ark of oneness

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  • 8/14/2019 Ark of Oneness



    Are You Being Led Away with the Error of the

    Wicked to the New Age Ark of Oneness?

    by Tamara Hartzell

    ~ February 2008 ~

    And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For manyshall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. (Matthew 24:4-5)

    For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles

    of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an ange l of light. Therefore

    it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness;

    whose end shall be according to their works. (2 Corinthians 11:13-15)

    Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was

    needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the

    faith which was once delivered unto the saints. For there are certain men crept in unawares,

    who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of

    our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

    (Jude 1:3-4)

    For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not

    sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw

    away disciples after them. Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years

    I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears. (Acts 20:29-31)

    Ye therefore , beloved, seeing ye know these things before , beware lest ye also, being led

    away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness. (2 Peter 3:17)


    His [Christs] coming is largely dependent, as we shall later see, upon the establishing of

    right human relations. This the church has hindered down the centuries, and has not helped

    because o f its fanatical zeal to make Christians of all peoples and no t followers of the Chri st.

    It has emphasized theological doctrine, and not love and loving understanding as Christ

    exemplified it.1

    The functioning of the Law of Loving Understanding will eventuate later in the

    development of a worldwide international spirit, in the recognition of one universal faith in

    God and in humanity also as the major expression of divinity upon the planet.2

    It is here that the Church, as usually understood, meets its major challenge. Is it spiritual

    enough to let go of theology and become truly human? Is it interested enough to widen its

    horizon and recognize as truly Chr istian all who demonstrate the Christ spirit, whether they

    be Hindu, Mohammedan, or Buddhist, whether they are labeled by any name other than

    that of orthodox Christian?3

    Everyone fanatically clinging to an idea isolating him from the universal axiomThere is

    no Religion higher than Truthwill find himself separated like a rotten plank from the new

    ark called Humanity.4


    There is a new world emerging that will affect all kindreds, tongues, and nations. This new world

    stands against the truth, against the Lord Jesus Christ, and against God. Its rise is coming about in the

    power and authority and deception of the god of this world (angel of light), who will easily lure the

    spiritually-prepared masses into worshipping him and his Coming One. In fact, the advancing ways

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    and teachings of this new world and its Emerging One Church are already being planted firmly in the

    faith and behavior of people today. So successful is this advance that even people in todays

    Christianity are already being deceived into worshipping the counterfeit God and the counterfeit

    Christ of this new world.

    Sadly, this isnt as difficult of a task as you might think. A long process of incrementally replacing the

    Christian faith with relativism in todays Christianity is merely coming to the end. In todays pursuit

    of world-pleasing cultural correctness and interfaith unity, this process has picked up tremendous

    speed, which, in turn, is greatly facilitating the rise of the new world. The only defense against the

    wiles of the devil and his fallen spirit realm is the armor of God, which is the Christian faith, which isbeing replaced with the relativism of the new world. It is a strengthening spiral of deception.

    Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the

    whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

    For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against

    the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    Where fore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the

    evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with

    truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness ; and your feet shod with the

    preparation ofthe gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield offaith, wherewith ye

    shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet ofsalvation,

    and the sword o f the Spirit, which is the word of God : praying always with all prayer and

    supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication

    for all saints. (Ephesians 6:10-18)

    People in Christianity today are falling for the wiles of the devil, including his counterfeit God and

    counterfeit Christ, because they are neglecting, disregarding, avoiding, rejecting, rebuffing, or

    outright casting aside and discarding the armor of God. Desiring the new world themselves, they are

    laying down the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and waving the white flag of surrender

    to the advancing interfaith forces of Oneness.

    Those who surrender are being spiritually prepared to board the nearly-completed Ark of Oneness

    that is to take humanity into the new world. This spiritual Ark is being built as a vessel of peace and

    safety for all who choose to belong to this new world. Those who are making this choice arereplacing Gods outdated and irrelevant armor with stylish culturally-correct clothes hand tailored

    by the god of this world to be far more comfortable and pleasurable to wear on their spiritual journey

    to his new world.

    relat iv ism is replacing truth

    worldliness is replacing righteousness

    the New Gospel of peace with the world through Oneness is replacing the original Gospel

    of peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ

    the New Spirituality is replacing the true faith that comes from the Word of God

    the unity in diversity of Oneness is replacing the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ

    unity-seeking dialogue and spiritual experiences are replacing the Word of God

    Instead of stand[ing] against the wiles of the devil, people are standing against the truth of God and

    the Lord Jesus Christ. Without the full armor of God, people in todays Christianity have become so

    defenseless against our spiritual enemy that the devil is easily beguiling them into believing that his

    wiles are the works of God, that his relativism is the truth of God, that his New Gospel is the true

    Gospel, that his New Spirituality is authentic faith, that his counterfeit God is the true God, and

    that his counterfeit Christ is the true Christ.

    Do you know the difference? Are yousure? What is thesource of your faith? The source of your faith

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    is revealed by your attire. Are you wearing the armor of God or clothing designed for the new world?

    Preparing for the Emerging One Church of the New World: Separating Christ-follower

    from Christian

    Are you a Christian or a Christ-follower? Believe it or not, there is a world of difference in the New

    Spirituality that is replacing the Christian faith in todays Christianity. On the surface, Christ-follower

    may seem to be a more accurate term than Christian since Christians are followers of Christ. But you

    cant always judge a book by its cover. When the New Spiritualitys transformation to Christ-follower

    has been accomplished, the difference between the two will be as significant as the difference betweendark and light, or the broad way and the narrow way. This subtle separating of terms is being

    implemented in preparation for the Emerging One Church of the new world, for which Christian is

    too narrow and exclusive. Christian clearly says that followers of Christ are in the Christian faith (true

    Christianity), but Christ-followerinclusively allows for followers of Christ to be in any religion.

    Accordingly, Christians are people ofthe faith, clearly set forth in the Word of God, but Christ-

    followers will be people of faiththat is, any faith or religion. Christians believe that the right doctrine

    and theologyin other words, the right faithare essential for salvation, but Christ-followers will

    believe that doctrine and theology are irrelevant because what you do is more important than what

    you believe. Christians believe there is only one truth, clearly set forth in Gods Word of truth, but

    Christ-followers will believe there is truth in every religion.

    Inevitably, with unity at all costs becoming the foundation of the world and churches, Christian is

    already becoming a brand of shame. In the emerging new world, Christian says that you are

    intolerant, divisive, religiously bigoted, judgmental, and legalistic. In other words, Christian says to the

    world that you believe when God says there is only one way to God and none other that God actually

    means it. The world never has tolerated this faith very well.

    Christ-follower, on the other hand, will become a badge of honor. In the emerging new world, Christ-

    followerwill say that you are undogmatic, unifiable, open-minded, accommodating, and flexible. In

    other words, Christ-followerwill say to the world that you believe God is inclusive of those whose way

    to God is different than the way given to us in His Word. It will say that you are tolerant of the other

    religions in the world and that you believe they can be just as right as Christianity. The world will

    tolerate this faith, or spirituality, just fine. Why wouldnt it?

    The New Spirituality of the Emerging One Church

    If the New Spiritualitys emerging transformation to Christ-follower describes you and your beliefs,

    then no doubt many, if not all, of the following New Spirituality beliefs will ring true with you,

    especially if you can identify with the Emerging Church movement.

    THERE IS NO RELIGION HIGHERTHAN--TRUTH. [Truth] must be underlying every world-

    religion Therefore, that a portion of truth, great or small, is found in every religious and

    philosophical system 5

    [E]very man should be free to worship God in his own way. His own God-illum ined mind

    will search for truth and he will interpret it for himself. The day of theology is over and that

    of a living truth is with us.6

    It is the pride of mind which sees its way and its interpretations to be correct and true, and

    others false and wrong.7

    The teaching of Christ is not obsolete and out o f date. It needs only to be rescued from the

    interpretations of the theologies of the past 8

    Christ's major task was the establishing of God's kingdom upon earth. He showed us the

    way in which humanity could enter that kingdom the way is found in service to our fellow


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    It is through supreme service and sacrifice that we become followers of C hrist and earn the

    right to enter into His kingdom, because we do not enter alone.9

    The need is for vision, wisdom and that wide tolerance which will see divinity on every

    hand and recognize the Christ in every human being.10

    The true Church is the kingdom of God on earth composed of all, regardless of race or

    creed, who live by the light within, who have discovered the fact of the mystical Christ in

    their hearts.11

    The message of G od is clear. No matter what the religion, no matter what the culture, no

    matter what the spiritual or indigenous tradition, the bottom line is identical: We are all


    Christian peop le are to recognize their place within a worldwide divine revelation and see

    Christ as representing all the faiths and taking H is rightful place as World Teacher. He is the

    World Teacher and not a Christian teacher. They may not call Him Christ, but they have

    their own name for Him and follow Him as truly and faithfully as their Western brethren.13

    The Christ has no religious barriers in His consciousness. It matters not to Him of what faith

    a man may call himself.14

    [The Christ] has been for two thousand years the supreme Head of the Church Invisible

    composed of disciples of all faiths. He cares not what the faith is if the objective is love

    of God and of humanity.15

    These New Spirituality (New Age and New Gospel) beliefs are bringing humanity and its religions

    together in interfaith unity. They are foundational to the Emerging One Church (the universal religion

    of the new world) which is indeed widely desired and worked for in both the world and todays


    [R]eligions though diverse in their theologies and forms of worship and though differing

    in their methods of application of truth, are united in three basic aspects

    When men recognize this and succeed in isolating that inner significant structure of truth

    which is the same in all climes and in all races, then there will emerge the universal

    religion, the One Church, and that unified though not uniform approach to God

    Theologies will disappear into the knowledge of God; doctrines and dogmas will no longerbe regarded as necessary, for faith will be based on experience, and authority will give place

    to personal appreciation of Reality.

    The history of religions, the foundations of doctrine, the origin of ideas and the growth of

    the God idea are being subjected to research and study. This leads to much disputation; to

    the rejection of old established ideas as to God, the soul, man and his destiny. (Bold


    Today, slowly, the concept ofa world religion and the need for its emergence are

    widely desired and worked for. The fusion of faiths is now a field for discussion. Workers

    in the field of religion will formulate the universal platform of the new world religion. It is a

    work of loving synthesis and will emphasize the unity and the fellowship of the spirit. This

    group is, in a pronounced sense, a channel for the activities of the Christ, the world Teacher.The platform of the new world religion will be built by many groups, working under the

    inspiration of the Christ.

    Churchmen need to remember that the human spirit is greater than all the churches and

    greater than their teaching. In the long run, that human spirit will defeat them and proceed

    triumphantly into the Kingdom of God, leaving them far behind unless they enter as a

    humble part of the mass of men.

    The churches in the W est need also to realize that basically there is only one Church,

    but it is not necessarily only the orthodox Christian institution. (Bold added)17

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    This the church has hindered down the centuries, and has not helped because of its

    fanatical zeal to make Christians of all peoples and not followers of the Christ .

    It has emphasized theological doctrine, and not love and loving understanding as Christ

    exemplified it. (Bold added)18

    This Emerging One Church (universal, new world religion) is captivating todays Christianity that has

    been easily fooled into believing that the Word of God is insufficient and irrelevant for our global-

    minded world. This goes hand in hand with the view that the traditional Christian faith is a failure

    in todays world. As a result, no time is being wasted in replacing the scriptural faith of Christianity

    with the loving understanding and New Spirituality faith of the Emerging One Church. In itsgrowing relativistic zeal to make Christ-followers and not Christians, todays Christianity is joining the

    interfaith work of building the platform of the new world religion.

    One Universal Faith in God and in Humanity

    The functioning of the Law of Loving Understanding will eventuate later in the

    development of a worldwide international spirit, in the recognition of one universal faith in

    God and in humanity also as the major expression of divinity upon the planet.

    Today there are many thousands coming under the influence of this Law of Loving Under-

    standing. Many in every nation are responding to the broader synthetic brotherly note 19

    As a child growing up in Fresno, my favorite attraction was Roeding Park with its Zoo and Storyland.

    As its name implies, Storyland is a play area for kids featuring explorative displays and audiorecordings of different childrens stories, such as The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks, and various others.

    A Noahs Ark display has also been included that featured a walk-through Ark made into a Christian

    Chapel, complete with stained glass windows and pews.

    This past spring I had the opportunity to revisit Roeding Park. At first, the Noahs Ark display

    appeared unchanged. It still seemed to be the same Christian Chapel. However, as I entered the

    Ark/Chapel I stood stunned and in disbelief. Neatly painted on the back of the pews were messages

    from different religions. As I stood there in dismay, I knew that I should not be surprised at the

    change. Yet despite having watched and warned about the New Spiritualitys relativism sweeping

    through the world and churches, I still found myself taken aback by the transformation to this

    attraction for young kids. With polished subtilty, the deceptive interfaith messages on the pewsconsisted of the following:

    The world rests on truth and peace ~ Hebrew

    And let the peace of God rule in your hearts For in Him, we live and move and have our

    being ~ Christian

    Show me Thy way, O Lord: teach me Thy path of truth and lead me ~ Hebrew

    All people are brothers and sisters, and all things are my companions ~ Confucianist

    For this is the message heard from the beginning: love one another ~ Christian

    He is happy, who makes others happy ~ Zoroastrian

    No one of you is a believer until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself ~Mohammedan

    The Lord is one, but He is called by a thousand names ~ Christian

    Be kind to all creatures that have life Do not speak harshly to anyone ~ Buddhist

    Our Father has commanded you to share everything with your friends ~ Muslim

    These changes to the Ark exemplify what is happening in Christianity today. The universal faith of

    the Emerging One Church is becoming so dominant in our sleeping churches and world that many

    people will look at the above messages and wonder what, if anything, is wrong with them. Even

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    worse, many people wont even care, little realizing that not understanding the answer could end up

    costing them their very soul. As is happening in todays Christianity, this Christian Ark has been

    successfully transformed into a New Age Ark of Oneness, yet many people would look at it and

    believe that it is still completely Christian. After all, arent the messages just positive goodwill messages

    about truth, peace, love, and brotherhood? How could this possibly cost anyone their soul?

    The god of this world, who deceitfully transforms himself into an angel oflight, craftily mixes truth

    with error to make thingsseem right. And his unsuspecting, unwatchful prey can often overlook his

    dangerous lies when they feel good. There are several issues with the messages above, but one

    dangerous lie in particular permeates the New Spirituality faith of this Emerging One Church.

    When religions are grouped together as equals, this automatically groups the gods of those religions

    as equals. Consequently, the inclusion of Christianity automatically reduces the only true and living

    God to nothing more than an equal of the false gods of the world. In fact, this is the meaning behind

    the lie falsely claiming to be a Christian message: The Lord is one, but He is called by a thousand

    names. This statement actually stems from the false belief that all the gods in all the religions are only

    different names for one God, so people in all religions pray to and worship the same God. This New

    Age relativism in itself makes all religions Christianitys equal and all their false gods the true Gods

    equal. Yet this is precisely the purpose in the new faith, or New Spirituality, of the Emerging One

    Church (new world religion):

    [T]he key to truth lies in the unifying power of Comparative Religion . Only thoseprinciples and truths which are universally recognized and which find their place in every

    religion are truly necessary to salvation. (Bold added)20

    That new world religion mustbe based upon those truths which have stood the test of ages

    and which have brought assurance and comfort to men everywhere.

    First and foremost, there must be recognition ofthe fact of God. That central Reality

    can be called by any name that man may choose for it cannot be defined or

    conditioned by names. (Bold added)21

    The New Sp irituality is a way of honoring our natural impulse toward the Divine without

    making others wrong for the way in wh ich they are doing it.22

    Humanity is recognizing the need for a more vital approach to God and one moreintelligently presented; men are tired of doctrinal and dogmatic differences and quarrels; the

    study of Comparative Religion has demonstrated that the foundational truths in every faith

    are identical.23

    [R]eligious differences are largely the result of man made quarrels over human

    interpretations of truth. Thus gradually, our quarrels and differences will be offset and the

    idea of the One Humanity will take their place.24

    This universal faith in God and in humanity is emerging as the new faith for many, and, from the

    Emerging Church movement to conservative evangelicalism, todays Christianity is no exception.

    A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. (Galatians 5:9)

    Whether aware of it or not, todays Christianity, along with the world, is being absorbed into the

    Emerging One Church. The new world and its One Humanity are well on the way to full emergence.

    Departing from the Faith, Having Taken Away the Key of Knowledge

    Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain

    woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary,

    which also sat at Jesus feet, and heard his word. But Martha was cumbered about much

    serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou no t care that my sister hath left me to

    serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me. And Jesus answered and said unto her,

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    Martha, Martha , thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful:

    and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her. (Luke


    But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But

    continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of

    whom thou hast learned them; and that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures,

    which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All

    scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for

    correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly

    furnished unto all good works. (2 Timothy 3:13-17)

    So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of G od. (Romans 10:17)

    Ye therefore , beloved, seeing ye know these things be fore, beware lest ye also, being led

    away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness. But grow in grace, and

    in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for

    ever. Amen. (2 Peter 3:17-18)

    Take a look again at the New Spirituality (Emerging One Church; One Universal Faith) beliefs quoted

    previously. As the New Spirituality continues to emerge as the new faith, these concepts and teachings

    are becoming ever more familiar within todays Christianity. We are even being told that this is

    authentic Christianity. Yet every one of these beliefs were penned by internationally known

    occultists and channelers!

    These beliefs, which are increasingly appearing in the teachings and writings of professing Christian

    leaders, were penned by Helena P. Blavatsky, Alice A. Bailey, and Neale Donald Walsch. Blavatsky

    has been referred to as the grandmother of the New Age movement, which is founded in the Ageless

    Wisdom, or Ancient Wisdom, of the East. This occultist and channeler of two spirit Masters

    founded the Theosophical magazineLucifer, co-founded the Theosophical Society, and began the

    spread of the Ageless Wisdom to the West in the late 1800s. Bailey has been referred to as the mother

    of the New Age movement. This occultist and channeler of one spirit Master co-founded the Arcane

    School and Lucis Trust (Lucis was originally Lucifer), and continued Blavatskys work of

    spreading the Ageless Wisdom during the first half of the 1900s. Walsch founded the School of the

    New Spirituality in 2002 and Humanitys Team in 2003, both of which are dedicated to shiftinghumanitys faith and behavior to reflect the New Spirituality (Ageless Wisdom) belief that we are all

    one. This channeler of the spirit that calls itself God has become a leader and author of the New

    Age New Spirituality, thanks to his Conversations with God book series. He is furthering the spread

    of this Ageless Wisdom Oneness for our time.

    These three people were all contacted directly by seducing spirits from Lucifers realm (who is the

    god of this world and Angel of light) for the purpose of bringing teachings from his spirit

    worldin other words, doctrines of devilsinto our world. Yet their Ageless/Ancient Wisdom and its

    doctrines of Oneness are being welcomed into todays bewitched Christianity as authentic faith!

    The Holy Spirit warned this would happen, but people are increasingly indifferent and oblivious to

    what Gods Word actually says. The extremely dangerous new source of faith for todays apatheticChristianity appears to be, So then authentic faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the doctrines


    Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times som e shall depart from the faith,

    giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines ofdevils. (1 Timothy 4:1)

    For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts

    shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their

    ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. (2 Timothy 4:3-4)

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    With the subtilty of the serpent and his forked-tongue, leaders in todays Christianity are leading their

    followers away from the faith and armor of the true God by teaching

    that we dont need to know Gods Word, we just

    need to know God through experience, and

    loving and serving others;

    that we need to live the Christian life instead of

    thinking about it, so we need to study the Bible

    less because Bible study takes us away from

    experience, relationships, and service;

    that it is better for us to be experiencers rather

    than believers;

    that we dont need to study or know the Bible

    (Gods Word of truth), but we can learn a lot of

    truth from different religions since every religion

    has its own portion of the truth;

    that God and Christ are in every human being;

    that we need positive interfaith dialogue to build

    connections between our different experiences

    of God and Christ; that Christians have misplaced their faith in the

    religion of Christianity rather than in the Person

    of Christ, hence making followers of Christ

    doesnt necessarily mean making followers of

    the Christian religion;

    that we can follow Christ in any religious

    framework of our choosing, because Christ is not

    bound to the religious dogmas of Christianity;

    that we are guilty of idolatry of the Scriptures

    when we hold to Gods Word as authoritative

    doctrine, because God cannot be confinedwithin a book;

    that we need to bring an end to Christian

    dogma (doctrine) and return to the mystery of

    God and authentic faith;

    that we must cast aside our tribal beliefs and

    doctrines, because we must focus on what unites

    rather than what divides;

    that Jesus crucifixion is metaphor, and we

    cant reduce His atonement to only one


    that it isnt only Christians who are saved,

    because people can encounter and experience

    God and even be followers of Christwithout

    knowing aboutJesus;

    that we need to free Christ from the box of

    Christianity, because He belongs to the world;

    that everyone is free to find their own way and

    define or interpret scriptures, doctrine, theology,

    faith, and God as they wish;

    that the Church is a spiritual community of

    people who are all on a spiritual journey to God,and this spiritual journey takes place in both

    Christian and non-Christian forms;

    that we need to enlarge our community to

    include those in other religions whose

    conceptions of God are different from the

    Christian faith;

    that we need to journey back to when we were

    all one before any religion existed;

    that bringing the different religions together into

    one interfaith community is for the good of the

    world, since we all worship one God;

    that this interfaith community is the true

    kingdom of God, because that which belongs

    to the kingdom of God cant be hijacked by

    Christianity; and so on, and so forth.


    Therefore, that a portion of truth, great or small, is found in every religious and

    philosophical system Our object is not to destroy any religion but rather to help to filter

    each, thus ridding them of their respective impurities.

    Free discussion, temperate, candid, undefiled by personalities and animosity, is, we think,

    the most efficacious means of getting rid of error and bringing out the underlying truth The

    object of the latter is to elicit truth, not to advance the interest of any particular ism 25

    [I]s there such a thing as absolute truth in the hands of any one party or man? Reason

    answers, there cannot be. There is no room for absolute truth upon any subject whatsoever,

    in a world as finite and conditioned as man is himself. But there are relative truths, and we

    have to make the best we can of them. for every one of us has to find that (to him) final

    knowledge in himself.26

    LuciferMagazine, 1888, Helena Blavatsky

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    This Ageless doctrine of devils that There is no Religion higher than Truth is becoming the new

    foundation of faith for many. What is the source ofyourfaith, and what is yourdefinition of truth?

    [I]n the new generation lies hope hope

    because of the promptness with which they

    recognize truth wherever it is to be found

    God works in many ways, through many

    faiths and religious agencies; in their union

    will the fullness of truth be revealed.27

    [T]he truth is a many-sided diamond 28

    All the various truths form one Truth;

    your little bit of truth forms part of the

    group mosaic.29

    the seducing spirit calling itself Djwhal

    Khul, a Master of Wisdom that channeled

    its teachings through Alice Bailey

    A New Spirituality truly is emerging upon the

    earth, and the idea of Oneness is at its core.30

    Of course, no one seriously suggests that the

    Bible is to be taken literally.31

    Humans will understand that Gods words are

    found in all of the worlds Holy Scriptures, andthat no scripture is more authoritative, more

    complete, more accurate, or more authentic

    than any other, but that each leads to a

    greater understanding of The Only Truth There

    Is 32

    When we believe in our heart that We Are All

    One, everything will change.Everything.33

    Neale Donald Walsch

    Indeed, everything is changing as todays Christianity switches from the Christian faith to relativism.

    One relativistic belief leads to another, and the belief that no one has to change their religion in orderto be followers of Christ and God naturally leads to the belief that all the gods of the people and

    nations are just different conceptions, interpretations, experiences, and names of the same God.

    Leaders of todays Christianity are leading their unquestioning followers right into the Emerging One

    Church (new world religion/New Spirituality) of the new worldthe New Age counterfeit kingdom

    of its counterfeit God, counterfeit Christ, and counterfeit truth. Yet in their double-speak, they

    are simultaneously claiming that these teachings do not compromise the faith, relativize Jesus Christ,

    or deny that He is the way, the truth, and the life! Apparently, double-mindedness precludes the

    understanding of either compromise, relativize, or John 14:6.

    Wolves have been given free reign in the sheepfold, and they are on a devouring rampage in sheeps

    clothing, just as the Lord Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul warned (Matthew 7:15-16; Acts 20:29-30). The wolves in Christianity today are casting aside the knowledge of Gods Word of truth and

    telling their followers to do the same. The resultant scriptural illiteracy in todays Christianity has

    inevitably given rise to its pandemic of deceiving, and being deceived. The wolves taking over

    Christianity today are as the lawyers who were warned by the Lord Jesus Christ:

    Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not

    in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered. (Luke 11:52)

    Gods Word is the truth and the key to His Kingdom. Other keys such as works, world service,

    experiences, interfaith unity, relativism, right human relations, etcetera, might work in the Emerging

    One Churchthe counterfeitkingdom of Godbut they do not work in the true Kingdom of God.

    If you reject the true saving faith that comes by the absolute truth of Gods Word, then you are

    rejecting the only key that gives entrance into Gods Kingdom.

    Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee,Except a man be born

    again, he cannot see the kingdom of God . Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye

    must be born again. He thatbelieveth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that

    believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. (John 3:3,

    7, 36)

    But wha t saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the

    word of faith, which we preach So thenfaith cometh by hearing, and hearingby the

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    word of God. (Romans 10:8, 17)

    Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth . (John 17:17)

    Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God ,

    which liveth and abideth for ever. For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the

    flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the word of

    the Lord endureth for ever.And this is the word which by the gospel is preached

    unto you. (1 Peter 1:23-25)

    For I am not ashamed ofthe gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvationto every one thatbelieveth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16)

    Even if knowing and believing it is regarded as hatred, religious oppression, and a hindrance

    to the interfaith unity of the Emerging One Church, Gods Word is still the truth and the only key to

    Gods true Kingdom. And Gods Word gives us the Christian faith. The Christian faith of true

    Christianity has not hijacked anything of God. God Himself is the One Who chose to deliver His

    absolute truth specifically unto His people in the faith which was once delivered unto the saints (i.e.,

    they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus Revelation 14:12; Jude 1:3).

    This Christian faith is the only faith comprised of the doctrine of Christ, and it is the doctrine of Christ

    that gives us thePerson of Christ. Yet this Christian faith/doctrine is seen as a box from which Christ

    needs to be freed! To say this is utter nonsense is a tremendous understatement! Christ needs to be

    freed from the truth of Who He is?!

    To throw out the knowledge and belief of Gods Word of truth is spiritual suicide. If you rid your life

    of the doctrine of Christ, you are ridding your life of the Person of Christ and God Himself.

    Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus

    answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he

    hath sent. (John 6:28-29)

    Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not

    God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. (2

    John 1:9)

    God said it. Those who still prefer to believe that it is idolatry, religious bigotry, tribalism, or

    pride to believe and abide in the doctrine of Christ can take it up with God. No doubt the day is

    soon coming when God will be sure to take it up with them.

    It all comes down to whether people believe that Gods Word truly is the Word ofGod. Those who

    do notregardless of whether or not they admit itwill question, doubt, reimagine, and rethink

    Gods Word. Yea, hath God said? The serpents question is now often repeated by unbelieving

    Christians. Their belief that Gods Word is debatable and not knowablewith certainty frees them

    to believe and do what is right in their own eyes, along with the world. They are experiencing the New

    Spiritualitys transformation. As is their purpose, they are becoming experiencers rather than

    believers. And as the Holy Spirit warned would happen, they are departing from the faith.

    The world is not the innocent victim of the tribal faith and outdated methods of scriptural

    Christianity, as todays deceived teachers would have us believe. Humanity has always preferred

    believing and doing what is right in its own eyes rather than what is right in Gods eyes, and it is very

    persistent in its determination to get away with it. This persistence is now becoming very evident

    within todays inclusive new counterfeit Christianity as well.

    And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness

    rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the

    light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. (John 3:19-20)

    Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the

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    good way, and walk therein, and ye sha ll find rest for your souls.But they said, We will

    not walk therein. (Jeremiah 6:16)

    Transcending Religious Differences to Become Truly Human on the Ark of Oneness

    I suggest that such an international, universal, transcreedal, transcultural, transracial

    standard for theology is the statement: We Are All One. Ours is not a better way, ours is

    merely another way.

    This can be the gospel of a New Spirituality. It can be a kind of spirituality that gives

    people back to themselves. the seducing spirit calling itself God that channeled itsteachings through Neale Donald Walsch in their conversations (Bold added)34

    When Noah built the Ark of God, he preached to the world warning humanity of Gods coming

    judgment. No one had ears to hear. Only Noahs family of eight people were willing to obediently give

    themselves to God; they alone boarded the Ark. The rest of humanity persisted in believing and doing

    what was right in their own eyes and subsequently found themselves the recipients of Gods severe


    Despite its destruction in the flood, and despite its setback when it tried to become One at the tower

    of Babel, humanity remains undeterred in its self-determination. Even so, humanity thinks it has

    learned its lesson, that the key is to be on the Ark rather than to be separated from it. So what is

    humanitys solution? Build its own Ark of course.

    There is no Religion higher than Truth. Hence we must welcome Truth wherever it may

    be found, without partiality for any one belief as against another. Helena Blavatsky35

    Relinquish the pride of mind wh ich sees its way and its interpretations to be correct and

    true, and others false and wrong. This is the way of separation. the seducing spirit calling

    itself Djwhal Khul36

    Everyone fanatically clinging to an idea isolating him from the universal axiomThere is

    no Religion higher than Truthwill find himself separated like a rotten plank from the new

    ark called Humanity. Helena Blavatsky (Bold added)37

    Humanitys spiritual Ark is being built by many groups as the platform of the new world religion

    (Emerging One Church). Although it gives the appearance of being Christian, or following Christ,it is a New Age Ark of Oneness. The builders of this Ark are offering the peace and safety of Oneness

    with God and with each other to all who are spiritual enough to get on board. They are also warning

    everyone who remains separate from this Oneness to change their wrong separative beliefs or face

    the coming storm of judgment that is to purge the world of all separateness. Only those who forsake38

    the way of separation and find forgiveness toward othersin other words, those who believe

    There is no Religion higher than Truth and no longer see the ways and interpretations (beliefs)

    of others to be false and wrongcan enter this Ark of peace and safety.

    The ark of peace is entered two by two, yet the beginning of another world goes with


    Think not that your forgiveness of your brother serves but you two alone. For the whole

    new world rests in the hands of every two who enter here to rest. the seducing spirit

    calling itself Jesus, who channeled A Course in Miracles through Helen Schucman,

    Professor of Medical Psychology at Columbia Universitys College of Physicians and

    Surgeons in NYC (Bold added)39

    The winds will blow upon it and the rain will beat against it, but with no effect. The world will

    wash away and yet this house will stand forever, for its strength lies not within itself alone.

    It is an ark of safety the seducing spirit calling itself Jesus (Bold added)40

    The call is still going out. Are you one of those on the way to becoming spiritual enoughspiritually

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    One enoughto become truly human? Are you one of those whose hearts are listening and who

    will help build this Ark of hope and create a New Humanity for the new world?

    It is here that the Church, as usually understood, meets its major challenge. Is it spiritual

    enough to let go of theology and become truly human? Is it interested enough to

    widen its horizon and recognize as truly Christian all who demonstrate the Christ spirit,

    whether they be Hindu, Mohammedan, or Buddhist, whether they are labeled by any name

    other than that of orthodox Christian? Alice Bailey (Bold added)41

    We need to reconfirm the great things in life expressions of the purest aspects of our

    spirit, reflections of the Oneness that we are. This is what the Alliance [for a NewHumanity] is seeking, a going back to being truly human, a pause, a call to this sense in

    most of all.

    Once, when Noah set out to build the Ark, it is said that few wanted to invest their time or

    resources in such a venture. But it did rain a lot, and those who built the lifeboat sailed and

    generated a new hope, a new seed for the Universe to continue looking at itself. So goes the

    myth of Noah.

    Today we are again swamped with our forgetfulness of Being We are again callous

    to each others pain as we indulge in our separateness. We must call again, for those whose

    hearts are listening Call upon ourselves to help us build this Ark of hope , this

    Human-Net. Deepak Chopra, President & Co-founder of the Alliance for a New

    Humanity, a popular spiritual leader who is highly acclaimed as the preeminent voice of

    Eastern Philosophy in the West (Bold added)42

    This is an opportunity for us to transcend our religious differences, our ethnic

    boundaries, and create a new humanity which is based on love, sharing, compassion,


    You know in historical traditions, in religious traditions, God rained on the earth for 40

    days. And from that came Noahs Ark and the creation of a new humanity. Can we create

    a new humanity that is not based on militarism ethnocentrism, racism, bigotry, hatred, and

    prejudice? Deepak Chopra (Bold added)43

    Unlike the world in Noahs day, this time many people are listening. Multitudes are joining the efforts

    to warn the world and help build humanitys Ark of Oneness to save the world from its global andplanetary problems, which the New Age teaches are caused by separation, or lack of Oneness due

    to forgetfulness of Being. The hope of this Ark is its spiritually One New Humanity that will

    remember or awaken to the divine Reality of who they really are in the core of their


    In other words, the hope of this Ark is the belief in humanitys inner Oneness with God, which is

    the basis for humanitys spiritual Oneness with each other. Oneness embraces panentheismthe

    belief in Gods immanence, or that God is in everyone and everyone is in God (and therefore

    everyone is One with each other)and ultimately leaves no separation (or gap) at all between God

    and humanity. This panentheism is the New Age New Spiritualitys misunderstanding of Acts 17:28,

    For in him we live, and move, and have our being, which is why this verse was included in the New

    Age transformation to the Christian Ark mentioned earlier.

    Key to the New Spirituality is a belief that God is not separate from anyone or anything

    and neither are we. Neale Donald Walschs Humanitys Team website44

    God is All in all in a very literal sense. All being is in Him Who is all Being. You are

    therefore in Him since your being is His. By your awakening to it, you are merely

    forgetting what you are not. This enables you to remember what you are. the seducing

    spirit calling itself Jesus45

    The beautiful relationship you have with all your brothers is a part of you because it is a

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    part of God Himself. Are you not sick, if you deny yourself your wholeness and your

    health, the Source of help, the Call to healing and the Call to heal? For healing will be one

    or not at all, its oneness being where the healing is. What could correct for separation

    but its opposite?

    It is an ark of safety, resting on Gods promise that His Son is safe forever in Himself.

    What gap can interpose itself between the safety of this shelter and its Source?

    the seducing spirit calling itself Jesus (Bold added)46

    The hope of the New Age faith, or New Spirituality, is that when this One Humanity has achieved its

    divine potential and all separation has been purged from the world, then world problems such astribalism and poverty and hatred and violence will be left behind. The world will then be

    transformed by this New Humanity into a divine new world of peace, love, good will, and sharing

    where everyone can be free to worship his own inner (immanent) God of his own understanding

    in his own way. The call for this New Age kingdom of God is now being so widely heeded, even

    in todays Christianity, that the building of humanitys Ark of Oneness is suddenly nearing completion.

    Our opportunity now is to create the space of possibility for a New Spirituality to emerge

    upon the earth bringing to our world at last an individualized experience of the

    Divine in a unified form that makes no one wrong for the way in which they are

    approaching the God of their understanding, and that creates no condemnation or

    conflict in Gods name. Neale Donald W alsch (Bold added)47

    Today mens minds are recognizing the dawn of freedom; they are realizing that every man

    should be free to worship God in his own way. His own God-illumined mind will

    search for truth and he will interpret it for himself.The day of theology is over the

    seducing spirit calling itself Djwhal Khul (Bold added)48

    The search for a new narrative that unites us and takes us to the dawn of a new civilization

    is a fundamental driving force at these crossroads of humanity. Deepak Chopra49

    Purposefully casting aside the key that gives entrance into the true Kingdom of God, humanity is

    doing its own kingdom building of an inclusive counterfeitkingdom that all men of peace and good

    will in any faith can enter.50

    Getting to heaven will no longer be the ultimate purpose in life. Creatingheaven wherever

    you are will be seen as the prime objective. Neale Donald Walsch51

    We are concerned with only one subject, the ushering in of the new world order. We are

    occupied with the formation of that new party which will gather into its ranks all men of

    peace and good will This new party can be regarded as the embodiment of the

    emerging Kingdom of God on earth, but it should be remembered that this kingdom

    is not a Christian kingdom It is a grouping of all those who - belonging as they do to

    every world religion and every nation and type of political party - are free from the spirit

    of hatred and separativeness, and who seek to see right conditions established on earth

    through mutual good will. the seducing spirit calling itself Djwhal Khul (Bold added)52

    Although humanity intends for its Ark of Oneness to bring the world love, peace, compassion,

    brotherhood, goodwill, sharing, beauty, justice, virtue, unity, service, and elimination of global andplanetary problems, humanity is ultimately being driven by the god of this world to a very specific

    destination (a destination that not every builder and would-be boarder of the Ark is necessarily aware

    of ahead of time). This Ark of Oneness is the ultimate forbidden fruit. It is the no-holds-barred grand

    finale of the serpents seduction of humanity, which he began in the Garden of Eden. At its core,

    underneath all the alluring external trappings of love, peace, compassion, and so forth, this emerging

    Ark of Oneness and its counterfeit kingdom of God are nothing more than the serpents promise:

    Ye shall not surely die: then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as

    gods, knowing good and evil. (Genesis 3:4-5)

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    When, therefore, sight has been attained and the light streams forth, revelation of the

    oneness of all life is a simple and immediate occurrence

    [I]n these days many are attaining sight and light is pouring in.

    An increase of pressure on the part of all who recognize the factual nature ofthe inner

    subjective kingdom of God, will produce amazing results.

    We are all the children of God; we are all equally divine; we are all on our way to the

    revelation of divinity the seducing spirit calling itself Djwhal Khul (Bold added)53

    This div inity in man must be brought to the birth, both in the individual and in the race, andthus can the kingdom of God on earth be brought into being . Alice Bailey (Bold


    Essentially, this emerging counterfeit kingdom of God is the kingdom ofHumanity in which to

    become truly human is to become truly God. The serpents purpose for this kingdom is to

    initiate you into the mysteries of Being, that is, the revelation of the Secret that God and

    Christ are already within you as Who You Really Are regardless of what you believe or do. In

    Oneness there are no right or wrong interpretations (beliefs) of truth; there is only your own inner

    light of your own personal experience of your own Christ and God of your own understanding

    through your own Oneness with God.


    alone lives in the Kingdom, whereeverything lives in God

    without question.the seducing spirit calling itself Jesus (Bold added)55

    That is why we make no distinction between havingthe Kingdom of God and beingthe

    Kingdom of God. the seducing spirit calling itself Jesus (Bold added)56

    The teaching of Christ is not obsolete and out of date. It needs only to be rescued from the

    interpretations of the theologies of the past, and taken at its simple face value, which is an

    expression of the divinity of man, of his participation in the kingdom which is in process

    of being brought into recognition, and of his immortality as a citizen of that kingdom.

    What we are in reality passing through is a religious initiation into the mysteries of

    Being, and from that we shall emerge with a deepened sense of God immanent

    in ourselves and in all humanity . Alice Bailey (Bold added)57

    Truth lies within ourselves. When we can contact our own inner God all truth will be

    revealed to us. We shall be Knowers. Alice Bailey (Bold added)58

    The kingdom of God is not some one particular church with its own peculiar doctrines, its

    particular formulations of truth and of approach to God.

    The true Church is the kingdom of G od on earth composed of all, regardless of race

    or creed, who live by the light within , who have discovered the fact of the mystical

    Christ in their hearts, and are preparing to tread the Way of Initiation.

    The work of the disciple is the founding of the kingdom, and the primary characteristic of

    its citizens is immortality. [T]hey have life everlasting because there is in them that

    which cannot die, being of the nature of God. To be immortal because one's sins are

    forgiven seems an inadequate reason to an intelligent mind; to have everlasting life becauseChrist died two thousand years ago does not prove satisfactory to the man who is conscious

    of his own responsibility and his own identity; to live for ever because one is religious, or has

    accepted certain forms of belief, is a reason repudiated by the man who is aware ofhis own

    inner power and nature Alice Bailey (Bold added)59

    The New Spirituality is a civil rights movement for the soul, freeing humanity at last from

    the oppression of its belief in a separate, angry, violent, and fearful God. Neale Donald


    Oneness has no use for the key to the true Kingdom of God. In the safety of Oneness, humanity

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    becomes as God with everyone knowing and interpreting and deciding for oneself what is good and

    what is evil. Thus in Oneness, humanity can safely believe and do what is right in its own eyes

    without fear of judgment from God or man. In the safety of Oneness and its true Church (i.e., its

    Emerging One Church), a darkness-loving humanity can finally emerge out of the reproving light of

    the knowledge of the true God and achieve what it has really wanted all along: Absolute Freedom

    of Human Thought.61

    Meditation: The Expressway to the God and Christ Within You as WhoYou Really


    One reason humanity is well on its way to becoming truly human enough for the new world and

    its Ark of Oneness is meditation. Thanks to meditation, which is so popular that it has become a major

    selling point in advertisements, discovering the fact of the immanent God or mystical Christ

    already within all of humanity will soon become an accepted and ordinary spiritual experience.

    Meditation is the most effective and most deceptive weapon in the serpents arsenal for the purpose

    of seeking new members for his counterfeit kingdom of God. Whether they know it or not, the

    growing number of those who meditate are meditating themselves right into his kingdom of Oneness.

    The true nature and goal of meditation is flying under the radar of too many in todays armor-

    shunning Christianity, and there is, already, a heavy cost. Those who believe that meditation can be

    reclaimed as spiritual disciplines for God or that it can be reduced to nothing more than

    exercise or scientifically-proven stress relief have been severely deceived, lying experiencesnotwithstanding. (There is a reason that Gods Wordan essential part of the armor of Godwarns

    us in 1 Timothy 6:20-21 about oppositions ofscience falsely so called!) So-called Christianized

    or Christ-ized forms of meditation such as visualization, solitude, the silence, spiritual breathing or

    breath prayers, the Jesus Prayer, centering prayer, kything prayer, contemplative prayer, lectio divina,

    the labyrinth, yoga, tai chi, etcetera, go way beyond being merely spiritual disciplines, exercise,

    or stress relief. It is not a coincidence but rather the direct resultthat as the practice increases of the

    various forms and stages of meditation in todays Christianity, so do its beliefs in the New Spirituality

    of the Emerging One Church.

    In meditation, it is not the realm of the true God which is contacted but the deceptive realm of the god

    of this world, Lucifer, the fallen Angel of light. The light of illumination and inspiration that breaksin on the person meditating is the deliberately deceptive, counterfeit light of the Angel of light.

    This Master Counterfeiter no longer has to work very hard to deceive todays Christianity, which has

    replaced the authority of Gods Word of truth with the new authority of humanitys subjective spiritual

    experience. People have become their own supreme authority. Becoming as gods, knowing good

    and evil is occurring in both the world and todays professing Christianity.

    The following quotes on the nature and goal of meditation for those who practice it were penned by

    Alice Bailey. This channeler of one of the fallen angels of Lucifers realm was chosen directly by this

    spirit realm to detail its Plan in writing; a Plan which is successfully luring todays bewitched

    Christianity into its counterfeit faith of its counterfeit kingdom of its counterfeit God. The destination

    of our faith is determined by our source of faith. Is your source of faith Gods Word or Lucifers

    doctrines of devils and lying experiences? Christianizing meditation no more changes the truenature and goal of meditation than dressing up a wolf in sheeps clothing changes the wolf.

    It is, of course, easy to find many passages which link the way of the Christian Knower

    with that of his brother in the East. They bear witness to the same efficacy of method

    and they too use the intellect just as far as it will go and then suspend all effort whilst a new

    condition of being is instituted and a new state of awareness supervenes.

    Thus, the great schools ofintellectual meditation (devoid in the final stages of feeling

    and emotion) all lead to the same point. From the standpoint of Buddhism, of

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    Hinduism , ofSufism, and ofChristianity, there is the same basic goal: Unification with

    Deity; there is the same transcendence of the senses, the same focusing of the mind at its

    highest point, the same apparent futility of the mind beyond that point to carry the aspirant

    to his objective; there is the same entering into the state of contemplation of Reality, the

    same assimilation into God, and awareness of identity with God, and the same subsequent


    All sense of separateness has disappeared . Alice Bailey (Bold added)62

    The meditation process is divided into five parts, one part leading sequentially to another.

    1. Concentration. This is the act of concentrating the mind, learning to focus

    it and so use it.

    2. Meditation. The prolonged focusing of the attention in any direction and the

    steady holding of the mind on any desired idea.

    3. Contemplation.An activity of the soul, detached from the mind, which is

    held in a state of quiescence.

    4. Illumination. This is the result of the three preceding processes, and involves

    the carrying down into the brain consciousness of the knowledge achieved.

    5. Inspiration. The result of illumination, as it demonstrates in the life of service.

    These five stages, when followed, lead to union with the soul and direct

    knowledge of divinity. Alice Bailey (Bold added)63

    [F]or meditation is the one means whereby the sense of separateness is

    transcended, and unity with one's kind occultly comprehended. the seducing spirit

    calling itself Djwhal Khul (Bold added)64

    It might therefore be said that revelation concerns Oneness and nothing else. the

    seducing spirit calling itself Djwhal Khu l65

    [B]y surrendering himself to the life at the center and there holding himself poised and still,

    yet alert, the light will break in and reveal to the disciple that which he needs to

    know. He learns to express that inclusive love which is his major requirement and to let

    go the narrow, one-pointed attitude which he has hitherto regarded as love. He welcomes

    then all visions, if they serve to lift and comfort his brothers; he welcomes all truths,

    if they are the agen ts of revelation to other minds; he welcomes all dreams if they can actas incentives to his fellow men. the seducing spirit calling itself Djwhal Khul (Bold


    Third: In the language of some of the pioneers into the spiritual realm, the third result of

    meditation is that we find God. It is relatively unimportant what we mean in

    detail by that little word of three letters. It is but a symbol of Reality . Let us

    regard God as that High and Unknown Purpose which can be recognized as the sumtotal

    of all forms which express the Life

    Fourth: In the words of all schools of mystics in both hemispheres, these results

    [of meditation] are summed up in the words: Union with God, or At-one-ment

    with Divinity. God and man are at-one. The Self and Not-Self are unified. Alice

    Bailey (Bold added)67

    Todays Christianity has become meditations eager practitioner and apologist, and it is not a

    coincidence that it is now changing its faith to the New Spiritualitys relativistic faith in which everyone

    has different experiences, interpretations, concepts, and names of the same God. As pointed out

    in Baileys previous quote, the third result of meditation is that we find God and it is relatively

    unimportant what we mean in detail by that little word of three letters.

    Once this relativism is believed in, it is a very small step to realizing that if everyones belief in God

    is just a different interpretation of God, then the New Age belief in God as the Reality of Who

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    You Really Are also becomes just a different interpretation of God. The same goes for everyones

    belief and interpretation of Christ. This counterfeit kingdom of God, and its realization (Self-

    realization) of the immanent God and mystical Christ within all of humanity, is making forceful

    advances. The spiritual Ark of Oneness is nearing completion.

    The Coming One

    Rising to take the helm of humanitys Ark of Oneness by showing that he, being of the nature of

    God, has achieved the divine potential of man and has become as God, the coming unparalleled

    man of sin will be revealed to the spiritually-readied massesWho opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so

    that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. (2

    Thessalonians 2:4)

    This grand finale of the serpents seduction of humanity will appear to prove to an awestruck,

    bewitched humanity the seeming truth of the promise he gave in the Garden of Eden. With the

    power and signs and lying wonders of the great dragonthat old serpent, called the Devil, and

    Satan, which deceiveth the whole world (Revelation 12:9)this man of sin will masquerade as

    a man of peace who has achieved both divinity and immortality.

    And then shall that Wicked be revealed Even him, whose com ing is after the working

    of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness ofunrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that

    they might be saved. (2 Thessalonians 2:8-10)

    And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea and the

    dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads

    as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world

    wondered after the beast. and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like

    unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And all that dwell upon the

    earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain

    from the foundation of the world. If any man have an ear, let him hear. (Revelation 13:1-

    4, 8-9)

    With humanitys Ark of Oneness nearly completed, and this Coming One on the way, it appears thatthe serpent and his minions are pulling out all the stops in their zeal to finish getting the masses of

    humanity spiritual enough to follow their man of peace on board. In turn, humanity is becoming

    a swift learner of the ways and teachings of the New Spirituality and its Emerging One Church

    (universal, new world religion). When the time comes, those who are spiritual enough will, as One,

    leave all separateness behind and follow the serpents Coming One (the New Age antiChrist) right into

    his counterfeit kingdom of Goda kingdom of the false God of New Age relativism, the false

    Christ of New Age relativism, the false Jesus of New Age relativism, the false spirit of New Age

    relativism, and the false gospel of New Age relativism. There is nothing greater than knowing the

    wonderful, loving Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Yet people are trading Him in to become followers

    of this kingdoms counterfeit Christ who can only offer a counterfeit peace, a counterfeit love, a

    counterfeit faith, a counterfeit grace, a counterfeit salvation, and a counterfeit kingdom of a counterfeitGod.

    I would point out that when I use the phrase followers of the Christ I refer to all those

    who love their fellowmen, irrespective of creed or religion. Only upon this basic premise

    can a hopeful future be founded.

    I do not care whether or not those who read my words accept the occult teaching of a

    spiritual and planetary Hierarchy over which the Christ presides, or whether they think in

    terms of Christ and His disciples. the seducing spirit calling itself Djwhal Khul (Bold

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    For Christ takes many forms with different names until their oneness can be

    recognized. the seducing spirit calling itself Jesus (Bold added)69

    He is the World Teacher and not a Christian teacher. They may not call Him Christ, but

    they have their own name for Him and follow Him as truly and faithfully as their

    Western brethren. the seducing spirit calling itself Djwhal Khul (Bold added)70

    The Name of Jesus Christ as such is but a symbol. It is a symbol that is safely used

    as a replacement for the many names of all the gods to which you pray . the

    seducing spirit calling itself Jesus (Bold added)71

    But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your

    minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he that cometh

    preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit,

    which ye have not received, oranother gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well

    bear with him. (2 Corinthians 11:3-4)

    Those who are spiritual enough to board this New Age Ark are followers of the Christ, or Christ-

    followers. But they are followers of the false Christ of Oneness, not the followers ofthe Lord Jesus

    Christ. Boarding this Ark of Oneness denies that the Lord Jesus Christ is the way and declares that

    all religions have their own way included. Boarding this Ark of Oneness denies that the Lord Jesus

    Christ is the truth and declares that all religions have their own truth included. Boarding this Ark ofOneness denies that the Lord Jesus Christ is the life and declares that all religions have their own way

    of life and salvation included. Those who board the serpents New Age Ark are followers of his New

    Age Christ who hasseparated Christ from thePerson of the Lord Jesus Christi.e., has freed

    Christ from the truth, or Christian box, of Who the true Christ isand is therefore known by many

    names in the different religions.

    [T]he Coming One - for Whom all men wait - will come and that He will not be Christian,

    Hindu or Buddhist but will belong to all men everywhere. the seducing spirit calling itself

    Djwhal Khul72

    Humanity in all lands today awaits the Coming One - no m atter by what name they may

    call Him. The Christ is sensed as on His way. the seducing spirit calling itself Djwhal


    Oneness Demands Sacrifices

    To bring the counterfeit kingdom of God (the new world religion/Emerging One Church) into full

    emergence, the dragon intends to eliminate all hindrances through his Coming One. Sooner than we

    think, people will be given the choice to either get on board the Ark of Oneness or remain in the great

    sea of separateness and get swallowed up in the coming storm of judgment.

    Nothing can prevent the new world religion from eventually emerging. It will be

    hindered by the fundamentalists, the narrow-minded and the theologians in all the

    world religions, by those who refuse to let go the old interpretations and methods, who love

    the old doctrines the seducing spirit calling itself Djwhal Khul (Bold added)


    And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of

    her seed, which keep the commandm ents of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

    (Revelation 12:17)

    And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power

    was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. (Revelation 13:7)

    Although the builders of humanitys Ark of Oneness would have the world believe that the new world

    and its Emerging One Church, with its one universal faith in God and in humanity, is all about

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    peace, love, compassion, no hatred, and building the Kingdom of God on earth, this couldnt be

    further from the truth. Not only will this counterfeit kingdom of a counterfeit God and Christ lead

    humanity to the Oneness of its own divinity, but it will also lead humanity to the demanded

    sacrifices of its newFinal Solution. The required beliefthat There is no Religion higher than Truth

    will be taken to the next level for those who do not lay down the Word of God and surrender to the

    forces of Oneness, and who therefore are not spiritual enough to board humanitys New Age Ark.

    Everyone fanatically clinging to an idea isolating him from the universal axiomThere is

    no Religion higher than Truthwill find himself separated like a rotten plank from

    the new ark called Humanity. Tossed by the waves, chased by the winds, buffeted bythis element so terrible because unknown, he will soon find himself swallowed up .

    Helena Blavatsky (Bold added)75

    In seething hatred (no love, compassion, tolerance, or lack of violence here!), a genuinely Self-

    centered humanity will be successfully incited by the dragon and his spirit realm to execute judgment

    upon all who are guilty of the new worlds worst hate crimebelieving the truth given to us by

    God in His Word; in other words, not believing the required belief of the new world religion

    (Emerging One Church). This hatred for the light of Gods truth and for those who walk in it has

    already spreadso universally that people merely have to stand up for Gods truth in Christian circles

    and they will often immediately find themselves on the receiving end of an angry hatred lying in wait

    beneath the love, compassion, and unity rhetoric.

    Yet in the upside-down New Spirituality of this upside-down new world, the ones who are deemed

    guilty of self-centered hate are those who lovingly alert others to Gods truth that He sent His Son

    the Lord Jesus Christto offer salvation to all who believe in Him. Incidentally, the message of the

    Christian faith is nota failure in helping the world, as is claimed. The world has chosen to rejectthe

    true God and His help and remain in its rebellion and sins againstHim. The problem lies with

    humanity, not with Gods Word of truth!

    We have been held too long by the dogmas of the past, and there is today a natural

    revolt against the idea of individual salvation through the blood sacrifice of


    We have preached a God o f love and have spread a doctrine of hate. We have taught

    that Christ died to save the world and have endeavored to show that only believers could

    be saved

    Individual salvation is surely selfish in its interest and its origin. Alice Bailey (Bold


    That old message of right and wrong, good and evil, everlasting rewarding and

    everlasting damnation, has done nothing to end the suffering on your planet And that is

    because it is a message of separation. the seducing spirit calling itself God (Bold


    But you do have a new message. It is, at last, The Truth. And this message is the only

    message that can save the world. That message is The New Gospel: WE ARE ALL ONE.

    the seducing spirit calling itself God78

    We Are All One. Ours is not a better way, ours is merely another way. This can be the

    gospel of a New Spirituality. the seducing spirit calling itself God79

    Again I say: put an End to Better. For this is The New Gospel: There is no one true

    religion. or one and only way to Heaven .

    Erase these ideas from your memory. Eliminate them from your experience. Eradicate them

    from your culture. For these are thoughts of division and separation Only the truth

    I give you here will save you: WE ARE ALL ONE. the seducing spirit calling itself God

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    (Bold added)80

    [A] new church of God, gathered out of all religions and spiritual groups, will untidily

    bring to an end the great heresy of separateness. the seducing spirit calling itself

    Djwhal Khul (Bold added)81

    And so, there will be chaos, created largely by those who do not want to make the shift,

    who cannot accept the end of better and The New Gospel of Oneness. the seducing

    spirit calling itself God82

    Diabolically masquerading as a Plan for peace and love, this Plan of the spirit realm to end the

    great heresy of separateness has been revealed by evil spirits masquerading as angels of light to their

    various selected spokespersons. The following channeled quotes penned by Alice Bailey include just83

    a sample of this Plan to achieve peace on earth by eliminating all hindrances through the deception

    and power of this realm and its Coming One (antiChrist), of whom the world will be in awe and fear.

    A clear vision of the future world order (in broad and general outline but not in detail), an

    intelligent recognition of the hindrances and impediments which block its appearance, and

    a willingness to take the necessary steps upon the physical plane and to pay the required

    price and tender the demanded sacrifices are essential attitudes, prior to the

    elimination of the hindrances which stand in the way of the coming new world .

    the seducing spirit calling itself Djwhal Khul (Parentheses in the original; bold added)84

    The difference between a sect and a church is, after all, only one of degree and historicalinception; it is one of interpretation, of fanatical adherence to some pet truth and always -

    exclusiveness Nowhere is there peace today or understanding

    Into this chaos of conflicting, competitive and fighting interests, Christ plans to reappear.

    I would ask you to contemplate the very real horror of what He has to face, and the

    necessity for some measure of order to be brought about in the world

    The major effect of His appearance will surely be to demonstrate in every land the effects

    ofa spirit of inclusiveness - an inclusiveness which will be channeled or expressed through

    Him. All who seek right human relations will be gathered automatically to Him, whether they

    are in one of the great world religions or not those who embody the spirit of

    exclusiveness and separativeness will stand automatically and equally revealed

    and all men will know them for what they are.

    To hate, to be separate, and to be exclusive will come to be regarded as the only

    sin, for it will be recognized that all the sins - as listed and now regarded as wrong - only

    stem from hate or from its product, the anti-social consciousness.

    The power of the hierarchical [i.e., spirit realms] spiritual impact, focused through Christ

    and His working disciples, will be so great that the usefulness, the practicality and the

    naturalness of right human relations will become so evident that world affairs will rapidly be

    adjusted and the new era of goodwill and of peace on earth will be inaugurated .

    The new culture and the new civilization will then be possible.

    In the presentation of true livingness which the Christ will demonstrate to the world of

    thinking men, there is necessarily no room for exclusiveness or for separativeness,because that life more abundantly (which He seeks to channel to us) is a free and flowing

    current, sweeping away obstructions and barriers, and establishing an unimpeded

    circulation of truth and life itself - the essential quality of both being love.

    The reappearance of Christ will establish the fact of this divine livingness

    We wou ld all find it helpful to reflect upon what are the factors recognized in submission

    and acquiescence. In establishing right human relations, relinquishment, renunciation,

    submission to existent facts, and obedient acquiescence to divine law are all

    involved . the seducing spirit calling itself Djwhal Khul (Parentheses in the original; bold

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    Showing himself that he is God with the power and signs and lying wonders of Satan, in addition

    to being given his power, and his seat, and great authority by this dragon, the antiChrist Coming

    One will have no problem enforcing the demanded sacrifices and elimination of hindrances of

    his then fully emerged, new world kingdom of Oneness. Besides, how many people are actually going

    to rebel against this new worlds demanded sacrifices of Oneness given that the masses are already

    waking up to their deep hatred of Gods separative light of truth in their desire for the Ark of

    Oneness today?

    People everywhere are waking up and beginning to think, and never again can they sink

    back into the negative condition of the past. There is faith on every hand that a new and

    better world order is possible and that it is even probable.

    Their demand is for a new governing principle in politics and in education, founded on

    universally recognized human rights, on the need for spiritual unity and the need to throw

    overboard all separative theological attitudes and dogmas in every field of thought.

    the seducing spirit calling itself Djwhal Khul (Bold added)86

    This is the time of the awakening of humanity. Neale Donald Walsch87

    All who are awakening even now to submission and acquiescence to this emerging counterfeit

    kingdom of God (Emerging One Church) are already automatically denying that Gods Word is truth

    and the Word ofGod; are already automatically denying the truth of God and of the Lord JesusChrist; and are already automatically denying the witness that God has given the world of His Son,

    thereby making God out to be a liar. These are among the unavoidable, demanded spiritual sacrifices

    of Oneness. All who board this Ark of Oneness will have finally succeeded in emerging out ofor

    breaking free fromthe true knowledge of God with its confining boundaries of Gods Holy Scriptures

    and true Christian faith.

    Emerging out of the Sea

    According to the dictionary, emerge means to rise out of a fluid or other covering or surrounding

    substance; as, to emerge from the water or from the ocean. It is an interesting coincidence that88

    Gods Word says in Revelation 13:1 that the beastthe coming antiChrist and his kingdomwill

    rise up out of the sea. It is an interesting coincidence that the metaphor of an Ark, a sea andocean vessel, has been chosen by builders of the spiritual platform of this Coming Ones new world

    kingdom. It is an interesting coincidence that Gods Word says in Isaiah 11:9 that the earth shall

    be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea, and it is these spiritual watersthis

    very knowledge of the true Lord Godthat humanity is trying to deliver itself fromwithin its spiritual

    Ark of Oneness!

    The Emerging One Church (the universal, new world religion/kingdom) has been craftily presented

    in such a way as to hide its true identity from its targets in Christianity. No, it isnt really about

    targeting the world to be churched. The god of this world has the world right where he wants it.

    Lucifers prey is those in todays Christianity who arent rooted in the faith and therefore easily

    devoured after theyve unwarily walked right into his Christianized or Christ-ized traps. Darknessloves masquerading as light. Counterfeiting truth is an effective means of deceiving and gaining

    control of all who are not rooted in the knowledge of Gods truth.

    Those who are casting aside the doctrine of Christ are easy prey. They are unwarily walking right into

    our enemys trap of following his New Age Christ who requires no doctrinal beliefs. Those who are

    casting aside the scriptural knowledge of God are easy prey. They are unwarily walking right into our

    enemys trap of believing that the difference between religions is nothing more than different worship

    styles, interpretations of truth, and experiences of the same God. Those who are meditating

    to know God through spiritual experience are easy prey. They are unwarily walking right into our

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    enemys trap of entering his expressway to Oneness with God and its mysteries of Being as God.

    Whether every person specifically comes to believe they are divine or not, choosing to rely on the

    authority of their own relative experiences, dreams, visions, and preferences, etcetera, to decidefor

    themselveswhat is true or false and right or wrong replaces Gods Word of truth with relativism. This

    casts aside the authority of God and His absolute truth in favor of exalting the authority of Self. In

    essence, this follows Lucifers example of exalting himself to be like the Most High (Isaiah 14:12-


    Many are following Lucifers example of wanting to be their own authority (god). Many are heedlessly

    walking into Lucifers traps. And when Lucifers signs and lying wonders launch in full force, the

    very bewitched and apathetically ignorant world will inevitably end up worshipping Lucifer (the

    dragon, Satan), along with his Coming One (the beast).

    And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed

    and all the world wondered after the beast.And they worshipped the dragon which

    gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the

    beast?If any man have an ear, let him hear. (Revelation 13:3-4, 9)

    As was Lucifers purpose, the belief of his universal, new world religion that There is no Religion

    higher than Truth is devouring todays indifferent, armor-shunning Christianity, which has become

    an easy prey for the dragons new world kingdom. People are already departing from the faith to

    believe the dragons New Spirituality (New Age faith) of the Emerging One Church. People are

    already departing from the living God to believe in the dragons New Age counterfeit One God of

    many religions, theologies (concepts), paths, and names. People are already departing from the

    Christian faith which follows the Lord Jesus Christ to become Christ-followers of the dragons

    universal, New Age counterfeit Christ of many religions, doctrines (understandings), paths, and


    Regardless of the purpose to bring the world together in love, brotherhood, goodwill, and peace, this

    New Spirituality transformation of humanity is bringing all the gods (idols) of the nations and people

    together as the true Lord Gods equalto be like the Most High. Humanitys Ark of Oneness is a

    deadly spiritual Titanic.

    Remember the former things of old: for I am God , and there is none else; I am God, and

    there is none like me. (Isaiah 46:9)

    For all the gods o f the nations are idols: but the LORD made the heavens. (Psalm 96:5)

    For all the gods of the people are idols: but the LORD made the heavens.