argumentative essay

argumentat ive essays

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Page 1: Argumentative essay

argumentative essays

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In argumentative essays

we try to convince othersto agree with our facts, share our values,accept our argument and conclusions, and adopt our way of thinking.

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Elements toward building a good persuasive essay include

1. establishing factsto support an argument

2. clarifying relevant valuesfor your audience (perspective)

3. prioritizing, editing, and/or sequencingthe facts and values in importance to build

the argument 4. forming and stating conclusions

5. "persuading" your audience that your conclusionsare based upon the agreed-upon facts and shared values

6. having the confidenceto communicate your "persuasion" in writing

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Here are some strategies to complete a persuasive writing assignment:

1. Write out the questions in your own words.2. Think of the questions posed in the assignment

while you are reading and researching. 3. Determine facts4. any sources that will help you determine their reliability

(as well as for further reference)5. what prejudices lie in the argument

or values that color the facts or the issue6. what you think of the author's argument7. List out facts; consider their importance:

prioritize, edit, sequence, discard, etc.

8. Ask yourself "What's missing?"

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ARGUE IT! Possible Essay Topics

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Making a claim

What is an argument? = the “claim”, or “main idea”, or “thesis statement”

IMPORTANT: a CLAIM must be backed up with evidence that supports the idea.

It is time to stake out a position and prove why it is a good position for a thinking person to hold.

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Is it as EASY as PIE…or is it as easy as Pi?

Claims can be as simple as: “Protons are positively charged and electrons are negatively charged,” with evidence such as, “In this experiment, protons and electrons acted in such and such a way.”

Claims can also be as complex as : “The end of the South African system of apartheid was inevitable,” using reasoning and evidence such as, “Every successful revolution in the modern era has come about after the government in power has given and then removed small concessions to the uprising group.”

In either case, the rest of your paper will detail the reasoning and evidence that have led you to believe that your position is best.

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What is my purpose?

For example, the purpose of this power point is to help you become a better writer, and we are arguing that an important step in the process of writing effective arguments is understanding the concept of argumentation.

If your papers do not have a main point, they cannot be arguing for anything.

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Why does this matter?

Consider this: your instructors probably know a lot more than you do about your subject matter. Why, then, would you want to provide them with material they already know? Instructors are usually looking for two things:1) Proof that you understand the material2) A demonstration of your ability to use or apply the

material in ways that go beyond what you have read or heard.

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Possible Essay Topics

1) Eliminate all school dances and assemblies at MHS.2) MHS to go from traditional to year-round school.3) MHS will shorten the school week to four days a week, but each day would be longer.4) MHS should require school uniforms.

Any other topic MUST be approved by your teacher.

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Your assignment

0Choose one of the topics from the last slide.0Write an argumentative essay.0Argue BOTH sides of the same argument. 0Two pages devoted to proving the argument labeled

“PRO” at the top of the paper0Two pages devoted to disproving your argument

labeled “CON” at the top of the paper

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List possible emotions/emotional reactions and recognize them for later use

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First Draft to be handwritten

Start as close as possible to your reading/researchDo not concern yourself with grammar or spelling (yet)

Write your first paragraph0 Introduce the topic0 Inform the reader of your point of view!0 Entice the reader to continue with the rest of the paper!0 Focus on three main points to develop

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Establish flow from paragraph to paragraph

0 Keep your voice active (see Active/Passive voice PWPT)

0 Quote sourcesto establish authority

0 Stay focusedon your point of view throughout the essay

0 Focus on logical arguments0 Use interesting transitional words0 Don't lapse into summary

in the development--wait for the conclusion

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0Summarize, then conclude, your argumentRefer to the first paragraph/opening statement as well as the main points 0 does the conclusion restate the main ideas? 0 reflect the succession and importance of the arguments 0 logically conclude their development

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Edit/rewrite the first paragraph

to better explain your development and conclusion.

DAY 2- Friday

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Re-read your paperwith a fresh mind and a sharp pencil Ask yourself:Am I convinced?Will this convince a reader?Will they understand my values, and agree with my facts? Peer Edit Does this paper contain any faulty logic? Identify the faulty logic and

suggest ways to correct it . Check spelling and grammar! The peer should respond to your argument.

Were they convinced? Revise if necessary. Turn in the paper Celebrate a job well done,

with the confidence that you have done your best.

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How to respond to criticismConsider criticism as a test of developing your

powers of persuasion.Try not to take it personally.

0 If your facts are criticized,double check them, and then cite your sources.

0 If your values are criticized,sometimes we need agree "to disagree". Remember: your success in persuading others assumes that the other person is open to being persuaded!

0 Fear: If you are not used to communicating,especially in writing, you may need to overcome fear on several levels. Writing, unlike unrecorded speech, is a permanent record for all to see, and the "context" is not as important as in speech where context "colors" the words. For example: your readers do not see you, only your words. They do not know what you look like, where you live, who you are.

0 Persuasion also has another dimension:it is built with facts, which illustrate conclusions. Of course, this means you need to know what you are talking about, and cannot be lazy with your facts, or you will not succeed in convincing anyone. This shows another level of fear: Fear of making a mistake that will make your argument or persuasion meaningless. Since you are writing, and the words are on paper for all to see (or on a web site!), you need to work to make sure your facts are in order.