around · around australia in this edition has a...

AROUND AUSTRALIA In this edition has a collection of article from around Australia with information on how to un- dertake your very own revegetation project. Along with some of the stunning results on what can be achieved from a variety of project from around Australia. If planting trees is not you cup of tea how about bush regeneration using a variety of methods to achieved some really good results the community and the individual ................ 3 EDITIOX Articles will be due in by the For a October newsletter

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Page 1: AROUND · AROUND AUSTRALIA In this edition has a collection of article from around Australia with information on how to un- dertake

AROUND AUSTRALIA In this edition has a collection of article from around Australia with information on how to un- dertake your very own revegetation project. Along with some of the stunning results on what can be achieved from a variety of project from around Australia.

If planting trees is not you cup of tea how about bush regeneration using a variety of methods to achieved some really good results

the community and the individual ................ 3

E D I T I O X Articles will be due in by the

For a October newsletter

Page 2: AROUND · AROUND AUSTRALIA In this edition has a collection of article from around Australia with information on how to un- dertake


What method of planting was used.

Information on what the growing condi- tions were like e.g. was dry year on a north facing slope and I had 70% survival of species X and 20% survival of species

And or any other relevant information that will be help full. In the third edition of f his newsletter

thought about dedicating this newsletter to such as topic but I decide not to. Well since I got such as good response from every one about ideas for this new volume. I decided to keep to the original topic of You or Your communities projects. Sound corny 1 know but most

I of have some time in our life participated in community community project. so I I

Page 3: AROUND · AROUND AUSTRALIA In this edition has a collection of article from around Australia with information on how to un- dertake


e cornmu throo can I road-wa

lants with bslwcon 1

3d forthes


F E&UE PLAN: M I D ~ N D S H~GWAY REAUG~~ENS' dggm~7thd ,

(rmm e report by Susan M Wells, Plant Remrds OMlcer, Royal Tasmanian ~oianical Gardens, Tasrnanfa, orlglnalty printed In Danfhonla Vofume.4 Number 4, March 1996. Reprinted wirh Wnd prmlssion of Sue Wells.)

-., , .

~opu~alions of C ~ ~ D C B P M U S iecteus. ~ a n & * s m ~ n h ~ lens~ta iang~ofh ver tmgko~h VaTiela parad~xa~ Vlttffdinta gmfIis and , VittadIn/a mrrellerl were threatened by Department of Roads and Transport (DRTJ road-works. A rescus operation was carried out

- an July 2TT 11B93 by the Rayal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens {RTBG) d tho request of Ihe ORT. On ~nky of pi conscwaEFon significanm between Tunbrldge and Ross, and ~munities Zampbell Town end Canara ware,ldentfled as baing at risk f ron rks plann~ ,e sections.

- Of the plants in the first communily, C a l ~ ~ ~ p M # i u s kmws and D/~neIh kmn@fufla vrrr l o n ~ l ~ occur only sporadically in Tasmania and are resew&-only in the Tunbridge Nature Rasewe. In the second area, Vsllsk paradom and Wtradirrla ##dl/$ are recarded 3s vulnerable, conlined only to a fow sites In Tasmania, wlth the former plant being ~nreserved within Tasmania and the se~ond only rttserverl at TrrntKiklgs:

, . > > I" . . I I

: . Cemx tasmeifc8 -and WttWlnls rnusllwl in .the same area only m u r s ~ o a d ~ o a l l ' ~ - in Tasmania, and again the former IS unreserved and the latter resewed only at %&bridge. Tho "rescued" plants were taken back ?a the RTRO Nrrrse~ y for pl opydtiun and care.

I l . . t

' @m&stfon' : ' . _ _ I . I _. . . , ' ~,

~ o s t plant material was colteeted as elum@ ah$ subequentfy divklelt.lri~o 125,. t'75,and . 255 mm pots, us lq RTBG native potting mix. Mttadlnfa gmelfls was further propagated

from seed, Larger plants such as Dttiml!~ langHolla war longifnfFa were further divki~d in the spring af 1994 and open Nursary area untll replanti

Repbntk~g~. * The plants propagated

- roadslde on Odohr f I ,


, Site 7 ; .~le&?!~ lon'gfr0:Ila war IongIMia and Cafm~prisru~ bcws were planted in three - < . major groupings. All three sttuattons worn in slight hollows of an exposed, open roadside

site adjacent to-pasture tand. The sall was undlstumsd goad sandy loam of mudstone . orig'in, moist and welldrained. The plants were well watered. The weather was sunny with

a rnaxlrnurn temperature of 17 degrees Cefsius. C, sIta 2: ~el teb p a m f o x ~ and Carex tamnanlca<we& planted into una~turbed rnalst

chocolate loam OF basa!tic origin, at the lowest polntbetween two small hilts. The site w a '., evosed and qwn, and approximately t rn b l o w road level. "The plants were placed : betwoen ussccks Of Fmt spdes, giving the new plants soma protection.

S Re 3 : Vfffadink gmllls and V muelled were pf arrted In an0 grouping where thbrs were ,:, small naturally occurring seedlings ot V mtcelteri Both were .aBo planted in Ihree other grauplngs. ,All ware planted Into goad moist chmlate loam of basaltic origln:and which :, contained atones. , The sits was veiy open and exposed on, a very slight slope faclng, NNW.

; 'Surrounding roads[de vegetation of low giassland consisted of tussocks of Paa, Aspewla, ' Plan fago spscles and Wantago varla, Tamxacum afflclnals, H o W s species, Dlchondm : r-ns and W m M dblca, etc. The plants were well watered. The weather remained i, sunny wlth a maximum of 17 degrees Celsius, - I' ,, < .

2 ,, . $ ,r , 1 . : . , -. . . . .. < , ' I - '\' < I

i Manbring :, , -, ,. - ,. c . > , y . ,., ,, _ , . : .,, I, $ At this stage th'B'ie are tb plans ior'mbnttarii the'r$antlng-ot all three.&es other t h a ~ : chance visfis whlte pass1t-g.: Mrs Phillppa Balrd; who Ikras nearby, <stopped by and

expressed an intereat in the projed, and wilt be sent ampy of th~s report. ,


Page 4: AROUND · AROUND AUSTRALIA In this edition has a collection of article from around Australia with information on how to un- dertake


M m t Atkinaon. Coronrandel East

f5ylrrrji1111r n>slrr~frirrt i s iI pt.rcnni;-11 lililnl tlltrl is .t-arc t.o cnda~lgcti.ed it1 Suutl-I i\usti-aiia, wht-rt: it ilus 1,t:cn I-cportcd as oc;c--cl~i-irlg in tllc;. Sorr l lien) I jistt-icts to t h i ~ I;linders I;'angt:s, lii~~lai\~oo I:slrrnti uxld I hc Sout.h I3i-rst. I t s rarlee also includes olhar parts uf Australia ancl Icnq>t:ri~l<: Youi11 .krrlcrirm:ir (l;k~rtl c!f'Sol~tll /\l~sl;l.nlirr, 198t:b. p. C389). 'I'he y,crius li~yrl.rqi~~rrr car11 a-ins a 1 ~ 1 i r t . 2,'W spcc-it:s, must of wllich arc? Sou1.h Arnt!r-i(:i~~i. A1)oul. sevt.11 s1,ccics (inrrlutlisip, 1,Plrt:c i.rrt.roclr~i:tioli.s) occur 11

Au?;t~.i\lin. 'l'ht. sollr Ar~str.alian native sfwcies :Ire E. pltrilltz~qir~c.n~m. ti. rostrcrhlrri, 1:;. ssrcpbtrr in a.iid E. f)e!sic~tlos~crn. 1;'. rr~crritinlrttrr (tSttc*~ycbpot?cIitr 13ol~c~lic:cc, I"r-a~-~c:c:s Ilotlki~l, l!)<-)O, 11. 4-00), I'rom I he Mediielrenoitn rr:girrn. is e c:ommon g;~rclen plant wllic:li is k11ow.n a s Stti.3 E-1011y.

At ilrsl glirnt:e, 12. rostrnh1.1~1 looks likr. ki pic-kly Ihist,le. 'I-Iowtbvci- it. bclo~lgs to t l l r l Si~nily Ornl~~:lliI~~-a.c:, whcrrws niost hue thistles are from ?.he filniilv Ast.r.rac,*. WI1en it i:i ill flowt:r? t.11~ mature p l n ~ ~ i . of 15. r~rsfn-rtcc~rt. is :.I vivid clcctric: tdi~e. It i s up to 3() cm tklll, alld vely j.~iick!y.

I'i~r;lclosit:;~ll~~, grazirlg slor:k, r;jbl)lts w l x l 11:lrcrs tilltl the ncw shoo1 s rnost palal ablt.. '~hr: new shOOt~ ilppcnr i17 I>lte Vuilltt+T' 1j.0.rll 8

Ili:shv rocrtstor:k. 1 3 ~ I h e l~c!tgi.13 17i11g e l f l')t!cc:nil)c:r, plants arc: showing good coloul., with r r l a s l y tlowrrr- 11r:ads. As the:: soil rnoisturc . rlf.r:lirit:s wit11 sutnrner- rfrc~irghl and hc:at., thc pli.l~~l-s set seed 81r1il tlrc nbove-grourlc.1 ptxtions dry olT' and die. Sr:c?c.l gerrninntt::; in c'arly spring pr-ovrcletl that. I hert* has brrc:~~ :~~:it:rll.t:*t.c winter I-ain.

. ,

ll'or the 1l;lsl lwrrrkly yc;aru or %.I

1'1 L~\'I' I I <,#o,! ??.tiA!..T 4 . I huvr: 1u:ctn aw:.trc. ol' 1). ~~ostrrrl~irr~ &:lX>~/irlk: i.11 ~~OrtlIl.l231>~~t.>~ ~ s L . At

Ilrd 1 l:~olc IIO pailis t o iclcnii~v it, thiliking il tu 'LJC w ri\thcr pri?tt,y wai:d. (inlikc tnttc? tl~isl-les, i:l w:\s i ~ o t iiivssivtr :nvl sljrew~l orlky slowly. li:vc.nlu;r.lly I dec:itlcil that i t wiis l i r r l e for t-llis "wcfxl" lo Ijr r:rnciic;.~ttc*cl; bat. I l?r:it. l ~ ~ l i Ihr. i rr ,ul>lr . lo I - ~ v c : i t idrrr~t.ilictl. It 1-lisrtlly rzct:d:; tv 1st:

said that, once its identity and conservation status were established, the eradication programme rapidly changed to one of protection.

E. msCrdum is an attractive plant that should adapt well to a small site in a rock garden provided that it is able to have a dry summer period with little artificial watering. Seed that I planted in shallow seed trays in autumn and kept moist over winter germinated well the following spring. Subsequent growth after pricking out has been slow but steady. Perhaps it will be possible to have a few plants available for future plant sales! @9

Page 5: AROUND · AROUND AUSTRALIA In this edition has a collection of article from around Australia with information on how to un- dertake


On Sunday, 31st March 1996, SGAP members visited Churinga Holiday Cottages on the Coles Bay Road. We were led by the owner, Tony Maniott, through nearly 40 hedares of beautiful Heathland which must be quite a slght in spring. Plants ranged in sue from low growing Astroloma plnHollum to stately Allocasuarlna ~ o m l l s with the odd eye-catching red flash of Epcrls impre= Other plants included Bmksla ~~ X a n t h d m a australisl Leptospennum scoptfum, Leucopogon cdllhus, Styllldlurn gramhhllum, Acacia sophorae, Hlbbedla ffparh, €pads lanuglnose and the Parson's Bands orchld, Edochllus cucultahrs.

We passed through a smell forest of Eucelyptus ovate, E. smygddim, E. vlmtnak and Acacla mearndi with the odd shrub of Rlclmmpus phHoHw before enterlng a stand of Mdalwca pwtulab sunounding a very peaceful lagoon sprouting native water reeds. I think sorne 01 us thought thls was the end 01 our excursion until Tony led us furlher on through the AllocasuarinaEucalypt forest with Exocqwa mpmwrlbnnEs, L o m d n longltolla, icacla vwtlclllafa, a strange clump of Udadww g w , sorne Ixodb angusta (now Odlxla angusta. Ed), VlIlania exalfete, MydophyiIm and LoMh sp

Then came more lagoons and the scenery! Stunning unspoilt views of the Hazards with the serene lagoons in the foreground, lined with healthy bushland in all shades of green.

Our next excursion was led by Mark Lawson, a ranger for the Department of Lands, Parks and Wildlife, lo Friendly beach. We had lunch at the Lookout where Mark explained a brief history and management plan of the National Park We then sel off down the windswept hillside, amid windpruned and stunted shrubs and trees, a scramble over sanddunes through Acacia sophorn to the pure white, dazzling sand, surl and green water.

WESTERN CREEK TREK Margaret Donakison

lnsplred by our wish to Ben tornod In January we M e d to follow thraugh and take a look at BoNnwloM mow&^ whtn thelr aeed pDda were at the helgM of t b l r gbry. Sue Waite kindly ofiered ta show us these at the top of Western Creek when the time was rlght. After a few postponements we finally made it on Sunday 21 April. QuHe a cmwd of us met and proceeded to make our way along Western Creek It wasn't until the watetrrlall that we realised that we were actually climblng up to Ihe plateau; well of course, where eke would Ihe Mountain Rodcets be? The weather was not good, belng overcast and damp. Some of the group dec)cled to return to base after reaching Ihe waterfal!, but they had already a m nuch of the wonderful d~vefslty the valley wall had to offer. The iemainlng party continued upwards unlll at last the top was reached, and even In the closing mlst the area was a wonderful slght.

Durlng our journey we had p s d through a number of v~g&thre regbns. The wut sdemphyll forest offered a canopy of E u a m -m.k 0, A- nuhoxykn (Blackwood), T d o p . tnr- (Waratah) and many other species all mingled with the distlndtve amma of Tasmda /amdab, the Mountain Pepper. Running Into thlo lorest was the ralnfomd with Nofhhgus, #& cunnfngMrnfl and the pines; Pendl, King Billy, Celery-Top and a bcal hybrld oS PencU and Klng Bllly, AWmtda IurHoh.

The montane area had everything you would expect to find: Ok.rk. 0- Bomnk Rkhm Uwrvrk. cmho&a L@Pf-~eptorponn-, Eprcrk, E m Gentle& dknw~10, ~b&he& ( A - I ~ Coral- Fern) and of the Belkndma monbru Unlortunatelv most ot the rockets (md aeed Pods) hed finished but - - . ~ . . . we dM find enough l o satlsfy ounehr&.

On the return journey via a steeper path w passed thmugh a tantastk oollrctbn of f m s end mosses, including Dlchmk .ntarcilc8 (Sott Tree Fern), B k c h m s w , bpknlum bulbifemm (Mother Spleenwort), Hlr t lophds h c h (Bat's Wlng Fern), Mlcrororlum dhrdfolfum (Kangaroo Fern) and fterldlcnn epecles (Bracken Ferns).

1 Atler returning In the raln we .I enjoyed a mu1 welcome hot drlnk at the Walt&

I Next year we plan to return In Mereh when the plateau should be a mass of red rockets end we will have the added benefit of dayllgM saving. See youtherel

Page 6: AROUND · AROUND AUSTRALIA In this edition has a collection of article from around Australia with information on how to un- dertake

m . I * , , - , -...-.- -


% .- . A 7

. , Rare mallee ciings to life in an industrial wasteland

. 3 ,

- - + Bushcarers: Vicki Hagan $r John Roper w .

: ', \. ; Site 16cation: St Vincents Road, Lonsdale ., , .>-* .: : h

., Site established: June 1995 * I ' , ,- + Hours spent on site: lSD+ - - : - x : ;

, .. " I . , c7 % .

. Weed species treated on site: Mustard weed, scabiosa, onion weed, somob, . , artichoke thistle.

' > : > > ' - . ,

The vegetation along St Vincents Road Is one of the few remaining patches of maflee south of Adelaide, and is home to several species which are locally endangered or rare, including Amcia cupuIaris and Wcephalus s~mipeppsum. It is historically anel botanically s$nificant.

me read once led to the kcal rip and was badly Infmted with mafly different species Of#eedg. O f i March 1995, %h? Noarhmga City Council dm& the toad h, v e W i s and placed io&& gates at sa& errd. In August, the cuoncit helped remove four 2&t0nn~ tntckIoads of rmsolidated rubbish. One taertayer estimated that there were esougtt car parts strewn along fhe road to Wnsttwct three entire vehicles, including seat covers! Wnfortunalely, the pol table which had been dumped there was no longer fuflctional,

After the removal of the rubbish, and the fire whic3 burned o large area lad summer, the weeds went wild, with rntrstard weed head-high afong most of the road. As the site is badly degraded in most ereas and &aim more !ban 35 species of weeds, many from dumped garden refuse, the first priority wes to reduce the amount ofseed d m p w by the weeds and so reduce the work in I QS, This was accomplished by removing mustard weed, and careful use of a whippet-snipper in areas where no native Hank remained. i-4and weedit~g was used ta repair the damage to the flaraily rich 'good bushi patches. This process will contime for sevemi years: with gtaduai revegetation of the most degradd sections.

Once this vegetation community wauld have famed a protective wnopy over the whole area, but with for agriculture, the eiofgabd YIn'p &Ion% fhe roadside is exposed and buffelted by harsh winds from the south west and north west. The vegetation Is badly stressed and f he tmes are dying back. Mitsubishi Australia has generously given permision to plant a shelter belt on its land, west of the siie! to pntect the veyetaticn and increase !he ch:hac~ces that fhis site car: be saved. !?&bits arrived on itre site at Christmas and will need to be controlled if the shelter belt is to succeed.

Durifi~ fhe summef of 1595-95, seeds of the trees and shrubs an the site have been coiteded and propagatsd, afrjng with native grasses and ground

. , - . : -~i ,.,: ,&MY@,' are W& th?&@I par( of Mt? LwsdaM §if6 covers, and in a zhener this .. ,

- ,: . . y, lest summar, promo!,%$ his,$ weed groit$fi !ater $ the Approximafely seadlings plan- .

. , : ,:; pzr. b h w : Bushcarer @ck.i i h p n &?!!I o w a! the . -, < ' . . ;., < ..._- ' . . ... :' . -5 Acscie ct,pularis secd2ngs rased Lrom seed s.46 ed, and some hand dired seeding wit! slso b done. . . .

." . . . mected fi-5% rare r o ~ f i a ~ f s 013 !he si!e J. ... I . .

Page 7: AROUND · AROUND AUSTRALIA In this edition has a collection of article from around Australia with information on how to un- dertake


A group of 17 people turned up ready and willing to tackle some of Fern Tree's specific environmental weeds, under the direction of K b Schaffer, wearing her Landcare hat, and Kerry Keatley, the Hobart Cky Council Bush Care Co-orcfinator. The problem has arisen mainly due to the higher alitude, rainfall, and benypmduclng plants (mostly of English origin) combined with the blrds whlch have been attracted to our gardens. The area to be tackled was the Pipeline Track from the top of Cleg Road to 'The Bower'. However that area was not fully completed as a disused track was found which, due to disturbance, was discovered to be Invaded by:

Coprosnsa W&, a type ot New Zealand mirror-bush, a shrub to 3 rn. l&xaquIfdim (holly), a tree to 25 rn. BertFews &&ll (Dawn barberry), a shrub to 3 rn. This plant is highly volatile and should not be planted near your house. There are plenty of good specimens to be found around Fern Tree, so do we need them in our environmentally sound gardens? Heden spp. (Ivy). Thls dirnber not only produces berries on maturity but also strangles native understorey. Both leaves and berries are poisonous. Rubus fnrMcoss (blackberry) Say no more!! Birds cany berries in their droppings. This was graphically highlighted with certain areas 'rich' in seedlings of these berry producing plants.

Further working-bees will follow dtscussion of methods of dealing with weeds, tools used, safe herbicides and what plants may be used as substitutes.

On the following pages are some exerts from some Greening Australia brochures The brochures are usually available from Greening Australia or branches of Men of the Tress or landcare or an- other revegeta- tion organizations

Page 8: AROUND · AROUND AUSTRALIA In this edition has a collection of article from around Australia with information on how to un- dertake

~.'~,Y+:,~,7;~",': ;:,>;;, ,-:?:, ::;: ::>, :!j; , -,

.? ,:, ,; z \,:<,> z , ,<. . '$: ... ,,., - . . , I , * . . < - , .;y~,,:,<f;;-~,-;:, ;j: :: Boys' Brigade tackles a big Bushcare task at Karinya

. >,,., .. ; ,,<' ;-;,': <:>,:->:-: -2 --,:, .

rns 8( Kevin Bumws)

Boys' Brigade to work at m. Now, the group is ys' B&de loob attar the

esiaMished in the western sedicn of the reserve.

The rosewe conlains sn excellent example of Grey Box woodland vegetatibn. This vegetation type is now cansenred in quite limited areas, so keeping thb resnre in godd condition is of high-priority. Aside from the reserve containing an uncommon vegetation type, there are alse several uncommon @ant species on the site.

The site was 'gcirtded up' to aid in bating oneself white working there. This is so that specific weeds can bs mow easily Imed (not m u r e people may get lost!). The grjd system atso helped-to map the site and will k useful monitoring tool.

It's a huge job loolrjng after this reserve. it may take some years before a l the Boneseed is semoved.Wile this appars the most rampant weed, 1 isn't. The group has pulled out many Mbnadenb bracteata and is also ensutirtg that Bfidai Creeper never gets a fodhokf, by spraying hfestationrrs before they get too big. These weeds can infest g d bustt, so they are a

This resenre does baue some prcbiernr that are beyond the controf sf the Bushcarers. Mrres have been left to graze in some pads ~f the reserve, apparentiy while tRe riders have had a rest. This has mused some daag8 . Nearby residents have also hen durnging mbbis9 from their gardens.

Despite these pmblems, corrsideraWe progress has been made. Many areas are now ~ ~ e n e r 8 t i n g with sedges, grasses and dher smali plants. It is diWcult walking on I.he site in some pads because the hunran foalpfinl can do so nic6i-i

darnage to the many tilies ar~d gmund- covets that a n be f o u ~ d Ithere. SO, to all the B1ack:kword Boys' E;igade - well done!

Page 9: AROUND · AROUND AUSTRALIA In this edition has a collection of article from around Australia with information on how to un- dertake

'7 ' .. , -. <.

. > -:. '

, , ' _.. ' .. , , . ,

, , , . , . . . .:.,<

Friendship and persistence prevail at Pengilly .. ... .

, . ., , . . . , .. , . . .. . , . , . - . , ,. ., , : .. . Bushcaret: Students at the Murray Institute of TAFE, with Andrew Philpott

- . , , . , , . . . . .- ; . .- Site location: South of Wasleys, on the northern Adelaide PIains , . , . . .

: , Site established: October 1994 , .. , ,.. .,._

: .; v :., . ' : - ,:' . .. ,. , Weed species treated on site: Bridal creeper, soursob, African boxthorn. - . . . . , . , . ,. . . - - - .. .. "... 1.:):

. , - . . .. "; . . . , * - . ,

, - 5 - , . A , . . .I ... This 18-hectare patch of scrub was acquired by the Dislric! Council of Light, nola Kapur~da and K ' . : - , ? '

. - . . . . 1.: Light, around 1978. Abut 10 years later it was placed under a heritage agreement. - - . , .

.. . - ~- .I ....I ... .

- , ,, The reserve grades fram open mallee i n i ~ Caititris woodland and shrubland. These is also an , . " - . _ .-

... . . - . impressive diversi!y of shrubs, creepers, orchids, lilies, mosses, lichens, fungi and many , , . ,

! , . 2 A :.:, - < s - > , , . ..,,

ephemeral species that I am still trying to come to terms ~ 4 t h . There are two low sand dune ;, ,. ,+-- ;:.. -. ;: - -

, - systems running through the otherwise level reserve that adds to the diversity of vegetation. - . - , , L-.":

- - ,,

..I__.I,__._C_L(Y ----.. ".." ..... ..U.lll.-*-Y.Y..-.....- I"-.*

? . . : PENGUY SCRUB The frofit of the reserve looks ' i

. i vEBETATioN CoMMUNiTiES I like so many areas of remnant

. " - ! BlJSi-\C,4RE S(TE ti. 2 .. i

vegetation in that the tree and j shrub iayer are reasonably j intact but the grounbcover

layer is highly disiur'kd. It is not until you reach the centre of the block thal you can see some truly impressive rernnarrt. vegetation, particular!y at the micro !eve[. There is about half to one

af this highly intad

3 E::. ,%k>Z!.t

c ZJ, <.v;rj:aa

eradication a: kfricait E w~aihi:&

~NCF* caec9y h>ctinom within the reserre E::<S V&i,, cz;via$ AG nc:ai?tlk.

and on the surrounding roadsides. This species was fargitted first as il was a

. . ma!rageaSie pfcjed arld some consideration was given to the

Neady half the btock has been re-fenced with the inclusion af rabbit-proof neii'rng, it is hoped that the reserve will be rabbit- proofed by the end of next year.

Page 10: AROUND · AROUND AUSTRALIA In this edition has a collection of article from around Australia with information on how to un- dertake

. . , - .' , - ' ; me front of fhs block had heavy inlestatims gear. Just keep working away at if - C

, , . . . . . . . - , Y~ , of bridal creeper. Over the Queenk Bifihday nobody wn ask more than that.

* , - ' long weekend. Ihl; group sprayed abaul three- _ X - -.I ., v > .

? - + - . . - : quarters of this area, plus spot spraying i guess the strength of the Persgilly Bushcare= - . , ... ..: : . . throughout the resene. Wt, couidnt have is the level of friendship and support between

> . ' : . asked for a better turnout for the weekend nor members, 1 mean, spraying weeds is fine. but t ' <

' <

. ' , could we have asked for better results, look forwad to a quiet drink and some food . . .

I _ ' , - - * .

Shrubs that were breaking under the weight of the creeper are now growing through the dead stems, Native grasses, mosses and lilies - and soursobs - are! emerging,

We have carried out a rabbit baiting program and orr-going phosfoxin work in the reserve. This Eras impacted on the population but it will be a co~tinuifig baitle until the reserve k rabbit proofed. %me people are convinced that this has led to a recovery in orchid pcrpurations in the reserve, but others are nat $00 sure.

The future of PengiIIy with my ca-workers at me end of thc day. Ln

1 am very canfiderlf that Peng Piy is on the road "ofla Btrshcare Mlafk 10 be if You to recovery. The Bushcare group has given to achieve 8 sustain* effort* itself five years to remove bridal Creeper from tht! resenre. Once rabbits have k e n Thanks to the members of the Pen@@ controI4&, we wn stan the more irrteresfir~g Bushcafe group, DimcfCound! Gf

tasks of rehabiliiating the more disturbed Kapundo and Ughf, the Mumy hs;ifu;'s af sedions of itre reserve. This ccutd involve the TAFEEJndAnd?-pwAJ*s~fl. reintrcrjuc::.;ion c: rarer piao?, species tha: are growing in similar sol types in the district. Andrew Phi/poft Many are lust hanging In there and it may take only one accident, such as s mad king graded too wide, and f hey would be 10s to the district. I am also looking forward to some direct-seeding trials with native grasses and herbaceous species to displace sour sob.

Although not a big block, Pengiliy has the pctential to become a secure Ir,ca:ion f ~ : many of the plant spodes growing on roadsides in fhe area.

Don't despair this spring when you see your favourite little patch of scrub covered in flowering bridal creeper. Pick a piece and smell the sweet scent and make a quiet promise that you wifl be back next year and the year after with your spraying

Page 11: AROUND · AROUND AUSTRALIA In this edition has a collection of article from around Australia with information on how to un- dertake

. ' A

" ' l l . l " , i , ;:-:. , Rubber boots are essential, as Bushcarer dodges frogs - , - " (,,...

. , , I. e L

- 7 . Bushcaret.: Karen Lane [Regisnaf Crs-ordinator for Mitcham) ' , " 5

' . . . - We tacation: Sbps Hi%l Reserve , . . , , >s . Cournci!: City of Miteham . - -

. . ,! .: % Site e&abf%shed: t 995 , A ,, . . Weed species treated on site: baneseed, olllvas, ash and wif%ow E m s

, . * I n '

, C , Of the 67 &Jushmrz; &es in Mitchsm, f i l e - including my o w sla - are mthin or near the

A ' ' Sksp Hgiiil Rsswe. Phis area was extsnsiveiy guanied from eady this cenlury u n l the 33503 " * : .- . , : musing extensive degradation, espcjalltg along the e;~eek!ines. Uniike many of the e a e

. <

- , . quarries in the AdeiaWe area, the Sleeps Hill quarries were Ief! open, exposiwg many , , . 4 < , . .

" A+ . ,. ; i , .\>. \- , interesting geolo~imi famations and leaving examples of ear?~ quarrying methods, This

Y' - 4 . llcauirily enhances the interest of the area, and Sleeps Hill has recently hen p i a d an the / . St&? kiepitgcga aist. '4uu can find aid railway bogies, quartying and oet9ef ifitf2feS!ifig bki

'. A , and @e@s in the area.

Extensive, Busbarn work hes bean darts bere 10 deer mainly bneseed and ciives, whkh in most aamas mrnpietaly wver the reseme. M&chem Council has gimn us mnsldemtrIs as#~sestce, sending in w~hen tea mrnove by chainsaw rhe bcga dives and a& frees which were t w hahur intensive far Btnshmrefs fo h ~ n d b . Bsfsbcare and t k

. , .. . ~ouncil's wed emdicatj~n grqram now *ovk

....., . . .; dsseiy together $0 maximise the WO& being done to save the hst iinil&enow vegetsliein in Milham.

There $re many interesting iiexsigenots plan& fou@ in ar near the Sleeps Hjil area,

. .. . . ,' . . .. including quite a numbet with 8 listing of Stafe or &ustraB&m c#nsa;ewa$un significa~ce a d soma just very hard to find Ismlly n w , I have WrstiRed mom th8n 128 indigenous piants ;a& 8rn st% firsding mare. These inclanbe sedges, m3Ms @nd oa th g m s ~ s . A nurnht mm r m r r t d by one a W smajl poptb8altons in the ce$ewe or iocal awo. In i k,nw of six @ants that are d m Ba the &est fwr, or three spzdrnens. 1 Rope i m~tn find more nearby. MmmvPfie, these @art% 3% Mirag pmpsqated and re@anMd s n t ~ Ajamnt B u s h ~ ~ e 'f:tes, in W i i o n to ali tbe WE& clearing that is taking

> - piam on the sites. 'h In. . . h A

7. ,' . .'* -' , - I _ _ . , My Bushcare site b at mi$ piece of wetla& $n sen area where, an okf cjuarfy buildiq was ,. , . ,:A:'

, I. "* > . , B ~ O V & . It w d00 per =,fit mum& with ash ;41M GL8aw Me$ twcl yaars ago, w h n Z star!%i. ?.,: , * " ?

, v . The ~egsnemtirsn af &land plmts here is @xmmenat. Haw many B~atshwres need %Q wear '- , . -. . ,, 7 . : trtbkrer bo& in summer to wed their dies? ,l atttso have la $hare the d ~ d with i I d ~ 0% ~ W S

. . " A , -, , , > _ / n l

f , , , , > . ' r ^

" (makes W i n g difRculf) and superb blue wens. $13 s tough Iik, ilrlj~ Bu$Bmhi~g! The 4rea . - I < : * , - ' <

+ * , ' , 9 . . adjacent. to th wt1and is vtiq wedy, and my @arts this year am tto repiarrf. same af the rarer - - . . . - < . .. . . . i .- . kmi native plan!$ in the area a M to wnti~srs cleasirtg weeds ffam around ?he se@e5 and

< , ' + * - , '. ' rsashes growing them. {Conth& on mxt -1

, I , A , < > A L : ,;: v A

Page 12: AROUND · AROUND AUSTRALIA In this edition has a collection of article from around Australia with information on how to un- dertake

South 111rel s u n h gz l tCS 1 \ E m ,

mlbn &ban Forcs~ ~iodir+erul~ ~r r b f ' t f r r rmoutrrtm h c i n ~ d c v c l r ~ c d by rhc l'mpmn xring up frrr i r ~ Erst n~tintl ofplnurrings . ~ d c s~~'informau&n nc~work service Ibr access by

at kcp si Mtlaide. commtrniry, provision of matcrids, finding and wvscc h',r revesctancrn prwjccrs and a Stmtcg

At lrnsr 1 5fl p g l c , incl~rding c~ii~loyrncnr program B~mliversiq r1;1n tor thr Adrlai~lc rc$r>n '- p ~ r t i c i p n ~ s , Nariond l'mks and WilclliFc snW, Fricndn : gouyq and r w k r votnnrccrs, will bc invoirrd irl p l a ~ ~ h g Pducarionnl rnatoriats are a l ~ 1 being dcl-clt*pca

about 50 000 bctnllinh% on ,SU huctarcs R I I ~ dirccr .~cding inducting rcwurcc k i ~ 6 Ibr scl~oals. bkd r n ~ n i c ~ r i n g kim a htrthcr 25 hccrarts uritig lncd rl~c+c>. r\ltr,~chrr and a proposed viclco h r rkacllcrz intcgratin$

: IS11 OUII plants will bc csral~l~sbcd across Ltbe Gre.lmr cruriculurn htudi~% with local and r~xionol prc ' , -Adclaldc Itegia~.

A portrr disphyin~: himjtic plan ] LMlal>govtrnmr~ir, ' sssor~ntions Ibr rllc Aclelaide Pldns is '

Comluol~n~ealch- . avnilaMcas a planting guide tor fimdcrl work indivi';diialq and grt l tvq involt'c-4 in

- e.x,*parir?llCc wirrcts rc~toratioll r\.crxk. , jsripci~ibcd bg

Freshnrnrr and 5 E~qtside), G r c c n h ~ 2 A~isualin, Trcrs fbr

LiFc, rhc Australiati ' Tru\;t,fi>r ' i lo~sm., I YO~IRCCC :a? . arc d a r l p1ayng an r 'irnporta~r p u r in dlc : Piqrm's mtcgcratian !

rvtlrk. k

3 '<%I~Tw ate Ib good coadicion wq~~iriag'rtlili~rtcnnt~.e . - Hc~jcf~yunt tcucolxid~yni (mi* and prtactian white CH~CIT arc ICUITC~TIY in pnnl- E P ~ J ~ & J ~ ~ ~ B ) wfdth W P ~ ~ E @ ~ I I ~ C ~ p a ~ z q- : ct~n<iitit)n bur prrrtidt rhr ~>ppcsl.ntniry !:to rcinrrtatr. &gins1 tk riwdcmurq in low dn-~~blnrid ccsid ~ i n l i v r rtgcratitirm and mnkc 3ink* wirh largcr nrms,*.said Imrh uflusnrioa nfnr@ rhc cormfiarrz. .

; ?rocram h.l*nnger, Rosc Ok2. ,VUY-TIJ Navcrr SUH rJ, ro HaJttrr Cuvr. I

: Sircs mnpc Ram Il%c sizc o i l lr;dcyud ~ t p to 120 hecraw '~XLW 11l10ic~ w d ;~>I ir i~>at i t~t+ arc

, lots. I+ cnrorrlrging links bcnl7rca drcx sltcs and rSIc cakn from t i ~ c tknlrr. Fkcnx and

: prcipl~ 1nvc11vcCJ in r~.vr~cmTj~m w<>rt:, thc Prog~lini aim3 . WnndhitJ nrrltc Adcl~ickhPl~tr* in ?$.WI. A ?4:1tlvc \;.e~ckflitrrn <<t~idc,

h~crcnst dle lic.l~na?is of rt~ctn!prtfimn Adclaidc ~ndxlcnre , , 3 YW,jmducnl Iry r l t r l>rprm~crt\ id rvildliti.snrridararo~iclp~r~mahiisbori~~~aloarir~cbtmn~- ' '

> , > > - M n ~ i n g , r n d Urh~n U~%ciq>r?~cnt,

: , reptilt.;, bird.r ur~d hnrall nrzrnrnal~. Ilrhcd 0 1 3 ii!fiwtnarinc~ by hnrrcH i , > - K r ~ c l ~ n h ~ r c t r l ~ ~ T r t k c Dcp.~rtnhrnr c*C I C)thmy wnrk d r c ~ d y nrricd om on, rhcsr k c s uvrr the, l~.~i~in>~iolle~lt, J K I I ~ N . ~ ~ I C I I Reso~~rie$. .

cpasr six nlonchs in6iircfcs rcmovr~lg 2000 ~wocly w t ~ r l s . ' " .~.IHC kwmcs cru~ bc purfiassrl cum

I From public land. p r t ~ ~ p r i c ~ ~ o f 20 0410 ~ c d l i q p , , tllc Smw l i c c Ccnmc fLr 54.UU @rw puStJ,V. i >cdec&lg Iod Sced !"of urn~~rscr). suhck and clkcct . . : hccdin~, and mnsrtncrlng k n r c s and n-.alk~ng rrarls.

Are",bbfcr Crcck Rcucxtit)n Park hat h ~ ~ s hzvc b c n . . 2 -1wilt a11d 111~1nUed. FF ,~ mc,rt ~ f i k ~ t i ~ ~ tntmracr- SEIW T~C= C C ~ W C ,

- 7 , Brtro~yB~i~c.Ca~il>bcUto~ltl l -ph:$20767d?. . 1 T h e P r o o m x w s buhrhcd hy rhe Miniwn h r rhr , ,

i Gn\+x)nmcnt-nnil Nnnlnl K r ~ ~ u r c c ~ , Mr lhvid IVcirton, in - ,

; ,> tare April and i s suppc>rrrd 1,). uI1 Icvris t r f g n ~ . r r ~ y n r n t . , F w d s fk rtc -'zn: haw krrr r70ttrfxitmi 4 ihz SOW& ,

- i l r r r l jn l i r r TI Odpn~tst#Ws nf .ErurrriwrtbI?rrn t N#:vnrt nrmrr I rrr

; Ir hllifding mne kbn cowml, niry ,' AVO' H m i w nnrl LJ 3nrt I>mrJnp~nntt , Adcifricr'g~ .bfrrup&mn . I>* ,v~ucl ,S~LKIN~ {Afr.JS>j., ~ ~ N I I I J P I I ~ C I J F ~ Dqrnrnunr E Mr

~frrrups and indiyidusk. "Tbih is rhc fim rimy wc'w had s h r p l f i p ~ t r r ~ ; , Edwcnnorr, Tmrrriqq W J ~ ' find dririr-I, , smtcgit br~r<~ie\o fm rhc ttr.hulr mgiorr. Wr tan g v t drrt~rirour~rcrrr --ZUI~&IP~ G-7 < ; m p ~ 1'r4111~115, b c n ! G(I~M:IIKW ' , pcoplc mlppcrtl SO that rhey cto~r'r feel f h ~ ' r c ~ctilrg i r l - " - ~ c m r i u r s prrrl cnrrrrcih$-~ nm rah* ?u'?pi dmduped mth r t r . ist>latirs&" kzjd bfr C)kc. Iirn 11.r ant/ P u t ~ t w ~ i ~ o r ~ n C.j.rrlrrrrrrr Ebhr*r .%Iusngr>rrr>rr Rai rric ,

Page 13: AROUND · AROUND AUSTRALIA In this edition has a collection of article from around Australia with information on how to un- dertake

1 Echidnas make their wa3y back to Upper Stud

Bushcarer: Sue Mier and members of the Wafking for Fitness and Pleasure Group

Council: Mitcham

- Echidnas have appreciated the big eftorl put in by 12 bushcafe~s at the site on Upper . ~ $tug Road. which it; bound~d by Belair O..lati~rtal Park and the road ipdhat was a? firs?

thought tr, be heavy handed w e d removal was aduaify areas dug atref by echidnas. The sail had titiis holes where! theif noses had b~tfrdwfed into the sail in s e a ~ h af ants!

The site is lomtgd in 3 transitionel vege!zlion ean:mtir\ity fro-om E r r ~ l y p t u s le~coxyion ,. , wosdtand in the mast western areas of tile site: to Eat-ztIypZ;srs abiiqws open forest

., .

Ward the east, ?dost ~f the site has a s9v;rb layer and a dkd~rse rmge cf liiias asld . . ' .


bqar.rtp2lier brgc~n (ses page P ..pasi%] '1 t\as been the biggas', p?~bip"31??! $lit ~ j ? n Gsdie%~c3n and

5+i@rk, a:le :i$ge is cjsar f i s U ,

braom 83x8 grass, $ah:$; tf&sa';s indu& v&ir;7]es pa<fi,irl~

inapprapfizteiy and r~bbjsh dumping fr~$.;j ?e$i&r*.:t%.

A maximum sf tc$ ~ $ w , F

br~skcarers wcrk aan %he site af. zny $02 airng, The wiiling ~ ~ ~ - k ~ ; r s are orr a r~stet" 8nd meal

at tke e:>$ of yea? at $.kt? site b r 20 jnfoma: g& t~zeiher.

Bu$ttcaress starqed with $38 IEBS% et'fec.3.eb area t~ tyards tha rn idd !~ of the si& end ar5 grad~aeily working outwards 12 %he wcrst et!ac:t~ed arms.

&X:if>~~d PBgC' 3

, . . * ,_.* _ .,ll,,,,,,,,.,,.+.,.., _ ..... . .-_....... _._....._.r ... - - - - . - - - - .... - ..... . .

Page 14: AROUND · AROUND AUSTRALIA In this edition has a collection of article from around Australia with information on how to un- dertake

Ff@@%ras af-a on ttrs agenda for rewsva{ $ i ~ t it wiIl not be easy as tgey C Q Z ~ fmv. Qtribs under %.he ssik

Pd4any significant g:ian"t baava beers fsund 9:; the site i'nc]ti.@ing $he archid Q&,&

Lanceo!&a, 3 bonh.,qy s&;ib y&jsw ,, j .<A, , zvr;.i .< .: p .-a 5 , 7":- ? ,3; >= ,4b$J'v.ep+ *, gyzzt


excite~?erat as no-orse had ever seefi it

before. Qfher ~ r c h j d ~ 9ave been discgyer& sfid @aegmen*;g.d by; Giiiespie - W P ~ Q is fine a&? .,. ,., .<>;Sf&s:

~ $ J s ~ T ~ ~ % P s ; f ~ $,A. at 73, r@sp~nsi$$e f ~ r ft;s he&arisf-r; ~ n d keeps

an ac;cumte ressrd ~f a!$ plant species fsu3@ i;hg $jig,

Dums Sp. : A picture of a Donkeys Ear Orchid Taken from Near the Bushcare site Photographer : Beppy Jacobs

h e right rIn Uw hnr . -. # .-, pradudvfty and beduty. and a~&sc.-b bird5 mrrr IX-

u d l j f e %is parrphlrct explain:. hovr to wrmlnate ~lorlm trcc aecd - II cornplmtnh e prcvrrxls pamphkt How tu c d l r c t natitx< w*? S%YI crrsflg+ aftlwugh wilren r n l n l y e b o ~ w, mvch irdurrrwtiun in !he p i r m l e l s also applies t~ shrubs.

Page 15: AROUND · AROUND AUSTRALIA In this edition has a collection of article from around Australia with information on how to un- dertake
Page 16: AROUND · AROUND AUSTRALIA In this edition has a collection of article from around Australia with information on how to un- dertake