arl fire assay analyzer optical emission spectrometer.pdf · arl fire assay analyzer optical...

Fast analysis of fire assay lead buttons with ultimate performance Thermo Scientific ARL Fire Assay Analyzer Optical Emission Spectrometer High-quality analysis of all the precious metals in lead buttons simultaneously and in about a minute Simplifies and speeds-up the fire assay analysis process, while saving costs on cupels, chemicals, etc. Costly traditional analytical instruments, labor intensive and environmentally unfriendly methods replaced by inexpensive, fast, clean and easy-to-use OES Exceptional reliability and availability combined with unmatched detection limits, precision, accuracy and stability Suitable for the most demanding analytical purposes from exploration to metal accounting, and from mining to recycling industries Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific elemental analysis

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Page 1: ARL Fire Assay Analyzer Optical Emission Spectrometer.pdf · ARL Fire Assay Analyzer Optical Emission Spectrometer High-quality analysis of all the precious metals in lead buttons

Fast analysis of fire assay lead buttons with ultimate performance

Thermo Scientific ARL Fire Assay Analyzer

Optical Emission Spectrometer

High-quality analysis of all the precious metals in lead buttonssimultaneously and in about a minute

Simplifies and speeds-up the fire assay analysis process, while savingcosts on cupels, chemicals, etc.

Costly traditional analytical instruments, labor intensive andenvironmentally unfriendly methods replaced by inexpensive, fast,clean and easy-to-use OES

Exceptional reliability and availability combined with unmatcheddetection limits, precision, accuracy and stability

Suitable for the most demanding analytical purposes from explorationto metal accounting, and from mining to recycling industries

Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific

e l e m e n t a l a n a l y s i s

Page 2: ARL Fire Assay Analyzer Optical Emission Spectrometer.pdf · ARL Fire Assay Analyzer Optical Emission Spectrometer High-quality analysis of all the precious metals in lead buttons

IntroductionSignificant progress has been made in thedetermination of precious metals (PMs) tracesin ores by the “fire assay” method. The ARLFire Assay Analyzer makes optical emissionspectrometry (OES) suitable for the analysis ofmany kinds of samples, e.g. geologicalsamples in the gold and platinum miningindustries, or samples in the precious metalsindustries (e.g. catalytic converters for carindustry) or in contract laboratories.

Traditionally in fire assay analysis, anore sample containing PMs traces is crushed,ground and weighed before being heatedand mixed with a flux. This flux contains inparticular litharge (Pb oxide), a reducingagent (e.g. flour) and other compoundsforming a slag. The litharge is reduced tometallic Pb, which quantitatively extractsgold, silver and the platinum group elements(PGEs): platinum, palladium, iridium, rhodiumand ruthenium. The fused mix is then pouredinto a cone shaped mold where the moltenlead containing the PMs sinks to the bottom,while undesired impurities are removed intothe slag floating on the top. After coolingdown and removal of the slag, the obtainedbutton is traditionally heated in an MgO“cupel” placed in an open furnace. Thisstage is therefore called “cupellation.”

During cupellation, the Pb is oxidized bythe air and mostly absorbed by the cupel,leaving only a PM bead or prill, which isfurther analyzed by various techniques,according to the particular analyticalrequirement, e.g:• Gravimetric analysis for total precious

metals (TPM) determination, for obtainingconcentrator plant data in the Pt industryand many Au assays

• ICP-MS or ICP-OES for individual PGE andAu determination, for more accurateconcentrator plant analysis

Fire assay analysis is not onlyperformed by all PMs producers, but also bycompanies producing copper or nickel withPMs as a by-product, by those producingPMs from recycled materials and bycontract or service laboratories. Used forcenturies, this method has survived for solong because it is accurate, has lowdetection limits and can accommodatevirtually any ore type. However, in themodern world, it has increasingdisadvantages in terms of productivity andcosts. Optical emission spectrometry (OES)can be used to measure PMs concentrationsdirectly in the lead buttons (see diagram

below), providing numerous advantagescompared to traditional techniques:• The elimination of cupellation not only

simplifies and speeds-up the process butalso saves costs on cupels, furnaces,power consumption, chemicals,laboratory equipments, etc.

• Losses of PMs in the cupel are avoided• High-quality results on all the PMs are

obtained simultaneously in about aminute, making OES suitable even for themost demanding operations (e.g. foranalysis of slurries in concentrator plantsfor plant control and for metal accountingpurposes)

• The environmentally unfriendly and laborintensive cupellation, sample preparationtechniques and analyses are replaced bya clean technique that requires only asimple and inexpensive sample surfacing

• High stability, low maintenance and re-standardization requirements of the ARLFire Assay Analyzer guarantee thehighest availability for analyses

• Qualified personnel can be released forother tasks

• Possible automation of the samplepreparation and handling, ensuring highthroughput and reliability of the analyses

ARL Fire Assay AnalyzerFast analysis of fire assay lead buttons with ultimate performance

Ore sample

Lead Button

Grinding and


Weighing & OE Analysis

New Stage

Fluxing and


Weighing and


PM Bead

Traditional Analyses

Slag Eliminated Stages


Flux diagramof fire assayanalysisThe last stages ofthe traditionalmethod (pink) arereplaced by OEanalysis performeddirectly on the leadbuttons (green).

ARL Fire A

ssay Analyzer

Optical Em

ission Spectrometer

Page 3: ARL Fire Assay Analyzer Optical Emission Spectrometer.pdf · ARL Fire Assay Analyzer Optical Emission Spectrometer High-quality analysis of all the precious metals in lead buttons

TRS window 2

TRS window 2

TRS window 1

TRS window 1

Sensitivity DL [ppm]

Sensitivity DL [ppm] CCS


Time [µs]Time [µs]

ARL Fire Assay AnalyzerThe Thermo Scientific ARL Fire AssayAnalyzer can determine all the necessaryelements for the analysis of lead buttons inless than a minute. Built on some well-proven hardware features of the high-endARL 4460, the ARL Fire Assay Analyzer isdesigned to take the most demandingrequests from the fire assay market intoaccount. Extreme care is taken on materialsselection and on manufacturing andadjustment operations.

Moreover, we can optimize theconfiguration of your instrument accordingto your fire assay lead buttons qualities.

Current Controlled Source (CCS)The ARL Fire Assay Analyzer is equippedwith the Thermo Scientific CurrentControlled Source, the only servocontrolledsource on the market. This spark sourcepresents significant advantages incomparison to any other spark generatorused for OES.

The computer controlled currentwaveform of the spark was optimized forlead assay buttons analysis. The highdegree of flexibility in selection of peakcurrent (250 A max.), frequency (1000 Hzmax.) and plateau current waveformenabled the optimization of all analyticalfigures in the special lead matrix. This wasin particular important for the determinationof the PMs at trace levels. It also made itpossible to obtain sparked areas of smalldimension (4 mm), an advantage in order toperform several measurements on samplesthat are usually small.

Time Resolved Spectroscopy(TRS)During the time of an individual spark, thesignal-to-background ratio variessignificantly. TRS allows the selection of themost appropriate time window during theindividual spark in order to improvesensitivity and precision. The peak ofcurrent (providing high background) isavoided and the acquisition window isrestricted to the period of time providing thebest signal-to-background. In fire assayanalysis, this is important for the analysis ofPMs which are normally present at ppmlevels or below.

Furthermore, TRS can substantiallyimprove the accuracy of the calibration incase of spectral line interferences. Whenanalyte and interfering lines havesignificantly different excitation potentials,the acquisition window of the analyte is setso as to minimize the signal due to theinterfering line. The following pictureillustrates TRS selection for a PM (window 2)and for an interfering element (window 1).

CCS + TRS working principleThe dotted lines represent the current waveform of the spark,characterized by peak and plateau currents.The TRS windows (dashed areas) are set such as to minimize thedetection limits (solid lines) of the different types of analytical lines.

Page 4: ARL Fire Assay Analyzer Optical Emission Spectrometer.pdf · ARL Fire Assay Analyzer Optical Emission Spectrometer High-quality analysis of all the precious metals in lead buttons

ARL Fire A

ssay Analyzer

Optical Em

ission Spectrometer

Sample dimensions and qualityThe 10 mm diameter hole of the spark standtable and the small diameter of the spark spot(4 mm) allow measuring samples of smalldimensions. With a manually operatedspectrometer, for instance, five measurementsare easily performed on a 20 mm diameterlead button. With an automatically operatedinstrument, the buttons must have minimumdiameter of 25 mm and thickness of 8 mm,corresponding to about 40 g lead.

In order to guarantee the performance ofthe ARL Fire Assay Analyzer, it is essentialthat the fire assay process produceshomogeneous lead buttons with smallestpossible amounts of impurities.

Sample preparationA lathe or a milling machine is used to preparethe surface of the lead samples.

Sample analysis timeThe analysis time, taken between the start ofthe analysis and the display of the result, is24 s. With an automatically operatedspectrometer, the two measurements of atypical analysis are performed in less than aminute. If the instrument is operatedmanually, this time may be slightly longer,depending on the operator.

Factory calibrationThermo Scientific optical emissionspectrometers can be factory calibrated for fireassay lead buttons with CARL, a verysophisticated multivariable regression tool thatcorrects for matrix effects as well as spectralinterferences. CARL provides an immediate“turnkey” system, which gives the user thehighest accuracy possible.

Calibration Our company offers calibrations tailored toyour analytical needs. A global calibrationthat can measure all the elements present inyour Pb buttons is available. The typicalcalibration ranges can be deduced from thedetection limits and precision tablehereafter. The lower limit of the calibrationrange of an element is about three times thedetection limit. The higher limit of the rangeis typically the highest concentration forwhich a precision value is given, but formost of the elements, extension to higherconcentrations is possible.

The accuracy of the analysis maydepend on the composition of your leadbuttons. The evaluation performed by ourcompany will help making your buttons moresuitable or designing matrix-matched

calibrations. If buttons show significantdifferences in their composition so thatseveral calibrations have to be used, theglobal calibration can be used for the «Program Choice ». In this case, the globalcalibration acts as a sorting calibration thatselects the most appropriate calibration forconcentrations calculation.

For more details on calibrations, pleasecontact your nearest Thermo Fisher Scientificrepresentative.

Detection limits and precisionLow detection limits are required in order todetect the extremely small amounts of PMscontained in fire assay lead buttons. Theycan be obtained only if precision is good andif the lead buttons and the elements thatthey contain are homogeneous. Precision isalso important, because it gives confidenceon the measured concentrations. Anexcellent precision is particularly importantfor analyses requiring high throughput,where a maximum of two measurementstypically is allowed per sample.

Detection limits and precision valuesgiven in Table 1 are sufficient for all the typesof applications.


ELEMENT Ag Au Ir Pd Pt Rh Ru Bi Cu Ni S As Co Cr Fe Sb Te Tl

Typical DL [ppm] 0.004 0.08 0.18 0.004 0.08 0.004 0.01 0.005 0.005 0.05 0.3 0.3 0.03 0.2 0.08 0.3 0.2 0.005

GuaranteedDL [ppm] <0.01 <0.15 <0.3 <0.01 <0.2 <0.01 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.2 <1.0 <1.0 <0.15 <0.5 <0.2 <0.5 <0.5 <0.02


0.1 0.002 0.0015 0.0025 0.005 0.004

0.2 0.002 0.0025 0.025 0.0025 0.007 0.03 0.03 0.005

0.5 0.003 0.02 0.075 0.005 0.03 0.0035 0.015 0.015 0.2 0.04 0.03 0.07 0.07 0.009

1 0.004 0.03 0.085 0.0085 0.035 0.005 0.025 0.015 0.03 0.2 0.1 0.065 0.035 0.075 0.08 0.02

2 0.007 0.045 0.1 0.015 0.045 0.008 0.045 0.015 0.09 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.045 0.085 0.1 0.04

5 0.015 0.085 0.25 0.04 0.075 0.02 0.1 0.02 0.02 0.3 0.4 0.25 0.25 0.08 0.1 0.15 0.05

10 0.03 0.15 0.65 0.075 0.15 0.045 0.25 0.025 0.025 0.6 0.65 0.5 0.15 0.15 0.3 0.07

20 0.055 0.3 0.15 0.25 0.03 0.045 1 1 1 0.25 0.3 0.1

30 0.08 0.45 0.4 0.04 0.075 2 1.5 0.45 0.4 0.15

40 0.1 0.6 0.55 0.05 0.1 2.5 2 0.7 0.55

50 0.15 0.7 0.06 0.15 3 2.5 0.95 0.7

100 0.25 1.5 0.1 0.35 6.5 5 2

200 0.55 3 0.25 1 15 10 8

500 1.5 7 0.9 3.5 30 25

1000 9.5 65 50

2000 25 150 95

5000 45 300 250

10000 480

Remarks : These data apply when homogeneous fire assay lead buttons are measured.The precision given is typical performance. Guaranteed values will be 1.5 times higher.DLs are calculated on a pure Pb sample and reproducibilities with typical homogeneous fire assay samples.Guaranteed DLs are calculated at 95 % confidence limit.

Page 5: ARL Fire Assay Analyzer Optical Emission Spectrometer.pdf · ARL Fire Assay Analyzer Optical Emission Spectrometer High-quality analysis of all the precious metals in lead buttons


SARM 7B Merensky Recommended 3.74 1.54 0.24 0.46Reef feed Measured 3.49 1.20 0.25 0.44

SARM 65 UG-2 Layer Recommended 2.64 1.28 0.522 0.853chromitite feed Measured 2.72 1.40 0.563 0.949

SARM 64 UG-2 Layer Recommended 0.475 0.210 0.08 0.24chromitite tail Measured 0.434 0.183 0.08 0.23

Results from “Analytical Data from the Automated Fire Assay (FIFA)Process”, P. Hofmeyr et al, presented at CMA 2003 Conference, Ottawa,Canada. Reproduced with the permission of IMP, South Africa.

0 0.20.1 0.3 0.4 0.60.5

Element: Au









SEE = 0.3027E - 04



CARL system

0 0.10.005 0.15 0.2 0.30.25 0.35 0.4

Element: Pt











SEE = 0.3245E - 04



CARL system

0 1.00.5 1.5 2.0 3.02.5 3.5 4.0

Element: Rh











4.5 5.0

SEE = 0.6597E - 05



CARL system

Fire assaysamplesThe accuracy ofPGMs determinationwas tested on leadbuttons prepared fromcertified ore samples(Table 1) and theaccuracy of golddetermination on QCsamples (Table 2).


A 0.11 0.13 18.18B 0.22 0.22 0.00C 0.52 0.51 1.92D 1.00 1.06 6.00E 2.9 2.95 1.72F 11.4 12.0 5.26G 24.9 25.1 0.80H 106 104 1.89I 425 417 1.88

From same source as Table 1.

Performance guaranteeOur company guarantees the precision shownin Table 1 using homogeneous samples andrecommended sample preparation. The tablewill be updated as improvements areannounced. Please contact your nearestThermo Fisher Scientific representative forthe most recent values or consult our Website at

The precision is calculated from theformula:

The DL (Detection Limit) is defined asthree times the standard deviation of thebackground expressed in concentration units.

AccuracyPrecision is only a small part of providinggood analyses. The most important factor isthe accuracy and quality of the calibrationstandards. The use of optimal TRS windowsconsiderably reduces spectral interferences,and improves the calibration by minimizingthe necessary corrections. The rightparameterization of the pre-burn spark bythe CCS also helps improve the accuracy, inreducing matrix effects. Nevertheless, theaccuracy still strongly depends on thequality and on the accepted concentrationsof the calibration standards.

The following calibration curves showthe excellent fits obtained for Au, Pt and Rh(Fig. 1, 2 and 3).

Testing the accuracy is not simple, asthere are not many well referencedmaterials available for fire assay leadbuttons. Table 2 shows the excellentaccuracy achieved on PGMs with acalibration based on primary standardsobtained by adding pure PGMs to pure lead.

The accuracy was tested on fire assaylead buttons prepared from certified SARMore samples. The concentrations in the oreswere back calculated from theconcentrations measured in the leadbuttons in order to compare the analysisresults with the concentrations in thecertified ores.

The accuracy on the PGMs is goodconsidering the differences of compositionsof the SARM (corresponding to geologicalmaterials and concentrator plant products)lead buttons and calibration samples.Matrix matching the standards to thesamples or removing major impuritiescausing matrix effects (e.g. Cu, Ni, S…)from the samples would allow even betteragreement between recommended andmeasured values.

Testing the accuracy for gold is evenmore difficult, due to the lack of wellreferenced materials. The accuracy wastherefore tested on QC samples kindlyprovided by a South African gold miningcompany. Table 3 shows the excellentaccuracy obtained on these samples.

where:the individual readings

the arithmetic mean of the individual readings

the number of determinations

Table 2: Accuracy on PGMs Table 3: Accuracy on Au

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

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StabilityStability of the instrument is of the utmostimportance when doing routine analysis.Together with high precision, it providesconfidence in the analytical results. It alsoallows re-standardization at long timeintervals, which is extremely importantwhen high instrument availability isnecessary. Long-term stability measuredover 5 working days on a typical fire assaysample shows that the standard deviationachieved is below two times the precisionvalue at the considered concentration level,which is excellent (see diagrams below).

Basic configurationThe ARL Fire Assay Analyzer in its basicconfiguration includes:• Channels for Pb internal standards, for

the precious metals Ag, Au, Ir, Pd, Pt, Rhand Ru, and for the most frequentimpurities Bi, Cu, Ni and S

• One fire assay calibration (global or withyour samples)

• A full optimization of the analyticalmethod and calibrations, according to yourproduction samples. For this purpose,homogeneous and matrix-matchedcalibration samples could have to beprovided to us for optimal accuracy

• SUS samples covering our standardcalibration ranges

As mentioned earlier, an evaluation ofthe performance of the method on theproduction samples and on the calibrationsamples is a pre-requisite for defining aconfiguration. Please contact your nearestThermo Fisher Scientific office for moredetails about this.

OptionsThe evaluation performed by our companywill help you define the optimalconfiguration for your ARL Fire AssayAnalyzer. The most typical options are:

1. Additional elements Other elements (As, Co, Cr, Fe, Sb, Te, Tl…)should be added to the basic configurationif they are present as impurities in thebuttons, in order to compensate forinterferences. Calibration standards andSUS samples including these elements maybe required from the customer.

2. Additional calibrations If lead buttons are prepared from differentores having significantly differentcompositions, several matrix-matchedcalibrations may be necessary for accurateanalyses. Matrix-matched calibrationsamples may be required from the customer.

3. Automated analysisThe ARL Fire Assay Analyzer can beautomated with the ARL SMS-2000 system,extremely well recognized in the other metalsindustries.

The samples can be brought by atransfer system on an analytical scale bythe SMS-2000 and surfaced prior to the OEanalysis. The analyzed samples can then belabeled and classified according toconfigurable criteria. The concentrations ofthe PMs measured in the lead buttons arethen treated by the OXSAS software inorder to calculate their concentrations in theore in g/ton (ppm).

Remark on toxicityWhen optimizing the CCS source condition,another important objective was tominimize the amount of produced leadvapors. Air measurements performed by anaccredited laboratory showed that leadreleased in the air during intensivemeasurements performed over a full day iswell below the international norms. For thatreason, no device for toxic fumes suction isnecessary for this application. A copy of thecertificate is available upon request.












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6 13:0

0 10

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7 11

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6 15:1



6 13:2



6 9:32


6 13:3












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6 13:0

0 10

/06 1



6 8:53


/06 1



6 10:5

7 11

/06 1



6 8:09


/06 8



6 15:1

6 17

/06 1



6 9:32

Long term stabilityThe standard deviation obtained over5 days on a typical fire assay leadbutton is of the order of two times theprecision at the correspondingconcentrations (outer red lines).Concentrations are in ppm.

ARL Fire A

ssay Analyzer

Optical Em

ission Spectrometer

Page 7: ARL Fire Assay Analyzer Optical Emission Spectrometer.pdf · ARL Fire Assay Analyzer Optical Emission Spectrometer High-quality analysis of all the precious metals in lead buttons

Automatic preparation of fireassay lead buttonsFully automated fire assay laboratories cannowadays handle the process from raw oreto lead buttons. The ARL Fire AssayAnalyzer can be adapted to such systems.Automatic preparation of lead buttons andanalysis with the ARL Fire Assay Analyzerguarantee maximal reliability, highestthroughput and performance suitable for allaspects of PGMs and Au mining industries(plant control, exploration and mining, metalaccounting…). Moreover, personnel can beassigned to other tasks.

Line for sample preparation and OE analysisallowing a throughput of 1000 samples aday.(*)

Separator furnace: the melt obtained in thefusion furnace is poured by the handlingrobot into a furnace holding a heatedseparator crucible for the separation of themetallic lead and slag.(*)

The lead button is automatically transportedon a belt conveyor to the ARL SMS-2000. Thebutton is automatically weighed on anelectronic balance, surfaced in an automaticmilling machine and finally analyzed withthe ARL Fire Assay Analyzer.(*)

OXSAS Software: the mostpowerful operations made easyOXSAS software outperforms software thatis currently available on the market todayfor metals analysis by OES. OXSAS providesvirtually unlimited analytical capacity andflexibility and will therefore meet yourneeds throughout your instrument's lifetime:• Triple navigation style: menus, tree and

icons to accommodate individualpreferences

• Simple one-click routine analysis launch• Quantitative analysis using tasks with

analysis parameter template• Access to various functional levels

through password protected useraccounts allowing for secured operation

• One click access to recent analysesresults, readily available for comparisonin the analysis screen

• Full traceability

These are just a few of the manyfeatures contributing to the fast and easyroutine operation of OXSAS.


The ARL Fire Assay Analyzer provides notonly state-of-the-art technology, but alsohas all the total system features, whichmeet the critical needs of the preciousmetals producers:• Unmatched hardware for stability and

reliability• Exceptional performance in detection

limits, precision, accuracy and stability,all this in minimum analysis time

• Most advanced software technology• Potential to cover your future analytical

needs• Easy operation by unskilled worker or

research chemist• Adaptable to the automatic Sample

Manipulation System, ARL SMS-2000• Adaptable to automatic fire assay

laboratories• Advanced technical/service support• Laboratory accreditation guidance• Immediate access to parts inventory

All these features allow you to optimizeyour productivity and to achieve the shortestpayback times:• Your investment costs are reduced by the

suppression of costly traditionalanalytical instruments

• Your investment costs are reduced thanksto the exceptional and widely recognizedinstrument lifetime and to the continuousupgrade possibilities (software andhardware)

• Your investment costs are reduced withthe capability of the instrument to coveryour potential future needs

• Your production costs are reduced bymore accurate and reproducible analysesthat are available faster

• Your production costs are reduced by theincreased instrument availability thanksto its high stability and drift correctionsbeing less frequently required

• Your operating and maintenance costsare low, due to a small consumption ofdrift correction samples and simplemaintenance

• Your overall cost management is reducedby optimum utilization of materials andextremely low running costs compared toother methods

With its over 70 years of experienceand history of innovative technology, ourcompany has become the world leader inOES metals analysis. We work with ourcustomers to improve the efficiency of theiranalytical tasks and thereby increaseproductivity.

OXSAS: Easy navigation and comfortable operation

OXSAS: An example of many different result presentations

(*) This picture shows the FIFA system and is reproducedwith permission from Herzog, Germany and IMP, South Africa.

Page 8: ARL Fire Assay Analyzer Optical Emission Spectrometer.pdf · ARL Fire Assay Analyzer Optical Emission Spectrometer High-quality analysis of all the precious metals in lead buttons

Tap our expertise throughout the life of your instrument. Thermo Scientific Services

extends its support throughout our worldwide network of highly trained and certified

engineers who are experts in laboratory technologies and applications. Put our team

of experts to work for you in a range of disciplines – from system installation, training

and technical support, to complete asset management and regulatory compliance

consulting. Improve your productivity and lower the cost of instrument ownership

through our product support services. Maximize uptime while eliminating the

uncontrollable cost of unplanned maintenance and repairs. When it’s time to

enhance your system, we also offer certified parts and a range of accessories and

consumables suited to your application.

To learn more about our products and comprehensive service offerings,

visit us at

Laboratory Solutions Backed by Worldwide Service and Support

Specifications for the ARL Fire Assay Analyzer SpectrometerSpectrometer design: One meter, Paschen-Runge vacuum polychromator made of cast iron and temperature

controlled to ± 0.1° at 38° C. Maximum 60 channels

Sample stand: With self-contained, recirculating coolant system. Argon flushed table

Gratings: Spectrometer provided with a 1080 gr/mm grating

Resolution: Dependent on secondary slit, and spectral order

Slit widths: Primary slit: 20 µm; secondary slits: 20, 25, 37, 50 mm

Photomultiplier tubes: Ø 28 mm, 10-stage side-on-type, MgF2 , UV glass, borosilicate glass or synthetic silica windows

CCS and TRS Current Controlled Source (CCS) and Time Resolved Spectroscopy (TRS)

ElectronicsSpectrometer control: ARL MMB 386 Microprocessor utilizing CMOS technology with Status Measuring Card.

A/D converters and attenuators included for each channel. Attenuators with 41 steps each. Up to 12 programmable attenuators available as an option. Dynamic range of measuring electronics proportional to measuring time, typically 2*106 counts/sec

Enclosure: Built-in dust protection with high capacity cooling fans

RequirementsEnvironmental requirements: Ambient temperature 16-25°C (61-77°F); maximum rate of change 5° C/hour.

Relative humidity: 20-80%

Electrical requirements: Voltage 230 V (+10 %/-15 %), single-phase with protective ground (5kVA regulator required iffluctuations exceed ±10 %). Current: 12 A; power: 2.6 kVA; frequency: 50 or 60 Hz; grounding < 1Ω. In conformity to European directives (89/392/EEC Machinery), (73/23/EEC Low voltage material), (89/336/EEC Electromagnetic compatibility)

Argon requirements: 99.998 %. Optional argon purifier available

Dimensions and weightDimensions: 1385 mm (55 in.) wide excluding excitation stand;

1690 mm (67 in.) wide including excitation stand;1220 mm (48 in.) high, 910 mm (36 in.) deep;

Total system weight: 540 kg. (1190 lb) approximately

Accessories and options Spark-DAT, spark Data Acquisition and TreatmentStand upgrade for semi-automatic operationARL SMS-2000 for automatic operationArgon purification systemsVoltage stabilization systemsUninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)Electronic scaleData communication software optionsAnalytical results processing software options

BR41106_E 10/10C

©2010 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft corp.All other trademarks are the property of Thermo FisherScientific Inc. and its subsidiaries.

Specifications, terms and pricing are subject to change.Not all products are available in all countries. Pleaseconsult your local sales representative for details.

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