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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: ARINDAM_20141126_0003


r am preased 1o offer you employm6nt al lhe sohar Beaoh Horal oo lhe iorlovins terms and


Repodinq To: Fas Mmagercommendna: lrDayofJoi.inqRemuneBlion : oR t1601 nel ot 6es per cabrda, north

oR t40l p.r monthShadns Accommodalaon in single ro.m

Economy Ti.k€! one every 2 (two) yea6 tuon lhe point o, hirinq

3 months{up otr successrulcomprerion your sarary wirr b! Ro.250 net)

Kindry indL€te yor acceplan@ on lne prcposarand rx6 t6ms by soninq Ih6 refier atdiesr @nvenience. subjecr io you

consu lar on wilh lhe ownei we sill i$ue you wlth and oniciar E-proyment conl€cl.

oornsrotua dl0 *l-n nS\0, o

"r,FltD{ i-'"i. ic"*LLfu5ffo"l "^. ,


'"[.r,,,, Llt,,t,,(

Page 2: ARINDAM_20141126_0003

) ou mplomeDr lor atl on beh3lt ot At Batnrh Hotets Co SAOCSohd B@h Horet For the pupose oldrs ae@menr lou a! utYour ErDldrDdr Agrfrmfrl is mder tie to[orine tem ad

3 I OR 160 b6ic Aarer Probalion OR 20{)OR J0 allo*d.e Altei Probdion ORsOOR :00 nd oI 1!\s per .Jode mqrtrAnerlmbaion OR tso nerol 116 per calndrmonrh

I2 Your s.l.rr \ill be pad monlhtr hro rour b..t rmunl tr,Sohar. Sulloale oI O,m or my o&tr 6mrrt 6 .drised tndpe.' -Mi.oaolerer orh,rlrpro\1 rr.dD,otur, r^prtortl,emon6\ s, f $ I bcurd

:l I Your s,lar].Nill be rcvieBed o. a mual bdis Inh rhe ne\r. e,. be". due on ,he nu , n tr.e

'll-J\o.e tun.'e..oTd -h" Orne' "'t ,c o ".r' 6iol ,b* o !., ,"r

tr sulrlr. of Onr ' o!'xred ,.ir

You tue rcquned b \ork dve (5) dars pd \ek i. he *jtha{epted pncrice in the Ddunrr. s rteraited under Clause , 2

Should Jou be requred b \ortona oubh! holrLlar ra rtr[

tunpe aron lrn ea, e .r nol be a . mu'd;d o, ,t-do.nlmudl l$,e dL 11, bc rttr

" Lar 2,ds5,,om,h.o;o-

2i tsakh.ahd Road K o P2r,!S lhokurpukuL K.lkataPr 7l)l)06r. rcs Bensd.tndla

Page 3: ARINDAM_20141126_0003

rheds \o ed Th\ dllo$u(e mun n.rd he e\diicd

Your probadomr penod \lllautomaticall] .o.limed oier

7I Thinj Go) (incl i.! \eele.d, mudll aher erh onc

7 2 T\r (2) dar s otr.lter ererv Fn c (5) Nor[rn! da],s7.1 Local publ( holidars 6 publrslr.d fron rime b nme bt ureCovemenr olSuLrudr otOIrm7 4lare nui be rrlen ,n the l2 months lbllorf! rhe v@ m$h'ch ir becomB due ud mor be acmnlaicd unicsspecincally agred in I rnine *1rh Mmasement od rhe O$,nd

3l Ser (7) dals.once r *nhne rill bc rcqutred br eirherpdr duing lhc lhr* nonrhs Drobaion penod Md $eraner one(l) nondl norice i. \'fti4 N l be ftqui'ed b) eilher pdrv rolernlue L\is mplovned agiemeni Thn one (l) momh noricepcriod requed by eirher pan]i sh.ll conhnue to be in aorce evE.ilihis agremenl hd e\pted ud no ne* aseeme h6verb@nenieEi inlo Referace should be made ro claue t503.2 ll lhe dplole tsminates rhn aer*nmr 6elorc i[e etrd otlro h\ o Ie&s' h. lhe cndg6 h.utred by lhe conpe! ro\rddshisLer labor cled&ce labor wd. etc Muld t,erccorlred ton &e enplole

$ 3 Oushdrg learc of m! hnd nav od\ bc doducred fion tEnoticc of icrminaron Nnh dE .onsor or Mtugmrenr and lhcOMer Shonrnotice

'nar- be nelorjared Ni$our ompmsaron

3.1 lalhc emploree 6likel\ to be Diersred hr rcsons ol rttners.' .p-'.s.cdlrcnpd'omlcli. 1oo"'" ru ,r."nlo.norl} V. {eq.n. .nd I e O/' I

d {en dnl Dr \ ,! o,. (1,ib,ilrs Dolice in \ ing uDon coBideraron ol ! \ircn reooir6oD a Hotel arDoinled nedlcal d.dor coDtuntne l]1xr dreenploree r mlit io cErl ou{ dulies

35 The DDasencnr ud the OMer r6ene rhe nehr rosm]lrml! Emnfie this enpiormenl asrcemedr $irhour;tceor pa\nent ,n lieu of iotice in D) ol rhe tbtlo\rng

Page 4: ARINDAM_20141126_0003

,a' U rhe R gul'\ o' neolar d.rc,en\. .tuob' e...misconducl or @mmits uy acl Nhich. in rhe opinion dE Otrneror The i@g€nsi is co.tary ro lhe inleresls ol Lhe Holcl

(b) Il $e enplor_ee comiB m] bre&h of eJ dd! or oblieationor reluss to ecepr er_ reaonable iBrudions lrom fie Holel nsEmaedenr or $e Orns in r6p€t of cmDl.Jmenl relatd

(c) Il $e mploy* is dKorcred t hare dhde or Civen mr_ talsestalemenl or documenrs t$dqine !o abilily or compelenca orielrt.g ro ide of healrh tao\rng rhat such slrlhn{ or

(d) lflhe mdor'€ comnils o cnme aeainsl thc lo$ whichres1iI n, cnminal conriclion

(-, Il the employee conms ary knd oa araud. m.epa bribs orrecerrcs u liorizd colrmsrc. patments

Under such ciicumees lhe mplol* n edilled ro:

Slls &crued up lo lhe da,r ol lcmindion od no o$spalmenls or allo$'ec6 shasoever \rill be mads

3 6 ln the eve.t 1har the oplolee rolu dilt BigB bdorecobpldion ol one !r& of sdi.e. lne emplor-ee ftU Imhuselhe Holel lor 5ll coss relared lo pdson l lJmpotuno. tromIndiaro Sohd. suh&.le olomd

9l One (l) emnony cl6s air tickes ton Indra 1o Sohu,sultoare ofonu onjoininerhe Hotel

9 2 Aier 22 mo.lhs oi enplo)mml. p.ovided ,!u re rdnneio &e Horel a a edplolrq rlre llorel lvnl provide I round hpeconoE! c16s ncket lrcm soha. sultanale of omm ro IndiaRembuEemmt is madc aeain ongmrl €ce1pa md dvoides

93 Ons (l) e6nom)'cl6s or l,ckeis ftom Sohs. Sullo eofOmd to l.dr upon su(ssflrl conplelion oi lne plo)neageertun! or rmimron a pd s{rion 3 3 The oNner Niu norber thc tu.r or,hese rllqs rI dc cmplo'cc tmtracs rh'agreenrent befoE lhe md oflhe ts! yd lem

r-\ J.-

Page 5: ARINDAM_20141126_0003

9 4 OD bEeh oftis ageerenl $e O\xer sill .oL beReDoNible lo pmride et rerum pdsage for Lhd emplotee

9 i C6h i! lieu ol air rickes iitl under no &cumtuc be pdd

9 6 The mon ec@oftcal an iclies puchded b! $e osnq \rill

Tbe ChTer ruI proide you th a f,ll ned,.rl i6uro.e plrhrough rhe polrcy ol Sohe B*ch Horel, ercludi.g c.$ olspedeles, co.hcr lens, dmtures or ddrue nl be5. hsing od.riicial linbs. vdecromt or lmil) contliads etc

you $i!l be prorjded Nlh suirable accomdalion Merls.laudry ud dl-a cleem! Ior pcrsoral cLorhes airhin ie6on sdd per Eorel s polict de prouded .1 the Iotel

Sohar Belch Hotel r6es es $c .iehl to bbsterYou. wiur rhe consmr ol rhe OMer. ro olnd propenies undernbagme.r of sohs Bach Horel or e, rel ed compd. m rhe

You sholl nol dune. or .n{. the couse oI your employmentdisclose ro y pdons or org@izirio6 dubide the Soir BcehHorel $halsoever ur Dlomatio. md/or mallm El]ri.e 10 lheHolels or l]1e O$rer pohcies or opdaaom ftis ,ncludB rne

inlellectusl popet} oftre Holel or its dsocidt6

'lbr emplotmdt rerftmenr rs tor u final Pdod of No(2) lrm sirh etred fton ihe dale orconmdcmal oluismplolmmt agEemenr ho eler is opo ended ed nal be

temiMred br enher par! accordine ro Sedion 3 0 olih6

Er€p1 6 detalled m Lrns aereemenl, theE *1ll be no odrer

sererece allordce on leminarion or resicndio.

the mploye is fullt emplored ty Sofiu Bmh Hotel for od on

behull ol dE Omer md dre enrlolee my not be inrolved r mlolltr emplqoeni Lhon dre prior sntm appoval ol SohaBer.h H.rel md lne O{net

M & elMutl

Page 6: ARINDAM_20141126_0003

Thc enplo\€e ma! nor @!torch. or rcepi d apDroach liom ,\clEnr ol Sohar Beach Horel or i6 Bsociares lor em.o\menr .rorhe conra.' .r '.i"o' 11 o^e . ed 4 o re .r9

'enplolne ol sohr B@h Llor.l s hour rhe prior \rnl.nxrprolar ol Al- Brhan Hobh compm (sAo c)

r7 0 hrcLlcctual Protren! the i,xelleduat propen! otsoh:rBeachHorcl dd ns dsocixres rrhe ptupnebr propenv of Sohar Horel md ns BsociaresThe empl.ree h6 no neha b *ch propcrr ad mar not dGlrb0rccop! or Lsc such Lnlelie.rurl pbpeflr oubrde rnc Grolp or rbrp6on.l use

All peEonal npendilurc hun be paid br 20rI ol rle monrhlollosing An] oulsbdins d al the date ofmontht\ salalpalme..ul be deducled lrom Lle saia4. due

According $e Labor Lal ofSurloarc olOmm

A Code olConducr & Elnia \ill be presoted io youscpanlel\ lor \.u ro sign 4 an rsemenl &d colrmhed ro Lheerhrd *adrd oa Sohu Bach Horet

-lhe HoteL h or \ill havc. shll hxndboot sfuns our nles od

regulatio6 ol ihe emplor€d ol the Horel D lme \i.h Al- Batu.nHorels compml (SAO G)policics xnd p.ocedue rhe nn6 dreeL.lions of $is hmdbool lbm pd ol &r eDplotmenia8r*mmr hoxercr iI thse x nry clemenl ol codlicl lhiseDplome xseenrenlorcrids

Page 7: ARINDAM_20141126_0003

Pluse sign ud retum to us rhe enclosed duplicrt ofL\is emllolmenr agreemeni \hich \iLlco.Jlm r.ur ac@ptmce of this oftbr

Oi bchdl oa AI Bahan Holcls co S oc oMd ol Sohr Berch HoleL

,&1 conlm Lrir I hare reie$€d liis employmat afr*mdl dd thar I udearsd aI rhe ternsMd condilions 6 outlined rheon od I r@pt lhis otror of mploymflt &codinsly