around point cook 24

CALL TO JOIN MASTERS OF AN AGE–OLD GAME Age is no barrier for the boys at Werribee Masters Australian Rules Football Club. Werribee Masters Australian Football Club requires players for season 2012. Following a successful 2011 in which Werribee Masters had three teams playing masters footy. Werribee Masters Australian Football Club has been promoted to the Premier Division of Masters Football after wining the Division 2 Premiership in season 2011. The third flag the club has won in 5 years of playing in the Metropolitan Division of Masters football. Werribee Masters Australian Football Club requires players for season 2012. Following a successful 2011 in which Werribee Masters had three teams playing masters footy, the club is looking forward to another great year. New players are needed to join a fun and family oriented club for the coming footy season. The club has three teams playing masters footy, the Metro team over 35’s, Metro over 40’s and a Legends (Over 47’s) team. Players need to be turning 35 in 2012 to be eligible to play in the Masters competition, the club play triple headers at all home and away games in and around Melbourne metropolitan area, games are only played every fortnight, allowing ample time for the body to recover. continued page 3 ‘There are not many opportunities for over 35 year olds to get together and enjoy a sporting release in a team environment’ – Darren Harrison

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Community Newspaper Issue 24, January 2012


Page 1: Around Point Cook 24


Age is no barrier for the boys at Werribee Masters Australian Rules Football Club.

Werribee Masters Australian Football Club requires players for season 2012. Following a successful 2011 in which Werribee Masters had three teams playing masters footy.

Werribee Masters Australian Football Club has been promoted to the Premier Division of Masters Football after wining the Division 2 Premiership in season 2011. The third flag the club has won in 5 years of playing in the Metropolitan Division of Masters football.

Werribee Masters Australian Football Club requires players for season 2012. Following a successful 2011 in which Werribee Masters had three teams playing masters footy, the club is looking forward to another great year.

New players are needed to join a fun and family oriented club for the coming footy season.

The club has three teams playing masters footy, the Metro team over 35’s, Metro over 40’s and a Legends (Over 47’s) team.

Players need to be turning 35 in 2012 to be eligible to play in the Masters competition, the club play triple headers at all home and away games in and around Melbourne metropolitan area, games are only played every fortnight, allowing ample time for the body to recover.

continued page 3

‘There are not many

opportunities for over

35 year olds to get

together and enjoy

a sporting release in

a team environment’

– Darren Harrison

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With the crazy season behind us let the new year begin!

We are constantly looking for local content that people will enjoy reading. This may be the happenings at your local club, or organisation

or it may be some work of written or visual art (we have printing limitations you may need to consider when contributing art). I look forward to what 2012 has to offer us in this lovely local area of Point Cook. Please send your contributions to: [email protected]

If you’ve read the 2012 predictions from our Poet Laureate Jack Nystrom you would know he predicted the Assies would win the test – so ‘one up’ Jack and good luck with the rest.

I’m very impressed with Jack’s story telling as I think of his poems as stories, often told with a sting in the tail, an invitation to debate, a provocation to not agree with his writings, and the pleasure he gets when his opinion is challenged and I’m aware of this happening on occasions.

Our poet is well read and has strong opinions on most things and over the years I’ve known him I’ve never yet heard him say ‘on that I don’t have an opinion’. His memory is fine and his experiences are many – all fodder for a wonderful imagination which enables him to turn out several poems – every week!

In 2010 we agreed to publish a book of his poems and at that stage he submitted 170, which blew us out of the water – since then he has written well over 200 which are currently being classified.

His topics range through politics, history, animals, people and Australia for a start and he is also a student of the French language and has written poems in French, one of which we have already published.

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I’m very fortunate in that I spend a few hours a week in the company of this man and I have never left him without feeling he has improved my knowledge of the world and made the sun shine for me on that day.

Bill McPherson

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The Werribee Masters Australian Football Club has been established for 29 years and play home games from Bartercard Oval which has excellent facilities for both playing and social functions.

The club is putting the call out for more members. Werribee Masters Coach Darren Harrison, said the benefit of a physical sport such as Australian Rules for men approaching middle age were not readily available elsewhere in Wyndham.

There are not many opportunities for over 35 year olds to get together and enjoy a sporting release in team environment. The club also has a great family atmosphere so that everyone is catered for on game days.

Werribee Masters Australian Football club does precisely that and the club is looking forward to another successful season in the metro and country leagues of AFL master’s football.

Games are only played every fortnight and not on public holidays the season start in late

Apr, playing every two weeks allow ample time for the body to recover. The club has great camaraderie, spirit and a very enjoyable social atmosphere.

For more details contact Ange on 0425 769 647.

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from front page

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Member for Altona District, Ms Jill Hennessy MP commended the work of the Hobsons Bay Life Activities Club.Ms Hennessy said Life Activity Clubs Victoria are a Not For Profit community organisation recognised by the government and the community as a valuable contributor to the well-being of many in our community. “The Club is run by the members for the members and many people find their involvement in this work worthwhile and rewarding.“Club activities are available at a range of times, the majority of clubs offer day, evening and weekend activities as well as holidays and trips,” Ms Hennessy said.Ms Hennessy said, “Members receive support when faced with life changing events such as retirement, redundancy, changing family situation, bereavement or relocation into a new area.”“Club members participate in a wide range of safe, healthy and stimulating activities offered by the Club.“Activities are available to suit most interests and provide opportunities for members to keep physically, mentally and socially active in the company of their peers,” she said.For further information about the Hobsons Bay Life Activities Club please contact Alicia on her mobile: 0409 210376



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The Baillieu Government’s recent decision to significantly increase public transport fares in 2012 is unfair, Member for the Altona district Jill Hennessy said.

This announcement will see public transport fares increase an average 8.6 per cent from the start of 2012, more than double the current rate of inflation.

“Mr Baillieu’s decision will hit local families struggling with cost-of-living pressures hard,” Ms Hennessy said.

“This decision is another poor outcome for local public transport users, coming on top of other government changes that see fewer services through the Altona Loop to the city, and the promised upgrade to Hoppers Crossing station abandoned,” she said.

“Despite junking the former government’s comprehensive Transport Plan and its infrastructure projects worth billions of dollars, Mr Baillieu has no plan to fix the system as he promised before the last election,” she said.

“It is a government that continues to take from commuters but fails to deliver a better system,” Ms Hennessy said.

“Despite promising to fix the public transport system, things are getting worse for many local commuters under this government,” Ms Hennessy said.

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Christmas and the summer holidays are one of the riskiest times of year for many families. As well as the normal costs of the festive season such as Christmas presents, luxury food tems, and decorations, there are the other costs that come at this time of year such as going away on holidays, extra childcare costs and extra entertainment costs for bored children over the long Christmas break.It is vital that these extra costs are not still being paid for when the next Christmas comes around. Many families use credit cards to fund this additional expenditure, and this can be very, very costly. Whilst home loan interest rates are very reasonable at the moment, with average standard rates around the 7.5% mark or lower, credit cards are unsecured debt, and can have interest rates as high as 25% pa.On a credit card balance of $10,000 that is not paid off, this could cost you up to $2,500 per year. Or in different terms, another Christmas, another holiday or a significant reduction to your home loan.

The key to managing extra summer holiday spending is to remember that there will be another summer next year, and the year after, and most likely the year after that. In fact I would suggest there will be another Summer each year for the rest of your life. What this means is that you need to plan and budget for your summer spending. This is not a one-off emergency spend, it is a regular part of your life. Budget for this time of year all year round. Make the annual holiday a reward for your savings efforts, allow for the extra expenditure in February, March etc. so you can have some fun next January, and if you can’t afford to pay for the extra things without using credit, then cut back and don’t spend as much. You will enjoy everything a lot more if you have the costs covered up front.Please contact our office if you wish to receive advice on budgeting or debt repayment strategies.

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TAX DEDUCTIBLE DEBT – OVERVIEW OF GEARINGFor some people where appropriate, there are ways of using debt to your advantage. The purchase of managed funds, property or shares using borrowed money remains one of the most effective ways to accumulate wealth over the longer term as it allows you to make a larger investment than would otherwise be possible. Gearing can be an effective strategy if the income and capital growth on the geared investments are larger than the costs of funding the geared investment, after taking into account any tax that may be payable.Gearing is a long-term strategy. It should only be chosen if you are holding the investment and loan for at least 7 years. This is because you need to give the asset time to grow. Gearing may be appropriate for people: Who have a growth or high growth risk profile and are prepared to accept investment volatility. With a strong, secure cash flow (which is protected by an appropriate insurance policy). On higher marginal tax rates, and with a low level of non-deductible debt. With an investment time-frame of greater than 7 years.Advantages of Gearing: Gearing to invest enables you to start investing earlier. If you invest in assets that produce some level of income the interest is generally tax-deductible. Gearing can magnify returns.

Gearing Risks: Gearing is generally not appropriate for people who do not have sufficient cash flow or income to meet the annual borrowing costs. Investors should only borrow to invest if they have the financial ability to absorb the effect of potential falls in investment values, or the ability to fund margin calls if using margin lending. Another risk is that the income from the investment may decrease or temporarily cease, placing a burden on your cash flow. Gearing can magnify losses. Interest rates can change, and your costs can therefore increase. Growth on your investment may change making gearing an inappropriate strategy.There are many different types of gearing, and many different investments you can gear into, on a small or larger scale. We believe that advice is required prior to commencing a gearing strategy, so that all of the advantages and risks can be identified and managed. Borrowing to invest should only be undertaken when it is appropriate for you, as this strategy can magnify opportunities and risks.

Please contact Melinda Houghton at the office of Houghton Strategic Solutions in Point Cook if you would like to receive further information on financial advice options on 9394 6344.

Melinda Houghton

Authorised Representative of Aon Hewitt Financial Advice Limited

Authorised Representative No. 290343

Aon Hewitt Financial Advice ABN 13 091 225 642 AFSL No. 239183

This information may be regarded as general advice. That is, your personal objectives, needs or financial situations were not taken into account when preparing this information. Accordingly, you should consider the appropriateness of any general advice we have given you, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs before acting on it. Where the information relates to a particular financial product, you should obtain and consider the relevant product disclosure statement before making any decision to purchase that financial product.

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Martial Arts Accreditation Warning!

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Would you send your child to a primary school that is not government accredited? Of course you wouldn’t!

Why then do so many people send children to martial arts schools that are non government accredited? Such schools are not properly regulated and have not passed stringent safety protocols.

These schools can tell you whatever they like regarding their qualifications and experience, but you have no way of knowing if this is true.

Don't risk your child's safety with a non government accredited martial arts school.

Unfortunately there are many individuals who falsely claim to be a black belt in martial arts.

How can you tell the difference? Well unless you have good knowledge of their instructor you will not know. However a legitimate black belt will be able to produce written certification.

Fortunately the Australian government has estab-lished a martial art accreditation scheme in five areas:

1. Verifies the qualifications of the Head of School.

2. Verifies the school curriculum, grading policy and club structure.

3. Insists on a proper risk management plan.

4. Insists on proper coaching qualification.

5. Insists on a member protection system.

For Jujitsu – Australian Jujitsu Federation.

For Karate – Australian Karate Federation.

So before considering membership with any martial art club, you should insist on seeing proper accreditation.

For more information contact Dave Franklin Martial Arts, the largest government accredited traditional Japanese martial arts club in Victoria.

Ph : 0402 853 437

Email : [email protected]

Web :

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Rotary Club of Laverton Point CookWhat a marvellous time was had by all at the Sanctuary Lakes Christmas by the Lake on the 1st of December. Sixteen members of the Rotary Club of Laverton Point Cook participated in this annual event doing car park marshalling and selling candles. This event was very well run once again by the organising committee of which Rotary is part of, with proceeds from the event going to participating local voluntary organisations such as the CFA, Lions and Rotary.

In late December our Rotary club held its annual toy donation evening to benefit the Salvation Army toy appeal for underprivileged local families. Over 60 people attended a Gala Dinner at Sanctuary Lakes Golf Club with over 100 toys donated to the appeal from the Rotary Clubs of Altona and Laverton Point Cook, Point Cook CFA and the Lifestyle Seasons Retirement Village Social Club, Hoppers Crossing.

This month our Rotary club is holding its’ Annual Australia Day event and free BBQ at Seabrook Primary School Hall, which you are all welcome to attend. The event commences at 9.30am and concludes around midday on the 26th of January. Included is a presentation from official Australia Day Ambassadorial Speaker, Alan Howe who is the Chief Executive of the Herald and Weekly Times with entertainment provided by the Laverton Community Choir and singer Gaye Edmonds from Carranballac College and much more.

To find out more about us please go to our website at or email l aver tonpo in [email protected]

Chris Egger President, Rotary Club of Laverton Point Cook

Rotarians Wolfgang and Verena selling candles at Christmas by the Lake

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With summer holidays and warmer weather this is the season for water sports and sailing regattas. Over the Christmas –New Year period most people are aware of the major event- the Sydney to Hobart yacht race. I’ve sailed from Sydney to Melbourne and from Melbourne to Hobart on delivery cruises but not sailed in the Sydney to Hobart race. Here’s why I’ve chosen not to race in the most prestigious event here in Australia. A delivery cruise is where skipper and crew maybe employed, for meals and lodgings, by the boat owner’s representative to take the yacht to a desired port over a period of five to ten days of sailing. The cruising sails are used while the expensive racing sails are locked away. If the boat speed under sail is less than five knots then it is permissible to turn the motor on and motor-sail. Regular communication is maintained with the yacht’s owner while at sea. If the weather forecast is predicting strong to gale force winds and heavy seas with swells of three metres or more then the passage plan is to head for the nearest port or harbour refuge to sit out the southerly buster as the front makes it way up the New South Wales coast from the eastern Bass Strait. The

delivery crew must sail the yacht conservatively and take care of the owner’s property and avoid unnecessary expense. Off shore coastal cruising can be very pleasant . Racing conditions are very different. The Cruising Yacht Club of Australia invite applications from yachts to do the safety rated Category One race, but do not accept all yachts that enter. After the dramas of the 1998 Sydney to Hobart race when the weather turned particularly nasty and lives and yachts were lost at sea, the racing rules changed.


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All yachts entered have at least 3-4 sailors on board who have done the race before and 50% of the crew who have done the Sea safety survival course, 2 persons with first aid qualifications, 2 licensed radio operators, a nominated navigator and two experienced helmsmen. Doing the Sydney to Hobart is like climbing to the top of Mount Everest for some sailors. It’s a challenge, an endurance test of fitness and one needs to be able to perform your allocated task in very trying conditions. Seasickness has to be managed – even on the first night out from Sydney heading south down the coast of NSW the weather can produce pounding seas and active sailing crew numbers go down – onto the bunk below. The race is a very long passage race and one can spend many hours/days sitting on the rail as ballast to keep the boat weight balanced. Maintaining fluid and food intake can be a challenge as can using the head (ship’s loo) in rough conditions. Rest breaks are scheduled with a watch system but sleep can be elusive and forget your scheduled break if there’s a call for all hands on deck for example for a sail change. The race conditions are different every year – I’ve been told I could have done it.

But the Sydney to Hobart race is not an ultimate sailing goal for me. I’ve felt the exhilaration of coming up the Derwent River into Hobart on my very first cruise delivery. However I understand the feeling Sydney to Hobart sailors have when they reach their destination –“we’ve made it!”

Sailor Ann

“Try Sailing” over January with Royal Yacht Club of Victoria, Williamstown Also Adult learn to sail programs - contact Gavin Wall 9397 1277Other websites: www. and

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Several alien species have found the basalt plains to Melbourne’s west their ideal environment. Cynara cardunculus, the large Scotch or Artichoke Thistle is a native of the Mediterranean area. This weed, along with the Box Thorn from South Africa, provides rabbits (another introduced pest) with a safe harbour that keeps their predators at bay. It is a dramatic species that is distinguished by ferocious prickles and big eye-catching purple flowers. Unfortunately, it is hard to suppress as it seeds heavily; and the seeds can be transmitted by many methods, including on the backs of animals, via the wind, or when land is flooded.

I am sure there will be few readers of Around Point Cook who haven’t caught a glimpse of these plants as they drive along, for instance, Kororoit Creek Road. If you are anything like me, you will give a gasp of pure delight when you see them in full, magnificent bloom.

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Point Cook Garden PagePoint Cook Garden Page

The model for this pencil drawing was collected from a shallow depression beside Barnes Road in Altona North. I drove this way many times during December, January and February and, although I am well aware this thistle is an undesirable environmental weed and we should be doing our utmost to eradicate it from our landscape, I can’t help admiring its flamboyant flowers.

By the beginning of April, the flower heads had dried to a beautiful bleached blonde colour and their leaves had shrivelled and contorted into fascinating shapes. I have drawn and painted many plants during the course of my career, but this one presented me with an additional challenge. Its spines are “lethal”, so I tried to protect my hands by wrapping the specimen piece in several layers of newspaper before cutting it from the parent plant …. and also when I placed it in position in my studio. Even so, I sported several scratches for the following few weeks!



[email protected]

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If the holiday season has left you feeling tired, stressed or depleted of energy. Try adding a regular yoga class to your exercise routine and notice the difference to your overall health and wellbeing.

Here are 10 reasons why you should grab a yoga mat and make yoga number 1. on your New Year’s resolution list for 2012.

1. Spoil Yourself – Do something for yourself and give yourself permission to relax

2. Stress Less – Learn yogic breathing and meditation to help you handle stressful situations

3. Sleep Well - A regular yoga practice helps to improve sleep patterns

4. Re Energise – Yoga teaches you to breathe deeply, which increases blood oxygen levels and boosts energy

4. Feeling Grumpy - Yoga naturally helps to regulate hormones and improve your mood

5. Keep Fit - Build strength, increase flexibility and tone muscles Photo: Emma Sutcliffe


6. Lose Kilos: Yoga helps to support weight loss by stimulating digestion and blood circulation

7. Less Doctor Visits – Fight off colds, flu and fatigue as yoga helps to boost immunity

8. Stand Tall – Yoga teachers you how to identify with correct posture

9. Aches & Pains – Yoga can help with injuries, reducing back ache, neck and shoulder tension

Submitted by Yoga Teacher Danielle Harrison

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Community BoardCommunity Board



61 Central Avenue, Altona Meadows.

We invite you to join us any Sunday at 10am for worship.

We cater for all ages, seated in a circle and you will be very


We offer Sunday groups for children and teenagers and

have Bible study and discussion groups during the week.

There is also a low-cost playgroup on Wednesdays

from 9.30-11.30.

We now have a full-time Minister; Rev. Susan

Malthouse;9369 0384

The multi-purpose building is available for regular hirers. It is

carpeted, with kitchen facilities and a fenced playground.

Enquiries to Lauris on 8386 9030

Issue 24

Free Group MeditationTuesdays 8pm - 9pm

Please call 0434 168 418 or 9395 9362 for more information.

Point Cook

Walking Group

Weekly on Tuesdays and

Wednesdays at 9am

Meet at the Point Cook

Dry Cleaners. Enquiries:

call Bev on 9395 1953.

Dinners GroupWe will now meet as 30yrs + starting from

Sat.evening dinner on 18th February 2012

Then we will alternate with a Sunday lunch.

If you are interested please

phone Joan on 9395 7905.

Scottish Country Dance Group

will start up again at the end of Feb watch

this spot for time and date.

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Community BoardCommunity Board

Issue 24


sale info

If you have a garage sale next

month, you could send Will an

email to will@aroundpointcook.

com and he’ll place your info in the

next edition of Around Point Cook.

The service is free.

$15 will ensure your copy is in

BOLD text to make it stand out!


Friendship group

Thursdays 1pm -3pm

Come along and meet

some new people.

PC Start &

Solve Sessions

Do you need help to with

basic PC skills? The Library

offers one-on-one half hour

sessions where IT savvy staff

can help you to conquer

your PC and the internet.

Bookings essential on

9395 7966.

Snr Computer Coffee & Chat

TIME CHANGE: Now on Tuesdays, 1pm -3pmFor more information contact the Centre on

9395 6399.

ECMS 3+ Activity GroupThursdaysECM's Offer two sessions,

if you would like to enrol

or would like further

information contact

ECM's on 84811117.

Light Point ChurchSundays 5pm - 6:30pmFor further information,

visit: or

ph. 0425 722 868.

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If your profile on Facebook for example, is publically viewable, this means they will be able to see your photo albums, status updates, comments and any Pages you follow.

Is your online profile a positive reflection of your professional aspirations?

If not, it may be time to take action!

• Review your Facebook privacy settings to ensure you’re your friends can see your profile details.

• Be mindful of what you tweet or re-tweet on Twitter; inappropriate comments or re-tweets can be easily misinterpreted or worse, offensive.

• Ensure your Linked In profile is active and up-to-date.

Like all social media, Linked In only works for you when you actively participate in groups and seek out new contacts.

Happy New Year!

The beginning of a new year is a time when many people are looking at their career options, applying for new jobs and opportunities.

Did you know that recruitment agencies and prospective employers often view your social media profile as part of their vetting process?

@socialmediamons: your local social media conversation

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Put your best digital footprint forward in 2012! Join the conversation at @socialmediamons on Twitter or find me on Facebook.

Nicole Matejic

Twitter: @socialmediamons

Facebook: Social Media Monster

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SHED TALKThis month it’s all ‘Car Torque‘ from the Classic Car Restoration Group at the Hobsons Bay Mens Shed.

Revving up are the plans for the groups second ‘Classic Car and Bike Show’ once again as part of the Altona Beach Festival being held on the beach front at Logan Reserve and further along the beach at Apex Park, which will host both the travelling Circus and this year’s Classic Car and Bike Show, all on Saturday, March 10, 2012.

Following a most successful first attempt in 2011, which included a record 170 entries and an estimated 2000 visitors through the gate, support from Sponsors including Council, Bendigo Bank, Werribee Nissan, IGA Laverton, and Chilly Billy Ice, together with coverage from local newspapers, should help attract an even greater support for the 2012 show.

A reminder is being sent to Car Groups encouraging them to participate in the show and an appeal to local car enthusiasts to participate as marshals is now underway. If your interest is in Classic Cars and you may have a few hours to spare in March don’t hesitate to contact:

The Project Manager, Graham Weightman, on 0403 972 523,

Or email [email protected] to make enquiries or suggest any assistance or support you may care to offer to make this event even greater than last year’s effort.

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From Australian Mens Shed AssociationSource: AMSA newsletter

Mens Sheds have now become a fixture of Australian culture and are now having an influence across the globe with the dramatic growth of Shed‘s in New Zealand, Ireland, England and Canada, and all have developed national Associations. Further sheds have developed in the US, Africa and Asia, and is a testimony to the positive influences that sheds make on men and the community. As a result in 2011 AMSA took the leading role in the establishment of the International Federation of Mens Shed Associations.

This year has been one of growth, with 220 sheds joining AMSA this year taking our total membership to 676 Mens Sheds. This growth has placed an enormous strain on the resources available and the Staff, Board and State Associations have done an amazing job throughout the year in continuing to provide practical support to sheds and communities developing a Mens Shed.

AMSA has supported and attended a number of shed and mens health events over the year, these included state and regional conferences and expos, the National Mens Health Gathering and the National Aged Care conference to name a few, the mens shed message has been well received at all of these events.

Statistically throughout the year there has been 6972 phone calls recorded into our database to the 1300 number, 678 requests for the ―How to Set up a Mens Shed manual, 32,000 mens shed brochures distributed to sheds, 141 media interviews conducted by AMSA staff and they also

managed to attend 710 meetings throughout the year. AMSA also coordinated the trial run of the ―Spanner in the works program which conducted hundreds of health checks in sheds nationally during mens health week, we also administered two rounds of the Mens Shed Development Grants on behalf of the Federal Government, disseminating

$250,000 to Mens Sheds. One of the major highlights was the development and production of the Shed Management and Application Resources Tool (SMART) this program has been very well received and the feedback positive. Over 670 copies of SMART have now been distributed. Following such a busy year now all the AMSA staff are well and truly ready for some down time over the Christmas break.

2011 also witnessed the 4th National Mens Shed Conference in Brisbane, the event followed on from the success of previous conferences and has really set the benchmark for Melbourne to aspire to in 2013. Another highlight of the year was the recognition of Mens Sheds at the Perth Commonwealth heads of Government meeting in Perth and the formation of the bipartisan ―Friends of Mens Sheds Parliamentary group

Looking forward to 2012 AMSA is planning many new projects and development of resources early in the new year, we will be distributing an updated version of the ―Mens Shed Manual this new version is nearing completion and will be in the format of an interactive computer program that will include all the information on establishing a shed as well as an entirely new section on day to day management of a shed, the program will also be packed full of many resources a shed requires.

On behalf of the AMSA Board and Staff I would like to also thank all of our sponsors and supporters who have made a wide range of contributions to AMSA and sheds alike. We must also thank the thousands of ―Shedders who are quietly and steadily making their communities stronger.

David Helmers

Executive Officer

Australian Mens Shed Association

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The 2011 annual party at Seabrook Primary again was a great hit with students and their rellies and friends.

Again, as in all but one of the 14 years of this traditional day, the weather was perfect.

It was great to see the organisation on the day and the impressive performance of all taking part, all contributing to success of the function. It is no wonder the school has such a high ranking in the educational stakes.

You will see bright sunshine in the picture, courtesy of one of the parents.

The happy faces in the crowded courtyard paid tribute to those in charge, with the crowd loving the

old favourites such as Aussie jingle bells, six white boomers, Jingle bells, Santa’s coming to town, Twinkle twinkle, and Rudolf the red nose reindeer.

Congratulations to all involved.

(email [email protected])

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Gestation in the cat lasts around 63 days (ranging from 60 to 70 days). It is a good idea to have your female cat (queen) checked prior to mating to ensure that she is in the best health possible and that breeding her is a good choice.

Vaccination:Queens should ideally be vaccinated prior to mating. Doing this also allows for your pet to be examined by a Veterinarian and for you to ask any questions you may have.

Worming:Worming should be carried out regularly. In adult cats this should be done once every three months with a good quality product. In addition pregnant queens should be wormed two to three weeks prior to giving birth and fortnightly whilst feeding kittens. It is important that any product used is safe for use in pregnant animals; if you are not sure seek veterinary advice.

Food: Pregnant queens should be fed on a quality kitten food over several meals a day. Supplements are not required if an appropriate diet is fed. Do NOT add extra calcium as this reduces the cat’s ability to absorb calcium from her food, which becomes a problem when she gives birth. Upon giving birth the queen cannot absorb the large amounts calcium she suddenly requires for milk production. This can result is a disease called eclampsia or milk fever.

Giving Birth:When the times come, cats will often seek out quiet and darkened areas to give birth where they feel safe. It is always better to provide an area for the cat to use rather than let her decide for herself, it might just end up happening in your underwear draw. A small preferably enclosed area that is warm is ideal, but not too much bedding as kittens can become trapped and suffocate.

Point Cook PetsPoint Cook Pets

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The queen will usually nest and look uncomfortable; once she starts to strain she should produce the first kitten within two hours and hen no more than one hour between subsequent deliveries. If you are uncertain please contact veterinary staff for advice. Once born, try not to interfere too much but be there to comfort your pet. Ensure that she removes them from the sac, cleans them and encourages them to feed. Feeding will help with the hormones to deliver the next kittens.

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Point Cook PetsPoint Cook Pets Point Cook PetsPoint Cook Pets

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Issue 24

Let’s start with this month. January was named for the Roman god Janus who is depicted with two faces, at the front and back of his head. His godly portfolio was gates and beginnings. His talent was looking backwards and forwards in time. We are in the cricket season. I love this game. I think Victoria will win the Sheffield Shield. Australia is currently doing battle with India. India has a strong batting line-up, but is not so good in the bowling department. Australia is strong with a home ground advantage, I think the Aussies will win the Border Gavaskar trophy. The Ashes tour of England during the northern summer will produce a result not to our advantage. I’d wish it were otherwise I have an abiding interest in politics. This is how I see it turning out. The Labor government will survive the year, with our local member Julia Gillard still in the Lodge. It

will poll much better in December. In Parliament, the new Speaker, Peter

Slipper, will be less tolerant of the Opposition’s disruptive tactics. Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott,

will be saying “yes” as often as he says “no”. Same sex

marriage will not get up. The pokies pre-commitment legislation will. The Carbon Tax and Mining Resources Rent Tax will be fully legislated reality. Labor will lose the

Queensland election. for any but the most died-in-the-

wool rusted-on supporters to change their vote. In other words, the swingers are a much greater percentage of the electorate than they were say 50 years ago.World affairs. I am not predicting a nuclear Armageddon in the light of the recent change in the North Korean communist monarchy which has

resulted from the death of Kim Jong Il. There will be

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Being a fan of the writings of our Poet Laureate, Jack Nystrom, I asked if he would write an

article about his thoughts of what might happen in 2012.Having spent many hours over the years conversing with Jack I was aware of the great versatility of his interests and he soon impressed me again with this article covering

several pages which regretfully we had to break up into a number of issues, so here is an extract to give you an idea together with the advice if you would like to see the whole of Jack’s interesting predictions for 2012, simply go to our website where the full text occurs.

Bill McPherson

nervousness and sabre rattling; maybe a few missiles fired, but not a full-on shooting war. T he disturbances in North Africa and the Middle East will continue, but the Arab Spring will become an Arab Winter. Some hopes and aspirations will be dashed. Those dictatorships, not already toppled, will continue, digging their heels in even more deeply. In the Middle East, particularly in Iraq, the argument between Sunnis and Shiites regarding the succession to the Prophet Muhammad, which has gone on for 1400 years, will continue, - violently.As regards Afghanistan, anyone familiar with its history of the past 2000 years will know that these guys love to fight. The country is, and always has been, very tribalised. I hope I’m wrong, but I think a major terrorist attack will occur, though not on the scale of nine eleven. When Usama bin Laden was killed, the Hydra monster had


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one head lopped off, but it has many more.Recovery of the global economy is a long-term proposition. Although the US has a long way to go, it will not default on its debts. The euro is shaky, but will hold up, notwithstanding Britain’s intransigence and the shaky debt-ridden PIGS ( Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain), especially Greece which has been living high on the hog for far too long. Australia will be affected , but we shall come through as strong as ever. The Reserve Bank will lower the Cash Rate at least 75 points, The Aussie dollar will end the year still around parity.The climate change debate will continue as vociferously as ever, as will the extreme weather experienced globally in recent times. In Eastern Australia, there will be more serious flooding. There will be bush fires, but not of the Black Saturday or Black Friday severity.The Murray Darling Water Plan will be signed and sealed . Melbourne’s water supply future will be secure with the diesal plant and north-south pipeline accepted realities.Australia will win at least 20 Gold Medals at the London Olympics, and will be in the top five in the medal tally.Geelong and Collingwood will again face each other in the AFL Grand Final. They both have what it takes to be there: depth of talent, fire in their bellies, and strong team spirit. Geelong will win.Jack will again be the number one favourite name for boys born in 2012, as was the case in 2010, thus regaining its time-honoured place in the hierarchy of given names. Either Zoe or Kylie will be the most popular choice for baby girls.Well that’s how I see this year shaping up. I’ll be a happy man if my most hopeful predictions are realised, and even happier if my gloomy ones are not. Either way, I’ll cop with due humility any eggs that are thrown in the direction of my dial.

God bless you all.Jack Nystrom,

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Worm Farming Wyndham out of Waste is aimed at providing Wyndham City residents the opportunity to learn about and embrace more sustainable waste management practices at home through worm farming. By participating in this program you will help to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions, gain high quality fertilisers for your garden, reduce the amount of waste in your garbage bin and save some money in the process!

What does participation involve?Involvement in the program will cost participants $60 and includes the following:

• 1x Reln Can-O-Worms.

• 1x Worm Starter Kit containing 1,000 compost worms.

• Enrolment into a 1 hour Worm Farming

Workshop which will cover set up, trouble shooting and other information relevant to worm farming.

• Other materials to assist you in reducing your food waste to landfill.

• Optional participation in an auditing process so we can assess the level of waste reduction which has occurred.

Participation will save you over 50% of the cost involved in buying and setting up a worm farm on your own.

If you would like to participate...Please visit the Wyndham City website and register online:

*Places in the Project are limited and are only open to Wyndham City residents, one application per household.

Worm Farming Wyndham out of Waste

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Laugh out loudLaugh out loud

George Phillips , an elderly man, from Meridian, Mississippi, was going up to bed, when his wife told him that he'd left the light on in the garden shed, which she could see from the bedroom window. George opened the back door to go turn off the light, but saw that there were people in the shed stealing things.

He phoned the police, who asked, "Is someone in your house?"He said "No, but some people are breaking into my garden shed and stealing from me.”

Then the police dispatcher said "All patrols are busy. You should lock your doors and an officer will be along when one is available."

George said, "Okay."

He hung up the phone and counted to thirty. Then he phoned the police again.



(True Story)

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* * *

A french fry walks into the bar and says to the bartender "Hay , could I

get a beer please"The barthened looks at

him shacking his head and say "No, we don't serve

food here"

* * *

What do you call a fish with no eyes?

- A fsh

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Laugh out loudLaugh out loud

* * *How many psychiatristsare needed to change a

fuse?Only one - but the fusehas to want to change

* * *

The police arrested mytwo kids the other day

for drinking battery acidand eating fireworks.

One of them wascharged and the other

they let off.

* * *

Why don't alienseat clowns.

Because they taste funny.

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"Hello,I just called you a few seconds ago because there were people stealing things from my shed. Well, you don't have to worry about them now because I just shot and killed them both, the dogs are eating them right now." and he hung up.

Within five minutes, six police cars, a SWAT Team, a helicopter, two fire trucks, a paramedic, and an ambulance showed up at the Phillips' residence, and caught the burglars red-handed.

One of the Policemen said to George, "I thought you said that you'd shot them!"George said, "I thought you said there was nobody available!"

PS: Don't mess with old people.

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Laugh out loudLaugh out loud* * *

Did you hear about the man who recently awoke from a thirty year coma

and the first thing he asked for was a cup of

coffee. "Just a little cup" he asked "a lot of caffeine tends to keep me awake".

* * *

Why don't aliens eat clowns.

Because they taste funny.

* * *

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Laugh out loudLaugh out loudThe World’s Funniest Real Ads

Believe it or not, these ads actually found their way into newspapers all over the world:

* * *

FOR SALE BY OWNER: Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica. 45 volumes. Excellent condition. $1,000.00 or best

offer. No longer needed. Got married last weekend. Wife knows everything.

* * *

Help wanted, singer for rock band. Must be female or male.

* * *

For sale, Hope Chest, brand new, half off, long story.

* * *

Man wanted to work in dynamite factory. Must be willing to travel.

* * *

Three-year old teacher needed for pre-school. Experience preferred.

* * *

Our sofa seats the whole mob and it’s made of 100% Italian leather.

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Here are three humorous poems especially for young people and of course for the young at heart.

Quote One:“How doth the little crocodile

Improve his shining tail

And pour the waters of the Nile

On every golden scale! How cheerfully he seems to grin

How neatly spread his claws,

And welcomes little fishes in

With gently smiling jaws.”

Quote Two:

“The fisherman sang

As he sat in his boat,

A lilting song

Of life afloat.

But he suddenly choked

And he sputtered, I quote:

“Nothing is worse

Than a frog in the throat!”

(It can’t be very pleasant for

the frog either!)”.

Quote Three:

(Read/Sing this to the tune of Singing In The Rain)

“Do be do do, do be, do be do do.I’m ,

Just singing in the rain,Gargle glorious feeling,

Glub glargle again.Blargle glargle garlgle glog,Glargle gargle glargle glob,

Blar-blargle, glub gargle in the rain.”

West Side Story


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Answer Quote One: The Crocodile by Lewis Carroll (1812 – 1888)Answer Quote Two: Nothing Is Worse Than A Frog In The Throat by Colin Mc Naughton.Answer Quote Three: I’m Gargling In The Rain - also by Colin Mc Naughton.

I never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience.

Victoria Holt

* * *The possession of unlimited power will

make a despot of almost any man. There is a possible Nero in the gentlest

human creature that walks.Thomas Bailey, 'Leaves

from a Notebook,' Ponkapog Papers, 1903

* * *

If winning isn't everything, why do they keep score?

Vince Lombardi* * *

Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they

are open.Sir James Dewar, Scientist

* * *

Don't go around saying the world owes you a living; the world owes you nothing;

it was here first.Mark Twain



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We’ve welcomed in the new year,Which starts on January one;Let’s quickly get ourselves in gearAs twenty twelve has just begun.

January acquired its nameFrom an old Roman deity,One whose principal claim to fameWas his two-faced identity.

His role, according to ancients,Was god of beginnings and gates:Now that makes a lot of senseAs it’s really quite appropriate.

Since Janus is described as “two faced”,You may think him insincere;But that was not at all the case:He was a well respected seer.

Janus’s heart was honest and pure:While one visage could view the past,The other could see the future;Especially when the die was cast.

Mortals can’t see what lies ahead,But we can learn from past mistakes,And proceed with a clear sober head:Let’s be careful for goodness’ sake.

The future’s a foreign country,Which we’re setting out to explore:It’s full of possibility,Joy, excitement and so much more.

Jack Nystrom, Sunday, 1 January, 2012.

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Point Cook Kids Point Cook Kids Point Cook Kids Point Cook Kids

Calling on Point Cook Schools and Parents to share photos, art, stories, writing for this page.Email your contributions to [email protected] or post to the PO Box 1145 Altona Meadows 3028

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