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VILLA ISOLA BANDUNG Art Deco Historical Building

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Art Deco Historical Building

Villa isolaBandungArt Deco Historical Building

Villa Isola

By:Sherley Ika21020112130117Nenny Rifah21020112130125Andinali Ridha A21020112140163Introduction

Villa Isola(nowBumi Siliwangi) is anart-decobuilding in the northern part of Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Locatedonhighground, overlooking the valley with the view of the city, Villa Isola was completed in 1933 by the Dutch architectWolff Schoemakerfor the Dutch media tycoon Dominique Willem Berretty, the founder of theAnetapress-agency in theDutch East IndiesThe original purpose of the building was for Berretty's private house, but then it was transformed into a hotel after his death and now it serves as the headmastership office of the University of Education Indonesia

AboutArchitect: C.P. Wolff SchoemakerBuilt : October 1932 March 1933Lot Size: About one hectareTimeline1933 1934 : D.W. Berretys House1934 ........ : Bought by Savoy Homann as part of his hotel 1954 1958 : Main Building of Perguruan Tinggi Pendidikan Guru1958 1963 : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan of Universitas Padjajaran1963 1999 : Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Bandung1999 now : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Areal View

ArchitectCharles Prosper Wolff Schoemaker

(25 July 1882 22 May 1949)

Dutch architectDesigned several distinguishedArt Decobuildings in Bandung, Indonesia, including theVilla Isolaand Hotel Preanger. Described as "theFrank Lloyd Wrightof Indonesia,"and Wright had a considerable influence on Schoemaker's modernist designs.He was also a painter and sculptor.Born in Banyu Biru, Indonesia on the island ofJava, where he would spend most of his life. For his secondary school education, Schoemaker was sent to theKMA(Royal Military Academy) in the Dutch city ofBreda.In 1905, he returned to theDutch East Indiesto work for theRoyal Dutch East Indies Armyas amilitary engineer. After leaving the job in 1911, he became the engineer for the Department of Civil Public Works in Batavia (present-dayJakarta), and became the Director of Public Works in 1914. From 1917 to 1918, he worked for Fa. Schlieper & Co and took a study trip to the United States with the organization,where he came into contact with the work of Frank Lloyd Wright

In 1918, in partnership with his brother Richard, Schoemaker established thearchitectural firmC.P. Schoemaker and Associates inBandung.His firm blended traditional Indonesian architecture with modern European styles, incorporating traditional elements into the shapes and layouts of the buildings.Wolff Schoemaker deliberately applied a functionalist approach to his buildings.Among his most notable buildings were theSociteit Concordiabuilding onBraga Street(1921), where theAsianAfrican Conferencewas held in 1955 (today known asGedung Merdeka), the Hotel Preanger (1929), thePasteur Instituteof Indonesia, the St. Peter Cathedral, andVilla Isola(1932), all located in Bandung.In 1922, he became the professor of theTechnische Hoogeschool Bandoeng(Technical College of Bandung). While professor, he mentoredSukarno, who would become the first President of the Republic of Indonesia. Then Schoemaker traveled to theNetherlandsin 1939, where he took a post at theDelft University of Technologyuntil his retirement in 1941.Schoemaker died in Bandung in 1949 and was buried at the Pandu cemetery. History of Villa IsolaVilla Isola started to be built at October 1932 and was completed in March 1933 by the Dutch architect Wolff Schoemaker for the Dutch media tycoon Dominique Willem Berretty , the founder of the Aneta press- agency in the Dutch East Indies .

9" M'ISOLO E VIVO " ( I seclude myself and survive ) is a way of life in the past conglomerate eccentric , named Dominique Willem Berretty .

This way of life he embodied in the construction of his personal residence in Bandung , named " VILLA ISOLA " (isolated villa).

10This villa is a symbol of luxury and sparkling modernity at the time, and also indicated he fully lives a fast and sophisticated . The villa was designed with emphasizes arch-shaped structures .And although it has been 73 years old , currently Villa Isola is not outdated .Overall it is a beautiful villa , with stylish interiors and well -designed garden . But the only real owner can enjoy his new home for a while .

11Dominique Berretty Willem (1890-1934) and Java mixed -blooded Italian , born in the Dutch East Indies on November 20, 1890.In the early 30's around the world are experiencing the global economic crisis . However Berretty actually build this villa is quite expensive at that time. The money collected from these espionage activities allowed him to spend money 500,000 guilders ( the price is now around 250 M dollars ) to build the Villa Isola .

After Berretty his death, Villa Isola bacame Hotel Savoy Homann . During the Japanese occupation , it became the headquarters of the royal army , bad luck for the building which was built in 1933 by money from Japan itself .

During the Japanese occupation , this building was used as a temporary residence of Gen . Hitoshi Imamura eve Kalijati Agreement with the Government of the Netherlands East Indies in the final Kalijati , Subang , March 1942.

After the independence of Indonesia . , Villa was renovated and named Earth Siliwangi . At the very top, they built one more floor . On October 20 , 1954, Mr . Sostroamidjojo Ali, Prime Minister of the time ,

offered the building as headquarters UPI and Prof. Moh . Yamin, Minister of Education at that time , plant a banyan tree near the pool as an official anouncement of the renovation of this building .

Unfortunately now it is hard to find the beauty of the architecture of this building . This villa has been converted from residential to office of rector of Universitas Pendidikan Unfortunately now it is hard to find the beauty of the architecture of this building . This villa has been converted from residential to office of rector of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ( UPI ) Bandung . Flower gardens , paddy fields and small ponds containing 5 black geese now no longer exists . Surrounding area is now filled with classrooms , students passing , shelter and crowded highways .


The design of the Villa Isola was influenced by indigenous Javanese philosophy.The orientation is according to the northsouth axis

Where the building facesMount Tangkuban Perahuto the northAnd the city of Bandung to the southArchitecture

Schoemaker, the architect, was a firm follower of the art-deco style, which he mixed with local ornaments.

What is Art-Deco Style?

HistorianBevis Hillier,defined Art Deco is an assertively modern style that ran to symmetry rather than asymmetry, and to the rectilinear rather than the curvilinear; it responded to the demands of the machine and of new material and the requirements of mass productionArt Decois an influentialvisual arts design style which first appeared inFranceafter World War I (1930) when rapid industrialization was transforming culture.It is aneclecticstyle that combines traditionalcraft motifswithMachine Ageimagery and materials and characterized by rich colors, boldgeometricshapes, and lavish ornamentation. Art Deco represented luxury, glamour, exuberance, and faith in social and technological progress.Deco was heavily influenced by pre-modern art from around the world, and observable at theMuse du Louvre,Muse de l'Hommeand theMuse national des Arts d'Afrique et d'Ocanie. Deco was also influenced byCubism,Constructivism, Functionalism,Modernism,andFuturism.Deco emphasizesgeometricforms: spheres, polygons, rectangles,trapezoids, zigzags,chevrons, andsunburstmotifs. Elements are often arranged insymmetricalpatterns. Modern materials such asaluminum,stainless steel,Bakelite,chrome, andplasticsare frequently used.Stained glass,inlays, andlacquerare also common. Colors tend to be vivid and high-contrast.

Villa Isola art deco buildingArt deco style made many circular shapes that decorated the whole complex. the design reminds people of the shape ofCandiin the east ofJava.

Circle is the main theme of the complex, both inside and outside the villa, including the gardens.

South SideNorth SideArchitecture

First Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

Third FloorPlan

Fourth Floor Plan

Rooftop PlanThere were a reception room, a dining room, a widebilliardsroom, a study room, sleeping rooms, family room with a balcony, open terraces at both west-east sides, and a cozy bar equipped with amovie projectorArchitecture

The main entrance is located at the center of the north facade shaded by a concretecanopyarch supported only by one pillar.

The interior of the first floor consists of a lobby with a twisted staircase to the second floor, and a family room.


First FloorSport Area

Secretary Room

HallSecond Floor

Dining Room

On the second floor, a master bedroom is located facing south, connected by two corridors to the west and the east terraces. Besides as connecting halls to the terraces, the west and east corridors function as "pipelines" to regulate air in the building, isolating the thermal condition of the tropical climate. Hence, the bedroom has a room temperatureduring the hot sunny days.

The master bedroom is also equipped with a circular shape of toilet

A large window in a half-circled curve shape decorates the family room completed with an open with a parapet of steel bars, with a panoramic view of the city.

And a study room beside the family room

ArchitectureThird Floor

The third floor consists of guest rooms And an entertainment room ( a bar)

Due to the difference in height between the north and the south sides, the south side has an extra floor

Fourth Floor

The Balcony of panoramic view

The fourth floor in the south was mainly used as service area. Integrating a service area within a house was new at that time, as the usual colonial residential houses separated service rooms from the main house.





Two gardens at different levels surrounded the complex

The higher north garden, was a European style garden with a rectangular pond and a statue in the middle.Orchard flowers dominated the garden and fiveblack swanswere specially imported to garnish the pond.

The large south garden occupied most of the complex. Circular ornaments filled the south garden, starting from the building by another half-circled staircase. There are also similar staircases on the west and the east sides of the building.

A road divided the garden symmetrically to allow cars pass through from and to the garage. A half-circled staircase attached to the main building enhanced the symmetrical design of the garden.

The garden was divided into circular a reas whereas the building was positioned at the center of these circles, creating the impression that the building was an integral part of the garden.


Villa Isola was constructed within six months (October 1932 March 1933), which was quite fast at that time.The total cost to build the complex was about 500,000guilders, despite the fact that Dominique Berrety almost went bankrupt.

The foundation was built of steel and concrete was used to fill the skeleton and the floors between iron bars. The Villa Isola complex consists of the building itself and two large gardens and it covered an area of about 120,000 square metres (1,300,000sqft)

Villa Isola Today

Bumi Sliwangi as Rectorate of The University of Education Indonesia (UPI)


Meeting room

ClosingVilla Isola is one of the historical relics of Indonesia which was designed by using art-deco style that was popular at that time. even looks old-fashioned, but the design of the villa is not outdated, and still look cool even in this modern age. But in addition to its architectural beauty, Villa Isola also save a lot of history of the past that must be preserved.