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  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    Introduction to Adobe 2-3

    Once Upon A Light 4-5

    Pot on Stove 6-7

    Variations of Illustrations 8-17

    Image to Ilustration Intro ;Trucks 18-19

    Nates Intro 20-21

    Horses 22-31

    Classmates Art

    *Duck- Yadira Serna


    *Tombstones-Rachel Rodriguez



    Table Of Contents

  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    Learning how to use new tools to create art can bevery exciting! The fact that our name is basically engraved in our

    minds and we know it very well, can be useful while experiment-

    ing new tools. While guring out and learning how to use Adobe

    Illustrator, drawing your name various times can be easy for you

    because your not thinking of what to draw next. drawing your

    name over and over again gives more condence in what you are

    drawing simply because it is kind of second nature to you and

    you start drawing like if you have been using it for a very long

    time.At rst drawing in black with the drawing pen was honestly

    difcult at rst because I was using a drawing pad with the uten-

    sil it comes along with and your basically drawing on something

    and not seeing your drawing on a piece of paper but on the mac

    computer in front of you. Once the professor tells us to choose


    Direction of LineUsing the ll icon, I chose grey because it is a neutral color and it is

    somewhat completely opposite of pink.

    another color similar in the red family, I chose a dark pink, red

    color and it started to stand out even more. Using the ll icon,

    I chose grey because it is a neutral color and it is somewhat

    completely opposite of pink, so it makes your eyes focus more

    on the name in pink, once I sent the grey lling behind the


    Experimenting with the paintbrush tool, the wand the

    rectangle tool, at rst was kind of difcult because I was

    afraid to mess up and not knowing how to x it. Once I

    learned around it I was drawing more carefree because thatwas mainly the whole point of this drawing, to just be familiar

    with the tools. Making the paintbrush icon thicker made those

    specic names drawn stand out even more and created a whole

    different perception on the drawing. Overall getting familiar

    with the new tools in Adobe Illustrator became easier once you

    have done it for various amount of times.

  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    Reflection upon light

    For this assignmentwe rst started off by paint-

    ing the whole screen pitch black.

    Ofcourse not literally the screen

    on our mac but the one on our

    illustrator. We werent allowed toerase therefore if I created a mark

    that I didnt like I would have to

    try to x it with another shade of

    the same color, in this case it is

    from the range white to black,

    white being the reection, and grey

    being the color that blends every-

    thing together. Dark grey being the

    darkest part of your illustration and

    white being the brightest part. This

    was one of our warm ups so that we

    could start learning about lights and

    shades. For one assignment we had

    to come on out own time with our

    own props and do the same. Obvi-

    ously this is a teapot above. The canon the following page is Coca Cola

    can that I had drank and nished

    just to do my homework ofcourse.

    The can being alluminum was in

    particular most difcult because the

    lamps light reected all over the

    can. Other than that I actually liked

    how it turned out.


  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu



    A Light

  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    By Lizet Alvarez

  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    Steaming Pot onStove

    This steaming pot was originally sitting in space. It had no rmsetting so I decided to draw a stove under it. I added steam through

    its sprout so that the pot actually serves its purpose. By simply

    making the stroke thicker , you can add more detail to the pot itself.

    Even using different shades pf the color brown makes it seem as ifthe pot as lighting, creating shadows as well. I increased the stroke

    and style on the ames so that the stove looks like its actually on,

    and warming up the pot. You can never stop adding details to your

    original illustration. The great part about experimenting with Adobe

    and the Mac Desktop is that you can always experiment, mess up

    and simply delete it using, Command Z. 7

  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu



  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    Would You would ofguess this was a tea-pot?

    Making variations from an original

    art can be very fun. Sometimes you

    wont even guess what was the ac-

    tual prop used to make the drawing.

    In class cristics we were allowed the

    opportunity to see how crazy others

    art pieces were. Some classmates

    had some artwork that we had no

    idea what they could have possibly

    been. One classmate had one that

    no one could guess what it was and

    it turned out to be a water bottle.

    Simple as that huh? Not really. We

    had to rate everyones variations

    from most obvious, to what in the

    world could that be. It was pretty




  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    Lizet Alvarez

  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    Crazy Vase


    Its amazing to see what adobe illustrator can do only

    one of your art drawing and convert it two many

    other versions of your drawing. Many of my draw-

    ings variation looked completely different from the

    original. Changing the colors as to making a shade

    kind of fade away later affected how the different

    variation you chose looked like. The rst part into

    this assignments is creating an art version of an object

    and composing it into looking as detailed as the actual

    object. The lighting hitting the object is the goal I was

    trying to make realistic.

    With my pink teacup the rst variations are complete-ly wild. It looks like the teacup is in a rock and roll

    concert with a guitar. Many people who may view the

    different variations may catch on right away what it

    is suppose to be or other might not. I mainly used the

    stroke to change to a watercolor or charcoal in order

    is in a rock and roll concert with a


    to really cause a dramatic change to my draw-

    ings. I also used the ower stem for many of

    my drawings.

    I rst drew the main drawing which was later

    created into copies. I wanted to keep my

    original, and use the copies to change into

    different variations. Every single copy looks

    very distinct from the others in its own way.

    No matter what color my drawing was the wa-

    tercolor effect always gave it a blue grey color

    as it fades throughout the drawing. In conclu-

    sions the fact that adobe illustrator can createsuch effects on one drawing is amazing. You

    use the paintbrush tool and draw away and

    later you can create different version of that

    one drawing, and it created a whole different

    perspective of your art.

  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    100 Lines

  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    In my computer graphics classwe were given a task of creat-ing illustraion based on stil lifeobjects. These three displayedare some in which I had created.The task was to create theseillustration to make them look asmuch as you can to the actualitem, but there was a trick to it. Inorder to complete this you only

    had one hundred lines to com-plete. Trust me if you had oneextra stroke my Professor Natewould notice!

    Trust me if

    you had oneextra stroke

    my Professor

    Nate would


  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu



    Using the flower stem tool, it created a different variation of the sunglasses I had

    originally drawn in Adobe Illustrator. To be honest sometimes I didnt know what I wasdoing and I would end up loving the effect. For some reason when I would use the sametool for other variations the backgrund would mix with black and white and I liked it andthought it was pretty cool.

  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    It is amazing to see what variations can make thesimplest thing to convert into!

    Wild Variations

    As you can see in the screen shot on the right page of the original illustration of the bluewater bottle, there are red lines all over. This simply means that I had selected certain points.While playing around with the different variations of my illustrations you can select usig theblack pointer tool to only change certain parts and points of your illustration. For most con-venience while making this particular assignment it is handy to have the color box on theside of your illustrator so you can pick the same color but in dfferent shades. If you pay closeattention to all three teapots on this page they are all different. The top right cornered one isa variation. The centered is the one original I kept. And the bottom right cornered is the one Ihad originally started working with.

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  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu



  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu




    Truck Owned By:Ivan Campos

  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    Which One would you pick?

    Country Side

    Images taken By:Professor Nathan Peck

  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    For Professor Nates class we weregiven the option to pick from two images

    taken by himself. Which one would you

    pick? I personally wanted the country-

    side, farm looking image, but then again

    it looked like it would have been a very

    difcult task to do. The tree itself would

    have been hard to create using shapes,

    and illustrator. This was his way of

    introducing the next task/ assignment.

    Both of the images have layers ontop

    of layers and the basic task was to

    learn how to bring images onto adobe

    illustrator and transforming the image

    as an Adobe Illustrator le. Majority

    of the class chose to experiment with

    the remen, which were actual re-

    men that Nate, my Computer Graph-ics professor knew.

    VS. Firemen

    New Project Introduction!


  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu






    Horse Illustra-

    tion and varia-

    tion taken by:

    Lizet Alvarez

  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu



    Learning to change variations on an ow

    Composition: Using the Adobe Illustratorat the mac lab, we have been introducedinto bringing in an actual photo into theIllustrator and form a differet version of thephoto. This new form of art is composed

    based on different shapes and using theeye drop tool it allows us to change the fillof the shapes so that the color is almostprecise to the actual color in the photo.Using, Al_Gaussian Blur_4, under the svgfilters option, allows to blur out anythingthat you chose with the black pointer tool.This allows you to bluw out the back-ground in whicj I did so that the horsesstand out more and become the main fo-cus of the picture. Many others might getattracted to other items of the art but mu

    There is just so much detail to choose from that I had to basically pick thosethat I thought would make the picture more realistic. By Lizet Alvarez

    focus was based on the horses mainlythe white horse.

    Craft: Creating different forms of shapesto replace while tracing the actual illus-

    traion, can be later altered by the whitepointer tool because you can movethe shape around and the points as ellso that the shape is perfectly how ouwanted it to be. I used the feather adthe gaussian bluw options so that I couldmke the art look more realistic and asclose as possible to the actual photo.

    Concept The main point into recreatingthe ilustration that I personally took wasso that the art is almost as realistic as

  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    My horses in a 2009

    image by Lizet Alva


    the actual photo. Using all thesetool and the pen tool gives thepower to pick and choose themain focused. Mine happened tobe the whire horse. The idea of

    recreating all the characteristicspossible to recontruct this imageis very fascinating. There is justso much detail to choose fromthat I had to basically pick thosethat I thought would make thepicture more realistic.

  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu



    Creating our rst illustration based on our im-

    age we had to use shapes to make the illustration as real-

    istic as possible. My photo actually are horses we have atpur ranch at Beecher Illinois. It was taken a couple weeksafter the mare gave birth to her baby. At rst I thought itwould be difcult to create an Adobe versionof this im-age but it wasnt that bad. The concept is to nd the mostimportant details in the actual image and work with it .

    The new adober version is built based on shapes. Andwith these shapes that are created can be lled with theexact similar color related to that of the actual photo. OnceI had the regular illustration created I started to play withthe effect. In this particular one it looks like it has a hallow-een theme with it simply because I changed the surround-

    By Lizet Alvarez

    all it is missing is more detail on the ceiling and the ground

    ing colors to darker theme. It kind of even lookslike it is night time. For some reason one of the

    effects I used gave the gravel a weird glow almostas if some magic glow is coming out of the oor.

    On the following variation the horse becausealmost unreal. The more you play with effects themore distortion you create. The main effect thatmade my horses more realistic was the gauss-ian blur. It looks blend the colors to create certainspots of the horse almost realistic.

  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    you can create manypieces of art

    Using the Macintosh computer and theAdobe Illustrator, you can create many pieces of arts

    for several purposes. This assignment is completely

    different, because we are bringing an actual picture to

    Adobe so that we can use it to trace an art version of it.

    First I created a new folder on the desktop so that the

    original photo is saved within the Adobe le you willbe working on. When I opened the Adobe le the only

    way you can bring the photo onto the le you have to,

    place the photo and make it t into the screen. Using

    the pen tool allows you to make different shapes, and

    using the eyedropper tool allows you to ll in those

    shapes you create with the exact color that best ts

    your work. The black and white pointer tool allows you

    to select, move and rearrange the points and shapes.

    Feeling Grey Horse


    As you can see above on the previous page with the

    original art pf the horse to can use it as a reference

    while looking at this one and you can picture the

    outline of the body of the horses while looking at this

    one. The art version of my photo basically has all the

    main parts created and all it is missing is more detail

    on the ceiling and the ground. This variation greyed

    out the whole horse and makes it look mean but i just

    loved it!

    The idea of this whole assignment is to recreate a

    photo that was taken personally from yourself using

    this concept of created shapes and colors that best

    represents the photo. This photo means alot to me

    because I own them and it is unbelievable to see what

    you have created.

    This variation greyed out the whole horse and makes it

    look mean but i just loved it!

  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu



    Created by Lizet Alvarez

    When trying to create variations of an illustration

    you start noticing many differences from your origi-

    nal illustration. The smallest details in your original

    can later make a difference if they are changed. For

    example, on my original he window is so bright you

    assume its daytime, but just by changing the color of

    the window to yellow it makes the mood turn as if the

    sun is setting creating colors in the outside sky o a

    yelowish color.

    A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a


    ----- Claude Debussy

  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    Illustrations and

    and quote said

    and done by: Yadira


    The tools that black and white pointeoption and the Blur opstroke on the rocks.

    I used the Blu

    create a soothing effeccolors of the water to ba .25pt black line strokcreate a more rigid grorocks on the ground ye

    Yadira Serna

  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    sing Adobe Illustrator I used several tools to change the colors of the scene of my original

    ustration.on my image was thect tab with the featheran to use an the line

    water in order to try to

    r helps the differentanother. I began to use. I did this in order tothere arent as manye that feeling. I also

    used the feather effect on the details of the duck on the right side.If you look at the difference between the ducks, the one on theright now has more texture and therefore more abstract. I believethe more detailed the ducks can be, the more your eye will focuson the ducks.

    The concept of my image is ducks. Though, besides myintentional focus being the ducks, this image tends to shift youreye focus onto the ground. The reason being the random groundshadow has such a dark color which differs from everythingaround it. If I work on blurring it out, I can potentially shift the focusback to the ducks.

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  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    Illustrations and variations created by :


  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    Credit to Rachel R.The image that I use for this layout is one that I made in photo digital photography class its a self por-trait collage. I chose this layout with the image being the main focus I followed the rules of text pts added pagenumbers and I began the rst page with the text introducing the image on the opposit page. On my layouts Iplayed around with the grid lines the image is in its entirety. I used the grid lines to break it up and zommedinto the image drawing attention to the sybolism of my image.Keeping visual unity was my aim. I created the second layout with the entire image in mind as the main focal

  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    A trip to the graveyardpoint, I also playe daround with the text breaking rules and adding my name around the upper left outside my grid-lines. This can not alway be done in some cases durring the printing process the images or texts that are to far out will

    not print or get cut off during the proccess.Overall the consept was to beging the process of organizine images and play around with ideas for a layout that willhave the rules given to me create a consistancy and convey the message creating 3 different looks for the critique inclass balance all the elements of image and text.

  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    Illustration and Varia-tions given credit to Mr.Rivera

    Once again craft, concept, and composition were used to explain theses object. Craft dealt with the following:the mini drawing pad, pen, paint brush (under brushes from the library), adobe illustrator, hand and eye coordination. Iused a miniature maroon/Reddish Buddha gure, and a lamp light. The composition dealt with adding something morethat would give the gure ground, instead of looking like it was oating in space. One such way was by adding a windowdoor. I decided on a nature setting while blending in a landscape in the picture. Finally, this picture went from identiab

    to abstract. A total of 25 variations 5 sets per picture, but will only mention the variations for the Buddha picture set.

  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


  • 7/30/2019 Art At Sxu


    Dedicated To My Grandfather : Juan


    My First Magazine ....Created by: Lizet Alvarez

    My name is Lizet Alvarez and I am a sophmore at Saint Xavier University. I am a busi-

    ness accounting major. I love creating art, and I denitely learned so much in my

    Computer Graphics class. I turned one of my personal images into an Adobe versionand it almost looks as realistic. Although dealing with numbers is my rst priority, illus-

    trations caught my attention this semester. :)