – Nanyuki – Meru and back KBM 119X 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/25 Samuel Kariuki Mungai, P.O. Box 3512 Kitale

Route: Kitale – Kisumu and back KBL 966V, 11 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/26 Michael Osahah Mwalo, P.O. Box 30599 00100 Nairobi Route: Kiambu – Limuru and back

KAC 373G, 28 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/27 September Auto Spares, P.O. Box 93710

Mombasa Route: Bus station – Kiambu and back KBL 974, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/28 Wasioya Salma Muhinini, P.O. Box 1 Nairobi Route: Bamburi – Docks and back KBE 500M,

14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/29 Micro Start Holdings Limited, P.O. Box 48231

Nairobi Route: Railways – Kiserian and back KBK 191E, 51 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/30 Johnny Michael Thuita, P.O. Box 20 Gilgil; Route: Nairobi – Naivasha – Nakuru – Kisumu

and back KBK 285G, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/31 A M Said, P.O. Box 197 Mombasa Route: Bus

station – Kitengela and back KBK 949B, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/32 Nazish Motors ltd, P.O. Box 899 Nairobi Route: Nyeri – Thika and back KBK 573Y, 11


NKR/R/11/2/33 Continental Motors, P.O. Box 33339 Nairobi

Route: Village Market Industrial Area and back, KBK 253W, 11 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/34 Marafiki Savings and Credit, P.O. Box 5441 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Thika – Mwingi and

back KBJ 869Y, 58 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/35 Continental Auto Bazaar, P.O. Box 84869

Mombasa Route: Nairobi – Machakos – Kitui and back KBL 991W, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/36 Boniface Njoroge and Gladys Warundu, P.O. Box 2521 Nakuru Route: Nairobi – Nakuru –

Kisumu – Kakamega and back KBJ 850T, 51 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/37 David Githaiga Muchiri, P.O. Box 3557 Nairobi

Route: Nairobi – Githurai and back KBK 871T, 32 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/38 Tabitha Wangui, P.O. Box 67463 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Thika – Nyeri and back KBN

198R, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/39 Emily J Rono, P.O. Box 677 Nakuru Route:

Railways – Kawangware – Dagorreti and back KBL 195A, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/40 Patric Musyeri Gichuba, P.O. Box 26938

Nairobi Route: Kayole – Umoja, Muthurwa and back KBK 852G, 26 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/41 Paul Otieno Kangenga, P.O. Box 8210 Mombasa Route: Nairobi – Kiambu – Banana

and back KBK 347A, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/42 Dennise Enterprises, P.O. Box 74873 Nairobi

Route: Bus station – Dagoretti – Kikuyu and back KBK 250L, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/43 Zafanana Express Limited, P.O. Box 30135

Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Garissa - Wajir and back KBL 751T, 61 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/44 Central Farmers Carriage Limited, P.O. Box 27778 Nairobi Route: Nairobi Machakos and

back KBJ 955G. 29 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/45 Omar Walid, P.O. Box 39297 Nairobi Route:

Mwiki – Kasarani - Bus station and back KBM 239K, 14 passengers.

14th January, 2011 THE KENYA GAZETTE 119

NKR/R/11/2/46 Nazish Motors Limited, P.O. Box 39828

Mombasa Route: Nairobi – Mombasa and back KBJ 819P, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/47 Nicholas Ontita Mosigisi, P.O. Box 2266

Nairobi Route: Ngong – Railways and back KBL 168P, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/48 Priscilla Chebet Birgen, P.O. Box 7404 Nairobi Route: Nakuru – Eldoret – Kapsabet and back

KBB, 833A. 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/49 Francis T Kukngu, P.O. Box 18924 Nairobi

route Odeon – Kangemi – Uthiru and back KBB 907R, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/50 Payless Car Hire and Tours ltd, P.O. Box 6741 Nairobi Route: Within Kenya KBK 332W, 9


NKR/R/11/2/51 A S Yaya, P.O. Box 94054 Mombasa Route:

Nairobi – Nakuru – Nyeri and back KBD 864D, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/52 James Warui Mwaura, P.O. Box 68069 Route: Railways – Rongai – Kiserian and back KBJ

933L, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/53 Larian Safaris, P.O. Box 2669 Nyeri Route:

Within Kenya KBK 954N, 9 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/54 Gibson Mwangi, P.O. Box 835 Nairobi Route:

Nairobi – Nyeri – Nanyuki and back KBM 652A, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/55 Lucy Wanjeri Githinji, P.O. Box 9104 Nairobi Route: Railways – Ngong – Kiserian and back

KBE 906U, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/56 Mary Nyeri Maina, P.O. Box 152 Kangari

Route: Nairobi – Thika – Nyeri and back KBM 150R, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/57 Joseph Mutonya Nduta, P.O. Box 4248 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Kisumu and back KBM 482P,

14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/58 Sarah N Mwaniki, P.O. Box 8976 Thika Route:

Nairobi – Sultan – Mtito Andei and back KBD 577F, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/59 F N Mugo, P.O. Box 500 Olkarao Route: Nairobi – Nyahururu and back KBD 239Q, 14


NKR/R/11/2/60 Stephen Karanja, P.O. Box 22983 Nairobi

Route: Railways – Ongata Rongai – Kiserian and back KBG, 596K 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/61 Cresta Investments KBS, P.O. Box 30527 Route: Kencom – Ngumo 7 back KBB 234X, 29


NKR/R/11/2/62 Kawinzi Ruth Ndunda, P.O. Box 19004 Nairobi

Route: Kawangware – Yaya – Railways and back KBH 109K, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/63 Asiya Awich, P.O. Box 87167 Mombasa Route: Mtwapa – Ferry – Town and back KBC 315V,

14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/64 Geoffrey Odera Oketch, P.O. Box 373 Ukwala

Route: Kisumu – Luanda – Busia and back KBL 128A, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/65 Impact Trading co ltd, P.O. Box 49000 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Narok Kisii and back KBN

199Q, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/66 Ahmed Issack Somo, P.O. Box 30435 Nairobi

Route: Taveta – Voi – Mombasa and back KBD 326P, 51 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/67 Tom Onchari Nchera, P.O. Box 709 Kisii Route: Nairobi – Narok and back KBD 032U,

14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/68 David Kengere Oyogo, P.O. Box 1378 Kisii

Route: Nairobi – Narok – Kisii – Sirare and back KBD 072U, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/69 S N Kamau, P.O. Box 749225 Nairobi Route: Railways – Community – Ngong and back KBK

911L, 51 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/70 Bon Dia Holdings, P.O. Box 9415 Nairobi

Route: Nairobi – Machakos – Kitui and back KBK 299R, 46passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/71 John Magosri, P.O. Box 20412 00200 Nairobi Route: Kinoo – Westlands – Kangemi –

community and back KBB 611M, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/72 Peter M Mutinda, P.O. Box 7453 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Machakos – Kitui and back

KBA 544K, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/73 Kanyama Ombati, P.O. Box 912 Nairobi Route:

Nyeri – Nairobi and Back KBC 893F, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/74 Ashnil Hotels ltd, P.O. Box 20723 Nairobi Route: Within Kenya KBM 155B, passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/75 O A Mohjin, P.O. Box 154 Nanyuki Route: Nairobi – Nakuru – KSM and back KBK 14


NKR/R/11/2/76 Ashnil Hotels ltd, P.O. Box 34826 Nairobi

Route: Within Kenya KBM 156 B 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/77 Joseph M Ndave, P.O. Box 144 Emali Route: Nairobi – Machakos – Makueni and Back KBK

226P, 29 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/78 C W Nderitu, P.O. Box 777 Nyahururu Route:

Nairobi – Nakuru and back KBC 861Q, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/10/2/79 Madthew Waithaka Ndiritu, P.O. Box 21824 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Nanyuki – Isiolo and

back KBK 191P, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/80 Jacob Ngala Owaga, P.O. Box 10 Voi Route:

Likoni – Lunga Lunga and back KBK 809F, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/81 Richard Maina Nyagechi, P.O. Box 20895 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Nakuru and back KBK

422J, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/82 Private Safaris Limited, P.O. Box 43366

Nairobi Route: Within Kenya KBD 499P, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/83 Nancy Waswa, P.O. Box 34611 Nairobi route Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisumu and back KBD

897D, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/84 N W Nderitu, P.O. Box 28786 Nairobi Route:

Nairobi Rongai Kiseriana and back KBC 836G 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/85 Julius N Muthuri, P.O. Box 59380 Nairobi Route: Nairobi – Isiolo and Back KAL 975N, 8


NKR/R/11/2/86 Wachira David Kimija, P.O. Box 21824 Route:

Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisumu and back KBC 903M, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/87 Frola Wairimu Gisthwa, P.O. Box 95350 Mombasa Route: Tudor – Ferry and back KBK

062L, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/88 Peter Mulani Munyao, P.O. Box 25900 Nairobi

Route: Railways – Ngong – Kiserian and back KBB 728F, 14 passengers.

THE KENYA GAZETTE 14th January, 2011


NKR/R/11/2/89 G P Wambui, P.O. Box 74 Ruiru Route:

Ndenderu – Aghakhan – Odeon and back KBC 920N, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/90 Moses J Kamau, P.O. Box 27778 Nairobi Route: Odeon – Uthiru and back KBK 732S, 29


NKR/R/11/2/91 Thuo Rechela Wairimu, P.O. Box 143

Menengai west Route: Nairobi _ Nakuru and back KBC 719C, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/92 Impact trading co, P.O. Box 95748 Machakos

Route: Nairobi –Narok-Kisii and back KBN 301Q, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/93 John Cheruiyot Ngeno, P.O. Box 798 Litein Route: Bomet – Kericho- Nakuru and back

KBK 328Y, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/94 Francis Giathi Mwaura, P.O. Box 141 Nairobi

Route: Globe- Githurai and back KBK 724H, 29 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/95 Flowerwings Kenya Limited, P.O. Box 43359 Nairobi Route: within, Kenya KBE 009V, 55


NKR/R/11/2/96 Esso Motors Sales and Services Station, P.O.

Box 879 Nairobi, Route: Within Kenya KBJ 516A, 8 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/97 Omar M Artan, P.O. Box 81575 Mombasa, Route: Nairobi – Nakuru and back KBJ 630 W,

14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/98 Sylals Ndamia Gathura, P.O. Box 12196 Nyeri

Route: Nairobi – Nyeri _ Nyahururu and back KBK 592L, 14 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/99 Ashnil Hotels Limited, P.O. Box 19756 Nairobi Route: Within Kenya KBM 157B, 7 passengers.

NKR/R/11/2/100 Kenya Bus Service Limited, P.O. Box 41001 Nairobi Route: Eastleigh-B/stn-KNH-

Kawangware KBL 909U, 33 passengers.

Dated the 13th January, 2011.

C. J. NGESO, Acting Chief Executive Officer/Secretary,

Transport Licensing Board.



(Cap. 404)


THE under-mentioned applications will be considered by the Transport Licensing Board at Kakamega County Hall, on the following days.

Wednesday, 23rd February, 2011—KK/R/01/11/01 to KK/R/11/01/50 Thursday, 24th February, 2011—KK/R/01/11/51 to KK/R/11/01/100

Friday, 25th February, 2011 to consider deferred cases and renewals of the year 2011

Every Objection in respect of an application shall be lodged with the Licensing Authority and the District Commissioner of the district in which

such an application is to be heard and a copy therefore shall be sent to the applicant not less than seven (7) days before the date at which such an application is to be heard. Objections received later will not be considered except where otherwise stated that the applications are for one vehicle.

Every objector shall include the registration number of his/her vehicle (together with the timetable where applicable), operating on the applicants proposed route. Those who submit applications in the names of partnership and companies must bring certificates of business registration to the

Transport Licensing Board meeting.

Applicants who are Kenya, Tanzania or Uganda citizens of non-African origin must produce their certificates or any other documentary proof of

their citizenship.

Applicants who fail to attend the above meeting as per required of this notice, without reasonable cause will have their applications refused and

should therefore, not expect further communication from the Board.


KK/R/11/2/1 Aljool Enterprises ltd, P.O. Box 40206 Nairobi. Route: Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisumu and back

KBM 840E, 14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/2 Ketnno Sacco, P.O. Box 85722 Machakos.

Route: Globe – Thika – Mathare North and back KBL 746X, 14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/3 Ali Mohamed Guyo, P.O. Box 572 Isiolo.

Route: Isiolo – Meru – Nanyuki – Nairobi and back KBM 768U, 7 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/4 Irean palahmen, P.O. Box 9266 Kisumu. Route: Nairobi – Kisii – Sirare and back KBN 460G,

11 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/5 Joseph Mwangi Maina, P.O. Box 1490

Karatina. Route: Nairobi – Nyeri and back KBL 744L, 14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/6 Evelyne Oyula Maende, P.O. Box 48709

Nairobi. Route: Nairobi – Kenyatta University and back, KBJ 709C.

KK/R/11/2/7 Nazishi Motors, P.O. Box 39828 Nairobi. Route: Within Kenya KBK 751V, 5 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/8 Eldoret Express, P.O. Box 30135 Nairobi. Route: Nairobi – Nakuru Kisumu and back

KBL 810Q. 67 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/9 Nelson Chengo, P.O. Box 66908 Nairobi.

Route: within Kenya KBN 656Y 5 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/10 Njuguna Samuel Mungai, P.O. Box 66908 Nairobi. Route: Railways – Karen – Ngong

and back KBM 659B, 37 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/11 Francis N Mwangi, P.O. Box 15297 Nairobi.

Route: Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisumu and back KBN 206 P, 14 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/12 Henry Nganga Gikonyo, P.O. Box 31021

Nairobi. Route: Bus station – Dagorreti Market – Kikuyu and back KBM, 298R 14 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/13 Phares Kibaki Njega, P.O. Box 413 Njoro. Route: Nairobi – Narok – Kisumu and back

KBM, 403F 14 Pass

KK /R/11/2/14 Simon Njagi Kondia, P.O. Box 2874 Nyeri.

Route: Nakuru – Nanyuki – Meru and back KBK 119X 14 passengers.

14th January, 2011 THE KENYA GAZETTE 121

KK /R/11/2/15 Samuel Kariuki Mungai, P.O. Box 3512 Kitale.

Route: Kitale – Kisumu and back KBL 966V, 11 passengers.

KK /R/011/2/16 Michael Osahah Mwalo, P.O. Box 30599

00100 Nairobi. Route: Kiambu – Limuru and back KBM 373G, 28 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/17 September Auto Spares, P.O. Box 93710 Mombasa. Route: Bus station – Kiambu and

back KBL 974, 14 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/18 Wasioya Salma Muhinini, P.O. Box 1 Nairobi.

Route: Bamburi – Docks and back KBL 500M, 14 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/19 Micro Start Holdings Ltd, P.O. Box 48231

Nairobi. Route: Railways – Kiserian and back KBL 191E, 51 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/20 Johnny Michael Thuita, P.O. Box 20 Gilgil;. Route: Nairobi – Naivasha – Nakuru – Kisumu

and back KBD 285G, 14 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/21 A M Said, P.O. Box 197 Mombasa. Route: Bus

station – Kitengela and back KBL 949B, 14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/22 Henry Maina, P.O. Box 28028 Nairobi. Route: Nairobi – Kangari – Muranga and back KBM

296L, 14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/23 Khilji Ent., P.O. Box 476 Malindi. Route:

Nairobi – Sirare – Kilgoris and Back and back KBF 714D, 14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/24 Eufra Ent, P.O. Box 119 Nairobi. Route: Nairobi – Nakuru – Kabarnet – Eldoret and

Back KBF 395A, 7 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/25 Araya S, P.O. Box 4 Kijabe. Route: Nairobi – machakos – Kangundo and Back KBK 578K,14


KK/R/11/2/26 Makie Invest co., P.O. Box 14528 Nairobi. Route: Nairobi – Ruiru – Thika and Back KBF

584D, 14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/27 S Koskei, P.O. Box 920 Nairobi. Route: Odeon

– kangemi – Uthiru and Back KBF 733H, 33 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/28 Isaac Shitubi, P.O. Box 911 kakamega. Route:

Eldoret – Kitale – Malaba and Back KBE 671B, 7 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/29 Charles Mwangi, P.O. Box 30527 Nairobi.

Route: Khoja – Limuru and Back KBK 109G, 14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/30 Antony Maina , P.O. Box 60 Nairobi. Route: Kayole – Umoja – Outering Rd – Juja Rd –

Gikomba and Back KBB 337F, 14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/31 Bolpak Trading Co ltd, P.O. Box 13668

Nairobi. Route: Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisumu and Back KBL 451C, 9 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/32 B.M. Muingai, P.O. Box 998 Muranga. Route: Kangari – Thika – Nairobi and Back KBN

058C, 14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/33 Edward Wakahiu Gathuki, P.O. Box 48148.

Route: Kangundo – Outering – Nairobi and Back KBN 048A, 26 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/34 Gilbert Onderi , P.O. Box 16314 Nakuru. Route: Nakuru – Kisii – Kisumu and Back KBL 825C,

14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/35 George Titus, P.O. Box 14930 Nairobi. Route:

Malindi – Kilifi – Mombasa and Back KBD 518Y, 14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/36 Fredrick Kiptanui , P.O. Box 126 Litein. Route:

Bomet – Kericho – Nairobi and back KBL 385B, 14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/37 John Michemi Ngaruni, P.O. Box 67 Marima.

Route: Meru – Chuka – Nairobi and back KBK 986A, 14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/38 James Waithanji, P.O. Box 44599 Nairobi. Route: Bus Station – Kayole and back KBM

230A, 46 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/39 Drew company, P.O. Box 14528 Nairobi.

Route: Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisumu and Back KBE 617L, 14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/40 Rhino Safaris Ltd, P.O. Box 48023 Nairobi.

Route: Carriage of Tourists within Kenya KBJ 681U,7 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/41 Habiba Sharif, P.O. Box 21824 Nairobi. Route: Nairobi – Nyeri – and Back KBL 611V, 14


KK/R/11/2/42 Patrick Oduor Owino, P.O. Box 14528 Nairobi.

Route: Nairobi Oyugis and Back KBE 512B, 11 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/43 Pagama Tulaga Ltd, P.O. Box 270 S. Kinangop. Route: Nairobi – olkalou – Nyahururu and Back

KBE 585V, 41 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/44 Stephen Nderitu, P.O. Box 57914 Nairobi.

Route: Odeon – Westlands – Kangemi and Back KBL 716U, 14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/45 Nancy Nyambura, P.O. Box 7142 Eldoret. Route: Nakuru – Nyahururu – Nyeri and Back

KBEL811U, 14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/46 Benjo Transporters Ltd, P.O. Box 42877

Mombasa. Route: Nairobi – Kitui – Mwingi and Back KBF 818F, 46 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/47 Discover Kenya Safaris, P.O. Box 24584 Nairobi. Route: Carriage of Tourists KBJ

035Q, 9 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/48 Stephen Nderitu, P.O. Box 565 Molo. Route:

Nairobi – Nyeri and Back KAS 864J, 14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/49 Kaburu Festus Muriuki, P.O. Box 366 Meru. Route: Nairobi – Embu – Meruand Back KBF

177B, 14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/50 Crown Tours, P.O. Box 10915 Nairobi. Route:

Carriage of Tourists Within Kenya KBD 273Y,8 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/51 Mohammed Ali, P.O. Box 170 Nairobi. Route: Nairobi – Nairobi – Naivasha – Nakuru and

Back KBF 097H, 14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/52 F W Mwangi, P.O. Box 310 Nairobi. Route:

Thika – Nairobi – Mtito Andei and back KBF 411B, 14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/53 Tom Kiboma, P.O. Box 658 Thika. Route: Nairobi – Kisii – Migori and back KBN 543F,

14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/54 Kenya Bus Service Mngt, P.O. Box 41001

Nairobi. Route: Kawangware Kibera B/S and back KBM 765G, 46 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/55 Patrick wanga, P.O. Box 267 Gatundu. Route: Nairobi – Meru – Isiolo and back KBK 849F,

14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/56 Solomon M Macharia, P.O. Box 2032 Naivasha.

Route: Nairobi Embu Nyeri and back KBD 470J 682S, 26 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/57 Eufra Ent ltd, P.O. Box 2032 Naivasha . Route: Nairobi – Eldoret – Kitale KBE 013L, 14


THE KENYA GAZETTE 14th January, 2011


KK/R/11/2/58 Kilimani Motors ltd, P.O. Box 2032 Naivasha.

Route: Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisii – Kisumu and back KBK 610A, 14 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/59 Danson Muriithi , P.O. Box 154 Nanyuki. Route: Nairobi – Nanyuki – Isiolo and back

KBL 224E 14 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/60 Patrick Masika, P.O. Box 34826 Nairobi. Route:

Kawangware – Yaya – Railways and Back KBB 042A 14 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/61 Joseph M Ndave, P.O. Box 144 Emali. Route: Nairobi – Machakos – Makueni and Back KBM

226P, 29 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/62 C W Nderitu, P.O. Box 777 Nyahururu. Route:

Nairobi – Nakuru and back KBL 861Q, 14 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/63 Madthew Waithaka Ndiritu, P.O. Box 21824 Nairobi. Route: Nairobi – Nanyuki – Isiolo and

back KDB 191P, 14 passengers.

KSI /R/11/2/64 Jacob Ngala Owaga, P.O. Box 10 Voi. Route:

Likoni – Lunga Lunga and back KBD 809F, 14 passengers.

KSI /R/11/2/65 Richard Maina Nyagechi, P.O. Box 20895

Nairobi. Route: Nairobi – Nakuru and back

KAX 422J, 14 passengers.

KSI /R/11/2/66 Private Safaris Ltd, P.O. Box 43366 Nairobi.

Route: Within Kenya KBD 499P, 14


KSI /R/11/2/67 Nancy Waswa, P.O. Box 34611 Nairobi route

Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisumu and back KBD

897D, 14 passengers.

KSI /R/11/2/68 N W Nderitu, P.O. Box 28786 Nairobi. Route:

Nairobi Rongai Kiseriana and back KBC 836G

14 passengers.

KSI /R/11/2/69 Julius N Muthuri, P.O. Box 59380 Nairobi.

Route: Nairobi – Isiolo and Back KBL 975N, 8


KK /R/11/2/70 Wachira David Kimija, P.O. Box 21824. Route:

Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisumu and back KBJ

903M, 14 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/71 Frola Wairimu Gisthwa, P.O. Box 95350

Mombasa. Route: Tudor – Ferry and back KBJ

062L, 14 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/72 Peter Mulani Munyao, P.O. Box 25900 Nairobi.

Route: Railways – Ngong – Kiserian and back

KBB 728F, 14 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/73 G P Wambui, P.O. Box 74 Ruiru. Route:

Ndenderu – Aghakhan – Odeon and back KBJ

920N, 14 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/74 Moses J Kamau, P.O. Box 27778 Nairobi.

Route: Odeon – Uthiru and back KBC 732S, 29


KK /R/11/2/75 Thuo Rechela Wairimu, P.O. Box 143

Menengai west. Route: Nairobi _ Nakuru and

back KBK 719C, 14 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/76 Daniel Ndungu Karanja, P.O. Box 91 Siakago.

Route: Nairobi – Siakago – Embu and back

KBM 449W, 7 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/77 Margaret Wanjiru , P.O. Box 73951 Nairobi .

Route: Kayole – J Rd – Gikomba and back

KBL 032D, 26 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/78 Francis Giathi Mwaura, P.O. Box 141 Nairobi.

Route: Globe – Githurai and back KBM 724H,

29 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/79 Flowerwings Kenya Ltd, P.O. Box 43359

Nairobi. Route: within, Kenya KBN 009V, 55


KK /R/11/2/80 Esso Motors Sales and Services Station, P.O.

Box 879 Nairobi,. Route: Within Kenya KBB

516A, 8 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/81 Omar M Artan, P.O. Box 81575 Mombasa,.

Route: Nairobi – Nakuru and back KBA 630 W,

14 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/82 Sylals Ndamia Gathura, P.O. Box 12196 Nyeri.

Route: Nairobi – Nyeri _ Nyahururu and back

KBB 592L,

KK /R/11/2/83 Oyoo Ongoro, P.O. Box 2032 Naivasha. Route:

Eastleigh – Commercial and back KBC 682S,

26 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/84 Eufra Ent ltd, P.O. Box 2032 Naivasha . Route:

Nairobi – Eldoret – Kitale KBE 013L, 14


KK /R/11/2/85 Kilimani Motors ltd, P.O. Box 2032 Naivasha.

Route: Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisii – Kisumu and

back KB 610A, 14 passengers.

KK /R /11/2/86 Sony Driving School, P.O. Box 2032 Naivasha.

Route: Temple Road Githurai and back KBF

755H, 51 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/87 Habib Gulam, P.O. Box 75956 Nairobi. Route:

Limuru – Nairobi – Nakuru and Back KBE

816E, 14 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/88 David Kimani, P.O. Box 13323 Nakuru. Route:

Bus Station – Kiambu – Githunguri and back

KBE 155L, 14 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/89 Impact Trading, P.O. Box 34299 Nairobi.

Route: Nairobi – Meru – Maua and back KBE

366L, 14 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/90 S Kariuki, P.O. Box 57 Chogoria. Route: Odeon

– Westlands – Kileleshwa and back KBD 425U,

14 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/91 General Motors, P.O. Box 30527 Nairobi.

Route: Khoja – Banana – Limuru and back

KBN 270V, 51 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/92 Tamasha Africa, P.O. Box 30120 Nairobi.

Route: Carriage of Tourists within Kenya KBJ

701Y, 9 passengers.

KK/R/11/2/93 Michael Metho, P.O. Box 1436 Nairobi. Route:

carriage of tourists within Kenya KBL 035L, 9


KK /R/11/2/94 Spendastar, P.O. Box 18554 Nairobi.. Route:

Nairobi – Machakos – Kagundo – Kitui and

back KBL 128N, 14 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/95 James Mwaura, P.O. Box 8322 Kitale. Route:

Nairobi – Eldoret – Kitale and back KBM

747L,11 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/96 2NK SACCO, P.O. Box 74925 Nairobi. Route:

Nairobi – Nyeri and Back KBL 133W, 14


14th January, 2011 THE KENYA GAZETTE 123

KK /R/11/2/97 James Munyiri, P.O. Box 7689 Nairobi. Route:

Nairobi – Nyeri – Isiolo – Nanyuki and Back

KBM 288H, 14 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/98 Macharia Gatete, P.O. Box 42297 Nairobi.

Route: Nairobi – Nakuru – Ol – kalou –

Nyahururu and Back KBM 738A, 14


KK /R/11/2/99 Macharia Gatete, P.O. Box 42297 Nairobi.

Route: Nairobi – Nakuru – Ol – kalou –

Nyahururu and Back KBL 738A, 14 passengers.

KK /R/11/2/100 Sammy Traders , P.O. Box 9223 Kisumu . Route:

Kisii – Kisumu – Sirare KBN 173F, 14


Dated the 13th January, 2011.

C. J. NGESO, Acting Chief Executive Officer/Secretary,

Transport Licensing Board.



(Cap. 404)


THE under-mentioned applications will be considered by the Transport Licensing Board at Eldoret Municipal Hall, on the following days.

Monday, 28th February, 2011—ELD/R/1/11/01 to ELD/R/11/1/50 Tuesday, 1st March 2011—ELD/R/01/11/51 to ELD/R/11/01/100

Wednesday, 2nd March, 2011 to consider deferred cases and renewals of the year 2011

Thursday, 3rd March 2011 to consider deferred cases and renewals of the year 2011

Friday, 4th March 2011 to consider deferred cases and renewals of the year 2011

Every Objection in respect of an application shall be lodged with the Licensing Authority and the District Commissioner of the district in which

such an application is to be heard and a copy therefore shall be sent to the applicant not less than seven (7) days before the date at which such an application is to be heard. Objections received later will not be considered except where otherwise stated that the applications are for one vehicle.

Every objector shall include the registration number of his/her vehicle (together with the timetable where applicable), operating on the applicants proposed route. Those who submit applications in the names of partnership and companies must bring certificates of business registration to the

Transport Licensing Board meeting.

Applicants who are Kenya, Tanzania or Uganda citizens of non-African origin must produce their certificates or any other documentary proof of

their citizenship.

Applicants who fail to attend the above meeting as per required of this notice, without reasonable cause will have their applications refused and

should therefore, not expect further communication from the Board.


ELD/R/11/1/1 Aduor General contractors ltd, P.O. Box 40206 Mombasa. Route: Nairobi – Kisii – Oyugis

KBN 838G, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/2 Const.Air Safaris, P.O. Box 85722 Machakos.

Route: Globe – Thika – Mathare North and back KBK 444K, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/3 Ali Mohamed Guyo, P.O. Box 572 Isiolo. Route: Isiolo – Meru – Nanyuki – Nairobi and

back KBK 768U, 7 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/4 Irean palahmen, P.O. Box 9266 Kisumu. Route:

Nairobi – Kisii – Sirare and back KBL 460G, 11 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/5 Joseph Mwangi Maina, P.O. Box 1490 Karatina. Route: Nairobi – Nyeri and back KBL

744L, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/6 Evelyne Oyula Maende, P.O. Box 48709

Nairobi. Route: Nairobi – Kenyatta University and back, KBJ 709C.

ELD /R/11/1/7 Nazishi Motors, P.O. Box 39828 Nairobi. Route: Within Kenya KBL 751V, 5 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/8 Jennifer N Muiruri, P.O. Box 70865 Nairobi. Route: Buruburu – Jogoo rd Buruburu and back

KBL 602T. 26 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/9 Ana Traders, P.O. Box 66908 Nairobi. Route:

within Kenya KBK 104S 5 pass

ELD /R/11/1/10 Breaburn, P.O. Box 66908 Nairobi. Route:

Nairobi – Kisumu and back KBL 797M, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/11 Francis N Mwangi, P.O. Box 15297 Nairobi. Route: Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisumu and back

KBM 206 P, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/12 Henry Nganga Gikonyo, P.O. Box 31021

Nairobi. Route: Bus station – Dagorreti Market – Kikuyu and back KBM 298R 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/13 Phares Kibaki Njega, P.O. Box 413 Njoro.

Route: Nairobi – Narok – Kisumu and back KBM, 403F 14 Pass

ELD /R/11/1/14 Simon Njagi Kondia, P.O. Box 2874 Nyeri.

Route: Nakuru – Nanyuki – Meru and back KBM 119X 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/15 Samuel Kariuki Mungai, P.O. Box 3512 Kitale. Route: Kitale – Kisumu and back KBB 966V,

11 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/16 Michael Osahah Mwalo, P.O. Box 30599 00100 Nairobi. Route: Kiambu – Limuru and

back KAC 373G, 28 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/17 September Auto Spares, P.O. Box 93710 Mombasa. Route: Bus station – Kiambu and

back KBE 974, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/18 Wasioya Salma Muhinini, P.O. Box 1 Nairobi.

Route: Bamburi – Docks and back KBE 500M, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/19 Micro Start Holdings Ltd, P.O. Box 48231

Nairobi. Route: Railways – Kiserian and back KBK 191E, 51 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/20 Johnny Michael Thuita, P.O. Box 20 Gilgil;.

Route: Nairobi – Naivasha – Nakuru – Kisumu and back KBM 285G, 14 passengers.

THE KENYA GAZETTE 14th January, 2011


ELD /R/11/1/21 A M Said, P.O. Box 197 Mombasa. Route: Bus

station – Kitengela and back KBL 949B, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/22 Henry Maina, P.O. Box 28028 Nairobi. Route: Nairobi-Kangari-Muranga and back KAL 296L,

14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/23 Khilji Ent., P.O. Box 476 Malindi. Route:

Nairobi-Sirare-Kilgoris and Back and back KBM 714D, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/24 Eufra Ent, P.O. Box 119 Nairobi. Route: Nairobi-Nakuru-Kabarnet-Eldoret and Back

KBL 395A, 7 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/25 Araya S, P.O. Box 4 Kijabe. Route: Nairobi-

machakos-Kangundo and Back KBL 578K,14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/26 Makie Invest co., P.O. Box 14528 Nairobi.

Route: Nairobi-Ruiru-Thika and Back KBM 584D, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/1/1/27 S Koskei, P.O. Box 920 Nairobi. Route: Odeon-kangemi-Uthiru and Back KBM 733H, 33


ELD /R/11/1/28 Isaac Shitubi, P.O. Box 911 kakamega. Route:

Eldoret-Kitale-Malaba and Back KBE 671B, 7 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/29 Charles Mwangi, P.O. Box 30527 Nairobi. Route: Khoja-Limuru and Back KBL 109G, 14


ELD /R/11/1/30 Antony Maina , P.O. Box 60 Nairobi. Route:

Kayole-Umoja-Outering Rd-Juja Rd-Gikomba and Back KBB 337F, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/31 William Ngare Prestige Shuttle, P.O. Box 13668 Nairobi. Route: Nairobi-Nakuru-Kisumu and

Back KBD 819C, 11 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/32 B.M. Muingai, P.O. Box 998 Muranga. Route:

Kangari-Thika-Nairobi and Back KBM 058C, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/33 Edward Wakahiu Gathuki, P.O. Box 48148. Route: Kangundo-Outering-Nairobi and Back

KBL 048A, 26 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/34 Gilbert Onderi , P.O. Box 16314 Nakuru. Route:

Nakuru-Kisii-Kisumu and Back KBK 825C, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/35 George Titus, P.O. Box 14930 Nairobi. Route: Malindi-Kilifi-Mombasa and Back KBD 518Y,

14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/36 Fredrick Kiptanui , P.O. Box 126 Litein. Route:

Bomet-Kericho-Nairobi and back KBK 385B, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/37 John Michemi Ngaruni, P.O. Box 67 Marima. Route: Meru-Chuka-Nairobi and back KBK

986A, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/38 James Waithanji, P.O. Box 44599 Nairobi.

Route: Bus Station-Kayole and back KBK 230A, 46 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/39 Drew company, P.O. Box 14528 Nairobi.

Route: Nairobi-Nakuru-Kisumu and Back KBE 617L, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/40 Rhino Safaris Ltd, P.O. Box 48023 Nairobi. Route: Carriage of Tourists within Kenya KAX

681U,7 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/41 Habiba Sharif, P.O. Box 21824 Nairobi. Route:

Nairobi-Nyeri-and Back KBE 611V, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/42 Patrick Oduor Owino, P.O. Box 14528 Nairobi.

Route: Nairobi Oyugis and Back KBE 512B, 11 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/43 Pagama Tulaga Ltd, P.O. Box 270 S. Kinangop.

Route: Nairobi-olkalou-Nyahururu and Back KBE 585V, 41 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/44 Stephen Nderitu, P.O. Box 57914 Nairobi. Route: Odeon-Westlands-Kangemi and Back

KBE 716U, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/45 Nancy Nyambura, P.O. Box 7142 Eldoret.

Route: Nakuru-Nyahururu-Nyeri and Back KBE 811U, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/46 Benjo Transporters Ltd, P.O. Box 42877 Mombasa. Route: Nairobi-Kitui-Mwingi and

Back KBF 818F, 46 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/47 Discover Kenya Safaris, P.O. Box 24584

Nairobi. Route: Carriage of Tourists KBD 035Q, 9 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/48 Stephen Nderitu, P.O. Box 565 Molo. Route:

Nairobi-Nyeri and Back KAS 864J, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/49 Kaburu Festus Muriuki, P.O. Box 366 Meru. Route: Nairobi-Embu-Meruand Back KBF

177B, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/50 Crown Tours, P.O. Box 10915 Nairobi. Route:

Carriage of Tourists Within Kenya KBM 273Y, 8 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/51 Mohammed Ali, P.O. Box 170 Nairobi. Route: Nairobi-Nairobi-Naivasha-Nakuru and Back

KBF 097H, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/52 F W Mwangi, P.O. Box 310 Nairobi. Route:

Thika-Nairobi-Mtito Andei and back KBF 411B, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/53 Tom Kiboma, P.O. Box 658 Thika. Route: Nairobi-Kisii-Migori and back KBL 543F, 14


ELD /R/11/1/54 Ebenangi Enterprises, P.O. Box 267 Nairobi.

Route: Nairobi-Mwingi and back KBK 931H, 46 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/55 Simon Githinji, P.O. Box 267 Gatundu. Route:Thika-Railways-Rongai-Kiserian and

back KBL 849F, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/56 Oyoo Ongoro, P.O. Box 2032 Naivasha. Route:

Eastleigh-Commercial and back KBL 682S, 26 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/57 Eufra Ent ltd, P.O. Box 2032 Naivasha . Route: Nairobi-Eldoret-Kitale KBL 013L, 14


ELD /R/11/1/58 Kilimani Motors ltd, P.O. Box 2032 Naivasha.

Route: Nairobi-Nakuru-Kisii-Kisumu and back KB 610A, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/59 Danson Muriithi Mwai, P.O. Box 154 Nanyuki. Route: Nairobi – Nanyuki – Isiolo and back

KAU 224E 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/60 Patrick Masika, P.O. Box 34826 Nairobi. Route:

Kawangware – Yaya – Railways and Back KBB 042A 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/61 Joseph M Ndave, P.O. Box 144 Emali. Route: Nairobi – Machakos – Makueni and Back KDB

226P, 29 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/62 C W Nderitu, P.O. Box 777 Nyahururu. Route:

Nairobi – Nakuru and back KBC 861Q, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/63 Madthew Waithaka Ndiritu, P.O. Box 21824 Nairobi. Route: Nairobi – Nanyuki – Isiolo and

back KDB 191P, 14 passengers.

14th January, 2011 THE KENYA GAZETTE 125

ELD /R/11/1/64 Jacob Ngala Owaga, P.O. Box 10 Voi. Route:

Likoni – Lunga Lunga and back KBD 809F, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/65 Richard Maina Nyagechi, P.O. Box 20895 Nairobi. Route: Nairobi – Nakuru and back

KAX 422J, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/66 Private Safaris Ltd, P.O. Box 43366 Nairobi.

Route: Within Kenya KBD 499P, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/67 Nancy Waswa, P.O. Box 34611 Nairobi route Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisumu and back KBD

897D, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/68 N W Nderitu, P.O. Box 28786 Nairobi. Route:

Nairobi Rongai Kiseriana and back KBC 836G 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/69 Julius N Muthuri, P.O. Box 59380 Nairobi. Route: Nairobi – Isiolo and Back KAL 975N, 8


NYR /R/11/1/70 Wachira David Kimija, P.O. Box 21824. Route:

Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisumu and back KBC 903M, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/71 Frola Wairimu Gisthwa, P.O. Box 95350 Mombasa. Route: Tudor – Ferry and back KBJ

062L, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/72 Peter Mulani Munyao, P.O. Box 25900 Nairobi.

Route: Railways – Ngong – Kiserian and back KBB 728F, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/73 G P Wambui, P.O. Box 74 Ruiru. Route: Ndenderu – Aghakhan – Odeon and back KBJ

920N, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/74 Moses J Kamau, P.O. Box 27778 Nairobi.

Route: Odeon – Uthiru and back KBC 732S, 29 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/75 Thuo Rechela Wairimu, P.O. Box 143 Menengai west. Route: Nairobi _ Nakuru and

back KBC 719C, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/76 Nthanga Benson Lumumba, P.O. Box 103

Machakos. Route: Nairobi _ Mombasa and back KBC 318D, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/77 John Cheruiyot Ngeno, P.O. Box 798 Litein. Route: Bomet – Kericho- Nakuru and back

KBD 328Y, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/78 Francis Giathi Mwaura, P.O. Box 141 Nairobi.

Route: Globe- Githurai and back KBF 724H, 29 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/79 Flowerwings Kenya Ltd, P.O. Box 43359 Nairobi. Route: within, Kenya KBL 009V, 55


ELD /R/11/1/80 Esso Motors Sales and Services Station, P.O.

Box 879 Nairobi,. Route: Within Kenya KBL 516A, 8 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/81 Omar M Artan, P.O. Box 81575 Mombasa,. Route: Nairobi – Nakuru and back KBL 630 W,

14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/82 Sylals Ndamia Gathura, P.O. Box 12196 Nyeri.

Route: Nairobi – Nyeri _ Nyahururu and back KBB 592L,

ELD /R/11/1/83 Oyoo Ongoro, P.O. Box 2032 Naivasha. Route:

Eastleigh-Commercial and back KBC 682S, 26 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/84 Eufra Ent ltd, P.O. Box 2032 Naivasha . Route: Nairobi-Eldoret-Kitale KBE 013L, 14


ELD /R/11/1/85 Kilimani Motors ltd, P.O. Box 2032 Naivasha.

Route: Nairobi-Nakuru-Kisii-Kisumu and back KBM 610A, 14 passengers.

ELD /R /11/1/86 Sony Driving School, P.O. Box 2032 Naivasha. Route: Temple Road Githurai and back KBF

755H, 51 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/87 Habib Gulam, P.O. Box 75956 Nairobi. Route:

Limuru-Nairobi-Nakuru and Back KBE 816E, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/88 David Kimani, P.O. Box 13323 Nakuru. Route: Bus Station-Kiambu-Githunguri and back KBE

155L, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/89 Impact Trading, P.O. Box 34299 Nairobi.

Route: Nairobi-Meru-Maua and back KBE 366L, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/90 S Kariuki, P.O. Box 57 Chogoria. Route: Odeon-Westlands-Kileleshwa and back KBD

425U, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/91 General Motors, P.O. Box 30527 Nairobi.

Route: Khoja-Banana-Limuru and back KBK 270V, 51 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/92 Tamasha Africa, P.O. Box 30120 Nairobi. Route: Carriage of Tourists within Kenya KBJ

701Y, 9 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/93 Michael Metho, P.O. Box 1436 Nairobi. Route:

carriage of tourists within Kenya KBE 035L, 9 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/94 Spendastar, P.O. Box 18554 Nairobi.. Route: Nairobi-Machakos-Kagundo-Kitui and back

KBM 128N, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/95 James Mwaura, P.O. Box 8322 Kitale. Route: Nairobi-Eldoret-Kitale and back KBG 747L,11


ELD /R/11/1/96 2NK SACCO, P.O. Box 74925 Nairobi. Route:

Nairobi-Nyeri and Back KBG 133W, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/97 James Munyiri, P.O. Box 7689 Nairobi. Route: Nairobi-Nyeri-Isiolo-Nanyuki and Back KBJ

288H, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/98 Macharia Gatete, P.O. Box 42297 Nairobi.

Route: Nairobi-Nakuru-Ol-kalou-Nyahururu and Back KBM 738A, 14 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/99 Easy Coach Ltd, P.O. Box 42297 Nairobi. Route: Nairobi-Nakuru-Kericho-Mumias and

Back KBM782B 738B, 38 passengers.

ELD /R/11/1/100 Easy Coach Ltd , P.O. Box 14946 Nairobi. Route:

Nairobi-Nakuru-Kitale and Back KBM 783B, 38 passengers.

Dated 13th January, 2011. C.J. NGESO,

Acting Chief Executive Officer/Secretary, Transport Licensing Board.