arm annual report 2012 2013

ANNUAL REPORT 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 13 13 13 Empowering Rural Poor ARM Annual Report 2012-13

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Annual activities report of Alternative for rural Movement(ARM) 2012-2013


Page 1: Arm annual report 2012 2013


Empowering Rural Poor

ARM Annual Report 2012-13

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AAAAlternative for Rural Movement (ARM) has been working in the rural areas of the eastern part of odisha from

the year 1989. During its long journey it came across so many obstacles and still it maintained its originality,

mission and vision. It has been reaching the deprived community at the time of need. Now it became trans-

formed into a movement in Balasore district. It has created its place in the heart of the community for which I

am thankful to my community members and the persons who are associated with us for a long time to make our

efforts successful in terms of enhancing the capacities of the community, making the community aware about

the various aspects of Health, enhancing the sustainable income in form of Self Help Groups, motivating the

farmers for the use of new technologies in the agricultural activities, helping the child in distress etc.

As a grass root level organisation we are working on the issues like women and children welfare, women em-

powerment, maternal & child health, child labour, girl trafficking and child help line etc. We are very much

thankful to our esteemed partners like Action Child Aid (ACA), Denmark, National Bank for Agriculture and

Rural Development (NABARD), Japan Consulate, MISEREOR, National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), Blue

Door Foundation, Give India, Childline India Foundation, Department of Agriculture, Govt. of Odisha, Globe-

Med, Global Giving Foundation and Meheta Family Foundation etc. for their constant encouragement and sup-

port in our rural movement.

I take this opportunity to present the Annual Report 2012-13 on the events, activities & achievements taken

up by the Organisation ARM, Baliapal. We hope this booklet will useful for our esteemed partners, various

stakeholders and guide us in future course of time.

Thanks for you love, affection and blessings.

(Sumati Raj)(Sumati Raj)(Sumati Raj)(Sumati Raj)

Chairperson, ARMChairperson, ARMChairperson, ARMChairperson, ARM

ARM Annual Report 2012-13


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EEEEducation, Health, Livelihood and Agriculture have been critical focus areas in our inclusiveness approach &

strategy in the rural areas of Baliapal, Jaleswar and Bhogarai blocks of Balsore district. Constantly we are put-ting our effort in our rural packets to make the community to aware about the positive and negative impacts of these issues and take appropriate steps to overcome these. Nearly about 80% of our population live in villages out of which over 50% are below poverty line. The causes behind this are many such as: lack of education, lack of health infrastructure & services, lack of skilled human resource, lack of use of technology in farming, lack of departmental convergence, lack of awareness, lack of associations, lack of focused approach, lack of strategy etc. There are large numbers of factures which are adding misery to our rural population.

Balasore district has a lot of potential in terms of Agriculture. In keeping view of that, Esteemed NABARD, the pioneer in agriculture and rural finance in India in collaboration with ARM has come up with a pilot project called “Augmenting Farm Productivity” in the last couple of years to identify the weakness and threats associat-ed with agriculture so that the opportunities available could be exploited and strengthened. This Project is a bold step in this regard which addresses the multiple issues of improved farm practices, adoption of new tech-nologies, enhancing productivity, increasing marketable surplus, scaling up food security and formation of farmers collectives in Balasore district.

ARM has played a pivotal role in health sector by accepting the challenge to manage the Primary Health Cen-tre (PHC), Paschimabad in collaboration with the NRHM, Odisha which is meeting the expectation of the GoO and Community. Similarly ARM creating instances for others by its programmes called Adarsha Vidya Mandira, Reproductive and Child Health, Child Line etc.

We are dedicating our Annual Report for the year 2012-13 to all our partners and well wishers, so that they will join their hands with us to build a self sufficient community.

((((Rajendra Kumar Rana)Rajendra Kumar Rana)Rajendra Kumar Rana)Rajendra Kumar Rana)

Coordinating Coordinating Coordinating Coordinating Member, ARMMember, ARMMember, ARMMember, ARM

ARM Annual Report 2012-13


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“Man can make a nation great, Not the glittering gold,“Man can make a nation great, Not the glittering gold,“Man can make a nation great, Not the glittering gold,“Man can make a nation great, Not the glittering gold,

Man whose hearts are pure and true, And both strong and bold”Man whose hearts are pure and true, And both strong and bold”Man whose hearts are pure and true, And both strong and bold”Man whose hearts are pure and true, And both strong and bold”

VISION: To find out an alternative strategy of rural social intervention and facilitate the NGO movement in the

state of Orissa.

MISSION: Establishment of an equitable social order through motivation facilitation and self activity among

backward rural communities with emphasis on women and children in the sphere of health, education, human

rights, economy and rural leadership.


To facilitate empowerment, solidarity and leadership capacities of backward rural women and the

under privileged social sections.

To sensitize, act and promote basic education, rural health, eco environment and quality of living in

the problem villages.

To restore and strengthen the advocacy of human and child rights activities of vulnerable social cat-

egories concentrating on women and girls rights for preventing social discrimination and op-


To garner economic empowerment and rural self employment of socially handicapped sections

through credit and savings, eco friendly sustainable agriculture, micro enterprises and estab-

lishment of a value chain based marketing network.

To conduct information networking, need based research, documentation and create a data base on

all aspects of a prospective rural socio economy.


People centered development vision

Social justice, sustainability and inclusiveness as the principles of authentic development.

Views development as a people’s movement.

Enable people to develop themselves

Ascendance in nurturing ,enabling and conserving dimensions of female consciousness

Mass sharing of benefits of development

Mass contribution to development

Sensitivity & responsiveness to the aspirations of common people

Creating and sustaining an atmosphere of growth and social change

Honesty and integrity in thought & action

Result oriented approach.


The Credibility Alliance has accredited ARM as member under desirable norm. It is a great

achievement of ARM. Desirable Norms are the next level of Norms for good governance and pub-

lic disclosure. These ‘desirable norms’ will enhance the transparency and accountability of ARM.

ARM Annual Report 2012-13


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Gender Advancement

SHG promotion Programme

The main constraints behind rural women backwardness is their

lack of solidarity. Women SHGs these which exist in small rural

pockets are untrained and un organized to lead themselves. The

present support for SHG promotion and their capacity building

NABARD Bhubaneswar has fulfilled the need of organizing women

SHGs, strengthening the existing owns and capacity building of

their leads and number for participants in the socio economic activi-

ties on contemporary village setup. 4 No. of financial literacy train-

ing was organized during the year with active participation of 10

SHG Leaders.

Financial Inclusion ProgrammeFinancial Inclusion ProgrammeFinancial Inclusion ProgrammeFinancial Inclusion Programme

Large chunk of rural population are away from thrift and credit availability which hinders

their economic wellbeing and entrepreneurship traits. Keeping in this view esteemed NAB-

ARD supported a project on financial inclusion of rural people which aimed at organizing of

farmers, women, SHGs and women groups to promote through credit and saving needs

and by virtue of that potential to adhere loans from rural financial institutions towards eco-

nomic prosperity and future self reliance.

Under the project extensive 28 wall painting and awareness programmes were organized

throughout Baliapal block for highlighting the importance and means of financial inclusion.

Total wall painting:=28 in (8’X 4’)

Social and Economic Empowerment for 100 Rural Women through

Handicrafts Micro-enterprise’

Saree Embroidery:Saree Embroidery:Saree Embroidery:Saree Embroidery:

25 minority community women at Baliapal have successfully undergone the last batch of training on saree embroidery for a period of 6

months. One expert training Instructor has conduct the training. The trained women have acquired proper skills on design up gradation and

hand embroidery work on the sarees. They are now efficient in embroidery work on sarees in the production centre and marketing their

product locally. They conveyed sincere thanks and gratitude to the Management Committee

and Executives of Blue Door Foundation, UK.

Tailoring Training

25 trainees have undergone the tailoring training for six month at Asti village under the di-rect guidance of expert trainer. The training was conducted very successfully. During last two months of training programme the trainees collect orders from the village and earn. They have acquired the skills on cutting stitching of ladies and gents garments. Some train-ees have decided to run tailoring centres in the village. Trained women convey their thanks to Blue Door Foundation, UK for enhancing training facilities. Micro Enterprise Management Training:Micro Enterprise Management Training:Micro Enterprise Management Training:Micro Enterprise Management Training:

Under the Micro Enterprise Management Training 50 women group leaders have undergone the training very successfully for a period of 2 days from 09.07.2012 and 10.07.2012. Dis-cussions are made by the resource persons on management and running of micro enterpris-es. Group leaders have interacted with resource persons for solving their queries. Teaching

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Cooperative Management Training:Cooperative Management Training:Cooperative Management Training:Cooperative Management Training:

The cooperative management training is provided to 50 women leaders to reach the goal of the project - form women’s cooperative incorpo-

rating trained women. The 2 days Cooperative Management Training is conducted from 09.05.2012 to 10.05.2012. Experienced resource

persons have conducted the classes on cooperative formation and its management. IEC materials are used in the training. Teaching learn-

ing materials are given to all participants. The main issue of discussion on how to form cooperative and its management, benefits etc.

Marketing Development Training:Marketing Development Training:Marketing Development Training:Marketing Development Training:

Marketing is a vital point for sustainability of any economic venture. So, emphasis has been given on marketing development training orien-

tation. 90 group leaders have undergone the training for 2 days. Teaching learning materials are given to all participants. Resource persons

have conducted the training successfully.

Women Empowerment trainingWomen Empowerment trainingWomen Empowerment trainingWomen Empowerment training

The training is organized for 100 women 2 batches on dated

24.05.2012 & 16.09.2012 at ARM campus. Rural women are

lacking of information about their rights, various existing govern-

ment schemes and facilities for women. Resource persons con-

duct the training programmes. Participants exchange their views

and interact with resource persons and empowered with infor-

mation and knowledge.

Impacts of the Project:Impacts of the Project:Impacts of the Project:Impacts of the Project:

A total of 50 entrepreneurs have been trained on saree embroidery &


Production has been started by the trained entrepreneurs and becoming

self sufficient.

One Women Cooperative Society is formed and its registration is under process.

A marketing Committee is formed and functioning.

Trained women on tailoring (25) and saree embroidery (25) have started income generation by collecting orders locally.

The target women groups are determined to be self reliant.

Other women are interested to learn vocational skill training on tailoring.

100 women leaders are empowered about women rights etc.

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Children Empowerment


Model Education against Primary School Wastage and Stagnation:

AdarshaVidyaMandir (AVM) has been functioning with the goal of model education system for neglected rural children through concentration on

learning the art of living, equipping with knowledge and applying it for the improvement of future generation and humanity in joyful environment.

AVM Model School strives to make the children self reliant in all respects in future By allowing children in their area of interest.

Action Children Aid, Denmark has been providing support since 1997 for the AVM Model school. ARM and poor neglected children and their

parents at Baliapal block are grateful to Action Children Aid, Denmark for its support for

the noble causes.

ARM Annual Report 2012-13



No. Activity No. of students

1 Teaching learning materials distribution 157

2 School uniform/shoe distribution 157

3 Midday nutritious tiffin to students round the year 157

4 Health check up 157

5 Extracurricular – song, dance, art, craft training 43

6 First –aid 107

7 Recreational and sports 157

8 Exposure trip 50

9 Social Awareness and Parent Motivation 84

10 Extension observance of national, international

days of importance 157

Class Pass out Result

80-100% 79-60% 59-40% 49-30%

I 3333 9999 9999 3333

II 2222 6666 6666 2222

III 3333 7777 8888 4444

IV 1111 4444 8888 11111111

V 1111 9999 7777 13131313

Total 10101010 35353535 38383838 33333333

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Child Line Project (District Sub Centre)Child Line Project (District Sub Centre)Child Line Project (District Sub Centre)Child Line Project (District Sub Centre)

Child India Foundation has been providing support for the project child line under Ministry of Women and

Child development Govt. of India. The main objectives of the project is to help the children of 0-18 year

age group avoiding them from child labour, torture and social disparity through awareness generation

among parents and community, protection of children from unhealthy situation and rehabilitated with

provision of education, health care, fooding etc.

Following activities has been conducted during the reporting year by District Sub Centre, Baliapal of child

line project, Balasore.

Outreach programmeOutreach programmeOutreach programmeOutreach programme

Under the outreach programmes, 141 at Baliapal,Bhograi &

Jaleswar block have been cnducted. Every day different kinds of

programmes are organized like visit to home and schools for

educating them about the work and the issues that are dealing

with, solving the problem of children. Booklets have been pro-

vided for enlighting them about the helpline as well as the prob-

lems that we have come across.A total of

Village level awareness programmeVillage level awareness programmeVillage level awareness programmeVillage level awareness programme

84 numbers of awareness programmes have been organized with the awareness strategies aim at em-

powering children to dial 1098 when in crisis, building partnerships across society where each one has a

role to play in protecting children, and advocating for children. Through this programme 342 nos of chil-

dren and their parents have been made aware of purpose of Childline etc.

GP Level awareness programmeGP Level awareness programmeGP Level awareness programmeGP Level awareness programme

In the GP Level awareness programme 58 children and their parents, teachers, community leaders have

been made aware regarding child rights and purpose of Chilline. Among the speakers are Smt.Minati

Pattanayak,Sarpanch of Asi GP ,Smt.Barnisikha Bhadra ,PS mem-

ber,Nityananda Bhuyan,Panchayat Secretary. The programme is

organized on 22.01.2013 at Asti Panchayat Office.

In the camp we have identified a case of child abuse and provid-

ed support to the victim for justice.

The detailed programmes have been conducted as follow:The detailed programmes have been conducted as follow:The detailed programmes have been conducted as follow:The detailed programmes have been conducted as follow:

Cases identified & intervened:50

Awareness programme conducted:84

Outreach programme conducted:141

FIR lodged:09

Meeting conducted with various stakeholders:67

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Mainstreaming of Girls at RiskMainstreaming of Girls at RiskMainstreaming of Girls at RiskMainstreaming of Girls at Risk

Girls in the rural areas at Baliapal and Jaleswar blocks are deprieved of their rights to childhood develop-

ment. Most of the rural girls live a life of malnutrition, family negligence, drudgery, child marriage and

trafficking. These girls are at risks. Action Children Aid, Denmark has been providing support to organize

the risk girls, socio economically support for their self reliance and mainstreaming them through legal

and technical assistance from the existing social inflictions. Brief information of activities is given below

in tabular form.

Training on Micro Enterprise Management TrainingTraining on Micro Enterprise Management TrainingTraining on Micro Enterprise Management TrainingTraining on Micro Enterprise Management Training

100 girls have undergone the 1 day duration micro enterprise management training on tailoring, goat-100 girls have undergone the 1 day duration micro enterprise management training on tailoring, goat-100 girls have undergone the 1 day duration micro enterprise management training on tailoring, goat-100 girls have undergone the 1 day duration micro enterprise management training on tailoring, goat-

ery, poultry, nursery and gardening, mushroom cultivation. Among the resource persons are Sri Sunil Ku-ery, poultry, nursery and gardening, mushroom cultivation. Among the resource persons are Sri Sunil Ku-ery, poultry, nursery and gardening, mushroom cultivation. Among the resource persons are Sri Sunil Ku-ery, poultry, nursery and gardening, mushroom cultivation. Among the resource persons are Sri Sunil Ku-

mar Pila,Prativa Sahu,Rebati Rana & Parameswar Behera. Discussions was made on self analysis, risk mar Pila,Prativa Sahu,Rebati Rana & Parameswar Behera. Discussions was made on self analysis, risk mar Pila,Prativa Sahu,Rebati Rana & Parameswar Behera. Discussions was made on self analysis, risk mar Pila,Prativa Sahu,Rebati Rana & Parameswar Behera. Discussions was made on self analysis, risk

analysis, entrepreneur traits, basic business management. It was a analysis, entrepreneur traits, basic business management. It was a analysis, entrepreneur traits, basic business management. It was a analysis, entrepreneur traits, basic business management. It was a

very fruitful programme for the risk girls. very fruitful programme for the risk girls. very fruitful programme for the risk girls. very fruitful programme for the risk girls.

Orientation on Reproductive Health:Orientation on Reproductive Health:Orientation on Reproductive Health:Orientation on Reproductive Health:The following training were conducted during the year to create

awareness on Reproductive Health in the community.

Sl.No. Date Participants Subject

1 10.04.2012 20 Tailoring

2 20.05.2012 20 Goatery

3 14.07.2012 20 Poultry

4 03.08.2012 20 Nursery & Gardening

5 10.08.2012 20 Mushroom Cultivation

Sl.No. Date Participants Village

1 15.4.2012 30 Parulia

2 23.04.212 30 Sanmainsadi

3 06.05.2012 30 Dalua II

4 12.06.2012 30 Badhapal

5 24.06.2012 35 Badkhanpur

6 02.07.2012 32 Akna

7 21.07.2012 32 Jharpimpal

8 16.08.2012 30 Kalikapur

9 09.09.2012 35 Chhotkhanpur

10 16.09.2012 30 Kantabani

11 22.09.2012 32 Asti

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The camps are attended by risk girls and their parents, SHG leaders and members and women in general of the concerned villages. They

interact with the resource persons and gain information and knowledge.

120 girls have undergone the vocational training on poultry, mushroom cultivation, tailoring, nursery raising and goat rearing for their eco-

nomic empowerment through skill development and enhancement of income earning opportunities and to ensure their future socio eco-

nomic security. Maximum emphasis has been given to conduct the vocational trainings and therefore the girls have attained skills on quali-

ty production and this has ensured their sustainable livelihood.

The trained girls have been provided with starter fund and they have started their income generation activities. By earning money the girls

have achieved self reliance and freedom to share their views in family affairs. In fact their status in the family and community has been


Agriculture DevelopmentAgriculture DevelopmentAgriculture DevelopmentAgriculture Development

NABARD Pilot Project on Augmenting Farm ProductivityNABARD Pilot Project on Augmenting Farm ProductivityNABARD Pilot Project on Augmenting Farm ProductivityNABARD Pilot Project on Augmenting Farm Productivity

It is a pilot project financed by the NABARD-R.O, Bhubaneswar. The overall goal of the project is to maximize the in-

come of the poor farmers in a sustainable way by to op&mize their produc&on level. ARM has been implemen&ng the

project with technical collabora&on of KVK, Balasore, Baliapal in 59 GPs of Baliapal and Bhograi Blocks of Balasore dis-

trict in Odisha.

Ac�vi�es conducted–

Under the project initiatives 503 villages of 59 GPs at Baliapal and Bhograi Blocks have been

covered during the reporting year.

Kharif seasonKharif seasonKharif seasonKharif season

Demonstration conducted on Paddy:

59 numbers demonstration patches have been conducted in 752 Hac of land involving 1489

farmers in target 2 blocks. The identified variety of paddy has been introduced. As a result of

such intervention 25% yield enhanced at Baliapal block and 19% at Bhograi block.

390 master farmers have undergone the training successfully in 13 training camps. They are

equipped with knowledge and skills on new technologies. Technologies like soil preparation

and fertilization with vermin compost etc, seed treatment, pest management has been introduced. The NADEP demonstration and Vermin

compost has been conducted in 745 plots. Demonstration on Azolla cultivation has also been conducted in 745 plots. 2 nos of experience

sharing workshops are organized, one at Baliapal and another at Bhograi.

Sl.No. Particulars Baliapal Block

Bhograi Block


1 Total demo patch 27 32 59

2 Total area 432 320 752

3 Total farmers involved 737 752 1489

4 Yield enhancement 25% 19%

5 Master farmers training conducted 5 8 13

6 Total Master farmers benefitted 162 228 390

7 Total walk through campaign conducted 27 32 59

8 Total demonstration on NADEP 297 448 745

9 Total Demonstration on Vermin compost 297 448 745

10 Total Demonstration on Azolla cultivation 297 448 745

11 Experience sharing workshop conducted 1 1 2

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Type of crops: Paddy, Groundnut & Pulses

In Rabi season demonstrations have been conducted on paddy ground nut and pulses in both Balaiapal and Bhograi blocks. The paddy

variety MTU1010, KHANDAGIRI, PARIJAT, ground nut variety TAG24 and pulses variety HUM12 has been introduced. The enhancement of

yield is very good – about 25% in all crops. Master farmers have undergone the training successfully and equipped with skills.

6 nos of exposure visits for farmers are organized . Experience sharing workshops are also organizedne at Baliapal and Bhograi

Review meeting conducted:48 Total staff: Block Coordinators:2 Technical Speciialists:11 Accountants:2 ProgrammeOrganisers: 29

Major achievements of the project–

• More than 95% farmers accepted the new technologies in Agriculture.

• Cooperation of PRI Members/other stakeholders were good

• More than 15% Yield enhancement recorded.

• Seed replacement rate was good

ARM Annual Report 2012-13


Sl.No. Particulars Baliapal Bhograi

1 Paddy Groundnut Pulses Paddy Groundnut Pulses

2 Demonstration patch 16 14 6 30 14 4

3 Demonstration area 160 140 60 300 140 40

4 Total farmers 426 409 173 600 280 80

5 Variety MTU1010, KHANDAGIRI,



Rani, MTU 1010,MTU


TMV 2,AK 12/24

PDM 139,HUM 12

6 Yield enhancement 25 % 21% 14% 17% 16% 13%

7 Master farmers training conducted

3 3 1 8 4 1

8 Total Master Farmers benefitted

96 91 36 270 130 36

9 Field days observed 5 11 2 5 18 8

10 Exposure visit conducted 1 1 1 1 1 1

11 Total farmers benefitted 426 409 173 30 28 8

12 Experience sharing work-shop conducted

1 1 1 1 1 1

13 Vermin bed installed 100

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IRRI ProjectIRRI ProjectIRRI ProjectIRRI Project

Cluster Demonstration on stress Tolerant Rice (Swarna Sub-1)

It is a ambitious project for poor farmers at Baliapal and Bhograi blocks. During the

reporting year 500 Acre of land have been covered in 2 patches, 250 Acres each patch

at Baliapal and Bhograi blocks. 332 farmers have gained the skills on cultivation of

stress Tolerant Rice (Swarna Sub-1). The farmers have been provided support

for Ploughing and land preparation, Transplanting, Seed Treatment, Micronutrient

support, Weed management, Plant Protection. The result is very good as the yield en-

hanced about 19%.

KVK, Balasore has provided the valuable technical support in this regard.

RKVY BGREI ProgrammeRKVY BGREI ProgrammeRKVY BGREI ProgrammeRKVY BGREI Programme

In Kharif season 1250 acres of land of 743 farmers of 40 villages have been

covered under paddy cultivation. It is a fruitful initiative because 832.64 acres

is covered in line sowing.


During the reporting year we have conducted 3 Seed village programme on

Groundnut, Black Gram & Green Gram have been conducted.


173 farmers of 8 villages of Baliapal block have cultivated Groundnut (TAG 24) in 280

Acre of land.

Green Gram:Green Gram:Green Gram:Green Gram:

97 farmers of 3 villages of Baliapal block have cultivated Green Gram in 104 Acre of land.

Black Gram:Black Gram:Black Gram:Black Gram:

155 farmers of 2 villages of Baliapal block have cultivated Black Gram in 85 Acre of land.

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Community Health PHC ManagementPHC ManagementPHC ManagementPHC Management

Women, children and tribal cum backward communities suffer from poor health due to poverty, social deprivation, lower levels

of literacy, inefficient health systems and lack of infrastructure for health care and disease control, socio cultural inequalities

and barriers, insufficient assertion and demand for health care, inadequate geography spread of service outlets and poor

quality health care reduce access to effectiveness of public services.

ARM has been managing a Primary Health Centre at Paschimbad for last 5 years with active support of local public as well as

financial support from NRHM, Govt. of Odisha. The goal of NRHM is thus to improve the availability of and access to quality

health care by people especially for those residing in rural area, the poor women and children.

During the reporting year the achievement of PHC are as follows:

Health Extension Activities:Health Extension Activities:Health Extension Activities:Health Extension Activities: Focus Group DiscussionFocus Group DiscussionFocus Group DiscussionFocus Group Discussion: Focus Group Discussions are organised at various places under the PHC serv-

ing area with major emphasis. 553 nos of community members are orientated on various aspects of PHC

such as NRHM Mission, aim & Objectives of PHC, scope of the PHC, Role of ASHA and AWWs, Malaria

awareness, prevention & control, control of STD / RTI, control of Diarrhea, ANC & PNC, safe motherhood

tips, promotion of breast feeding, family planning, promotion of institutional delivery system, early man-

agement of motherhood problems etc. The details of FGDs organized are given below:

Health service Provided Total

Total outdoor patients treated 21963

Total indoor patients 694

Total Referral to nearest hospital 238

Total Ambulance service 443

Total Institutional delivery 151

Total Pathological test conducted 1455

ANC 210

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ARM Annual Report 2012-13


Sl.Sl.Sl.Sl. NNNN


VillageVillageVillageVillage VenueVenueVenueVenue Total Partici-Total Partici-Total Partici-Total Partici-


Sl.Sl.Sl.Sl. NoNoNoNo

VillageVillageVillageVillage VenueVenueVenueVenue Total Partici-Total Partici-Total Partici-Total Partici-



Devkumar. Dt:


Majhijenasahi U.P

School 20 11111111


Dt: 21.11.12





Dt: 20.09.12


29 12121212


Dt: 23.11.12

M.E. school




Dt: 26.09.12

U.G.M.E School

42 13131313


Dt: 27.11.12


Patna 29



Dt: 01.10.12

Hurshikesh Nodal

UpraBidyalaya 42 14141414


Dt: 28.11.12


Sahi 26



Dt: 02.10.12


32 15151515


Dt: 29.11.12





Dt: 03.10.12


36 16161616


Dt: 30.11.12


Center 21



Dt: 04.10.12


36 17171717


Dt: 22.02.13





Dt: 16.10.12

Paschimbad U.P

School 32 18181818


Dt: 02.03.13


Sahi 16



Dt: 17.10.12


28 19191919


Dt: 23.03.13


hadevMandi 23




Dt: 16.11.12


21 20


Dt: 28.03.13




Sub Total 318 Sub Total 235

Grand Total 553

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Health Awareness Campaigns: Health Awareness Campaigns: Health Awareness Campaigns: Health Awareness Campaigns:

Awareness on health issues is essential for prevention of diseases. 7 nos of Out Reach Programmes are conducted under the PHC at

various places and 196 participants are oriented. The details of outreach programme are given below:


On the occasion of organizing 2 nos. of Reproductive Child Health (RCH) Melas or camps free health checkup and medicines distribut-

ed to the patients at Paschimabad. The first camp is organized at Paschimabad on the occasion of Subarnarekha Mahotshab on 7th

Jan 2013 whereas the second camp is organized at Baiganbadia Panchayat Office, Baiganbadia, Jaleswar on 21st Mar 2013. There are

310 nos and 308 nos of patients treated in these camps respectively.

Dr. Bishnupriya Dash, Dr. Laxman Jena, Dr. Sapan Kumar Mohanty, Dr. A Islam, Dr. Uttar Kumar Dandapat participated in the RCH

camps and took part in health check up, medicine distribution to the patients.

Diabetes Treatment CampDiabetes Treatment CampDiabetes Treatment CampDiabetes Treatment Camp

One Diabetic camp is conducted on 27th Mar 2013 at PHC New Paschimabad. In the camp 102 nos of patients get treatment facility. . . .

Dr. Pravas Sundar Nayak and Dr. Bishnupriya Das treated the Diabetic Patients. Patients are also made aware of their diets, exercise


Sl. Sl. Sl. Sl.


VillageVillageVillageVillage DateDateDateDate VenueVenueVenueVenue Total Partici-Total Partici-Total Partici-Total Partici-


1 Kalikapur 23.09.12 Majhijenasahi 19

2 Kalikapur 26.09.12 BeheraSahi 23

3 Rela 29.09.12 Acharya Sahi 27

4 Ghantiyadi 30.09.12 SahuSahi 26

5 Baiganbadia 02.10.12 MahadevMandir 41

6 Kantapal 07.10.12 JhadhaswarSaskritBidyalaya 32

7 Akna 18.10.12 Palasai U.P School 28

Grand TotalGrand TotalGrand TotalGrand Total 196196196196

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The workshop on IEC BCC organized at Gram Panchayat Office, Paschimabad on 30th Mar 2013. The workshop is attended by 41 par-

ticipants, out of them mostly are ASHA and Anganwadi Workers. The aim of the workshop is skill development of various stakeholders

on health education material, advocacy on health rights, the need for coordination to serve the community better. Among the resource

persons are Mr. Kabi Prasad Sahu (BPM), DR. Adhip Kumar Bera, Dr. Dayanuidhi Khatua and Sarpanch Mr. Rabi Ray, Mr. Ashwini Ku-

mar Dasadhikari, Mr. Pramod Kumar Bhuyan, Programme Officer, ARM. They participated in the discussion and oriented other partici-

pants on the necessity of Information Education Communication materials and the aspects of Behavioral Change Communication.

Reproductive Child Health Programme for Vulnerable Community in Jaleswar block:Reproductive Child Health Programme for Vulnerable Community in Jaleswar block:Reproductive Child Health Programme for Vulnerable Community in Jaleswar block:Reproductive Child Health Programme for Vulnerable Community in Jaleswar block:

MISEREOR, Germany has been providing support to achieve the goal to improve the repro-

ductive and child health status of the people, especially women and children of 12 villages in

Jaleswar block, Balasore district and development of mechanism through capacity building,

network and coordination with existing health system and structure.

During the reporting year services have been provided on following health issues:

Adolescent health care, menstrual cycle, pregnancy in under age, early registration, proper

care during pregnancy, risk sign during pregnancy, institutional delivery, physical and mental

growth of new born child, breast feeding practice, child immunization, RTI and preventive

measures, sexually transmitted diseases, family planning devices and their use, liaisioning

with local health clusters etc.

Activity wise beneficiaries are given below in tabular form:

100% women registered during pregnancy

100% women registered during pregnancy

98% women received 3 antenatal check up

98% women received 2 TT injections

98% women intake 100 IFA tablets

Increase in Institutional deliveries and reduction of MMR/IMR

One orientation training on Small Family Norm has also been organized at

ARM campus for 40 participants.

ARM Annual Report 2012-13


Sl.No. Activity No. of pro-grammes

No. of partici-pants

1 ANC/PNC Campas 45 661

2 Sensitization to SHG/MahilaMandals 64 348

3 BCC Workshop for community leaders 1 30

4 Training to married adolescents on birth preparedness 2 75

5 Facilitation of Inter sectoral meetings to enhance ANC/PNC 2 40

6 Social mobilization and community meeting IEC campaign 1 100

7 Orientation of Health Workers and ASHA on safe delivery 1 40

8 Conduct Immunization cum child health check up camp 6 332

9 Community mobilization and mass IEC CAMPAIGN 8 400

10 Gender sensitization and reproductive right workshop 1 43

11 Sensitization meeting for SHG/MahilaMandal on Family Planning 30 470

12 Training of Adolescent girls 1 100

13 Training of adolescent boys 1 100

14 Training of SHG leaders 1 50

15 GP Health Monitoring Committee Meetings 6 42

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Inauguration of AVM School Building

Mr. MitsuoKawaguchi, Hon’ble Consul General, Consulate of Japan, Kolkata, inaugu-

rated the school building of the primary school for the under-privileged children in the ARM

Campus at Parulia village in Baliapal Block in Balasore district in Orissa. The school building

has been constructed with the financial assistance from the Govt. of Japan through Japan Con-

sulate, Kolkata under JAPAN’S Grant Assistance for Grassroots Projects (GGP). To mark the

occasion a befitting function was organized. Govt. of Japan has sanctioned and released US$

79616 for the construction of the school building. ARM has been running the school since

1997 with financial assistance from ACA, Denmark.

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1 ACA,Denmark

Child Education & Empowerment


NABARD, Bhubaneswar

Women Empowerment & Sustainable Agriculture

3 NRHM,Govt. of Odisha

Primary Health Care

4 M I S E R E -OR,Germany

Reproductive Child Health

5 Give In-dia,Munbai

Socio Economic support to poor

6 Consulate of J a -pan,Kolkata

Construction of School Building

7 Blue door Foundation

Socio economic development of Women

8 G l o b e M e d , USA

Health equity & rural prosperity


Childli India

F o u n d a t i o n ,


Child Protection & Rights

10 Global Giving

F o u n d a t i o n ,


Support to poor

11 I n t e r n a t io n a l

Rice Research

Inst i tute ,New


Rice Demonstration

12 Department of Agricul-ture,Govt. of Odisha

RKVY/NFSM Demonstration

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• Alternative for Rural Movement (ARM) is a Non Government Development Organization registered under the Society

Registration Act 1860 (Registration. No. BLS-2723-681 dated 16.12.1989)

• ARM is Registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act 1976 for any foreign donations and grants (Registration

No. 104820036 dated 17.06.1992)

• ARM is registered u/s 12 A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (Registration No. Judl/37/12A/96-97/17041 dated 04.10.1996)

• ARM’s Registration Certificates/Memorandum & Byelaws are available to any body on request

• ARM has been functioning its activities since 1989.

• MoA & Byelaw of the organization are available on request

Name and address of the bankers

UCO BANK, AT/PO: Baliapal, Dist:Balasore, State: Orissa, INDIA, Pin Code 756026 (FCRA account as well as Indian transac-


ICICI Bank,Balasore FM Golei Branch,Balasore

State Bank of India,Jaleswar Branch

Name and address of Auditors

Sanjeeb Kumar & Associates, Chartered Accountants, 475, ESEN DEN, Aiginia, Asiana Plaza entry, Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar,


, India, Ph.0674-2472770/771/772 (Fax)

Email: [email protected]


To find out an alternative strategy of rural social intervention and facilitate the NGO movement in the state of Orissa.


Establishment of an equitable social order through motivation facilitation and self activity among backward rural communities

with emphasis on women and children in the sphere of health, education, human rights, economy and rural leadership

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ARM’s Executive Committee met 5 times in the fiscal year 2012-2013 (Dated 01.04.2012, 10.04.2012, 18.08.2012, 17.12.2012, 15.03.2013) Minutes of the Executive Committee are documented and circulated to all members. Accountability & transparency No remuneration, sitting fees has been paid to Executive Committee members only Rajendra Kumar Rana,Coordinaating Member received Rs.60,000/- and Ms. Jayanti Giri, member of the Committee received an amount of Rs.42,000/- for coordi-nating the project activities. No traveling allowance to any Executive members Remuneration of highest full time paid three staff members (Per month) Rs.25200/-(MO) 2. Rs.15000 /- (Technical Specialist ) 3. Rs.12000/- (Block coordinator.) Remuneration of lowest full time paid staff member (Per month) Rs.2000/-(Teacher) Staff details (as on 3st March 2013)Staff details (as on 3st March 2013)Staff details (as on 3st March 2013)Staff details (as on 3st March 2013)

Distribution of Staff according to salary level (as on 31.03.2013)Distribution of Staff according to salary level (as on 31.03.2013)Distribution of Staff according to salary level (as on 31.03.2013)Distribution of Staff according to salary level (as on 31.03.2013)

ARM Executive Committee & staff members are not availed any air travel facilities to any places in India & abroad.

Name Age Gender Position on Executive Committee

Occupation Area of Competency Meetings attended

Ms. Sumati Raj 45 F Chairperson Social Work Group Management 5/5

Mr. Rajendra Pradhan 71 M Vice Chairperson Former High School Headmas-ter

Academics 5/5

Mr. Rajendra Kumar Rana

56 M Co-ordinatinag Member Social Work Organisation Management 5/5

Miss Binata Rana 46 F Treasurer Teacher Teachership 5/5

Ms. Jayanti Giri 42 F Tribal Development Sec-retary

Social Work Accounts/Project Manage-ment


Mrs. Jayanti Soren 39 F Member Housewife Tribal welfare 5/5

Mrs. Sumati Ranga 46 F Member Housewife SHG organisation 5/5

Gender Full time paid Part time paid Contractual paid


Female 10 4 1 15

Male 51 4 4 59

Total 61 8 5 74

Gross Salary Female male Total

<5000 13 7 20

5000-10000 1 35 36

10000-25000 15 1 16

25000-50000 2 2



Total 29 45 74

Indian Donor / Govt. AgenciesIndian Donor / Govt. AgenciesIndian Donor / Govt. AgenciesIndian Donor / Govt. Agencies NABARD National Rural Health Mission, Govt. of Odisha Give India,Mumbai Childline India Foundation,Mumbai Department of Agriculture,Govt. of Odisha IRRI,New Delhi

Donor Agencies of ARMDonor Agencies of ARMDonor Agencies of ARMDonor Agencies of ARM International agencies:International agencies:International agencies:International agencies: Action Children Aid, Denmark MISEREOR,Germany Blue door Foundation,UK GlobeMed,USA Global Giving Foundation,USA Japan Consulate,Kolkata

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