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Durga Software Solutions (Arithmetic & Reasoning) ADP Preparation Material DURGA SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS 23/3RT IInd Floor, Opp.Andhra Bank,Near Umesh Chandra Statue,S.R.Nagar,Hyderabad - 500038 Ph: 040 - 64512786, 09246212143 | www.durgasoft.com

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  • Durga Software Solutions

    DURGA SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, S.R.NAGAR,HYDERABAD-38, Cell:9246212143, Ph:040-64512786 Page 1

    (Arithmetic & Reasoning)


    Preparation Material


    23/3RT IInd Floor, Opp.Andhra Bank,Near Umesh Chandra Statue,S.R.Nagar,Hyderabad - 500038 Ph: 040 - 64512786, 09246212143 | www.durgasoft.com

  • Durga Software Solutions

    DURGA SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, S.R.NAGAR,HYDERABAD-38, Cell:9246212143, Ph:040-64512786 Page 2


    The pattern of the interview is as follows

    1.Written test

    2.Two technical interviews and

    3.One HR


    It contains 4 sections


    Verbal and Quantitative combined (40 questions 20minutes)

    You should really manage the time such that u can answer both quantitative and verbal

    QUANTITATIVE :questions on

    -> profit and loss ( around 3 to 4 questions)

    -> boat and streams

    -> Alligations or Mixtures

    -> some on numbers.......quotient and remainder problems etc........

    Practice R.S Agarwal for the quantitative.


    It contains 10 analogies and 10 sentence completion questions

    If u have practiced for GRE or GMAT, then it will be easy for you. Its better to study barrons

    and big book.

    SECTION B: technical section (20 questions 30 minutes)

    Around 15 to 18 questions are from C or may C++, and other related

    to data base concepts

    Practice "test your c skills ,pointers in C"

    Most of the questions are related pointers

    SECTION C: (5 Questions , 20 minutes)

    In this section a big programme of around 2 to 3 pages was given and related to the

    Programme 5 questions are asked Please don't go through the entire programme just see the

    questions first and observe What part of the programme is really needed to answer that question

    SECTION D:(one passage , 10 minutes)

    Here they asked to write a passage on the topic given My topic was "My few favorite things"

    After the written test they short listed 30 students


  • Durga Software Solutions

    DURGA SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, S.R.NAGAR,HYDERABAD-38, Cell:9246212143, Ph:040-64512786 Page 3

    Don‘t think technical means only technical questions, the two technical interviews were Like

    technical cum HR

    The questions asked in the first technical interview are

    1. Tell me abt urself

    2. Write a programme for binary searching

    3. What is a semaphore and where do we use them?

    4. What is meant by LRU (least recently used)

    5. A puzzle

    6. About Urfamily

    7. About ur higher studies and plans for the future

    8. Why ADP

    9. What is the diff between structures and unions

    10. How we declare the variables in a union and so on...........

    It went on for about 30 minutes


    1. Tell me about urself

    2. About my family back ground

    3. What is a linked list

    4. What are the conditions that u put while traversing through a linked list

    5. What is acomputer, and what is internet? Imagine that u are explaining this to a person who

    hasn‘t even seen or knows what a computer really is.

    and some other questions............

    It went on for about 20 minutes


    Hr interview was very cool. This round was just a formality and the questions

    Asked were

    1. Tell me abt urself

    2. Ur eamcet rank (its is competitive exam) and y u got such a rank?

    3. Ur family details

    4. Why ADP?

    5. Will you sign a bond of 3 yrs

    6. Are u interested in further education and what are your plans regarding that

    7. What companies did you attend and why you lost in those and what are the companies you are

    planning to attend?

    After all these interviews they short listed 7 students. They didn‘t put us through any further

    rounds but depending on the performance in the ones already conducted they had selected 3


    Section A

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    DURGA SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, S.R.NAGAR,HYDERABAD-38, Cell:9246212143, Ph:040-64512786 Page 4

    it has totally 40 questions. Time 20 minutes.

    10 questions -analogies

    10 questions-fill up the blanks

    (you have to study Barrons GRE to be able to answer these questions. CAT students can do well

    i guess.)

    Remaining 20 questions from maths aptitude.......study R.S.Agarwal

    thoroughly...most of the them are profit-loss, percentages, time-distance work and numbers.

    Warning: if you are slow in maths or with English for sure you will run

    out of time. Be fast and be accurate

    Section B

    20 questions to answer in 30 minutes.

    All questions are based on C programming...the questions are something like find the output of

    the program, compilation errors, find which line of the given program has an error. u ought to be

    thorough with data structures in C to answer them. Youwill not find simple C programming

    questions be thorough with data structures using C.

    Section C

    a long C program which is about 2-1/2 pages long and it has only 5questions to answer in 10

    minutes.......i didn\u2019t understand half of theprogram...it had many function calls...

    Section D

    duration i think its 10 minutes....

    an essay of 100 words has to be written on the given topic. first the given topic was "My few

    favorite things" then they changed the topic to "Same as the last".........God knows what is the

    meaning of the topic.....the entire class had dumb face when they heard the topic title.....and i am

    sure most of them actually screwed here..

    All the best to all who are appearing for this test.....

    -->1st round they adopted to filter out such huge number of students is :

    English Fluency test in which HR's will asks you some questions like- Introduce ur self,

    What\u2019s ur project is all about, Whats ur role in that project, Stengths&Weeknesses......etc

    In this round they selected 800 exactly out of those 4000+ .

    -->All these 800 are sent to written test rooms ( 8rooms each of 100 seating). Written test is for

    1:30 mints which comprises of

    1)QUANTITATIVE(Arithmetic...mainly from RS.AGARWAL),

    2)VERBAL(corect use of grammar, GRE words..etc),

    3)Simple C programs and theory questions on C (for eg: Whats the specific use of EXTERN INT

    in C )

    4)Lengthy C Programmes (You need a serious preparation to attempt this section, that much

    tough are those programs)

    In this round they selected only 150-200 students out of those 800.

    third round I faced was HR. In this HR will asks some questions about your

    family background, and some metal testing questions like : "What will you do if ur higher

  • Durga Software Solutions

    DURGA SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, S.R.NAGAR,HYDERABAD-38, Cell:9246212143, Ph:040-64512786 Page 5

    authority person would do SEX HARASSMENT with your one of the colleague? " And they will

    mainly sees the discipline,obediance ...etc.

    --> Finally 100 people are send for finalinterview (TR+HR). It is mainly Technical Round only

    where in which you are going to face questions like :

    1)How do you define CONSTANT in C?

    2)Define VARIABLE?

    3)Function calling procedures? and their differences? Why should one go for Call by Reference?

    4)Difference between STRUCTURE and UNION?

    5) What is the special use of UNIONS?

    6) What is a pointer? What is meant by recursion?

    7) Can you write a programme for FACTORIAL using recursion?

    8)What is LINKED LIST? How can you access the last element in a

    linked list?


    1.What is the angle between the two hands of a clock when time is 8:30

    Ans. 75(approx)

    2. A student is ranked 13th from right and 8th from left. How many students are there in totality?


    3. A man walks east and turns right and then from there to his left and then 45degrees to his

    right.In which direction did he go (Ans. North west)

    4. A student gets 70% in one subject, 80% in the other. To get an overall of 75% how much

    should get in third subject.


    5. A man shows his friend a woman sitting in a park and says that she the daughter of my

    grandmother's only son.What is the relation between the two

    Ans. Daughter

    6. How many squares with sides 1/2 inch long are needed to cover a rectangle that is 4 ft long

    and 6 ft wide

    (a) 24 (b) 96 (c) 3456 (d) 13824 (e) 14266

    7. If a=2/3b , b=2/3c, and c=2/3d what part of d is b/

    (a) 8/27 (b) 4/9 (c) 2/3 (d) 75% (e) 4/3

    Ans. (b)

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    DURGA SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, S.R.NAGAR,HYDERABAD-38, Cell:9246212143, Ph:040-64512786 Page 6

    8. 2598Successive discounts of 20% and 15% are equal to a single discount of

    (a) 30% (b) 32% (c) 34% (d) 35% (e) 36

    Ans. (b)

    9. The petrol tank of an automobile can hold g liters.If a liters was removed when the tank was

    full, what part of the full tank was removed?

    ANS:a/g litres

    10.0.4t=0.4+1.2s,s=0.4t+3 what is the value of s?


    A. curtail:activity B. expunge:book

    C. edit:text D. censor:play

    12. One year ago, the ratio of Vinay‘s and Sinoy‘s age was 6: 7 respectively. Four years hence,

    this ratio would become 7: 8. How old is Sinoy ?


    13. How much water must be added to 60 litres of milk at 1 ½ litres for Rs. 2 So as to have a

    mixture worth Rs.10 2/3 a litre ?

    Ans-15 litres

    14. The volume of a wall, 5 times as high as it is broad and 8 times as long as it is high, is 12.8

    cu. metres. Find the breadth of the wall.


    15. Water flows into a tank 200 m x 160 m through a rectangular pipe of 1.5m x 1.25 m @ 20

    kmph . In what time (in minutes) will the water rise by 2 metres?

    Ans-96 min

    16. Find the cost of carpeting a room 13 m long and 9 m broad with a carpet 75 cm wide at the

    rate of Rs. 12.40 per square metre

    Ans- Rs. 1934.40.

    17. The length of a rectangle is twice its breadth. If its length is decreased by 5 cm and breadth is

    increased by 5 cm, the area of the rectangle is increased by 75 sq. cm. Find the length of the


    Ans-20 cm.

    18. What value will replace the question mark in each of the following equations?

    (i) ? - 1936248 = 1635773 ans:35720721

    (ii) 8597 - ? = 7429 – 4358 ans:5526

    19. Evaluate : (i) 986 x 237 + 986 x 863 (ii) 983 x 207 - 983 x 107

    Ans- (i)-98300.

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    19. Which of the following are prime numbers?

    (i) 241 (ii) 337 (iii) 391 (iv) 571


    20. An unbiased die is tossed .find the probability of getting a multiple of 3


    21. Two dice are thrown together .What is the probability that the sum of the number on the two

    faces is divided by 4 or 6


    22. Two cards are drawn at random from a pack of 52 cards.what is the probability that either

    both are black or both are queen?

    ANS:4c2 +26c2/52c2

    23. A dog takes 4 leaps for every 5 leaps of a hare but 3 leaps of a dog are equal to 4 leaps of the

    hare. Compare their speeds.

    ANS: 16:15

    24. While covering a distance of 24 km, a man noticed that after walking for 1 hour and 40

    minutes, the distance covered by him was 5 of the remaining distance. What was his speed in

    metres per second?

    Ans-1 2/3

    25. A and B can do a piece of work in 18 days; Band C can do it in 24 days A and C can do it in

    36 days. In how many days will A, Band C finish it together and separately?

    Ans:a+b+c=16,a=48,b=28 4/5,c=144

    26. 45 men can complete a work in 16 days. Six days after they started working, 30 more men

    joined them. How many days will they now take to complete the remaining work?


    Reasoning-15 Questions 15Marks

    1. If KEDGY is coded as EKDYG then how will LIGHT be coded ?

    (A) ILHTG (B) ILGHT (C) ILGTH (D) THGIL (E) None of these

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    Ans : (C)

    2. If Rajdoot is coded as Car, Car as Aeroplane, Aeroplane as Train, Train as Bus, then by which

    vehicle can you reach your destination in least time? .

    (A) Aeroplane (B) Train (C) Car (D) Bus (E) None of


    Ans : (B)

    3. If '245' means—'Art and Talent' in a certain code language, '316' means— 'Callous to

    Generous', '147' means— 'Callous and Polite' then what is the code used for 'to' ?

    (A) Only 3 (B) Only 1 (C) 3 or 6 (D) Only 6 (E) None of these

    Ans : (C)

    4. In a certain code language '579' means—'Kanchan is soft-spoken', '694' means—‗Soft-spoken

    beautiful pure', '473' means—‗Ganga is pure', then what is the code used for 'Kanchan' ?

    (A) 7 (B) 5 (C) 9 (D) Can‘t be determined(E) None of these

    Ans : (B)

    5. In a certain code language '765' means—'Man Illness Hard-working', '478' means—'Illness

    Hard Blood-Pressure', '826' means—'Blood-pressure Lazy Hard-working', then

    (I) For which word code '8' has been used?

    (A) Illness (B) Man (C) Hard (D) Blood-Pressure(E) None of these

    Ans : (D)

    6. Which code has been used for ‗Hardworking‘?

    (A) 7 (B) 6 (C) 5 (D) 6 or 5 (E) 7 or 5

    Ans : (B)

    7. If 'KRN' means—'Callous collission life', 'RTP' means—'Life very sad', 'NPD' means—

    'Collission sad future' then what is the code used for 'Callous' ?

    (A) R (B) N (C) K (D) Cannot be determined(E) None of these

    Ans : (C)

    8. If UDOMETER is coded as DUMOTERE then how will SUBLEASE be coded?

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    None of these

    Ans : (B)

    9. If Sand is coded as Brick, Brick as House, House as Temple, Temple as Palace then where do

    you worship?

    (A) Palace (B) Temple (C) Brick (D) House (E) None of these

    Ans : (A)

    10. In a certain code language '123' means—‗Mahendra is Able', '345' means—'Sunita is

    unlucky', '526' means—'Mahendra was unlucky', then what is the code used for unlucky?

    (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 1 (D) Can not be determined(E) None of these

    Ans : (E)






  • Durga Software Solutions

    DURGA SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, S.R.NAGAR,HYDERABAD-38, Cell:9246212143, Ph:040-64512786 Page 10



    Ans- 9 of Clubs


    Ans-Hand pointing to 5

  • Durga Software Solutions

    DURGA SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, S.R.NAGAR,HYDERABAD-38, Cell:9246212143, Ph:040-64512786 Page 11

    Computer Knowledge-10 Questions 10 Marks

    1. A device or system not directly connected to the CPU is

    A.On-line B.Keyboard C.Memory D.Off-line E.None of the above


    2. A large computer designed to handle complex scientific calculations

    A. may use only a firmed word-length storage approach

    B. will likely require a character addressable storage unit

    C. must use fixed length words of four character each

    D. will not use numbered address locations

    E. None of the above


    3. Most important advantage of an IC is its

    A. Easy replacement in case of circuit failure

    B. Extremely high reliability

    C. Reduced cost

    D. Low power consumption

    E. None of the above


    4. A computer assisted method for the recording and analyzing of existing or hypothetical

    systems is

    A. Data transmission

    B. Data flow

    C. Data capture

    D. Data processing

    E. None of the above


    5. What could cause a fixed disk error.

    A. No-CD installed

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    B. bad ram

    C. slow processor

    D. Incorrect CMOS settings

    E. None of the above


    6. A 6xx indicates a problem with the:

    A. floppy drive

    B. hard drive

    C. keyboard

    D. CD ROM

    E. All of the above


    7. A sound card typically uses which IRQ?

    A. 6

    B. 5

    C. 15

    D. 1

    E. it doesn't use an IRQ


    8. The brain of any computer system is

    A. ALU

    B. Memory

    C. CPU

    D. Control unit

    E. None of the above


    9. Serial access memories are useful in applications where

    A. data consists of numbers

    B. short access time is required

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    DURGA SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, S.R.NAGAR,HYDERABAD-38, Cell:9246212143, Ph:040-64512786 Page 13

    C. each stored word is processed differently

    D. data naturally needs to flow in and out in serial form

    E. None of the above


    10. Which of the following translate back from machine code something resembling the source


    A. Interpreter

    B. Compiler

    C. Assembler

    D. Decompiler

    E. None of the above


    Verbal ability-5 Questions 5 Marks

    1. choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given words.


    A. Influx

    B. Home-coming

    C. Return

    D. Restoration


    2. Find the correctly spelt words.

    A. Inoculation

    B. Innoculation

    C. Inocculation

    D. Inocullation


    3. Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it

    A. The Indian radio

    B. which was previously controlled by the British rulers

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    DURGA SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, S.R.NAGAR,HYDERABAD-38, Cell:9246212143, Ph:040-64512786 Page 14

    C. is free now from the narrow vested interests.

    D. No error.


    4. Choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active voice.

    They greet me cheerfully every morning.

    A. Every morning I was greeted cheerfully.

    B. I am greeted cheerfully by them every morning.

    C. I am being greeted cheerfully by them every morning.

    D. Cheerful greeting is done by them every morning to me.


    5. Select the pair which has the same relationship.


    A. comfort:stimulant

    B. grief:consolation

    C. trance:narcotic

    D. ache:extraction


    Essay Writing


    aptitude questions

    1) If a die has 1,6 and 3,4 and 2,5 opposite each other how many such dies can be made. ANS:12

    2) There are three boxes , In one box Two white balls , In two box 2 black balls In three box 1 white &1 black The lables on the boxes are not correct. Then you have to open one box

    and to find the colour of the balls in all boxes.




  • Durga Software Solutions

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    3) there are containing 5 , 7 , 14 , 16 , 18 , 29 balls of either red or blue in colour. Some boxes

    contain only red balls and others contain only blue . One sales man sold one box out of them and

    then he says " I have the same number of red balls left out as that of blue ". Which box is the one

    he solds out ?


    4) A chain is broken into three pieces of equal lenths containing 3 links each. It is taken to a

    backsmith to join into a single continuous one . How many links are to to be opened to make it ?


    5) when the actual time pass 1hr wall clock is 10 min behind it when 1 hr is shown by wall clock,

    table clock shows 10 min ahead of it when table clock shows 1 hr the alarm clock goes 5min

    behind it, when alarm clock goes 1 hr wrist watch is 5 min ahead of it assuming that all clocks

    are correct with actual time at 12 noon what will be time shown by wrist watch after 6 hr

    ANS: 6pm

    6) complete the following

    b. 1 , 3 , 7 , 13 , 21 , __ , 43 ans:31

    c. 1, 2, 9, __ , 16900 ans:121

    7) A girl took part in a (some) game with many others in a circular closed circuit. After pedaling

    for several minutes, he found that 1/3th of the cyclists ahead of her and 3/4th of the cyclists

    behind him together formed the total no. of participants. How many were participating in the



    8) OF all pets i have, except 2 all are rabbits

    OF all pets i have, except 2 all are fish

    OF all pets i have, except 2 all are cats

    How many rabbits, fish and cats are there?




    9) given

    carpenter + painter = 1100

    painter + electrician = 3200

    electrician + plumber = 5100

    plumber + mason = 2200

    mason + labour = 3000

    labour + painter = 1100

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    find every person's cash?

    (i dont know the exact amount mentioned above.)

    10) A wall clock loses 10 minutes every 1 hour. In 1 hour by the wall clock , a table clock gets

    10 minutes ahead of it. In 1 hour by the table clock an alarm clock falls 5 minutes behind it. In 1

    hour of the alarm clock, a wristwatch gets 5 minutes ahead it. At noon, all 4 timepieces were set

    correctly. To the nearest minutes, what time will the wrist show when the correct time is 6 p.m.

    on the same day ?


    11) "You see," said Mrs.Murphy,"Paddy is now one and one-third times as old as he was when

    he took to drink, and little Jimmy, who was forty months old when paddy took to drink is now

    two years more than half as old as I was when Paddy took to drink , so when little Jimmy is as

    old as Paddy was when he took to drink.our three ages combined will amount to just one hundred

    years" How old is little Jimmy?

    12) Both the Allens and the Smiths have two young sons under eleven. The name of the boys

    whose ages rounded off to the nearest year are all different are Arthur, Bert, Carl and David .

    Taking the ages of the boys only to the nearest year , the following staements are true

    * Arthur is three years younger than his brother

    * Bert is the oldest

    * Carl is half as old as one of the allen boys

    * David is five years older than the younger smith boy

    * the total ages of the boys in each family differ by the same amount today as they did five years


    How old is each boy and what is each boys family name.

    ANS: C=5,D=7,B=10,A=2

    13) In a certain organization there are either men eligible to serve on a eligible to serve on a

    newly established committee of four. The selection of the members is not an easy matter ,

    however for there are jealousies and attachments among the candidates which prevents a free

    choice of four committeemen, if you were the president of the organization could you select a

    committee of four satisfying all these whims?

    * Ames will serve with anybody

    * Brown won't serve unless Clayton serves

    * Clayton won‘t serve with Evans

    * Davis won‘t serve without Hughes

    * Evans will serve with anybody

    * French won‘t serve with Davis unless Grant serves too, and won‘t serve with Clayton unless

    Davis also serves

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    * Grant won‘t serve with both Brown and Clayton and won‘t serve with either Ames or Evens

    * Hughes won‘t serve unless either Brown or French serves and won‘t serve with Clayton unless

    Grant serves too and won‘t serve with both Ames and Evans

    14) An artist has exactly seven paintings --- ,T,U,V,W,X,Y, and Z -- from which she must

    choose exactly five to be in an exhibit. Any combination is acceptable provided it meets the

    following conditions:

    * If T is chosen , X cannot be chosen

    * If U is chosen , Y must also be chosen

    * If V is chosen , X must also be chosen

    ANS: T, U, W, Y, Z.

    15) Which one of hte following is an aceptable combination of paintings for inclusion in the


    A. T,U,V,X,Y

    B. T,U,V,Y,Z

    C. T,W,X,Y,Z

    D. U,V,W,Y,Z

    E. U,V,W,Z,Y

    16) If painting T is chosen to be among the paintings included int he exhibit which one of the

    following cannot be chosen to be among the paintings included in the exhibit?

    A. U

    B. V

    C. W

    D. Y

    E. Z

    18) If the artist chooses painting V to be included among the paintings in the exhibit, which one

    of the following must be true of that combination of paintings?

    A. T is not chosen

    B. Y is not chosen

    C. U is chosen

    D. W is chosen

    E. Z is chosen

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    19) Yesterday my mother asked me to buy some stamps. Stamps are available in 2

    paise,7paise,10paise,15paise and 20paise denominations. For three types of stamps I was asked

    to buy five of each. For the other two types of stamps. I was asked to buy six of each.

    Unfortunately I forgot which I was supposed to buy five of and which to buy six of Luckly my

    mother had given me the exact money required to buy the stamps , Rs. 3.00 and the shopkeeper

    was able to give me the correct stamps. Which stamps did I buy?

    ANS: 2 paise,7 paise,15 paise denomination stamps each 5 were bought.

    10 paise, 20 paise denomination stamps each six were bought.

    20) Farmer Jones sold a pair of cows for Rs. 210 , On one he made a profit of ten percent and on

    the other he lost ten percent. Altogether he made a profit of five percent. How many did each

    cow originally cost him?

    Ans: 223.3333/-

    21) Meera was playing with her brother using 55 blocks. She gets bored playing and starts

    arranging the blocks such that the no. of blocks in each row is one less than that in the lower row.

    Find how many were there in the bottom most row?


    22) Rahul took part in a cycling game with many others in a circular closed circuit. After

    pedaling for several minutes, he found that 1/5th of the cyclists ahead of him and 5/6th of the

    cyclists behind him together formed the total no. of participants. How many were participating in

    the race?


    23) Tom wants to catch a hare. He is standing 250 yards south from the hare. The hare starts

    moving due east. Tom, instead of moving in the northeast direction, moves in such a way that at

    every instant, he is going towards the hare. If speed of tom is one and one-third times that of the

    hare, find the distance each travelled before he caught the hare.

    24) Two people are playing with a pair of dies. Instead of numbers, the dies have different

    colours on their sides. The first person wins if the same colour appears on both the dies and the

    second person wins if the colours are different. The odds of their winning are equal. If the first

    dice has 5 red sides and 1 blue side, find the color(s) on the second one.

    ANS:3 RED 3 BLUE

    25) A company's director said during the board meeting: " The company's income from roads

    will be sufficient to pay 6% of the entire stock issue, but since we are paying 7.5% interest on the

    preferred stock of Rs.4, 000,000 we are able to pay only 5% of the common stock". Find the

    value of the common stock.


    26) Mr. ANYMAN left ANYTOWN by car to attend a wedding at ANYCITY. He had been

    driving for exactly two hours when the car got punctured. It took his driver exactly ten minutes

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    to change the wheel. In order to play safe they covered the remaining distance at a speed of 30

    mph. consequently, Mr. ANYMAN was at wedding half an- hour behind schedule. Had the car

    got the puncture only 30 miles later , I would have been only FIFTEEN minutes late he told the

    driver . How Far is ANYCITY from ANYTOWN.

    ANS:120 miles

    27) Alpha, Beta , gamma, delta and epsilon are friends and have birthdays on consecutive days

    though may not be in order. Gamma is as many days old to Alpha as Beta is younger to Epsilon.

    Delta is two days older then Epsilon. Gamma‘s Birthday is on Wednesday. Tell whose birthday

    is when.

    ANS: Alpha=Friday





    28) The quarter of the time from midnight to present time added to the half of the time from the

    present to midnight gives the present time. What is the present time?

    Ans:9 hr 36min

    29) A man is going to a wedding party. He travels for 2hrs when he gets a puncture. Changing

    tyres takes 10mins. The rest of the journey he travels at 30 miles/hr. He reaches 30mins behind

    schedule. He thinks to himself that if the puncture had occurred 30miles later, he would have

    been only 15mins late. Find the total distance traveled by the man

    ANS:120 miles

    30) After world war II three departments did as follows First department gave some tanks to 2nd

    &3rd departments equal to the number they are having. Then 2nd department gave some tanks to

    1st & 3rd departments equal to the number they are having. Then 3rd department gave some

    tanks to 2nd &1st departments equal to the number they are having. Then each department has

    24 tanks. Find the initial number of tanks of each department?


    31. Answer the data interpretation questions based on the following graph:

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    1. Which year has showed the greatest percentage increase in profit as compared to the previous


    a. 1993 b. 1994 c. 1990 d. 1992 e. 1991


    2. The average revenue collected in the given seven years is approximately:

    a. Rs. 164 lakh b. Rs. 168 lakh c. Rs. 171 lakh d. Rs. 175 lakh e. Rs. 176 lakh


    3. In which year was the growth in expenditure greatest as compared to the previous year?

    a. 1993 b. 1995 c. 1991 d. 1992 e. 1994


    4. The expenditure for the seven years together forms what percent of the revenues during the

    same period?

    a. 75% b. 67% c. 62% d. 83% e. 85%


    5. If the profit in 1996 shows the same annual rate of growth as it had shown in 1995 over the

    previous year, then what approximately will be the profit in 1996?

    a. Rs. 72 lakh b. Rs. 86 lakh c. Rs. 93 lakh d. Rs. 78 lakh e. Rs. 88 lakh



    1. Point out the error in the following program.



    int main()


    int *a[3];

    a = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*3);


    return 0;

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    A. Error: unable to allocate memory

    B. Error: We cannot store address of allocated memory in a

    C. Error: unable to free memory

    D. No error

    Ans: B

    2. What is the purpose of fflush() function.

    A. flushes all streams and specified streams.

    B. flushes only specified stream.

    C. flushes input/output buffer.

    D. flushes file buffer.

    Ans; A

    3. Point out the error, if any in the program.


    int main()


    int a = 10;




    printf("This is c program.");

    return 0;


    A. Error: No case statement specified

    B. Error: No default specified

    C. No Error

    D. Error: infinite loop occurs

    Ans: C

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    4. What will be the output of the program?


    int addmult(int ii, int jj)


    int kk, ll;

    kk = ii + jj;

    ll = ii * jj;

    return (kk, ll);


    int main()


    int i=3, j=4, k, l;

    k = addmult(i, j);

    l = addmult(i, j);

    printf("%d, %d\n", k, l);

    return 0;


    A. 12, 12

    B. 7, 7

    C. 7, 12

    D. 12, 7

    Ans: A

    5. In C, if you pass an array as an argument to a function, what actually gets passed?

    A. Value of elements in array

    B. First element of the array

    C. Base address of the array

    D. Address of the last element of array

    Ans: C

    6. Out of fgets() and gets() which function is safe to use?

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    A. gets()

    B. fgets()

    Ans: B

    7. In the following code what is 'P'?

    typedef char *charp;

    const charp P;

    A. P is a constant

    B. P is a character constant

    C. P is character type

    D. None of above

    Ans: A

    8. Identify which of the following are declarations

    1 : extern int x;

    2 : float square ( float x ) { ... }

    3 : double pow(double, double);


    B. 2

    C. 1 and 3

    D. 3

    Ans : C

    9. Which of the following statement obtains the remainder on dividing 5.5 by 1.3 ?

    A. rem = (5.5 % 1.3)

    B. rem = modf(5.5, 1.3)

    C. rem = fmod(5.5, 1.3)

    D. Error: we can't divide

    Ans: C

    10. What will be the output of the program?


    int main()

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    char c=48;

    int i, mask=01;

    for(i=1; i

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    C. Rs. 698 D. Rs. 700

    Ans : C

    4. How much time will it take for an amount of Rs. 450 to yield Rs. 81 as interest at 4.5% per

    annum of simple interest?

    A. 3.5 years B. 4 years

    C. 4.5 years D. 5 years

    Ans : B

    5. Worker A takes 8 hours to do a job. Worker B takes 10 hours to do the same job. How long

    should it take both A and B, working together but indepently, to do the same job?

    A. 2x4/9 B. 4x4/9

    C. 5x4/9 D. 4x2/9

    Ans : B

    6. A and B together can complete a work in 12 days. A alone can complete it in 20 days. If B

    does the work only for half a day daily, then in how many days A and B together will complete

    the work?

    A. 10 days B. 11 days

    C. 15 days D. 20 days

    Ans : C

    7. An express train travelled at an average speed of 100 km/hr, stopping for 3 minutes after every

    75 km. How long did it take to reach its destination 600 km from the starting point?

    A. 6 hrs 21 min B. 6 hrs 24 min

    C. 6 hrs 27 min D. 6 hrs 30 min

    Ans : A

    8. Sound is said to travel in air at about 1100 feet per second. A man hears the axe striking the

    tree, 11/5 seconds after he sees it strike the tree. How far is the man from the wood chopper?

    A. 2197 ft B. 2420 ft

    C. 2500 ft D. 2629 ft

    Ans : B

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    9. In what ratio must rice at Rs.9.30 per Kg be mixed with rice at Rs. 10.80 per Kg so that the

    mixture be worth Rs.10 per Kg ?

    A. 8 : 7 B. 7 : 8

    C. 8 : 9 D. 9 : 8

    Ans ; A

    10. In what ratio must be a grocer mix two varities of tea worth Rs. 60 a kg and Rs. 65 a Kg so

    that by selling the mixture at Rs. 68.20 a Kg he may gain 10% ?

    A. 3 : 4 B. 3 : 2

    C. 3 : 5 D. 4 : 5

    Ans : B

    11. find the wrong one in the series 864, 420, 200, 96, 40, 16, 6

    A. 420 B. 200

    C. 96 D. 40

    Ans : C

    12. insert the missing 121, 112, ..., 97, 91, 86

    A. 102 B. 108

    C. 99 D. 104

    Ans : D

    13. insert the missing 7, 7, 24, 19, 9, 28, ..., 8, 31

    A. 20 B. 21

    C. 18 D. 23

    Ans : D

    14. In a box, there are 8 red, 7 blue and 6 green balls. One ball is picked up randomly. What is

    the probability that it is neither red nor green?

    A. 2/3 B. 3/4

    C. 7/19 D. 8/21

    Ans : D

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    15. The probability that a card drawn from a pack of 52 cards will be a diamond or a king is

    A. 2/13 B. 4/13

    C. 1/13 D. 1/52

    Ans : B

    Reasoning-15 Questions 15Marks

    DIRECTIONS : (1 -5)

    If in a Certain language , ENTRY is coded as 12345 and STEADY is coded as 931785, then

    state which is the correct code for each of the given words.

    1. TENANT

    A. 956169 B. 196247

    C. 352123 D. 312723

    Ans : D

    2. SEDATE

    A. 918731 B. 954185

    C. 814195 D. 614781

    Ans : A


    A. 25196577 B. 21732199

    C. 21362199 D. 21823698

    Ans : B

    4. ARREST

    A. 744589 B. 744193

    C. 166479 D. 745194

    Ans : B

    5. ENDEAR

    A. 524519 B. 174189

    C. 128174 D. 124179

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    Ans : C

    6. Which number replaces the question marks?

    Ans : 72

    7. Jacob is 12 years old. He is 3 times as old as his brother. How old will Jacob be when he is

    twice as old?


    8. If it takes 2 garage mechanics 3 hours to repair 6 cars, how many mechanics would it take to

    repair 22 cars in 5 hours?

    9. Gill‘s puppy was growing fast. In the first five days since she got it it had eaten 100 dog

    biscuits. If each day it had eaten 6 more than the previous day, how many biscuits had it eaten on

    the first day

    10. If two men stand back to back, walk in opposite directions for 4 metres, turn to the left and

    walk another 3 metres, what is the distance between them when they stop?


    11. Edward spent $21 on drinks for a party. If the bottle of vodka he purchased was twice the

    price of the case of beer, and the lemonade was half the price of the beer, how much did Edward

    spend on the beer?


    12. Simon, Steve and Stewart are all apple farmers who pool their crop each year to make

    cider. For this year‘s harvest, Steve supplied three times as many apples as Stewart, and Simon

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    supplied twice as many apples as Steve.If the total number of apples supplied is 900 tonnes, how

    many did each of them contribute?

    ANS: Steve = 270.

    Simon = 540.

    Stewart = 90

    13. It is a small town railway station and there are 25 stations on that line. At each of the 25

    stations the passengers can get tickets for any of the other 24 stations. How many different kinds

    of tickets do you think the booking clerk has to keep.


    14. Which playing card completes the sequence?

    15. What is X?


    1.void main()

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    struct a


    char ch[10];

    char *str;


    struct a s1={"Hyderabad","Bangalore"};





    Ans: HB, HyderabadBangalor

    2. main(int argc,int *argv[])


    int i;


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    static int m;


    return m;


    Ans: 6

    4.void main()


    int i;



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    char t[40];

    char *ss,*tt;





    A. oracle is the best

    B. Core dump

    C. Error Message

    D. Goes into infinite loop

    Ans: B. core dump (Garbage value)

    7. What is the output of the program

    void main()


    int j[10]={9,7,5,3,1,2,4,6,9};

    int i=1;



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    // A. 13

    // B. 10

    // c. 16

    // D. None of the above

    Ans: B. 10

    Verbal ability-5 Questions 5 Marks

    1. Man who has committed such an _______ crime must get the most severe punishment.

    A. injurious B. unchritable

    C. unworhty D. admoniable

    2. Identify the Errors in the given sentences

    A. I shall B. ring him

    C. tommorow D. in the afternoon

    3. Choose the missing term out of the given alternatives.

    b, e, d, f, ?, h, j, ?, l

    A. i m B. m i

    C. i n D. j m

    4. Pick the odd man out

    A. Lion : roar B. snake : hiss

    C. bees : hum D. frog : bleat

    5. Choose the word which is least like the others word in a group

    A. curd B. butter

    C. oil D. cheese


    Directions for question nos. 1-2:

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    Eighty Five children went to amusement park where they could ride on merry ―go-round roller

    coaster and Ferris wheel .It was known that 20 of them have took all three rides and 55 of them

    have taken at least two of the three rides. Each ride cost Rs.1 and the total receipt of the

    amusement park was Rs.145.

    1) How many children did not try any of the rides. ?

    A) 5 B) 10 C) 15 D) 20

    Ans. 15.

    20 kids * 3 rides = Rs. 60

    (55-20=)35 kids * 2 rides = Rs. 70

    60 + 70 = Rs. 130

    So, Rs. (145 - 130 = ) 15 are left for the other (85 - 55 = ) 30 kids . so only 15 of them can take a

    ride and rest 15 will be left out.

    145 rides were taken. 20 of them took all three, i.e. Rs. 60 were spent, so 145-60= Rs. 85 are left

    for the others. Total kids were 85, so rest were 65. out of these 65,

    2) How many children took exactly one ride?

    A) 5 B) 10 C) 15 D) 20

    Ans. 15

    3) Four cities are connected by a road network as shown in the figure. In how many ways can

    you start from any city and come back to it without travelling on the same road more than once ?

    A) 8

    B) 12

    C) 16

    D) 20

    Ans 12.

    Consider the top city, the following are the 3 routes possible, starting from the leftmost edge.

    Since there are 3 edges emanating from each city and the figure is perfectly symmetrical, these 3

    routes are possible from each edge, hence for any given city, the total number of routes = 4 * 3 =


    Directions for question nos 4-5:

    A, B, and C are three numbers, Let

    @(A, B)= Average of A and B

    *(A, B)=Product of A and B

    /(A, B)=A divided by B

    4) If A=2 and B=4 the value of @( / (*(A,B),B),A) would be

    A) 2

    B) 4

    C) 6

    D) 16

    Ans. A

    5) Sum of A and B is given by

    A) *(@(A, B), 2)

    B) /(@(A,B),2)

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    C) @(*(A,B),2)

    D) @(/(A,B),2

    Ans. A.

    6) Let x

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    Female 32

    Total 30 80

    9) What proportion of good students are male?

    A) 0

    B) 0.73

    C) 0.4

    D) 1.0

    Ans. B.

    10) What proportion of female students are good?

    A) 0

    B) 0.25

    C) 0.50

    D) 1.0

    Ans. B

    11) How many students are both male and good?

    A) 10

    B) 16

    C) 22

    D) 48

    Ans. C

    12) Among average students, what is the ratio of male to female?

    A) 1:2

    B) 2:1

    C) 3:2

    D) 2:3

    Ans. D


    Directions for Questions Nos: 13 to 17

    Five executives of a multinational company met in Bombay :

    Mr. Ram can speak Tamil and Hindi

    Mr. Sham speaks Tamil and English

    Mr. Raju converses in English and Hindi

    Mr. Balu speaks Telugu and Tamil quite well.

    Mr. Lalu can speak Hindi and Telugu

    13) Which of the following can act as a interpreter when Mr. Raju and Mr. Balu wish to confer?

    A) Mr. Ram Only

    B) Mr. Sham Only.

    C) Either Mr. Ram or Mr. Sham

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    D) Any of the other three executives.

    Ans. D

    14) Besides Mr. Lalu, which of the following can converse with Mr. Balu without an Interpreter?

    A) Mr. Ram Only

    B) Mr. Sham only

    C) Mr. Ram and Mr. Sham

    D) Mr. Raju Only

    Ans. C

    15) Which of the following cannot converse without interpreter?

    A) Mr. Sham and Mr. Lalu.

    B) Mr. Ram and Mr. Sham

    C) Mr. Ram and Mr. Raju

    D) Mr. Sham and Mr. Balu

    Ans. A

    16) If a sixth executive is brought in, for him to be understood by the maximum number of

    original five, he should be fluent in?

    A) English and Telugu

    B) Hindi and Tamil

    C) Telugu and Hindi

    D) Hindi and English

    Ans. B

    17) Of the languages spoken the most common languages are

    A) English and Tamil

    B) English and Hindi

    C) English and Telugu

    D) Hindi and Tamil

    Ans. D

    Directions for Questions Nos:18 to 21

    Four people of different nationalities live on the same side of a street in four houses each of

    different color. Each person has a different favorite drink. The following additional information

    also known:

    The Englishman lives in the red house.

    The Italian drinks tea.

    The Norwegian lives in the first house on the left.

    In the second house from the right they drink milk

    The Norwegian lives adjacent to the blue house

    The Spaniard drinks fruit juice

    Tea is drunk in the blue house.

    The White House is to the right of the red house

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    18). Milk is drunk by

    A) Norwegian

    B) Englishman

    C) Italian

    D) None of these

    Ans. B

    19) The Norwegian drinks

    A) Milk

    B) Cocoa

    C) Tea

    D) Fruit Juice

    Ans. B

    20) The color of Norwegians house is

    A) Yellow

    B) White

    C) Blue

    D) Red

    Ans. A

    21) Which of the following is not true:

    A) Milk is drunk in the red house

    B) Italian lives in the blue house

    C) The Spaniard lives in a corner house

    D) The Italian lives next to Spaniard.

    Ans. D

    Directions for Questions Nos: 22 to 23

    Kya-Kya is an island in the south pacific .The inhabitants of Kya-Kya always Answer any

    question with two sentences, one of which is always true and other is always false.

    22) You are walking on a road and come to a fork. You ask the inhabitants Ram, Laxman,

    Lila,Which road will take me to the village?

    Ram says,I never speak to strangers. I am new to this place.

    Laxman says,I am married to Lila. Take the left road.

    Lila says,I am married to ram. He is not new to this place.

    Which of the following is true?

    A) Left road takes you to the village

    B) Right road takes you to the village

    C) Lila is married to laxman

    D) None of above

    Ans. A.

    Ram said he never talked to strangers, but he spoke to a stranger, this means that this statement is

    false, hence his other statement must be true, hence the second statement of Lila is false, hence

    her first statement is true that is she is married to ram, hence the first statement of Laxman is

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    false, hence his second statement is true, that is take the left road.

    23) You find that your boat is stolen. You question three inhabitants of the island and they reply

    as follows:

    John says,I did not do it. Mathew did not do it.

    Matthew says,I did not do it. Krishna did not do it.

    Krishna says, I did not do it .I do not know who did it.

    Who stole your boat?

    A) John

    B) Matthew

    C) Krishna

    D) None of them.

    Ans. B

    Matthew said he didn't know who did it, but he also said he did not do it, which means he knows

    who did it, which means his second statement is false, which means his first statement is true

    Directions for question nos 24-25: There are five trains A, B, C, D and E that run between the

    following stations:

    Bombay and Pune

    Calcutta and Bombay

    Pune and Goa

    Goa and Bombay

    Pune and Calcutta

    Trains A and D do not go to Bombay, B&C do not go to Calcutta and C & D do not touch Goa.

    24) Train E goes from to and vice-versa

    A. Pune and Calcutta

    B. Bombay to Goa

    C. Bombay to Calcutta

    D. Goa to Pune.

    Ans. C

    25) Which train runs between Calcutta and Pune?

    A) A

    B) B

    C) C

    D) D

    Ans. D


    26) The device that can transform digital data into analog data is called a




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    Ans. D

    27) Following is true about the IP of a machine

    A) It is 48-bit and will always be unique around the world.

    B) It is 48-bit and is not necessarily be unique around the world.

    C) It is 32-bit and will always be unique around the world.

    D) It is 32-bit and is not necessarily be unique around the world.

    Ans. C

    28) A machine having 64MB memory runs a executable which is 300MB on disk. This is

    achieved by:

    A) Use of FAR pointers

    B) Page swapping.

    C) Save some variables on another machine on network.

    D) Cannot be run on the machine.

    Ans. B

    29) Which of the following is true about thread and process startup speed:

    A) The startup of a thread is faster than a process.

    B.) The process startup is faster as it is directly controlled by the OS.

    C) They will be equal.

    D) Depends on OS that is used. Faster on Windows98 slower on NT.

    Ans. A

    30) What causes Thrashing of a program :

    A.) The constant swapping of program due to page faults.

    B.) The inability of a program to get assess to a network resource.

    C) A near overflow / underflow of a variable.

    D) Assessing a memory area not allocated to the process.

    Ans. A

    31) Turbo-C is an

    A) IDE and C compiler/linker.

    B) C-compiler/linker

    C) C .

    D) code generator.

    Ans. A

    32) The path of creation of an executable is :

    A) coding, linking, compiling, parsing.

    B) coding, parsing, compiling, linking.

    C) coding, compiling, parsing, linking.

    D) coding, compiling, linking, parsing.

    Ans. B

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    33) Memory leak in software is due to

    A) Heavy recursion used in logic.

    B) Using structures of large size

    C) Improper use of the CPU registers.

    D) Improper release of allocated memory .

    Ans. d

    34) A stable sort is different from sort in the following way

    A) Stable sort handles multiple thread access.

    B) Stable sort maintains the order of equal entities as it was in original sequence.

    C) Stable sort will always sort using the fastest scheme available in the library.

    D) Stable sort can handle exceptional conditions like interrupts in software.

    Ans. B

    35) The classic way of checking whether a mathematical expression has matched parenthesis

    will employ the following data structure :

    A) List.

    B) Directed Graph

    C) Threaded Binary tree.

    D) Stack.

    Ans. D

    36) The fastest sorting algorithm for a Random set of numbers is:

    A) Quick sort

    B) Shell sort

    C) Bubble sort

    D) Double Bubble sort.

    37) Which of these items is not a form of IPC:

    A) Shared Memory

    B) Pipes.

    C) Message queues.

    D) Semaphores

    Ans. B

    38) The term socke in software refers to:

    A) The software primitive which allows access to the hardware attached to the computer.

    B) The API exposed by drivers to assess a hardware.

    C) End point of connection used to transfer data programmatically.

    D) Th primitive used by OS to get assess to the CPU for process scheduling.

    Ans. C

    39) Which of these statements is True:

    A) XML is a sub-set of HTML.

    B) XML is a less generic markup language standard derived from SGML.

    C) XML is HTML for extended Interfaces like mobile-phones.

  • Durga Software Solutions

    DURGA SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, S.R.NAGAR,HYDERABAD-38, Cell:9246212143, Ph:040-64512786 Page 43

    D) XML is a extension of HTML which defines new tags.

    Ans. D

    40) DCOM and CORBA are:

    A) Specifications which enable faster downloads on the net.

    B) Specifications that allow objects to be accessed in a location independent manner.

    C) Parallel implementations of XML by Microsoft and Sun respectively..

    D) Specifications to store objects on disk, for later retrieval.

    Ans. B

    41) The Process that involves monitoring and improving the software product development is:

    (A) Quality Assurance

    (B) Quality Control

    (C) Quality Improvement

    (D) None of the above

    Ans. (C) Quality Improvement

    42) An executable test that verifies a functionality of the software unit with given input and

    expected output is called:

    (A) Test Script

    (B) Test Plan

    (C) Test Case

    (D) All of the above

    Ans. maybe C

    43) A Bug in the software is, when there is

    (A) Application Crash

    (B) Feature Failure

    (C) Loss of Data

    (D) All of the above

    Ans. maybe A, or probably D

    44) Testing based on External Specifications without knowledge of how the system is


    (A) Black Box Testing

    (B) White Box Testing

    (C) Stress Testing

    (D) Performance Testing

    (E) None of the above

    Ans. a

    45) Which of the following is false

    (A) QA is a process defined to attain Quality Standards

    (B) QC is testing of the product during its production work-flow

    (C) A Test case could contain many Test Plans.

    (D) A Test Plan could contain many Test Script & Test Cases

  • Durga Software Solutions

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    Ans. C

    46) A Printing Machine that transfers impressions from Flat Plate to Rubber Cylinder, thence to

    paper is called

    (A) Laser Printer

    (B) Press, Offset

    (C) Digital Printer

    (D) All of the above

    Ans. maybe Offset

    47) Printing process in which ink is applied to paper or board from raised portions of printing

    plates or type is called:

    (A) Printing, Letterpress

    (B) Printing, Flexographic

    (C) Printing, Silk screen

    (D) None of the above

    Ans. maybe letterpress

    48) Yellow (lemon), Magenta (cold red), Cyan (blue-green) are the three

    (A) Process Colors

    (B) Monitor Colors

    (C) Special Colors

    (D) Spot Colors

    Ans. (A) Process Colors

    49) Leading specifies:

    (A) The space between the lines in a paragraph.

    (B) The space between the base of a line to the base of the following line in a paragraph.

    (C) The space between the top of the X height and the bottom of the X height of the following

    line in a paragraph

    (D) The space between the beard of the top line and the beard of the bottom-line.

    50) Which is a typical page layout program out of the following software products:

    (A) Adobe Photo shop

    (B) Adobe Page Maker

    (C) Macromedia Free Hand

    (D) Macromedia Director

    Technical and HR

    1)How do you define CONSTANT in C?

    Using Macros.

    #define PI 3.14

    2)Define VARIABLE?

  • Durga Software Solutions

    DURGA SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, S.R.NAGAR,HYDERABAD-38, Cell:9246212143, Ph:040-64512786 Page 45

    Which holds data.

    3)Function calling procedures? and their differences? Why should one go for Call by Reference?

    A function can be called either by value or reference.

    In Pass by value called function does not change the variable values where as in Call by

    reference we can change.

    4)Difference between STRUCTURE and UNION?

    Size of the structures is some of the members inside the structure.

    Size of the union is same as longest member present inside the union.

    5) What‘s the special use of UNIONS?

    Memory is used effectively

    6)What is a pointer? What is meant by recursion?

    Pointer is a variable which stores the address of the another variable.

    Function calling itself is called recursion.

    7)Can you write a programmer for FACTORIAL using recursion?

    Int fact(int n)


    if(n == 0)

    Return n * fact(n – 1);


    8)What is LINKED LIST? How can you access the last element in a linked list?



    If(ptr->next == NULL)





    The questions asked in the first technical interview are

    1. Tell me about yourself

    2. Write a programmer for binary searching

  • Durga Software Solutions

    DURGA SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, S.R.NAGAR,HYDERABAD-38, Cell:9246212143, Ph:040-64512786 Page 46

    3. What is a semaphore and where do we use them

    4. What is meant by LRU(least recently used)

    5. A puzzle

    6. About your family

    7. About your higher studies and plans for the future

  • Durga Software Solutions

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    Aptitude Training (Arithmetic & Reasoning)

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  • Durga Software Solutions

    DURGA SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, S.R.NAGAR,HYDERABAD-38, Cell:9246212143, Ph:040-64512786 Page 48

    Syllabus: Arithmetic 1. Number System 2. L.C.M & H.C.F 3. Problems On Ages 4. Averages 5. Percentages 6. Ratios And Proportion 7. Profit And Loss 8. S.I And C.I 9. Time And Work 10. Time And Distance 11. Permutations And Combinations 12. Probability 13. Clocks And Calendar 14. Menstruation 15. Trains 16. Boats And Streams 17. Pipes And Cisterns 18. Mixtures And Allegations

    19. Races 20. Partnership Reasoning 1. Blood Relations 2. Directions 3. Coding And Decoding 4. Series 5. Analogy 6. Odd Man Out 7. Ranking 8. Cubes 9. Problem Solving 10. Syllogism 11. Logical Venn Diagrams 12. Data Sufficiency 13. Data Interpretations 14. Figure Series 15. Critical Reasoning 16. Logical Deduction


    23/3RT IInd Floor, Opp.Andhra Bank,Near Umesh Chandra Statue,S.R.Nagar,Hyderabad - 500038 Ph: 040 - 64512786, 09246212143 | www.durgasoft.com
