
Upload: theraig58

Post on 10-Mar-2016




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Java array



Write a program to identify common elements or numbers between two given arrays. You should not use any inbuilt methods are list to find common values. Write a program to implement merge sort in java Write a program to find the sum of elements in an array Write a java program to search a number in a given list Write a program to implement Stack operations using Array. Write a Java program to sort n Strings Write a java program to search a pattern in string, replace it with another string. Use string methodsClassesInheritence To find the areas of Rectangle, Triangle and Circle using dynamic method dispatcher. Inheritance programming techniques 3Write a java program to find the roots of a quadratic equation using interface and packages. Declare a interface in package Quad1Declare another package Quad2 and implement the interface.

Exception Write a java program to throw a exception (checked) for an employee details If an employee name is a number, a name exception must be thrown. If an employee age is greater than 50, an age exception must be thrown. Or else an object must be created for the entered employee details.

Networking1. a. Write a TCP/IP Socket program to send the contents of a file from server to client.b. Design a HTML page for railways which contains link for a reservation and viewing various train details.3. a. Write a UDP Socket program to send a message from server to client.b. Design a HTML form for filling a biodata of a person and on submission of a form a welcome message must be displayed.Overloading1. Write a java program to calculate the area of 3 geometric objects operations using the concept of method overloading.b. Write a java program to perform the concept of method overriding for calculating simple interest of 3 banks A, B, C. using super mechanismsBank As rate of interest-10%, Banks B rate of interest-9%, BankC rate of interest -7%

File Write a java program to perform the following operations based upon the choice entered by the user.1. Reading input from a file(f1) and displaying it in the console1. Read the input from the program itself and write to the file(f2)1. Concatenation of files(f1 and f2) f30. Appending information to file f30. Perform word count on f3.